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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.35 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, June 27, 2014

Waters Expresses “Deep Concerns” over Empty Promises of Promise Zones Program

BBA Celebrates the Business Behind the th Music at 40 Annual Awards Dinner

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Earl “Skip” Cooper II, (above and left), Pres. & CEO, Black Business Association presents awards to East West Bank the recipient of the Financial Institution of the Year Award; Northrop Grumman Corporation received the Majority Corporation of the Year Award and Professor Iris Steven-McCullough, (below) received the Chairman’s Award during the BBA 40th Annual Awards Dinner on Wednesday at the Hyatt Regency.

BBA Recognizes National Small Business Week By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES—The Black Business Association (BBA) did it again. Yes, on Wednesday evening at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Earl “Skip” Cooper and his staff of professionals put on another outstanding performance with an innovative idea to focus on the business behind the music. It worked. In recognition of Black Music Month, the BBA took advantage of the opportunity to recognize those behind the scene in the music industry and corporations that provide the financial support to help not only with music but with other small businesses in the black community. Gordon de Lang, Head of Corporate Development and Legislative Affairs, East West Bank, a publicly owned company with $27.4 billion in assets and is one of the largest independent banks headquartered in California, received on behalf of the company the “Financial Institution of the Year Award” but not before three distinguished gentlemen acknowledged how pleased they are with the service they’ve received from East West Bank. They are Herb Hudson, Owner, Roscoe’s House of Chicken N’ Waffles who said, “They gave me personal attention. In all my years of being in business I’ve never met with a president of a bank but with East West Bank I thought I would only chat for a minute with the

president but I ended up talking for two hours.” He said, “He really had an interest in my success.” Rev. Mark Whitlock, Pastor, Church Our Redeemer, Irvine said, “They really came out to develop a relationship with the community and they presented a superior financial literacy workshop for the church and the community.” David Field, Executive Director, Society of St. Vincent DePaul Counselor of Los Angeles also expressed his gratitude and admiration for his relationship with East West Bank. The highlight of the evening was the amazing voices singing a gospel tune directed and accompanied by Professor Iris Stevenson-McCullough, former Director, Crenshaw High School Elite Choir, recipient of the “Chairman’s Award”. The crowd in the banquet hall was moved to their feet in a high spiritual mood. Char les Dickerso n, Founder & Conductor, Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles. He received the “Excellence In Music Empowerment Award.” Roland Wirt, a giant in the music/entertainment industry was introduced by the one and only Howard Huett. The BBA’s 40th Annual gala was a success and for more information visit the BBA’s page to view the photos or call (323) 291-9334. Photo Charles Brister Gloria Zuurveen, Founder/Owner/Publisher, PACE NEWS

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) solicitation of comment on its controversial “Promise Zones” program, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (DCA-43) expressed her deep concerns with the proposed selection process and called on the Department to ensure that it does not leave our nation’s hardest hit communities behind. In a letter to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, Waters, the top Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, expressed concern that the Department’s current place-based, neighborhood revitalization initiatives, including Promise Zones, are not reaching many of the country’s highest need, hardest hit communities. As a result, many communities are being left behind, a consequence that Waters stressed is “not only unacceptable, but also unsustainable, as many of our country’s communities fall deeper into blight.” Waters pointed out that the Promise Zones initiative has flawed criteria for selecting program designees: “As currently proposed, the second round urban criteria for the Promise Zones initiative is skewed towards neighborhoods that already have resources and strong partnerships in place, leaving little to no chance for many of our country’s highest need communities to successfully compete.” Waters criticized the proposed application criteria for prioritizing existing capacity over capacity building – and for not giving adequate consideration for the needs of a community. She went on to make recommendations for a new Promise Zone program, proposing changes to the selection process that would specifically benefit communities such as South Los Angeles, by basing designation decisions on need, eliminating arbitrary population caps for Promise Zone applicants, and ending geographic diversity criteria that could leave behind many hard-hit neighborhoods, among others. She also called on HUD to find ways to increase the total number of Promise Zone designations in order to reach a broader number of communities. Waters continued, “My recommendations call for a new kind of Promise Zones Initiative – a program that refocuses efforts on those hardest hit communities that need federal support the most. I understand that resources can be a barrier, but with a need as important as revitalizing our poorest communities, it is incumbent upon the federal government to find ways to overcome such barriers. With ten federal agencies involved and billions of dollars in budget authority, the Administration should find ways to reallocate resources to lift up all of our poorest, highest-need neighborhoods. The core mission of HUD is to alleviate poverty, and if we are not working towards that goal for our poorest, highest-need neighborhoods, then we are not adhering to our mission at the most basic level.”

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Friday, June 27, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, Can you believe it has been a half a century since the President Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and we are still going through what we are going through as a people? Can you believe that every other so-called ethnic minority are benefitting from what we endured in America as descendant of slaves? Can you believe that many of our children today, if you would ask them what is the 1964 Civil Rights Acts and why was it put in place, they would not know? Can you believe that 50 years ago, just 50 years ago, we as a people, a black people were still without rights as a man made in the image of God and 50 years past and gone and we are still facing the Donald Sterling syndrome of racism? Well, as a woman of that era and today, I can tell you to believe all the above because from what is happening to blacks in America and the world is horrendous and the I believe that God is trying to tells us something the same way He was trying to tell the people in Noah’s, Jonah’s and our day that we better straighten up and seek the one true God while He may be found. He has given us more than 50 years and we are still not saved. Why? Because of idols and self. Others know this better than we do. Pray and work while it is day.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

