JUAN PABLO GAITÁN Architecture Portfolio
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Memory Museum* See and Don’t Touch* Integration of Multi-users*
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The Shelf* Open House* Tropicario* Beyond Cracks Free Time Time Machine
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Ecodaily Machines* Ecosocial Arquitecture* Uninhabitable Cabin Sandra`s Cooked Kitchen Houses in House Mondragon`s House
03 11 31 07 19 35
09 27
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Bakery Paniqueso* Tea House* Centrico Bar* Gelateria Dolci Pecatti Repuplica Fitness Trx Center
25 13 17
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Common Places* Expologic* Thanks for Coming* Restreporama
29 15 23
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The Jarillon* Archipelago
*Projects included in this portfolio
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Memory Museum
We propose a space of engagement and deliberation that aims to recover participatory memory, democratic principles and the importance of the presence of human rights in Peru. We propose space of meeting and recognition of the various narratives about the acts of violence in our country, for understanding and responding to the demands of justice for victims of the internal armed conflict. We propose a space of symbolic reparation, public gestures, acts of recognition and welcome to the victims of the internal armed conflict.
Cultural Action Center. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
We propose a space under construction: dynamic, promoter of participation and dialogue. Facilitator continuous process of research and learning, a place of action and reflection.
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Central square. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
A block = A victim.
5 Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Location: Lima, Perú. State: Professional Team: Elizabeth Añaños, Oscar Malaspina, Daniel Feldman y Juan Pablo Gaitán Role: Production team cordinator Date: 2010 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Public facilities Contribution: Production of infographics, Drawing production, 3D models production.
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Transitable roof for the city. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Level of public space. Author: Oscar Malaspina
Access level.
Level of public space.
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
View of the pacific ocean. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Section B-B’. Author: Daniel Feldman
Main facade. Author Daniel Feldman
Theme script. Author: Antonio Yemail and Juan P. Gaitan
I believe in the detail as the most direct mechanism for interacting with users.
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Composed of a woven
The Shelf
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Wood three-dimensional mesh composed from a single module
Stable and light elements
9Autonomous and free installation
Location: Bogota, Colombia. State: Built Team: Vicky Chaibud, Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Design team cordinator Date: 2012 Architectural Studio: Oficina Informal and Manuel Villa Typology: Cultural Contribution: Architectural design Production of details and drawing plans
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Ecodaily Machines
The project is a joint initiative seeking to convert an area of three hectares into a model of sustainable productivity for the region. It proposes a series of daily machines that respond to different functions: housing, social and economic. The machines are standardized models that share basic information that is transmitted from one to another through geometric configurations. At the same time, they have been designed to integrate information with key natural phenomena in their environment and to transform daily through the interaction of its inhabitants. The machines respond to the economic diversity and building processes of its location. They use a mixture of techniques and technologies such as smart strategy to utilize available resources and the restrictions of a context with difficult access. The configuration satisfies the criteria of efficiency related to water management, recycling and energy optimization. Meanwhile, the machines work to relate to the various forms of surrounding natural life.
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Cultural module. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Intervention agreements on the lot. Author: Antonio Yemail
Herbarium machine. Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Forest machine.
11Author: Elizabeth Añaños and Juan P. Gaitan
Location: Cachipay, Colombia. State: Professional Team: Ricardo Daza, Elizabeth Añaños, Camila Afanador y Juan Pablo Gaitán Role: Research team cordinator Date: 2009 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Dwelling Area: 10 Ha Contribution: Production of infographics Drawing production. 3D models production.
