1 minute read



How I wish that it were true Me, screaming blue murder Protesting like fury At the New World Order


Out marching with placards And banners, uprising With brothers and sisters Proselytizing

Or just a game of footie A brief cascarita Con la gente de siempre Que siempre me invita

Or browsing at a market In search of a knick knack, A treasure, a trinket Amongst all the bric-a-brac Or with National Geographic To film a documentary About life in South Africa From the turn of the century

The wars of the Boers And British supremacy To releasing Mandela And how he won clemency

Or trekking high pastures In search of bald eagles Or, failing that, sparrows Or some disgruntled seagulls

Maybe playing guitar Up there on a stage More Johnny-come-lately Not quite Jimmy Page

Or sipping margaritas Facing out to the sea On a Fantasy Island Some beach babes and me

But sadly I must tell you I’m not up to such mischief I`m under curfew with a cold All sniffles and ‘kerchiefs.

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