Blacks Have Not Recovered from the Recovery By Julianne Malveaux Judging from its June 18-19 meeting, the Federal Reserve is hedging its bets. It says the U.S. economy is on the mend, but more slowly than expected. They’ve reduced their estimate for economic growth and say that it will take a year or more to get to where we were six years ago. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has offered a starker forecast. Expected growth for the United States is about 3 percent, a level considered “normal” and “in recovery.” They projected something right above 2 percent earlier this year. Now, they say the United States economy will grow at about 1.9 percent, below robust recovery, and that it will take until 2018 to get the labor market back on track. Meanwhile, the stock market seems to signal a healthy recovery, and surveys of human resource professionals found that more employers are offering signing and retention bonuses to get the best employees and to keep them. Obviously, the nearly 10 million people who are unemployed aren’t being offered any kind of bonuses. Most of them just want work. That’s not to mention the 3.4 million people who have not worked in half a year or more. Bonus? Please. The economic recovery is as bifurcated as our economic reality has always been. The Occupy folks estimated it in a way that galvanized energy and spoke some truth. Does the top 1 percent of our population get all the benefits of economic growth? Just about. One of the most telling statistics deals with race and recovery. Aggregately, Whites and Asians Americans have fully recovered from economic shortfalls, African Americans have seen their wealth rebound by only 45 percent. They have lost 55 percent of wealth, bearing a disproportionate burden from this recovery. When we parse the data by class, we learn that President Obama’s focus on the middle class leaves the poor where they have always been – at the periphery of economic progress. Until the job markets open up at entry level, instead of providing opportunities for the middle class and higher, the recovery will not trickle down. Meanwhile, there are members of Congress who

truly believe that the unemployed are jobless because they want to be. These are folks who apparently refuse to read the data about the search for work. What does economic recovery look like? It looks like vibrancy. It looks like people joyfully working. It looks like people who spend, if not freely, certainly less cautiously. They don’t have to run an algorithm in their brain before they decide that their child can have an ice cream cone. It means being able to put a few pennies aside for college possibilities. It means having a moment to exhale. For all the talk of Wall Street exuberance and economic recovery, there are millions still waiting to exhale. While we mostly focus on the officially unemployed, the equally pressing concern is about those who are underemployed, working part time when they want to work full time. All of these folks are in the job search mix, and they are too often the people we ignore. In many ways this is also a “race matters” narrative. Economic recovery looks great for some, good for others, and absolutely dismal for those at the bottom. The unofficial unemployment rate among African Americans remains at someplace near 25 percent. The Bureau of Labor Statistics won’t measure that, because then they will have to report the economic failure inherent in this so-called economic recovery. The Federal Reserve and the IMF are reporting economic projections that trickle down. They say the economic recovery will not happen as quickly as they once projected, and that they have a “wait and see” attitude. The Fed is moving closer to raising interest rates, and are withdrawing from their bond buying program that fostered economic stability. Their “wait and see” really means pulling back, which may help the overall economy. When will those on the bottom, the least, the last, and the left out, experience recovery? Until those who make public policy are prepared to deal with persistent economic bifurcation, economic recovery looks good for some, dismal as ever for others. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is president emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.

Race to the Bottom By Jim Clingman If you and your children were sitting at the dinner table, with no food and no prospects for getting any, what would you say to them and what would you do? Would you tell them they have no food because you cannot get a job? Would you tell them the reason they are hungry is that racism exists? Would you try to make them understand that their lack of food is the fault of some Asian, White, or Arab boogeyman who wants Black people to starve to death? What would you say? Would you swallow your pride and ask a friend, relative, social agency for immediate help? Would you go out and get them some food by any means necessary? Rob? Steal? Borrow? Would you go to a church and ask for food? What would you do? That scenario, as farfetched as it may seem, is something we should think about. As the so-called middle class swiftly disappears and as poor people continue to deal with issues like this every day, it would be wise to have a plan in case we find ourselves at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid. At this point in our nation, despite what we are being told, the economy is not growing and not getting better, especially for Black people. It does not matter how “optimistic” Black folks are, as the Urban League Report states, we are in serious trouble in this land of plenty. You cannot pay your grocery bill with optimism; you cannot stay cool or warm with a fuzzy feeling, and you cannot tell your children to be optimistic and make their hunger pangs stop. The realities of life require pragmatic responses, and our response to being economically weak, fragile, and unstable is ridiculously inappropriate. When Blacks were in second place in this country, as it pertains to population, business ownership, and attention from the politicians, we received a few concessions via a couple of laws that soon morphed into benefits not only for us but for virtually everyone else. We were the “minority du jour” for a few decades, but others have now passed us by. Now, after being passed by Asians, Asian-Indians, and Hispanics when it comes to business ownership and profitability, we find ourselves in fourth place. Claud Anderson warned us many years ago: “If we didn’t get anything when we were in sec-

ond place, what do you think we will get in third place?” Now, we are even further behind, so much so that some of us are faced with having to decide how our children will eat. Let me put it in graphic terms. According to the 2007 economic census, Black business receipts totaled $136 billion; Asian businesses, $506 billion; Asian Indian, businesses $152 billion. The number of Black businesses that had employees was 106,566; Asian businesses, 397,426; Asian-Indian, 109,151. The number of employees in Black businesses was 909,552; Asian businesses, 2,807,771; Asian-Indians, 844,177. Now compare the above statistical data to the following: There were 1,197,864 Black-owned businesses in 2007; 1,549,559 for Asians; and just 308,491 for Asian-Indians. My point is grounded in these data but also in the economic plight of Black people compared to other groups. Being in fourth place, with a $1.1 trillion annual aggregate income, is unconscionable and outrageously self-defeating. While you may not be confronted by such a drastic situation as the one noted in the beginning of this article, you are now facing drastic price increases for food, energy, and gasoline. These are day-to-day necessities. How will you deal with acquiring what you need? One way is to find an additional revenue stream. There are ways to get more money, that is, if we are willing to make the requisite sacrifices. It takes money to make money, you know. Another way is to grow some of your own food; if you have a little dirt somewhere, drop some seeds into it, and cut down on your food bill. Bartering goods and services is also a great way to save money; form a bartering circle in your church, for instance. Finally, start a business and support the businesses we already have. Circulating our dollars among our own businesses is a sure-fire way to be economically empowered; but you already know that, don’t you? If not, just look at the groups in front of us and see what they are doing. We are at the bottom now. When this nation’s economy collapses it will collapse on us. Jim Clingman, founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce, is an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati. He can be reached through his website,

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Friday, June 27, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Legacy Ladies Inc. Presents from the School House to the White House

Photo by Ian Foxx Legacy Ladies Inc. presented “From The School House To The White House” on Saturday June 21, 2014 at The Olympic Collection. The graduation class of 2014 consisted of young ladies from Crenshaw, Dorsey and Washington Prep High Schools.

