2024 Marketing Seminar Catalog - V1

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God’s Love for You Feel better about life. Take a long look at Calvary. This beautiful, little 96-page book with gold gilded edges, rounded corners, and a leatherette cover is a perfect gift. Carefully selected excerpts from Ellen G. White’s Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons, and The Desire of Ages remind readers that God’s love for us is evident all around—in the Creation that surrounds us and through the Scripture that inspires us. God pursues us as a shepherd does a lost sheep and forgives us as a parent does a prodigal child. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us.” —1 John 4:10 NOTES

SPIRIT OF PROPHECY Intro US$9.99 each Regular US$12.99 each Leatherette, 96 pages 9780816369690

PROMO BLURB This beautiful, little 96-page gift book about God’s gracious love for us features excerpts from Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons, and The Desire of Ages. Gold gilded edges and a leatherette cover.

Ellen G. White is the author of more than 130 books, many of which have been compiled and published posthumously from her extensive manuscript file. She is the world’s most translated woman author, her works appearing in more than 150 languages. Inspired by God, she exalted Jesus and continually pointed to the Holy Scriptures as the basis for faith. 4

El privilegio de la oraciĂłn (Español) The Privilege of Prayer (Spanish) No te preocupes por nada. Ora por todo. En este libro descubrirĂĄs que Dios escucha el clamor de tu corazĂłn. La oraciĂłn ha movido montañas, ha provocado reformas y ha resucitado a personas. No es menos poderosa hoy que en Ă©pocas pasadas. Es el aliento del alma, y no puedes vivir sin ella. En un mundo fracturado, la mejor manera de sobrevivir es recuperar el poder y la prĂĄctica de la oraciĂłn. Estos capĂ­tulos selectos de El discurso maestro de Jesucristo y El camino a Cristo te ayudarĂĄn en ese empeño. Son declaraciones clĂĄsicas de Elena G. de White sobre cĂłmo hablar con Dios. ElevarĂĄn su espĂ­ritu y fortalecerĂĄn su caminar con JesĂșs. Este hermoso libro de regalo (5” x 7.25”), con una elegante cubierta de cuero sintĂ©tico reĂșne las citas mĂĄs inspiradoras de los escritos de Elena G. de White en un libro inspirador, perfecto para cualquier creyente. THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER (SPANISH) Do not you worry about anything. Pray for everything. In this book you will discover that God listens to the cry of your heart. Prayer has moved mountains, brought about reforms, and brought people back to life. It is no less powerful today than in ages past. It is the breath of the soul, and you cannot live without it. In a fractured world, the best way to survive is to reclaim the power and practice of prayer. These selected chapters from The Master Talk of Jesus Christ and Steps to Christ will help you in that endeavor. These are classic Ellen G. White statements on how to talk to God. They will lift his spirit and strengthen his walk with Jesus. This beautiful gift book (5” x 7.25”), with an elegant leatherette cover, brings together the most inspiring quotes from Ellen G. White’s writings in one inspirational book, perfect for any believer.

SPIRIT OF PROPHECY Intro US$9.99 each Regular US$12.99 each Leatherette, 96 pages 9780816390663

PROMO BLURB En un mundo fracturado, la mejor manera de sobrevivir es recuperar el poder y la prĂĄctica de la oraciĂłn. Este hermoso libro de regalo contiene declaraciones clĂĄsicas de Elena G. de White sobre cĂłmo hablar con Dios.


Ellen G. White is the author of more than 130 books, many of which have been compiled and published posthumously from her extensive manuscript file. She is the world’s most translated woman author, her works appearing in more than 150 languages. Inspired by God, she exalted Jesus and continually pointed to the Holy Scriptures as the basis for faith. 5

God’s Remnant Church Does God Still Lead His People? The idea that God may bestow His favor or special guidance to a particular group of people is markedly unpopular in recent times. The Bible clearly teaches that God’s love and His intention for the salvation of humanity is universal. “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, NKJV). But the reality of the great controversy between God and Satan means that God’s truth must contend with errors originated by the great deceiver and propagated by human agents. This book defends the concept that there is a body of truth that reflects God’s message for the end times, and there is a remnant church that “enfeebled and defective as it may be, is the only object on earth on which he bestows his supreme regard” (Ellen G. White, General Conference Daily Bulletin, February 27, 1893). NOTES

SPIRIT OF PROPHECY US$5.99 each Paperback, 78 pages 9780816369638

PROMO BLURB This book defends the concept that there is a body of truth that reflects God’s message for the end times, and there is a remnant church that He holds in supreme regard.

