Fall 2011 Bulletin Magazine

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Inside This Issue: •Legislative Report • newest accredited agencies •2011 Conference wrap-up •PA Patch Pride • Data sharing is an officer’s greatest ally • Data-driven approaches to crime and traffic safety

BULLETIN Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

USPS 425940 • ISSN 0031-4404

FALL 2011 - Vol. 113; Issue 2

In This Issue ARTICLES LiveScan Update...............................................................................................................................................8 PCPA Membership Products..................................................................................................................... 10-11 PCPA 98th Annual Conference Wrap-Up...........................................................................................13-17 2011 Fall Festival Torch Run...........................................................................................................................18 Data Sharing is an Officer’s Greatest Ally.................................................................................................. 20-21 Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety: an Effective and Eficient Moel for Law Enforcement Agencies.................................................................................................................... 22-24 Rise in Law Enforcement Fatalities Continues During First Half of 2011—Firearms-Related Deaths Reach 20-Year High July 20, 2011..............................................................................................................25

COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS Executive Board & Committees........................................................................................................................4 President’s Message............................................................................................................................................5 Executive Director’s Message.............................................................................................................................6 Memberships & Memorials...............................................................................................................................7 Legislative Report..............................................................................................................................................8 Welcome to Our Newest Accredited Agencies...................................................................................................9 PA Patch Pride................................................................................................................................................19

PCPA STAFF Amy Rosenberry, Executive Director • arosenberry@pachiefs.org Tom Armstrong, Member Services • tarmstrong@pachiefs.org Ashley Crist, Executive Assistant • acrist@pachiefs.org Chris Braun, Grant projects • cjbraun@pachiefs.org Jerry Miller, Offender Identification Technology • jmiller@pachiefs.org Joseph Blackburn, Accreditation Coordinator • jblackburn@pachiefs.org Andrea Sullivan, Accreditation Assistant • asullivan@pachiefs.org Cheryl Campbell, Financial Administration • ccampbell@pachiefs.org Russ McKibben, Online Training Project Coordinator • rmckibben@pachiefs.org Bill Gibson, Physical Fitness • fitcop@hotmail.com

Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN (ISSN 0031-4404) is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. Subscription to PCPA BULLETIN is included in PCPA annual dues. Periodicals Postage paid at Harrisburg, PA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1536. The content of the PCPA BULLETIN is to be a practical reference featuring information of specific interest and relevance to law enforcement professionals. Topics of interest include professional development, current legislative and goals, news items, upcoming events and legal issues. Reviews, reports and articles are submitted by members, experts and other interested law enforcement personnel. Articles or ideas for content should be submitted to PCPA Headquarters c/o Amy Rosenberry, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1536 or emailed to arosenberry@pachiefs.org.

PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN



Thomas DiMaria


President Chief of Police • Swoyersville Borough

John Mackey

1st Vice President Chief of Police • Bethel Park Borough

Thomas King

Thomas DiMaria


Keith Keiper • Thomas Gross Robert Jolley • William Kelly Thomas King • Michael Klein Daniel Kortan, Jr. • John Mackey William Richendrfer

2nd Vice President Chief of Police • State College Borough


William Kelly

Robert Martin

3rd Vice President Chief of Police • Abington Township

Keith Keiper

4th Vice President Chief of Police • Kingston Borough

Daniel Kortan, Jr.

Chairman Chief of Police • Lansdowne Borough

William Richendrfer

Secretary Chief of Police • South Centre Township

Michael Klein

Treasurer Chief of Police • Harrison Township

BOARD MEMBERS Thomas Gross - 2014

Chief of Policee • York Area Regional Police

Richard Hammon - 2014

Superintendent • Silver Spring Township

Joseph Daly - 2013

Chief of Police • Springfield Township

Harold Lane - 2013

Inspector • Allegheny County DA

David Spotts - 2012

Chief of Police • Mechanicsburg Borough

Michael Flanagan - 2014

Chief of Police • Laflin Borough

David Mettin - 2014

Chief of Police • Pennridge Regional Police

Robert Jolley - 2013

Chief of Police • Dallas Township

William Grover - 2012

Chief of Police • Etna Borough

Scott Bohn - 2012

Chief of Police • West Chester Borough



William Kelly • Robert Adams T. Robert Amann • William Daly Daniel Duffy • Joseph Elias Ashley Heiberger • Daniel Hunsinger Howard Kocher • Thomas Kokoski David Laux • Dennis Logan Dennis McDonough • Tom Ogden Robert Ruxton • James Santucci Carl Scalzo • John Snyder Kevin Stoehr • George Swartz Richard Wiley


Jason Umberger


John Mackey • Darryl Albright Diane Conrad • Randolph Cox Richard Danko • Michael Donohue Ronald Fonock • Eric Gill Erik Grunzig • Marshall Martin Thomas Murray • Patrick O’Rourke, Sr. Dean Osborne • Joseph Pontarelli Leo Sokoloski • Jeffrey Storm Robert Then • John Turcmanovich Albert Walker • Paul Yost


Mark Pugliese


Gary Anderson • Thomas King Mark Bentzel • Robert Cifrulak John English • John Petrick Guy Salerno • John Slauch Timothy Trently • Martin Wusinich


Richard Hammon


Richard Baer • Michael Carroll William Eckert • William Howatt Donald Hunter, Sr. • Samuel Karpa Stephen Ott • Paul Sabol Ronald Smeal • William Weaver

Amy Rosenberry Executive Director



FALL 2011 Issue

PCPA MISSION: The Association is a professional organization of chiefs of police and other executives of police, public safety and private law enforcement organizations across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Association provides a vehicle through which members can come together, examine their positions on issues, and address the needs of their colleagues. The values that guide the Association’s working decisions are central to its mission. These values include accountability, continuous improvement, diversity, education and training, human life, innovation, the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, problem-solving, compassion, cooperation, excellence, fairness, inclusion, integrity, personal autonomy, and professionalism. When put into practice, these values help the Association contribute to the quality of life across the state. The Association’s values are characteristics of qualities of work. Although the membership of the Association may need to balance these values from time to time on both an individual and collective basis, the Association will never ignore these values for the sake of expediency or personal preference. The Association holds these values constantly before it to teach and remind the Association’s membership, and the communities which those members serve, of the Association’s ideals. These values are the cornerstone upon which the Association is founded. In fulfilling its mission, the Association needs the support of the residents and elected officials of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Association’s staff in order to provide the quality of service which the Association’s values commit it to providing. The Association seeks to serve and protect all residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; as such, the Association aims to earn and maintain the unqualified respect of all residents. The Association’s members aim to be respected leaders in their communities, throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, throughout the United States of America, and internationally. With these aims in mind, the Association promotes the professional and personal development of its members through innovative services, training, peer counseling and comradeship. The Association makes a positive impact on the quality of life in the communities which its members serve through pro-active leadership in the following: community partnerships, ethics and integrity, knowledge and information dissemination, promoting legislation which advances the mission of the Association before the United States Congress and the Pennsylvania General Assembly, media relations, professional standards, vision, and innovative change.


PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

President’s Message



t is hard to believe that we were all celebrating a fun filled week in Lancaster a couple of months ago already. But time waits for no one and I am sure we are all hard at work right where we left off prior to the annual conference. I hope you had time to relax a little and enjoy some summer time activities with your family.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to our Staff at PCPA, Officers, Executive Board, Ladies Committee and everyone else who helped to make this year’s conference a great success. The entire conference went above and beyond all expectations. I am happy to report that our attendance at this year’s conference was up and hopefully that trend will continue. It was refreshing to see not only “good old friends” from across the Commonwealth but also many new faces. I welcome everyone and I hope the participation continues. There are many important issues being dealt with on a daily basis and I am grateful to have our Executive Director working hand in hand with me to address the complex issues. The Executive Board recently conducted a strategic planning summit to set new goals and direction for our Association. As president I am also happy to report that the on-line training and Virtual Training Network are both continuing to make great progress. I thank immediate Past President Dan Kortan for his dedication, guidance and commitment to this project. As you know our Committees are essential in furthering the goals of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. I am taking on a new approach by getting more members active on committees and having our Vice Presidents serve as Committee Liaisons that will report back to the Executive Board. I realize that the amount of work is overwhelming but we can be most effective if each of us focus on a specific issue. We have numerous members with extensive experience and a valuable staff to tie everything together. If we work on our respective project and then link all the pieces of the puzzle together we will see the big picture. The season will be changing soon and I ask everyone to take some time and enjoy the beautiful foliage and scenic landscapes our great Commonwealth has to offer. Please remain active and keep sharing ideas and thoughts to keep us at the forefront of all Associations. I look forward to working along with everyone and as is our Staff - I will make myself available to anyone who wishes to speak to me, whether by telephone, email or in person.


Tom DiMaria President


FALL 2011 Issue



PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

executive director’s Message


hange is inevitable. It is necessary, it keeps us moving and more importantly, it allows us to grow. PCPA is embarking on a sea of change to keep pace with the many changes affecting our membership, law enforcement as a whole and the citizens served by Pennsylvania’s professional police agencies. Many changes and improvements have already taken place such as the new website offering more social networking opportunities for members through the internet, online registrations and applications; the new online training network - pavtn.net - offering members and their officers alternatives to classroom training; e-Newsletters and an electronic version of the BULLETIN, to name a few. Earlier this year, PCPA began the process of strategic planning and thanks to the overwhelming response and input from the Membership and sincere dedication and commitment of the Executive Board and Staff we are well on our way to the final formulation of a plan. Below is a summary of the process thus far for your information and reminder that this is your Association and your input and involvement is pivot to the success of the Association as a whole!

Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association 2011 Strategic Planning Process An Introduction As we age, there are changes that naturally occur within us and around us. That is true of people; that is true of organizations. Organizations cannot exist over a great period of time without changing to reflect the trends occurring in and around them. However, change should not be haphazard. If organizations simply change for the sake of change, they soon find that they no longer serve those communities that caused them to exist in the first place. Organizations must change to meet the needs of the present, but they must also continue to have a bridge to their past. That is one of the challenges of a Strategic Planning process. Groups need to adapt to the world in which they exist, but they need to remain aware of where they came from and who they are. It was with these beliefs in mind that the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association (PCPA) contacted Lee Ann Labecki, Principal of Cupola85, a public policy research firm, and asked for her assistance in planning and facilitating a Strategic Planning initiative in the summer of 2011. A group as large and diverse as the PCPA has to meet the challenges of providing a voice to its membership and stakeholders in the 21st century. On the cusp of its Centennial anniversary, the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association was ready to “scan its future” while remaining firmly grounded in its history, accomplishments, and very reason for existence. The process, which culminated in the Strategic Planning session, had its nexus in an initial meeting four months prior to the actual session. Ms. Labecki met with the PCPA Executive Board and staff in April of 2011. Much of the early research on best practices of other state chiefs of police associations took place in May. June was set aside for design of the survey devices. July was reserved for conducting a survey of the Executive Board, Staff, and membership and for analyzing the subsequent data. The strategic planning training material was developed in June and July. The Executive Board and Staff Planning Retreat was held in early August. A Strategic Planning session provides an opportunity for an organization to assess where it is, where it wants to go, and how to get there. Groups unify their vision and goals, and they anticipate emerging trends that may impact the organization in the future. The results can be especially fruitful in providing a framework for decision making and a context for budgeting decisions. The strategic planning process is a cyclical process with each step of the process feeding off the previous step. In the beginning, it is necessary to assess and define the current state of the organization. After making those assessments, the next step is to make an analysis of current trends, all with the intent of anticipating and designing where the organization would like to be in the future. Any difference between where the organization is now and where it would like to be in the future would incur an analysis of that gap, all with the idea of describing what needs to be done to make up that gap. With that in mind, the organization develops a plan to realize the future state, which in turn, at least theoretically, establishes a new state that should be analyzed again at some point. There are essentially three questions that need asked and answered when preparing a Strategic Plan. The fourth cannot be answered until after the strategic plan is developed and implemented. continued on next pageu



FALL 2011 Issue


PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

First, PCPA must ask just where the organization is today. The next question is speculative: where should PCPA be in the future? Third, for the purpose of a Strategic Plan, the participants must ask how PCPA can get to that point. Only later can there be an assessment as to whether the organization is actually successfully implementing its plan and the associated goals. Having completed the first steps in this beneficial process, PCPA will now move on to a review of the results and a scan of what the future holds.

All my best,

Amy K. Rosenberry Executive Director

Memberships & Memorials NEW MEMBERS

Chief James Boddington, Southern Police Commission Chief Joseph Hicks, Duquesne City School District Chief Daniel Duffy, City of Scranton Chief Louis Sacco, Homer City Borough Chief Jeffrey Besong, Point Park University Deputy Chief Douglas Hockenberry, Camp Hill Borough Police Inspector Anthony Guidotti, Sr., Philadelphia Housing Authority Chief Denise Miller, Indian Lake Borough

In Memoriam

We mourn the loss of the following members of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association family. We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to their loved ones and remain grateful for the lives of: Francis Brennan, II Retired Chief of Berwick Borough


Is Your Information Up-To-Date? Please take a moment to visit the new PCPA website at www.pachiefs.org and log in at the top right corner using your email and password. Logging in will allow you to gain access to members-only pages and information as well as the full membership directory. Here you can make changes to your contact information and department information. Increasingly, the PA Chiefs of Police Association uses electronic methods, such as a bi-weekly eNewsletter, to keep our membership up-to-date and informed. Please make sure your email address is current and correct so that you don’t miss out on pertinent information between magazines. Your accurate information will allow us to better serve you! Thank you!