Faith Group Leaders to Obama: Protect Religious Freedom in LGBT Workplace Discrimination Order By Napp Nazworth Christian Post Reporter

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) gala in New York June 17, 2014. A group of about 140 religious leaders and religious freedom advocates signed a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to include an exemption for faith-based groups in his pending executive order protecting LGBT government contract workers from discrimination. Religious organizations contract with the federal government to provide vital services, the letter points out, such as overseas relief and development with USAID, prison programs for the Bureau of Prisons, and research, services and technical assistance for numerous other federal government departments. Many of these religious organizations require their staff to agree to a set of religious beliefs and maintain conduct consistent with those beliefs. An executive order on workplace discrimination against LGBT individuals

that did not include a religious exemption could force religious groups that believe marriage is only between one man and one woman, and that homosexuality is a sin, to choose between ending those services or abandoning their religious beliefs. "These organizations often are the best-qualified applicants for federal contracts or subcontracts," the letter states. "It would be counterproductive to bar them from offering their services to the federal government simply because of their legally protected religious convictions; it would be wrong to require them to violate those legally protected convictions in order to be eligible to receive federal contracts. Their exclusion from federal contracting would be diametrically opposed to the Administration's commitment to having 'all hands on deck' in the fight against poverty and other dire social problems." The letter clarifies that there is not agreement among the signers on whether there should be such an executive order, but there is Please see Religious, page 4

Neighborhood Youth Achievers Welcomes Mentors in Fashion and Entertainment

Photos by B. Rene Norman Ms. Ruby Wallace of Sunshine Modeling Castings and Ian Foxx of Foxx Media Group visited Neighborhood Youth Achievers (NYA) last Friday in Watts to speak with youth in the program about the fashion and entertainment industry. Michael Wainwright, Executive Director of NYA was elated to have such distinguished guests to present to the youth. NYA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. NYA is dedicated and committed to improving academic performance, enhancing citizenship, promoting volunteerism, and encouraging the pursuit of professional and personal development for young men and women in the Watts community of Los Angeles, California. As a nonprofit organization they are compelled to give the greatest gift that any young man and woman can receive; serving the community as a positive role model for future generations. According to Wainwright “We believe our youth are our best hope for a bright and boundless future. That spirit is embodied in our work and activities with the youth and community we serve. Our mission is to transform lives and restore and help rebuild communities by uniting our young men and women with the power of education.” (Bottom) Ian Fox speaking with NYA students.

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Friday, June 27, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Faith Group Leaders to Obama: Protect Religious Freedom in LGBT Workplace Discrimination Order (Continued from page 3) agreement among all the signers, which include liberals and conservatives, that if Obama does issue the order, there should be an exemption for religious organizations. The White House announced last week that an executive order will be coming soon on LGBT workplace discrimination for federal contractors. The White House has not said, however, whether there will be a religious exemption. Some experts believe that gay rights activists are pressuring the administration to not include the exemption. Last year, 61 U.S. Senators voted in favor of a bill, the Employment NonDiscrimination Act, or ENDA, that would have prohibited employment and hiring discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity for all employers. That bill had a religious exemption. The House, though, announced it would not vote on the legislation. The letter suggests that Obama adopt some of the religious exemption language from that Senate bill. The letter also points out that there is a religious exemption in the 1964 Civil Rights Act and that Obama left intact an executive order that clarifies that groups claiming a religious exemption under the 1964 Civil Rights Act are eligible to be federal contractors or subcontractors. The letter was organized by the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, whose founder and president, Stanley Carlson-Theis, served in the White House Office of Faithbased and Community Initiatives under President George W. Bush. Some of the religious leaders who signed the letter include: Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Christian Hispanic

Leadership Conference and Hispanic Evangelical Association; Ron Sider, president emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action; Joel Hunter, senior pastor of Northland-A Church Distributed; Stephan Bauman, president and CEO of World Relief; Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; Keith Wiebe, president of the American Association of Christian Schools, and George Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. The letter was also signed by the presidents of numerous Christian colleges, including Colorado Christian University, Houghton College, Biola University, Calvin College, Moody Bible Institute, and Denver Seminary. (They signed for themselves, not to speak on behalf of the college or university.) Additionally, the list includes religious freedom experts in academia, such as, Carl H. Esbeck, R.B. Price Professor and Isabelle Wade & Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law at the University of Missouri; Richard W. Garnett, Professor of Law and Concurrent Professor of Political Science at Notre Dame; Douglas Laycock, Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law at University of Virginia Law School; Michael McConnell, Richard & Frances Mallery Professor of Law and director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School; Dr. Stephen V. Monsma, senior research fellow at Calvin College's Paul Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics; and Thomas F. Farr, director of the Religious Freedom Project for the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University. Contact: napp.nazworth@christianpost. com, @NappNazworth (Twitter)

Gold Medalist, Former WNBA Star, Pamela McGee, Speaks at Park Windsor Baptist Church Scholarship Banquet

