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Stanard: The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Testing Program

The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Testing Program

Try these cost-effective, easy-to-administer, validated exams developed by our partner, Stanard & Associates, Inc., for your next entry-level or promotional process.



Stanard & Associates Inc.’s comprehensive online application program handles all facets of the application process. The online system distributes and collects candidate applications, verifies that applicants meet minimum requirements, allows Stanard’s staff to efficiently respond to applicant inquiries, and generates a listing of applicants who are eligible to move on to the next phase of your process. Your staff will spend much less time on the process, and applicant fees can be used to cover the costs associated with the application and entry-level tests, relieving your agency of any application and written test cost. Contact Stanard & Associates, Inc. at 800-367-6919 to set up your online application today, or visit: https://www.applytoserve.com/appdemo/for more information.


The National Police Officer Selection Test(POST) measures reading comprehension, arithmetic, grammar, and incident report writing skills. The test is widely used across the United States by city, county, state and federal agencies. It is available in two formats and multiple forms. One format allows agencies to score the test themselves, while the other is scored by Stanard & Associates, Inc. In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

an online remote testing option is now available.


The National Dispatcher Selection Test NDST gives call centers the ability to objectively assess candidate’s skill with respect to five important areas: reading comprehension, listening, problem solving, prioritizing, and multi-tasking. The NDST is available in two formats. One format allows agencies to score the test themselves, while the other is scored by Stanard & Associates, Inc.


The Pennsylvania First/Second Line Supervisor Tests (PFLST and PSLST) measure the important knowledge required of first-and second-line law enforcement supervisors. The tests are based on source materials covering Pennsylvania laws, patrol operations, major court cases, investigations, community policing and management concepts. The two tests are cost-effective alternatives to completely customized tests. They can be used as stand-alone promotional exams, or they can be enhanced with customized agency-specific test items.


The National Detective/Investigator Test (NDIT) is a written exam covering the topics of criminal investigations, major Supreme Courtcases and investigative interviewing. Agencies may use this exam as part of their process to select officers into the position of detective/investigator.

Please contact the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association at 717-236-1059 with any questions, or go to https://www.pachiefs.org/police-testing for an order form.


The following is a list of bills that have been introduced that are of interest to the Association. This list does not consist of all bills related to police and criminal justice matters, as there are numerous bills coming in on a weekly basis.

If you have knowledge of a bill or questions, please contact Jerry Miller, jmiller@pachiefs.org or Scott Bohn at sbohn@pachiefs.org.

Bills Tracked this Legislative Session 19R 2019-2020

HB 50 Wheatley, Jake(D) Amends the Medical Marijuana Act, for policy & definitions., for program established,

for use of medical marijuana, for practitioner registration, for ID cards, for medical marijuana organizations, for permits, for electronic tracking for tax. Remarks: The bill establishes a chapter entitled the Cannabis Act and states that use or possession of medical cannabis as set forth in the Cannabis Act part is lawful within the commonwealth, legalizing recreational cannabis. Last Action: 6- 3-19 H Discussed during joint public hearing, House Health

HB 432 Barrar, Stephen(R) Amends the Workers' Compensation Act, in interpretation and definitions, further providing for the definition of "occupational disease"; and, in liability and compensation, further providing for compensation for post-traumatic stress injury. Remarks: bill adds that "occupational disease" includes post-traumatic stress injury, which is suffered by a police officer, firefighter or emergency medical services provider and caused by exposure to a traumatic event arising in the course of the provider's employment or, after four years or more of service, is caused by and related to the cumulative effect of psychological stress in the course of the provider's employment for the benefit and safety of the public. Last Action: 5-26-20 H Set on the House Calendar

HB 579 Flynn, Marty(D), Amends Act entitled "An act extending benefits to police chiefs or heads of police

departments of political subdivisions who have been removed from bargaining units by the PA Labor Relations Board," providing for fire officers. Last Action: 2-28-19 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Labor and Industry

