Workshop Classroom Management
work by: Pablo Morales Dell
What is Classroom Managment? Classroom managment is the form that Teachers have to do an environment to facilitate the learning students and different fact observed in class.
Students Prefer say something in Teacherď‚´s Concerns their first language because is more easy to say that. Teacher can observe daily this problem but at the same time T 1. Observe the problem have to think what are 2. Analyze and make a plan 3. Apply the plan you going to do?
4. Check the advantages and disadvantages
You have to try Concerns students participate in classroom But HOW?
You have to create a plan and observe this students and try to help them. For example:talk with them and help them to involve in the class.
Classroom managment Managing constraints has given the following responses:
1. Disicipline. 2.Control. 3.Consequences.
After to have your plan , you can create what are going to do with the different situation to learn in the class
People describe the Teacher using : Methaphors
Why? Because teacher have different role plays in the classroom
Each teacher have different roles. Itď‚´s depends on their context or environment
Thank you !