Pacific City Sun, Jan. 25, 2013

Page 1

Pacific City


Nestucca adopted as ocean energy site........3

Mapping a Course

PCJWSA looks to future needs .................5 Outdoors report............................ 14

Vol. 5, No. 151 • January 25, 2013 • FREE!

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Page 2 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

An Electric Ocean T

he Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development’s board of directors voted 6-1 to approve a plan by DLCD staff on Jan. 24 that will establish an approximately two square mile swath south of the mouth of the Nestucca River as a Renewable Energy Facility Suitability Study Area, the least restrictive of six designations — other than actually being labeled a Renewable Energy Permit Area — contained in a revision to Oregon’s Territorial Sea Plan. DLCD Commissioner Tim Josi voted in opposition. The decision to adopt the plan came despite the Ocean Policy Advisory Council’s recommendation to remove the Nestucca site from consideration. OPAC’s report was one of two agency appraisals DLCD considered in making their final recommendations — the Territorial Sea Plan Advisory Committee being the other. In the staff report released Jan. 14, DLCD recommended that the 2.1 square mile Nestucca site be one of four REFSSA sites, the others being an 11 square mile site at Camp Rilea, which is under the control of the military, a 5.2 square mile site at Reedsport, where Ocean Power Technology holds a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission preliminary permit for a 50 megawatt project, and a 4 square mile Reedsport Lakeside REFSSA. For those that are opposed to ocean energy development here — and there are many if outcry at public meetings are any indication — they may or may not be able to take solace in the final resolution depending on what issue lies at the core of their concerns. Throughout the public’s oppositions, the two issues with development of the Nestucca site were the loss of fishing grounds and “viewshed.” It was with the viewshed and fishing issues in mind that DLCD has modified the REFSSA site to avoid the mouth of the Nestucca estuary and to limit ocean energy technologies placed there to those that are sub-surface or have limited visual resource impact. Despite the accommodations, fishing advocates, citing the area’s value as important crabbing grounds, say that ocean energy development here could threaten the dory fleet. Amongst the stream of those speaking out during the public comment period of the Jan. 24 DLCD hearing was Doryman’s Association co-chair Paul Hanneman. “Approval of energy devices between Cascade Head and Cape Lookout will reduce the value of our fleet because it would deny access to our traditional fishing grounds,” he said. “It would create a negative impact on all other ocean vessels that fish the area, primarily from Depoe Bay, Garibaldi and Newport. How is it possible that the state is willing to accommodate quote certain (ocean energy) technologies at the expense of our fishery and the environment and run roughshod over public opinion in the process? We support the OPAC recommendation instead.” Following the Jan. 14 staff report, there were a slew of organizations that also condemned the decision to

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put the Nestucca site back in the fray after the OPAC determination that the site should not be considered. Amongst those writing letters in opposition were the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners, the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners, and the Oregon People’s Utility District Association. Though there was significant discussion amongst DLCD commissioners as to whether include the Nestucca site, the majority of commissioners were swayed by testimony of DLCD Marine Affairs Coordinator Paul Klarin, who said that the Nestucca site represented the only truly open REFSSA for the seafloor ocean energy technology being developed by M3 Wave Energy Systems of Corvallis. (The Camp Rilea site does have nearshore, flat-bottomed territory available, but because this site is controlled by the U.S.military, developers would have to entice the government to build there. The government is currently researching a variety of technologies to implement at that site.) M3’s Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device operates by using underwater pressure changes caused by waves. The company says that their device avoids many of the issues present with surface-based systems and that submerged operation reduce the impact on commercial navigation, marine mammals, recreation, fisheries and degradation of the viewshed. Still, a device on the seafloor will have an impact — particularly for crabbers — hence Josi’s objection. “(My opposition to the Pacific City site) is not just for fishermen,” he said. (The dory fleet is) an icon for the community. If anything happens to that fleet it would have a ripple effect for the entire community of Pacific City.” In the approval, the only condition added to the staff report was one suggested by Jason Busch, executive director of Oregon Wave Energy Trust. The condition will allow the Reedsport Ocean Power Technologies site to revert to a Resources and Uses Management Area, which has stricter standards for ocean energy project approval, if OPT were to abandon the site. As part of this condition, upon OPT surrendering their FERC permit, a new REFSSA site will be identified between Port Orford and Florence. The addition of buffer language in the approved staff report was a second issue that many in the fishing industry took exception to. While OPAC had recommended specific buffer distances be established by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, DLCD staff added in a 1,000 foot buffer around sensitive ecological resources. The fishing industry’s concern was that that could further restrict navigation in the effected area. Klarin, however, said that wasn’t the case. He said the buffer would only apply to ocean energy projects and not to any fishing or recreation activities. “It simply creates a space that we will not allow renewable energy facility to operate. It says stand back a thousand feet from this particular location. It gives a very clear and certain distance. (Energy companies) clearly know they need to be a thousand feet away from this marine mammal haul out spot or this bird’s nest so they know where not to go. It will have no effect on fishing, navigation or any of that.”

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at the Flashing Light in Pacific City Page 3 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

T o mmy B ahama • T ri ba l • B ri g ht on • H obo • J e w e l ry • P ap e r G o o d s

DLCD board say ‘yes’ to ocean energy off mouth of Nestucca River

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Tim Hirsch Editor & Publisher

Vicky Hirsch Calendar Editor

Contributors: Dee Moore, Sally Rissel, Pat Gefre

The Pacific City Sun is distributed free from Tillamook to Newport, and mail subscriptions are available for $44 for one year, $22 for 6 months. The Pacific City Sun welcomes reader input. Please send Letters to the Editor via e-mail:


Escaping A Close Call By DEE MOORE for the Sun


oe Sigman of Hebo is alive today because his quick thinking saved his life when his work van skidded off Resort Drive and hurdled into the Nestucca River at 1:15 a.m. on Jan. 17. He was working the nightshift so that he could do repairs and maintenance on the lines for his employer, CenturyLink. “I had three jobs to do that night. I was headed to Cloverdale,” Sigman said of his early morning hours prior to the accident. Sigman has driven that road more times than he can count. It is one of his favorite routes to take because he likes the view, but it had been exceptionally cold all day. The temperature was 26 degrees that night, Sigman said. He said all it took was a small patch of ice to send his work van spinning and careening toward the river. Like many others before him, seven incidents, Sigman thinks, his van took out the mailboxes near the turn and into the river he went. “The next thing I know I was sitting in the river,” he said. “I was floating and the water was seeping inside. The first thing I thought was I had to get out.” Sigman tried to open the door at first, then realizing his mistake he rolled down the window. “It took me a couple of tries to get out of my seatbelt. I crawled up on the roof and called 911. I was still dry and I was on top of the van,” he said. It took less than five minutes to realize he couldn’t stay there. The van was sinking as it floated down the river. The water was already up on the hood of the engine compartment. Sigman went to the back of the van and there was a gust of air pushing up and blowing his hair from the sinking van. The water is 20-feet deep in that section of the river. Still on the phone with the 911 operator, he told her he was going to have to swim for it. Rolling into the water like a seal,

Photo by Dee Moore

WHILE WORKING THE NIGHTSHIFT at CenturyLink Joe Sigman of Hebo hit a patch of ice while driving on Resort Drive and wound up in the Nestucca River. Sigman believes a guardrail would have prevented his van from going into the river and would save lives. he set off for a dock he saw on the river bank. The water was warmer than the air — Sigman estimated it was between 40 and 50 degrees in the river. As he swam the 15 feet to the dock he felt his muscles begin to cramp, as his responses and reflexes were slowing down. The cold air and water were taking their toll. He reached the dock. Now he had to climb up. “I was getting weak; my muscles were freezing up,” he said. Stretching his arms out as far as he could he threw them up on the dock hoping they would at least freeze to the wood and hold him in place. When his arms hit the dock he realized that there was a separation between the boards. He put his fingers into the gap and pulled himself on to the dock one board at a time. When he finally got up onto the dock, he slipped on the ice and started falling. He threw his body away toward the side of the structure, trying to stay out of the water. Finally up, Sigman grabbed his phone to tell the operator