FALL 2011 Issue



PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

Legislative Report

The 11R PA Legislative Session adjourned at the end of June and will reconvene in late September. The following Acts of special interest to law enforcement in Pennsylvania were signed into law by Governor Corbett thus far this Session: ACT 7 Signed by the Governor on June 23, 2011. Took effect at midnight on August 22, 2011 Original Bill - Senate Bill 1006 Summary - Amends the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to make bath salts and certain synthetic cannabinoids a schedule one narcotic. ACT 10 Signed by the Governor on June 28, 2011. Took effect at midnight on August 27, 2011 Original Bill - House Bill 40 Summary - Amends Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), in general principles of justification, in Title 42 to have deadly force be justified even if the person does not comply with demands from one who is threatening them. Conditions are given for when a reasonable belief that deadly force is required to protect oneself. Also, conditions when this belief is not reasonable are provided. Limitations are placed upon the duty to retreat before deadly forced is used and certain presumptions are allowed to be made about a person entering a home or vehicle by force. The ability of public officers to use deadly force in the performance of their duties is provided. In Title 18, the use of deadly force in the protection of a third person is provided for and a person protecting a third person does not need to retreat beyond where the third person is required to retreat. Theft constituting a felony of the first degree is provided for and the definition of “loaded” added. Civil immunity for the use of

force is provided for. This bill is colloquially known as the Castle Doctrine expansion bill. ACT 40 Signed By the Governor on July 7, 2011. Took effect at midnight on September 5, 2011 Original Bill - House Bill 396 Summary - Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to make it a felony of the first degree for the offense of a drug delivery resulting in death. The penalty for the offense is a term of imprisonment set by the court of not more than 40 years. Provides for enhanced punishment for second and subsequent offenses. ACT 66 Signed by the Governor on July 7, 2011. Took effect at midnight on September 5, 2011 Original Bill - Senate Bill 448 Summary - Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in offenses relating to minors, to make certain exceptions from prosecution regarding the consumption or possession of alcohol for enumerated instances where the consumer of alcohol is seeking medical assistance. More detailed information, including links to this recently enacted legislation is available via the PCPA Bills To Watch Page of the PCPA website. PCPA Staff will continue monitor and track proposed legislation of interest to the Association. Members are encouraged to contact Headquarters if they have specific questions about legislative issues.

Livescan Update Beginning April 15, 2012, the FBI will no longer accept hard-copy fingerprint cards or hard-copy biometrics such as palm prints. The FBI is aware some agencies will need an alternate method to submit hard-copy fingerprints after that date. Local police departments who don’t have a livescan or livescan booking center will need to either acquire this electronic booking equipment, or use the nearest booking center that has the livescan fingerprint equipment. For further information about electronic booking equipment, please contact: Jerry Miller Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association Offender Identification Technology Coordinator jmiller@pachiefs.org 717-236-1059



FALL 2011 Issue


PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

Welcome to Our Newest Accredited Agencies

Allegheny County Allegheny County Chief Charles W. Moffatt

Coal Township Northumberland County Chief William J. Carpenter

Pocono Mountain Regional Monroe County Chief Harry W. Lewis

Quakertown Borough Bucks County Chief Scott McElree

Carlisle Borough Cumberland County Chief Stephen L. Margeson

Springfield Township Delaware County Chief Joseph J. Daly


State College Borough, Centre County Chief Thomas R. King

Penn Township, Westmoreland County Chief John M. Otto

Upper Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County Chief David W. Duffy

Warminster Township, Bucks County Chief S. Michael Murphy

Abington Township, Montgomery County Chief William J. Kelly

Newberry Township, York County Chief John C. Snyder

Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County Chief Terrence P. Thompson

Pennsylvania Capital Police, Dauphin County Superintendent Richard S. Shaffer

York Area Regional, York County Chief Thomas C. Gross

North Coventry Township, Chester County Chief Robert A. Schurr

Lower Burrell City, Westmoreland County Chief Tracy H. Lindo


FALL 2011 Issue



Membership Products

Car Emblems • License Plates • Straw Hats • Pens • Knives • Cats Meows Miniature Police Cars • Baseball Caps • Bags and Totes • Money Clips Plus many more items for sale at www.pachiefs.org

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FALL 2011 Issue

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Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

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FALL 2011 Issue





FALL 2011 Issue



98 th Annual Education and Training Conference Wrap-Up What happens at the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association annual education and training conference doesn’t stay at the conference. The events, the information, and the relationships are meant to be taken home by both the attendees and their families and used for years. The conference provides for the special needs of police executives and their families to help them to be leaders, protect their communities and deal with the stresses of police work. During the day, it offers relevant training on a variety of law enforcement, management, and legal topics. In one place, there is access to over 80 law enforcement vendors offering products, displaying equipment, and demonstrating the latest technology. It offers plenty of opportunity to network with national and regional leaders, meet peers, exchange ideas, share experiences and engage in challenging exercises, in a very relaxed and social atmosphere. Social networking is important to effective policing. Police Chiefs work at similar jobs across a wide geographic area, and may never have the opportunity to meet one another in person. The conference offers them a place to meet, share their common interests, and expand their pool of resources for assistance. Better yet, research has shown that people respond to requests for help or information more quickly when they know the person issuing the request as opposed to when they don’t, so offering opportunities for chiefs to connect with one another creates the potential for a more efficient organization. This year was PCPA’s 98th conference. For something to last that long it must be special. What follows is a diary of the conference events, peer encounters and social interactions. It recaps who spoke and what important messages were transmitted. It is meant to



remind those that attended of their shared experiences and ensure that those who couldn’t attend start planning early and join us for the 99th annual conference.

Sunday July 10, 2011 Around noon on this hot July afternoon, the lobby of the Host Resort began to buzz with greetings exchanged between the early arriving members and their families. On the lower level outside the ballroom, members were greeted by board members and staff, while they picked up their registration packets. Across the room the Ladies’ Committee was setting up their gifts and raffle packages. In a side meeting room the training committee was busy getting their assignments and going over the event schedule. As more members arrived at registration, including those who took the preconference golf challenge, they were greeted by representatives of the FBI VICAP program, NCTS, and MAGLOCLEN explaining the resources available. More about these organizations and there recourses can be found on the PCPA website www.pachiefs.org in the resources section. At three o’clock the Exhibit Hall opened and members could view the latest police equipment and services available. The exhibit hall and the vendors with their products and services are an important part of conference. Here, chiefs can explore the offerings and discuss the quality and pricing with their colleagues over coffee or lunch. Every year new technology and products become available for police use and the conference is a good place for both the vendor and the police consumer to come together. Many of the vendors will offer special pricing to members in a show of appreciation for their work in law enforcement. Other vendors like DataWorks Plus, Atlantic Tactical, and Varsity Inc. help sponsor conference events. Metro Technology is a Triple Shield partner, and for the second year CODY systems is a Four Shield Partner of PCPA, both companies lending support not only at the conference, but throughout the entire year. While the chiefs visited the exhibit hall ladies enjoyed their own Marketplace with products like candles, handbags, specialty food items and accessories. As the hot July afternoon continued, many ladies and children drifted into the Lancaster Host Courtyard to cool off in the pool. At six o’clock the crowd, members and family, moved to Dinzeo’s, the hospitality room named in honor of Chief Vic Dinzeo. Members and family dined and relaxed, while casually chatting about their shared experiences as part of Pennsylvania law enforcement. No other profession affects the family life like police work. An important part of the conference is this sharing time with family and friends. After dinner they were entertained by the piano music and comedy of John Bressler. Sunday evening also provided the opportunity for the exhibit hall vendors to mingle in a more social atmosphere with attendees, many of whom are friends outside of their roles as vendor and consumer. The entertainment lasted well into the evening as friends and their families were reacquainted.

