PA Chiefs 100th Conference Program

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A Time for Reflection

TABLE OF CONT ENTS WELCOME .................................................................................... 2 2013 PCPA CONFERENCE SPONSORS ......................................... 2 2012-2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD .................................................... 3 PCPA COMMITTEES .................................................................... 4 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................... 5-14 General Information ......................................................................................6 Business Sessions............................................................................................7 Proposed Bylaw Revisions ..............................................................................7 Networking and Hospitality ........................................................................10 Conference Raffles & Giveaways .................................................................11 Ladies Schedule of Events ............................................................................12 OFFICIAL PROGRAM SCHEDULE ......................................... 15-19 PCPA Conference Museum .........................................................................16 Centennial Celebration ................................................................................17 President’s Reception and Dinner ................................................................18 100th Annual Banquet ..................................................................................19 TRAINING SCHEDULE DETAIL ............................................ 21-29 Sunday, June 23, 2013 .................................................................................22 Monday, June 24, 2013 ..........................................................................22-24 Tuesday, June 25, 2013 ...........................................................................25-26 Wednesday, June 26, 2013 ......................................................................26-29 EXHIBITORS ......................................................................... 31-38 CONFERENCE EVALUATION ..................................................... 39


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MEMBERS, ASSOCIATES AND ALL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES On behalf of the entire Executive Board, we are delighted to have you with us for our milestone 100th Annual Education and Training Conference. We are certain you will enjoy yourself and hope you take advantage of all of the scheduled events. Again this year, a great deal of work has been put into providing you with an enjoyable and professional experience throughout your stay in Camp Hill, PA. The Education and Training Committee has selected and prepared a fine array of training seminars. Be sure to recognize the Committee Members and, as always, we welcome your ideas for upcoming education and training seminars. In Pennsylvania, we are fortunate to be on the cutting edge of law enforcement technology, a forerunner in police management and practices and have some of the finest professional command staff in the industry. Enjoy each minute of your conference in Camp Hill, and please do not hesitate to call upon us and/or the PCPA staff if you need assistance. Enjoy! Sincerely,

John Mackey President

Thomas King President Elect



Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time 2012-2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD Thomas DiMaria Chairman Chief of Police Swoyersville Borough

John Mackey President Chief of Police Bethel Park Borough

Thomas King 1st Vice President Chief of Police State College Borough

William Kelly 2nd Vice President Chief of Police Abington Township

Keith Keiper 3rd Vice President Chief of Police Kingston Borough

Mark Hall 4th Vice President Chief of Police Clarion Borough

William Richendrfer - 2014 Secretary Chief of Police South Centre Township

Michael Klein - 2014 Treasurer Chief of Police Harrison Township

Joseph Daly – 2013 Chief of Police Springfield Township Robert Jolley – 2013 Chief of Police Dallas Township Harold Lane – 2013 Inspector Allegheny County DA

David Mettin – 2014 Chief of Police Pennridge Regional Thomas Gross – 2014 Chief of Police York Area Regional Richard Hammon – 2014 Superintendent Silver Spring Township

Michael Flanagan – 2014 Chief of Police Laflin Borough

Scott Bohn – 2015 Chief of Police West Chester Borough William Grover – 2015 Chief of Police Etna Borough David Spotts – 2015 Chief of Police Mechanicsburg Borough

Harry Gaab President Emeritus Retired Chief of Police Lansdowne Borough

P C PA S TA F F Amy Rosenberry, Executive Director Tom Armstrong, Member Services Coordinator Ashley Crist, Executive Assistant Joe Blackburn, Accreditation Coordinator Bill Gibson, Physical Fitness Consultant Chris Braun, Technology Coordinator Jerry Miller, Offender Identification Coordinator Cheryl Campbell, Financial Coordinator Andrea Sullivan, Administrative Assistant Steven Flom, Conference Assistant

C O N F E R E N C E A S S I S TA N C E Elwood “Skip” Hocker, Chaplain

William Eckert, Sergeant at Arms 3

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John Mackey, Chair, Chief of Police, Bethel Park Borough Thomas King, Co-Chair, Chief of Police, State College Borough William Richendrfer, Chief of Police, South Centre Township William Kelly, Chief of Police, Abington Township Tom Gross, Chief of Police, York Area Regional Keith Keiper, Chief of Police, Kingston Borough Richard Hammon, Superintendent of Police, Silver Spring Township Mark Hall, Chief of Police, Clarion Borough Dave Mettin, Chief of Police, Pennridge Regional Thomas DiMaria, Chief of Police, Swoyersville Borough Michael Klein, Chief of Police, Harrison Township E D U C AT I O N A N D T R A I N I N G C O M M I T T E E

T. Robert Amann, Chair, Chief of Police, Northern Regional Police William Kelly, Co Chair, Chief of Police, Abington Township James Balavage, Chief of Police, Kingston Township William Daly, Lieutenant, Horsham Township Doug Grimes, Major - Executive Director, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission Michael Flanagan, Chief of Police, Laflin Borough Ashley Heiberger, Lieutenant, Bethlehem City Robert Jolley, Chief of Police, Dallas Township Thomas Kokoski, Chief of Police, Avalon Borough David Laux, Chief of Police, Fox Chapel Borough Dennis Logan, Chief of County Detectives, Allegheny County District Attorney Dennis McDonough, Deputy Chief of Police, South Park Township L E G I S L AT I V E

Catherine McNeilly, Commander, Pittsburgh City David Mettin, Chief of Police, Pennridge Regional Leonard Mickavicz, Jr., Chief of Police, Taylor Borough William Olszewski, Chief of Police, Tunkhannock Borough James Santucci, Chief of Police, Leetsdale Borough Carl Scalzo, Chief of Police, Easton City John Snyder, Chief of Police, Newberry Township Kevin Stoehr, Chief of Police, Penn State Harrisburg George Swartz, Chief of Police, Spring Garden Township Earl Swavely, Jr., Chief of Police, West Pottsgrove Township Robert Wilson, Chief of Police, Indiana Township Raymond Zydonik, Chief of Police, Warren City COMMITTEE

Jason Umberger, Chair, Chief of Police, Swatara Township James Adams, Chief of Police, Upper Allen Township Daniel Kortan, Jr., Chief of Police, Lansdowne Borough Darryl Albright, Chief County Detective, York County District Attorney Joseph Lawrence, Chief of Police, Plymouth Township Scott Bohn, Chief of Police, West Chester Borough Patrick O’Rourke, Sr., Chief of Police, Derry Township Robert Cifrulak, Chief of Police, McKees Rocks Dean Osborne, Chief of Police, Grove City Borough Diane Conrad, Chief of Police, Ferguson Township Lawrence Palmer, Chief of Police, Palmer Township Randolph Cox, Chief of Police, Somerset Borough David Souchick, Chief of Police, Edwardsville Borough Richard Danko, Deputy Chief, Whitehall Borough Leo Sokoloski, Chief of Police, Bloomsburg Michael Donohue, Chief of Police, Glenolden Borough David Spotts, Chief of Police, Mechanicsburg Borough Eric Gill, Chief of Police, Danville Borough Jeffrey Storm, Chief of Police, Franklin City Erik Grunzig, Chief of Police, Muhlenberg Township Robert Then, Chief of Police, Eastern Adams Regional Bryan Kelly, Chief of Police, Shaler Township Mike Vogel, Chief of Police, Allegheny County Housing Authority M E M B E R S H I P A N D B Y L AW S C O M M I T T E E

