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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Vol. 24 No.43 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Established Since 1995 Friday, August 22, 2014

Courtney Asante Planted Seeds of Knowledge at NYA’s 6th Annual Luncheon

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Neighborhood Youth Achievers (NYA) scholarship recipients with Courtney Asante, Keynote Speaker.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Courtney Asante speaking during the Neighborhood Youth Achievers’ Sixth Annual Capital Campaign Scholarship Luncheon on Saturday, August 16, 2014 at the Ayres Hotel in Hawthorne. She inspired the youth with seeds of knowledge, humor and her life experiences when talking about how she faced and overcame obstacles to succeed as a Forecast Analyst for Mattel Toy Company.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Michael Wainwright, Ex. Director, NYA and Dr. Richard L. Meehan, NYA’s Lifetime Achievement recipient.

Alex Johnson Appointed To County School Board Mayor Aja Brown Seeks Reconsideration Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas has nominated of Alex Johnson to the Los Angeles County Board of Education, the seven-member board that governs the Los Angeles County Office of Education. The Board of Supervisors appoints the members of the board, which exercises overall policy oversight and budget approval, hears appeals on student expulsions and inter-district attendance decisions, and authorizes charter schools. The board also governs the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, International Polytechnic High School and Juvenile Court Schools. Johnson, a recent candidate for the District 1 seat on the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education, formerly served as a deputy for education and public safety to Supervisor Ridley-Thomas. Sup er viso r RidleyThomas said, “Alex has successfully worked to deliver mobile health clinics, quality preschool

of CUSD Police Use of Assault Rifles

education and literacy programming in county probation camps. He is dedicated to expanding early childhood education and preparing our county’s youngest learners for kindergarten.” Johnson plans to work cooperatively with state and federal education officials to fund and implement innovative programs that support teachers paying special attention to reducing school dropout rates and prepar-

ing students for college admission or training for an occupational career. Supervisor RidleyThomas said, “I could not be more pleased with his nomination and I look forward watching him at work on the board.” Johnson is a graduate of Morehouse College, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in Political Science. He earned his Juris Doctorate at American Please see Johnson, page 3

COMPTON –Compton Mayor Aja Brown today asked the members of the Compton Unified School District (CUSD) to reconsider their vote to arm CUSD’s school police officers with semi-automatic assault rifles. Mayor Brown said, “The controversy surrounding the deployment of high-powered assault weapons by Compton Unified School District police officers begs for more input from Compton community stakeholders. Community residents are rightfully concerned about the potential use of assault weapons on their school campuses. We are undoubtedly living in an age of unthinkable violent acts against students, which we mourn as a nation. It is the duty of public servants to protect and serve and it is critical for proper consideration be made for decisions of serious proportion.” “Compton residents deserve more time for discussion and debate on the school police

Aja Brown assault weapon deployment plan before CUSD purchases rifles and places them in officers’ hands. Everyone wants to ensure that our children are safe and protected from deadly threats while at school. Whether to arm our community’s school police with this level of firepower is a decision the entire Compton community, not just the school community, deserves to participate in,” Mayor Brown said.

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Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, We need to keep on praying for justice to run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream in the case of Michael Brown. The way Brown was killed by the one who are sworn to protect and to serve must not go unpunished for the crime of murder. Surrendering, yet killed, is savagery and barbaric. It must not be tolerated. We must pray for justice and righteousness to be meted out. And yes, we are to not forget to appeal to our black brothers who are also killing one another to stop the senseless selfdestruction of our own race, especially the black male. Let us rise up and walk the walk of healing and wholeness. Let us reach one and teach one about who we are as a people so that we can become more conscience of the power that we possess so that we can truly be the people that others so desperately strive to emulate and imitate. Be Vigilante.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club


Friday, August 22, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Do We Perpetuate Black Stereotypes? By Raynard Jackson NNPA Columnist Many African Americans feel like there has been an unofficial war declared on Blacks, especially young Black males. Just in the past month alone, there have been the police murders of Eric Garner (Staten Island, N.Y.), Ezell Ford (Los Angeles, and Michael Brown (Ferguson, Mo.). Each of these victims were all unarmed, young, Black and male. In each instance, there were credible witnesses or video recordings that recounted events very differently from the official police version. Based on what we know so far, I think all the policemen involved in these unjustified deaths should be convicted of murder and sent to jail. As abhorrent as these actions were, they should spark a larger, separate conversation about the images that we have created around Black life and Black culture. To reiterate, regardless of these images, there is no justification for killing those young Black men. Let’s be clear about that. But let’s be equally clear and courageous enough to take another look at what we are contributing to the misperceptions and stereotypes of us as a race. This is a separate conversation from what happened in New York, LA and Ferguson, Mo., but this is as good a time to hold it as any. For the past 30 years, we have created images of Blacks in the most negative of lights. For those who would say it’s just music, it’s just a movie, it’s just a reality TV show; I say now there is just another Black body lying in the streets of America. Before you go to war, the first thing that is needed is to create a psychological operations campaign (psy-ops). This is a tactic that the military uses to marginalize its targeted population so that when the troops are sent in to destroy this group, there is no public outcry. Just look at how the U.S. military vilified and demonized former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and terrorist Osama Bin Laden before we set out to kill them. Upon their deaths at the hands of the U.S. military, the American people cheered because we had devalued and marginalized them before the American people. I can’t help but ask the Black community, have we unleashed a psy-ops campaign on our own people? In the horror movie series Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein did not set out to create a monster; but rather he was a scientist playing around in his laboratory. As a result of this experimentation, he created a monster that neither he nor society could control.