July 10-14, 2011 • Lancaster Host Resort • Lancaster, PA


PA Chiefs of Police Association

Monday July 11, 2011 Eight o’clock in the morning the membership and the board gathered in the ballroom for the first of the two conference business meetings. President Kortan called the meeting to order and the members pledged alliance to the flag and bowed their heads as Chaplin Hocker recited a prayer to remind them of their oath and duties to serve and protect. This was followed by the presentation of this year’s crime prevention award to Chief Robert Palmer of Alburtis. Next Chief Jim Craze , Greenbelt, MD presented himself as a candidate for the International Association of Chiefs of Police Vice President At Large followed by a strong recommendation from past PCPA and IACP President Michael Carroll, West Goshen Township. The members then unanimously voted to endorse Chief Craze. President Kortan appointed a nominating committee for selecting members to the 2011-2012 Executive Board and asked for comments, questions, or resolutions from the floor. The various board members then gave their annual reports. Past President and staff member Russ McKibben, on-line training coordinator, joined by PSP Major Joe Elias, Executive Director of MPOETC, gave a very important presentation concerning on-line training. For the past year PCPA has been building an online training network called the Pennsylvania Virtual Training Network, PA VTN. Currently, two hundred officers are evaluating courses including the MPOETC Legal Updates class on-line. PCPA and MPOETC are collaborating on making half of the 2012 MPOETC classes, Legal Updates and Search and Seizure available through the PA VTN as online courses. On-line course will reduce time lost for travel and make it easier for officer to complete with less time away from their duties. More information about the PA VTN and be found on the PCPA web site, www.pachiefs.org or at www.pavtn.net. Legislative Committee Chairman, Chief Jason Umberger of Swatara Township, presented the current committee report to the membership. These updates are followed closely by the staff at PCPA and the legislative committee and members can always access current legislative information by logging in to the PCPA Web site www.pachiefs.org and visiting the “PCPA Bills to Watch” page. This session of business meeting was adjourned until the next session on Wednesday morning. Following the business session the attendees enjoyed www.pachiefs.org

Blazing a Trail: A New Frontier in Leadership

refreshments and lunch in the exhibit hall and continued exploring the products and services on display. For the ladies it was off to a Zumba exercise class and their own poolside events, a favorite for attending spouses and children. At 11 AM the Pennsylvania Auto Theft Prevention Authority gave a presentation regarding law enforcement training programs and services. The Authority is a long time sponsor of the PCPA conference and a contributor to the quarterly magazine as well. From 1PM to 5PM, Chris Boyle, Esq. from the law firm, Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman, and Coggin, captured the audience with Pennsylvania legal updates. The seminar covered a wide range of police actions and important liability related procedure necessary for a department’s safety. Interestingly, many attendees of the class had experienced situations discussed throughout the seminar and were able to provide personal incite. In another room from 2 PM to 4PM, State College Police Detective, Deidri Fishel presented “Telling Amy’s Story.” Hosted by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay, and told by detective Deirdri Fishel, “Telling Amy’s Story” is a film that follows the timeline of a domestic violence homicide that occurred on November 8, 2001. It serves as a catalyst to bring communities together to talk about domestic violence. The presentation covered the tools and resources available to police departments and their communities to help combat domestic violence. Further information about this can be found at http://telling.psu.edu/. The day’s formal training session ended with John McAlarney, II, J.D., Vice President, Training, FTAC presenting CIT development. CIT is a law enforcement-based crisis-response and diversion strategy in which law enforcement officers receive 40 hrs of mental health training so they can respond to calls involving individuals with possible mental health issues. This ongoing CIT training program was developed as a result of a collaborative effort of the Bucks County, PA Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Bucks County Law Enforcement, and Bucks County Mental Health Professionals. Monday evening has become a highlighted tradition for the conference with the annual Chiefs’ Challenge competition. The challenge started with dueling bagpipers as Chief Pat O’Rourke of Derry Township and Chief Michael Scott of Baldwin Borough, alternated musical selections until finally playing “Amazing Grace”

July 10-14, 2011 • Lancaster Host Resort • Lancaster, PA

continued on page 16u




98th Annual Education and Training Conference Wrap-Up ucontinued from page 15

in unison. This set the stage for the main event, an exercise where the chiefs of each of the four regions must demonstrate leadership, cooperation, collaboration and resourcefulness. The 2011 Chiefs’ Challenge was a team boat-building competition using only the supplied cardboard boxes, plastic wrap, and duct tape. Each team was required to then row the length of the pool and back. The first boat to navigate the pool was the winner. However, to win this competition, a chief in each region had to setup, become the group leader, get the others to agree on a design, make a collaborative effort to build the boat with the given material and pick the best person to be the oarsman. The Central region’s boat, navigated by Chief Dave Arnold of Chambersburg Borough, won the race by a landslide. However, every boat floated and made it the length of the pool which was a challenge in and of itself. The exercise helped cement the bonds between the chiefs in their regions, forge better relationships and enforce the same team work and collaboration used in their careers as Chiefs of police. After the challenge the crowd enjoyed dinner outside by the pool and relaxed to the music by DJ Kyle Atwell, who has become a regular entertainer for the conference. Chiefs casually discussed the day’s activities, while some thought about how they could have built a faster boat.

Tuesday July 12, 2012 Tuesday’s training schedule was a packed one, with one training session leading into the next from 8 AM until 5 PM. One of the most popular speakers PCPA has had in recent years presented a total of four seminars throughout the day. Gordon Graham is a 33-year veteran of California Law Enforcement and internationally known for his comedic approach to presentation. His education as a Risk Manager and experience as a practicing Attorney, coupled with his extensive background in law enforcement, have allowed him to rapidly become recognized as a leading professional speaker in both private and public sector organizations with multiple areas of expertise. The range of topics presented by this respected law enforcement expert included: 8 AM to 10 AM he presented “The Five Concurrent Themes for Success,” a presentation that is essential for everyone in the workplace, regardless of position, job description or type of organization. In this program, Mr. Graham showed how the discipline of Risk Management, coupled with an understanding of systems and complemented with Customer Service, Accountability and Integrity, can all work together to better assure that things get done right. It was chock-full of information, and coupled with Gordon’s insight and humor, was a must see for all. 10 AM to Noon Graham’s presentation was “Ethical Decision Making,” an overview on the decision making process. Many people have never been taught how to make a decision and what needs to be considered in the decision making process. In this presentation a ten-step process, “GRIDM (Graham’s Rules for Improving Decision Making),” was covered to demonstrate a technique to make better, ethical decisions. Page


From 1 PM to 3 PM he presented “Maximizing the Effectiveness of Performance Evaluations,” an operational risk management approach to this most important document. From analyzing the job description and setting goals to interim feedback and preparation of the document, this two hour block was an excellent wake up call to prevent the common problems caused by not taking the process seriously. Attendees received a copy of “GRIPE, Graham’s Rules for the Improvement of Performance Evaluations.” 3 PM to 5 PM Gordon Graham presented “Top Ten Tings that Get Cops in Trouble,” a program that identified the most common incidents that get your department personnel in trouble, including a highlight on social media interaction and cautions for law enforcement officers who use these sites in their personal lives. For those not attending the Graham presentations, there was a morning presentation by Denise Schlegel, Northeast Counter Drug Training Center and Alutiq, LLC, on the fundamental secrets for successful law enforcement grant funding. Being able to secure additional funds from grants and how to successfully write grants improves a chief ’s ability to meet their departmental needs and serve their community. For the chiefs, lunch on Tuesday was a special affair in the ballroom. Governor Tom Corbett accompanied by Attorney General Linda Kelly and State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan, addressed the entire PCPA membership. The Governor came to thank the chiefs for their support and talk about the current challenges. He highlighted his concern with media and its effect on the community’s perception of law enforcement. The governor made it clear that he is well aware of the needs of local police to protect their communities and was ready to work with them as much as he can in this difficult economic climate. The Governor’s entire address is available to members on the PCPA website www.pachiefs.org under the resource section as a podcast. While the attending members enjoy lunch in the midst of training each day, Tuesday is a time when the Ladies Committee shines. Each year, the committee puts tremendous effort into organizing the Ladies Luncheon and Chinese Auction, and this year was no exception. The event gave spouses and children the chance to bid on prizes that have been purchased or donated