Ellen G. White is the author of more than 130 books, many of which have been compiled and published posthumously from her extensive manuscript file. She is the world’s most translated woman author, her works appearing in more than 150 languages. Inspired by God, she exalted Jesus and continually pointed to the Holy Scriptures as the basis for faith. 6



Living a Spirit-Filled Life Practical Lessons From Elijah Do you ever wonder what it really means to live a Spirit-filled life? Do you hear others talking about the Spirit guiding them—and feel left out? Do your prayers often seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall back to the floor? Living a Spirit-Filled Life will help you find answers to these questions and point you to a life-changing journey under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Weaving together biblical wisdom and personal accounts, author Kurt Johnson creates a practical and compelling guide to living a Spirit-filled life—what it means and how to experience the Holy Spirit’s presence daily. Through the captivating Bible narratives of Elijah and his Spirit-filled ministry, you’ll gain invaluable insights into divine guidance, spiritual growth, and the power that comes with abiding in the Spirit. Thought-provoking questions are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance your personal study.

BIBLE STUDY $18.99 each Paperback, 160 pages 9780816369942

Living a Spirit-Filled Life shows you how to let the Holy Spirit work in your life and offers you a roadmap to a more vibrant and spiritually fulfilling life. Begin your walk with the Spirit today! NOTES

PROMO BLURB Through the captivating Bible narratives of Elijah and his Spirit-filled ministry, you’ll gain invaluable insights into divine guidance, spiritual growth, and the power that comes with abiding in the Spirit. Thought-provoking questions are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance your personal study.

Kurt W. Johnson, DMin, is the International Bible School director for the Voice of Prophecy ministry and coordinates global Bible Correspondence Schools for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He also serves as assistant director in the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department. Pastor Johnson has written numerous Bible study guides and books on small-group ministry, faith sharing, and personal spiritual growth. 8

The Masterful Deception What the Bible Really Says About Israel’s Role in Prophecy Tensions flare in the Middle East, and the world is on high alert. Does the Bible have anything to say about this? It certainly does, and Satan’s goal is to distort the Bible’s clear predictions. At Christ’s first coming, two thousand years ago, God’s people were expecting a Messiah who would conquer the Romans and make Israel a great nation. They believed this because they had misinterpreted the Old Testament prophecies. When Jesus arrived, He was hardly the King they were expecting, and the majority rejected Him. Today, Satan is scheming to deceive believers about Christ’s second coming. He is leading many Christians to misinterpret Old and New Testament prophecies about the nation of Israel, drawing their attention to the temple in Jerusalem rather than the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. In The Masterful Deception, you will learn how God is building a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of believers, not an earthly kingdom under the banners of nations. Understanding this truth is crucial for every believer. “Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures . . . will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive” (Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 625). NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$15.99 each Paperback, 128 pages 9780816370221

PROMO BLURB Satan is leading many Christians to misinterpret Bible prophecies about the nation of Israel, drawing their attention to Jerusalem rather than to the ministry of Christ. Understanding the truth is crucial for every believer in the end times.

Dennis Smith is a devoted student of Bible prophecy and has ministered to thousands of people through his books and sermons. He is a pastor and the author of the 40 Days devotional series. 9

Three Angels, One Gospel The Revelation of Jesus Christ, written by the apostle John, has fascinated readers for nearly two thousand years. Beasts and horses, seals and trumpets, thunder and hail—all part of the apocalypse! No wonder people are intrigued yet baffled by these scenes. And at the very heart of the book, three angels are seen flying through the heavens and shouting. What are they shouting about? The messages of these angels communicate the central theme of the whole book— the revelation of Jesus within the framework of the everlasting gospel. With remarkable clarity, Ángel Rodríquez masterfully unveils the message of a loving Savior that permeates the warnings of judgment, the fall of Babylon the Great, and the extermination of the enigmatic beast. Christ, the slain Lamb, is the focal point. If you think you know what the three angels’ messages are all about, think again. You are sure to enjoy the instructive and uplifting tone in this fascinating Bible study.



US$18.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9780816369386

PROMO BLURB With remarkable clarity, Ángel Rodríquez masterfully unveils the message of a loving Savior that permeates the warnings of judgment, the fall of Babylon the Great, and the extermination of the enigmatic beast. Christ, the slain Lamb, is the focal point.

Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, Th.D., is associate director of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventhday Adventists. Born in Puerto Rico, he has served as president of Antillian College and academic vice president of Southwestern Adventist University. He is a member of the American Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. 10

Revisiting the Sanctuary and Its Significance within Adventism “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15). In the 1830s, Advent fever led many Christians to believe that Jesus would come on October 22, 1844. When He failed to return, they were forced to reevaluate their understanding of Daniel 8:14, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Upon closer examination, they discovered that Daniel’s prophecy was not about Christ’s return to earth; it concerned His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. This new understanding became the centerpiece of Seventh-day Adventist theology. Critics have long claimed that this insight was simply a clever, face-saving move by disappointed Adventists. And it may have seemed so, were it not for its biblical support. In Revisiting the Sanctuary, Dr. Roy Adams responds to objections to the Adventist understanding of the sanctuary raised by the late Dr. Raymond F. Cottrell (1911–2003). He grapples with the fundamental question facing every Adventist: Is the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, initiated in 1844, a biblical teaching or a baseless fabrication? In answering this question, Adams carefully counters Cottrell’s criticisms and goes on to highlight the prophecy’s grand themes of justice, mercy, and the assurance of salvation. This study is sure to boost your faith and draw you closer to Jesus.

BIBLE STUDY US$22.99 Paperback, 208 pages 9780816369652



Dr. Roy Adams responds to objections to the Adventist understanding of the sanctuary raised by the late Dr. Raymond F. Cottrell and examines the relevance of the sanctuary teaching today.

Roy Adams has traveled around the world, serving in ministry as a colporteur, pastor, and professor, fueled by his passion for making theology accessible to people. Roy has authored several books and, before retiring, was the associate editor of the Adventist Review. Roy and Celia, his wife of more than 40 years, currently live in Maryland. 11

Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology Written by 27 scholars under the guidance of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, this volume explains the foundation of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, including a biblical understanding of revelation and inspiration, biblical interpretation, and an expanded treatment of the fundamental doctrines. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$39.99 Paperback, 1,056 pages Review & Herald 9780816329124

PROMO BLURB This volume, written by Bible scholars, explains the foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.

General Editor: George W. Reid; Editor: Raoul Dederen; Editorial Assistant: Nancy J. Vyhmeister; Associate Editors: Frank B. Holbrook, Herbert Kiesler, Ekkehardt MĂŒller, Gerhard Pfandl, William H. Shea, Ángel Manuel RodrĂ­guez 12

Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel (Vol. 3) Written by leading Adventist scholars from around the world, the Seventhday Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) provides lay members, pastors, and scholars with unique biblical commentaries featuring the following qualities: ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

the foundational authority of Scripture that assumes the divine inspiration of Scripture and its unity the latest grammatical, historical-cultural, literary, theological, and archaeological information solid and fresh exegetical and theological material supporting specific truths that are accepted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church serious consideration of Ellen G. White’s interpretation of the biblical text practical lessons for life that are suitable for personal growth, witnessing, and evangelism

About Volume 3 Volume 3 of the SDAIBC covers the first steps of the life of the people of Israel, from the miraculous conquest of the promised land up to the turbulent time of the Judges, with stories about the Moabite Ruth, the ancestor of David; and the ministry of Samuel, the priest, judge, and prophet who prepared the way for David’s kingdom. Joshua — “The book of Joshua speaks about the covenant faithfulness of God, who keeps His promises and leads the Israelites into the promised land under the guidance of Joshua. It also addresses the challenges of establishing a society that pledges itself to live according to divinely inspired principles.”— Barna Magyarosi Judges — “Judges presents a turbulent period in Israel’s history marked by cycles of rebellion, oppression, and deliverance. Heroic acts of charismatic judges are interwoven with tragedies of moral deterioration, apostasy, and violence. The book emphasizes a complex portrait of human nature and the consequences of turning away from divine guidance.”—Mathilde Frey

BIBLE STUDY US$59.99 Hardback, 1,174 pages 9780816368433

PROMO BLURB Volume 3 of the SDAIBC covers the first steps of the life of the people of Israel, from the miraculous conquest of the promised land up to the turbulent time of the Judges, with stories about the Moabite Ruth, the ancestor of David; and the ministry of Samuel, the priest, judge, and prophet who prepared the way for David’s kingdom.