Mark Pugliese I, Chair, Chief of Police, West Hempfield Township Keith Keiper, Chief of Police, Kingston Borough Mark Bentzel, Chief of Police, Northern York County Regional Douglas Burkholder, Deputy Chief, Upper St. Clair Township Todd Caltagarone, Chief of Police, St. Mary’s City Harry Clay, Jr., Chief of Police, Hampden Township Joseph Daly, Chief of Police, Springfield Township Samuel Gallen, Deputy Chief, Montgomery County Detectives William Grover, Chief of Police, Etna Borough Harold Lane, Inspector, Allegheny County DA’s Office

Curt Martinez, Chief of Police, West Caln Township John Petrick, Chief of Police, Patton Township Leo Rudzki, Chief of Police, Sharpsburg Borough Guy Salerno, Chief of Police, Blakely Borough Michael Scott, Chief of Police, Baldwin Borough Matthew Sentner, Chief of Police, Bellevue Borough John Slauch, Chief of Police, Oxford Borough Timothy Trently, Chief of Police, Archbald Borough Paul Yost, Chief of Police, Buffalo Valley Regional RETIRED CHIEFS COMMITTEE

J. William Schmitt, Chair, Retired Chief of Police, Whitehall Borough Richard Hammon, Superintendent of Police, Silver Spring Township Wendell Rich, Retired Inspector, Philadelphia Donald Hunter, Sr., Retired Chief of Police, Mahoning Township William Eckert, Retired Chief of Police, Aspinwall Borough Joseph Ferrelli, Chief of Police, South Park Township William Howatt, Retired Chief of Police, Hanover Township Keith Guthrie, Retired Chief of Police, Wilkins Township William Weaver, Retired Chief of Police, North Middleton Township Stephen Ott, Retired Chief of Police, Cheltenham Township 4





A Time for Reflection


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It is required that you and your guests wear an Identification Badge for all Conference functions. The ID Badge will distinguish your chosen meal plan, and it’s your ticket into all Conference seminars, business meetings, exhibit hall and the hospitality room. This is very important, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated to ensure a smoothly run Conference for everyone. EXHIBIT HALL

The Exhibit Hall will house the vendor and membership booths on Sunday and Monday. Throughout the first 2 days of the Conference, the Exhibitors are your source for raffle tickets towards prize giveaways and this year’s Exhibit Hall Raffle with a chance to win up to $500 (Member registrants ONLY). Beyond that, our Exhibitors are the key to the best of all resources and offer a wide range of companies, products and services, many of which have been discounted specifically for this event! A welcome cocktail reception will be held at the opening of the hall on Sunday, and both a morning coffee break and lunch buffet will be held in the Exhibit Hall on Monday. Please refer to the listing of Exhibitors included in this program. EDUCATION AND TRAINING

An impressive agenda of training has been scheduled for 2013 (see Official Program Schedule for times and details). Seminars and Presentations on a variety of topics, nationally known speakers and information booths of valuable resources are all available to you throughout the week. HOTEL FLOOR PLAN


BUSINESS SESSIONS Business sessions are held Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:00 am for the membership to conduct its annual meeting and business of the Association. The Agenda will include important updates on PCPA activities, services and issues affecting the membership and law enforcement as a whole. Membership input and participation is welcomed and encouraged as a part of these annual meetings. Agenda items being covered are: President and Officers Reports Treasurer/Financial Report Executive Director and PCPA Staff Reports MPOETC Updates Committee Reports

Award Presentations IACP Updates Resolutions Bylaw Amendments Election and Installation of Officers for 2013-2014

P R O P O S E D B Y L AW R E V I S I O N S A N D A D D I T I O N O F R E S TAT E D A R T I C L E S O F I N C O R P O R AT I O N The following proposed amendments to the bylaws have been forwarded through the BULLETIN to the entire membership in accordance with the Bylaws for action at the Annual Conference. Proposed Amendment #1: Addition of Restated Articles of Incorporation: A RT I C L E S O F I N C O R P O R AT I O N A RT I C L E I - N A M E / R E G I S T E R E D O F F I C E The name of this corporation shall be Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. The corporation’s registered office is located at 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. A RT I C L E I I - P U R P O S E This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, more specifically to encourage the professional development of all executive and management personnel within duly constituted law enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; to encourage close cooperation of all law enforcement agencies in the prevention of crime, detection of crime and the apprehension of those responsible for the commission of crimes; to promote the highest standards of the police profession through selection and training of law enforcement officers and generally pledge and strive for the highest degree of respect for law and order throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To this end, the corporation shall at all times be operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes.



Time for for R eflection A Time Reflection


1 0 0 T H A N N U A L E D U C AT I O N & T R A I N I N G C O N F E R E N C E A RT I C L E I I I - E X E M P T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S At all times the following shall operate as conditions restricting the operations and activities of the corporation: 1. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or others private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in the purpose clause hereof. 2. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall constitute the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or any initiative or referendum before the public, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including by publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. 3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. A RT I C L E I V - D U R AT I O N The duration of the corporate existence shall be perpetual. A RT I C L E V - M E M B E R S H I P / B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S The corporation shall have one or more classes of members whose qualifications and rights are as set forth in the bylaws. The management of the affairs of the corporation shall be vested in an Executive Board, as defined in the corporation’s bylaws. No Officer or Executive Board member shall have any right, title, or interest in or to any property of the corporation. The Executive Board shall be comprised of eighteen members who are elected by the active members and whose qualifications for office shall be established in the bylaws. The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Chairman (Immediate Past President), First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Fourth Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall serve as officers of the corporation, and 10 Executive Board members who shall serve terms of three years. The election of new Executive Board members shall take place annually at the business meeting of the organization. The Executive Director of the organization shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall manage the operations of the Association at the Direction of the Executive Board. A RT I C L E V I - P E R S O N A L L I A B I L I T Y No member, officer, or Director of this corporation shall be personally liable for the debts or obligations of this corporation of any nature whatsoever, nor shall any of the property of the members, officer, or Directors be subject to the payment of the debts or obligations of this corporation. A RT I C L E V I I - D I S S O L U T I O N Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 8

B Y L AW S Deletions are in strike through type and additions are underlined. Proposed Amendment #2: A RT I C L E I I - N A M E A N D M I S S I O N Section 1. Name. The name of this body shall be the “Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association” and the insignia shall be a Keystone surrounded by a burst with the letters “PCPA” set forth therein. Section 2. Mission, Vision and Values. (a) Our Mission. The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association is an organization of law enforcement executives promoting excellence and providing expertise in law enforcement and public safety within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through strong leadership and innovative programs. (b) Our Vision. Our vision is to provide professional leadership and a respected voice for Pennsylvania’s law enforcement community. (c) Our Values. We value professionalism. We believe that by adhering to standards and committing to continuous improvement, law enforcement agencies can provide the most effective level of services to their communities. We value integrity. We believe that, as law enforcement leaders, we are accountable for the manner in which we perform our professional duties. We value leadership. We believe that we offer an informed voice on statewide issues impacting the law enforcement community. We value participation. We believe that the strength of our organization is based upon the participation and contributions of each of our members towards achieving common goals. Proposed Amendment #3: A RT I C L E I V – M E M B E R S H I P Section 10. Restriction on or Revocation of Membership. The Executive Board shall have the plenary authority to restrict or revoke the membership of any Association member who is convicted of or pleads guilty to the commission of a felony or a misdemeanor, or who otherwise acts in such a way as to bring disrepute upon the Association in the opinion of the Association’s Executive Board. The Executive Board may censure, suspend, or expel any member for cause, provided that notice of the proposed action and reasons therefore be mailed or given said member ten days in advance of the action. The member shall have an opportunity within ten days after receiving notice to answer the charges in writing directed to the Executive Director, for consideration by the Executive Board. The member may request a hearing before the Board, which shall be held at such time, place and manner as may be prescribed by the Board. An appeal from the decision of the Executive Board may be taken at the next annual meeting of the Association, where, by a majority vote of the Active members present, such decision may be sustained, reversed or modified. Proposed Amendment #3: A RT I C L E V I – E X E C U T I V E B OA R D Section 11. Endorsements. It is the policy of the PCPA to not endorse political candidates seeking elected office.