Members of the Park Windsor Baptist Church Charles Harvey Fisher Scholarship Board surround guest speaker Pamela McGee, Gold Medal Olympian from the 1984 Olympics, and former WNBA player. The Scholarship Board awarded over $12,000 in scholarships this year to its qualifying graduating students. Pictured are: Karin Howard; Paulina Mitchell; Regina Taylor, First Lady of PWBC; Terrell Taylor, Pastor; Eric Fuller, Board Chairperson; Jeane Wright, Marilyn Gavin; Medria Patterson, Royal Cochran, Aplis Patterson (Founder); Royal Cochran; Charlene Howlette, and Sheila Griffin. Gold Medalist and former WNBA star Pamela McGee was the guest speaker at the annual Park Windsor Baptist Church Charles Harvey Fisher Scholarship banquet this past Sunday, June 22, 2014. Pamela McGee is surrounded by student scholarship winners of the Park Windsor Baptist Church Charles Harvey Fisher Scholarship. Park Windsor awarded scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. Pictured (l-r) are: Ariana Simmons, Destiny Montgomery, Jasmine Johnson, Caleb Gammage, and Briana Hansbrough. Picture s by Royal Cochran

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Friday, June 27, 2014




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Friday, June 27, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS U.S. Healthcare Profit Outlook Brightens On Obamacare, Drug Prices By Caroline Valetkevitch (Reuters) - U.S. healthcare companies are winning higher profit forecasts, bucking a wider trend on Wall Street, as pricey new biotech drugs hit the market and insurance enrollment rises under the Affordable Care Act. Analysts' profit expectations for the group have risen sharply since the start of the year, while estimates for most of the other nine Standard & Poor's 500 macro sectors have fallen, according to Thomson Reuters data. The jump in forecasts has come in the past two months, thanks largely to rising estimates for biotechnology companies such as Gilead (GILD.O), and for insurers, including Aetna (AET.N). It provides some early evidence that President Barack

Obama's signature healthcare overhaul could be a long-term source of profit growth for managed care providers. "Now you're actually seeing real numbers grow and that population start to take off," said Betsy Pecor, portfolio manager at Eagle Asset Management, based in St. Petersburg, Florida. Companies "are actually seeing that growth." About 8 million people have signed up for the plans, which are provided by commercial subscribers and come with income-based government subsidies, above the 2 million who had enrolled by January. Aetna and other insurers have said they lost money on the plans this year, but insurers are heading into new markets for 2015 to add customers. Many healthcare com-

Over and Above By Dean L. Jones, CPM Over 1400 cold ready-to-eat cereals in the United States contain added processed sugars, some having up to six different kinds including sugar mixed with corn syrup, honey, dextrose or high fructose corn syrup. Cereals marketed to children have more than 40% more processed sugars than adult cereals, and twice the sugar of oatmeal. Over 77% of children’s cereals contain more than 2 teaspoons of processed sugar in a single serving, which is more than a quarter of the daily limit for an 8-year-old. This sort of information has been around for decades, and I am not expecting anyone to make a change in their daily routine of eating packaged cereals, as it seem to be a way of life. Although I am bothered by the amount of added processed sugar, the other substances packaged into the foodstuff are additional vitamins and nutrients that can also harm our health. Food packages often boast about being fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients are looking at the recent scientific research showing how fortified foods can be particularly harmful to children under the age of eight. The vitamins that may be too much for children are zinc, niacin and vitamin A, because excessive doses can contribute to liver damage and skeletal abnormalities. The big irony is that fortified foods were originally intended to treat nutritional deficiencies, particularly in children. The big catch-22 is how we practice eating morning meals with ready–to-eat cereals, without fortification the bulk of American children would not get enough vitamins and minerals in their diets. Another fortification in packaged foodstuff is folate and folic acid that are members of the B vitamin family. Folate is the form found naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains, and other foods and folic acid is the synthetic form that is added to food or used as an ingre-

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones dient in vitamin supplements. The body absorbs folic acid faster than it absorbs folate, but then must convert it into folate before it can get to work. It is good to know that their names come from folium, the Latin word for leaf. Good sources of natural folate include various greens, beans, sunflower seeds, and many other fruits and vegetables. Since 1998, folic acid has been added to most enriched bread flours, cornmeal, pasta, rice, and other grain products in the U.S. and Canada. This was done to help prevent spina bifida and anencephaly, two birth defects that are caused in part by too little folate in a mother’s body around the time her baby is conceived. The USDA National Nutrient Database shows natural folate in lentils, spinach, black beans, sunflower seeds, turnip greens, broccoli, orange juice, and peanuts. Packaged ready-to-eat items may need to take a back burner by eating items closer to the source of fresh vitamins and minerals, while staying SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

A man looks over the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) signup page on the website in New York in this October 2, 2013 photo illustration. Credit: Reuters/Mike Segar

panies are better able to manage Obamacare now than they were last year, Pecor said. EXCEEDS FORECASTS Profit estimates for healthcare companies for 2014 have jumped from up 8.3 percent at the start of January to up 12.2 percent now, one of just a few sectors with a 2014 earnings outlook that exceeds profit-growth forecasts at the start of the year, Thomson Reuters data showed. Earnings growth estimates for the whole S&P 500 this year have gone down slightly in that period, from 10.8 percent in January to 9.1 percent now. The upward revision is also the most of any sector except utilities, where estimates reflect a blow-out first quarter courtesy of home heating needs during the cold winter in North America. By contrast, the revisions to the health sector earnings reflect rising expectations for the second quarter and beyond. The question for investors is whether the improving outlook is already reflected in stock prices. The healthcare sector .SPXHC jumped 39 percent in 2013, more than any other sector except consumer discretionaries .SPLRCD. Healthcare is up 10.2 percent so far for 2014, outpacing the 6 percent rise for the wider S&P 500, but its advance has shown signs of slowing in the last month or so. "You have more people using healthcare at these higher rates, and that's going to get you earnings, but my question is for how long," said Kim Forrest, senior equity research analyst, Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh. "It's really unclear at this point how much money this is and how long it can be sustained." To be sure, valuations