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
See and don’t Touch
See and don’t Touch
This project is the spatial and functional adequacy of a house for the new headquarters of a public gallery for contemporary art and related programs. Working with the constraints and legacy of a 1940’s English-style building, we proposed the installation of a floating mesh throughout the house without transforming its spatial values. We conceived the metallic uneven grid as a support that combines the functional needs of the gallery and weaves together the rooms in the house. The structure supports and unfolds furniture, extends to hold items such as bulletin boards, shelves for the documentation centre or hanging doors for isolating the exhibition rooms with shared spaces. It also allows for signs to be hung with three colors indicating the different programs in the gallery
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Usages and programs
Location: Bogota, Colombia. State: Built Team:Daniella Robledo, Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Design team cordinator Date: 2012 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Cultural Contribution: Architectural design Production of details and drawing plans 13
Floating mesh
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitán GaitánPortfolio Portfolio
Tea House Taller de Té is a space for experimentation, production and services around tea. The program is divided between the residual areas of a modern house in a residential neighborhood of Bogota. The garage was converted into a living room, workshop and tea tasting laboratory. The courtyard was filled with tables and native plants, and the former laundry area is now a greenhouse for the production and domestication of aromatic plants. To retrieve and integrate the three areas we built a structure that runs through the areas supplying different solutions for specific needs such as collecting water, protection from weather conditions or the provision of new iluminacion facilities. We also implemented a system for collecting and treating rainwater that supplies water for the sink and toilet located in the greenhouse.
Space for experimentation, production and services around tea 14
The building systems used for the tranformation of the house are an interpretation of existing systems based on craftsmanship and the use of patterns. Thus, we have recovered pieces from a hardwood flooring factory to compose a parquet in the main room, hexagonal colored ceramic from floor demolition of terraces, and designed a number of specific furniture with ability to adapt to different needs and daily changes, such as seeding tables, bleachers or mobile shelving.
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitรกn GaitรกnPortfolio Portfolio
Reprogramming of uses
Modern house in a residential neighborhood
Furniture with ability to adapt to different needs
Location: Bogota, Colombia. State: Built Team: Mauricio Chavez, Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Design team cordinator Date: 2012 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Commerce Contribution: Architectural design Production of details and drawing plans
Juan Pablo Juan PabloGaitรกn GaitรกnPortfolio Portfolio
It is a device designed for the purpose of promoting revegetation of the city of Easton, throw the relationship between community, knoweldge and the everyday. Overlapping integrally organic, social, economic, energy, hydric and politics layers. So as to interact creatively with the community. The result a natural machine made of materials recurring in the neighbourhood. The protocol of action begins with the hybrid production of the object, followed by the commisioning of the water collection system and the energy transformation system. At the same time Expologic train the user with scientific tools to edit the surrounding landscape, through ecological explosions to be distributed throughout the city. 16
JuanPablo PabloGaitán GaitánPortfolio Portfolio Juan
Hydrologic system
Organic system
Energey system
Location: Easton, United States of America. State: Finalist Team: Ana María Escobar, Juan Pablo Gaitán Role: Co-Director Date: 2011 Typology: Temporal / Temporal Area: 16m2 Contribution: Architectural Design Production of infographics Drawing production.
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitรกn GaitรกnPortfolio Portfolio
Centrico Bar
More than interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity as a way to act on complex societies
Centrico Bar
Highest spot for discreet late-night mischief
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Custom furniture
Unique view
Usages and programs
Location: Bogota, Colombia. State: Built Team: Santiago Buendía, Juan Pablo Gaitán Role: Design team cordinator Date: 2012 Architectural Studio: Oficina Informal and Manuel Villa Typology: Bar Contribution: Architectural design Production of details and drawing plans
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Open House
Culture and art have become to dynamic of social, economic and political power therefore in desirable phenomenon in many cities worldwide. But unfortunately the big shows are still exclusive rather than inclusive. That is why we propose a horizontal system into a vertical structure. The building performs as a focal point that articulates different cultural situations throughout the city. It also communicates, locates and establishes relationships among events happening within it, generating a communication and interaction network. On the other hand the structural extension (stage machinery) suggested for the building not only reveals events happening inside it, but also contains the necessary mechanisms to operate three platforms that allows this Gothic building to have interior hyper flexSimultaneous levels of interaction
The architecture is a way to give voice to each of the agents in a society
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Spacial Hyper-flexibility
Auditorium plan studies
Democratization of culture
Location: Praga, República Checa. State: Competition Team: Felipe Rodriguez, Carlos Urrego, Andrea Salas, Santiago Buendía, Juan Pablo Gaitán. Date: 2011 Typology: Rehabilitación / Rehabilitation Area: 2350m2 Client: Architectural Design Theorical reflection 3D model production
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
El Jarillon
From late 2010 to present, Colombia is going through which has been a major envariomental crisis in its history. This has led to the climatic phenomena of rain and drought from appearing on the forefront of political and economical agenda of the country. From the professional practice of a group of architects and artists wanted to ask Which is our rol in all this, and in this same way ¿How can we update our critic agenda, our warehouse or our closet? To answer these questions, we have follow the holders in the major media in the country as a thread that allow us to reveal from a critic vision the true state of the country and its perspective after the tragedy; in exchange we have got an endless of new questions that have compiled and plotted in a fanzine.
