1 minute read

Dame Mi Bendición I Want My Blessing

¿Eres de los que sienten que todos están en tu contra, y que Dios te ha dado la espalda y se olvidó de ti? ¿Has llegado a la conclusión de que tus padres te trajeron al mundo solo para sufrir? ¿Piensas que solo te queda mirar cómo se realizan los sueños de otros, mientras que los tuyos terminan en terribles pesadillas? Déjame decirte que esta no es solo tu historia, sino también la de miles de personas en todo del mundo.

Todos queremos recibir bendiciones, pero nos hemos encerrado en nuestras propias maldiciones. Es tiempo de hacer un alto ahora en tu camino de dolor y girar en dirección correcta, hacia donde encontrarás no solo tu transformación, sino también tu restauración. Descubre a través de las páginas de este libro cómo cambiar tus tragedias en bendiciones y tu funeral emocional en una fiesta de celebración. Dios ha preparado especialmente para ti un regalo que cambiará tu vida para siempre. Búscalo, pídelo y disfrútalo. Este libro te ayudará a encontrar ese regalo.


Do you feel like everyone is against you, and that God has turned His back on you and forgotten you? Have you come to the conclusion that your parents brought you into the world only to suffer? Do you think that all that is left for you is to watch other people’s dreams come true, while yours end in terrible nightmares? Let me tell you that this is not just your story, but also that of thousands of people around the world.

We all want to receive blessings, but we have trapped ourselves in our own curses. It’s time to stop traveling on your path of pain and turn in the right direction, where you will not only find your transformation, but also your restoration. Discover through the pages of this book how to turn your tragedies into blessings and your emotional funeral into a celebration. God has prepared a gift especially for you that will change your life forever. Seek it, ask for it, and enjoy it. This book will help you find that gift.

Discover through the pages of this book how to turn your tragedies into blessings and your emotional funeral into a celebration. God has prepared a gift especially for you that will change your life forever. Seek it, ask for it, and enjoy it. This book will help you find that gift.

Pastor Arnaldo Cruz is an international speaker, influencer, director of Communications and digital evangelism of the Southeast Florida Association, and director and speaker of the Jesus is the Victory Ministry. Married to Menchy Cruz, he has two beautiful daughters: Laura and Gabriela Cruz.

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