for the healthcare sector are relatively high. The price-toearnings multiple for the sector is at 16.9, down from 17.3 at the start of the year. That compares with the S&P 500's earnings multiple of 16.0, which is up from about 15.1 at the start of 2014, Thomson Reuters data showed. There may still be pockets of value, especially in the health industry groups that have seen the greatest growth in earnings forecasts: biotech and insurance. Biotech's P/E ratio is 16.8 compared with 24.5 at the start of the year, while the average P/E ratio for the five managed care companies in the S&P 500 is 13.6, up from 12.4 at the beginning of 2014. Phil Orlando, chief equity market strategist at Federated Investors in New York, said his firm rotated money out of the high-growth biotech names and into less volatile names in the healthcare sector in March, but he still likes biotech. "There will come a point in the cycle, maybe later this year, that we put some money back into these biotechnology names." PRICING POWER Biotechnology companies, which were top victims in the sell-off of so-called momentum stocks earlier this year, are the biggest contributors to the gain. Biotechs are benefiting from pricing power, as more of their blockbuster drugs come on the market, analysts said. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved 27 drugs last year and 39 in 2012, the most of any year except 1996. "They're all in the midst of launching or have launched new products that are head and shoulders above the existing products out there, and they're getting the pricing and

the demand," said David Heupel, senior healthcare analyst at Thrivent Investment Management, in Minneapolis. In the past 90 days, 25 analysts raised their profit expectations for the full year on Gilead, the maker of the market-leading hepatitis C treatment, Sovaldi, with a mean change of 65 percent higher. None revised expectations lower, Thomson Reuters StarMine data showed. Sovaldi's $84,000 price tag for a 12-week treatment is so high, however, that it has come under fire from insurers, who are pushing Gilead's rivals to offer lower prices when their hepatitis C medicines go on the market. For Alexion Pharmaceuticals (ALXN.O), 18 analysts raised their profit estimates in the past 90 days, with a mean change of 9.8 percent higher, while none revised them lower. Among insurers, 12 analysts raised their profit expectations over the past 90 days for Aetna's earnings, with a mean change of 2.2 percent higher, and just one revised them lower. For Cigna (CI.N), 15 analysts increased their profit estimates in the period, with a mean of 1.8 percent higher, compared with one revising them down, according to the StarMine data. The number of analysts who raised their earnings expectations for the healthcare sector as a whole in the past 90 days is 416 compared with 391 who lowered them over the same period, with a mean change of 3.1 percent higher. (Paragraph 20 of this story has been corrected to fix the number of FDA drug approvals last year to 27 from 39, which was the figure for 2012.) (Reporting by Caroline Valetkevitch, editing by John Pickering)

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Friday, June 27, 2014


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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Just Chillin’ in the Summertime at the Long Beach Bayou Festival By Ricky Richardson LONG BEACH—The arrival of the Summer Solstice is greeted with plenty of fanfare. Case in point, the official start of Summer fell on the same day as the Long Beach Bayou Festival. The festival was held on Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22 2014. Former residents of Louisiana could attest to the fact that any event is a cause for celebration. Thousands gathered on the grassy knoll of the Rainbow Lagoon for the annual Long Beach Bayou Festival. Several of the musicians commented on our beautiful, Southern California weather. The Long Beach Bayou Festival was a great day of family fun that celebrated Louisiana culture and community at a family friendly event with food, music, active dance lessons, kid’s activities and a marketplace. Any festival that celebrates Louisiana culture, one is sure to experience an amazing party atmosphere. The Long Beach Bayou Festival provided all of that and more. The party got underway with the talented Jimbo Ross and his tight band on the Blues Stage. There was a lot of hip shaking and swaying as the group performed “Fiya on the Bayou,” “No Longer Mixed Up and Confused,” “I Put a Spell on You,” followed by an equally dispensed portion of “Mojo Working.” You owe it to yourself or someone special in your life a special treat to the wonderful sounds of Jimbo Ross. Check out his latest CD’s- Steady Rollin’ Man and Driven by the Blues from your favorite online music outlets. Shari Puorto is a popular, local singer from Hermosa Beach. She contributed additional ingredients to the festivities during her time in the spotlight on the tunes “Funkafied Blues,” “Out of My Mind,” “Better Left Unsaid,” “Home of the Blues,” and “Fiya on the Bayou.” Southside Slim was outstanding during his time slot. He performed an electrifying set of original tunes while setting off a flurry of pyrotechnics with some Chicago blues. A huge crowd gathered at the Blues Stage for the set featuring Barbara Morrison with Al Williams. Barbara’s captivating performance featured the tunes “Mr. Magic,” “Let’s Stay Together,” “Black Eyes Blues,” and the crowd favorite “They Call Me Sundial.” D e l t a Gro o v e s Record Label brought of their heavy duty artillery in the form of the Delta Grooves All-Stars. This portion of the program featured Sugaray Rayford, Kid Ramos, Jackie Payne, Lynwood Slim, Kara Grainger, Steve Freund, and Randy Chortkoff. One can’t go wrong with a group of musicians of this caliber and all leaders in their own right. Day two got underway once again on the Blues Stage with Rich Parma. This is an ultimate, all around party band who entertained the crowd with some top-40 cover tunes. Floyd and the Flyboys and Rosa Lee Brooks mixed in some blues that we could use. The show continued with Sonny Green and The Green Machine. Guitarist Lucky Lloyd opened the show by honoring two kings. He performed “Everyday I Have the Blues” by B.B. King and “I’ll Play the Blues for You” by Albert King, with Lucky Lloyd setting it off on the guitar. Sonny Green thrilled the crowd with a set of old school blues on the tunes “Ain’t That Loving You,” “That’s the Way Love Is,”