TALKBACK Addressing gun violence

On Our Cover:

Photo by Tim Hirsch

“YOUR HEART’S DESIRE” will offer chocolate treats, appetizers, beer, wine, and plenty of art accompanied by the sound of live jazz music at Kiawanda Community Center, Saturday, Feb. 9. The event is a fundraiser for Community Arts Project.

where he was but it had gotten soaked and it was no longer working. He was wet, it was windy, the temperature was below freezing and he had no way to communicate with anyone. Realizing he had to save himself Sigman set off walking down the road and fell again. Pushing himself up he plowed forward, calling for help. He came to a house and began pounding on the door. Realizing they couldn’t hear him, Sigman went to the back door where he started knocking and calling out. They immediately came out and helped him. “They threw me in and put me in the shower and gave me clean clothes to wear,” Sigman said. Though it took him two days to physically recover from the adventure, he managed to return to work the next day at 7 a.m. and go out to help recover his vehicle. Sigman believes that there should be a guardrail along Resort Drive where his van went into the water. “Seven people have gone into the water there from what I’ve been told. Having a guardrail there would most certainly have kept me from going in.” As it is, he plans to never drive the road again, giving up his favorite drive to stay safe and dry. The accident underscores the need for guardrails — one of the many deficiencies of the worst county road system in the State of Oregon — a distinction that the Tillamook County Citizen’s Roads Committee is working to rectify. The group is meeting with commissioners on Feb. 6 at 8:30 a.m. at Tillamook County Courthouse in an effort to get them to put a $15 million bond measure on this May’s ballot. “There are probably lots of places in the county where we need guardrails,” said committee chairman Jon Carnahan. “Obviously anytime there is a safety issue in the county we need to know.” “I wish they’d put a guardrail there. If I had the money, I’d pay for a guardrail,” Sigman said.

To the Editor: Due to the recent public violence and murders in Newtown and Clackamas and the many issues surrounding these tragedies, I have received many phone calls and emails with concerns regarding my position on concealed handgun licenses and the Second Amendment. As Tillamook County Sheriff, I have taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America. I will continue to uphold my oath to the Second Amendment, the citizens of Tillamook County, and to our country. I am a strong supporter of the rights and privacy of Concealed Handgun License holders. However, I will revoke a license when necessary as Oregon Law allows. I cannot give specific reason as to why the violent situations are occurring in America. I do know there is no single simple solution. I am committed to our community’s safety and will be working with our schools and businesses to protect our children and citizens. I will remain actively involved with the Oregon Sheriff’s Association and the National Sheriff’s Association (NSA). Both are strong voices regarding any federal and state legislation regarding public safety and our citizen’s rights. U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall has convened a “Call to Action Summit” on February 13, 2013. I will be attending and will be a voice for a balanced approach regarding gun violence.

Page 4 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

NSA has just released their statement regarding the President’s plan. NSA will continue to thoroughly review details of the 23 executive actions. The NSA believes that there are “four common-sense steps we can take right now”: (1) Closing background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands; (2) Working with prosecutors to vigorously prosecute those that commit crimes with firearms; (3) Making schools safer by enhancing security and working with school administrators in planning for critical incidents; (4) Increasing access to mental health services for at risk individuals. Critical incident training and security assessment’s for our businesses and schools has and continues to be a priority. The Sheriffs’ Office working relationship with the District Attorney’s Office is solid and we will continue to aggressively investigate gun related crimes. I will support background checks for all gun sales. I have been a longtime critic of the lack of mental health support in Oregon and the mental health issues that burden our jails. I am saddened by the violence and lost lives in our Country. I am committed to keeping our County safe and a great place to live. Andy Long Tillamook County Sheriff The Pacific City Sun welcomes reader input. Please send Letters to the Editor via e-mail: Submissions may be edited for length and grammar.

Tillamook County Family Health Centers

PCJWSA eyes future improvements By TIM HIRSCH of the Sun


ith the Horn Creek Water Treatment Plant now supplying 99.9 percent of Pacific City’s water and completion around the corner on a new sewer lift station next to the Pacific City airport, Pacific City Joint WaterSewer Authority is looking to the future. Authority Manager Tony Owen told members of the Pacific City-Woods Community Planning Advisory Committee that the to-do list to bring the entire infrastructure up to date is long — partly because much of their infrastructure is aging, but also because of new requirements that water and sewer districts across the country are facing thanks to new federal regulations. He estimates the price tag to complete the remainder of PCJWSA’s master plan at $17 million. Where that money will come from has yet to be determined, but ideas floated at

the Jan. 21 meeting included a bond measure and higher usage rates. Still, any decision on a funding source is away off, Owen told the Sun. PCJWSA is in the beginning stages of budgeting for their next budget cycle which begins in July. If they do eventually go out for another bond, he said it wouldn’t be for at least a year. Still on the list are upgrades at the sewer plant, and installing new water lines. The need for improvements was underscored on Friday, Jan. 18 when sewer pumps in the sewage treatment plant failed. Though Owen said these pumps are smaller than those at the airport lift station, repair or replacement will be spendy — yet the need is there. Because the plant is aging — it has been in operation since 1979 — he said he will likely recommend replacement over repair, which he estimates to have a $60,000 price tag. As for the Pacific City Airport Sewer Lift Station, as previously reported in the Sun, the

Why Choose Tillamook County Health Centers?

new facility, which had a price tag of more than $900,000, is expected to be operational during the first week of February, at which time PCJWSA will be testing the new station. It could be an additional 10 days before its fully operational. PCJWSA is also continuing its effort to promote conservation — a necessary step because of limitations on how much water they are taking out of Horn Creek. Though they have not yet had to apply a system of limits, Owen cautioned that if water use were to rise too high they would have to do just that. To help combat this threat, they are continuing to offer complimentary low-flow, 1.5 gallon a minute shower heads, sink aerators, and kitchen aerators to residential customers. “I consider them to be very effective even though they’re low flow. You get a good stream of water,” Owen said. Call 503-965-6636 to find out more information or visit the PCJWSA office at 34005 Cape Kiwanda Drive.

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Page 5 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

Your Heart’s Desire

9th Annual Celebration of Chocolate, Wine, and Art A benefit for Community Art Project’s Art Literacy Program

Saturday, February 9, 2013 Kiawanda Community Center

34600 Cape Kiwanda Drive, Pacific City

12noon–5pm: Benefit Art Sale Free admission! An exclusive selection of original artwork on 100+ panels

6:30–10 pm: Chocolate and Wine Event with Live Jazz!

Complimentary appetizers, desserts, wine, beverages Artwork sale, student art, auction, raffle

Tickets for evening event:

$25 advance, $30 at the door Tickets/information:

Inn at Pacific City (across from Post Office in Pacific City), Kiawanda Community Center (Pacific City), on-line at, or call 503-392-4581. Thank you to our generous sponsors KIAWANDA COMMUNITY CENTER “THE PLACE TO BE”

Tillamook Vision Center Beatrice Michel, O.D. Eric Halperin, O.D.

Page 6 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

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Photo courtesy of Tillamook Estuaries Partnership

AN OPEN HOUSE PIZZA PARTY hosted by Tillamook Estuaries Partnership will give paddling enthusiasts a chance to review and give input on an upcoming guidebook that will feature water recreation on the Nestucca and Sand Lake waterways. The event will by held at Doryland Pizza in Pacific City from 4-6:30 p.m. For more information, call Julie Chick at 503-322-2222.