HB 1290 Polinchock, Todd (F)(R), Amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations), in child protective services, for definitions, reporting procedure, disposition of complaints received, responsibility for investigation & access to information in statewide database. Remarks: providing a county agency or law enforcement official who receives a report of suspected child abuse shall immediately notify the Department of Human Services Last Action: 1- 6-20 S Received in the Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Service

HB 1827 (Support) Keefer, Dawn(R) Amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses), in criminal homicide, further providing for the offense of causing or aiding suicide. Remarks: legislation, referred to as “Shawn’s Law”, provides that the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing provide for a sentence enhancement where the person who commits suicide is under 18 years of age or has an intellectual disability Last Action: 5/20/20 H Final Passage (Vote Y: 188/N: 14)

HB 1881 (Oppose) Kauffman, Rob(R) Amends the Public-School Code, in school security, further providing for school police officers powers and duties. Remarks: Amends the Public School Code providing a school police officer appointed under section 1320-C(b) shall have the power, if authorized by the court, to exercise the same powers as exercised under authority of law or ordinance by the police of the municipality in which the school property is located. This shall not apply to an individual provided through a third-party vendor. Last Action: 5-26-20 H Set on the House Calendar

HB 1955 Mentzer, Steven(R) Amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations), in protection from abuse, further providing for commencement of proceedings. Remarks: will vest the authority to Magisterial District judges to order police officers to serve emergency protection from abuse orders on the defendant/abuser in circumstances where the plaintiff/victim believes that his or her safety is in jeopardy Last Action: 3- 4-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary

HB 1958 Davis, Tina(D), Act authorizing police depts. to establish & administer an ANGEL program that assists

eligible individuals in identifying and receiving treatment for opioid use disorder; imposing powers and duties on the Attorney General. Remarks: would allow any individual wishing to seek treatment for their opioid dependency to visit a participating police department without fear of arrest or prosecution. Last Action: 3- 4-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary

HB 2016 (Support) Schmitt, Lou (F)(R) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in assault, providing for the offense of harassment of law enforcement officer; and imposing penalties. Remarks: legislation would define harassment of law enforcement officer as intentionally or knowingly causing or attempting to cause a law enforcement officer to come into contact with blood, seminal fluid, saliva, urine or feces by throwing, tossing, spitting or expelling such fluid or material. Last Action: 5-20-20 H Final Passage (Vote Y: 170/N: 32)

HB 2050 Wheatley, Jake(D) Amends the Medical Marijuana Act, for title of act; for medical cannabis; in program; in practitioners; in patients; in medical marijuana organizations; in medical marijuana controls; in Medical Marijuana Advisory Board. Remarks: "legislation is a culmination of social and criminal justice reform, aided by legal adult-use. the pursuit of delivering legal adult-use to the more than 60% and growing of Pennsylvanians who support it." Last Action: 4-20-20 H Discussed during press conference

HB 2056 (Support) Struzzi, James (F)(R) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in assault, further providing for the offense of aggravated assault. Remarks: causes bodily injury to a person with a physical or intellectual disability is guilty of aggravated assault, a felony of the second degree. definition is "vague and far reaching" Last Action: 5-20-20 H Final Passage (Vote Y: 167/N: 35)

HB 2337 Rabb, Christopher(D) Amends title 75 (Vehicles), in commercial drivers, for definitions; and, in driving

after imbibing alcohol or utilizing drugs, further providing for driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance and for authorized use not a defense. Remarks: allow individuals who legally use medicinal cannabis to operate a motor vehicle. legislation protects medicinal cannabis patients, it does not extend to any illegal cannabis use. applies to approved patients who use medicinal cannabis legally and are not impaired – the same as any other prescription medication. Last Action: 3-10-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Transportation

HB 2342 (Support) Owlett, Clint(R) Amends Title 42 (Judiciary), in depositions and witnesses, further providing for admissibility of certain statements. Remarks: in depositions and witnesses, permitting statements made by a child victim or witness of 16 years of age or younger as admissible in evidence in any criminal or civil proceeding Last Action: Rereferred to House Appropriations 5-20-20