July 10-14, 2011 • Lancaster Host Resort • Lancaster, PA


PA Chiefs of Police Association

specifically for the auction. In the afternoon they enjoyed meeting by the pool to show off their winnings and relaxing while training wrapped up for the day. From 1 to 5 PM on the training schedule, there was a very enlightening presentation by James Dill, retired Deputy Chief, OAG, and President of IT IS LLC, about the technologies used against police. Mr. Dill’s presentation has been sought by many to help them keep up with how new technologies are used to overcome the efforts of the police to prevent and investigate crime. When Tuesday’s full training schedule came to a close, Tuesday night was focused on celebrating the incoming President by way of a themed reception. The conference theme, “Blazing a Trail: A New Frontier in Leadership” was reflected in the western motif, personally chosen by Chief Tom DiMaria. PCPA Staff, Ashley Crist and Hayden Corl artfully decorated Dinzeo’s to look like the Wild West. The décor included bales of hay and genuine saddles donated by Board Member Richard Hammon and his wife Linda. As the guests arrived, they received a cowboy neckerchief and were treated to an excellent western-style meal. All these little things were to set the mood and reinforce the conference theme, and serve as a reminder that police executives need to be on the frontier of leadership. To remind chiefs that they must be coordinated and rise to a challenge, the after dinner activities included lessons in country line dancing for families and mechanical bull riding. Some on the dance floor had to overcome the fact they had two left feet. And while it is known that sometimes they are throwing the bull, tonight the bull threw them. Those that tested the bull, from the very young to the very old, all survived and had a great adventure.

Wednesday July 13, 2011 At the continuation of Monday’s business meeting, President Kortan called the meeting to order and after the invocation by Chaplin Hocker and the pledge of allegiance, the continuation of Monday’s Association business resumed until 9:30 that morning, including the election and installation of new Executive Board Members and Officers as well as announcing winners of several raffles for cash, firearms and ammunition donated by vendors and sponsors. Training throughout the day included a seminar by Chief Robert Martin of Susquehanna Township that focused on Leadership in the 21st Century for Chiefs and Executives of Law Enforcement. Collingdale Borough Chief, Bob Adams, presented a seminar on managing a Major Incident, citing a specific example in the Scully Propane Explosion. PCPA’s own technology group held a seminar to discuss new projects coming to fruition. Rick Rosenthal, President of RAR Communications, presented two seminars on “Marketing Your PD” and “Media Relations” that highlighted high profile cases of the best and worst examples of law enforcement media relations and key strategies for working with the media to market your department and the services it provides. As the day of training came to an end, attendees returned to their rooms to prepare for the most important evening of the conference week, the Annual Installation Banquet. Over 300 www.pachiefs.org

Blazing a Trail: A New Frontier in Leadership

attendees and special guests gathered in the Host’s ballroom for the night of distinction and welcomed the incoming president, Chief Thomas DiMaria, into his year of leadership in the organization. This formal dinner began with the procession of the head table. Following the procession was the Wilkes Barre Honor Guard which led Chief DiMaria and his wife, Janet, up to the dais. Following the pledge of allegiance and National Anthem, Chaplain Skip Hocker performed the “Official Missing Man & Honors Ceremony” recognizing those that gave their lives in the line of duty. Amazing Grace beautifully captured the essence of the ceremony and brought it to a close as the dinner began. The entire room knew when the banquet program began as the night’s MC, retired Chief Russell McKibben welcomed the special guests, including representatives of several partnering law enforcement networks and agencies as well as representatives from the Governor’s office. PCPA’s Accreditation Coordinator then took over the microphone and presented awards to each newly Accredited Agency. The final award given this evening was the honorary “president’s award” given to a member who has helped the outgoing president in his journey through leadership. This award was presented to PCPA Consulting and Testing Coordinator, Tom Armstrong. The MC then called Magisterial District Judge Barilla to the front to administer the Oath of Office to President DiMaria. After a large applause of congratulations, President DiMaria gave a moving speech thanking all of his friends and family for their love and support, his fellow law enforcement officers for their guidance and loyalty, as well as the Association’s Board, Committees and employees for their dedication to the Association he is proud to serve. The ceremony ended but the fun lasted into the late evening as guests mingled throughout the room and said their goodbyes. A DJ played music as some danced and others sat together to recap their week of educational opportunity and social networking that they will take with them into the remainder of their year and beyond. We hope everyone enjoyed this year’s Education & Training Conference and those that could not join us, that you will read this and understand why it is such a great part of this Association’s history. We sincerely hope that you will join us again, or for the first time, next July at the 99th Annual Conference to help us to celebrate almost 100 years of tradition and dedication to law enforcement in Pennsylvania.

July 10-14, 2011 • Lancaster Host Resort • Lancaster, PA





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PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

PA Patch Pride Laflin Borough Police Department According to Chief of Police, Michael Flanagan: “We changed the patch in the early 1990’s to become a little more modern. Not that there was anything wrong with the old Keystone design, we just thought it was time for a change. We were also changing our uniforms from the powder blue shirt and navy pants to a French blue shirt and navy pants. We still use that patch and have two variations. A black and silver version for our black uniform, worn by the night shift, and a subdued version for our tactical/training uniform.”

Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department This emblem, whose creation was commissioned by Lower Gwynedd Police Chief Edward W. Hancock to coincide with and to honor the tricentenial of the state of Pennsylvania, was adopted as the official insignia of the Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department in June of 1982. The Quaker figure recalls William Penn’s influence on Lower Gwynedd’s early development. The figure could also be said to signify present-day neighborliness--It was duplicated from the logo of the historic William Penn Inn, long a community landmark. Alongside the Quaker figure are a teepee and a pair of crossed arrows. The teepee stands for home and for the hospitality practiced by Lower Gwynedd residents. The arrows recall the Delaware Indians, who were the area’s first occupants. A set of crossed arrows was their sign for friendship. The upper two-thirds of the emblem’s right half, has a coat of arms and the name, Evans. It was in 1698 that the first pilgrims arrived in what would become Lower Gwynedd; of the 66 in the group, 31 were named Evans. The white background in the lower third of the emblem’s right half symbolizes how Gwynedd possibly first got its name. Gwynedd is Welsh for white fields, and records state that when the pilgrims arrived here from Wales, their new land was blanketed with snow. Call PCPA Headquarters at (717) 236-1059

Against the white is depicted a golden lamp-of-learning. It honors the educational facilities in Lower Gwynedd Township, namely Gwynedd-Mercy College and the schools of the Wissahickon School District. The black cross beneath the lamp’s spout is a tribute to the community’s houses of worship.