Time for for R eflection A Time Reflection


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NETWORKING AND H O S P I TA L I T Y This year, networking events are at an all-time high at the PCPA Conference, and in honor of celebrating our 100th Conference Event, we have some major events happening throughout the week that you definitely can’t miss!

S U N D AY, J U N E 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 2 PM – 3 PM – The Exhibit Hall opens early this year to give you a chance to grab your raffle tickets early, but we don’t want you to work up a thirst while you’re networking! Grab a drink during the opening Welcome Reception, mingle with attendees and your favorite vendors and see the newest in technology and services all in one place. 6 PM – 8 PM – The refreshments move poolside as we throw one heck of a festival to kick off the 100th Conference Event! East meets West as we feature your favorite foods from every region of Pennsylvania and the variety doesn’t stop there. With 2 full bars, some of the Northeast’s homemade “Fire & Ice” and a tribute to Dinzeo’s fit for a King, well, the King of hospitality, Jack Lennon! 8 PM – 11 PM – Hospitality continues outside as we soak in some summer weather and wind down for the start of the training week.

M O N D AY, J U N E 2 4 , 2 0 1 3 8 AM – 5 PM – The PCPA Conference Museum and Networking Room will remain open throughout the day, so please feel free to network and refresh in the Exhibit Hall today! 8 PM – 11 PM – After you enjoy a free night to explore the sights of Pennsylvania’s capital, join us back in the Governor’s Ballroom for late night hospitality to recap your day with your colleagues and friends.

T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 5 , 2 0 1 3 8 AM – 5 PM – Haven’t gotten the chance to see the massive collection of conference memorabilia in the PCPA Museum? Head over on your break from training and grab a refreshment while you look! 6 PM – 11 PM – While we’re looking back at years of conferences, we’ll be celebrating a look back through years of music as well. Join us in the Grand Ballroom for a blast from the past party that puts the speakeasy to shame!

W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 3 8 AM – 5 PM – The PCPA Museum makes its last appearance so hurry in to grab a refreshment and see the rich history that has made this conference event what it is today. 6 PM – 11 PM – The 100th Annual Reception and Installation Banquet- join us for a night of honor and tradition and stay right there for the after party as we end the week in the Grand Ballroom saying our farewells! 10

CONFERENCE RAFFLES & G I V E AWAY S VENDOR AUCTION Sunday’s Centennial Celebration will have a little something extra for you AND your department! Come see the items and services our vendors have donated and drop as many name tickets into each prize box as you’d like for a chance to win great prizes! EXHIBIT HALL RAFFLE Back again this year! Monday Only! In the exhibit hall, Exhibitors will be giving away raffle tickets when you visit their booths. We’ll be holding 3 drawings in the Exhibit Hall. These drawings could happen at any time throughout the day and here’s the tricky part, you MUST be PRESENT to win! Two (2) winners will receive $250 each and one (1) lucky grand prize winner will walk out with $500 in their pockets! While you’re checking out the incredible new technology, educational opportunities and so much more, take a chance at winning! CONFERENCE RAFFLE Feeling Lucky? The Conference raffle drawings will be held during the Business Sessions. Just like in the Exhibit Hall, another two (2) members will each win $250, with one lucky winner walking out with $500! Chances are included in your name badge holder and are also handed out as you arrive at each business session. Remember, YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! GUN RAFFLE Firing Line has donated a $375 Ruger LCP .380 pistol for the third year in a row to be raffled off during Wednesday’s business session. Tickets will be sold at the registration desk from Sunday to Tuesday, 1 ticket for $5 and 3 tickets for $10. You must be a member to purchase tickets!



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11 AM – 5 PM

2 – 3 PM 2 – 6 PM

6 – 11 PM

Registration Open Stop by the Ladies Registration to get your schedule for the week, pick up your conference gift and sign up in advance for pcruciatti / shuttle trips and classes! Don’t forget to check out the huge raffle baskets the Ladies Committee has put together and pick up your chance to win! Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall and Historical Networking Room Open Take a peek into the history of PCPA conferences when you stop into the Historical Networking Room. Open all week, this room will feature memorabilia such as conference books, old badges and ribbons, and of course a ton of old photos from the early 1900s to now. Poolside Centennial Celebration! Join us after the close of the exhibit hall as we commence the Centennial Conference Celebration! There will be a variety of activities and demonstrations going on to keep you entertained for hours as you move through our carnival-like event. Don’t miss the fun and join us for the opening bash by the pool!


8 AM – 12 PM 9 & 11 AM


Registration Open Shuttles to HersheyPark and Hershey Outlets Sign up at registration for one of 2 shuttle trips to the Hershey Outlets and Hershey Amusement Park! Shuttle times are 9 AM and 11 AM and the Lissandra Melo / shuttle will pick up in Hershey at 2 PM and 4 PM. Enjoy a full day of shopping or fun with the kids!

9 - 10 AM

12 – 1 PM 3 – 5 PM

5 -8 PM

Zumba Workout Class Put a little pep in your step on Monday morning and start your day off with Zumba! This workout combines aerobics and dance to work up a sweat while having a ton of fun! Lunch in the Exhibit Hall Overview of Sexual Violence for Law Enforcement This seminar is open to both attendees and their spouses and we highly encourage you to attend! Pittsburgh Action Against Rape will go over the impact of sexual assault on victims, the ways a victim will react or why they may not report the assault and advocacy services you have in your community. Free Night! Stop by the Ladies Registration Desk or the Hotel Front Desk area to discover all of the best eats near the hotel! We suggest taking a trip to downtown Harrisburg or the Riverfront Enola to enjoy dinner on the banks of the Susquehanna. But join us back in the Governor’s Ballroom at 8 PM to reconnect with attendees at the evening hospitality room and enjoy music by our very own Chief Flanagan!


8 – 11 AM 9:30 AM 11 AM – 1 PM

3 – 4 PM

Registration Open You Have the Right to Remember: Memory Seminar Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show Join the Ladies Committee for their main event: The Ladies Luncheon! This year’s luncheon features a fashion show by Cabi as well as events Jordan Tan / and prizes for the kids! Pairing by the Pool – A Wine and Cheese Tasting Event Have a party on your palette as we pair a variety of reds, whites and blushes with their most complimentary cheeses for a sampling event that will make you a wine connoisseur in no time! 13


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6 – 11 PM

President’s Reception & Hospitality In honor of our 100th Conference, Incoming President Tom King and wife, Kelley King, are taking us on a journey through 100 years of music and dancing during the President’s Reception! Whether you’re a flapper, a greaser, a hippie or a disco dancer, don’t forget to join in and dress the part!