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Limousine Entertainment Specialists Sonny Green Photo by Ricky Richardson “Love & Happiness,” and “Keep on Loving You” to name a few. The 28 Annual Long Beach Bayou Festival concluded with a show stopping performance by Otis Taylor on the Blues Stage. There were additional crowd pleasing performances by musicians on the Bayou Stage. Theo & Zydeco Patrol, San Diego Cajun Playboys, Mark St. Mary Louisiana Blues & Zydeco Band, Bonne Musique Zydeco, The Creole Belles, Blues Box Bayou Band, Jefferey

Broussard & The Creole Cowboys and Sunpie & The Louisiana Sunspots. These artists added their own unique flavor of Cajun and Zydeco music that contributed to the large turnout and success of the 28th Annual Long Beach Bayou Festival. The event was presented by Benoit Entertainment Group. A portion of the profits will benefit LALA (Louisiana to Los Angeles), a non-profit organization which raised educational funds for local youth to attend college.

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Friday, June 27, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS Library Acquires African-American Oral History Video Collection The Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington, announced today the donation of a video archive of thousands of hours of interviews—The HistoryMakers—that captures African-American life, history and culture as well as the struggles and achievements of the black experience. “The HistoryMakers archive provides invaluable first-person accounts of both well-known and unsung African-Americans, detailing their hopes, dreams and accomplishments—often in the face of adversity,” said Billington. “This culturally important collection is a rich and diverse resource for scholars, teachers, students and documentarians seeking a more complete record of our nation’s history and its people.” “The HistoryMakers represents the single largest archival project of its kind since the Works Progress Administration’s initiative to document the experiences of former slaves in the 1930s,” said Julieanna Richardson, founder and executive director of The HistoryMakers. “This relationship with the Library of Congress represents a momentous occasion for our organization. With the Library of Congress serving as our permanent repository, we are assured of its preservation and safekeeping for generations to come.” The collection includes 9,000 hours of content that includes 14,000 analog tapes, 3,000 DVDs, 6,000 born-digital files, 70,000 paper documents and digital files and more than 30,000 digital photographs. The HistoryMakers has provided the Library with digital files of all of the analog tapes. The collection comprises 2,600 videotaped interviews with AfricanAmericans in 39 states, averaging three to six hours in length. The videos are grouped by 15 different subject areas ranging from science, politics and the military to sports, music and entertainment. For example, the ScienceMakers category currently features 211 top black scientists—about six percent of the interviews—in the fields of chemistry, engineering, physics, biology, electronics, anthropology, aerospace, mathematics and genetics, among other scientific professions. The percentages of interviews for the other categories break down as follows: ArtMakers (7 percent), BusinessMakers (12 percent), CivicMakers (13 percent), EducationMakers (17 percent), EntertainmentMakers (3 percent), LawMakers (6 percent), MediaMakers (10 percent), MedicalMakers (4 percent), MilitaryMakers (3 percent), MusicMakers (6 percent), PoliticalMakers (7 percent), ReligionMakers (3 percent), SportsMakers (2 percent) and StyleMakers (1 per-

Maxine Waters

Rev. Cecil Murray

George McKenna

Diane Watson

John Hope Bryant

Ron Brewington

cent). “The collection is one of the most well-documented and organized audiovisual collections that the Library of Congress has ever acquired,” said Mike Mashon, head of the Library’s Moving Image Section. “It is also one of the first born-digital collections accepted into our nation’s repository.” Oral histories are continually being added to the growing archive. The oldest person interviewed was Louisiana Hines, who passed away in 2013 at 114. She was one of the iconic “Rosie the Riveter” workers during War World II. One of the youngest is a prima ballerina, Ayisha McMillan, who was 29 at the time of her interview. Some of the other lesser-known participants who have shared their life stories are: Arthur Burton, Sr.—one of the last surviving Pullman Porters who worked 20 days a month, averaging two hours of sleep a night at half the pay of factory workers. Amazon Brooks— voted in her first election in 1920, the first year that women were granted the right to vote. Ann Cooper— President-elect Barack Obama noted that her life exemplified the struggle and hope of the American-American experience in the 20th and 21st centuries. Junius Gaten— delivered ice on his horse to black activist Ida B. Wells and former black Congressman John Roy Lynch; survived the violent Chicago Race Riot of 1919; and knew Al Capone, Marcus Garvey and Carter G. Woodson. Judge William H. Murphy, Sr.—the third black student ever enrolled at the University of Maryland Law School. Judge William Sylvester White—one of the first commissioned black officers in the Navy in 1944.

Alonzo Pettie—the oldest living black cowboy. The collection boasts a long list of notables. They include President Barack Obama when he was an Illinois state senator, General Colin Powell, child advocate Marion Wright Edelman, baseball legend Ernie Banks, entertainer/activist Harry Belafonte, poet/writer Maya Angelou, historian Lerone Bennett, Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke, movie producer Reuben Cannon, historian John Hope Franklin, publisher Earl Graves, singer Isaac Hayes, Attorney General Eric Holder, musician B.B. King, poet Nikki Giovanni and actors Diahann Carroll, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. Interview highlights include: Leon Branton Jr. on his involvement in the Angela Davis case: “I can acquit Angela Davis, the black militant, but I cannot acquit Angela Davis, the communist, so communism must not come into this case at all.” Angela Davis on living in a white household in a black community: “I was living with a white family in Bedford Stuy, so I was living in a black community with a white family, going to school every day in Greenwich Village. … I think I learned then how to live simultaneously in many different worlds without feeling out of place.” John H. Johnson on attending DuSable High School in Chicago: “Nat ‘King’ Cole was at the school at that time and Redd Foxx was at the school. Dorothy Donegan was there. And they all went on to become very well-known. And as a matter of fact, Nat King Cole didn't know he could sing in those days.” Barack Obama on his earliest memories: “Lot of my memories