Tierra del M a

r Vacation R

Mapping a Course

TEP to preview Nestucca, Neskowin and Sand Lake Guidebook during Jan. 29 open house


addling enthusiasts will get a sneak peak at an upcoming guidebook that will highlight water recreation on the Nestucca and Sand Lake waterways during an open house pizza party that will be held at Doryland Pizza, 33305 Cape Kiwanda Drive, Pacific City. Hosted by the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, the event will be held Tuesday, Jan. 29, from 4-6:30 p.m. Targeted at any community member interested in getting an inside look into the draft of the guidebook, the evening is being promoted as a chance for the public to find out more about the water trail and go one-on-one with TEP staff, including Tillamook County Water Trail coordinator Julie Chick. A draft of the guidebook is now available on the TEP website at Community input is welcome and encouraged. The interpretive maps have been made possible through a grant from the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Trail Program that has promised to pay for the printing of the water-proof guides, as well as from the education arm of TEP, which is funding Chick’s production work of the guidebook. Though the “Sneak Peek Open House” provides an in-person opportunity, those unable to attend are welcome to add their questions and comments by phone or email. Comments must be submitted before Feb. 15. For more information, contact Julie Chick at 503-322-


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l d n e i r Pet-F

2222 or (503) 4 milesmiles north of 662-5420 Pacific Though an exact finish date has not been set, Walk of quiet,City sandy beach. (503) 662-5420 (503) 662-5420 Secluded, wooded location Walk milesOff of quiet, sandy beach. Chick says she hopes to have the guidebook available (503) 662-5420 662-5420 The(503) Beaten Track (503) 662-5420 Secluded, wooded location Secluded, wooded location by mid-March. Together the three watersheds account 4 miles north of (503) 662-5420 Pacific City for 357 square miles. In their current draft form, the Walk miles of quiet, sandy beach. (503) (503)662-5420 662-5420 TEP maps highlight 14 public access points on the Secluded, wooded location Nestucca and Sand Lake waterways. Because of low water flow, there are no navigable waters in Neskowin, 662-5420 though the guide does provide information on the Home(503) Monitoring area. It also details the history of the area, the impor& Inspection tance of its ecosystem, and tips on safety and on sharservices to ing the water with other users. protect The Nestucca, Neskowin and Sand Lake Guideyour investment. book is the third in the Tillamook County Water Trail series. The TCWT is a community-driven project facilitated by the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership and is the direct result of many partnerships. The TCWT, which received National Recreational Trails status in 2012, consists of 250 miles of navigable waters for non- motorized enthusiasts, and includes the five Home Monitoring estuaries within the County. As a part of TEP’s Educa& Inspection tion Program, the TCWT offers water-based recreservices to 206-718-5215 Glenn Kellow ational opportunities for every skill level from novice Glenn Kellow 206-718-5215 Barry Kellow 971-221-6240 Barry Kellow 971-221-6240 protect to advanced whitewater. Maps for the Nehalem and Home Monitoring & Inspection services to protect Home Monitoring & Inspection your investment.

Home Monitoring & Inspection services to services to protect protect Home Monitoring Home Monitoring your investment. your investment. & Inspection & Inspection services to services to protect protect Tillamook Bay watersheds have been completed, and yourP.O. investment. Box 153 your investment. your investment. Home Monitoring Hillsboro, OR 97123 a fourth, covering Netarts Bay, is scheduled to begin in

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& Inspection services to Glenn KellowMonitoring 206-718-5215 Home Monitoring Home Barry Kellow 971-221-6240 protect & Inspection &LIQUOR Inspection P.O. Box 153 Home Monitoring your investment. services to to Hillsboro,services OR 97123 Glenn Kellow 206-718-5215 STORE & Inspection

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Home Monitoring

Glenn Barry

sentin P.O. B Hillsb

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Earthquake & Tsunami


Photo by Dee Moore

NESKOWIN VALLEY SCHOOL Head of School. Julie Fiedler and her daughter, Hazel, were all smiles during an artist reception of the student’s artwork on Thursday, Jan. 24 at Stimulus Espresso Cafe. The art show was an effort by the school to raise funds to help provide financial assistance and mitigate costs for parents who are unable to afford tuition. According to Fielder, the school places great value on being able to assist children in poor economic circumstances and provide them with an exceptional education. Diversity is one of the school’s hallmarks, she said, as is its integrated art program. “We value it for the academy,” she said. The arts not only provide children with an outlet for self expression they also teach self-discipline. The school attempts to weave the various facets of study together to create a homogeneous whole rather than have separate distinct disciplines, she said. NVS also held a silent auction in conjunction with the art show to assist with their fundraising efforts. During the well-attended event, children played board games and hung out with friends while the adults talked and placed bids on auction items.

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Tillamook County Commissioners are seeking applications from individuals interested in representing the citizens of Tillamook County on the Northwest Oregon Area Commission on Transportation. The successful applicant will be appointed to fill an unexpired term ending December 31, 2013 and will be eligible for reappointment to a two-year term. The NWACT is an established advisory body to the Oregon Transportation Commission. NWACT is a sub-committee of the Northwest Oregon Regional Partnership. Its purpose is to advise on transportation policies and issues and contribute to the development of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program by making recommendations and prioritizing solutions to transportation problems. NWACT is responsible for bettering the transportation system of the Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and western Washington Counties by work-

ing together to resolve transportation issues. NWACT has 28 voting members. Tillamook County’s membership includes representation for the County Commissioners, the large cities, the small cities, the ports and the Transit District. There are two citizen-at-large representatives. The vacant position is for one of the citizen-at-large representatives. Meetings are held monthly on a rotating basis in all four counties and are open to the public. Membership application forms are available on the County website under the Board of Commissioners’ page. Applications should be e-mailed to Sue Becraft in the Commissioners’ office at by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22. For more information, call Sue Becraft at 503-8423403; for more information about the Northwest Oregon Area Commission on Transportation, please call Mark Labhart at 503-842-3403.

CORRECTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS In “Big and Yellow,” a story on a new school bus purchased by the Nestucca Valley School District published in the Jan. 11, 2013 issue of the Pacific City Sun, we published the cost of the new 72-passenger bus (78-pas-

Page 8 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

senger frame configured with more legroom) to be $130,000. Updated information submitted by the school district following the printing of the story has revealed the true price paid to be $113,398.


Delicate Palate Bistro at the Pacific City Inn

Romantic Valentine’s Day Celebration Feb. 14-15-16 Feb. 14-15-16

Dany Oakes returns with soft sounds of music Photo by Tim Hirsch

Merkley Addresses Tillamook County U.S. SENATOR Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) spoke at a town hall meeting at Kiawanda Community Center on Jan. 11. Topics he covered included working to pass fillibuster reform, getting the Secure Rural Schools Act reauthorized, supporting sanctions versus military action against Iran, and replacing the No Child Left Behind legislation. For more information on the issues Senator Merkley is working on, visit

Feb. 14, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Wine Tastings

6-8 p.m.