In a similar manner, one could argue that Blacks, specifically in Hip-Hop, have experimented in the laboratory called a recording studio; and by exercising their First Amendment Right of freedom of speech and expression through music, they have created their own version of Frankenstein. In the beginning, like with Frankenstein, people marveled at this new creation and people were willing to pay to see and hear it. There was “Rappers Delight,” there was “The Message,” and there was “Fight the Power.” Then, the imagery and lyrics took a twisted turn under a perverted interpretation of the First Amendment called “keeping it real.” Now, the establishment, especially the police, had become the enemy. Hip-Hop became a counter-culture movement that turned into a monster that could no longer be controlled. Women became “bitches and hoes,” men became hyper-sexualized thugs who were only out to force themselves on your daughters and to “get rich or die trying.” When rap music started, it was a verbal extension of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the spirit of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; it was about the uplifting of our community and providing a voice to those often without a voice. Then in the 1990s, rap took a more militaristic tone with the creation of “gangsta rap.” This too, was an verbal extension of the Civil Rights movement; but more in the spirit of Malcolm X on steroids. These artists represented those in the “hood” who felt trapped and abused by the system. They felt like no one cared about them and that life was about the here and now – immediate gratification; so screw the future. They wanted to “get theirs now.” They wanted to live fast, even if it meant dying young. This ultimately led to the “thug” culture, personified by hit movies like Scarface, New Jack City and Carlito’s Way; each glorified the criminal lifestyle. Then you had the crack epidemic of the 1990s with the violence that it brought into the hood. All these factors combined to create a narrative that Black life was worthless and Black youth brought no value to society. It’s too bad the rap world didn’t heed the words of Chuck D, KRS-One, Doug E. Fresh, Heavy D, MC Lyte, Kool Moe Dee. D-Nice, Daddy-O and others on the all-time classic, “Self Destruction,” which had as its chorus, “Self-Destruction, ya headed for Self-Destruction (repeat).” Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/ government affairs firm. He can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him on Twitter @raynard1223.

Praying and Fasting In Ferguson By James Clingman Remember the Jena Six? Some 15,000 to 20,000 protesters went to Jena, Louisiana in 2006 to demonstrate against injustice. After all the speeches, threats, marches, and church rallies, the people went home and nothing really changed. The prosecutors did their thing and the system rolled right over Mychal Bell and the other five defendants. It was business as usual. Did we learn anything from Jena that we can apply in Ferguson? What will take place in Ferguson when the protesters leave? What happened in Sanford, Florida when they left? What has happened in Staten Island since Eric Garner was choked to death and the marches have ended? The latest report says the prosecutor is still trying to “collect the dots,” much less connect the dots, and most have forgotten about Garner and his family and moved on to Ferguson, as it now becomes the crisis du jour for Black people. Eleven years ago Kenneth Walker was shot and killed by a police officer on I-185 in Columbus, Georgia. He was in a car that was pulled over by mistake. He was on the ground, unarmed, when a police officer shot him twice in the head. After protesters and marchers went home, the officer was acquitted. Walker protest There are many instances of Black men killed by police with impunity. So what’s my point? Well, as I watched the church services and listened to the speeches in Ferguson, I eagerly awaited the speakers’ solutions. I could have missed it, but I never heard a solution that centered on economics. I heard the obligatory voting solution, in light of an embarrassing 12% turnout among Black voters, but an “I Voted!” sticker will not stop a policeman’s bullet, and voting alone will not change our condition in this nation. I also heard the praying solution, and I do believe that prayer changes things. However, I am suggesting that the folks in Ferguson and all across this country not only pray but fast as well. That combination will definitely create change. Be clear now; I am not talking about giving up food for a period of time. The kind of fasting I am suggesting is a “product fast,” which does require doing without and less buying; but isn’t the cause worth it? Maybe the “leaders” who came to Ferguson were afraid to call for a product fast because they could lose a check or a contract or an endorsement or their status among corporate giants.

