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With Starstreet standing tall, it’s time to pop out
41 Lifestyle Store | This retail outpost of global affairs publication Monocle also ser ves as its editorial bureau, channeling a distinct international mindset through curated print and design products. 國際期刊 《Monocle》 的香港編輯 部設於進教圍,同時也是零售店, 售賣精挑細選的刊物和設計產品, 倡導獨特的國際生活態度。 1 St. Francis Yard @shop.monocle monocle.com
42 43
Odd One Out
Design Concept Store
Specialising as a platform for local illustrators and printmakers, pick up quirky limited-edition art prints or greeting cards for your bedroom at this one-of-a-kind store. 這是一家專門售賣本地插畫師 作品及限量板畫的特色小店, 限量生產的版畫及明信片別具 趣味,適合作為睡房裝飾。 14 St. Francis Street @oddoneouthk oddoneout.hk
Pure Yoga Starstreet
Yoga Studio | Boasting 20,000 square feet and over 120 classes each week, you’ll surely find your slice of zen at this spacious yoga studio. 在這個佔地 20,000平方呎、每週 提供超過 120堂瑜伽課的瑜伽 勝地,你一定可以找到屬於你的 平靜時刻。 3-19 Wing Fung Street @pureyogaofficial pure-yoga.com
Spa and Ref lexology
Pamper yourself with scents, beauty concoctions and spa treatments straight from the soil of France’s Provence region. Ahhh… 品牌採用來自法國普羅旺斯 天然植物的香氛、美容產品和 礦物泥的水療療程,助你洗掉 疲累,感覺煥然一新。 9 Star Street @loccitane_hk hk.loccitane.com nice to have someone else do your laundry, and your needs are covered at this one-stop shop. Fresh smelling garments, zero effort. 這間一站式洗衣乾衣店,可以幫 你解決洗衣服和燙衣服的煩惱, 不費吹灰之力就能讓髒衣服回復 光潔清新。 1 Queen’s Road East @voguelaundry voguelaundry.com
Furniture Shop
Decorating the home of your dreams begins at this high-end furniture store, featuring premium European labels such as Giorgetti, Miele and Poliform. 雲集Giorgetti、 Miele和 Poliform等歐洲頂級品牌的 高級家具店,是你打造理想 家居的第一站。 16 Queen’s Road East @viahk599
Vogue Laundry
Laundromat | It’s always viahk.biz
White Do
Textile Design Store
Piled high w ith quirk y textiles and knickknacks, this boutique is a treasure trove for those interested in Taiwanese design. 這家堆滿玩味布藝織品和 小擺設的小店,是搜羅台灣 設計精品的寶庫。 1B Sun Street whitedolab.com