9:00 AM

10 – 11 AM

12 – 1 PM 6 – 11 PM


Shuttle to HersheyPark and Hershey Outlets Missed out on the shopping and fun on Monday? We have another shuttle scheduled for a trip to Hershey at 9 AM, returning at 1 PM. Lissandra Melo / Self Defense Class Penn State University is sending a top notch instructor to teach the basics of selfdefense including hands on demonstrations for how to protect yourself against a threat. Lunch Buffet The 100th Annual Installation Banquet The crowning glory of every conference week is the Wednesday evening banquet installing new President Thomas R. King of State College Borough, and the 2013-14 Executive Board Officers. Please dress to impress and join us to commemorate 100 years of conferences and banquets as we take part in this historic event and then dance the night away.

S U NDAY, J U NE 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 MONDAY, J U NE 2 4 , 2 0 1 3 T U ES DAY, J U NE 2 5 , 2 0 1 3 WEDNESDAY, J U NE 2 6 , 2 0 1 3





A Time for Reflection

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11:00 AM to 5:00 PM 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Registration Convention Center Lobby Ladies Registration Convention Center Lobby Museum/Networking Room Open Keystone A

Take a trip through history as PCPA unveils 100 years of conference eevents ve in a PCPA Conference Museum you have to see to believe. M Make Keystone A your regular stop throughout the week as you grab a beverage, network with attendees and glance through tons of ggr conference memorabilia datingg back to the veryy first event in 1914. con cco n

Noon to 2:00 PM

2:00 PM to 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM 16

Mass Murder, Active Shooter and School Shootings

Keystone BC

Exhibit Hall Open Grand Ballroom Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall Grand Ballroom Dinner - Centennial Celebration Governors Ballroom & Veranda, Poolside Hospitality Governors Ballroom & Veranda, Poolside

A Time Time for for Reflection Reflection


Centennial Celebration PCPA is taking over the entire backyard of the Radisson as we host a festival-style kick-off that has something for everyone. Get a taste of Pennsylvania with food stations for every region’s favorites, play poolside games with DJ Flanagan, weave your way through a Segway obstacle course or challenge a fellow Chief to a joust! The activities are endless so get your week kicked off in style and join us for the 100th Conference Centennial Celebration!

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013

8:00 AM 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:30 AM

to 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM to 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Registration Opens Convention Center Lobby Museum/Networking Room open Keystone A NPLEx-Real-time Electronic Keystone BC Monitoring of Meth Precursors Facilitating Police Facilities Keystone DE Exhibit Hall Open Grand Ballroom Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall Grand Ballroom Ladies Exercise Class Governor’s Lunch Buffet in Exhibit Hall Grand Ballroom, Hallway Keystone AB Legal Issues with Chris Boyle Keystone DE PA Chiefs Technology Update 2013 Keystone C Overview of Sexual Violence Keystone B for Law Enforcement Central Chiefs Meeting (rain back up only) Keystone D&E Hospitality Governors Ballroom & Veranda, Poolside

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013

8:00 AM 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 9:30 AM to 10:00

Registration Opens Convention Center Lobby Business Meeting Keystone D&E Museum/Networking room open Keystone A Northeast Chiefs Keystone A 17

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9:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM

to to to to to

5:00 PM 11:30 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Successful Leadership on the Tough Days Keystone DE You Have the Right to Remember Keystone BC Ladies Luncheon & Fashion Show Governor’s Ballroom Lunch Buffet Grand Ballroom North Sovereign Citizens and Keystone BC Anti-Government Extremists Ladies Wine Tasting Poolside Presidents Reception/Dinner Grand Ballroom South “Through the Decades”

President’s Reception and Dinner

Join Chief Tom King and his wife Kelley as they take you on a journey through 100 years of fun during “Music Through the Decades”! Go back in time for the best of jazz, doo wop, rock and roll and disco with the costumes and décor to match. Don’t forget to dress the part and throw on your best zoot suit, poodle skirt, tie dye or hot pants, and party the night away no matter what time period you’re in!


8:00 AM 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM to Noon

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Noon to 1:00 PM 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Registration Opens Convention Center Lobby Business Meeting Keystone D&E Museum/Networking room open Keystone A Building and Marketing the Keystone D&E Public Service Brand Northeast Chiefs Meeting Keystone A Enhancing Law Enforcement’s Ability Keystone BC to Ensure Accurate Identifications and Convictions: Techniques and Scientific Developments Self Defense Class Governor’s Ballroom Lunch Buffet Grand Ballroom North The Nuts and Bolts Guide Keystone BC to Police Department Labor and Employment Law

Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Accreditation (PLEAC) Meeting Grand Ballroom South Retired Chiefs Meeting Keystone A Reception Grand Ballroom 100th Annual Installation and Grand Ballroom Awards Banquet & Hospitality PROGRAM SCHEDULE

100 TH ANNUAL INSTALLATION AND AWARDS BANQUET & HOSPITALITY Wednesday night is our crowning glory, an evening of distinction and a time to reflect on our rich history and the leaders who have brought us to this time of great success. It is also a night when current achievements are acknowledged, including those departments who have achieved accredited status. We will gratefully acknowledge our President, Chief John Mackey, for his dedication over the past year. As he transitions to the Chairman of the Board he will pass the presidential gavel in a ceremony full of pomp and circumstance which also installs our new officers and PCPA’s new President, Thomas King. Dress to impress and stick around immediately following dinner for a night of entertainment right there in the banquet room!

John Mackey President

Thomas King President Elect


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A Time for Reflection

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013







MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013


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T R A I N I N G S E M I N A R D E TA I L SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013

Keystone BC Earl Saurman Lieutenant, Abington Township Police Department Active shooters situations are no longer a new phenomenon. You have strategies in place and plans have been implemented. However, as more and more incident’s take place, a greater data base has been developed on which to draw on to improve your prevention and response capabilities. Planning never stops and you will only get one chance to get your response right. This presentation is designed to familiarize the Law Enforcement executive with the latest strategies to prevent, plan for, and respond, in a fact based manner, to these rapidly unfolding and chaotic situations. Topics to be discussed include: practices to identify potential perpetrators, integrating the planning process, nontraditional response options, and contingencies to mitigate the loss of life.


MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013

12:00 - 2:00 PM Mass Murder, Active Shooter and School Shootings

Earl Saurman is a Lieutenant with the Abington Township Police Department and is part of a team that spearheads his Department’s efforts in School Safety. Lt. Saurman commands his department’s SWAT Team and has spent over half of his 30 year career studying and responding to school violence and active shooter attacks. He has attended numerous national seminars on school violence and has received training from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI on school and workplace attackers. He has trained both police officers and civilians on the skills, tactics and techniques to effectively prepare and respond to active shooter attacks. He has a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice, Master’s Degrees in Leadership and a Master’s Degree in Public Safety.

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013 8:00 - 9:00 AM

NPLEX-Real-time Electronic Monitoring of Meth Precursors

Keystone BC

Jim Acquisto, Vice President, Government Affairs, Appriss, Inc. An overview of the NPLEx system, its benefits in suppressing domestic meth production, and how law enforcement can access and use the system. ABOUT THE SPEAKER | JIM ACQUISTO

Jim Acquisto retired as a Det. Sgt. with the Daviess County KY Sheriff’s Office after serving 21 years, most of which was in narcotics investigation. He then served as ED in the KY Office of Drug Control Policy, ED of KY Charitable Gaming, and Director of Enforcement for KY Alcoholic Beverage Control. He has worked at Appriss, Inc. since 2004, and holds a BA in Criminal Justice. 22

Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time 8:00 - 9:00 AM

Facilitating Police Facilities Keystone DE Martin Kimmel, AIA, NCARB Kimmel Bogrette Architecture + Site, Inc, and Lou Verdelli, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets This workshop is presented by an architect who has designed dozens of police facilities and understands the challenges that police departments face in trying to protect the public while operating out of a less-than-ideal station house. The program is a complete planning resource for police departments in need of new, renovated or expanded facilities and includes comprehensive recommendations about early needs assessments, planning, design, financing ideas and suggestions, bidding and construction issues, demonstrated through examples of completed projects. Joining the Workshop is a Finance Professional who specializes in securing funds for municipal projects. The speakers will discuss how to “sell the need” of police facilities improvements to your local government and the community.