Capitalism can tolerate marches that call for voting and prayer, but it has a great deal of angst when a decline in consumption and sales occurs. “Black-Out” Days and other shotgun approaches are nice gestures but have no overall affect; they are simply more symbolism without substance. They make you feel good but won’t cause anyone to change. Folks just go out the next day and buy what they want. A product fast is quite different. For instance, Black folks consume a lot of soft drinks, gym shoes, liquor, fast foods, and other items we don’t think we can do without. Just stop buying some of these products until corporate CEO’s tell the politicians who would tell the governors who would tell the mayors and prosecutors who would tell the police chiefs who would tell their officers to stop violating our rights. You better believe their voices will be heard. Money runs politics, and when campaign donors are against something they will get results from the politicians they support, especially when their bottom-line is adversely affected. For example, can you imagine Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, Coca Cola CEO, Muhtar Kent, Pepsi Cola CEO, Indra Nooyi, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, Nike CEO, Mark Parker, McDonald’s CEO, Donald Thompson, Diageo Liquor’s CEO, Ivan Menezes, and even Anheuser Busch’s CEO, Thomas Santel, standing before national media and calling for an end to injustices against Black people? Nothing personal against these companies; it’s just as they say in war, “collateral damage.” But the damage would stop when the folks who run this country speak out. Jackson Marching Al, Jesse, and others have been marching for decades, and we got Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Timothy Thomas, Nathaniel Jones, Kenneth Walker, Patrick Dorismond, Amadou Diallo, John Crawford, Ezell Ford, and nameless others. Stop the insanity of doing the same thing and hoping for different results. We need leaders who are unafraid to call for economic solutions, not leaders who will hurt you if you get between them and a news camera or microphone. Get the folks who are really in charge of this country to speak out, and we will see a positive change. Start your local Prayer and Fasting campaign now; and use the money you save to build businesses, create jobs, and recreate real Black communities.

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Friday, August 22, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Alex Johnson Appointed Waters' Statement on Cal/OSHA's Decision To County School Board to Cite Menzies Aviation for Safety Violations (Continued from page 1) University in Washington D.C. Mr. Johnson previously served as an Assistant District Attorney in The Bronx, New York. “I am honored to have this opportunity to serve on the Los Angeles County Board of Education,” said Johnson. “I appreciate Supervisor Ridley-Thomas’ support and encouragement. I am eager to begin working on issues that matter to Los Angeles school children including increasing our efforts with educating youth in probation camps and advocating for strong early childhood education.” Johnson will replace Rudell S. Freer whose tenure

on the seven-member Board of Education ends in September. Supervisor RidleyThomas said, “I want to thank Rudell Freer for her service on the LACOE Board of Education. Her talents and rich experience in education served the people of the county admirably.” Added, Dr. Arturo Delgado, Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools, “On behalf of the Los Angeles County Office of Education, I’m delighted to welcome incoming Board member Alex Johnson. I’m confident he will support our efforts to promote educational excellence for the students and families of Los Angeles County.”

New Law Makes Criminal Background Exemptions in Foster Care Placements Accessible Governor signs Mitchell/Huff bill to ease placement when foster parent’s past record is no longer a bar SACRAMENTO, CA — Governor Brown has signed into law a bill, authored by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) and Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (RDiamond Bar), which will permit the California Department of Social Services (DSS) to share criminal history exemption information of foster care providers with county child welfare agencies. By enabling state and county child welfare agencies to share facts and findings related to a prospective foster parent’s past criminal record, it empowers county social workers who often make foster placements in a vacuum. When a foster parent’s past record is investigated and determined not to be grounds for exclusion from providing foster care, the county workers tasked with placement receive no information about the nature of the crimes in order to determine an appropriate placement for a child. This puts some suitable foster parents at a disadvantage because of a past mistake, and can result in other cases where a child in placed inappropriately in an unsuitable foster home. SB 1136 earned the unanimous support of the State Senate and Assembly. “Kids of color are disproportionately in the foster care system and in line waiting for willing homes,” said Senator Mitchell. “Yet we have had a system where some potential foster parents have been unable to qualify because of past

criminal records – even when an investigation has declared that they are not excluded – because that information could not legally be communicated to the agencies doing placement. Conversely, we’ve seen children placed in a home that would have never been considered if the county had all the information. This bill says, ‘Yes, State and County, talk to each other and find these kids good and safe homes’.” California law had prevented county child welfare agencies like Los Angeles County’s Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), from obtaining access to a listing of all non-relative foster parents and employees who have been granted a criminal exemption by DSS. Due to the changes spelled out under SB 1136, counties will no longer be kept in the dark and can receive an explanation for each approved criminal exemption. This allows county social workers to make better informed placement decisions prior to placing a child in a Foster Family Agency Home or State licensed home. “When the state removes children from their homes for their personal safety, the state and county assume an obligation to keep these vulnerable children from greater abuse or neglect a second time,” said Senator Huff. Senators Mitchell and Huff introduced the legislation at the request of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, following dozens of abuse and neglect cases in recent years involving foster children who had been under the care of the county’s DCFS.

