1 minute read
Fangs for the Memory
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
I am the last tooth Not mine to gnash or grind Gnaw, chew and bite For I am the only tooth Lonely but strong Defiant and long
I am the last tooth In this gaping hole Now all gap and gums A derelict outpost Sticking it out I am the remanant
All that remains To smile, chide and nag A rag-mouthed, buttress To lip and tongue Indentured, incisive I stand alone
I am the last tooth Rancid rune-stone, In guttersnipe grin Grimacing grimy tusk Foamy-lip-framed Solitary, insolent
But when all is said And will be done This jaw-bound stela That stands so firm Does slip from the grip Of flesh and bone
No longer upstanding But forever lasting Unbridled snag Undaunted fang? No longer sheathed But still the last tooth