1 minute read
Forge On
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
As long as I shall breathe, take in the invisible light that fills my body and gives me life, allow the elements combined to strengthen my bones and replace most of me many times;
As long as the wet rains that make sodden my clothes and splash on my hands and dancing shoes do not dampen my spirit but bring freshness and cleanliness and with soft winds a cleansing of soul and feeling of solace and rebirth;
As long as I shall feel the sun’s hot hand on my face and neck, radiating, enabling life, awakening burdened beast and twitching bough, stirring flighty feathers and veined leaves, moving, everything;
John Franck was a good friend and an inspiration to his friends and family. His enthusiasm and drive got us all going, he brought us together. I first met him during his stint at the British Embassy as commercial secretary and like the rest of us we were shocked to hear of his passing on a trip to the UK with his Mexican wife Rocio. Originally titled ‘For John’ it tries to capture his character and how he must have felt when he collapsed and died almost instantly in a cold car park in Tunbridge Wells 9th December 2016. R.I.P. John, thanks for the memories!
As long as I shall live, my words will be just and my motives be clear whatever storms and torments arrive I shall be just without fear, Only just. Only just. I shall be obedient to my beliefs but subservient to my desires, no one will doubt me more than myself, I shall be strong and deliver a full life from small beginnings to its inevitable end
And when that final day dawns and this man falls, Short of breath short of time, one idea To be brave, to forge on, show no fear Thinking of then, now and tomorrow, beyond
Promises un-kept, holidays not taken Farewells, received, love forsaken House unkempt, dishes unwashed, bed unmade And me somehow to blame for ending like this.
Gasping for the invisible light Not enough to pull me through Dryness and sobs Slow hard inhale Slow rasping exhale An urgent rattle And a sigh
At my
Good bye