HB 2344 Murt, Thomas(R) Amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses), in firearms & other dangerous articles, for sale or transfer of firearms, for PA State Police, for sale surcharge Funds, for ammunition purchase authorization permits. Remarks: Prohibits a person who has been ordered to undergo involuntary mental health treatment on an outpatient basis under the Mental Health Procedures Act from purchasing firearms or ammunition Last Action: 3-25-20 H Corrective reprint, Printer's No. 3501

HB 2379 Kinsey, Stephen(D) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, further providing for period of registration. Remarks: extending the expiration date of all vehicle registrations statewide to 60 days after the conclusion of the governor's declaration of disaster emergency issued on March 6, 2020 Last Action: 4- 3-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Transportation

HB 2399 Nelson, Eric(R), Amends the Enforcement Officer Disability Benefits Law, further providing for disability benefits. Remarks: Amends the Enforcement Officer Disability Benefits Law (Heart and Lung Act) providing a person covered under the law who contracts or is diagnosed with COVID-19 or is subject to quarantine resulting from exposure to COVID-19, and is temporarily incapacitated from performing his duty shall be compensated under the act. Last Action: 4-13-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Labor and Industry

HB 2412 Polinchock, Todd (F)(R) Amends the Administrative Code, providing for emergency COVID-19 provisions. Remarks: will require the Secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development to issue a waiver to the Governor’s 20200319 TWW COVID 19 Business Closure Order to all real estate related activities that can adhere to social distancing practices and other mitigation measures defined by the Centers for Disease Control to protect workers and mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Last Action: 5-19-20 G Vetoed by the Governor (Veto: 6)

HB 2428 Diamond, Russ(R) Amends Title 35 (Health & Safety), in Commonwealth services, further providing for general authority of Governor. Remarks: if a governor wants a disaster emergency to extend beyond 45 days, he will need explicit approval from the General Assembly via a concurrent resolution. Currently, a disaster emergency can last up to 90 days, but the governor can unilaterally extend and renew it. Last Action: 4-24-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Government

HB 2440 Kortz, Bill(D) Act providing for the designation of shooting ranges, sportsman clubs, hunting facilities

and business relating to the sale of production of firearms and ammunition as life-sustaining. Remarks: provides all outdoor sportsman clubs that choose to remain open during the COVID-19 emergency shall impose social distancing and mask requirements, only permit five shooters in each range at a time and close clubhouses associated with the outdoor sportsman club. Effective immediately. Last Action: H Final Passage (Vote Y: 124/N: 78) 5-20-20

SB 86 Brooks, Michele(R) Amends Titles 18 (Crimes & Offenses) & 23 (Domestic Relations), in offenses against the family, for newborn protection; for taking child into protective custody; for incubators; for accepting newborns; for immunity & duties. Last Action: 3-27-19 H Received in the House and referred to House Judiciary

SB 327 Argall, David(R), Amends the Administrative Code, providing for COVID-19 emergency statutory &

regulatory suspensions & waivers reporting requirements, for COVID-19 debt cost reduction review & task force; in powers & duties of DGS, for report of facilities. Remarks: Governors authority to order closing of businesses, etc. Republications want to amend it to permit businesses to stay open if they comply with certain safety guidelines set by CISA Last Action: 5-19-20 G Vetoed by the Governor (Veto: 7)

SB 607 (Support) Scavello, Mario(R) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in rules of the road in general, further providing for speed timing devices. Remarks: Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), providing that any police officer may use an electronic speed meter, radar or light detection and ranging devices upon approval by local ordinance and completion of training requirements. Provides for a revenue cap on the amount of money a municipality may keep from speeding tickets and calibration standards for radar guns. Last Action: 5-26-20 H Set on the House Calendar

SB 613 Mensch, Bob(R) Amends The Administrative Code, in admin. organization, repealing provisions relating to providing for COVID-19 mitigation plan.