have to do with sort of connecting up the struggle for AfricanAmerican freedom with the struggle for freedom in Africa, and then with my father. I think all those things became connected in my mind, and I suspect had something to do with my interest then in public service and politics and civilrights law subsequently.” Ted “Double Duty” Radcliffe on playing against Ty Cobb: “I played against Ty Cobb when he went to Cuba in ’25. … And he tried to steal second, I throwed him out both times. He quit. … He didn't like coloreds. He was a racist.” Maya Angelou on her childhood: “I knew that pineapples came from some exotic place like California or Africa or Paris, France. I knew they weren’t from anywhere around Stems. And I would keep that aroma on my hands as long as possible. … I would hold that aroma of pineapples because it was so far away.” Isaac Hayes on his family’s poverty: “I had a girlfriend that was two grades ahead of me, and I was so poor I couldn’t take her to the prom … so she broke up with me and somebody else took her to the prom. I didn't have to face embarrassment, ‘I can’t afford to take you.’” A Harvard-educated lawyer and TV producer, Richardson launched The HistoryMakers, a nonprofit research and educational institution, in July 1999 with the goal of creating an archival collection of 5,000 video oral histories. She and her production team have traveled to more than 380 U.S. cities and towns, Norway and Mexico recording America’s missing stories. In addition to its oral-history online archive, The HistoryMakers has produced educational programs, public events and the annual celebrity inter-

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

view series—“An Evening With…,”—broadcast nationally on the Public Broadcasting System. Developed in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, The HistoryMakers D i g i t a l A r c h i ve ( has users in 51 countries across the globe from Afghanistan to Norway, Nigeria and China. The HistoryMakers collection is housed in the Library’s Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation, a state-of-the-art facility located in Culpeper, Va. Home to nearly 7 million collection items, the Packard Campus is where the nation’s library acquires, preserves and provides access to the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of films, television programs, radio broadcasts and sound recordings ( w w w . l o c . g o v / avconservation/). The HistoryMakers is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit educational institution founded in 1999, committed to preserving, developing and providing easy access to an internationally recognized, archival collection of thousands of AfricanAmerican video oral histories. The HistoryMakers is the single largest archival collection of its kind in the world designed to promote and celebrate the successes and to document movements, events and organizations that are important to the African-American community and to American society. Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution. The Library seeks to spark imagination and creativity and to further human understanding and wisdom by providing access to knowledge through its magnificent collections, programs and exhibitions. Many of the Library’s rich resources can be accessed through its website at

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Friday, June 27, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS UC Professor: Immigration Influx is About ‘Re-Education’ of Society By Paul Joseph Watson University of California Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto warns that the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States is part of a plan to create a new underclass of people who can be re-educated in order to create a subservient underclass. Hamamoto, a Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis, exclusively contacted Infowars to express his shock at what he sees as a clear “plan to destroy national sovereignty” through mass uncontrolled illegal immigration. Hamamoto warns that the influx of illegal immigrants

Hamamoto warns amnesty will lead to creation of subservient underclass. into the U.S. and by extension into the college education system is part of a deliberate plot, “to exclude the American middle class from a UC education and

Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto Photo courtesy

create a new demographic of largely immigrant or foreign national undergraduate population that can be re-educated from the ground up and controlled much more readily.” Hamamoto’s warning is noteworthy given his position at one of the most liberal institutions in the United States. The professor acknowledged that his vocal stance against illegal immigration has already prompted a backlash, but that he had no reservations in going public. “I am fairly certain that this is also going on at UT and other “public” institutions of

higher learning, so Infowars subscribers will “get it,” wrote Hamamoto. “Everyone else will be really pissed off at me….I am already being harassed by the administration and informed on by trained student-rats, so truly this is not a risk for me.” The professor added that UC Davis, “is gearing up for what they call the “Hispanization” of the University of California, which means instate or full-ride tuition to both illegals and the offspring of illegal immigrants.” Seeking to draw more attention to the issue, Hamamoto

Washington State Four-Year-Old Saves Falsely Accused Black Man Baby Sitter Blamed “Two Black Men” for Home Robbery By Jonathan Hunter A four-year-old Ferndale, Wash. girl’s honesty ultimately saved her Black neighbor who was falsely accused of a crime. On June 18, Abby Dean’s 17-year-old babysitter created a fake home invasion scheme, in which she tried to steal from the four-year-old’s family and blame the crime on Blacks. According to Seattle Fox affiliate KCPQ, the babysitter had two accomplices in her fake home invasion plot, her 16year-old boyfriend and 18-yearold Ruben Benjamin. The babysitter and her boyfriend’s names were not released because they are minors. Investigators say the 17-year old babysitter made up a story claiming that two Black men broke into the Ferndale home and stole electronics. Items such as a video game system, iPod, lap tops and piggy

Addy Dean and Cody Oakes

bank were claimed to have been missing. Investigators say that babysitter said that one of the robbers looked like the neighbors next door, according to the New York Daily News. Neighbor Cody Oakes told the television station that he was handcuffed and questioned for several hours because he matched the description given to police. However, it was fouryear-old Abby’s version of the story which helped Whatcom County Sheriff’s office solve the crime. The girl told police that robbers were White, not Black,

and that it was the babysitter who ordered her to leave the house while they stole goods from it. “Wednesday was the worst day of my life, she told KCPQ. “They told us to get out of the house because they wanted to steal stuff.” The babysitter and her accomplices were arrested. The babysitter faces charges of conspiring to commit robbery and burglary and second-degree perjury charges. The other suspects were charged with second degree robbery, theft and burglary. As a result, Dean received her belongings back. Oakes was happy with the outcome and wants the suspects to realize that their lying could have put him in a tragic situation. “It’s kind of sad because I don’t think she realizes the dangerous situation she put me in,” Oakes said. Source: the AFRO

