UN Environmental Diplomacy Practicum – Unique among legal externships, this practicum invites students to work with Permanent Missions to the United Nations. This experience is an invaluable opportunity to learn the diplomacy process, attend UN negotiations, and write a research paper to help a delegation or member state understand and act upon environmental issues. Students work closely with ambassadors and foreign ministers developing environmental policy for their nations. Environmental Externship in Washington, DC – This summer externship allows rising 2L and 3L students to gain practical experience in the environmental legal arena under attorney supervision, with emphasis on the type of work conducted in DC. Past placements include the White House Council on Environmental Quality; US Environmental Protection Agency; US Department of Justice; US Department of Interior; US Department of Energy; Natural Resources Defense Council; Environmental Defense Fund; Humane Society of the United States; and many other government, and nonprofit organizations. Environmental & Public Interest Externships – During the academic year and summer, many students work for academic credit at environmental law agencies throughout the New York metropolitan area, including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and various nonprofit organizations. Pace-NRDC Food Law Initiative – This collaboration between Pace and the Natural Resources Defense Council’s New York Office aims to address the legal service needs of food justice organizations, farmers, community groups and others as well as increasing capacity of the legal community to meet those needs through education of law students and training of lawyers. Students have the opportunity to work with NRDC’s food law team in internships offered each semester in Manhattan. Brazil-American Institute for Law & Environment – The Brazil Comparative Environmental Law course draws upon Pace Law’s relationships with top Brazilian universities to give students a unique opportunity to be involved in important international and comparative research. After choosing a research focus and attending classes on campus, students travel to Brazil to experience first-hand the environmental issues of a rapidly developing country. They meet with high-level prosecutors and judges in Rio de Janeiro, take urban eco-tours, and explore one of Brazil’s unique bioregions.
On-Campus Research & Learning Opportunities
Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies (GCELS) – GCELS provides high-level legal research to many international organizations. Students working with the Center assist with researching and editing important publications, such as the 50 States Climate Change Survey. The Center is a voting member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network, as well as Secretariat to the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law with the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Land Use Law Center for Sustainable Development – Students are involved in all aspects of this Center which produces leading conferences, courses, trainings, publications, and resources on contemporary land use, real estate, and environmental issues. The student-driven Research and Innovation Program identifies solutions to complex land use problems of urban and suburban communities. The Land Use Leadership Alliance (LULA) program leads the nation in educating local land use leaders in land use law and community decision-making. Pace Energy & Climate Center – This Center involves Pace Law student interns in every aspect of its work in a multitude of cutting-edge climate and renewable energy issues. The Center advises local, state, and national governments and hosts numerous professional workshops featuring innovative energy experts throughout the academic year. Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) – PELR was one of the first scholarly journals established in the field of environmental law. Devoted to commentary and analysis of environmental law issues, the studentrun journal publishes scholarly articles from professors around the world, the annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture in Environmental Law, the winning briefs of the National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, and the proceedings of colloquia on environmental law issues.
Many on-campus environmental organizations and activities also enrich the educational experience at Pace Law. Additionally, distinguished lecture series bring outstanding environmental thinkers and scholars to campus.