John Mackey
President Chief of Police • Bethel Park Borough
John Mackey
Thomas King 1st Vice President Chief of Police • State College Borough
William Kelly 2nd Vice President Chief of Police • Abington Township
Keith Keiper 3rd Vice President Chief of Police • Kingston Borough
Mark Hall 4th Vice President Chief of Police • Clarion Borough
Thomas DiMaria Chairman Chief of Police • Swoyersville Borough
William Richendrfer Secretary Chief of Police • South Centre Township
Michael Klein Treasurer Chief of Police • Harrison Township
Members: Thomas King • William Kelly Keith Keiper • Mark Hall Thomas DiMaria • Michael Klein William Richendrfer • Tom Gross Richard Hammon • Dave Mettin
EDUCATION & TRAINING Chair: T. Robert Amann
Members: William Kelly • James Balavage William Daly • Joseph Elias Michael Flanagan • Ashley Heiberger Robert Jolley • Thomas Kokoski David Laux • Dennis Logan Dennis McDonough • Catherine McNeilly David Mettin • Leonard Mickavicz William Olszewski • James Santucci Carl Scalzo • John Snyder Kevin Stoehr • George Swartz Earl Swavely, Jr. • Robert Wilson Raymond Zydonik
LEGISLATIVE Chair: Jason Umberger
Chief of Police • Dallas Township
Mark Hall • James Adams Darryl Albright • Scott Bohn Robert Cifrulak • Diane Conrad Randolph Cox • Richard Danko Michael Donohue • Eric Gill Erik Grunzig • Bryan Kelly Daniel Kortan, Jr. • Joseph Lawrence Patrick O’Rourke • Dean Osborne Lawrence Palmer • David Souchick Leo Sokoloski • David Spotts Jeffrey Storm • Robert Then Mike Vogel
Richard Hammon – 2014
BOARD MEMBERS Harold Lane – 2013 Inspector • Allegheny County DA
Joseph Daly – 2013 Chief of Police • Springfield Township
Robert Jolley – 2013
Superintendent • Silver Spring Township
Mike Flanagan – 2014 Chief of Police • Laflin Borough
David Mettin – 2014 Chief of Police • Pennridge Regional
Thomas Gross – 2014 Chief of Police • York Area Regional
Scott Bohn – 2015 Chief of Police • West Chester Borough
William Grover – 2015
Chair: Mark Pugliese
Members: Keith Keiper • Mark Bentzel Douglas Burkholder • Todd Caltagarone Harry Clay, Jr. • Joseph Daly Samuel Gallen • William Grover Harold Lane • Curt Martinez John Petrick • Leo Rudzki Guy Salerno • Michael Scott Matthew Sentner • John Slauch Timothy Trently • Paul Yost
Chief of Police • Etna Borough
David Spotts – 2015
Chief of Police • Mechanicsburg Borough
Richard Hammon • Donald Hunter, Sr. Joseph Ferrelli • Keith Guthrie Stephen Ott • Wendell Rich William Eckert • William Howatt William Weaver
Amy Rosenberry Executive Director
J. William Schmitt
BULLETIN USPS 425940 • ISSN 0031-4404 U
WINTER 2012 - VOL. 114; ISSUE 4 W
IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES New to the Website ..........................................................................................................................................5 Welcome to Our Newest Accredited Agencies ..................................................................................................9 MPOETC News ............................................................................................................................................12 PCPA 100th Annual Education and Training Conference ...................................................................17-20 Training Announcements ...............................................................................................................................22 Tech Mandates | What Are Proxy Servers and How Are They Used By Criminals? ..................................... 23-24 A Citizens Crime Mapping Case Study .................................................................................................... 25-27 Metro Salutes Those Who Serve ............................................................................................................... 28-29 Drugged Driving: An Emerging Challenge for Law Enforcement Executives............................................ 30-31 Motor Carriers Road Tax Decals............................................................................................................... 32-33 Online Training from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association ...............................................................34
Centennial Celebration
Executive Board & Committees .................................................................................................................. IFC President’s Message ...........................................................................................................................................4 Memberships & Memorials ..............................................................................................................................5 Executive Director’s Message ........................................................................................................................ 6-8 Legislative Report ..................................................................................................................................... 10-12 The Chiefs Legal Update .......................................................................................................................... 13-15
PCPA STAFF Amy Rosenberry, Executive Director • Tom Armstrong, Member Services • Ashley Crist, Executive Assistant • Chris Braun, Grant Projects • Jerry Miller, Offender Identification Technology • Joseph Blackburn, Accreditation Coordinator • Andrea Sullivan, Accreditation Assistant • Cheryl Campbell, Financial Administration • Bill Gibson, Physical Fitness •
Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN (ISSN 0031-4404) is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. Subscription to PCPA BULLETIN is included in PCPA annual dues. Periodicals Postage paid at Harrisburg, PA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PA Chiefs of Police Association BULLETIN, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1536. The content of the PCPA BULLETIN is to be a practical reference featuring information of specific interest and relevance to law enforcement professionals. Topics of interest include professional development, current legislative and goals, news items, upcoming events and legal issues. Reviews, reports and articles are submitted by members, experts and other interested law enforcement personnel. Articles or ideas for content should be submitted to PCPA Headquarters c/o Amy Rosenberry, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1536 or emailed to
n behalf of the Executive Board, our families and the entire PCPA staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful holiday and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
As we say goodbye to 2012, we anticipate many challenges, and successes, that 2013 will surely bring. Everyone at PCPA headquarters is prepared to assist you in meeting those challenges and opportunities by offering programs and services to help guide you and your agencies in providing professional police services. In 2012, PCPA launched the Pennsylvania Virtual Training Network (PAVTN) which afforded agencies with a no-cost solution to supply relevant, state-of-art training for their officers. Now in 2013, PAVTN will offer all four Mandatory In-Service training classes in addition to several elective courses. Once again, the training is provided at no cost to your department. To take advantage of this exciting new program, please visit and register your department and officers. Also, I encourage you to visit the PCPA website,, to take advantage of several new services and programs. There is a new “Members Discount” page under the Members Only section. For now, you will find discounts from Hertz Rental Car and Dell Computers. We anticipate partnering with several additional companies to offer even more discounts to our members in the future. While on the PCPA website, you will also want to take a look at the training calendar and the member discussion board. Several training opportunities hosted by member agencies are already listed on the 2013 training schedule. We want you to not only take advantage of these training opportunities, but would also like you to consider hosting a training class. We can assist you in getting the word out for your upcoming events. In addition, if you haven’t tried the member discussion board, you don’t know what you are missing. The discussion board enables you to communicate with your peers across the Commonwealth. Need a policy? How about some advice or an answer to an important question? You can post your question(s) and get expert advice from your friends and colleagues. This is a great way to gather information. You might even find a piece of equipment that you need at a great price. While you are on the PCPA website, don’t forget about all the other resources available to you. Check it out! You’ll be glad you did! Finally, if you know a newly appointed Chief of Police in your region, please recruit him/her for membership in the Association. Likewise, if you know of any chief that is not a member, ask them to consider joining us. PCPA has so much to offer and we would like to see everyone take full advantage of our services and programs. Membership does have its privileges! Have a Great New Year everyone and remember that all of your friends at PCPA are here to assist you in any way. Please stop by or give us a call. Best Wishes, John W. Mackey President, PCPA
WINTER 2012 Issue
New to the Website
Chief Stephen Barilar, Bucknell University Department of Public Safety Chief Edgardo Colón, Upper Macungie Township Chief Royce Engler, Wright Township Chief Ronald Fierst, Butler City Chief Michael Hardesty, West Pike Run Township Chief Rowdy Kagarise, Williamsburg Borough Chief Todd Owens, Mount Carmel Borough Captain Vince Pacifico, Berks County Sheriff ’s Department Captain William Parrish, Stroud Area Regional Chief Jeffrey Price, Benton Borough Lieutenant Darrell Reider, Swatara Township Chief Robert Salem, New Castle City
PCPA staff receives numerous phone calls throughout the year asking for a variety of information and services. Well, ask and you shall receive! We’ve been adding several new site pages to our website reserved for our law enforcement members including new resources, information and even new ways to save our members some extra money! See what’s new to
Chief Richard Shopene, Corry City Assistant Chief Charles Watson, Swissvale Borough AFFILIATE MEMBERS
Chief Corey Mosher, Lawrenceville Municipal Sergeant Keith Phillips, West Reading Borough Sergeant Frank Remmick, Clarion University Police Director of Security Jack Shearn, McCann School of Business
In Memoriam We mourn the loss of the following member of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association family. We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to his loved ones and remain grateful for the life of:
DON W. SHEELER Retired Chief of Police Manor Township
Former Chief County Detective Berks County
• FALLEN OFFICERS MEMORIAL PAGE Through acknowledgement of the sacrifice these Pennsylvania police officers have made while serving their community, we can better respect and celebrate their lives. Please visit the Fallen Officers page of the website for the names of our brothers in law enforcement who lost their lives this year. • BUSINESS MEMBER DIRECTORY We appreciate the support our vendors give year after year during conferences and events. We’d like to return the favor by listing our biggest supporters in the Business Member Directory. Let this be the first place you visit when your department is in need of new equipment, vehicles and software. You can easily search by name, product or other keyword and find the company website, contact information and even a client list for references before you buy! • DISCOUNT PROGRAM PAGE There’s now one more perk to being a member of PCPA, discounts exclusive to just PCPA! These companies have offered special promotional deals, just for our members, to be used for everything from rental cars to computers. Visit the page often! PCPA staff is constantly searching for more promotions to add to our page and extend to our membership as a thank you for your continued service!