Los Angeles, CA– Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) released the following statement recently regarding the California Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Occupation Safety and Health’s (Cal/OSHA) announcement to fine Menzies Aviation $77,250 following an investigation into the February death of an employee at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX): "I applaud the announcement by Cal/OSHA to fine Menzies Aviation $77,250 for several safety violations uncovered during its investigation into the death of airport worker Cesar Valenzuela. I find it deeply disturbing that these violations may

have contributed to Mr. Valenzuela's death. "Cal/ OSHA determined that Menzies employees have been subject to unsafe working conditions at LAX. According to reports, Menzies was fined nearly $95,000 in 2013 for unsafe practices at LAX including the type of violations that if not fixed could result in the death of a worker. The airport administration and the airlines must take responsibility for maintaining safe working conditions at LAX. "We cannot continue to allow companies like Menzies to operate in an unsafe manner at LAX, putting both workers and passengers at risk. The traveling public and employees that work at LAX deserve better.

Airport workers should be able to do their jobs without the fear of losing their lives. "Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the operator of LAX, has been investing in structural improvements to attract domestic and international travelers and help maintain the airport’s standing as an economic engine for the region. But the best way for LAX to be a world class airport is to put safety first. It’s time for the leadership at LAX to step up and show their commitment to holding airline contractors accountable. I see no reason why LAWA should continue contracting with Menzies Aviation, which has been fined and cited on more than one occasion for unsafe practices."

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Friday, August 22, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Mother of the Rev. Dr. Frank Madison Reid III, Former Pastor of Ward AME Church Los Angeles, Dies at age 90 By Roberto Alejandro From the AFRO BALTIMORE— Adrenis Carter Reid, a prominent figure of Baltimore’s Bethel AME Church and mother of head pastor the Rev. Dr. Frank Madison Reid III, died Aug. 21 at age 90 after a three-year battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Reid was a surrogate mother to the Bethel congregation for the past 26 years, and though her life was no crystal stair, she accomplished her greatest labor: the success and educational attainments of her four children. “In the words of Maya Angelou, she was a phenomenal woman,” the Rev. Reid said of his mother. An honor student in high school, Adrenis Reid had been forced to enter the workforce and forego college because of an illness to her mother, and she labored to spare her children a similar fate. “She would always say, ‘I just want the Lord to let me live to see my children be successful, to have their own homes,

to have degrees, and to be great contributors to society,’” said Stephanie Reid, Adrenis Reid’s youngest daughter and her principal caregiver in the final years of her life. Stephanie Reid recalled a mother with a high standard of excellence who poured everything she had into making sure that her children would live a better life than she did. All of Adrenis Reid’s children received the college education she had to sacrifice, and her son is the head pastor of one of Baltimore City’s most significant institutions of the past 50 years. “She was a determined and sometimes caustic corrector, but she was a great encourager,” the Rev. Reid said. That encouragement is something Adrenis Reid shared not only with her family, but with the entire congregation at Bethel AME, where her son has pastored since 1988. “She was just a gracious lady,” said Baltimore City Comptroller Joan Pratt, who will mark her 40th year as a member of Bethel in 2015. “She was a friend to me and…she was kind,

Events Commemorating the 75th Birthday of Bishop G. E. Patterson Scheduled for September 20 - 22 MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Bountiful Blessing, Inc. will present a host of celebratory activities to commemorate the 75th birthday of its founder and former presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop G. E. Patterson. The events will honor Patterson’s life and legacy white continuing his work to bless the community. “My husband truly loved people and his life embodied that love,” said Louise Patterson, president and CEO of Bountiful Blessings, Inc. “We are blessed to honor his memory and continue his legacy by offering events, open to anyone who desires to participate, that will strengthen the body and benefit the soul.” Saturday, September 20 G. E. Patterson 5K for PreK Run/Walk to benefit Porter-Leath Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ, 369 G.E. Patterson Ave, 7 a.m. Onsite Registration, 8 a.m. Race/Walk Begins Registration fee for the Bishop G. E. Patterson 5K Walk/Run 4Life is $25 before September 15; after that date, the fee is $30. For registration information and event details, call 901-577-2500 or visit i n d e x . c f m ? f u s e a c tion=public.race_detail&race_id=17 2 6 9 o r e m a i l Proceeds will benefit the preschool scholarship program at Porter-Leath. Sunday, September 21 75 Days to Donate for the 75th Birthday Campaign Online Fundraising Event Concludes Website: Contributions will benefit the Bountiful Blessings, Inc. television and radio broadcast ministries. Monday, September 22 Bishop G. E. Patterson Graveside Memorial Service Memorial Park F.H &

Cemetery, 5668 Poplar Ave, Memp h i s T N 3 8 1 1 9 Time: 11:00am Bishop G E Patterson Tour of Artifacts Memphis Hilton Hotel, 939 Ridge Lake Blvd., Time: 6:00pm Bishop G. E. Patterson 75th Birthday Tribute Dinner Memphis Hilton Hotel, 939 Ridge Lake Blvd.,7 p.m. For further Information on general seating and dais seating call 1-800-5443571. Proceeds will benefit the outreach ministry of Bountiful Blessings Inc. Bishop G. E. Patterson died March 20, 2007. His humanitarian efforts and financial contributions to those suffering and in great need endures through the work of Bountiful Blessings, Inc. guided by his wife. The ministry continues to support infant mortality initiatives, children of incarcerated parents, the needs of seniors and the work of area food banks. For more information on the events commemorating the 75th birthday of Bishop G. E. Patterson, please call 800-544-3571.