Remarks: opening businesses using recommended guidance for mitigating exposure to covid-19 from the centers for disease control Last Action: 4-20-20 G Bill, together with Governor's Veto Message, laid on the table

SB 954 Ward, Kim(R) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, further providing for display of registration plate. Remarks: legislation to reinstate vehicle registration stickers for display on Pennsylvania license plates Last Action: 5-18-20 S Set on the Senate Calendar

SB 958 Mastriano, Doug(R) Amends Title 8 (Boroughs and Incorporated Towns), in manufacture and supply of

electricity, further providing for specific powers. Remarks: in manufacture and supply of electricity, providing that the sale of electric power to a borough for resale shall be exempt from all state taxes. Last Action: 5-18-20 S Set on the Senate Calendar

SB 1072 Brewster, Jim(D) Amends Public School Code, in school security, further providing for school security guards. Remarks: requiring school security guards to complete the training required by the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOTEC). Active law enforcement officers shall be exempt from the training requirements. Last Action: 3- 3-20 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Education

SB 1085 Blake, John(D), Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in obstructing governmental operations,

providing for the offense of evading arrest or detention on foot. Remarks: Evading Arrest or Detention by Foot in response to the tragic death of Officer John Wilding of the Scranton Police Department. In July 2015, Officer Wilding fell to his death while chasing three teenagers suspected of armed robbery. Last Action: 3-11-20 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Judiciary

SB 1106 Regan, Mike(R) Amends the Enforcement Officer Disability Benefits Law (Heart and Lung Act), further providing for disability benefits. Remarks: amending the Heart & Lung Act and providing a crucial protection to first responders in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic Last Action: 4-29-20 S Set on the Senate Calendar

SB 1110 (Support) Ward, Kim(R) Amends Disease Prevention and Control Law, further providing for reports and for confidentiality of reports and records. Remarks: requiring the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) to notify county commissioners or their designated county emergency management coordinator of the municipality in which there is any confirmed communicable disease cases, such as COVID-19 Last Action: S Final Passage (Vote Y: 47/N: 3) 4-29-20, 5-20-20 House- Set on the Tabled Calendar

SB 1119 Baker, Lisa(R) Amends Title 42 (Judiciary), in limitation of time, providing for declaration of judicial emergencies. Remarks: seeks to simplify the process by establishing the following temporary measures: #1 Tolling the Statute of Limitations for civil and criminal cases and providing additional time for the filing of any necessary pleadings. #2 Extending the time period individuals have for responding to a citation, or paying the appropriate fines, costs, or restitution. #3 Limiting the ability of the Commonwealth to suspend an operating license. Last Action: 4-29-20 H Received in the House and referred to House Judiciary

SB 1120 Baker, Lisa(R) Amends Title 42 (Judiciary), in sentencing, further providing for payment of court costs, restitution, and fines. Remarks: Extending the time period individuals have for responding to a citation, or paying the appropriate fines, costs, or restitution. Limiting the ability of the Commonwealth to suspend an operating license. Last Action: 4-29-20 H Received in the House and referred to House Judiciary

SB 1124 Mastriano, Doug(R) Amends Disease Prevention and Control Law, further providing for confidentiality of reports and records; and abrogating a regulation. Remarks: legislation to update the state’s Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955, in an effort to enhance transparency. will revise the restrictions that are preventing the PA Dept. of Health from publicizing relevant facts and data concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. will enable the Health Department to release more information that is currently considered private during health epidemics. Last Action: 4-20-20 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Health and Human Services

SB 1128 Baker, Lisa(R) Amends Title 75 (Transportation), in licensing of drivers, providing for declaration of judicial emergencies. Remarks: Provides that the Supreme Court or any agency or unit of the unified judicial system shall not suspend the operating privilege of a person or withhold the renewal of the driver's license of a person if the time period for taking the action or making the payment expires during the declared judicial emergency Last Action: 5-13-20 H Received in the House and referred to House Transportation

HB 2537 Grove, Seth(R) Amends Fiscal Code, providing for coronavirus aid, relief, and emergency response;

and establishing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Emergency Response Fund. Remarks: $400 M for local governments not eligible for the direct federal local government funds. $200 M for municipalities $200 M for county governments $300 M for EMS, Police and Fire Services Last Action: 5-21-20 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Finance