WINTER 2012 Issue
Dear Members,
’ m sure by now you’ve heard the rousing call to celebrate! In 2013 the Association begins its Centennial Celebration starting off with the 100th Annual Conference, June 23 - 27, 2013. Hard to believe, isn’t it? 100 Annual Conferences is an absolutely amazing feat of accomplishment! The following year, PCPA will mark its 100th Anniversary as an Association - the official date of formation being June 14, 1914. Let the celebrations begin!
To prepare for the Centennial Celebration we began taking a look back in time. The history we have here at Headquarters is absolutely amazing. There are records, books, magazines, Conference Summaries, correspondence, financial records and, the most important piece in the collection, the first Official Register of the Association - a handwritten ledger book including the Constitution and Bylaws, minutes of the first meetings and register of members and dues paid. (Just to pique your interest - annual dues were $3.00 that first year.) We are excited to share and display many of these artifacts with each and every member over the next year or so as we celebrate our history. Let’s get started with the Commemoration of Conferences! PCPA’s 100th Annual Conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg in Camp Hill this year - not far from the 1st Annual Conference location in the City of Harrisburg held in 1914. Over the next few months as we plan and prepare for the event, the magazine will include highlights and history from Anniversary Conferences leading back to the very first! This issue features the Golden one - our 50th Annual Conference held in the summer of 1963 in Reading, PA. In the Executive Director’s Message to the Membership (PCPA BULLETIN, Volume XXIV, No. 3, Summer 1963) Sam Siegle wrote, “Our Fiftieth Anniversary Convention marks an important milestone in the history of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association and will unquestionably be an annual gathering of police officials, their wives and guests that will be fondly remembered for many years to come. No stone is being left unturned to make this the most enlightening, outstanding and enjoyable in our memories. The Red Carpet will truly be out for our members at Reading. We hope to see you all at our Golden Anniversary Convention!” well, Mr. Siegle, I couldn’t have said it better myself! ‘Ditto’ for our 100th - we are excitedly preparing* and hope each and every member is present to join in this monumental celebration! *We are searching high and low for a way to bring you a return performance by The Hoedowners and Professional Schnitzel - anyone remember them from the 1963 conference? NO? Well we’d love it if you’d send us your memories or photos from this or any other PCPA Conference to be included in our walks down memory lane! We hope you enjoy the look back in time to the 50th conference of 1963 and as you do - don’t miss the current info too, especially the registration information for the Conference of 2013! (Also available online) All my best,
Amy K. Rosenberry Executive Director
WINTER 2012 Issue
Reprinted from PCPA Bulletin, Volume XXIV, No. 3, Summer 1963
continued on page 8X
WINTER 2012 Issue
Dues Renewal 2013 PCPA 2013 Dues Renewal notices will be sent out either electronically or by mail this year, depending on the mailing preference in your profile. For members who have opted to receive your mail and the Bulletin magazine electronically, you will be receiving a dues invoice via email this year. Please check your inbox after January 1st to ensure that you didn’t miss the invoice or that it wasn’t sent to your spam folder. If you have chosen to receive your PCPA information electronically but have not received regular emails from PCPA, we may have your email address listed incorrectly. Please login to the PCPA website using your email and password, go to “View Profile” to correct any errors in your contact information. For members who have continued to receive their magazine through the mail, your dues renewal notice will be mailed after the first of the year. If you haven’t received anything from PCPA by the end of January, please call our office to make sure we have a correct home or department address listed. Thank you for your continued membership in 2013! Page
WINTER 2012 Issue
Exeter Township Berks County Chief Christopher L. Neidert
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General Criminal Investigations Statewide Chief Steven R. Wheeler
Cheltenham Township Montgomery County Chief John J. Norris
Springettsbury Township, York County, Chief Thomas H. Hyers
Duquesne University, Allegheny County, Director Thomas M. Hart
Colonial Regional , Northampton County, Chief Roy D. Seiple
Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, Chief Robert A. Martin
Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Chief Michael J. McGrath
Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Chief Jason D. Umberger
WINTER 2012 Issue
LEGISL ATIVE REPORT The following Acts of special interest to law enforcement in Pennsylvania were signed into law by Governor Corbett since the Fall 2012 Bulletin Report. The full text of each new Act is available on the PCPA Bills To Watch Page of the PCPA website. ACT 125
Signed by the Governor July 5, 2012, took effect in 60 days Original Bill - SB 351 Amends Title 42 (Judiciary) in particular rights and immunities, further providing for Good Samaritan civil immunity for use of automated external defibrillator and for nonmedical good Samaritan civil immunity. ACT 139
Signed by the Governor July 5, 2012, took effect in 60 days Original Bill - SB 1535 Amends Title 42 (Judiciary), in rules of evidence, further providing for subpoena of records. ACT 146
Signed by the Governor October 8, 2012, takes effect in 90 days Original Bill - HB 1617 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) further providing for suspension of operating privilege for failure to respond to citation. ACT 148
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 90 days Original Bill - HB 140 Act establishing the Methadone Death and Incident Review Team and providing for its powers and duties; and imposing a penalty. ACT 150
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 1417 Amends Title 18 (Crimes), 30 (Fish) & 34 (Game), in
assault, further providing for offense of aggravated assault; in enforcement, for interference with officers of PGC & PBFC; killing game to protect person; unlawful importation of wildlife. ACT 158
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 180 days Original Bill - HB 1830 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) providing for special plates for individuals in the service of the United States Merchant Marine and for a special registration plate for veterans and members of United States military airborne units. ACT 163
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 1970 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), further providing for vehicles exempt from registration and for limits on number of towed vehicles. ACT 165
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective immediately Original Bill - HB 2043 Amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) further providing for powers & duties of Municipal Police Officers’ Education & Training Commission. ACT 173
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 2371 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) further providing for width of vehicles. continued on next pageX
WINTER 2012 Issue
ACT 174
ACT 197
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective immediately with exceptions Original Bill - HB 2372 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in general provisions, for definitions, registration of vehicles, for exemption; in fees, for farm vehicles; in inspection, for periodic inspection & operation; &, in size, weight & load, for width & length.
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 235 Act providing for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Notification Act; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and prescribing penalties.
ACT 176
ACT 198
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 2428 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver’s licenses.
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 815 Amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses) further providing for the offense of sexual abuse of children; and providing for the offense of transmission of sexually explicit images by minor.
ACT 178
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 2467 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in certificate of title and security interests, further providing for transfer of vehicle ownership and certificate of salvage required. ACT 187
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - SB 1147 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in fees, further providing for annual hauling permits; &, in size, weight & load, further providing for conditions & security & for manufacture movement permit & providing for egg movement permits.
ACT 199
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 898 Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) further providing for sale or transfer of firearms. ACT 200
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012 Original Bill - HB 1121 Amends Titles 18 (Crimes & Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary) providing for the offense of recruiting criminal gang members and for sentencing for offenses committed in association with a criminal gang.
ACT 195
ACT 201
Signed by the Governor October 24, 2012, effective immediately Original Bill - SB 1572 Amends act regulating employees in bureaus of police in 2nd class cities; & defining powers of civil service commissions in such cities & further providing for qualifications for appointment in the competitive class of the civil service.
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 1794 Act providing for HIV-related testing for certain sex offenders; and making a related repeal.
ACT 196
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 135 Amends PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency Act further providing for PCCD, powers & duties, duties of public agencies & officers in reporting crim. statistics, etc., for powers & duties of JJDCP, Crime Prev. Adv. Committee; & grants.
ACT 202
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - HB 2400 Amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses) further providing for definitions, for exceptions to prohibition of interception & disclosure of communications, for possession, sale, distribution of devices, etc. & for issuance of an order. ACT 203
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012 Original Bill - SB 86
WINTER 2012 Issue
continued on page 12X Page
Amends Titles 18 (Crimes & Offenses) & 75 (Vehicles) further providing for dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities, for unlawful motor vehicle disposition & repealing Motor Vehicle Chop Shop & Illegally Obtained & Altered Property Act.
Original Bill - SB 941 Amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses) further providing for public drunkenness and similar misconduct and for purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor or malt or brewed beverages.
ACT 204
ACT 209
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective immediately with exceptions Original Bill - SB 850 Amends Titles 18 (Crimes & Offenses), 42 (Judiciary) & 61 (Prisons & Parole), in authorized disposition of offenders, further providing for sentence for murder, murder of unborn child & law enforcement, for sentence of minors & procedure.
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days Original Bill - SB 390 Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in size, weight and load, further providing for width of vehicles
ACT 205
Signed by the Governor October 25, 2012, effective in 60 days
More detailed information, including links to this recently enacted legislation is available via the PCPA Bills To Watch Page of the PCPA website. PCPA Staff will continue monitor and track proposed legislation of interest to the Association. Members are encouraged to contact Headquarters if they have specific questions about legislative issues.