Mr. Lou Verdelli is a Managing Director at RBC Capital Markets. During the past 20 years, he has structured and completed hundreds of different types of financing options for Pennsylvania local governments, authorities, and school districts. He has extensive experience developing new money, refunding and restructuring transactions. These transactions have varied from traditional fixed-rate bonds to variable rate bonds as well as bank note and bond pool borrowings. Prior to joining RBC Capital Markets, Mr. Verdelli was a Managing Director at Public Financial Management in the Pennsylvania Local Government Group. 1:00 - 5:00 PM

Legal Issues with Chris Boyle Keystone DE Chris Boyle, Esq. Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin Chris will be presenting updates on cases in the last year impacting law enforcement in the civil arena, specifically, in civil rights law suits. As always, Chris does not hesitate to go “off script” to answer any questions from the audience, from his perspective as a civil rights defense attorney, and retired police lieutenant.


Christopher Boyle provides legal counsel to municipalities, police departments and private employers. He handles claims involving civil rights, municipal liability, and 23

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013

Martin Kimmel is a principal and co-founder of Kimmel Bogrette Architecture + Site and has more than 24 years of architectural design, land planning, historic preservation/ restoration and project management experience. Martin has provided architectural services to more than 65 local governments that are planning, studying, renovating, expanding, or designing new municipal facilities, including 25 projects for police, fire and emergency services organizations. Kimmel Bogrette has won numerous design awards for municipal facilities, all of which were applauded for their innovative design and sensitivity to the surrounding community, especially given their limited budgets.

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MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013

employment law and their attendant litigation. As a former state-certified instructor, Chris is also a nationally recognized law enforcement expert, frequently called upon to deliver seminars and other training to municipalities, police departments and insurers on a variety of topics including risk management, police pursuits, search and seizure, racial profiling, the Americans with Disabilities Act, hiring practices, Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Act and police shootings. 1:00 - 3:00 PM

PA Chiefs Technology Update 2013

Keystone C PCPA Tech staff Presentation of new and expanded facial recognition system with 3D graphics and multiple search engines including Penn DOT driver’s License Photo’s; Discussion of ACT 81 and the funding of Central Booking Technologies; Use of Voice recognition software to solve crime; Potential of new video conference technologies

3:00 - 5:00 PM

Overview of Sexual Violence for Law Enforcement Keystone B Andrea Pottgen, Advocate, and Gail Brown, Manager, Education & Training Services, PAAR This training covers an overview of sexual violence, handling a disclosure, and advocacy services available in the community. Officers will gain knowledge to better understand the impact of sexual violence upon victims, the potentially unexpected ways in which victims may react or reasons for not reporting. These are important factors to consider as officers work with victims to provide best practices.


Andrea Pottgen is an Advocate on the Crisis Intervention Team at Pittsburgh Action Against Rape. She has been with the agency for over 4 years. Previously she worked as a Crisis Intervention Therapist for the Sex Abuse Treatment Center in Honolulu, HI. Andrea has a B.A. degree in Economics and French from Washington & Jefferson College, an M.Ed. degree in Languages from the College of Charleston, and has almost completed her M.S.Ed. degree in Community Counseling from Duquesne University. Gail Brown is the Manager of Education and Training Services at Pittsburgh Action Against Rape. Ms. Brown has worked at PAAR for 12 years doing education programs in the community on various topics related to sexual violence. Ms. Brown has also provided trainings to professionals in various fields to enhance their understanding of sexual violence and its impact on their clients. Gail has a B.S. degree in Elementary and Kindergarten Education from Penn State University and is also a Pennsylvania Certified Kindergarten-8th grade teacher.


Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Successful Leadership on the Tough Days

Keystone DE Col. Danny McKnight, United States Army Retired He brings his experience to others through his presentation that provides a better understanding of the unparalleled commitment and leadership required to be successful when executing operations in the most difficult and severe situations. Many key values associated with successful leadership will be highlighted and referenced throughout the presentation.


Col. Danny McKnight was a distinguished military graduate from Florida State University in 1973, and earned a B.S. in Management. He was an Assistant Professor of Military Science at the University of Florida ROTC Department, where the earned his Masters Degree in Higher Education and Administration. He commanded 4-27th Infantry in Hawaii for 19 months. Upon leaving Hawaii, he assumed commanded of 3rd Ranger Battalion on 11 February 1993 where he commanded for 17 months. He later attended the U.S. Army War College. His military career included combat duty on two occasions- Panama 1989 and Somalia 1993 (basis for the Book and Movie “Black Hawk Down”). Colonel McKnight’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (2 awards), the Bronze Star Medal for Valor, the Purple Heart, the Ranger Tab, the Master Parachutist Badge with Combat Star. 9:30 - 11:30 AM You Have the Right to Remember

Keystone BC


Paul Mellor was a finalist in the USA Memory Championship. During the competition, Mr. Mellor recalled the names of over 90 people in less than 15 minutes, recalled the exact order of over 100-single digit numbers after a five-minute study, and recalled the exact order of a shuffled deck of playing cards after less than a three-and-a-half minute review. The author of MEMORY! How to Remember Anything, Mr. Mellor presents highly interactive, informative, and entertaining programs on memory skills to law enforcement nationwide. He is also the author of Stop Studying So Much; helping students achieve better grades with half the studying time, and is the author of You’re 25

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013

Paul Mellor, Success Links If there were a magic pill that would improve your memory, would you take it? Fortunately, you don’t need to. This fun and interactive session rids your poor memory of forgotten names, misplaced glasses, and statements such as, “I know it’s here somewhere” to a mind that’s efficient and reliable. This program dispels the myth that memory can’t be improved. It can; easily and effectively. You’ll learn techniques on organizing your thoughts, remembering names and faces, recalling crime scenes, speaking in court without notes, and overcoming absentmindedness. When you’re skilled in memory, all your other skills get better. You can improve your memory. This program shows you how.

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Almost There about his accomplishment as having run a marathon (26.2 miles) in all 50 states. He resides in Richmond, Virginia. 1:00 - 5:00 PM Sovereign Citizens and Anti-Government Extremists

Keystone BC Robert Finch, Detective, Greensboro (NC) Police Department This presentation will focus on sovereign citizens and their rapidly increasing problematic contact with all forms of government on a local, state, and federal level. Basic awareness of this growing threat and how it directly impacts the daily duties and responsibilities of law enforcement and the criminal justice system will be discussed at length. Attendees should expect a general “indoctrination” into the sovereign citizen movement to help further awareness, safety, recognition and mitigation of this new, and unconventional, problem.


Rob Finch is a Detective in the Greensboro, North Carolina Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Unit, where he has been assigned since 2008. His daily responsibilities involve monitoring, documenting and prosecuting subversive criminal groups and organizations that include sovereign citizens/anti-government Individuals, outlaw motorcycle gangs, anarchists, separatists and animal/earth extremists. Finch has worked numerous criminal cases on a state and federal level that have resulted in successful prosecutions. He is well versed on covert and overt surveillance techniques used during intelligence operations involving these subversive groups and has worked several large regional and national events in multiple jurisdictions.