Ruth — “Faced with what is, from a human point of view, a hopeless situation, two women embark on a journey into the unknown. They are courageous and proactive. Their journey ultimately ends well, and both lay the foundation for a dynasty that will bring forth the Messiah.”—Daniela M. Gelbrich 1–2 Samuel — “The books of 1–2 Samuel provide spiritual insight into the historical developments in Israel from the birth of Samuel through the advent of the monarchy with Saul, culminating with the establishment of the kingdom of David. Simply as literature, these books are a high point in the culture of the ancient world. Yet, they are far more. Through exquisitely crafted plots, subtle characterization, and constant comparisons and contrasts, these memorable narratives instruct in the ways of the Lord.”—Laurence A. Turner Barna Magyarosi, Mathilde Frey, Daniela M. Gelbrich, Laurence A. Turner 13

7 Mysteries Solved 7 Issues That Touch the Heart of Mankind We’ve all asked ourselves questions like these: Does God exist? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? Is there any meaning or purpose in life? These questions are answerable through author Howard Peth did not always feel that way. Today many voices claim to have the answers to satisfy mankind’s spiritual quest for meaning. Yet even within Christianity itself, people have questioned long-standing precepts and teachings. What do the scriptures actually say about tenets such as hell-fire resurrection and the nature of man? Will the Second Coming of Christ be literally realized? And more important—how do these matters relate to the reality of faith in this fast-paced age?

BIBLE STUDY US$39.99 Paperback, 840 pages 9781878046505 Hart

PROMO BLURB What do the scriptures actually say about hellfire, resurrection, and the nature of man? Will the Second Coming of Christ be literally realized? And more important, how do these matters relate to a reality of faith in this fastpaced age?

Author and researcher Howard Peth turns to an ancient book—the Bible— for the answers and takes a closer look. For anyone who has pondered the mysteries of life and what the scriptures say on these key issues, Peth’s wellresearched book is surely worth the read. 7 Mysteries Solved does seven of the most puzzling mysteries ever to confront mankind. ‱ What happens at death? ‱ The resurrection ‱ Is there a literal hell? ‱ Is man a created being? ‱ 666: history’s strange mark ‱ A monument in time ‱ The second coming of Christ Detail-packed and complete with surprises this volume is written in the vein of a detective unraveling a series of mysteries. You’ll find it hard to put down. NOTES

Howard Peth was born in 1930 in Chicago, Illinois, where he grew upexcept for two carefree years spent in Fort Worth, Texas. He’s lived his adult life in Southern California. With degrees from both UCLA and USC, he spent forty-two enjoyable years in the stimulating arena of the classroom, thirty-one of them at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California, serving also as department chairman. After retiring to the San Diego area, Mr. Peth now spends much of his time writing and presenting screen-illustrated lectures. He and Diane, his wife of forty-seven years, have three grown children and six grandchildren. 14

Understanding Daniel and Revelation Paperback The twenty-first century could be dubbed “The Era of Uncertainty.” Few periods in earth’s history are as uncertain as the present one. In contrast, the prophetic revelations of Daniel and Revelation are filled with hope for honesthearted people seeking to understand these troubling times. These books are more than historical dates and facts—much more. From beginning to end, they show the hand of God in human affairs and portray Jesus Christ as the answer to the problems and challenges each one of us face. The more we learn about the prophecies of Scripture, the better we will understand our place in earth’s history and our role in these last days. Understanding Daniel and Revelation is a comprehensive introduction to these two prophetic books, drawn from four decades of Mark Finley’s study of God’s Word. As you read these pages, you will be drawn nearer to Jesus Christ—the Author and Center of all prophecy. The world is facing some extremely serious issues: ‱ The scourge of hate and prejudice ‱ Instability in the Middle East ‱ Rising nuclear threats in Iran and North Korea ‱ The tensions between the United States, Russia, and China ‱ An unstable world economy ‱ Global warming ‱ Rapidly spreading worldwide pandemics ‱ International food shortages Millions nervously ask, “What does the future hold?” The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation hold answers for honest-hearted people seeking to understand the uncertainties of our time. Although the world may seem out of control, prophecy reveals a God who is still in control. And Mark Finley’s Understanding Daniel and Revelation contains the secrets to unlock these ancient predictions.

BIBLE STUDY US$8.99 Paperback, 416 pages 9780816369508

PROMO BLURB The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation hold answers for honest-hearted people seeking to understand the uncertainties of our time. Although the world may seem out of control, prophecy reveals a God who is still in control.

But prophecies of Daniel and Revelation are not merely about mystic symbols, strange beasts, and cryptic images. Every chapter focuses on the living Christ and His ability to change lives. The Holy Spirit will enable you to see the truth from a new perspective and in a fresh way. You will understand the deep spiritual principles behind every prophecy and discover your place in the conflict of the ages. Your faith will be strengthened. And your relationship with God will be deepened.