MPOETC News All Agency Heads: In an effort to keep all law enforcement agencies abreast of upcoming changes, policies and procedures, the following is provided for your information and use. Through a partnership with the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association (PCPA), the MPOETC is offering all four Mandatory In-Service Training (MIST) Program courses as classroom and as online training for 2013. The online training will be provided by the PCPA, through their learning management system (LMS); the Pennsylvania Virtual Training Network (PAVTN). There is no cost to take the online training. Police chiefs can choose from all classroom, all online, or a blended approach with their officers taking two courses in a classroom and two others online. The tuition rates for officers attending classroom instruction will remain the same. To register officers for the online training, chiefs must go to the website and click on the link for the registration form. After completing the form, they will email it to PCPA will provide chiefs with logon credentials for their officers. Effective January 1, 2013, the Commission has approved the Pennsylvania State Police Force Options Continuum Interactive Simulator (FOCIS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program (LEOKA) training courses. Each course can be applied towards three (3) hours of equivalency credit in meeting the Commission’s Mandatory In-Service Training (MIST) Program requirements for 2013 and 2014. The FOCIS and LEOKA courses may not be taken as a substitute for the Legal Updates course in 2013 and may not be taken in lieu of Legal Updates and the Wounded Page
Brain: Implications for Law Enforcement course (which deals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury) in 2014. All of the aforementioned courses are required classes for all certified police officers and all ranks. Officers must successfully complete the program in the year that credit is being requested, i.e. for equivalency credit in 2013, you must attend the course in 2013. No retroactive requests will be approved. The Commission has voted to approve the Preamble to Proposed Rulemaking and Annex A amending Title 37 regarding a regulation change to Pennsylvania’s Retired Law Enforcement Identification Act (RLEIA) to conform to the amended definition of a qualified retired law enforcement officer in both the Federal Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act (LEOSA) and RLEIA. The regulation change reduces the years-of-service requirement for qualified retired officers from 15 to 10 years. However, since this change will take substantial time to be completed through the independent regulatory review process, the Commission also voted to authorize the Executive Director, and his staff, to take all necessary steps to implement any change or policy needed to allow all retired officers eligible under LEOSA and RLEIA to receive the appropriate identification and qualification cards without delay. The Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission greatly values our partnership with all law enforcement agencies and hopes the above information is helpful to you. If you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact Mr. Rudy Grubesky, rgrubesky@
WINTER 2012 Issue
The Chiefs’ Legal Update Provided by Chris Boyle, Esq. and reprinted with permission from Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin Minatee v. Phila. Police Dep’t, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 22444 (3rd Cir. Nov 1, 2012) Following an incident with two City of Philadelphia police officers, Minatee was arrested and charged with harassment, terroristic threats with intent to terrorize another, obstructing the administration of law, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. In a criminal trial in the Municipal Court of Philadelphia, the Court found Minatee not guilty on all charges. Thereafter, Minatee filed a civil suit alleging malicious prosecution and excessive force, … To prove a claim for malicious prosecution brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, a plaintiff must satisfy each of the following five elements: “(1) the defendants initiated a criminal proceeding; (2) the criminal proceeding ended in plaintiff ’s favor; (3) the proceeding was initiated without probable cause; (4) the defendants acted maliciously or for a purpose other than bringing the plaintiff to justice; and (5) the plaintiff suffered deprivation of liberty consistent with the concept of seizure as a consequence of a legal proceeding.” … Based on the undisputed facts, we decide that probable cause existed for Minatee’s arrest. “Probable cause to arrest exists when the facts and the circumstances within the arresting officer’s knowledge are sufficient in themselves to warrant a reasonable person to believe that an offense has been or is being committed by the person to be arrested.” Merkle v. Upper Dublin Sch. Dist., 211 F.3d 782, 788 (3d Cir. 2000) … In Pennsylvania a person commits the crime of obstructing the administration of law when he “intentionally obstructs, impairs or perverts the administration of law or other governmental function by force, violence, physical interference or obstacle, breach of official duty, or any other unlawful act . . . .” 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5101. Here, an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department explained to Minatee that the officers were deeming the encounter a “live stop” and confiscating the car because its owner, Minatee’s companion and a passenger in the car, had a suspended license. Minatee contested that the companion’s license was suspended and told the officers that he, not his companion, had been driving the car. When a tow-truck arrived to take the car, Minatee went to the car and sat in the passenger seat to prevent it from being towed. After some time, Minatee got out of the car but remained close to it. Minatee continued to argue with the officers and admits yelling at one point. Under the foregoing circumstances the police had probable cause to arrest Minatee, because they could have reasonably believed that an obstruction offense had been committed. Minatee was also charged with disorderly conduct. In Pennsylvania a person commits the offense of disorderly conduct when he or she: with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof . . . (1) engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior; (2) makes unreasonable noise; (3) uses obscene language, or makes an obscene
gesture; or (4) creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor. 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5503. Words or acts rise to the level of disorderly conduct when “they cause or unjustifiably risk a public disturbance.” …. Here, Minatee created a public disturbance after he double-parked a car on a public street, blocking the street to other traffic. He stated, “Y’all not taking sh*t,” and refused to step away from the car. He also admits to yelling at one point and to telling one officer, “I know we are going to rock and I want you #4902 Ramos to throw the first punch.” Plaintiff ’s Citizen Complaint 3. The police officers state that they interpreted this language as a threat. Thereupon one of the officers ordered Minatee to move to avoid the threat of being tasered. He continued to refuse to move and he was first tasered and then arrested. Under the foregoing circumstances the police had probable cause to arrest Minatee, because they could have reasonably believed that Minatee’s conduct and language rose to the level of disorderly conduct… Comment: Now you know I’m no fan of disorderly conduct. That said, when I see a case where it’s properly charged, I feel a personal responsibility to report it. I still hate it as much as a snail hates salt, as much as a fat man hates a hot day, and as much as Batman hates the Joker, but, when I saw my man say “Y’all not taking sh*t” and tell Officer Ramos “I know we are going to rock”, I knew I had to share it. Back in the day, we’d probably refer to this situation as “Batter Up” but, given the preference of this day and age for a kinder gentler use of force, I can see why the decision to unleash Old Sparky, and tase my good man. That said, and it may seem obvious, if everyone who charges DC would just put the statute next to the incident report, and make sure what the dude did, matches what the statute says the dude ain’t allowed to do, we’d all be a lot better off. Galligani v. N. York County Reg’l Police Dep’t, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 156430 (M.D.Pa. Nov. 1, 2012) Galligani is a resident of York County, Pennsylvania. …defendant Baker is an officer working for Northern Regional. …On February 7, 2008, Jennifer filed charges of rape against Galligani … Based on these charges, a Detective with YARPD [a neighboring Department] applied for a search warrant on February 8, 2008, which was granted on February 9, 2008, directing the search and seizure of “[b]edclothes to include blankets, sheets, pillow cases, and any other miscellaneous items deemed to be related to a sexual assault.” YARPD officers, along with Officer Baker, conduct a search of Galligani’s residence. The parties disagree as to whether the search occurred on February 9, as Galligani alleges, or February 11. YARPD eventually decided that the rape allegations were unsubstantiated, due at least in part to a lack of direct medical evidence of rape, a lack of physical evidence found during the February 9 search, Galligani’s polygraph test, and Jennifer’s recanting of her rape accusation.