Adrenis Carter Reid she was a very humble woman, she was gentle, and she was patient with the members of her son’s church,” Pratt said. “She was very nurturing. She was dearly loved by the members of

Bethel.” Pratt has issued an official resolution from the office of the comptroller extending her sympathies to the family and honoring Adrenis.

The Rev. Reid said Langston Hughes’s poem “Mother to Son” best captures his mother. The poem ends with a mother’s exhortation: “So boy, don’t you turn back. Don’t you set down on the steps ’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard. Don’t you fall now— For I’se still goin’, honey, I’se still climbin’[.]” Reid is preceded in death by her eldest daughter, Adrenise Reid, who died in 2002 after a bout with cancer. She is survived by her 92 year-old sister, Vivian Carter Jenkins; her children Frank Madison Reid III, Vanessa Lewter, and Stephanie Reid; as well as five grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will take place Aug. 23 at Bethel AME Church, 1300 Druid Hill Avenue in Baltimore. A viewing is scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., with a service celebrating Reid’s life to follow from 10:16 a.m. to 12:01 p.m. Services will be followed by interment at Arbutus Memorial Park cemetery at 1101 Sulphur Spring Road in Baltimore.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Mental Health Center Coming to MLK Campus Join Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, health leaders and the community August 27 for a ribbon cutting celebration for the new Mental Health Urgent Care Center (UCC) at the Martin Luther King Jr. Medical Campus. The Mental Health Center is near the recently opened MLK Outpatient Center and the new hospital, which is scheduled to open next summer. The new mental health urgent care center, which will open its doors September 4, will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will offer a variety of services including psychiatric evaluation and assessment, crisis intervention, medication support and medication man-

agement. In addition, individuals and families can receive treatment, alcohol and drug counseling and prevention, domestic violence screening and referrals to other community resources where people can seek help. Too many people in Los Angeles County are in desperate need of psychiatric services and yet too few places are available to help. Hospital emergency rooms have become ground zero for psychiatric patients in need of help—making it a very expensive way to treat people with psychiatric problems. The center will be run by Exodus Foundation for Recovery, which has been providing quality behavioral

health services to disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders and chronic physical health issues. The organization has developed and established several hospital based inpatient and outpatient programs, a psychiatric and internal medicine provider group and a behavioral health managed care company. While there is an emphasis on serving the indigent and Medi-Cal patients, no one will be turned away. Anyone over the age of 13 will be accepted but adolescents will be served in a separate space from the adults. “These are the kinds of services people need to get back on their feet,” said Supervisor Mark RidleyThomas. “I am looking forward to opening this center as well as watching Exodus continue to build strong ties to community centers, faithbased organizations and housing resources to help those in need and at risk.”

Food Junk By Dean L. Jones, CPM Reversing junk food to food junk is done to simulate thought. Junk is a term that when not associated with the word food conjures up thoughts of rubbish, trash, useless, scrap, garbage, liter, refuse, and debris. Paradoxically, instead of saying junk food substituting rubbish food or debris food does not sound right. So if these synonymous terms for junk are accurate, it seems dim-witted to eat it. Even the two words placed together are oxymoronic since food means things like provisions and nutrition, which is totally contradictory to these aforementioned meanings for junk. Commonly compared are fueling our body to an automobile, where using something called junk petroleum, with zero octane, would never fly for the average car owner. Mainly because there would be no positive combustion, and in fact the car would die instantaneously. This analogy strikes the body the same from eating junk food, it is just that the ill-health occurs more slowly than how machines react to junk fuel. Somehow, we get away with ruining our health from over ingesting processed junk foods simply because death does not occur immediately upon eating. Nonetheless, eating junk over time takes its toll on the body, which shows up in the skyrocketing American obesity and disease rates. Everyone knows better, so why do we believe it is okay? The junk foodstuff snack makers are earning greater than $60 billion a year from America's junk food obsession Junk foodstuff uses ingredients that prey on a person's sugar and salt cravings. The processed sugar is the lure, but junk food hooks the eater with scientifically proven flavors and other sensory factors that addict the eater to repeat the experience again and again. The flavor grabbing monster works in direct contrast to how the body responds from ingesting whole foods. Nature makes it