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PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

Data sharing is an officer’s greatest ally Contributed by: Frances Heffner, Co-CEO, CODY Systems

We can all agree that our one common denominator for peace of mind is reliance upon our local law enforcement personnel - the cop on the beat, the deputy, the state trooper, the marshal or other federal agent – and to have the life of one officer taken from us is a nationwide tragedy. These courageous men and women are quietly risking their lives for us every day to keep our families and our borders safe. Many times this bravery and passion is taken for granted, but sometimes we are reminded just how dangerous their work place can be. In Bucks County, PA on the evening of Sept. 29, 2005, Officer Brian Gregg of the Newtown Borough Police Department and his partner arrested Robert Anthony Flor after stopping him for alleged drunk-driving. There was no data present in their agency’s records’ system to give the officers any cause for concern about the suspect, Page


so they handled the incident as they would any routine DUI stop. Officer Gregg and his partner escorted Flor to a nearby medical center for sobriety testing. The officers were guarding Flor in the emergency room when Flor’s handcuffs were removed to facilitate gathering blood and urine samples. As Officer Gregg’s partner escorted Flor back to the hospital bed, a struggle ensued. In the midst of the fight, Flor gained control of the second officer’s service weapon and opened fire, striking both him and Officer Gregg in the chest and wounding a hospital technician. Flor then stood over Officer Gregg and shot him in the head, killing him. Flor was subsequently charged with one count of capital murder and two counts of attempted murder. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. It eventually came to light that Flor had a documented history in neighboring jurisdictions of violent behavior

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sizes within their own records management systems’ (RMS) that included domestic abuse, drunk-driving, and assault database to help prevent crime and potential homeland on police officers. In Falls Township, also within Bucks security threats. The RMS database in place at the agency County and only 30 miles south of Newtown, Flor had level is the primary source of data for any data-sharing been arrested for drunk driving only one month prior and system; without it, data-sharing is meaningless. By its allegedly told the arresting officer that “he wished he had nature, informationhis 9mm so he could shoot sharing requires an RMS him in the head.” Flor was We can all agree that our one common system that is open also sentenced to 1-3 years denominator for peace of mind is reliance enough and modern in prison after assaulting upon our local law enforcement personnel enough to allow datathree Falls Township Police sharing systems to connect officers with a baseball bat. - the cop on the beat, the deputy, the state to it and collect data Unfortunately, no tactical trooper, the marshal or other federal from it. The ability to information-sharing agent – and to have the life of one officer quickly, efficiently, and platform was in place taken from us is a nationwide tragedy. easily connect to an RMS that would have allowed vendor’s system in place the officers to search at a local agency and synch this data in real-time is truly the neighboring jurisdictions’ RMS databases in their mobile lynchpin of any successful initiative. This has defined the unit to give them access to this data. This critical, and mission of the CODY C.O.B.R.A. system for over 15 years possibly life-saving, information was not available to Officer – to encourage the retention of the RMS vendors’ system Gregg when he performed his search during the initial point currently in place at an agency and creating links between of contact with Flor. While there is no telling whether this it and the C.O.B.R.A. network, rather than requiring a officer safety information would have saved Officer Gregg’s total overhaul of their databases into a common RMS. This life, the alerts provided in the system would certainly have reduces cost for the agencies both in pure capital and in warned him against the potential threat this subject posed. officer training time. The reality of these events hit close to home for the C.O.B.R.A. systems at work across the country are CODY Systems’ family as many of the agencies in Bucks currently interfacing with databases from dozens of different County had been CODY RMS customers for years and one RMS vendors’ systems, and CODY has been impressed by employee was a former colleague of Officer Gregg. Further, many of them for their commitment to the communities officer safety information regarding Flor was housed in the who have implemented their systems and by their generous RMS database of Falls Township, a neighboring agency that cooperation with data-sharing projects. used (and still uses) CODY RMS. Because of this, CODY As the six year anniversary of this tragic event draws knew it had to do something to help the public safety near, CODY Systems is reminded of the events that lead to community in Bucks County prevent this type of incident Officer Gregg’s death and the critical data that could have from ever occurring again. So, in November 2009, CODY prevented it, had an information-sharing platform been in Systems donated a C.O.B.R.A. system, its real-time tactical place. Events such as this make it abundantly clear that we information-sharing platform, to Bucks County, PA, in as public safety software vendors, like our first preventers, memory of Officer Gregg. also have a commitment to the communities we serve. It Criminals move fast. Data moves faster. Nationally, is our duty to provide the officer on the street with the this understanding is taking hold as law enforcement and information they need when they need it to help keep them intelligence agencies recognize the benefits of sharing safe in the line of duty. Every piece of information gathered information for tactical and strategic purposes. They from an RMS, whether it is a seemingly insignificant are beginning to realize the critical need for providing parking ticket, DUI, or traffic stop, has the potential to the officer on the street with the most current, real-time fend off a much more serious incident down the road. This information from across jurisdictional lines whenever he data protects the officer with a shield of information and or she performs a search. Information-sharing is about becomes their best weapon and greatest ally. using data that has been collected by departments of all www.pachiefs.org

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PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety: an Effective and Efficient Model for Law Enforcement Agencies Contributed by: John Coyle, Law Enforcement Liaison and Shannon Purdy, Regional Program Manager, NHTSA, Region 2

In the last year, increased publicity and marketing has sparked a national conversation amongst members of the law enforcement profession about the Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) initiative. DDACTS is being promoted as a tool to improve data applications, reduce needed resources and simultaneously drive down crime and crashes. Yet many in the field are asking, “What is DDACTS, and how does it work?” This article describes the DDACTS approach to combating crime and traffic safety, how it can benefit law enforcement agencies, how it works, what resources are needed, who should participate, and how to get an agency involved. What is DDACTS? Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) is a law enforcement operational model that integrates location-based crime and traffic crash data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. By using geo-mapping to identify areas through temporal and spatial analysis, an agency identifies locations with high incidences of both crime and crashes, then deploys targeted traffic enforcement strategies to those hot spots.. By saturating these locations with highly visible traffic enforcement, the DDACTS agency can play a simultaneous dual role: fighting crime as well as reducing traffic crashes and traffic violations. Drawing on the deterrent value of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crimes often involve the use of motor vehicles, the goal of DDACTS is to reduce the incidence of crime, crashes, traffic violations, and social harm in communities across the country.1 DDACTS is led by a national partnership co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and National Institutes of Justice (NIJ). NHTSA, its federal partners and many additional national organizations provide technical assistance and other resources to States and localities interested in adopting the DDACTS model. The models focus on collaboration among law enforcement, community members and local organizations reinforces the crucial role that partnerships play in reducing social harm and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; DDACTS Operational Guidelines (DOT HS 811 185 version 1.1); August 2009, page i.




improving quality of life. Building on this collaboration, the DDACTS model positions traffic enforcement as a logical rationale for a highly visible law enforcement presence in a community.2 How will DDACTS help my agency? The DDACTS model ensures accountability and provides a dynamic, evidenced-based problem-solving approach to crime and crashes. This approach, grounded in community-oriented law enforcement, suggests that time- and place-based policing, “…as opposed to [traditional] person-based policing, is a more efficient focus of law enforcement; provides a more stable target for law enforcement activities; has a stronger evidence base; and raises fewer ethical and legal problems.”3 The application of high-visibility traffic enforcement is a proven and effective countermeasure that addresses both crime and crashes whether they occur simultaneously or independently in time and/or location. Furthermore, its reliance on geo-mapping to identify the nexus of crashes and crime provides a scientifically-based method for law enforcement to accurately target its efforts.4

Figure 1: A schematic of the seven guiding principles in DDACTS Operational Guidelines Ibid. David Weisburd, “Place-based Policing, Ideas in American Policing, Police Foundation, No. 9, January 2008. 4 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; DDACTS Operational Guidelines (DOT HS 811 185 version 1.1); August 2009, page ii. 2