WINTER 2012 Issue
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On February 10, 2008, Officer Baker sought and obtained a search warrant for Galligani’s residence and vehicle. … Galligani characterizes this warrant as being in connection with the rape allegations, but the affidavit of probable cause is focused almost entirely on separate allegations of harassment and stalking, made by Jennifer in a February 7 complaint. The affidavit only makes a passing reference to a sexual assault allegation that was under investigation by YARPD. A York County Magisterial District Judge approved the warrant on February 10, 2008, …. Baker seized Galligani’s Blackberry and laptop, a notebook with phone numbers, and a variety of files. …. Northern Regional subsequently filed a number of charges against Galligani, including one count of harassment by lewd communication and one count of harassment by course of conduct with no legitimate purpose, felony stalking, unlawful use of a computer, intercepting communications, and disclosure of intercepted communications. Galligani alleges that, on March 27, 2008, despite knowing that Galligani had been cleared of all rape charges, Northern Regional arrested and jailed him on the stalking charges. On December 2, 2008, Galligani and Jennifer appeared before Magisterial Judge Shoemaker, wherein Jennifer requested that all charges be dropped. At that hearing, Northern Regional dropped all charges, except the charge of harassment by lewd communications. Galligani alleges that, when asked by Judge Shoemaker why Northern Regional was pressing forward with the harassment charge, Northern Regional stated that “they had to charge Plaintiff with something.” Galligani does not identify the speaker, other than a general reference to “Northern Regional.” Galligani filed an application for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (“ARD”) on December 17, 2008 to address the pending harassment charge. While initially agreeing to proceed through the ARD program, Galligani ultimately decided to withdraw his application, appearing pro se before the Honorable Gregory Snyder at an ARD acceptance hearing, and withdrawing his plea. Galligani alleges that the York County District Attorney abandoned the charge against him on October 20, 2009, by entering a nol pros. To succeed in a claim for malicious prosecution under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, a plaintiff must prove five elements: (1) that the defendant initiated a criminal proceeding; (2) that the criminal proceeding ended in favor of the plaintiff; (3) that the defendant initiated the proceeding in the absence of probable cause; (4) that the defendant acted maliciously, or for a purpose other than bringing the plaintiff to justice; and (5) that the plaintiff suffered deprivation of liberty consistent with the concept of seizure as a consequence of a legal proceeding. ..Actual innocence -- not simply dismissal of charges -is required for a malicious prosecution claim to proceed. … The third element of a malicious prosecution claim under § 1983 requires the plaintiff to show that the defendant initiated criminal proceedings in the absence of probable cause. Timing is critical to comprehension of Galligani’s claim that Northern Regional lacked probable cause to initiate criminal proceedings against him, and so a brief review of the warrants in this case is in order. Page
Two separate search warrants were issued. Responding to a rape report made by Galligani’s estranged wife Jennifer Galligani on January 31, 2008, the York Area Regional Police Department (“YARPD”) applied for a search warrant on February 8, 2008. A magisterial district judge issued the warrant on February 9, 2008, giving authority to search Galligani’s residence on Oakridge Drive in York for “blankets, sheets, pillow cases and any other miscellaneous items deemed to be related to a sexual assault.” …. This warrant states that it was to be served no later than 3:30 p.m. on February 11, 2008, and Galligani alleges that it was served February 9, 2008. Northern Regional also obtained a search warrant. Officer Baker’s affidavit of probable cause for this warrant relays charges of harassment and stalking derived from a February 7, 2008 complaint by Jennifer Galligani. …. Galligani alleges that YARPD officers searched his house on February 9, not on February 11, and were accompanied by Officer Baker, who illegally seized a laptop, Blackberry, and a number of notebooks and files. These seizures were improper, Galligani argues, because the only warrant existing as of February 9, 2008, was the YARPD warrant, which was limited to “blankets, sheets, pillow cases and any other miscellaneous items deemed to be related to a sexual assault.” Accordingly, Galligani contends that Baker’s seizures exceeded the scope of the warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment. If execution of the YARPD warrant occurred on February 9 and the Northern Regional warrant was not authorized until February 10, then it remains possible that Northern Regional actually based their decision to initiate charges on illegally seized evidence, rather than the February 7 complaint. Reliance on the warrant, so the argument goes, would therefore be objectively and subjectively unreasonable because it was based on illegally seized evidence. Properly understood, then, the issue is this: assuming arguendo that the search occurred on February 9, rather than on February 11, and that Officer Baker seized evidence that was beyond the scope of the YARPD warrant, does this seizure taint the Northern Regional warrant such that Galligani has made a prima facie showing that criminal proceedings were initiated against him without probable cause? The court finds Officer Baker’s purported seizure was not improper. The applicable framework for examining the propriety of Baker’s conduct is the independent source doctrine. In Murray v. United States, … federal agents executed a warrantless entry of a warehouse and, once inside, observed a number of burlap-wrapped bales in plain view. Without disturbing the bales, the officers left the building and obtained a search warrant. Importantly, the officers did not rely upon -- indeed, did not even mention -- the illegal entry in their affidavit for a search warrant, instead relying upon independently derived evidence to support the application. The warrant issued, the bales were seized, and a plurality of the Supreme Court ultimately upheld the admissibility of the evidence, holding that “[t]he ultimate question . . . is whether the search
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pursuant to warrant was in fact a genuinely independent source of the information and tangible evidence at issue . . . .” Here, regardless of the timing of Officer Baker’s actions relative to his application for a warrant, Baker’s alleged seizure of Galligani’s property was valid. First, Galligani concedes that Baker’s seizure was within the scope of the second warrant. … (acknowledging that either the February 7 complaint or Officer Baker’s seizure could have been the basis for the warrant, and that therefore reliance on the warrant “may have been” unreasonable) … More importantly, Northern Regional’s application for the search warrant did not rely at all on the February 9 seizure -- indeed, it does not even mention it. Rather, Officer Baker’s affidavit in support relies entirely on Jennifer’s February 7 complaint. The lengthy and detailed affidavit relays a number of accusations levied against Galligani by Jennifer, which in the aggregate are more than sufficient to establish an independent source of probable cause to seize Galligani’s property... Comment: Yuck factor on this chucklehead is an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. Rape, stalking, intercepting communications…Yuck. He’s no Sandusky, but I still wouldn’t let him near my kids or pets. The “independent source doctrine” is an oldie but a goodie, especially when all seems lost, because when you are talking independent source, it’s usually because something else has gone wrong. That
certainly wasn’t the case here where the court looked at the arguments in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, not Officer Baker, only because it was a civil case heard on a motion, where the Officer’s brilliant and modest attorney was arguing to have the case dismissed before trial. Even doing that, Officer Baker’s skill and professionalism rose to the top, and the court ruled in his favor. Nice job Mark. The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin. It is solely intended to provide information on recent legal developments, and is not intended to provide legal advice for a specific situation or to create an attorney-client relationship. We welcome the opportunity to provide such legal assistance as you require on this and other subjects. To be removed from our list of subscribers who receive these complimentary Law Enforcement updates, please reply to this email with the word REMOVE in the subject line. If however you continue to receive the alerts in error, please send a note to: cpboyle@ ATTORNEY ADVERTISING PURSUANT TO NEW YORK RPC 7.1 © 2012 MARSHALL, DENNEHEY, WARNER, COLEMAN & GOGGIN. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
WINTER 2012 Issue
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PCPA 100TH ANNUAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CONFERENCE One-hundred years: A mountainous anniversary which few organizations, people and establishments survive to celebrate. To achieve such longevity and success demands an incredible foundation (check), a role of vital importance in the community (check), constant progress and innovation (check), and an extraordinary collection of individuals (check). Throughout generations, these men and women must be firm in their beliefs, possess a tremendous sense of unity and consistent strength in leadership. Check, check and check. It is with great honor and pride that the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association can claim an entire century of dedication to law enforcement through the Annual Education and Training Conference. In 1914, the first convention was held and the hundred year journey began. In the coming months before the Summer of 2013, we will be looking back through the past 100 years, reliving the history of this wonderful event, and looking forward to many more.
Each magazine before the Conference will present a time-capsule view of previous Conference Anniversaries. First, we will travel back fifty years to the Association’s Golden Anniversary.
A Time for Ref Reflection fllection
The year is 1963; the venue is the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Reading, and the PCPA Convention reached an impressive milestone. The Convention saw attendance reach a peak of some 900 delegates, wives and guests at the Golden Anniversary Banquet. Edward H. Bateman, chief of police, Borough of Newtown (Bucks County), was unanimously elected president at the closing business session. Legendary Sam Siegle retired as Executive Director of the Association, and Francis J. Schafer was appointed to the post. The 50th Annual Convention was declared “A Smashing Hit” by all, a theme that could accurately describe every conference for following years. The Bulletin continues to recap the business and pleasure aspect of the convention: “the morning devoted to various committee reports and the afternoon and evening to a thoroughly enjoyable clam bake spiced with entertainment at Hunsicker’s Grove.” The yearbook for the 50th Anniversary Convention included a variety of articles from many members with informative reports on issues they faced during the times. Many of the issues, we still address at training seminars today. The Treasurer at the time, John G. Good, addressed the need for the use of radar for municipal departments. Francis J. Schafer analyzed the dangers officers face when responding to disturbance calls involving family arguments. He continues to discuss Public Enemy #1: “The Suspicious Person.” Frank Titus calls for a strict censorship of “the ‘smut paperbacks’ which are found in the possession of practically every sex offender.” In the incoming President’s Message, Edward Batemen states “the real life blood of any organization is its working committees,” a statement which still holds true today. Sam Siegle’s recap of the Golden Anniversary is a notable foreshadowing of years to come: “I can look ahead to distant horizons and envision even greater progress and accomplishments which will far surpass that of the past half century.” It is safe to say he would be more than satisfied with the half century we have to look back at now.
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JUNE 23-27, JUNE NE 2 23 3-27, 2013 • RADISSON HOTEL HARRISBURG • CAMP HILL, PA w www. ww ww. w pach pa p ach hie iefs fs.o fs org
Time for for Reflection Reflection A Time
PCPA’s 100th Education & Training Conference! Early Registration Now Open! Join PCPA for our CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, 100 years of excellence in law enforcement, networking, training and innovation through conference events! This centennial event will be held at the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg on June 23-27, 2013. Please join us as we look back through the last 100 years starting with the very first conference in 1913. While much has changed, one things that has stayed the same is PCPA’s ability to provide quality training and networking to its members each and every year. THIS WILL BE AN EVENT TO REMEMBER (IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE) AND WE HOPE YOU’LL JOIN US FOR THE CELEBRATION! REGISTER TODAY! ww ww. wp pa ach ach chie iefs ie fs.o fs .org rg g
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Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association 100TH ANNUAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CONFERENCE June 23-27, 2013 • Radisson Hotel Harrisburg, Camp Hill
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Member $200 Retired $100 Non-Member $300 One-Day $125 Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Circle One) • Registration fee includes: Registration materials, Training Seminars, Exhibit Hall, Business Sessions, Coffee Breaks, Lunch (Mon-Wed), Hospitality Room, Conference Activities and Gift. • Registration does NOT include Hotel Accommodations, Dinners and Receptions.
Name:___________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________ Agency: _______________________________
• All registrations must be received no later than June 1, 2013. A Late registration fee of $50 will be applied to all registrations received after that date.
Telephone: ______________________ Email: _________________________________ MEALS/EVENTS — (Registrant Only - Guest/Family Meals indicated below for each individual registered.) Meal Package $165 - or Sunday Reception & Dinner $ 55 • Meal Package includes: Reception and Dinner • Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday Tuesday Reception & Dinner $ 60 • Breakfast and Lunch are NOT included in the Package and are not sold separately. Wednesday Annual Banquet $ 65
• Breakfast is included with all room reservations. Lunch is included in Registration fee. (Ladies Luncheon is included with Guest/Family registration.)
