manifest skatezine

Page 37

design & edition: alba carbajo cano & pablo del pozo del olmo

illustrations by: inés moreno galán

artworks / special thanks to: blanca borrell, origins skateboarding & holy diy where it all started: ud soto, primavera 2021 (etsam)




typographies used: helvetica neue italic, helveticamazing, nimbus sans & skateboard unlimited

third edition: skate & create, shojo collective x escombro diy

printed in madrid, spain

first & second edition: may 2021, november 2021

issue #1
march 2022 a day in a skater’s life
manifesto noun man·​i·​fes·​to | \ ˌma-nə-ˈfe-(ˌ)stō \ Definition of manifesto : a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer

#1 distopian utopia?

#2 modulor

#3 module catalogue

#4 utopía para mi mejor amiga

#5 a day in a skater’s life

#6 origins skateboarding

#7 draw your diy

#8 skate code

#9 slang dictionary


@pablodelpozo97, lyon, 2020

skateable adjective

skate·​able | \ ˈskātəbəl \

Definition of skateable : suitable to skate on

@blan_k_bbrrll pic

#1 distopian utopia?

esta es blanca, blanca es skater, y como muchos otros skaters, conquista la calle cada día sobre ruedas.

este primer número de manifest indaga en la relación entre el skate y la arquitectura. pero no se limita a lo conocido, la calle y la ciudad, sino que se plantea cómo ir más allá y conquistar la vivienda, o lo que es lo mismo, hacerla patinable.

bajo la premisa todo es patinable se diseña un primer acercamiento de vivienda llamado “utopía para mi mejor amiga” en el que se comienza a experimentar con conceptos como los espacios diáfanos, paredes móviles y módulos patinables versátiles. después, se procede al diseño de la torre de viviendas skater que se presenta en este zine.

el proyecto es un manifiesto, tal y como lo fueron el falansterio de charles fourier o las construcciones imposibles de isidoro valcárcel medina, en el que se refleja una manera de vivir y habitar alternativa (que va mucho más allá del patinar).

detrás de toda utopía hay una filosofía, y la nuestra, transforma completamente la vivienda. se readapta para cumplir con las necesidades de una comunidad utópica mayoritariamente skater.

se plantea la pregunta ¿dónde termina la calle y empieza el edificio? la respuesta pasa por domesticar el espacio público y crear un espacio doméstico comunitario. reconducir un edificio obsoleto y darle un uso nunca antes propuesto.


el skate y lo urbano están ligados de manera inalterable. la ciudad es el escenario donde el skate se desarrolla, y patinar transforma la manera de vivir y entender la ciudad.

#2 modulor

0,21m 0,81m
blanca modulor 0,81m 1,77m
r1,15m 0,30m 1,40m 2,70m 0,60m 0,40m 0,30m 1,50m 0,50m 2,20m hubba wallride eurogap "pillarjump" #3 module catalogue
1,10m 3,00m 1,45m 1,50m 1,20m 4,15m fivestairset 1,50m rollin quarter+ledge 0,22m 0,30m 1,10m 3,00m 1,45m 1,10m 1,50m 1,20m 4,15m fivestairset quarter+ledge
r1,70m 3,85m 1,15m 0,60m 1,60m 3,20mmanualpad+ledge
bump volcano 4,75m 3m 1,70m 1,70m 2,45m 2,10m bank+wallride+ledge curvedpyramid volcano 4,75m 1,70m 0,90m 2,10m bank+wallride+ledge curvedpyramid 0,22m 0,30m 1,10m 3,00m 1,45m 1,10m 1,50m fivestairset 1,50m rollin
bump volcano 1,70m 1,70m bump volcano 1,70m 1,70m 0,90m 0,80m 5,50m r1,55m 1,40m miniramp hormigón grava-arena-cemento-agua 8-4-1 *holy recipe

#4 utopia para mi mejor amiga

¿cómo cambia la vivienda cuando vas sobre ruedas?