The Don Cornelius Foundation Becomes Bi-Castal for the Month of September Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones possible to become full or satiated from eating whole foods, unlike how manufacturers work at keeping the satiation button turned off to make the brain reacting with wanting more. Artificial ingredients produce a bliss point in the brain, thereby seriously confusing the body's metabolism. Our bodies require a natural cutoff, otherwise it becomes fooled by particular tastes without calories, and is more likely to keep on eating, as the point of satisfaction is long in becoming a reality. Even though processed sugar is more addictive than cocaine, without a doubt junk foods combine various flavors and textures to produce highly addictive products. An uncanny science is used not just for chips, cookies, and sodas, but for all processed foods, from condiments to pasta sauce. For example, junk foods seize the brain by using salt, sugar, and unique fats. The various seasonings employed create a high salivation response helping the junk to quickly dissolve in the mouth producing a rapid pleasurable sensation, beckoning the mind to hurriedly repeat the same experience. Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

The Don Cornelius Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit formed by the family of Donald “Don” C. Cornelius, creator of “Soul Train”, who ended his life by suicide on February 1, 2012. Renaissance man, Don Cornelius’ entrepreneurial spirit and vast contribution to television, music, the arts and popular culture is unparalleled. In the tradition of Don Cornelius’s visionary spirit, The Don Cornelius Foundation (DCF) was established to provide awareness, prevention and support for those contemplating suicide and survivors who have lost loved ones due to suicide. DCF is committed to identifying and supporting programs assisting those in transition, and in need of healing. The Foundation’s advocacy is dedicated to awareness, prevention and providing financial support to increasing the awareness of suicide prevention programs. The Foundation desires to work with organizations regionally and nationally to create a culturally competent network of awareness, prevention and creation tools for national use. To that end, DCF has chosen three organizations for initial grants in 2014, namely New Directions for Veterans, NAMI UrbanLA and The Los Angeles LGBT Center. We are pleased to partner with these

organizations making an effort to service underserved, at risk communities and to increase their capacities within the African American community. Hosted by no other than our 94.7 The WAVE personality Pat Prescott, The Don Cornelius Foundation will be holding its first official fundraiser in recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week (September 8th thru 14th) on Sunday, September 7, 2014 at Post & Beam. We're pleased to be associated with Post & Beam says Tony Cornelius. Helmed by Restaurateur/Owner Brad Johnson with chef Govind Armstrong. Post & Beam offers seasonal California cuisine with a touch of soul to the surrounding Baldwin Hills neighborhood and beyond. The event will fea-

ture surprise guests and entertainment. DCF will be in Washington D,C. on September 26th, the Foundation's Founder, Tony Cornelius and Executive Director, Fatima Cortez-Todd will be attending the Congressional Black Caucus Brain Trust Luncheon. Tony Cornelius has been invited to address the attendees and engage in a question and answer session. Following the luncheon the Foundation will hold its East Coast fund raiser in association with Time-Life and the Soul Train Cruise, honoring Congresswoman Donna Christensen, Chair, Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust and Members of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust. “Life is beautiful, precious and worth living.”

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS 2014 NAACP Theatre Festival Sets the Stage for 10 Minute Plays Los Angeles, CA — The 2014 NAACP Theatre Festival will take place September 12th- – 14th, at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center located at 4718 West Washington Blvd in Los Angeles California. The week-long festival consists of 10 - Minute Plays, acting and dancing workshops, as well as networking opportunities with some of the industries most talented entertainers. This year the NAACP and its partners Wells Fargo, The City of Los Angeles and Rent--A--Center will kick off the 2014 NAACP Theatre Festival week with an Opening Night VIP Reception to be held on Friday, September 12, 2014. Opening night will feature the return of first -time playwright Kinnik Sky’s Award Winning Play “Sunday Mourning”. “Sunday Mourning” garnered seven nominations and three NAACP Theatre Award wins in 2012. To purchase tickets for “Sunday Mourning”, please visit Renown Theatre, Television and Film Actor, Carl Gilliard known for his television roles in sitcoms such as “Freddie”, “Barbershop” and “Family Matters”, Tammy Townsend starring in the 2015 Disney release “K.C. Under-

cover” with Zendaya and Kadeem Hardison and Actor, Curator and Producer, Terrell Tilford known for the role of Dr. Barton Shelby on “The Young and the Restless”, will host the 2014 NAACP production of 10 Minute Plays taking place Saturday, September 13th and Sunday, September 14th. Attendees can expect two -days of short entertainment plays that will cover a variety of genres including comedy, drama, action, and other focuses. In addition to viewing plays, patrons will have the opportunity to attend free acting and dancing workshops, panel discussions and stage readings. The workshops are designed for novice actors, playwrights and those looking to network within the industry. Workshops include but are not limited to “How to P r o d u ce a O n e P er so n Play” (moderated by stage and film actress Iona Morris), “So You Want To Be an Actor, Writer, Stuntperson or All of the Above and More: What do you do Now?” (moderated by veteran actress Patricia Belcher who can currently be seen on the TV Series “Bones and Partners”), and “Actors Equity on Stage” (moderated by actor and producer Kim Estes). A special “Access to Capital” workshop