Mayor Garcetti Kicks Off 7th Year of Summer Night Lights LO S ANGELES— Mayor Eric Garcetti, along with LAPD Chief Charlie Beck and Youth Squad members, announced today the start of the seventh year of the Summer Night Lights (SNL) program. Summer Night Lights is an expanded series of evening events in 32 public parks located in areas with high rates of violent crimes. Summer Night Lights, along with Summer of Learning to keep youth engaged in learning and Hire L.A. Youth to provide 10,000 young Angelenos with summer jobs, is part of Mayor Garcetti's Summer of Success initiative for the City of Los Angeles. "As a City Council-

member, I created a program in 2007 called At the Park After Dark that served as a model for Summer Night Lights,” said Mayor Garcetti. "It has transformed communities once plagued by gang violence and provides safety and opportunity for L.A.'s youth during the critical summer months." SNL launched in 2008 and keeps city parks open until 11:00 pm, Wednesday through Saturday, for six weeks during the summer. The program provides activities for at-risk youth and their families, job opportunities, and a safe place to spend the summer evenings at 32 sites. Last year, Mayor Gar-

cetti raised $1 million within a month of taking office to extend the 2013 Summer Night Lights program an additional four weeks. This year, SNL will again be extended four weeks on Fridays & Saturdays at all 32 sites Summer Night Lights will run Wednesday - Saturday, June 25th – August 9th from 7:00 - 11:00 PM and Friday - Saturday, August 15th – September 5th, from 7:00 - 11:00 PM. For details, visit or see the attached document (English & Spanish). During the 2013 fourweek extension, gang-related crime dropped significantly at the 32 sites:

is preparing to launch a stunt based around, “a campaign calling for racial “equality” by demanding that thirty million Asians of different nationalities (be) brought into the USA and integrated into the National Security Welfare State.” Making reference to this week’s controversy surrounding the DHS’ purchase of 42,000 pairs of extra large underwear that are needed to clothe an influx of overweight illegal immigrants, Hamamoto writes, “One of my purposely ludicrous arguments will be that the US govt. will save hundreds of thousands of dollars buying XS-size underwear for Asians as opposed to XXXXXXL-size drawers for illegal immigrants from Central

America.” “La Raza, MeCha, and all the other ethno-nationalist interest groups will really get their pantalones in a bunch thanks to this campaign. This plan to destroy national sovereignty cannot be argued through rational means, so I will orchestrate a complete parody of this bogus crisis,” writes Hamamoto. Professor Hamamoto will appear on the Alex Jones Show soon to discuss his campaign in more detail. Facebook @ https:// p a u l . j . w a t s o n . 7 1 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ PrisonPlanet

Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. Named Interim President and CEO of Black Press Association From the AFRO Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. a global business leader, educator, and longtime civil rights activist, was elected interim president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) at the group’s annual meeting here Wednesday, NNPA Chairman Cloves Campbell has announced. Chavis is president of Education Online Services Corporation, the premier provider of online higher education for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. He is also president, CEO and Co-Founder with Russell Simmons of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, the world’s largest coalition of hip-hop artists and recording industry executives. He serves on numerous boards, including the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education . He was the leader of the Wilmington Ten, a group of wrongly convicted activists who were recently pardoned by North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue; a former president of the NAACP (1993-1994) and in 1995 served as director and chief organizer of the Million Man March. Chavis writes a weekly syndicated column for the NNPA News Service. “We are pleased that Ben Chavis, a longtime supporter of NNPA, will be able to use his skills and his numerous domestic and international contacts to strengthen NNPA – the Black Press of America,” Campbell said. “Dr. Chavis has the talent, contacts and energy to make an immediate impact on our organization, which represents approximately 200 African American newspapers in the U.S.” Upon his election, Chavis said, “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve, promote and secure the interests of the National Newspaper Publishers Association. As the uncensored, objective, unflinching media voice of Black America, NNPA newspapers, the NNPA News Service and the companion site,, represent one of the most important newsgathering and news analysis operations in the world.” Chavis continued, “I am

Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. , elected interim president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). eager to deliver trusted, sustainable and innovative relationships for the NNPA with advertisers, partners, sponsors, and supporters. More than ever before, the leadership and readership of NNPA newspapers and BlackPressUSA are important to the future of America and the global community.” A native of Oxford, N.C., Chavis received his Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from the University of North Carolina; his Master of Divinity from Duke University (magna cum laude) and a Doctor of Ministry from Howard University. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, Dr. Chavis began his career in 1963 as a North Carolina statewide youth coordinator for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). In 1970, Chavis was appointed Southern Regional Program Director of the 1.7 millionmember United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice (UCC-CRJ) and in 1985 was named Executive Director and CEO of the UCC-CRJ. In 1988, Dr. Chavis was elected Vice President of the National Council of Churches of the USA. He has traveled and worked extensively in Africa and the Caribbean. He is a senior adviser and former president of the Diamond Empowerment Fund, which supports higher education scholarships in Africa.

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014135931 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting 2. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3.Los Angeles Friends Meeting 4. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of Pacific Yearly Meeting 5. Los Angeles Quaker Meeting (Friends) 6. Los Angeles Friends Meeting (Quaker), 4157 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90037 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 4167 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90037. This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association other than a Partnership The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1939. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Douglas Barnett Title: Clerk This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 19, 2014/Expires May 19, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 6, 13, 20, 27 2014PN


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