partimos de referencias como philipp schuster en su skate villa, la casita diy en málaga o john marello en crashing carroll’s. todos ellos cuentan con espacios de pequeña escala, en los que las circulaciones, recorridos y flujos convencionales de una casa se ven alterados completamente, para adaptarse a los movimientos del nuevo cuerpo al que acogen.

se comienza a entender la utopía y el espacio a través de las percepciones particulares de sus usuarios/habitantes

dieorsk8 dieorsk8 dieorsk8 dieorsk8 dieorsk8
87m2 primer prototipo de vivienda

#5 a day in a skater’s life

la vivienda convencional plantea muchos inconvenientes para nuestra sociedad utópica, pero ¿qué necesita una vivienda para ser considerada patinable?

420m2 x9 units vivienda comuna
madera CTL hormigón
good morning 08:00 manifest skatezine 1,45m 2,50m

tableros de contrachapado de madera abedul

paneles de policarbonato translúcidos 2x1,45x0,03m

paneles de corcho para aislamiento acústico

08:15 sk8 8
sk8 09:00 10:30 09:05 12:00
unit: el módulo antimódulo cama, lavabo, almacenamiento, estantería y pared móvil
baldosas podotáctiles
19:00 420m2 azotea comunitaria
22:30 let's play s.k.a.t.e! last try
original poster from: thrasher magazine

valla metálica galvanizada


lona acrílica

24:00 1,15m good night 24:00

#6 origins skateboarding

what’s origins skateboarding?

same as this issue #1 of manifest skatezine, origins is skate architecture.

architecture & skateboarding live in a constant dialogue. they’ve always been and will be together, cause skateboarding doesn’t exist without architecture.

how does skateboarding redefine our cities?

in @origins_skateboarding you’ll find skate design, that meaning any spot, skateplaza, or any crazy idea of a space that could be somehow skateable.

you’ll also find skate architecture short stories /articles: skate urbanism, d.i.y. movement, ... are some of the topics we’re focused on.

do you know which cities integrate skateboarding in urbanism planning? did you know how pool skating was born? these and more here!

circle skateplaza for fluid project, madrid, 2022


the origins of skateboarding

it’s impossible to understand actual skateboarding without architecture. alvar and aino aalto, finnish architects from the modern movement, changed the history of skateboarding and they did it 15 years before skateboarding was even born. their innovative design of the pool in villa mairea in 1938, with organic shapes and curves, would be accidentally the first skate bowl design.

. in late 50’s, more than 15 years later skateboarding showed up for the first time in california, and 40 years later pool skateboarding was born, mostly thanks to these architects. it looked like it was meant to be. in 1976 california suffered from a great drought, and pools became useless architectural artifacts. all these pools were identical to aalto’s pool, and they wouldn’t remain useless for long.

skaters gave a new purpose to aalto’s design, a new use they could have never guessed. cause architecture is unpredictable, and its possible uses unimaginable. it took a lot of years to make any skater dream true: to skate villa mairea pool. it wasn’t till 2014 that transworld skateboarding could make it, closing the circle of this skate·architecture story.

. if you want to know more check out @origins_skateboarding

#7 draw your d.i.y

@holysundays: “este es nuestro holy diy. va creciendo, cambiando, en todos los aspectos. nuevos módulos, nuevos graffitis en los muros, poco a poco el “duyi” va cogiendo forma.


este es el estado actual del holy, aunque probablemente haya cambiado para cuando lo conozcas o lo vuelvas a ver.

y aquí es donde entras tú! usa tu imaginación y diseña lo que se te ocurra. como si es algo loquísimo, para eso estamos construyendo nuestro propio park! quizás algunx de vosotrxs diseña el próximo módulo... who knows!”

dale al coco y envía lo que hagas a @holysundaysbitch, nos molaría mazo verlo!


aesthetics (non verbal communication)

