1 minute read
The Schedule
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
THE SCHEDULE You only have the time you have To have the time you want

Once upon a time there was a tall man with a very tight schedule.
He tried everything he could to ease it.
First he went to a seamstress and she said “Sir, you seem stressed I must say but in order to loosen your schedule you must leave it with me for some days so I can relax it.”
“No”, said the tall man with the very tight schedule, “I need it easing right now.”
So he went to the blacksmith who on seeing the schedule felt he might overheat matters and suggested a chiropractor but it turned out he was in Egypt.
The tall man with the very tight schedule visited a mechanic who scanned the schedule, applied some lubricant, tightened the brakes and adjusted the timing. The tall man wasn’t very happy about this as his schedule started backfiring.
A visit to a shrink made the tall man shorter-tempered and cut him down to size. However as a result of such probing the schedule got even more awkward.
What to do? He was short on change for anything else, so he went to the bank which was close by but also closed so instead he popped into the barbers who trimmed the schedule down, rubbed in some lotion and offered something for the weekend – but the agenda was already overfull so he couldn’t squeeze it in.
The now not so tall, ill-tempered man, with a not so long beard and even tighter schedule that misfired was desperate.
Finally he resorted to the watchmaker who added thirty minutes to every hour and made the now not so tall but trim man very happy as he hurried home – which now took three hours instead of the usual two according to his timepiece