• Guest/Family registration includes: Registration materials, Training Seminars and Workshops, Exhibit Hall, Business Sessions, Coffee Breaks, Ladies Luncheon (Tuesday), Hospitality Room, Conference Activities and Gift. • Family refers to spouse or family member, not a business associate or fellow law enforcement colleague. • Registration and Meals for Children Under 12 are FREE. • There is no additional cost for guests staying in the same room as a registered attendee, however, meals must be purchased separately for each guest (package and individual meals available).
Spouse/Guest Name ___________________________________ Spouse’s Email: ___________________________ Registration Spouse/Guest $100 Meals Meal Package $165 - or Sunday Reception & Dinner $ 55 Tuesday Reception & Dinner $ 60 Wednesday Annual Banquet $ 65
Child/Guest Name ___________________________________ Registration Child/Guest $ 50 Meals Meal Package $165 - or Sunday Reception & Dinner $ 55 Tuesday Reception & Dinner $ 60 Wednesday Annual Banquet $ 65 Child/Guest Under 12 FREE
Child/Guest Name ___________________________________ Registration Child/Guest $ 50 Meals Meal Package $215 - or Sunday Reception & Dinner $ 55 Tuesday Reception & Dinner $ 60 Wednesday Annual Banquet $ 65 Child/Guest Under 12 FREE
Sub Total: ___________
Sub Total: ___________
Sub Total: ___________
PAYMENT INFORMATION Check # ____________ Made payable to PCPA in the amount of $__________ is enclosed will follow Credit Card number: ________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _________ MasterCard Visa Discover Credit Card Billing Address: Street _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________________________________ State ________________________ Zip ________________________ HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Room reservations may be made at or by calling the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg at 717-763-7117 (indicate that you are with the PA Chiefs group code PCPA). The conference room rate is $160.00 plus tax and includes breakfast.
GRAND TOTAL DUE:__________
CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY • All cancellations must be made in writing and mailed, faxed or e-mailed to PCPA • A $50 penalty will be assessed on all cancellations postmarked or faxed/e-mailed dated on or before May 23, 2013. • A $75 penalty will be assessed on all cancellations postmarked or faxed/e-mailed between May 24 and 31, 2013. • No refunds will be issued on or after June 1, 2013. No refunds will be given for no shows. Mail Form with payment to: PCPA Conference, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
WINTER 2012 Issue
Training Announcements Please visit to find registration information and details for each training seminar.
INTERVIEWING & INTERROGATION WORKSHOP January 15-17, 2013 – Manheim, PA Three-day seminar is to provide the fundamentals necessary to conduct a proper interview and interrogation. Applicants must be federal, state, local, campus or tribal criminal justice professionals, law enforcement personnel, or domestic violence advocates from rural jurisdictions. QUOTA-FREE POLICE PRODUCTIVITY PROGRAM February 13, 2013 – Natrona Heights, PA (Pittsburgh Area) This course provides the necessary information and system required for employer and employees to fulfill their obligations to one another and the citizens they serve. Topics of discussion: The Seven Labor Principles of Just Cause; Case Law that supports management’s rights to discipline and terminate; Due Process and pre-deprivation rights. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM February 14, 2013 – Natrona Heights, PA (Pittsburgh Area) Performance Improvement Programs are well accepted by courts, arbiters, civil review boards and employees as non-punitive means for dealing with employee performance deficiencies. This class is intended for City, County and State Commanders, 911 Supervisors & Human Resources Personnel. KNOWLEDGE FOR THE STREET WORKSHOP March 5-7, 2013 – Laflin, PA This three-day seminar will provide the fundamentals necessary to conduct a proper interview and interrogation. Applicants must be federal, state, local, campus or tribal criminal justice professionals, Page
law enforcement personnel, or domestic violence advocates from rural jurisdictions. FINE LINE SUPERVISION March 7, 2013 – Natrona Heights, PA (Pittsburgh Area) This course teaches more practical supervisory skills in one day than most courses do in three days. Supervisors learn how to use proven motivation, leadership and interactions. This class is intended for police, sheriffs, fire, corrections and 911 first-line supervisors. BASIC INCIDENT RESPONSE TO DIGITAL EVIDENCE PROGRAM March 26-28, 2013 – Middleton, PA The purpose of this program is to provide training necessary to any criminal investigator who may be a first responder in a situation in which computer based evidence is or may be recovered. While not being overwhelmingly technical in delivery, this program provides a sufficient overview of technology in order to adequately prepare the criminal investigator for taking proper steps necessary to assess, acquire, and preserve digital evidence during the conduct of an investigation.
WINTER 2012 Issue
TECH MANDATES | What Are Proxy Servers
and How Are They Used By Criminals? Contributed by: James A. Dill, Deputy Chief (retired) PA Office of Attorney General
pinpointed and differentiated from other devices. When a party connects to the Internet via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) (e.g. Comcast, Verizon, AOL, etc.), the ISP assigns an address to identify that particular computer on the Internet so that any request made for information can get properly routed back to that computer. At the present time an IP address consists of four numbers, each of which contains one to three digits, with a single dot (.) separating each number or set of digits. Each of the four numbers can range from 0 to 255. Here’s an example of what an IP address might look like:
If you want to find out what IP address you are using (as well as some other information about the ISP and the general location of your computer) there are a number of websites and utilities that will provide you that information. One example is: What is a Proxy Server? Can it protect my identity when I am on the Internet and how is it used by criminals. In order to answer these questions we have to understand a few terms. Let’s begin with “IP Address”. No doubt you have heard the term “IP address”, however most officers don’t have a real understanding of what an IP address actually is or how it works. “IP” stands for Internet Protocol, so an IP address is an Internet Protocol address. It basically is the online equivalent of your fingerprints. An IP address allows the location of literally billions of digital devices that are connected to the Internet to be
If I connect to that website from my personal computer below is the information disclosed about my IP Address. You can determine from the below information that the IP Address I am currently using is and Frontier Communications is my ISP. I am connected to the Internet through a server in Quarryville, PA (not my location but the location of my ISP).
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Figure from website So let’s put this information into more of a law enforcement scenario. Let’s say you are doing an investigation of a threat made to a victim on Facebook. You subpoena Facebook for the IP Address of the person who made the threat. Facebook would provide you with an IP Address that in most cases would lead to an Internet Service Provider. The next step would be to identify what Internet Server Provider owns that address. Step 3 would be to determine the security contact for that ISP and use another legal process to determine what account holder was using that address on the specific date and time that the threat took place. Obviously you won’t be able to determine who actually was sitting behind the keyboard when the threat was made, but you are off to a good start. So back to my original question, what is a “Proxy Server”? A proxy or proxy server is basically another computer which serves as a hub or intermediary through which internet requests are processed. For example when logging onto the Internet using a proxy service a computer would first pass through the ISP and receive an IP Address. It would then log onto a proxy server. From that point forward that computer would utilize the Page
IP Address of the proxy service instead of the one given by the ISP. The IP address the proxy server uses can be from another city, state, or country. Examples of proxy servers are,,, and my personal favorite Most proxy servers that are available for public use simply allow you to surf websites on the Internet without having your IP address and other header information sent to the website you are viewing. Please don’t mistake this to mean that there is not a link between you and that website. It simply means the website itself does not receive your IP information because the proxy server sends another address. However your IP information could be stored by the proxy server! So to continue with my previous example from above, if a law enforcement entity subpoenaed Facebook for IP information and the perpetrator used a proxy service, Facebook would only be able to provide the Proxy Server’s IP address. Law Enforcement could then contact the Proxy service and subpoena their log records in an attempt to identify the
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A Citizens Crime Mapping Case Study In Berks County, PA, informed citizens equal safer streets Even in the safest communities, crime happens. However, when we arm our citizens with knowledge of what is going on around them, alert and aware citizens can help reduce criminal activity in our neighborhoods. We see it time and time again that when the threat of crime is real, the public will take action. Think, for instance, of the frustrated shop owner who installs security cameras on his property after he has several items stolen from his store. Once those cameras are in place, they record the thief in action. The shop owner turns the evidence over to the police, and the burglar is taken off the streets. Or, think of the alert neighbor who informs the police after she sees two suspicious men prowling around her neighborhood, only to find out later that her tip helped to put two violent criminals behind bars. While we wouldn’t expect them to take law enforcement into their own hands, citizens want to help. They also want to be informed. Departments and agencies across the nation are constantly looking for ways to increase not only public awareness of crime but also their interaction with police to help reduce it. One way to inform them is to make crime data available to them in an interesting,
engaging, and accessible way. That is why the District Attorney in Berks County, PA, Mr. John Adams, chose to purchase and implement a citizen’s crime mapping tool, CODY Systems’ Citizen Crime Mapping Module powered by The Omega Group’s, to enhance local community policing efforts by increasing citizen awareness of crimes happening throughout the county.™is a public-facing crime portal for citizens to better understand crime in their neighborhoods or city. This product module helps law enforcement agencies throughout North America provide the public with valuable information about recent crime activity through a Web browser. The Interactive Crime Mapping service enables users to explore their neighborhood or anywhere else in their community for crime activity information. Using maps as visual aids to analyze crime incident patterns is nothing new. Police and investigators have been using maps for over a century to plot criminal activity in an effort to help police
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reduce crime through better-informed awareness and more precise detailing of crimes in their geographical area. Now, of course, with the use of geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis, police no longer have to rely on large, printed maps and push pins to illustrate criminal activity and targets. Crime incident data housed in an agency’s records management system can now be exported to tools which create easy-to-understand, geographical representations of crime frequency and type that aid police in deciphering criminal patterns and associations. District Attorney Adams decided to make this same ability available to the citizens of Berks County. “My primary goal for implementing the CODY Citizen Crime Mapping tool,” Mr. Adams said, “was to provide the citizens of Berks County with the opportunity to play an interactive role in assisting local police departments solve crime within their neighborhoods”. The hope is that with the implementation of this new tool on top of the existing county-wide records-sharing system, citizens of the county will be more aware of the crimes happening around them and encourage the residents to inform police officers with tips to help solve crimes faster. Page
“With the county-wide real-time records sharing and reporting that CODY’s system already provided our county, adding the CODY Citizens’ Crime Mapping module was the next logical step,” said Lt. Todd Trupp, Head of the Berks County Chiefs of Police Technology Committee. “It also allowed our county to leverage the previous investment in the system to increase the efficiency of our government at minimal cost to the County.” Basically, it works like this: Agencies across Berks County create incidents by entering the crime data into their local RMS system. This local agency crime data is then synched in real time with and as a result, is pushed to the CrimeMapping. com website. then presents the crimes in an online, interactive map, displaying crimes happening across the county in a visually engaging way, using different colorful icons to represent different crime types. The public can see not only what is happening in their neighborhood, but also in the next town over, or even the town on the other side of the county! Berks County PA is certainly proving that a county-wide system of information can provide a much more clear, accurate, and global picture of the criminal activity facing the residents of the county.