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How does DDACTS work? DDACTS relies on seven guiding principles for successful implementation. The new DDACTS agency starts by building community partnerships to establish support for highly visible traffic enforcement, while engaging agency-wide buyin and participation. To aid the development of strategic countermeasures and an operational plan, the model is based on local data collection and analysis to identify crime, crash, and traffic-related “hot spots.” As law enforcement agencies execute these plans, routine information-sharing sessions with stakeholders reinforce the collective ownership of the DDACTS initiative. Finally, monitoring, evaluation, and the analysis of outcome measures provide data-driven feedback for adjustments to internal and external activities. The DDACTS Operational Guidelines5 outlines procedures and highlights operational considerations based on best practices in the field for each of the seven guiding principles.6 Where is the DDACTS model currently being applied? In 2009, NHTSA announced seven demonstration sites across the nation. Among them, Baltimore County, MD; Lafourche Parish, LA; Nashville, TN; and the Vermont State Police in cooperation with St. Albans, VT realized steady, sustained declines in crashes, higher rates of DWI conviction and marked decreases in Part I crimes such as burglary, robbery and assault. Each site used geo-mapping technology to plot areas with high numbers of both crime and traffic incidents. And each was able to easily identify areas of overlap where crime and traffic incidents are both high. “You don’t hear of walk-by shootings,” says Michael Alexander, commander of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. “Most of the time the criminal element is either riding or driving in the car.”7 By directing police presence to these “hot spots,” the agencies had a significant decrease in vehicle crashes, robberies, thefts, vandalism and other crimes, while at the same time had an increase in criminal arrests, motor vehicle stops, warnings and traffic citations, and DUI/DWI arrests. Since the launch of these pilot initiatives, an increasing number of police and sheriffs departments are adopting DDACTS, particularly over the past 18 months. Press releases and articles highlight early successes from Shawnee, KS, and Thibodaux, LA Police Departments8. A number of other agencies are beginning implementation, developing approaches sculpted to fit the unique crashes, crime and social harms in their respective communities.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; DDACTS Operational Guidelines (DOT HS 811 185 version 1.1); August 2009 6 Ibid. 7 Kerrigan, Heather, “Data Driven Policing- with little or no additional funding, geomapping can help law enforcement fight crime while lowering traffic incidents”. Governing (May 2011) 8 See press archive at DDACTS website; www.ddacts.com 5


Do I need additional resources? Given today.s economic downturn, many agencies are facing dramatic budget cuts. Law enforcement executives are being forced to make difficult decisions on how to allocate their diminished resources. Unfortunately, traffic safety is often one of the first areas looked at in order to make cuts, when in fact, this is the time to examine how traffic safety and enforcement can benefit your community through DDACTS. So what are the costs involved in implementing DDACTS? For some agencies, there may be start-up investments needed in computer software and training. Others may benefit from specific traffic safety enforcement refresher training. Many of the DDACTS national partners offer free resources to assist. For instance, the National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) offers training classes in the Introduction to Crime Mapping and Analysis, Intermediate Crime Mapping and Analysis and Advanced Crime Mapping and Analysis at no cost. In addition to training, agencies are encouraged to explore grant funding opportunities from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Justice Assistance Program, the State Highway Safety Office and the private sector. The DDACTS model provides the most economical way of doing business, because its reliance on geo-mapping to identify the nexus of crashes and crime provides a scientifically-based method for law enforcement to accurately focus its resources. “At a time when we have been tasked with “doing more with less” DDACTS has provided us with a model to deploy our limited resources in a proactive manner that can provide quantitative results,” says Chief Michael Morris of the Egg Harbor Township Police Department. How can my agency get started? For agencies that have a desire to pursue the implementation of DDACTS, it is recommended that they first make themselves familiar with the Operational Guidelines, which can be found at www.ddacts.com. Once initial interest turns into intent to adopt the model, agencies are encouraged to contact their State highway safety office, NHTSA regional office, or NHTSA regional law enforcement liaison. These key partners will provide the agency with a DDACTS Agency Inventory Worksheet, a tool to help the agency obtain a “snapshot” of what it currently has in place to support the DDACTS process, and begin to identify obstacles to implementation. Completed through a joint effort with agency staff, the Worksheet determines specific issues or needs for technical assistance that can then be further explored by participating in the DDACTS Implementation Workshop. In addition, the Worksheet can serve as a self assessment of the agency’s data collection and analysis capabilities as well as operational plans. At a minimum, Worksheet completion should involve the operations

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Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety: an Effective and Efficient Model for Law Enforcement Agencies ucontinued from page 23

commander, street supervisor, and the crime/crash analyst (or the staff who perform data analysis). Although not required, it is critically important that agencies interested in implementing DDACTS attend a DDACTS Implementation Workshop. What is the DDACTS Implementation Workshop? NHTSA and its supporting partners offer the DDACTS Implementation Workshop, a 16-hour intensive workshop designed law enforcement agencies interested in adopting the DDACTS model. DDACTS Implementation Workshops provide focused technical assistance by: guiding participants on the theories and applications behind each of the seven DDACTS guiding principles, helping identify key roles in applying the principles within their agency and neighborhoods, and developing an agency- specific DDACTS Implementation Action Plan to achieve specific outcomes that reduce social harm.9 Under a contract with the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST), DDACTS Implementation Workshops are facilitated by a team of established subject matter experts, NHTSA regional offices and State highway safety offices to assure their success.

Debra Piehl, IADLEST Workshop Manager, works with a team building its DDACTS action plan during a Workshop in Burlington, NJ

The three-day, 16-hour workshop is comprised of a series of peer-facilitated interactive sessions between a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) and their counterparts from the participant agencies. Three SMEs represent commanders, supervisors and analysts from existing DDACTS sites engage the commanders, supervisors and analysts from participant National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; DDACTS Implementation Workshop Abstract (2010)




The three-day, 16-hour workshop is comprised of a series of peerfacilitated interactive sessions between a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) and their counterparts from the participant agencies. agencies. The workshops are strategically scheduled and located so that several (6-8) agencies are accommodated by a single workshop. Involving this number of agencies maximizes the impact of each workshop while providing the focused attention each agency requires, and also enables sharing of best practices among participant agencies. Using the DDACTS Operational Guidelines and related tools, attendees are led through the operational process to 1) define each of the seven guiding principles, 2) identify specific roles in applying the seven guiding principles at their agency, and 3) with their agency representatives in attendance, develop an agency-specific DDACTS Implementation Action Plan. Since 2010, IADLEST has conducted dozens of workshops across the country. The first Workshop held in NHTSA Region 2 was conducted in Burlington County, New Jersey in April 2011, where nine agencies from New Jersey and Pennsylvania attended, including: • New Jersey State Police • Burlington Township, NJ • Burlington City, NJ • Egg Harbor Township, NJ • Evesham Township, NJ • Hamilton Township (Atlantic County), NJ • Maplewood Police Department, NJ • Toms River Police Department, NJ • Vineland Police Department, NJ and • Abington Township, PA. Several additional Workshops are scheduled across Region 2 over the next six months. How can my agency get involved in DDACTS? If you are interested in learning more about DDACTS and participating in a Workshop near you, please contact NHTSA Region 2 Law Enforcement Liaison John Coyle at 609-5134737 or john.coyle.CTR@dot.gov. You can also contact the NHTSA Region 2 main office at 914-682-6162, or your State highway safety office.