9:30 AM 5:00 PM


Building and Marketing the Public Service Brand

Keystone DE Lt. Col. James Vance, USMC (Ret), FBI Academy (Ret) This highly interactive seminar deals with practical public relations strategies for the public service sector – with specific focus on law enforcement - as a means of enlisting community stakeholders as full partners in the fight to provide safe, secure and mutually productive communities. Relying on the foundational principles of marketing, brand building and organizational communications best-practices from such recognized authorities as Cutlip, Center, and Broom (“Effective Public Relations, 11th Edition”) and applied to the public service environment by the facilitator’s nearly 40 years of personal practice, the seminar explores such topics as internal and external cultural barriers and how to address them, understanding and working effectively with the community and business power structures, examining the concept of “customer relations” as it applies to the public service sector, “brand” placement/development, and elements of persuasion through practical marketing strategies. The program is enhanced through the use of concrete “real world” examples and case studies.

Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time ABOUT THE SPEAKER | LTCOL JAMES L. VANCE, USMC (RET)

LTCOL James L. Vance is formerly an instructor of graduate studies in media relations, marketing and leadership communications at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and currently an adjunct faculty member of both the University of Virginia and the University of Richmond, James L. (Jim) Vance’s career in public information and education spans nearly four decades. Prior to assuming his position with the FBI in November of 1992, Jim retired from the Marine Corps following over 21 years of active duty, 16 years of which were spent in both the national and international public affairs arena. His last military assignment was as Head of the Media Branch at Headquarters, Marine Corps in Washington D.C., where he was the Corps’ chief spokesman and media strategist. Throughout his career in public information and public relations, Jim has been called upon to develop and implement issues management strategies and advise senior leadership on their application of “best practices” in a host of high visibility settings. During his Marine career, he dealt with widely diverse matters from Desert Storm/Desert Shield deployments to the 1991 international relief effort in Bangladesh to the highly publicized “Tailhook” scandal of 1992. Recruited by the FBI, Jim became the first non-agent full time faculty member in FBI Academy history. During his two decades of service there, he developed both graduate and undergraduate courses in media relations, interpersonal communications, organizational communications, executive presentation skills, and, most recently, a course in marketing and public relations specifically geared toward the public service community. Jim also remained actively sought out for his media relations’ acumen. In the weeks following the September 11th terrorist attacks, Jim became a personal communications advisor to the newly appointed Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller. In addition, he was a key media advisor to the joint task force in the Washington D.C. area on the “sniper shootings” of late 2002 and was a media relations advisor to law enforcement in the New Orleans area during Hurricane Katrina and during the subsequent recovery efforts. He continues to be sought out for his advisory and consulting experience on a range of issues and his students in the field of public service today number in the thousands. Now retired from government service, Jim still travels extensively, speaking and conducting media, communications and marketing workshops and seminars at law enforcement, legal, government, business and military venues across the country and around the world. Jim holds a BA in Speech Communications from Central Washington State University, an MS in Radio and Television from Indiana’s Butler University, and an MS in Adult Learning/Human Resource Development from Virginia Tech. He is a life member of the United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association and a life member of the Military Officers Association of America.



1 0 0 T H A N N U A L E D U C AT I O N & T R A I N I N G C O N F E R E N C E 9:30 AM 12:00 PM

Enhancing Law Enforcement’s Ability to Ensure Accurate Identifications and Convictions: Techniques and Scientific Keystone BC Developments

Speaker Panel: Dr. Jennifer Dysart, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Chief Bill Brooks, Norwood, MA; Risa Ferman, District Attorney, Montgomery County; Marissa Bluestine, Legal Director, The Pennsylvania Innocence Project Law enforcement agencies nationwide are changing how they conduct eyewitness identification procedures to ensure the most accurate and reliable identifications possible. This seminar will explore why those reforms are necessary by explaining the most up to date science on human memory and recall and how it impacts on eyewitnesses to crimes. We will also show how the reforms are done and how they can be easily managed even in small departments. ABOUT THE SPEAKERS | DR. JENNIFER DYSART | WILLIAM BROOKS

Dr. Jennifer Dysart is a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Queen’s University and has been conducting research on eyewitness identification for 15 years. Her research examines how police identification procedures can influence the mistaken identification of innocent people and how the implementation of safeguards may reduce these errors. Dr. Dysart has published her research in peer-reviewed psychology journals and has written several book chapters on eyewitness identification accuracy. Over the past eight years, Dr. Dysart has spoken about the fallibility of eyewitness identification at over 70 judicial education conferences, public defender programs, police conferences, investigator conferences, and universities, and has more recently testified before legislative committees concerning eyewitness identification procedures. William Brooks is the Chief of the Norwood, Massachusetts Police Department. During his 35-year career, he has served as a patrolman, sergeant, detective sergeant and deputy chief. Bill has been a police academy instructor for over twenty-five years and a presenter on eyewitness identification for five years. He is a member of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Study Group on Eyewitness Identification. Chief Brooks holds a masters degree in criminal justice and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.


1:00 - 5:00 PM

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Police Department Labor and Employment Law

Keystone BC

Michael Palombo, Esq. and Christopher Gabriel, Esq., Campbell, Durrant, Beatty, Palombo & Miller, P.C. This presentation will begin with a legal update explaining the most recent statutory and regulatory changes that impact police departments in the area of labor and personnel law. It will then focus on the basics of how to handle disciplinary matters, including advanced practical tips for Weingarten and Loudermill meetings. The presentation will also cover what is perhaps the single biggest generator of personnel issues in municipal police departments: managing leave 28

Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time time. This part of the presentation will focus in on how to handle leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), how to spot and deal with Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) issues, and will also discuss the interplay between these laws and the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law and the Heart and Lung act. Just for added fun, we will explore the most significant issues that arise in police departments under the FLSA. ABOUT THE SPEAKERS | MICHAEL A. PALOMBO | CHRISTOPHER P. GABRIEL

Mr. Palombo represents both public and private employers in matter relating to labor relations, collective bargaining negotiations, personnel and human resources consultations, employment discrimination, wage and hour disputes, claims of discriminations and other general employment matters. He also counsels clients on matter related to the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection law, and other state and federal laws impacting the work place. Mr. Palombo has participated in administrative proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board, the Pennsylvania Relations Board, and various state agencies. He serves as chief labor negotiator for a number of public and private sector clients. Born in Pittsburgh, Mike attended Duquesne University where he obtained both his undergraduate and juris doctorate degrees. Mike was a member and served as managing editor of the Duquesne Law Review. Mike also volunteers annually to provide pro bono services for the Neighborhood Legal Services Association. Mike has written a number of articles on labor and employment topics, has provided training to his clients on these issues. He served as a contributing editor for How Arbitration Works, Sixth Edition, Elkouri and Elkouri, a national treatise on the grievance and interest arbitration processes and is a frequent presenter for public sector organizations including the Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities, the Local Government Academy, the Boroughs Association, the Allegheny League of Municipalities, and the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners.