Plans underway to bolster quilt trail


he Tillamook County Quilt Trail Coalition is undergoing growth spurts. Fourteen new blocks will be painted this spring, adding to the trail both north to Manzanita and south to Cloverdale and places in between. The TCQTC is also undertaking a new development thanks to the help of Terra Wilcoxson, an urban designer working with the City of Tillamook. She is also a new addition to the board of the Quilt Trail Coalition. Wilcoxson is heading up a project to paint a quilt-themed mural on the repository at the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center. While she is pursuing grant monies for funding, there remains a need to find a design for the mural. And for this the coalition is turning to the community. Because Tillamook County boasts many artists of all ages, the group is asking anyone interested to submit ideas for a 10- by 12-foot mural to be painted by a professional muralist. The quilt trail was begun in 2009 with the idea of promoting and pre-

serving our rural and coastal heritage through the honored tradition of quilting, honoring the rich history of dairy farming and increasing tourism. Submitted concepts should reflect these ideas. For more history on the trail, visit www. Submitted ideas should not be a formal completed work of art, but instead be clean pencil sketches depicting the idea/design. These ideas will be given to the muralist to formalize for the completed painting. The name of the chosen designer will be painted on the final mural. Design ideas should be submitted no later than March 1. The winning design will be selected by the TCQTC board by March 15 and the project is expected to be completed by the end of August. Designs can be mailed to Tillamook County Quilt Trail, P.O. Box 1165, Tillamook, Oregon, 97141. For more details, contact Terra Wilcoxson at 503-842-2472, extension 3462 or by email at

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Spirit Mountain awards grant for upgrades to Tillamook Master Gardeners’ garden area


he Spirit Mountain Community Fund awarded Tillamook Master Gardeners a $4,950 grant last December to make upgrades and improvements at the Tillamook Youth Corrections Facility garden area where master gardeners and incarcerated youth have been gardening since May 2011. Plans are to recover the greenhouse and rebuild the inside tables and shelves. The grant will also provide resources for new tools and gardening supplies as well as additional soil and bark mulch for the new raised beds. Cris Roberts has served as project leader for this program. Her team and the youth started from a bare garden area in the spring. By last summer, they had a fully functioning garden that produced vegetables, fruit and flowers. The compost area has been developed and the worm bin is thriving with red wigglers. Under the guidance of garden men-

tor volunteers, youth have learned to cultivate a garden, learned to care for plants and be patient with the process. Many youth report that the fact that caring adults have given up time out of their busy lives to be with them has helped them value appropriate adult role models. Many partners have contributed to this program including Don’s Waterfall Farm, which has provided instruction and consultation. Spirit Mountain Community Fund was founded in 1997 when the Tribes of Grand Ronde Tribe dedicated 6 percent of the profits from Spirit Mountain Casino to support community organizations. The Fund has awarded more than $57 million since its formation. New volunteers are welcome to join the program. Those interested can contact extension agent Joy Jones at 503-8425708, extension 212.


Cape Kiwanda RV Resort Marketplace

Cloverdale Pharmacy • Village Merchants Stimulus Cafe • PC Supply & Hardware

Tillamook Pioneer Museum • Powell’s Books

Page 9 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

Neskowin Marketplace

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‘Your Heart’s Desire’ promises art, entertainment and treats during annual fundraiser for art education program

PANELS depicting the theme of “Community” — such as the ocean-styled ceramic tiles Rowboat Gallery co-owner Judith Schlicting is working on above, will be on display for sale with prices ranging from $60 to $100.

Take It To

Heart I t’ll be a feast for the eyes, a symphony for your sweet tooth and a banquet of musical delights when the ninth annual “Your Heart’s Desire: A Celebration of Chocolate, Wine and Art,” returns to the “Home of the Dory Fleet” for a day of romance and fundraising for the arts. A fundraiser for the Community Arts Project, the event will bring the community and a diverse group of artists together on Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Drive, Pacific City. The

Courtesy photo

PAST FORWARD, a jazz ensemble hailing from Newport will provide live music for the Community Arts Project fundraiser to be held Feb. 9 at Kiawanda Community Center. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door and include complimentary appetizers, desserts, wine, beer, and sparkling cider. For information or to purchase tickets, call 503-392-4581.

Photos by Tim Hirsch

CHOCOLATE creations will share the stage with works of art by 42 local artists at the ninth annual “Your Heart’s Desire: a Celebration of Chocolate, Wine, and Art.” Above, volunteer Theresa Roberts serves attendees at the 2012 event.

popular mid-winter event will include both an earlier art sale with free admission and a chocolate, wine and jazz extravaganza in the evening. The art exhibit and benefit sale, which will be held from noon-5 p.m., will give art lovers the chance to view and purchase works by 42 local professional artists that were created exclusively for the event. Mounted on two different sized birch panels, 12- by 12-inch, and 6- by 6-inch, each entry will depict the artists’ reflection on the theme of “Community.” The larger pieces will sell for $100, the smaller for $60, with a portion of the proceeds supporting CAP’s Art Literacy Programs at Nestucca Valley Elementary School and Garibaldi Grade School. Many of the artists are from South Tillamook County, including Julie Fiedler, Diane Archer, Paul Yeiter, Bill Cary, Juilus Jortner, Theresa Roberts, Marilyn Burkhardt, Kate Saunders, Randall Koch, Mark Cavatorta, Judith Schlicting, and other members of the artistic Schlicting family. In addition, several artists from North and Central Tillamook County will be exhibiting and selling their work, including Tam Hulburt, April Petersen, Claudia Johnson, and Lori Dillon. Pacific City photographer and artist Julius Jortner said he appreciates the themed exhibit for the challenge it presents. “For me it opened up a new art form,” he said. “It resulted in me dabbling in acrylic paint. I’m grateful to the change — it opened up a new avenue for me.” Meanwhile Judith Schlicting,

co-owner of Pacific City’s Rowboat Gallery, says she appreciates the fact that money raised during the event will support CAP’s educational efforts. She credits art as one thing that keeps many kids in school and engaged. Longtime CAP volunteer and multi-media artist Theresa Roberts agrees. “With the cutbacks in schools, schools aren’t able to devote their own art curriculum to the extent that community arts programs like (CAP) can do. Without them, I really feel children would miss out on a huge creative piece,” she said. “I think they gain so much from the kind of art they do — it helps kids become a little more disciplined. They learn a lot about themselves in the creative process. I see how much they are enjoying doing art and producing something amazing.” And attendees will get a firsthand look at those same amazing talents. Returning this year will be an exhibit and sale of Nestucca Elementary student-created Valentines. Students used a watercolor/ oil pastel resist techniques to design their Valentines in the style of famous artist Jim Dine. A chocolate and wine party, which will feature live music by the jazz ensemble Past Forward, of Newport, will keep the celebration going into the night. The gala event, for which tickets are required, runs from 6:30-10 p.m. and will include the continuation of the benefit art sale and exhibit, complimentary wine, beer, sparkling cider, appetizers, and desserts. A silent auction will offer

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a variety of packages including dinner, event, lodging, and outing certificates. Plus, a night out in Portland will be up for grabs during the night’s raffle. Student art will also be on display. CAP’s Art Literacy Programs are being presented at Nestucca Valley Elementary School in Cloverdale and Garibaldi Grade School. Each month a 90-minute art education session is conducted in each classroom focusing on a famous artist or art movement. The lesson includes art history, technique, and aesthetic analysis, as well as an opportunity for each student to create their own artwork in the style of the artist or art movement presented. More than 400 students are reached by this program every month. The program is privately funded and presented by CAP, which also presents the children’s summer art program “Slug Soup.” Funding for programs relies on special events, grants, and donations of local individuals and businesses. “It’s a chance to support a great cause while enjoying a warm evening of music, art, delectables, and good company,” said organizer Kim Cavatorta. Tickets to the evening event are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. For information or to purchase tickets, call 503-392-4581, email, or visit CAP’s website at and click on “Your Heart’s Desire.” Tickets may also be purchased at Kiawanda Community Center, 503-965-7900, and Inn at Pacific City, 35215 Brooten Road, 503-965-6366.