*clothing (diverse) you always match

*board type / measure

*how to grab the board

*bruises / wounds

*hand shake

*ripped skate shoes

skateboard 1* nose 2* tail 3* grip - lija 4* deck -tabla

5* trucks - ejes

6* wheels - ruedas

7* bearings - rodamientos

customize your board and write down here your dream set up
4* 2* 7* 5* 3* 6* 1*

bricomarket by @holysundaysbitch

they say everybody go to the diy the number one ......... skatepark in the woods it ain’t no lie

no shirt no ties, just grinds and .......... dirt and tries or dirty tries beers and sprays, sunday vibes, ........... ........

getting in the mood full of mud ready for da ........ let’s grab some mats ts ts ts ts snaaaake jazz

we going to da bricomarket, gotta get some ...... and ............. we going to da bricomarket roll as you like it

we going to da ..................., gotta get some sand and concrete going to da brico, back to da brico, we going to da bricomarket

hate no one, make a vulcanito


and some burnito

we the ...... kids stealing the steel fighting bad techniques, weather, cops and ...............

ramps, outta trash filling the gaps! sometimes full of ....... but we gotta make it last we lost in nature come find us smoko time with no rush .......... pants, dirty hands where? where? in the diy is the sunlight, makin’ it dry? better wake up, go to the ..... (the diy)

we going to da bricomarket, gotta get some sand and concret we going to da bricomarket (you can) roll as you like it

we going to da bricomarket, gotta get some sand and concret back to da brico, back to da brico, back to da bricomarket!

#9 slang dictionary


do it yourself (get up and build your own spot!)

*do a kickflip popular saying

*engorile - shred - ripe riding with exceptional ability, style, speed or enthusiasm


those who film, most times they skate too, and they never get paid enough

*furtiveo to go on a mission looking for random spots in the city

*land - planchar to successfully complete a trick

*line a succession of tricks in a row

*local those who always skate in the same spot

*mongo pushing the skateboard with the front foot while the back foot remains on the board

*poser a skater that tries to pretend to be what he/she is not

*pro a skater is pro when he/she lives off of skating (and earns his/her pro-model board)

*push - darse pata to propel the board forward

*rad a short for radical

*sesh a skateboard session

*sk8 one of the most popular abbreviations for skate

*s.k.a.t.e most popular skateboarding game

*skateable suitable to skate on


a not perfect or poorly executed trick

*slapping the board against the ground to encourage and cheer up a skater after an awesome trick (see *ripe)


urban spaces where skaters meet, skate and hang out. commonly streets, plazas or industrial areas

*stopper spikes and other devices to try avoid skateboarding, set on urban furniture


a video that involves people skating in it

*wax - cera rubbed onto the surfaces to help reduce the friction when grinding or sliding



a trick or turn executed with the skater’s back facing the ramp coping or the obstacle


to ride your skateboard backward


when a trick or turn is performed with the skater’s front-facing the ramp coping or the obstacle


a skater that rides with his or her right foot forward


a trick which involves scraping the skateboard’s trucks along an object


a trick in which the skater flips the board around its lengthwise axis using his or her front foot


a trick in which the skater uses his or her feet to pull the skateboard up into the air

*pumping to moving your bodyweight on your skateboard to build speed without your feet touching the ground

*regular a skater that rides with the left foot forward

*slide a move where the underside of your deck slides along an object


being regular or goofy

*switch to ride a skateboard and perform tricks and maneuvers not using the normal or natural stance

*trick a skateboard maneuver


*bowl / pool

needs concrete bowls/pools


collective term for surf-related styles (downhill, slalom, longboarding)


a skateboarding style in which the rider skates down steep roads at high speed


most moves are executed whilst standing still, such as doing handstands


a longer skateboard that is used for downhill skating, commuting, and cruising


style specifically adapted for different types of purpose built skateparks

*street skating

a skating style that uses street furniture, such as curbs, benches, and steps, to perform tricks

*vert skating

a skating style in which the rider performs moves and tricks in a halfpipe or ramp. It usually involves getting air above the rim of the ramp or pipe



*mid 90s

*inside out

*skate kitchen

*lords of dogtown

*meu nome é bagdá


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