Christopher P. Gabriel represents both public and private employers in matter relating to labor relations, collective bargaining negotiations, personnel and human resources consultations, employment discrimination, wage and hour disputes, claims of discriminations and other general employment matters. He also counsels clients on matter related to the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection law, and other state and federal laws impacting the work place. Born in DuBois Pennsylvania, Chris attended St. Vincent College in Latrobe, where he obtained is undergraduate degree. Chris went on to Duquesne University, where he obtained a Master’s degree in American History. Chris was a member of the University Of Pittsburgh of Law Journal of Technology Law & Policy. Chris volunteers annually to provide pro bono services for the Neighborhood Legal Services Association.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013 – 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Monday, June 24, 2013 – 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time EXHIBITORS


On the following listing of exhibitors, this symbol indicates a proud PCPA Sponsor for 2013! 3M Cogent, Inc. 639 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 512-507-1733 Biometrics Company Booth # 9 Active Continuous Training/ CAAS LLC 335 Madison Ave. 9th Floor New York NY 10017 212-350-2711 Active Continuous Training by CAAS LLC provides online, interactive training films that immerse officers in scenarios and tests decision making and professional knowledge. Booth # 52 All Traffic Solutions 3100 Research Drive State College PA 16801 814-237-9005 We are the only manufacturer in the industry to offer 100% integrated cloud-based technology into our entire line of traffic calming signs and solutions that allow users to remotely manage their equipment from anywhere there is an internet connection. No more extra trips to the signs to change settings and messages, check batteries or download data. Booth # 35 American Traffic Solutions 1330 West Southern Avenue Tempe AZ 85282 480-596-4672 ATS delivers next-generation technology products, services, and business solutions and anticipates our customers’ future mobility, traffic safety and enforcement needs. Booth # 4

Atlantic Tactical 763 Corporate Circle New Cumberland PA 17070 717-774-3339 Atlantic Tactical is the largest Law Enforcement equipment and uniform supplier in the Northeast. Booth # 30 Beyer-Warnock Fleet 31 Williams Parkway East Hanover NJ 07936 973-463-3068 Police and Municipal Vehicles, Equipment and Service Booth # V6 Brandon COPsync LLC 222 Rosewood Drive Suite 810 Danvers MA 01923 617-695-8949 Leading Provider of law enforcement products including VIDTAC In-Car Video Camera (all digital system) and COPsync real-time information sharing software. Booth # 10 Buchart Horn, Inc. 445 West Philadelphia Street York PA 17401 717-852-1400 Provide Program and Architectural Design Services Booth # 51 Carfax Police Crash Assistance Program 610-858-7304 CARFAX Police Crash Assistance provides cutting edge investigative tools to help you solve crimes faster and ecommerce solutions to save you time and money. Booth # 22



1 0 0 T H A N N U A L E D U C AT I O N & T R A I N I N G C O N F E R E N C E Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT) 1001 N. Fairfax Avenue Alexandria VA 22314 703-535-3131 Booth # 27 Coban Technologies, Inc. 11375 West Sam Houston Parkway South #800 Houston Texas 77031 281-561-2570 xt124 Digital In-Car Video, Mobile Computing, Interview Room, ALPR Booth # 25 CODY Systems 1005 East High Street Pottstown PA 19464 610-326-7476 CODY Systems is a PA-based, 34-year veteran of the Public Safety Software market, providing integrated software to nation-wide public safety, homeland security and intelligence agencies of all sizes and tiers, from rural police departments up to state-wide and federal agency deployments. CODY’s award-winning solutions include Desktop RMS, Express RMS/CAD and Field Reporting, Dispatch, investigations, corrections, hosted RMS, etc., as well as the Cloud-ready information-sharing platform, with its C.tac 5 tactical search app, which integrates, shares and provides true real-time information on ALL entities across jurisdictions to officers on the street, investigators and upstream destinations -- regardless of the RMS vendor that participating agencies use.

Data911 2021 Challenger Drive Alameda CA 94501 510-865-9100 M7 Mobile Computer, Digital Video with LPR Web AVL with In-Vehicle Navigation Booth # 3 DataWorks Plus 728 N Pleasantburg Drive Greenville SC 29607 864-672-2780 DataWorks Plus provides law enforcement and criminal justice technology. We develop and build cutting edge software for law enforcement agencies nationwide. Booth # 28 Day Fleet Sales 1600 Golden Mile Highway Monroeville PA 15146 412-351-3400 Booth # V 1&2 Diamondback Tactical 207 Oakland Road Spindale NC 20160 828-288-6717 Diamondback Tactical designs and manufactures mission-specific technologically advanced tactical armor systems ranging from ballistic armor and carriers to hard-armor shields. Booth # 55

Digital Ally, Inc. 9705 Loiret Blvd Lenexa KS 66219 CODY Systems is proud to be the PCPA’s only 4-Shield 800-440-4947 Sponsor, providing the Association with support to help educate, train and protect officers in Pennsylvania. Digital Ally manufactures and sells digital in-car video Booth # 1&2 systems, as well as advanced wearable body cameras. Booth # 5 CRIMEWATCH Technologies, Inc. 453 Lincoln Street Suite 4 Federal Signal Carlisle PA 17013 2645 Federal Signal Drive 717-516-5242 University Park IL 60484 708-534-3400 Community Policing Software building direct relationships between the police and public through web Manufacturer of emergency vehicle lights and sirens and and social technologies. in-car video. Booth # 44 Booth # 36 34

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Gatso USA 900 Cummings Center Suite 321-U Beverly MA 01915 978-922-7294 Traffic photo enforcement solutions including; Red Light, Speed and School Bus Stop-Arm Cameras complete with Violations Processing and Mailing Booth # 39 Governor’s Office of Homeland Security 1800 Elmerton Ave Harrisburg PA 17110 717-214-1296 Booth # 6 GTS - Honeywell Batteries 550 Cochituate Road Suite 15 Framingham MA 01701 5089076662 Global Technology Systems (“GTS”) is the trusted expert in mobile power technology and the exclusive worldwide designer and manufacturer of Honeywell® Batteries. GTS provides a complete line of mobile power solutions for your leading two-way radios including batteries, chargers and battery management services. Booth # 21 Hoffman Ford 5200 Jonestown Road Harrisburg PA 17112 717-657-1600 A COSTARS* approved Ford dealership that has been serving municipalities for over 60 years. Specializing in Ford Police Interceptor sales and service. Booth # V7

Image Sensing Systems, Inc. 1600 University Ave W #500 St. Paul MN 55104 651-603-7700 ISS is a provider of software-based solutions for the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) sector and adjacent markets including security, police and parking. ISS’ industry leading computer-enabled detection (CED) products include the Autoscope® machine-vision family, the RTMS® radar family and the CitySync automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) family. CED is a group of technologies in which software, rather than humans, examines the outputs of complex sensors to determine what is happening in the field of view in real-time. Booth # 8 In-Synch Systems 129 McCarrell Lane Suite 301 Zelienople PA 16063 724-601-4872 In-Synch RMS™ is a Records Management/ Report Writing Solution and Investigative Tool that can be used anywhere, with or without a network connection. Booth # 32 JAMAR Technologies, Inc. 1500 Industry Road Ste. C Hatfield PA 19440 800-776-0940 End the arguments. JAMAR Radar Recorders are used throughout the United States tpo address speeding complaints wih comprehensive traffic data reports. Booth # 26 JTech Emergency Lighting 102 Oscar Way Chester Springs PA 19425 610-458-1235 Working with Jtech Emergency Lighting and New Holland Auto Group provides a turn-key operation to deliver your new, fully upfitted vehicles on time and under budget. Booth # V4



FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS 105 N. Front Street Suite 305 Harrisburg PA 17101 717-303-5200 A nonprofit organization of Pennsylvania’s top law enforcement leaders who advocate for investments in at-risk kids shown to prevent crime and violence. Booth # 33