Mark Finley is a well-known evangelist and speaker. He has served as assistant to the president of the General Conference and was speaker/director of It Is Written. He has written nearly 100 books and teaches seminars, field schools, and evangelism classes. 15

Affirming Our Identity Current Theological Issues Challenging the Seventh-day Adventist Church In recent years, the Adventist community has experienced a gradual and sometimes worrying weakening of its doctrinal strength. Its identity has been diluted by the impact of societal changes and cultural shifts. As a result, the contemporary Adventist dialogue finds itself at a crossroads, constantly struggling with the negative effects of moral relativism, postmodern skepticism, and secular ideologies. Thus, in an age where subjective experience often trumps objective truth, the Seventh-day Adventist Church faces theological challenges that are both complex and subtle.

BIBLE STUDY US$19.99 Paperback, 306 pages 9788419752710 Safeliz


These challenges are not only merely external threats but also internal tensions—struggles over the interpretation of Scripture, the application of prophetic insights, and the embodiment of the Adventist lifestyle in a rapidly changing world. Amidst this crossroads, therefore, the imperative for a solid, Scripture-based identity emerges with renewed urgency. The Adventist identity must continuously recalibrate itself to the unchanging standard of biblical truth and the exemplar of Christ to maintain its health and vibrant character. This recalibration is an active, critical engagement with the world through the lens of a theologically informed worldview. Affirming Our Identity represents the first installment of a two-volume scholarly and spiritual undertaking that aims to reassert the theological identity of the Adventist faith, while also presenting Seventh-day Adventists with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of their beliefs. NOTES

Affirming Our Identity represents the first installment of a two-volume scholarly and spiritual undertaking that aims to reassert the theological identity of the Adventist faith, while also presenting Seventh-day Adventists with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of their beliefs.

Dan-Adrian Petre, Joel Iparraguirre, and J. Vladimir Polanco, eds. 16

Calvary to Pentecost The weekends that changed the world Calvary to Pentecost covers the two weekends that brought profound change to the world—Calvary and Pentecost. The first was marked by Jesus’ death and resurrection, the next by the Holy Spirit’s presence and anointing. The climax and transitions represented by the events of these weekends—and the 50 days between—transformed the biblical narrative, reframed God’s involvement with us, gave birth to the church and released fresh opportunities for us to experience Him. Calvary to Pentecost explores the intrigue, tragedy and excitement of this time, the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, and the meaning of Pentecost, when the apostle Peter explained where Jesus had gone and what He was doing. The 50 two-page devotional readings in Calvary to Pentecost will inspire you in your relationship with God and empower you for ministry. Calvary prepared the way for Pentecost—and for us. You might use these 50 readings as: ‱ Easter devotional readings—personal devotional reflections, perhaps starting at Easter time and reading one each day onwards ‱ Devotional reading each week for close to a year—giving time to pray, assimilate and share your discoveries with others ‱ inspiring material for small group discussion—either reading the reflections together, or agreeing to read beforehand, then meeting in a cafĂ© or home to reflect on your responses ‱ Empowering team-meeting devotions for church and mission movement leaders—the readings tell the story of Jesus’ mission and His call to us to mission ‱ Vision-building gospel readings for church-planting teams preparing launch new missional communities, households of faith or congregations. With Pentecost being the birthday of the Christian church, some churches may work through the 50 reflections from Easter and plan to give birth on Pentecost weekend. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$14.99 Paperback, 112 pages 9781922914125 Signs

PROMO BLURB Calvary to Pentecost explores the intrigue, tragedy and excitement of this time, the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, and the meaning of Pentecost, when the apostle Peter explained where Jesus had gone and what He was doing. The 50 two-page devotional readings in Calvary to Pentecost will inspire you in your relationship with God and empower you for ministry.

Peter Roennfeldt (DMin) has spent his life sharing the gospel, planting churches, and serving as a pastor to pastors. Having lived in four countries and equipped church-planting teams in almost 60, Peter now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife Judy, but continues to equip and coach church planters, pastors, and movement leaders around the world. 17

Pointed and Personal A fresh and incisive examination of the cutting-edge teaching of Jesus in the parables. Ray Markham, author of What Kind of Power Is This? (on the miracles of Jesus) and Greater Expectations (on the Sermon on the Mount), provides the background to each of the parables. He also explains how pointed and personal the messages of the parables were for the first-century readers of the gospels. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions for group discussion and a series of points for personal prayer, reflection and practical application. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$16.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9781907244384 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Ray Markham provides the background to each of the parables. He also explains how pointed and personal the messages of the parables were for the first-century readers of the gospels.