Courtesy photo

THE SCHUBERT ENSEMBLE will showcase their piano and string talents at a Neskowin Chamber Music series concert on Feb. 10 at Camp Winema, starting at 3 p.m.

Enter the Chamber

Schubert Ensemble returns to the Oregon Coast for a Feb. 10 concert at Camp Winema


he Schubert Ensemble returns to Neskowin Chamber Music on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 3 p.m. at Camp Winema as part of its 30th anniversary tour. The acclaimed group from Great Britain has performed more than any other group in the 19-year history of the concert series. In addition, an outreach presentation by the Schubert Ensemble is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 11 at 9 a.m. at Nestucca Valley Elementary School in Cloverdale. The ensemble, which gives more than 50 concerts each year, has established itself as one of the world’s leading exponents of music for piano and strings. In its 29 years of existence, the Ensemble has performed in more than 40 countries, commissioned more than 80 new works, and recorded more than 20 CDs. It is familiar to British audiences through its regular broadcasts on the BBC. In 1998, it was recognized for its contributions to British musical life by winning the Royal Philharmonic Society’s Best Chamber Ensemble Award. It was shortlisted for the same award in 2010. Ensemble members include pianist William Howard, violinist Simon Blendis, celloist Jane Salmon, and viola player Douglas Paterson. Howard is the founder of the Ensemble and has played at most of Britain’s major festivals. He often teaches and performs at the Dartington International Summer School and has given recitals all over the world and produced a number of

recordings. He has also coached chamber music at Birmingham Conservatoire since 2001. Blendis has developed an international career as a chamber musician, orchestral leader, and soloist. In addition to working with the Schubert Ensemble, he regularly leads such orchestras as the Royal Philharmonic, the English Chamber Orchestra, and the London Sinfonietta. Salmon has established herself as one of the busiest cellists of her generation, performing as a chamber musician and recital soloist in more than 40 countries, and being involved in more than 30 CD recordings and radio and TV broadcasts. She is a tutor of cello and chamber music at Birmingham Conservatoire. Paterson started playing the violin in primary school. He played with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and was principal viola of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe before joining the Schubert Ensemble in 1990. In addition to the many appearances with Schubert, he runs a family dairy farm in Hampshire, England. Season tickets for Neskowin Chamber Music are $110. Single tickets are available, payable in advance and on a limited basis, for each concert for $25. Call 503-965-6499 to order or purchase at the door. For more information, check the website, www.neskowinchambermusic. org or call 503-965-6499. Camp Winema is located three miles north of Neskowin off of Highway 101.

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Page 11 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

Playtime in Pacific City January 25-February 10 and the North Oregon Coast

NESKOWIN CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES: TRIO SOLISTI Jan. 27, 3 p.m. Camp Winema Chapel, 5195 Wi-Ne-Ma Rd.. Maria Bachmann (violin), Jon Kibonoff (piano), and Alexis Pia Gerlach (cello). Tickets $25 door. Located three miles north of Neskowin. For information or tickets, call 503-965-6499. SATURDAY MUSIC Jan. 26, 2-4 p.m. Tillamook County Library, 1716 Third St. Free admission; all ages welcome. Call 503-842-4792 for information. JAZZ GUITAR WORKSHOP Jan. 26. Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A St. John Stowell workshop & concert. Workshop 1-4 p.m., $20. Dinner 5:30 p.m., by donation. Concert 7 p.m., $7. Call 503-377-9620 for details. MANZANITA FILM SERIES Jan. 26, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave. “Best of the 38th Northwest Film Festival.” Collection of short films. $7. Refreshments available for purchase. Call 503-3683846 for details. JAMBALAYA COOK-OFF Jan. 26, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Lincoln City Culinary Center, 801 SW Hwy 101, 4th Floor. Free admission. Samples 50 cents a piece or portion sizes for $3-$5. Zydeco music. For information, call 503-452-2151. 5TH ANNUAL PIE DAY AUCTION AND FEAST Jan. 26, 7 p.m. Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church, 36050 10th St., Nehalem. Fundraiser for Lower Nehalem Trust and Food Roots. $5 suggested donation. For details, call 503-3683203 or 503-812-2800. TILLAMOOK HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING AND DINNER Jan. 27, 2-4 p.m. Port of Tillamook Bay, Officers Mess Hall. Theme: WWII era. The public is invited. $15 per person. RSVP by calling Sally Rissel at 503-965-6973.

NESTUCCA WATER TRAIL PUBLIC REVIEW Jan. 29, 4-6:30 p.m. Doryland Pizza, 33315 Cape Kiwanda Drive, Pacific City. Review and give input on the Nestucca Water Trail Guidebook. Open to the public. For information, call 503-3222222.

MOTHER GOOSE ON THE LOOSE Tuesdays, Jan. 29 & Feb. 5, 3-4 p.m. South Tillamook County Library, 6200 Camp St., Pacific City. For ages birth-2 years old. Songs, clapping, early literacy skills. For information, call 503-965-6163. RESIDENT SHOW AND TELL AT THE SITKA CENTER Jan. 30, 6 p.m. Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 56605 Sitka Dr., Otis. Meet four incoming Spring 2013 residents. Free admission. For details, call 503-994-5485. BINGO NIGHT Wednesdays, Jan. 30 & Feb. 6, 7-9:30 p.m. Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. $1 cards, good for 12 games. For information, call 503-965-7900. FOOD ROOTS’ GARDENS GATHERING Jan. 31, 6-8 p.m. Tillamook County Library, 1716 Third St. Talk about and prepare for coming growing season, gather helpful information. Two soups provided for potluck – bring bread or salad. RSVP by Jan. 29 by calling 503-815-2800 or e-mail LIBRARY STORY TIME Fridays, Feb. 1 & 8, 1-2 p.m. South Tillamook County Library, 6200 Camp St., Pacific City. For ages three and up. Call 503-965-6163 for details. ARTIST OF THE MONTH OPENING RECEPTION Feb. 1, 5-7 p.m. Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A St. Members show with open mic to follow. All are invited to bring two pieces to display or sell. Non-members can fill out membership form

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YOUR HEART’S DESIRE BENEFIT ART SALE Feb. 9, noon-5 p.m. Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. Free event. Fundraiser for Community Arts Project. For information, call 503-392-4581.

when they drop off pieces. Call 503-377-9620 to set up drop off. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY Feb. 2, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Rd. Call 503-815-3975 for details. FIRST SATURDAY CONCERT: SATORI BOB Feb. 2, 7 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy 101. Music ranging from acoustic to gypsy and bluegrass influenced. Tickets $10 in advance; $12 at door. For information or to buy advance tickets, call 503-994-9994 or visit PACIFIC CITY-NESTUCCA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING Feb. 5, noon. Pelican Pub & Brewery. $7 optional lunch. All are welcome. Call 503-3924340 for more information. 4-H FOOD PRESERVATION AFTERSCHOOL DAYS: CANNING FRUIT PIE FILLINGS Feb. 6, 2:30-5 p.m. OSU Extension Office, 2204 Fourth St., Tillamook. $5 for youth enrolled in 4-H. Cost covers food and jars. Take home or save to enter in county fair. For more information or to register, call 503-842-3433. QUILT RUN 101, OREGON COAST HOP Feb. 8-18. Quilt shops up and down the Oregon coast. For details call 503-842-9392. TWO ACT PLAY: “A. LINCOLN” Feb. 9, 7 p.m. and Feb. 10, 2 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy 101. Two act play with Steve Holgate. Advance tickets $10, $12 at door, children under 12 free with adult.

