1 minute read
Una Carta al Señor Presidente de México
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
You mingled and now re-emerge In a place on the cusp, on the verge, Preparing its nethers And preening its feathers, To break out in colour and sound
Now most want for you to succeed Having so far seen too many bleed This new generation Needs no explanation So do all those things you expound
Brush swishing and scrape of the pan The way for the brand new Tlatoani, The Fourth Transformation, A regeneration Sweeping changes that will be profound
No longer to fly like a king And with policies mostly left wing Success and its flurry Could slip into slurry Please don’t let corruption abound
You promised to bring winds of change But these winds seem to buffet and range Round the same fungal creepers, Perennial sleepers Let’s hope there’s some new blood around
This nation must stand on its feet, Heads held high with a massive heartbeat Bring happiness and hope Not just throw out a rope And more salt to get rubbed in the wound
Each sunset will bring a short night ‘Til the sun rises up and shines bright, Bringing new opportunities For all the communities To make this great country astound
At times you appear quite derailed Though you promised to leave if you failed Renew the connection Or face more rejection If the people regret who they crowned
Do well then Señor Presidente Like us you’re one more residente But the job in your hands Is return these great lands To a beautiful merry-go-round!
I am quite fond of this old duffer. Manuel Lopez Obrador, current Mexican president, as he prattles on in his daily press conferences about uniting the people and doing away with corruption. He gets a lot of stick from opposing parties but his overwhelming victory demands to be respected and I really do wish him well. This is a letter to him.