All Bills Signed into Law This Year

HB 68

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HB 330

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HB 360

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HB 427

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HB 752

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HB 775

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HB 1001

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Ryan, Frank(R) Amends the Unemployment Compensation Law, in administration of act, providing for unemployment compensation benefit notification by employers; in contributions by employers & employees; & emergency provisions related to COVID-19. 03-25-20 G In the hands of the Governor 03-27-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 9) 03-27-20 G Earliest effective date

Emrick, Joe(R) Amends the Taxpayer Relief Act making editorial changes to incorrect references. 02-05-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-12-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 5) 04-12-20 G Earliest effective date

Topper, Jesse(R) Amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations), in marriage license, providing for restrictions on issuance and for oral examination; and, in child protective services, for pandemic of 2020. 05-06-20 G In the hands of the Governor 05-08-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 18) 05-08-20 G Earliest effective date

Benninghoff, Kerry(R) Act providing for health insurance coverage requirements for stage four, advanced metastatic cancer. 02-06-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-12-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 6) 04-12-20 G Earliest effective date

Turzai, Mike(R) Amends Title 34 (Game), in property and buildings, further providing for price paid for acquisitions and improvements. 04-22-20 G In the hands of the Governor 04-29-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 16) 06-28-20 G Earliest effective date

Diamond, Russ(R) Amends the State Lottery Law, in pharmaceutical assistance for the elderly, further providing for income verification. 04-08-20 G In the hands of the Governor 04-17-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 14) 06-16-20 G Earliest effective date

Oberlander, Donna(R) Act regulating milk banks that provide donor human milk in this Commonwealth. 02-06-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-12-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 7) 02-12-20 G Earliest effective date

HB 1076

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HB 1232

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HB 1578

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HB 1869

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SB 60

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SB 67

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Hennessey, Tim(R) Amends the Taxpayer Relief Act, in senior citizens property tax & rent rebate assistance, providing for filing of claim; and authorizing public school districts to implement a senior tax reduction incentive volunteer exchange program. 05-14-20 G In the hands of the Governor 05-19-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 20) 05-19-20 G Earliest effective date

Dunbar, George(R) Amends the Fiscal Code, providing for emergency finance & tax provisions; in additional special funds, for COVID-19 response transfers & for the Enhanced Revenue Collection Account; in 2018- 2019 budget implementation for Dept. of Revenue. 03-25-20 G In the hands of the Governor 03-27-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 10) 03-27-20 G Earliest effective date

Helm, Susan(R) Amends Title 68 (Real & Personal Property), in creation, alteration & termination of condominiums, for contents of declaration & all condominiums & for amendment of declaration; in management of the condominium, for bylaws. 03-18-20 G In the hands of the Governor 03-27-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 11) 05-26-20 G Earliest effective date

Owlett, Clint(R) Amends Title 35 (Health and Safety), providing for COVID-19 enforcement officer disability benefits & for COVID-19 benefits for members of Pennsylvania National Guard; and, in emergency medical services system, for basic life support ambulances. 04-22-20 G In the hands of the Governor 04-29-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 17) 04-29-20 G Earliest effective date

Phillips-Hill, Kristin (F)(R) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary), in human trafficking, providing for the offense of trafficking in individuals and for the offense of patronizing a victim of sexual servitude. 01-29-20 G Press conference held 02-05-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 1) 04-05-20 G Earliest effective date

Ward, Judy (F)(R) Act authorizing Pennsylvania to join the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact; providing for form of compact; imposing additional powers & duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Compact. 05-06-20 G In the hands of the Governor 05-08-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 19) 07-07-20 G Earliest effective date

SB 422

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SB 432

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SB 690

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SB 691

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SB 692

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SB 751

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SB 841

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Vogel, Jr., Elder(R) Amends the PA Election Code, in county boards, for powers & duties; in electronic voting, for forms, for procedures; in prep. for & conduct of primaries & elections; providing for emergency provisions for 2020 General Primary Election. 03-25-20 G In the hands of the Governor 03-27-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 12) 03-27-20 G Earliest effective date