For details, call 503-994-9994. OREGON COAST SCENIC RAILROAD DINNER TRAIN Feb. 9, 4 p.m. Leaves from Garibaldi station. Three hour round trip. For details call 503-8427972. YOUR HEART’S DESIRE: A CELEBRATION OF CHOCOLATE, WINE AND ART Feb. 9, 6:30-10 p.m. Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. Fundraiser for Community Arts Project. Live jazz music, chocolate treats, beer and wine, and art sale. Tickets $25 available at Inn at Pacific City, 35215 Brooten Rd. or at the community center. For more information or to reserve tickets, visit www. or call 503-392-4581. TILLAMOOK COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCATION MEETING AND POTLUCK Feb. 10, noon gathering, 1 p.m. potluck, followed by meeting and entertainment. Sandlake Grange Hall. For information, contact Ruby Fry-Matson at 503-842-4553. THE SCHUBERT ENSEMBLE Feb. 10, 3 p.m. Chapel at Camp Winema, 5195 Winema Dr.. Part of the Neskowin Chamber Music series. Located three miles north of Neskowin. Tickets $25 at door – call 503-9656499 for availability. CRUISIN’ THE ETERNAL COASTLINE Feb. 10, 2 p.m. Surftides Restaurant, 2945 NW Jetty, Lincoln City. Dr. Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll discuss fossil findings they have made on the coast. For details, call 503-994-5485.

Barb’s Custom Sewing

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Pacific City Mini Storage RV & Boat Storage

Page 12 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

Otis Kunz 541-921-0585 541-965-6510


A Rocky Beacon Tillamook Rock & Lighthouse claimed several victims during 77 years of service By SALLY RISSEL for the Sun


hen lighthouses were being built along the Oregon Coast, there was a need for one near Tillamook Head. The Head seemed a natural choice — being 1,000 feet above sea level — but it is often shrouded in fog. An engineer noticed Tillamook Rock, a mile out into the ocean, and decided it would make a good location. Locals thought he was crazy, but a surveyor was sent to the rock to check it out. He was John Trewavas, whose experience included the Wolf Rock light house in England. He stepped Photos courtesy of the Sally Rissel collection out of the boat and onto the rock. TILLAMOOK ROCK AND LIGHTHOUSE is located 1.2 miles offshore of He slipped off the rock and into Tillamook Head and 20 miles south of the Columbia River, situated on the ocean, where he promptly less than an acre of basalt rock. It can be viewed from Ecola State Park. drowned. Nevertheless, the project went portholes. forward — though none of the local When the lighthouse was near comcraftsmen would work on the rock pletion, the ship, Lupatia, was wrecked and workers from outside the area near the rock during inclement weather were sequestered to the work site. and sank, killing all 16 crew members It took nearly eight months to level whose bodies washed up on the shore off the top of the rock by blasting of Tillamook Head. The only survivor of it, and storms continually battered the wreck was the crew’s dog. the rock — often washing tools and Terrible Tilly remained in service supplies out to sea. The workers for 77 years. It operated from 1881 to went without food for 16 days dur1957 when it was replaced with a whistle ing this time. It took 500 days by the buoy. The last keeper was Oswald Allik, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and who would later become the last head cost $125,000 and was one of the TILLAMOOK ROCK AND LIGHTkeeper of Heceta Head Lighthouse. most expensive West Coast lightHOUSE seen from the Northwest. Within two years, the lighthouse houses ever built. The lighthouse Transportation to and from the was sold to a group of investors from was eventually completed and soon rock involved the use of a derrick Nevada, who sold it in 1980 to a group after became known as Terrible line attached with a breeches of realtors, who created the Eternity Tilly. buoy. It originally housed a Fresat Sea Columbarium. After interring The lighthouse keepers lived nel lens, with an incandescent about 30 urns, the columbarium’s a strange life of solitude. Teams of oil vapor lamp that had a vislicense was revoked in 1999 by the four men kept the light shining. but ibility range of 18 miles and was Oregon Mortuary and Cemetery Board the isolation, constant storms and fixed with a steam foghorn. and was rejected again upon reapplicablaring foghorns proved a challenge tion in 2005. for the mental and physical conAccess to the site is severely limited, with a helicopditioning of even the most seasoned keeper. Even with ter landing the only way to access the rock, and it is offmore abbreviated work shifts and longer breaks, the limits even to the owners during the seaboard nesting men struggled — one keeper went insane and reportedly season. The structure is listed on the Nation Register of tried to kill a fellow man by putting ground glass in his Historic Places and is part of the Oregon Islands Nationfood. Dismissals from the post were frequent. al Wildlife Refuge. Winter storms regularly flooded the structure. Its Fresnel lens was lost when a particularly bad storm tossed a massive boulder up through the lantern room. NOTE: James A. Gibbs, a former Coastguardsman Throughout its history, the area was hit by large, violent stationed at the Lighthouse has written a book “The storms that damaged the lighthouse with large waves, Tillamook Light” that is well worth reading. James winds and debris. During a storm in 1912, 100 tons of Gibbs was also an anti-submarine patrol duty Coast rock was shorn off the western end of the rock, and winGuardsman who patrolled the beaches of Pacific City dows were gradually cemented over, replaced by small and Tierra Del Mar.

FOOD&DRINK BACK COUNTRY CAFE, 34445 HWY 101 S., CLOVERDALE Cozy Cafe and Drive-thru Espresso located just 5 miles N. of Pacific City on the Nestucca River featuring the Tillamook Burn, Tractor Pull, Landslide and Old Blue to name a few of our gourmet burgers and wraps. We also serve bentos, sandwiches on homebaked bread, soups, and breakfast all day. All menu items under $10. Open Daily. Dine-in, order to-go or drive-thru for homestyle food, espresso & baked goods in a family friendly hometown atmosphere..Free wi-fi . Find us on Facebook. Outdoor seating. Sun. and Mon., 8-4. Tues.-Thurs. & Sat, 7-5:30, Fri., 7-7. DELICATE PALATE BISTRO, 35280 BROOTEN ROAD, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-6464. The Bistro offers the freshest local products available set with a chic presentation highlighting regional cuisine. Our enumerated wine list spans the globe to bring you the finest wines available at reasonable prices, while the martini bar highlights classic cocktails intertwined with hip new blends fashioned from the best spirits available along with a great selection of local and international beers. Reserve your memory today. DORYLAND PIZZA, CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-6299. Fun, family atmosphere with four televisions and a big screen plasma TV to enjoy sporting events or your favorite shows. Established from the remodeled Pacific City Boat Works building built in the 1960s, Doryland retained the nautical atmosphere with its solid wood planked floors, brass accents and original charm. They added great pizza, sandwiches, salad bar, beer & wine, and video games. Open 11-8 Sunday-Thursday, 11-9 Friday & Saturday. GRATEFUL BREAD, 34805 BROOTEN ROAD, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-7337. Enjoy a breakfast and lunch menu that includes vegetarian specialities, bakery breads, pastries, homemade soups, fresh seafood, wine, beer and espresso in the Grateful Bread’s bright and cheery atmosphere. The restaurant also offers catering services, as well as a growing wholesale baked goods department. Stop in for a fresh meal Thursday through Monday, beginning at 8 a.m. or drive through their espresso window as early as 6:30 a.m. PELICAN PUB & BREWERY, 33180 CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-7007. Ocean front brewery featuring award-winning Pelican brews, great food, and a family-friendly atmosphere. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served daily. Open Sun–Thurs 8am-10pm and Fri–Sat 8am11pm. SPORTSMAN’S PUB-N-GRUB, 34975 BROOTEN ROAD, PACIFIC CITY. 503 965-9991. Dating back to 1947 the original Sportsman’s Tavern was the only local watering hole and meeting spot for locals and visitors alike. It was the place people called for weather, fishing and news of locals as it had the only pay phone at the time. Things haven’t changed much — today the Sportsman’s is still a favorite meeting spot for locals and visitors alike. Although now food is a great attraction with locally caught fish from Sea Q Fish featuring dory fresh lingcod and sea bass prepared at the Sportsman’s is being hailed as the best fish and chips anywhere. The fresh oysters from T&S oyster farm in Netarts have a huge local following and are delivered fresh every Friday. Come try some great grub at great prices and rub elbows with the locals. STIMULUS, 33105 CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-4661. Beautiful Ocean view espresso café serving Stumptown Roasters coffee, organic teas, and locally made pastries. Stimulus offers a large selection of breakfast sandwiches, homemade soups, hot Panini sandwiches, and salads. Open every day of the year from 6 am till 6 pm. SUNRISE DELI, 31020 HIGHWAY 101 S., HEBO, LOCATED INSIDE NESTUCCA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS. 503-392-4269. Home of Grandma Gefre’s home made clam chowder, Texas beans and home made potato salad. Comfort foods such as fresh made deli sandwiches and 1/3 pound hamburgers’ made to order your way. Add double cut fries and you have a real meal. TWIST WINE CO., 6425 PACIFIC AVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-NUTS. At Twist Wine Company we showcase wines from our three brands: Reversal, Basket Case and Shy Chenin. We believe wine is about having fun. We are a wine lounge, wi-fi hotspot and offer four microbrews on draft.

