2 minute read

En Búsqueda de la Salvación: Vocación y misión de Elena G. de White

In Search of Salvation: The job and mission of Ellen G. White

La misión y vocación de Elena G. de White fue presentar a Jesús como el amoroso y misericordioso Salvador, el único camino de salvación. En sus cien mil páginas de manuscritos, el tema recurrente es el amor de Jesús. Dede 1880 hasta su muerte, ella experimentó una creciente preocupación por exaltar a Cristo y su obra de redención. Cristo y su sacrificio debía ser el contenido de todo mensaje, doctrina, y acción de la comunidad de fe. Con ello, invitó a la iglesia a dar un giro total hacia Jesús como el Unico!

En este libro se exploran las ideas de salvación presentes en los escritos de Elena G. de White, y que son el contenido principal de su mensaje profético. La tesis principal es que, para ella, la salvación en Cristo por sola gracia obtenida por sola fe es el mensaje del tercer ángel. El mensaje que puede transformar las relaciones con Dios y nuestros semejantes. El mensaje que deja en claro que la victoria sobre el pecado es posible solo mediante la unión con Cristo. Tales el mensaje de este libro.


Ellen G. White’s mission and vocation were to present Jesus as the loving and merciful Savior, the only way to salvation. In her hundred thousand manuscript pages, the recurring theme is the love of Jesus. From 1880 until her death, she experienced a growing concern with exalting Christ and his work of redemption. Christ and his sacrifice were the content of every message, doctrine, and action of the community of faith. She invited the church to turn towards Jesus as the One!

This book explores the ideas of salvation in the writings of Ellen G. White. Salvation in Christ by grace alone is the third angel’s message. The message that can transform relationships with God and our fellow men. The message makes it clear that victory over sin is possible only through union with Christ.

This book explores the ideas of salvation present in the writings of Ellen G. White, which are the main content of her prophetic message. Her main thesis is that, for her, salvation in Christ by grace alone obtained by her alone is the third angel’s message. The message that can transform relationships with God and our fellow men. The message makes it clear that victory over sin is possible only through union with Christ. Such is the message of this book.


Abner Hernández has a doctorate in Church History and Systematic Theology. He is an ordained minister. He served as a pastor and professor of theology in the Cuban Union and is currently an associate professor of church history at Andrews University Seventhday Adventist Theological Seminary in Michigan. His specialty is Reformation and post-Reformation history and theology, the theological thought of James Arminius, and the development of Adventist theology from the perspective of Seventh-day Adventist theologians. With his wife Keila Díaz he has two sons: Abner Jasiel and Andy Josías.

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