2 minute read



It is said that the highest levels of stress are felt during house moves, relationship splits, changing or losing your job or of course taking important exams. Any one of those is enough to spark insecurity and depression. Imagine then having to deal with all or most of these things at the same time. This poem tries to address that and was written for a friend - as were a number of the poems in this little tome


When it feels as though your wings have been clipped Your load has been tipped or your bud has been nipped. Just flap those wings harder, have a whisky and soda It’s only a fuse that has tripped!

If it seems your world is about to collapse Go into relapse like someone lowered the flaps. Trust the love of invention, the error’s intention. Look lively and turn on all taps

It is time to take a look at priorities, At identities, see the wood not the trees. It may seem sensational, even selfish, irrational And for sure it lacks niceties

But you know today we don’t need Aristotle, Put a foot on the throttle and don’t lose your bottle Good fortune’s awaiting, just keep recreating As would a maimed axolotl

Go to sleep perchance to dream like St Francis? Better take chances, embrace circumstances. Speak the truth be resourceful, resolute, forceful Explore new alliances

Pushing on, push back at the force of our nature Too much of old scripture, Change channel and picture New book to be written, new cat from the kitten For poorer or for richer

Nothing left, nor right, little light in the dark Nor the hunt for the Snark, where the snake met the shark So look over the wall, and with an eye on it all Shoot some hoops in the Park

For there will come a time, when it all starts to figure The bull’s-eye gets bigger, more strength and more vigour The target seems nearer, objectives much clearer For a pull on the trigger

Like an arrow, a bullet, even nuclear fission Once on mission, with no collateral ambition We can crash through boundaries, establish new foundries Have a purpose and vision

Stop the watch, wind-up, release inhibition Trust self-expression and without apprehension Stand tall cast long shadows, add colour, make rainbows There is no court in session

Behind you the beat of perpetual noise Drinks with the boys, new-fangled old toys The road of lost wisdom, no route to Elysium Or of a Paradise poised

Before you the path of peace and awareness Of justice and fairness, of sense and some madness To be followed, but flying, success without shying Wonder at the wilderness

Or do we turn round, get back to that pipe-dream A Munchen-like Scream, back to work on the team Head in hands in that teeming germ-filled stream A sour crème de la crème

It is time to reach outside of this threshold? Time to unravel on a road less travelled Find the magic and mystery, of our own unique chemistry Live the story untold

We can cut free from the ties that have bound us Emotions that hound us, ideas that confound us With no such adherence, or outside interference Jump aboard the outbound bus!

When it feels as though your wings have been clipped The balance has tipped or your bud has been nipped. Don’t run for cover, Life is not over It’s just the anchor that slipped

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