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35030 Brooten Road • Pacific City Page 13 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013


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*Concessions *Raffles *Silent Auction

Tickets .50 each OR *Concessions$10 for 25 Games!!

Join us for Carnival Tickets *Raffles .50 Nestucca each OR Valley Elementary School *Silent Auction $10 for 25 February 16th 1-4pm

By PAT GEFRE for the Sun


imes have been tough as of late. With the recent cold snap and lack of rain, fishing the Nestucca River and Three Rivers has been very tough. Without rain, the Nestucca River and Three Rivers drop pretty quickly. It takes about a week and a half before the river is almost undriftable — too low and too clear to be fished with normal tactics. The frigid mornings don’t help either as cold temperatures make steelhead lethargic and reluctant to expend much energy chasing lures and bait. We recently just finished a threeday holiday weekend in which many fishermen took advantage of the extra time off to come fishing. Unfortunately, for most it was a bust. Too many boats and too clear of water do not make for good fishing. In the clear water, winter steelhead are looking for places to hide, those are few and far between, and once a few boats have floated by, steelhead are ducking for cover. Having said all that, there were still a handful of knowledgeable fishermen that did catch a few steelhead. How did they do that? Well, here are a few of the tactics employed by some of the more successful fishermen. Lighted gear, some have dropped down to eight pound line. Smaller hooks, size one and two, no bigger and much smaller baits. Many fishermen change up from big and bright to small and dark in clearer waters. Many change from Corkies with yarn and Spin N Go’s to jigs floated under a bobber. Dropping down in size to 1/8-ounce or 1/16-ounce jigs and changing colors to black, dark purple, dark blue, dark green and dark brown are all acceptable alternatives to the normal pinks and oranges that are used in less clear water. Looking for pocket water is another good piece of advice. Pocket water is

*Concessions *Raffles *Concessions *Silent Auction *Raffles

*Silent Auction

BEAVER COMMUNITY CHURCH, 24675 Hwy. 101 S., Beaver. 503-398-5508. E-mail: A non-denominational Bible-believing church that loves families. Weekly Sunday School all ages, 9:45; Morning Worship, 11 a.m.; High School Youth Group, 6 p.m.

COUNTRYSIDE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 19005 Hwy. 101 S., Cloverdale. 503-398-5454. Sunday school 9:45, Sunday worship at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

HEALING WATERS BIBLE CHURCH Join us for Carnival Games!! Join us for Carnival Games!! 41505 Oretown Road East, Cloverdale, 503-392-3001. Come worship in the Nestucca Valley Elementary School Pentecostal tradition. Adult and children February 16th 1-4pm Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Sunday church service at 10:30 a.m. *Duck Pond *Lucky Sucker HEBO CHRISTIAN CENTER, 31350 Hwy. *Ring Toss *Bean Bag Toss 101 S, Hebo. 503-392-3585. Sunday school 9:15 a.m., Sunday worship 10:30 *Basketball Toss *Washer Toss a.m., Wednesday night 6:30 p.m. *Pin the Star on the Flag A*Cake DAY FULL OF FUN & PRIZES *Putt-Putt Golf Walks *Hook a Fish *Face Painting All Proceeds benefit Star on the Flag Page2013 A DAY FULL OF*Pin FUN &the PRIZES 14 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013 Senior Safe All Proceeds benefit *Hook a Fish *Face Painting Senior Safe 2013 A DAY FULL OF FUN & PRIZES

*Duck Pond *Lucky Sucker Nestucca Valley Elementary School *Ring Toss *Bean Bag Toss Join us for Carnival Games!! February 16th 1-4pm *Basketball Toss *Washer Toss Nestucca Valley Elementary School *Duck Pond *Lucky Sucker *Putt-Putt Golf *Cake Walks February 16th 1-4pm *Pin the Star on the Flag *Ring Toss *Bean Bag Toss *Duck *Lucky Sucker *Hook aPond Fish *Face Painting *Basketball Toss *Washer Toss A*Ring DAY FULL FUN &Bag PRIZES Toss OF*Bean Toss *Putt-Putt Golf *Cake Walks *Basketball Toss benefit *Washer Toss All Proceeds *Pin the Star on the Flag Senior Safe 2013 *Putt-Putt Golf *Cake Walks *Hook a Fish *Face Painting

any piece of water that has some structure like behind big rocks or in small slots that you cannot see the bottom in. Pocket water can be a small run of white water where a steelhead can remain out of sight under the bubbles. It can also be shaded water that does not offer good sight into the hole. In general pocket water can be almost any water that would offer cover in clear water. Presentation, in low water, is everything. Once a few boats have stirred up and scattered the fish, fishing from the boat can be futile. It’s better to pull over and walk down into a hole. Avoid the noises of a boat banging the rocks signaling your approach. This is a good time to use lures as well — size four or smaller fished from the bank down stream from your position or fished in the white water can be very effective in clear water. Any or all of these technical changes can make your odds of catching a winter steelhead in low water much better. Or you can do as some and stay home and wait for better conditions. Pacific City has seen an uptick in fishing recently. The ocean has had a few calm days, and I’m told the ling cod bite has been great. Crabbing remains slow but worth it. That might have something to do with the commercial season. I know a few fishermen that are putting pots out. They are telling me it is taking three to four pots to produce 10 to 12 crabs. Still, crabs this time of year are of superior quality. They are very full, and in my opinion, the meat is the sweetest this time of year. It may take more effort, but it’s the best tasting crabs of the year. It looks like the weather is starting to turn from cold and dry to warmer and wet. Watch for steelhead fishing to pick up dramatically with some rainfall. We are about to come into the best 12 weeks of winter steelheading on the North Coast and all it will take is some fresh water and river rise.


CLOVERDALE BAPTIST CHURCH, 34464 Bridge Street, Cloverdale. 503-3923104. Sunday School at 10 a.m., Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday prayer at 7 p.m.

Family Fun Day!!