Collective “The Hydrological”
I overlay new and different formats of architecture
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Waterproof ideas
Location: Bogotá, Colombia. State: Print Team: The Hydrological Role: Part of a team Date: 2011 Typology: Publicacíon / Publication Print run: 100 ejemplares / 100 copies
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitรกn GaitรกnPortfolio Portfolio
Thank you for comming
Continuous production cycle
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitán GaitánPortfolio Portfolio
Plan drawing
Altimetry and hydraulic system
Location: Madrid, Estaña. State: Project Team: Ximena Toro, Juan Pablo Gaitan Role: Cordinator of design and reasearch team Date: 2010 Architectural Studio: Oficina Informal Typology: Temporary intervention Contribution: Production of infographics Drawing production. 3D models production. 25
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
I attracted to architecture radically dense, full of information.
Paniqueso Bakery
A colony of vintage robots
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Domestic vindications
Good morning Mr. Baker
Location: Bogotรก, Colombia. State: Built Team: Omar Jarbou, Juan Pablo Gaitan Role: Design coordinator Date: 2011 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Commerce Contribution: Architectural Desing. Drawing production. Edition of images 27
Relationships layers
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Ecosocial Architecture
When the concept sostenibility began to fail is difficult to establish, what is certain is that at some point something failed and it starts to use to design everything that is related whit the “green”. This academic exercise was intended, rather than designing a mixed-use tower, understood from books like “The web of life” or “Hidden conections” that the world works systemically and that everything is related with the detail, that sustainability more than put green, is a new way of relating to the living and nonliving, accepting that we are part of a system.
Vertical Accumulation of aesthetic. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Breaking with the ancient plot and away from traditional implantation into a working class neighbourhood we thought it was the way to achieve social, ecological, political, cultural and economical sustainability for the community. The tower is linked to the situations and actions that happen around; the first levels try to mix the public and private in a productive ways in different social and economical layers. While the upper floors have four different typologies of familiar, student and corporate housing.
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Family typology. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
University typology. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Birds dwelling Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Corporative typology. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Public typology. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Location: Bogotรก, Colombia. State: Academic Team: Ana Maria Escobar, Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Leader team Level: Eighth semester Date: 2009 Supervisor: Felipe Mesa. planb.arq@gmail.com Typology: Dwelling Area: 2600 m2 Contribution: Architectural Desing. Drawing production. Edition of images. Community interviews
Juan Pablo Pablo Gaitรกn GaitรกnPortfolio Portfolio
Flying house
The risk is inseparable from the architecture that interests me
Common Places
Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio Juan Pablo Gaitán Portfolio
Domestic space to house the clock on the front facade.
Location: Bogota, Colombia. State: Built Team: Ingrid Duarte, Juliana Jiménez, Juan Pablo Gaitán Role: Production team cordinator Date: 2009 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail Oficina Informal Typology: Temporary Installation Contribution: Production of infographics Drawing production. 31
Vitality of the everyday
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Architecture for the integration of multi-users
Introduction of public spaces into private spaces. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
The project arises from a critical reflection and a stance toward the unsustainable growing of cities. In their eagerness to build from particular interests, based in economical and political criteria, they have neglected citizens and social networks. Universities are the ideal setting to discuss and challenge the global subjectivity. So I decided to design a public-private faculty of Architecture that work as a bridge between three ecosystems. The implantation sought to minimize the impact over the topography, deforming the main volume in accordance with the breaks ground and the references in the landscape.