will be led by Wells Fargo’s Professional Bankers Team, who will lend their expert professional advice for starting your own business, growing your existing business or seeking project funding.Attendees can expect to enjoy 10 -Minute Play performances by Sakinah Lestage (choreographer for Taylor Swift, Austin Mahone), Terrell Tilford (Single Ladies), Roger Guenveur Smith (American Gangster), Ted Lange (The Love Boat), Dan Martin (The Bold and The Beautiful), Phil Morris (Love That Girl, Boondocks), Gil Smith (music director for Lil Wayne, Faith Evans) and many more. A complete line-up of Workshops/Moderators, 10-Minute Play Performances, dates and times are listed on the NAACP Theatre Awards & Fest i v a l w e b s i t e All workshops are free and 10 -Minute Play tickets can be purchased through the Ebony Repertory Theater Box Office for $10 per day or $15 for a two --day pass. The Nate Holden Performing Arts Center Box Office is open off--season Monday to Friday from 11am to 5 p.m., to order please call 323964-9766, or visit

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Friday, August 22, 2014


Exclusive: Amid Ferguson Rage, Council's Lone Black Member Keeps Low Profile By Tim McLaughlin (Reuters) - In many ways Dwayne James is a beacon of hope in Ferguson, which has been torn apart by racially charged riots. The only black councilman in a predominantly black town, James is widely respected even by political opponents and talked of as a candidate for mayor. However, he has surprised some by maintaining a public silence for two weeks as Ferguson was rocked by riots over the killing of a black teenager by a white police officer. "Our city charter provides that our mayor is the spokesperson for the city," James told Reuters, in his first public statement since Ferguson patrol cop Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, who was unarmed, six times on Aug. 9. James' reticence contrasts with outside politicians and civil rights leaders who elbowed toward TV cameras. Ferguson's black residents complain that they do not have a voice in the town's power structures, and that lack of representation has contributed to the anger that has sparked rioting, they say. "He should be out there at ground zero and making his voice much louder," said Jamilah Nasheed, a Democratic black state senator from St. Louis, who launched an online petition calling for the recusal of the prosecutor investigating Brown's killing. Ann Brown, one of James' neighbors, defended the councilman. He has been a visible and calming force, even visiting to check on her during the demonstrations, said Brown, who is white. James, who lives in a tidy brick house in a leafy, rac i a l l y m i x e d Fe r g u s o n neighborhood, said he consulted his pastor before deciding to keep a low profile. Instead of speaking out, he has met with neighbors and youth groups and debated with protesters, he said. "Some people say they wish they saw me on TV and others say they’re glad I’m doing just what I’m doing," James said on Thursday in a telephone interview. "At the end of the day, I have to look in the mirror and be OK with the person I see." Residents acknowledge a root of the problem in Ferguson is a lack of black participation in politics at every level - even at the voting booth. Blacks did vote during the 2012 election, when 76 percent of registered voters turned out and 85 percent of Ferguson

Protestors march down West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, Missouri, August 19, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mark Kauzlarich residents supported Barack Obama for reelection. But in municipal elections over the past two years, overall turnout was just 12 percent. It was as low as 1.78 percent in one mostly black Ferguson township, according to St. Louis County election records. GETTING ON THE BALLOT James struggles to explain the apathy. "We need to encourage more volunteers at every level, from the neighborhood association to elected office," he said. Some in the community say blacks may be intimidated by perceptions of a white power structure. The 56-person police force has only three black members, and the fire department is nearly all white. From the mayor down, there are no blacks leading the city or any departments. White candidates are seen by some residents as benefiting from the organizing ability of institutions like the city's main Catholic church, Blessed Theresa of Calcutta, viewed as an influential social hub that identifies and supports local politicians. Its congregation remains mostly white even as Ferguson's population of 21,000 people has become roughly two-thirds African American. Pearce Neikirk, an unsuccessful mayoral candidate in 2011, said little has been done to get blacks involved in politics. “I don’t think the black community was ever encouraged to participate,” said Neikirk, who is white. The barriers are hardly insurmountable, Neikirk noted. He needed just 75 signatures to get on the mayoral ballot.

John Gaskin III, a St. Louis County board member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the U.S. civil rights group, urged Ferguson’s black community to get involved. "If you're not at the table, you're probably on the menu, Gaskin said." Councilman James said there are no formal or informal racial barriers to politics. "If you want to run for elected office, you just do it," he said.