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Implemented in mid-September, access to is already providing the citizens of Berks County with valuable information regarding crime activity by allowing them to view interactive maps, generate reports for specific types of crimes, specific time periods, and much more. provides a whole host of methods for informing the public about crimes happening in their neighborhoods. Residents can generate reports for specific date ranges and crime types, view crime trend reports in colorful and engaging charts or graphs, sign up to receive customized crime alerts via email, and access Crime Alert Berks. In fact, according to The Omega Group, the Berks County DA’s office has had close to 1000 subscribers to this service in only 2 months!
CrimeView Enterprise Solution integrates big data, analytics, intelligence, interactive digital media visualizations and mapping to enable unprecedented precision policing workflows for the datadriven law enforcement agency. Over the years, CODY and Omega have developed a key business partnership that allows CODY customers to reap the benefits of crime mapping at a fraction of the cost. At present, over 300 agencies across the nation are submitting data to CrimeMapping. com…and over 10% of those agencies are right here in Pennsylvania!
In fact, when discussing the most important reasons why the county should implement the system, District Attorney Adams cited the Crime Alerts feature as the most vital, saying, “The ability for subscribers to receive daily crime alert emails is, in my opinion, the best feature of the application”.
“By having this partnership between CODY and The Omega Group,” commented Milan Meuller, President of The Omega Group, “we are able to provide Law Enforcement and the community with the best of both worlds – a top of the line digital, highly integrated Records Management System and a first class public-facing crime portal so that citizens can better understand crime in their neighborhoods.”
The CODY Citizens Crime Mapping Module is powered by The Omega Group, a 20 year California-based company. Omega’s
For more information on the CODY Citizens Crime Mapping module, please contact CODY at 610.326.7476.
WINTER 2012 Issue
Metro Salutes Those Who Lead Spotlight on Chief David Steffen Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department At Metro Technology Services, we know firsthand the dedication of the men and women who have moved up through the ranks to lead police departments in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We are privileged to have ongoing relationships with more than 400 of them who have trusted us to provide and maintain the Visual Alert® software they use for records management, information sharing, resource management, and computer-aided dispatch. In this space, we are pleased to honor one of these leaders: Chief David Steffen, who has led the new Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department since it was formed one year ago. Decades of experience moving up through another regional department in York County thoroughly prepared him for the challenges of his new position. We hope you enjoy his story. Send us your comments at Learn more about us at
Chief David Steffen began his law enforcement career in the 1970s, intending to get some experience as a police officer then go to law school to become a lawyer. That goal changed as he saw significant changes taking place to make police agencies more professional. He decided police work was the right career path for him. Chief Steffen spent the majority of his career in varying positions at Northern York County Regional Police Department. Formed in 1972, it was Pennsylvania’s first regional department, and it had an aggressive management development program that allowed any officer on a supervisory career path to experience different positions. One of them required Steffen to take charge of the records management and automation processes for the department. In his last 11 years with Northern York County, Steffen was in the Criminal Investigations Division, which handled major crimes and all forensics for the region. He rose to Sergeant in Charge of the division before leaving to become Chief of the newly formed regional police department in Northern Lancaster County on December 26, 2011. Metro Technology Services spoke with Chief Steffen about his experiences starting and managing a new regional department that serves more than 33,000 residents in a 72 square mile area.
Chief Steffen’s challenge has been to smoothly merge three local police departments into one regional force.
Metro Technology: Why was this regional police department established?
Metro Technology: What are some of the challenges of starting and running a regional police department?
David Steffen: The number one reason was to provide a general upgrade in the quality of police services in the region by creating a more broad-ranging, full-service police organization. Secondly, it was established to ensure cost containment. And, thirdly, it was to stress inter-municipal cooperation, which helps to eliminate duplication of efforts. By removing redundant processes, you also eliminate unnecessary costs – helping with the cost containment goal. Communications was also a key factor, as it is easier to communicate within one organization than to communicate among three different organizations.
David Steffen: First of all, when forming our department, we had to accurately assess where we were as three different organizations. Then we established a clear goal and a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish as a unified organization. We then created a clear roadmap of how to get there. Last but not least, we got the buy-in from the staff.
The buy-in was very important and rewarding. It was nice to see everyone come together and say that we want to move forward and we now have a new opportunity to do that without being restrained by some of the things that held us back in the past,
WINTER 2012 Issue
“Basically, we’ve gone from zero to 60 in the technology department in a very short period of time. The officers faced many changes during the past year, but we have real buy-in for Visual Alert and the officers are appreciative of the advanced technology.” — Chief Steffen such as budgetary issues. Not that we have unlimited funding, but we did have an opportunity to upgrade across the board on different things, especially as it relates to technology. One of the notions that is closely tied to the regional concept is the importance of effective communications, collection of information, documentation of the data, and most importantly, using that data to produce meaningful results. With my previous experience in the regional policing environment, I knew that it was critical for us to be able to measure outcomes and workloads and to produce effective reporting for accountability. Metro Technology: How did you overcome the challenges with disparate technologies and operations? David Steffen: We knew we needed one Records Management System to manage our entire operations. The three departments had different systems and processes and we needed one RMS to make everything uniform across our regional organization. Previously, I helped write a large grant to put the whole county of York on a single software platform. The grant was for Metro Technology’s Visual Alert RMS, so I knew the capabilities of the product. From the outset, our plan at the Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department has been to get York County Visual Alert users, plus existing Visual Alert users from Lancaster County and from other counties, all connected on Visual Alert. This would allow departments throughout these counties to share information on a common platform. Not only have we been able to streamline operations internally,
but with Visual Alert, our officers are also able to do real-time live reporting from their cars to the Visual Alert server. We are the only department in the county doing real-time live reporting. When we push the “enter” key it’s live in the whole system. This allows us to keep our resources available and on the streets. By completing reports from their car, the officers spend less time at headquarters behind a desk and more time on patrol. Basically, we’ve gone from zero to 60 in the technology department in a very short period of time. The officers faced many changes during the past year, but we have real buy-in for Visual Alert and the officers are appreciative of the advanced technology. Technology does make our job easier, and more importantly, if used properly, it makes us more effective in what we do. Metro Technology: What do you like most about your job? David Steffen: That’s an easy one. I enjoy watching the officers grow as professionals and work together as a team. Metro Technology: What do you do in your spare time? David Steffen: My wife, Lisa and our four children enjoy traveling and camping in our RV. My three sons and I also enjoy fly fishing and mountain biking. Our oldest son is a graduate of Juniata College; another son is a senior at Duquesne University; the youngest son is a freshman at Juniata; and we have a 15 year old daughter in high school. We enjoy a very active family life attending various athletic, school and community functions.
WINTER 2012 Issue
Drugged Driving: An Emerging Challenge for Law Enforcement Executives By John Coyle, Chief of Police (Retired), NHTSA Region 2, Law Enforcement Liaison Not long ago, drinking and driving was commonly accepted by the American culture. It has only been within the past 25 years that, as a nation, we have begun to recognize the dangers associated with drunk driving. Through a multipronged and concerted effort involving many stakeholders—including educators, media, legislators, law enforcement, and community organizations such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving—the United States has seen a decline in the numbers of people killed or injured as a result of drunk driving.