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PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN

Rise in Law Enforcement Fatalities Continues During First Half of 2011—Firearms-related Deaths Reach 20-year High July 20, 2011 For the second year in a row, law enforcement fatalities rose sharply nationwide during the first half of 2011, including 40 officers killed by gunfire—the highest number in two decades. Ninety-eight law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the first six months of this year, according to preliminary figures released today by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), in conjunction with the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). This represents a 14 percent increase over the 86 officers who lost their lives during the same time last year. The number of officers killed by firearms surged 33 percent higher than the first-half numbers for 2010. The one piece of good news in the report is that the number of officers killed in traffic-related incidents (35) declined by 17 percent compared to the first half of 2010. Traffic-related incidents have been the leading cause of law enforcement fatalities for each of the past 13 years. Of the 98 officers who were killed during the first six months of this year: 40 officers were shot to death; 21 died in automobile crashes; 16 succumbed to job-related illnesses; seven were struck by automobiles while outside of their own vehicles; five were killed in motorcycle crashes; two were struck by a train; one officer died in an aircraft crash; one was beaten to death; one was

Firearm fatalities 1961-2011


The research and analysis conducted by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund helps bring widespread attention to the dangers officers continue to face each day as they work to keep our communities safe. electrocuted; one died in a fall; one was killed in a bomb blast; one was crushed to death; and one was strangled. Florida and Texas were the deadliest states in the nation over the past six months for law enforcement officers with 10 fatalities each; followed by New York with eight; Ohio with seven; and California, Michigan and Tennessee with four each. Nine of the officers killed during the first half of the year served with Federal agencies, and five served with corrections agencies. The average age of the officers who died was 41. On average, they served for 13 years and eight of the officers who died were women. “The economy has forced reductions in training, safety equipment and personnel at law enforcement agencies across America,” stated NLEOMF Chairman Craig W. Floyd. “These budget cuts have put our officers at greater risk, especially as they face a more brazen, cold-blooded criminal element and a continuing terrorist threat,” he added. “The number of family members impacted by line of duty law enforcement deaths increases each year,” declared C.O.P.S. National President Linda Moon-Gregory. “Correspondently, the number of families requesting assistance through their darkest days, and requesting assistance through C.O.P.S. grief healing retreats, has also increased. This gives C.O.P.S. a greater obligation and privilege to use our resources for our mission of ‘Rebuilding Shattered Lives,’” she said. A copy of the full report, “Law Enforcement Officer Deaths: Mid-Year 2011 Report,” is available at www.LawMemorial.org/ ResearchBulletin<http://www.nleomf.org/facts/research-bulletins/

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In 1966, the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association helped support a major marketing initiative, through the use of billboards, for more effective law enforcement in Pennsylvania. The campaign project was introduced by J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the time, and sponsored by the Crime Commission of Philadelphia and the FBI. More than 500 billboards were distributed throughout the Commonwealth, along with comprehensive PR plans, and when the FBI office in the western region couldn’t provide the staff time, the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association took their place as recruiters for support of local police chiefs. In today’s era of endless media outlets that extend far beyond billboard and print advertising, many police departments and law enforcement agencies now garner support for their efforts through social media and networking. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn serve as great platforms for department public relations as well as a way to disseminate important messages to the public and advertise events in the community that will help local law enforcement. These have now become a mainstay in advertising thanks to being the fastest and easiest way to promote a message, not to mention being virtually free of cost.

Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Tel: 717-236-1059 Fax: 717-236-0226 www.pachiefs.org

Apply Online! Please type or print clearly. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name Rank

APPLICATION TYPE: Active Membership $100.00 per year plus $50.00 Initiation Fee ($150.00 to accompany application) Affiliate Membership $100.00 per year plus $50.00 Initiation Fee ($150.00 to accompany application)

Certification of Position and Rank of Applicant Following to be executed by the proper municipal official or the personnel director, NOT by the applicant. Date of Appt

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Residence Address



Date of Birth


Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Record of the commission of a felony or misdemeanor? Y or N If yes, explain on a separate sheet of paper and attach to application form. Signature of Applicant

Recommending Member I know of no issue that would cause embarrassment to the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association if this applicant becomes a member. Recommending member must be a current member of the PCPA UNLESS applicant holds a rank lower than Chief. In this instance, the recommending member must be the applicant’s Chief, Superintendent or Commissioner.

Pursuant to Article IV Membership, Section 4. Active Membership. “Active” membership shall be open to the following: (a) All full-time sworn chiefs of police, superintendents, or commissioners of municipal police agencies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have police powers and MPOETC Certification; (b) All full-time sworn municipal police officers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have police powers, MPOETC Certification and hold the rank of captain or above and persons who hold the rank of Captain or above that are members of the Pennsylvania State Police; (c) “Industrial/Corporate Security” individuals employed within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as private security for a railroad, industrial or corporate concern who are charged with the duty to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime. Such individuals shall hold the title of plant director or corporate security director/manager. (d) Special agents in charge, assistant special agents in charge, and resident agents of any law enforcement entity of the United States government if, at the time of application, such persons are headquartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and; full-time persons with command-level responsibility in any law enforcement agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided that these individuals are not elected to their position by a popular vote of citizens. In addition, this provision is applicable to those persons who have command level responsibility delegated to them by an individual who is elected to their position by a popular vote of citizens. This section may apply to command level positions in the following agencies: (1) Attorney General’s Office (2) Fish and Game Commission (3) Racing Commission (4) County Detectives (5) Port Authority (6) Railroad (7) Airport (8) Federal (FBI, POSTAL, DEA, etc.) (9) University/ Colleges (10) School Districts (11) Corporate (12) Capitol Police. The Executive Board shall have plenary authority in determining qualification in all cases. (e) All full-time sworn municipal Police officers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have police powers, MPOETC Certification, command level responsibility and hold the rank of lieutenant; Provided: (1) Are sponsored for Membership by their agency’s Chief of Police, Superintendent, or Commissioner who is a member in good standing of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. (2) Such sponsorship may be rescinded at any time by the Chief of Police, Superintendent or Commissioner in Office. Since the sponsorship is a qualification for Active Membership, upon notification of removal of sponsorship, or if a member admitted under section (f) is reduced in rank below the rank of lieutenant, the Member shall be immediately removed from the Active Membership of the Association, with no right of appeal. All Active members shall be residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Such members shall have a right to attend the Association’s Annual Meeting and shall have or exercise the privilege of voting on all matters of Association business arising thereat. Members in good standing who have retired from their position qualifying them for membership may retain their Active Member status by continuing to pay dues until Active Life Status is achieved. Section 5. Affiliate Membership. “Affiliate” membership shall be open to those persons who, by occupation or personal inclination, share a mutuality of interests with the Association and its membership. Affiliate members shall attend the Association’s Annual Meeting only at the invitation of the Executive Board and under no circumstances shall such members have or exercise the privilege of voting on Association business.

Signature of member recommending applicant

MAIL TOTAL FEE AND THIS FORM TO: PA Chiefs of Police Association 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Member Name and Title Department Name/Address/Phone

For office use: Membership approval _____ Board approval _____ Comp. _____ Check Amount & No. ____________________ Date ___________

The tax deductibility of dues paid to PCPA as ordinary and necessary business expense is subject to restrictions imposed as a result of lobbying activities. Dues are also not deductible as a charitable expense. Membership Dues include a subscription to the PCPA BULLETIN. rev. 1/05

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