A 42-year-old engineer and algebra teacher, James said he first got involved after a neighbor invited him to a community meeting. He soon started a community garden and then served on the city zoning board. After Ferguson’s lone black city council member resigned in 2007 over health issues, another member nominated James. Constituents in James’ racially mixed district seem satisfied - even the man who contested his reelection last

year. “He is a good councilman. It was a very bad idea to run against him,” said Martin Pion, 78, who is white. Even so, there are questions facing James and other council members about the police department. A civil lawsuit filed this week in U.S. District Court accuses James and the rest of the council of lax police oversight in the 2011 death of Jason Moore, who died after officers used a stun gun on him. James declined to comment on the lawsuit. The Aug. 9 shooting death of Brown has made James more aware of the need for greater diversity on the police force. James said he has worked to get more interaction between high school students and Ferguson’s police officers but has struggled to convince black youth to consider police work. He said talk about bringing blacks more deeply into Ferguson’s civic life is welcome, if overdue. "There’s always a silver lining if you just tilt your head,” he said. “But I haven’t seen the silver lining yet. But I trust and pray that it will happen. I have faith.” (Reporting By Tim McLaughlin; Additional reporting by Carey Gillam and Nick Carey, editing by David Greising and Ross Colvin)

Swinerton Builders Supports Parents of Watts

Charles “Rick” Moore, Vice President/Director of Community Relations, Swinerton Incorporated and “Sweet” Alice Harris of Parents of Watts, one of the community organization Swinerton supports along with a host of other well deserving community-based non-profit organizations that serves the Watts neighborhood and the greater Los Angeles areas.

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Friday, August 22, 2014


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INGLEWOOD COMMUNITY NEWS Inglewood Leaders Equips Small Businesses with Tools for Growth

The Inglewood Small Business Seminar presented by Jerome E. Horton, Chairman of the California Board of Equalization, on August 14, 2014, at the Inglewood Library, provided more than 250 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs with information and resources that will help them grow their business. Pictured above, from left to right are Inglewood City Council member Eloy Morales, Mayor James Butts, Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome Horton, City Clerk Yvonne Horton, City Council Member Ralph Franklin and Council Member Alex Padilla.

Inglewood Mayor Announces Digital Video Security for Several Locations INGLEWOOD - Inglewood Mayor James Butts announced today that Leverage Information Systems (LIS) has been selected to purchase equipment and services to add to the City’s existing wireless network and camera security project. The agreement between LIS and the City will not require the use of any monies from the general fund and is 100 percent funded through a grant.

“In recent years cities across the country have increased the use of surveillance cameras toaide in their crime prevention efforts,” explained Mayor Butts. “Cities that use cameras have noticed an almost instant decrease in criminal activity and 911 calls in and near the area where the cameras are installed. Cameras have also been found to be excellent for evidentiary purposes. Many cities have been

able to capture video of crimes and later extract the footage to capture and prosecute individuals. The City has been actively seeking funding to expand the existing camera infrastructure to cover more areas within the City. All of this is about keeping Inglewood residents and visitors safe.” During the first phase, cameras will be installed in downtown Inglewood near the

MTA bus facility on La Brea Avenue, Siminiski Park (9717 Inglewood Avenue), and the immediate area surround the Forum (3900 W. Manchester Blvd.) The total cost of the agreement with LIS is $308,674, which includes a 10% contingency in the amount of $28,061.23. Currently the City of Inglewood has cameras installed at critical infrastructures, which could potentially be targeted dur-

ing an act of terrorism. These locations include the Sanford M. Anderson Water Treatment Plant and four water wells located in the southern portion of the City. Theproposed future expansion will include other critical infrastructures and areas with high pedestrian and vehicle traffic such as Darby and Rogers Parks. The selection of LIS was voted on by the city council on August 5, 2014.

Inglewood To Get New Community Center at Fairview & La Cienega For more than 17 years the Thrifty Gas Station has been a blight on Northwest Inglewood. The Mayor, in consultation with Councilman Padilla and the residents of District 2, has brokered an agreement for Thrifty's owners to reconstruct this eyesore into a community center. The City will receive General Fund revenue from the digital advertising board to

be allowed to be constructed on the site. All construction costs will be provided for by sign revenue. No general fund monies will be expended for this long overdue renovation. Equally important, there will be no resident incompatible commercial use on the site as a result of this innovative Public Private Partnership.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190567 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTREYE Film, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190566 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTR Identity, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014219391 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. BB Fashions 2 Go, 117391/2 So. New Hampshire Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90044 LA Registered Owner(s): Cathy Bowers, 7409 West Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90305; Bridgette Butler, 11739 1/2 So New Hampshire Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Bridgette Butler Title: Owner/Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 8, 2014 Expires August 8, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 15, 23, 30 Sept. 5 2014PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014219423 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Garden of Eden Pedicure Healing and Mobile Nail Service, 10907 Magnolia Blvd., #396, North Hollywood, CA 91601 LA Registered Owner(s): Ellen Clerk, 10907 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601 90044. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Ellen Clerk Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 8, 2014 Expires August 8, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 15, 23, 30 Sept. 5 2014PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014208834 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CooPick 2. Craigland, 1747 Genesee Ave, L.A., CA 90019; P.O. Box 91721, L.A. CA 90009 Registered Owner(s): Craig T Cooper, 1747 Genesee Ave, LA, CA 90019. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on April 1, 1990. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Craig T. Cooper Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 31, 2014 Expires July 31, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2014PN

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