The successes in this reduction in alcohol/drug impaired crash fatalities can be attributed to research sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) which has contributed to the improved condition, in part, by providing law enforcement officers with useful and scientifically valid information and training materials to assist in the enforcement of impaired driving laws. STANDARD FIELD SOBRIETY TESTING (SFST)
During the late 1960s and early 1970s more than 50,000 people lost their lives each year on our nation’s roadways; more than half of the fatalities involved an alcohol-impaired driver. Traffic safety has improved considerably since that time. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 32,885 people were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2010. Thirty-one percent (10,228) of those fatalities involved alcohol-impaired drivers.1 In recent years, more attention has been given to drugs other than alcohol that have been increasingly recognized as hazards to road traffic safety. Some of this research has been done in other countries or in specific regions within the United States, and the prevalence rates for different drugs used vary accordingly. Overall, marijuana is the most prevalent illegal drug detected in impaired drivers, fatally injured drivers, and motor vehicle crash victims. Other drugs also implicated include benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines.2 According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) 2007 National Roadside Survey, more than 16 percent of weekend, nighttime drivers tested positive for illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter medications. More than 11 percent tested positive for illicit drugs, with over 8 percent testing positive for marijuana.3 Another NHTSA study found that in 2009, among fatally injured drivers, 18 percent tested positive for at least one drug (e.g., illicit, prescription, or over-the-counter), an increase from 13 percent in 2005.4 Since drug test results are not available for a large portion of fatally injured drivers, questions remain regarding drug involvement for those not tested or tests with unknown results.5 Combined, these indicators are a sign that continued substance abuse education, prevention, and law enforcement efforts are critical to public health and safety. The reduction in fatalities involving impaired drivers can be attributed to a number of factors. One of the key factors in the reduction of fatal impaired driving crashes over the past three decades has been the considerable improvement in law enforcement training in the area of detection and apprehension of impaired drivers. Page
In the late 1970s the Southern California Research Institute, in association with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), developed the Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST). The SFST consists of three standardized field sobriety tests, the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk-andturn test and the one-leg stand test. The development of SFST has been critical to DWI enforcement by providing a systematic, scientifically valid, and defensible approach to on-the-road DWI detection.6 DRUG RECOGNITION EVALUATORS (DRE)
For law enforcement, drugged driving is not a new issue. As early as the 1970s, police officers noticed that many of the individuals arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) had very low or zero alcohol concentrations. The officers reasonably suspected that the arrestees were under the influence of drugs, but lacked the knowledge and skills to support their suspicions. In response to this problem, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) originated a program in the early 1970s to combat the issue. The LAPD collaborated with various medical doctors, research psychologists, and other medical professionals to develop a simple, standardized procedure for recognizing drug influence and impairment. Their efforts culminated in the development of a multi-step protocol and the first drug recognition evaluator (DRE) program in 1979. A drug recognition expert or (DRE) is a police officer trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than, or in addition to, alcohol.7 In the early 1980’s LAPD and NHTSA collaborated to develop a standardized DRE protocol, which led to the development of the Drug Evaluation Classification (DEC) Program. During the ensuing years, NHTSA and various other agencies and research groups examined the DEC program. Their studies demonstrated that a properly trained DRE can successfully identify drug impairment and accurately determine the category of drugs causing such impairment.8 In 1987, NHTSA initiated DEC pilot programs in Arizona,
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Colorado, New York and Virginia. The states of Utah, California, and Indiana were added in 1988. Beginning in 1989, IACP and NHTSA expanded the DEC Program across the country. Currently, 43 states, the District of Columbia, three branches of the military, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and several countries around the world participate in the DEC Program.9
With the development of SFST, ARIDE and DRE training programs, NHTSA and its many partners have provided law enforcement with the tools essential for the successful detection and apprehension of impaired drivers, thereby reducing impaired driving crashes that result in serious injury or fatalities. LEADERSHIP
In recent years, the Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) program was developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) with input from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) and the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. ARIDE was created to address the gap in training between the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program.10 The SFST program trains officers to identify and assess drivers suspected of being under the influence of alcohol while the DEC Program provides more advanced training to evaluate suspected drug impairment. The SFST assessment is typically employed at roadside, while an officer trained as a drug recognition expert (DRE) through the DEC Program conducts a drug evaluation in a more controlled environment such as a detention facility. ARIDE is intended to bridge the gap between these two programs by providing officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and by promoting the use of DREs in states that have the DEC Program. One of the more significant aspects of ARIDE is its review and required student demonstration of the SFST proficiency requirements. The ARIDE program also stresses the importance of securing the most appropriate biological sample in order to identify substances likely causing impairment.11 ARIDE is not intended to replace DRE training, which is much more intensive and skill-based. ARIDE is not a prerequisite for DRE training, but officers who complete ARIDE may decide to enhance their skills and complete DRE training. For states that do not yet provide DRE training, or for agencies with limited training budgets, ARIDE meets the need for increasing officers’ knowledge base for identifying drugs that impair driving. In addition, ARIDE helps to promote the DEC Program and the use of DREs.12 The U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovation Administration, Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are currently involved in piloting an ARIDE E-Learning program. The ARIDE E-Learning training is not meant to replace current classroom training, but to provide an alternative method to meet the growing training demands place on law enforcement with ever diminishing recourses. It is anticipated that this training will be available in 2013.
Although the United States has seen significant reductions in fatalities involving impaired driving in the past three decades, there is still much work to be done. While it is acknowledged that most law enforcement agencies are dealing with increased demands and fewer resources, it is important that law enforcement leaders send a clear and consistent message of support and encouragement for strengthened enforcement initiatives. It is imperative that law enforcement leaders prioritize activities aimed at reducing incidents of impaired driving and related crashes that all too often result in fatalities and disabling injuries. Since law enforcement leaders have long recognized training as the key to successful outcomes, it is critical that they utilize the available training opportunities to its fullest potential, in order to accomplish the goal of significantly reducing impaired driving and related crashes. Strong leadership, clear direction and proper training will effectively motivate officers to prioritize traffic law enforcement in their daily activities. For more information regarding these training programs contact your State Highway Safety Office or the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Coordinator in your State. NOTES: 1
NHTSA, “Alcohol-Impaired Driving,” Traffic Safety Facts: 2010 Data, DOT HS 811 606 2 National Institute on Drug Abuse “Drug Facts: Drugged Driving”, revised 2010. (accessed November 11,2012) 3 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Results of the 2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers. U.S. Department of Transportation Report No. DOT HS 811 175. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2007. 4 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drug Involvement of Fatally Injured Drivers. U.S. Department of Transportation Report No. DOT HS 811 415. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 5 Id. 6 NHTSA “Development of a Standardized Sobriety Test (SFST) Training Management System” DOT HS 400, November, 2001. 7 Drug Evaluation and Classification Training: “The Drug Recognition School,” Student Manual, Section III, at 1. 8 Id. 9 Id. 10 DECP, “DRE Training and Certification,” (accessed November 26, 2012). 11 Id. 12 Id.
WINTER 2012 Issue
MOTOR CARRIERS ROAD TAX DECALS As an IFTA member jurisdiction, PA recognizes IFTA decals issued by other states in lieu of a PA decal. All qualified motor vehicles are required to display IFTA or PA non-IFTA vehicle identification markers and carry associated license/cab cards. A qualified motor vehicle is a vehicle designed, used or maintained for the transportation of persons or property that is: 1. a power unit with two axles and a gross or registered gross weight greater than 26,000 pounds; 2. a power unit with three or more axles regardless of weight; or 3. Used in combination, when the gross weight or registered gross weight of the combination exceeds 26,000 pounds. A recreation vehicle is not considered a qualified motor vehicle. Below are examples of the 2013 PA IFTA decal and the PA non-IFTA decal:
All 2013 IFTA and PA non-IFTA decals will be the same color and formatting as the samples above. Another two-letter base-state designator will appear in place of “PA� on decals from other jurisdictions. Such decals will be honored in lieu of PA IFTA or PA non-IFTA decals. The IFTA license will be similar in appearance to the license/road tax registration card (cab card) shown below.
Bureau of Motor Fuel Taxes PO Box 280646 l Hbg, PA 17128-0646 l 800.482.4382 l DMF-30 (11-12)
WINTER 2012 Issue
Sample PA IFTA License and Motor Carriers Road Tax Registration Card (cab card)
REV-1399L (01-05)
Motor Carriers Road Tax Registration Card
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) License
FOR BUREAU USE ONLY DECAL NUMBERS This PA motor carriers road tax registration card must be carried at all times while operating in PA. It is valid until the expiration date, unless sooner cancelled or revoked for cause by the Secretary of Revenue. This IFTA license or a legible copy thereof must be carried in every qualified motor vehicle displaying IFTA decals. The license is valid for operations in all member jurisdictions until the above expiration date, unless sooner suspended or revoked for cause by the Secretary of Revenue.
Decals must be displayed on both sides of the cab of the vehicle. Non-exempt vehicles must display IFTA or PA non-IFTA decals on both sides of the cab and must carry a road tax registration card, an IFTA license or a legible photocopy of either. Decals are valid for a calendar year. 2013 decals may be displayed as of Dec. 1, 2012. Carriers may operate until Feb. 28, 2013, on 2012 credentials. 2013 decals must be displayed as of March 1, 2013, on all non-exempt qualified motor vehicles. PA-based carriers must decide what decal(s) must be purchased and displayed:
• A carrier operating inside and outside PA that selects PA as its base jurisdiction must purchase and display PA IFTA decals.
• A carrier operating exclusively in PA must purchase and display PA non-IFTA decals. • A carrier registered with another IFTA jurisdiction is allowed to operate in PA under the IFTA agreement. However, in addition to other requirements mandated by the other jurisdiction or federal government, such a carrier must display its base jurisdiction IFTA decal and carry an IFTA license similar to the PA Motor Carriers Road Tax Registration Card (Cab Card). Temporary and Trip Permits: In lieu of displaying decals, any carrier may operate on a valid trip permit issued by PA, or on a temporary permit issued by any IFTA jurisdiction.
• A 30-day temporary permit issued by the PA Department of Revenue or any other IFTA jurisdiction will be honored in lieu of displaying decals.