Phillips-Hill, Kristin (F)(R) Amends the Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Program (ABC-MAP) Act, further providing for access to prescription information. 02-06-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-12-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 8) 02-12-20 G Earliest effective date

Hutchinson, Scott(R) Amends the act entitled, "An act relating to and regulating the contracts of incorporated towns and providing penalties," further providing for power to convey. 01-27-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-05-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 2) 04-05-20 G Earliest effective date

Hutchinson, Scott(R) Amends The Second Class Township Code, in corporate powers, further providing for real property. 01-27-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-05-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 3) 04-05-20 G Earliest effective date

Hutchinson, Scott(R) Amends Titles 8 (Boroughs & Incorporated Towns) and 11 (Cities), in corporate powers, further providing for real property; and, in corporate powers, further providing for city property and affairs. 01-27-20 G In the hands of the Governor 02-05-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 4) 04-05-20 G Earliest effective date

Aument, Ryan(R) Amends the Public School Code, in professional employees, further providing for rating system & for persons to be suspended & providing for a revised rating system; & in terms & courses of study, for pandemic of 2020. 03-25-20 G In the hands of the Governor 03-27-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 13) 03-27-20 G Earliest effective date

Martin, Scott(R) Amends Title 35 (Health & Safety), for the Health Care Cost Containment Council, for powers & duties, for accountability, for COVID-19 disaster emergency, for general authority of political subdivisions. 04-16-20 G In the hands of the Governor 04-20-20 G Approved by the Governor (Act: 15) 04-20-20 G Earliest effective date

Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 • Tel: (717) 236-1059 • Fax: (717) 236-0226 • Web Site: http://www.pachiefs.org

We are excited to announce that Cody Systems Inc. is partnering with the PA Chiefs to offer each member agency one (1) license for search access of the PA SuperCOBRA Network AT NO COSTthrough the end of 2020.

The PCPA has enjoyed many successes since our founding in 1914. We believe opportunities exist to increase our services, strengthen relationships and to create new partnerships. Our values: integrity, professionalism, leadership, and courage have remained constant; ensuring relevance in a changing environment. Our premier 5 shield sponsorCodySystems, Inc. (CODY), a family owned, privately held and managed Pennsylvania based company provides end-to-end software and data management, integration, and exchange solutions for public safety and public sector agencies. They were founded on those values and have remained committed to quality and service in law enforcement and public safety services. Our shared missions and partnership promote excellence in public safety services. We are advocatesfor law enforcement and committed to innovative programs and training.

This COBRA network is providing vital potential COVID and other potential health-related risk alerts to frontline personnel during this time of crisis, through the company’s #HealthRisk initiative. Read more about this here. Over 200 agencies in PA are already apart of this real-time data-sharing network. If your agency is not, now is the time to actand join. It doesn’t matter what RMS system you use. COBRA is sharing data from most leading RMS vendor systems across the state. Our recent PCPA Bulletin ( Spring 2020 ) featured an article reviewing the PA SuperCOBRA. We have attached the article so you can learn more about this exciting statewide initiative.

Each COBRA network links police departments within a specific county or multi-county region. While allowing each agency to maintain its RMS data and access privileges, COBRA brings all of this information together and creates a network that allows authorized users from all participating agencies to search for information from any other participating agency -at the station or in the field!

It is PCPA’svision to be regarded as the leadingresource for professional law enforcement leadershipand the respected voice for Pennsylvania’s law enforcement community. CODY is the regarded as the leader in data driven solutions in Pennsylvania. The PCPA welcomes the challenge of supporting another decade of continued leadership excellence for Pennsylvania police executives, the law enforcement community, and the citizens of Pennsylvania. CODY, one of the most highly respected software providers in the market,is dedicatedtohonor, integrity, innovation, creativity, determination, and a 'people-first' philosophy -the "CODY way".

Scott L. Bohn Executive Director Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association

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