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KME/Kovatch Organization One Industrial Complex Nesquehoning PA 18240 570-656-0139 Ford dealer, COSTARS participant, Police vehicle upfitter Booth # 57 Kustom Signals, Inc. 9652 Loiret Blvd Lenexa KS 66219 913-961-5343 Since 1965 designing, manufacturing, selling & supporting advanced digital in-car video systems. Booth # 50 L-3 Mobile-Vision 90 Fanny Road Boonton NJ 07005 800-336-8475 L-3 Mobile-Vision, Inc. is the premier provider of digital in-car video, license plate recognition and mobile data computing platforms for public safety, allowing your agency to capture, manage and communicate critical information in a safe, secure and reliable manner. Booth # 7 LexisNexis Risk Solutions 1000 Alderman Drive Alpharetta GA 30005 5612127375 LexisNexis® LexisNexis® eCrash is an automated crash reporting process free to contributing law enforcement agencies that can also serve as a traffic and safety analytic tool. For more information, call 877.719.8806 or email us at Booth # 38 Metro Alert 435 Devon Park Drive Wayne PA 19083 610-296-7455 Metro Alert CAD, RMS and Mobile Software for Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Booth # 24 36

Milham Ford 3810 Hecktown Road Easton PA 18045 610-253-9191 Milham Fleet is the largest COSTARS approved stocking Interceptor dealer. Centrally located, we can deliver an Interceptor to your door within 3 business days. Booth # V3 NC4 100 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 200 El Segundo CA 90245 310-606-4444 NC4’s Situational Readiness solutions revolutionize how government and businesses collect, manage, share and disseminate information to mitigate risks, manage incidents, and securely communicate and collaborate with one another. Aggregating and integrating information from public and private sources, NC4 leverages its cutting-edge technologies to bring users a highly customized presentation of relevant information in a single, easy to use console. Booth # 34 PA National Guard 554 Airport Road Johnstown PA 19504 814-533-2481 Deployment Cycle Support Booth # 20 PA SAVIN 717-265-8707 The Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification system is a free, confidential service that notifies registrants when an incarcerated offender is released, transferred or escapes from a PA prison. Booth # 53

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PD Evidence LLC 6580 Red Top Road Harrisburg PA 17111 (717) 256-1733 Enter evidence; Barcode it; Release to temporary evidence; Transfer to the laboratory or the main evidence room; Audit your evidence to ensure integrity and retention policy compliance; Create reports designed by real cops and prosecutors out of proven needs. Booth # 40 Penn State Justice & Safety Institute The 329 Building Innovation Boulevard Suite 222 University Park PA 16802 814-863-0079 Penn State Justice and Safety Institute (JASI) provides management and training services to law enforcement and other public safety organizations. JASI also provides online and blended degree programs for public safety professionals. Booth # 48 Pennsylvania State Police Museum HEMC 187 E. Hershey Park Drive, Hershey, PA 17033 (717) 534-0565 PSP-HEMC is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the history and heritage of the Pennsylvania State Police. Booth # 41 and V5 Pennylvania Justice Network (JNET) 5 Technology Park Harrisburg PA 17110 717-346-7355 JNET is the primary public safety and criminal justice information broker in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Booth # 23

Public Safety Systems Incorporated (PSSI) 10001 Derekwood Lane Suite 204 Lanham MD 20706 301-459-8600 ext. 301 As an industry leader since 1984, PSSI has developed, implemented and supported CAD, RMS and Mobile systems. PSSI provides solutions to Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS and Airports nationwide. Our off-theshelf and customized solutions are used by agencies with populations from 15,000 to 3 M. For more information, please visit our website at www.PSSI. com. Booth # 18 Purdue Pharma LP One Stamford Forum Stamford CT 06901 203-588-7817 The Purdue Pharma Law Enforcement Liaison and Education Unit, which is staffed by retired law enforcement officials, provides FREE training programs on preventing and investigating prescription drug diversion as well as FREE educational materials. Booth # 45 Segway of Hershey 884 Moores Mountain Road Lewisberry PA 717-668-1641 Segway Vehicles for Law Enforcement Booth # 54 Sig Sauer 18 Industrial Drive Exeter PA 03833 603-686-5632 SIG SAUER world renowned firearms are the weapons of choice for many of the premier global military law enforcement and commercial users. Booth # 46



Patrol PC 344 John Dietsch Blvd North Attleboro MA 02763 508-699-0548 Patrol PC is a US manufacturer of Ultra-Rugged Tablet PC’s optimized for use in Police, Fire & EMS vehicles. We offer outstanding ergonomics and reliability, the lowest total cost of ownership, and up to a 7-year extended warranty! Booth # 19


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Stalker Radar 2609 Technology Dr Plano Texas 75074 214-755-6324 Booth # 49 Stanard & Assocaites, Inc./PCPA Testing Program 309 W Washington St Suite 1000 Chicago IL 60606 800-367-6919 Publisher of The National Police Officer Selection Test, The Pennsylvania First and Second Line Supervisor Tests and The National Dispatcher Selection Test. These exams are offered through the PCPA Testing program. Booth # 12 Trident University International 5757 Plaza Drive Suite #100 Cypress CA 90630 714-686-9837 Founded in 1998 and based in Cypress, California, Trident University is an accredited online university. TUI offers high-quality Baccalaureate, Master’s and Doctoral degrees and pioneered the world-renowned Robust Learning Model (RLM), which employs proven case-based and applied online learning methodologies. Booth # 31 VeriPic 2360 Walsh Avenue Santa Clara CA 95051-1301 408-496-1200 VeriPic, Inc. has served over 70,000 end users in the law enforcement community with a suite of software programs that manage digital and physical evidence. Booth # 17


WatchGuard Video 415 Century Parkway Allen TX 75013 972-423-9777 WatchGuard Video is the leading manufacturer of digital in-car video equipment for the law enforcement industry. Booth # 29 Waveband Communications, LLC 361 Winged Foot Drive Westminster MD 21158 800-806-1076 Manufacturer of Two-Way Radio Equipment and accessories. Booth # 47 Whelen Engineering Company 51 Withrop Road Chester CT 06412 860-526-9504 Whelen designs and manufactures vehicular emergency warning lights and sirens. Booth # 56 Witmer Public Safety Group Inc. 104 Independence Way Coatesville PA 19320 484-288-6420 From head to toe and everything in between has you covered. We deliver the world of law enforcement equipment and supplies to your door- names like Taser, Federal Cartridge, Smith and Wesson, Glock, Colt, Bushmaster, Combined tactical, PACA, Mossberg, Safariland, Bianchi, 5.11 Tactical, ASP, Hatch, Uncle Mike’s, Benchmade, Streamlight, Under Armour, ESS, Surefire, Point Blank, EOTech, Aimpoint and Wiley X- just to name a few. Visit and place your order today! Booth # 37

A Time Time for for Reflection Reflectiio on

C O N F E R E N C E E VA L U AT I O N Using the following four-point scale, please circle the number that most appropriately represents your opinion. EXCELLENT 4




a. Conference Location





b. Conference Schedule and Format





c. Hotel Facilities and Accommodations





d. Meals – Food





e. Conference Registration Procedures





f. Number of Exhibits





g. Types of Exhibits





h. Conference Program





i. Activities and Events





j. Overall Conference Evaluation







__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________



We hope that you enjoyed the conference. We would appreciate it if you would complete this form and return it to the registration desk. Your input is valuable and needed to improve future conferences. Thank You! 3 39

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