The Family Law Unit Provides comprehensive, free legal representation to low-income victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Westchester and Putnam Counties. Attorneys assist clients with myriad legal issues, including orders of protection, custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, and divorce. We collaborate with community-based organizations to provide clients with assistance regarding immigration, housing, counseling & safety planning.
Speak To One of Our Attorneys By Calling : 914.287.0739
About Pace Women's Justice Center The Pace Women’s Justice Center (PWJC) is a self-funded nonprofit legal center located at Elisabeth Haub School of Law, under the 501(c)(3) status of Pace University. Each year, PWJC provides free legal services to over 3,800 victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse, as well as conducts or participates in over 140 training and outreach events. Serving Westchester and Putnam Counties, PWJC’s mission is to pursue justice for victims and prevent abuse through quality legal services, community partnerships, education, and awareness. With an experienced staff and a team of dedicated volunteers, including attorneys, paralegals, students, and other community members, PWJC has built an effective, coordinated community response to interpersonal violence. Illustration by Edel Rodriguez
Safe families make safe communities!
Contact us MAIN OFFICE: 914.422.4069 Legal Helpline: 914.287.0739 Multi Language Services Available Servicios Bilingües - Llámenos para más información 78 N Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603 WWW.LAW.PACE.EDU/WJC
PWJC's Family Law Unit
Free Legal Representation
You are not alone
1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the united states have experienced some form of physical violence from an intimate partner
(CDC 2014 and National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash
Also known as Intimate Partner Violence, are behavior(s) used by one partner to maintain power and control over the other partner in an intimate relationship. Abuse follows a pattern of escalation in which the controlling behaviors worsen over time. An abuser may also use systems in our society to assert their privilege and control against the other person.
Abuse happens regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or socio-economic background.
There are many types of abusive behavior, these are some of them: Physical Sexual - rape & other sexual acts Verbal/Emotional Mental/Psychological -wears away mental well being, includes gaslighting Financial/Economic - controlling access to money/work & running up debts Cultural/Identity - using aspects of someone's identity to inflict suffering (includes religious, cultural or sexual orientation)
Sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.
Illustration by Edel Rodriguez
WE CAN HELP Taking steps to start a life away from an abusive relationship can be difficult, costly and are often further complicated when you have children and/or own property with the abuser.
We provide full representation on: family offense - orders of protection custody/visitation and child support petitions divorce, spousal support and property issues All Services Are Multilingual