• A five-day trip permit issued only by a wire service company on behalf of PA will also be honored in lieu of displaying decals.
ENFORCEMENT Failure to keep proper records, making false statements and operating a qualified motor vehicle without required decals are among the citable summary offenses for violations of Chapters 21 and 96 of the Motor Vehicle Code. A person convicted of such a summary offense could face fines up to $500 per first offense. If you have questions about the motor carriers road tax or IFTA call 1-800-482-4382.
• REV-1026 - Information concerning motor carriers road tax and IFTA. • REV-1026A - Information concerning motor carriers road tax for carriers operating only in Pennsylvania.
WINTER 2012 Issue
Online Training from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association Free online training for you and your police department. The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association now provides online training through the Pennsylvania Virtual Training Network (PAVTN). The PAVTN is the only place that has the MPOETC Mandatory In Service Training Courses THE PAVTN PROVIDES:
• Training that is free • Training that requires no travel or schedule changes • Training that is based on the latest instructional design • Training that delivers a clear and consistent content There is no more challenging profession than police work. Protecting citizens, preserving the peace and putting their lives on the line are all in a day’s work. They deserve our full support. Integral to that support is training that is relevant, streamlined, and cost-effective. That gives of¬ficers more advanced skills, time and resources to fight crime. That’s what provides. That’s our mission. In this era, resources are severely limited at every level of government. By bringing law enforcement training online, multiple agencies can share curricula, develop classes that address critical needs, and update training quickly. Through the use of audio narration, video, and inter¬active scenarios, officers gain the critical knowledge to improve their skills, serve the public and advance their careers. This vision is taking shape today. WHAT ARE PROXY SERVERS AND HOW ARE THEY USED BY CRIMINALS? XCONTINUED FROM PAGE 24
offender. However, there are proxy services like that claims they never keep any logs on its users’ activities. In addition if a target is using a foreign proxy service it becomes very difficult for law enforcement to obtain those records. Now you can understand why this technique is favored by some criminal groups as well as undercover officers when utilizing the Internet. There are definitely some downsides to using a proxy service. For example some sites will deny access to servers they know to be proxy servers, which could become a hassle when surfing the Internet. Also the browsing experience often slows down when using some proxy servers. The next Bulletin will feature another technique used by criminals to hide their activity on the Internet called Onion Routing. On a side note I am often asked if General Patraeus and Paula Broadwell were using a proxy service when sending and receiving emails. The fact is General Petraeus and Paula Broadwell didn’t actually send emails to each other! They used a trick from the drug dealer/terrorist playbook and simply wrote messages that were saved as drafts in a Gmail account that belonged to Petraeus, and they would each log into the same account to read the drafts
and respond. Perhaps the two reasoned that the email messages couldn’t possibly be intercepted or traced if they were never sent. However, the FBI was able to trace the email account activity back to the source IP addresses—which turned out to be assigned to hotels. FBI agents simply compared the guest lists of the various source hotels to narrow down the potential suspects and determine that Paula Broadwell was coincidentally the only person it could be. If you want to learn more about technology threats to an officer or an ivestigation, the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center offers a free training program called “Technologies Used Against Police” that examines in further detail these and other threats! You can register at (Jim Dill is a retired deputy chief from the PA Office of Attorney General. He spent the majority of his career dealing with investigative technologies. He is now an investigative technology consultant and trainer with Alutiiq International and ITIS, LLC. More information regarding courses he instructs can be obtained at If you have a question, comment, or an idea for an article he can be contacted at:
WINTER 2012 Issue
Application Type:
Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Tel: 717-236-1059 Fax: 717-236-0226
Active Membership $125 per year plus $50 Initiation Fee ($175 to accompany application)
Affiliate Membership $125 per year plus $50 initiation Fee ($175 to accompany application)
Name _______________________________________________
Please list a current member of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association who has recommended that you apply for membership. If the applicant holds a rank lower than Chief, your recommending member must be your Chief, Superintendent or Commissioner.
Rank ___________________________ Date of Appt _________ Full Name of Employer _________________________________ Office Address ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ County _____________________ Phone ___________________ Fax ___________________ Email ________________________
Recommending Member Name and Title: ________________________________________ Department Name and Phone Number: _______________________________________ APPLICANT DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Provide the number of sworn police officers in your department
Full time ___________ Part time __________ Are you a sworn police officer?
Full Time Police Officer in Above Department?
MPOETC # ___________________________________________ If not applicable, please explain why MPOETC number is not present _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Residence Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ County ____________________ Phone ____________________ Date of Birth _______________ Region ____________________
Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Record of the commission of a felony or misdemeanor? Y or N If yes, explain on a separate sheet of paper and attach to application form.
Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________________________
If industry, number of security officers under applicant’s command ___________________ If other, state nature of business in relation to law enforcement _________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS Section 4. Active Membership. “Active” membership shall be open to the following: (a) All full-time sworn chiefs of police, superintendents, or commissioners of municipal police agencies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have police powers and MPOETC Certification (b) All full-time sworn municipal police officers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have police powers, MPOETC Certification and hold the rank of captain or above and persons who hold the rank of Captain or above that are members of the Pennsylvania State Police; (c) Special agents in charge, assistant special agents in charge, and resident agents of any law enforcement entity of the United States government if, at the time of application, such persons are headquartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and; full-time persons with command-level responsibility in any law enforcement agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided that these individuals are not elected to their position by a popular vote of citizens Section 5. Affiliate Membership. “Affiliate” membership shall be open to those persons who, by occupation are Chiefs of Police who work part time, Police Officers In Charge of Police Departments, Directors of Police Agencies, and Ranking officers who have a supervisory role in a police department. This category also includes agency heads of Corporate Security and Police Academies . These individuals must share a mutuality of interests with the Association and its membership, enabling them access to information from the Association that is regularly provided to Active Members. Affiliate members may attend the Association’s Annual Meeting at the invitation of the Executive Board and under no circumstances shall such members have or exercise the privilege of voting, either by voice or ballot, on Association business. For the full by-laws regarding membership, please visit our website at
MAIL TOTAL FEE AND THIS FORM TO: PA Chiefs of Police Association 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 &Žƌ ŽĨĨŝĐĞ ƵƐĞ͗ Check Amount & No. ______________ Date ________
Upper Merion Police, Clinton County, City of Lock Haven Police, Lock Haven University WŽůŝĐĞ͕ EŽƌƚŚĂŵƉƚŽŶ ŽƵŶƚLJ ^ŚĞƌŝī͕ ďŝŶŐƚŽŶ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ tĂůŶƵƚƉŽƌƚ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ůďƵƌƟƐ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ƉƚŽŶ ŽƵŶ ƉƚŽŶ Ž ŽƵŶƚLJLJ ^ ĂƐƚ >ĂŵƉĞƚĞƌ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ WŽůůŝĐĞ ĐĞ ŽŽƉĞƌƐďƵƌŐ ŽŽƉ ƉĞƌƌƐ ƵƌŐ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ WŽůŝ Ž Real WĞŽƉůĞ͘ Real dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͘ sĂůůĞLJ LJ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů / ŶƚĞ ƌ Ŷ ĂƟ Ž Ŷ ŶĂů Ăů ŝƌƉŽƌƚ ŝƌƉŽƌ Žƌƚ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ WŽ ŝĐĐĞ͕ >ŽǁĞƌ >Žǁ Dŝ Real ^ŽůƵƟŽŶƐ͘ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ^ůĂƟŶŐƚŽŶ ƚŽŶ Ŷ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ hƉƉĞƌ hƉƉĞ ^ĂƵĐŽŶ ^ WŽůŝĐ ^ŽƵƚŚ tŚŝƚĞŚĂůů WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ŵŵĂƵƐ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ŵŝƚLJ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ĂůůLJ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ĞƌŶ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ĞƌŶǀŝůůĞ ůů WŽůŝŝĐĞ͕ ͕ ŵ ŵŵĂ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ĞƚŚĞů WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ŝƌĚƐďŽƌŽ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ŽLJĞƌƚŽǁŶ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ƌĞĐŬŶŽĐŬ WŽůŝĐĞ͕ ĂĞƌŶĂƌǀŽŶ K z ŚĂƐ ŐƌŽǁŶ ĨƌŽŵ ŽƵƌ ŚƵŵďůĞ ƌŽŽƚƐ ŝŶ WŽƩƐƚŽǁŶ ƚŽ ďĞ Ă ŶĂƟŽŶͲǁŝĚĞ ůĞĂĚĞƌ ŝŶ ĚĂƚĂ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͕ ĨƵƐŝŽŶ͕ ĂŶĚ ƐŚĂƌŝŶŐ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ͘ KƵƌ ƐŽŌǁĂƌĞ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ƌĂŶŐĞ ĨƌŽŵ ƐŝŶŐůĞ ĂŶĚ ŵƵůƟͲĂŐĞŶĐLJ ĞŶĚͲƚŽͲĞŶĚ RMS/CAD/CMS, cloudready ZD^ ĂŶĚ ƐĞĂƌĐŚ ĂƉƉƐ ĂŶĚ ĐŽƵŶƚLJͬƌĞŐŝŽŶͲǁŝĚĞ ũƵƐƟĐĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ƐŚĂƌŝŶŐ͕ ƚŽ ƉŽǁĞƌŝŶŐ fusion centers, ƌĞĂůͲƟŵĞ ŝŶƚĞůůŝŐĞŶĐĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ ĂŶĚ state-wide vendor-neutral RMS data sharing.
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