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Carbonero Copetones
Moras silvestres
Nivel de presencia de una especie Arboles No nativos
Radiacion Solar: 1556 h/ano
Bosque Alto Andino
I believe in a reactionary architecture to the environment.
Arboles nativos
Pluviosidad: 1100mm/ano
Vias = 10%
Localizacion privilegiada para ver y ser visto
Zonas Verdes 45%
Escorrentias por erosion
Indicador de equipamientos 5.39/1000hab
Construiudo = 30%
Deforestacion del Bosque Nativo Peatonal = 15% Cancha multiple
Riesgo por desplazamiento de tierra
Densidad : 32m2/habitante
Delincuencia y violaciones en el bosque
Parque Mario Calderon
Promedio anual de vientos es de 80%
2800msnm Parque de la Av. Circunvalar
Cota maxima del servicio de Acueducto
Indicador de equipamientos 25.69/1000hab
14 C
2400msnm Lagartos
Indicador de parques m2/hab = 0.01
Bosque Plantado 92,05 Bosque Nativo 6,53 Rio Arzobispo
Pastos 0.57
Mamiferos y Anfibios Venados
Osos Hormigueros
Organic network site.
Acacia Amarilla
Palma Coquito
Eucalipto comun
Caucho Sabanero
Location: Bogotรก, Colombia. State: Academic Team: Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Director Level: Thesis Tenth semester Date: 2010 Supervisor: Monica Gรณmez. okkaina@yahoo.com Typology: Public Facilities Area: 3000m2 Contribution: Responsible for Research. Architectural Design. Content production.
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Porcentaje de Opacidad 80%
Porcentaje de Opacidad 25%
b Porcentaje de Opacidad 65%
Porcentaje de Opacidad 10% 6%
Landscape condenser.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Conferencias y exposiciones
19 18 17 16 15 14 13
11 10
1 2 3 765 4
12 11 10 9 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1
3 4
1 5
6 7
9 10
567 1 23 4
754 L
11 12 13 8 9 10
+/- 0.00
First and Second level. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Informacion diaria del consumo y recoleccion de energia y agua
Attraction of living.
+2680 m
Minimal impact on the topography of the land.
I like to know the history from different perspectives in order to act in the present
+2698 m
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Recoleccion y tratamiento de aguas lluvias por medio de la cubierta verde
Beneficios Economicos y ecologicos de las cubiertas verdes
Absorcion de aire por diferencia depresion
Ventilacion Cruzada
Plantas aromatizadoras
1120 m2 de paneles fotovoltaicos producen 176700 votios de energia Cableado estructural a la vista
Distribucion de aire confortable a traves de la estructura
Temperatura promedio durante todo el dia 14 grados centigrados Bioclimatic system. Author: Juan P. Gaitan
Control luminico con las perforaciones orientadas de la fachada
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
We propose a building that could integrate with the landscape, taking into account aspects like the height and rhythm of the palms that are behind the Tropicario. Its central location is convenient to strengthen the public aspect of the botanical garden, activating spaces of meeting and recreation such as the entrance square, the lobby and the coffee shop that prolonged stay and attract new visitors. The main objective is that the Tropicario be a point of convergence between science, education and ludic. Becoming in a reference on the cultural landscape of the city. 36
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Architectural program
Circulations and Connections
Location: Bogotรก, Colombia. State: Professional Team: Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Role: Design team coodinator Level: Thesis Tenth semester Date: 2014 Architectural Studio: Antonio Yemail - Manuel Villa Typology: Public Facilities Area: 1200m2 Contribution: Responsible for Research. Architectural Design. Content production.
Juan Pablo Gaitรกn Portfolio
Floor plan
JUAN PABLO GAITAN Architect Colombia Bogota, May 7 of 1987 +571 6485479 / +57 310-3173561 gaitan.jpablo@gmail.com