Tickets .50 each OR $10 for 25

Forecasted warmer and wetter weather trend should bolster angler’s success

NESTUCCA VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 35305 Brooten Road, Pacific City OR (503) 965-6229. 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; Friday 10 a.m. Bible Study. NESTUCCA SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 38000 Hwy 101, Cloverdale, (3 miles north of Pacific City) 503-392-4111. Pastor Greg Brothers. Services Saturday 9:30 a.m.-noon. Fellowship Dinner every week following services. All visitors welcome. PACIFIC COAST BIBLE CHURCH, 35220 Brooten Road, Pacific City. 503965-7222/503-812-1106. E-mail: A Biblebelieving/Christ-centered Church. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m., Sunday school 11 a.m., Youth group 4 p.m. on alternating Sundays. Also Weekly Bible Studies. ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 34560 Parkway Drive, Cloverdale. 503-392-3685. Weekend mass: Saturday at 5:30 p.m., Sunday at 9:30 a.m. WINEMA CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 5195 WiNeMa Road, Cloverdale, OR. E-mail: Proclaiming the Word of God in the historic Chapel on WiNeMa Camp Campus. Sunday Worship at 10:45 a.m. with Bible School at 9:30 a.m.



‘Cats out of play-off picture

(at Nestucca Bay) Date

By DEE MOORE for the Sun


he Nestucca Bobcats have only five games left to play and are effectively out of the running for district play-offs. The team has won 2 out of 15 games this season; neither of those wins were league games. Hindsight is always 20/20 and Kiser is giving his team’s performance a hard look. “At this point, we’re out of the play-off race,” said head coach Jim Kiser. “We’ve struggled offensively this year because we settled for a lot of jump shots. When you settle for jumpers, you go dry for long stretches of time and when you can’t score for five or six minutes at a time — other teams take advantage of that. “Defensively we’ve played well for stretches but sometimes struggle to play good team defense.” He is hard on himself and his team, but can see the good in the bad and he is quick to point out how much the team has learned and grown over the season. “Those things said, the character of this basketball team, the willingness to play as hard as possible for all 32 minutes has been amazing all season,” Kiser said. They once again came up on the short end of the stick when they faced the Delphian Dragons on Jan. 22, losing 45-59. Kiser said the ‘Cats gave them a “real battle.” “We really tried to push the ball up the floor all night on them and we seemed to be in good shape midway through the thirrd quarter, we had a 4-point lead. But then a few turnovers and a couple of rushed shots led to easy buckets for Delphian. We gave up that lead pretty quick,” Kiser said. Max Kirkendall led with 13 points and Austin Woods chipped in 10. “We didn’t get much scoring in the paint and when you rely on jump shots, your offense comes and goes,” Kiser said. The ‘Cats lost 62-31 to Riverdale at home on Jan. 18. Riverdale is one of the best teams in the league according to Kiser. Their ranking reflects this. They are 10-6 overall and 9-2 district. “They are very big and they used their size to push us around quite a bit on this night. They pressed us from the beginning of the game,” Kiser said. “We

NESTUCCA fell short in a Jan. 22 game vs. the Delphian Dragons, losing 45-59 and dropping to a record of 2-13 in the process. Pictured is Austin McKillup. only shot six free throws for the night, didn’t get much chance to push the ball or get it into the post where we could draw fouls.” Max Kirkendall led with 9 points that night, Joey Chatelain had 8 and Derek Wenrick had 6. When the team played Faith Bible on Jan. 15 they performed much better, the coach said. They played with more fight and drive. They lost 47-35. “We played with a lot of energy on this night and fought hard all the way to the end as we always do, we just couldn’t score from inside the paint well enough to stay with them,” he said. The team takes on the Knappa Loggers at 7 p.m. Jan. 26, in the Bobcat gym.

Wrestlers hope to pin down date with state By DEE MOORE for the Sun

THOUGH THE NESTUCCA LADY BOBCATS basketball team progressed, it’s not reflected in their record — the team is 2-15 on the season with the most recent setback on Jan. 22 in a 37-27 loss vs. Delphian. Above, Monica Chatelain drives to the hoop in the loss. “They have come so far as a team, a real team. We are really focusing on the fundamentals, the meat and potatoes of basketball,” said coach Yazmin Thompson. “I think next season they will be really awesome.”

The Nestucca Bobcats wrestling team is pushing for state and they just might make it. The team went to Seaside for the Pacific Rim tournament on Jan. 11-12, where they were the highest placing 2A team. The ‘Cats finished ninth out of 17 teams. “I am pleased with the development of our younger wrestlers. The goal is to qualify as many of our kids as possible for the state meet,” said head coach Cameron Mitchem. Sam Kenagy stood out at the tournament placing first at 285. This was the first tournament title of his career. Other results were Lucas Leslie, 2nd, 152; Nate Parks, 2nd at 145; Ryan Leslie, 5th at 126. “We had a few other guys contribute varsity wins over the two days. I was overall pleased with the way we wrestled,” said Mitchem. But before they make plans at the state tourney they must first tackle the challenge of the district meet. Nestucca is one of seven teams in the special district and each team can enter up to two wrestlers per weight at the district tournament. “The top two wrestlers at each weight will qualify for the state meet the following weekend,” he said. The Bobcats must outwrestle teams from Knappa, Monroe, Neah-Kah-Nie, Triangle Lake, Vernonia and Waldport. “We have three league meets prior to districts that determine district seeding. We try to separate out the best wrestlers in each weight class,” he said. The district meet will be held Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15-16, in Vernonia. Page 15 • Pacific City SUN • January 25, 2013

Low Tide


High Tide


Jan. 25

5:15 a.m. 6:11 p.m.

3.0 ft. -0.1 ft.

12:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m.

6.3 ft. 9.5 ft.

Jan. 26

5:56 a.m. 6:43 p.m.

2.9 ft. -0.2 ft.

12:31 a.m. 11:30 p.m.

6.5 ft. 8.0 ft.

Jan. 27

6:35 a.m. 7:14 p.m.

2.6 ft. -0.2 ft.

1:00 a.m. 12:08 p.m.

6.8 ft. 8.0 ft.

Jan. 28

7:14 a.m. 7:45 p.m.

2.4 ft. -0.1 ft.

1:29 a.m. 12:46 p.m.

7.0 ft. 7.9 ft.

Jan. 29

7:55 a.m. 8:17 p.m.

2.4 ft. 0.2 ft

1:59 a.m. 1:27 p.m.

7.3 ft. 7.6 ft.

Jan. 30

8:39 a.m. 8:50 p.m.

1.9 ft. 0.6 ft.

2:30 a.m. 2:10 p.m.

7.5 ft. 7.3 ft.

Jan. 31

9:27 a.m. 9:25 p.m.

1.7 ft. 1.0 ft.

3:03 a.m. 2:59 p.m.

7.7 ft. 6.7 ft.

Feb. 1

10:22 p.m. 10:04 p.m.

1.6 ft. 1.6 ft.

3:40 a.m. 3:56 p.m.

7.8 ft. 6.2 ft.

Feb. 2

11:24 a.m. 10:51 p.m.

1.3 ft. 2.1 ft.

4:22 a.m. 5:05 p.m.

7.2 ft. 5.6 ft.

Feb. 3

12:35 a.m. 11:49 p.m.

1.0 ft. 2.6 ft.

5:11 a.m. 6:30 p.m.

8.0 ft. 5.3 ft.

Feb. 4 1:48 a.m. 0.6 ft.

6:09 a.m. 8:01 p.m.

8.1 ft. 5.4 ft.

Feb. 5

1:02 a.m. 2:56 p.m.

2.9 ft. 0.2 ft.

7:14 a.m. 9:18 a.m.

8.2 ft. 5.7 ft.

Feb. 6

2:21 a.m. 3:56 p.m.

3.0 ft. -0.3 ft.

8:21 a.m. 10:18 p.m.

8.5 ft. 6.3 ft.

Feb. 7

3:34 a.m. 4:48 p.m.

2.9 ft. -0.6 ft.

9:23 a.m. 11:07 p.m.

8.7 ft. 6.7 ft.

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