Ray Markham is a husband, father, grandfather, teacher and keen sportsman. After many years in church leadership, Ray Markham’s preaching and teaching ministry is now being appreciated by an increasing number of churches. He is also an active member of Gideon’s International, and a professional, international cricket scorer. 18

Thinking Faith Why, When and How Jesus Christ Will Return Thinking is an important ingredient of our faith, while faith must also broaden and deepen our thinking and its possibilities—and both should change our lives and our world. Thinking Faith is a product of years of writing—the chapters were originally published as articles responding to issues and questions in our church and our world over the past few years. But more than just being a product of years of writing, it is also a product of years of thought. Indeed, Thinking Faith collects some of Nathan Brown’s best thoughts—and questions—about the faith we share, most of which have not previously been published in the South Pacific. The Adventist Church has processes for evangelism: various health and cooking programs, camps, Bible study series, TV programs, public evangelism series. Like many others, my home church is active in these areas. For a long time, being part of this process is what it has meant to me to live out my faith. And it is certainly a way to do that. But Thinking Faith reminded me that faithfulness is not only about what I am a part of doing, but also about what I reflect on, what I care about and how I live out what I believe in my interactions with the people and issues around me. Each of the 25 chapters challenges us to think well—not only about faith issues like Jesus’ death and resurrection, the three angels’ messages and hope, but also about our church and its history, and about how our Adventist beliefs intersect with concerns such as climate change, racism, equality, charity and justice. Reading Thinking Faith stirred me up. There were moments of joyful resonance and clarity. But it also gave me a sort of itchy restlessness—in what I’m sure were good ways—to be better intellectually and spiritually. Not for myself, but because I could clearly see that if I was more thinking about my faith, I would be more relevant to the people around me and would be learning more attractive and purposeful ways to show others what God’s love is, does and can do. —Lauren Webb, assistant book editor, Signs Publishing

BIBLE STUDY US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9781922914200 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB Thinking Faith collects some of Nathan Brown’s best thoughts—and questions—about the implications of our faith. Each short chapter responds to urgent issues of our time and in our church, examining these through the lens of what we know and believe about God, and calling for imagination, courage, creativity and empathy in response.

Nathan Brown is an author and editor. Brown is a book editor for Signs Publishing Company, based near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 19

What Kind of Power is This? Jesus the miracle worker The miracles of Jesus demonstrate the Kingdom of God in action. They give us a sneak peek into what the Kingdom of God will be like when it is revealed in all its fullness. Ray Markham looks at the miracles of Jesus under four heads—power over nature, power over illness, power over evil, power over death—and provides us with fresh insights until our faith is leaping out to grasp the Saviour. The book includes group discussion questions and personal application points. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$17.99 Paperback, 376 pages 9781907244445 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Through the stories about Jesus’ miracles, Ray Markham helps us gain insight into the transforming power of Christ.

Ray Markham is a husband, father, grandfather, teacher and keen sportsman. After many years in church leadership, Ray Markham’s preaching and teaching ministry is now being appreciated by an increasing number of churches. He is also an active member of Gideon’s International, and a professional, international cricket scorer. 20

Sacred Hours 50 Sabbath Reflections for Your Devotional Time Are you looking to enrich your devotional time and experience with God each Sabbath? Then delve into these reflective pages, which take you on a journey of discovery detailing the varied aspects of the Sabbath and the multiple blessings it brings to our lives. Are you looking to share the blessings of the Sabbath with someone searching for God? If so, then this book is rich with Sabbath experiences that will ignite curiosity and interest for those yet to embrace God, helping them to commence their journey to experience Sabbaths as our Heavenly Father intended. Sacred Hours: 52 Sabbath Reflections for Your Devotional Time invites you to pause from the harried existence of daily life, to retreat from the distractions, demands and stressors of the week, and to take the ‘upward look’ as you rest in these hallowed hours of the Sabbath—God’s gift for our lives. NOTES

SABBATH SPIRIT OF PROPHECY US$15.99 Paperback, 112 pages 9781786651600 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Sacred Hours: 52 Sabbath Reflections for Your Devotional Time invites you to pause from the harried existence of daily life, to retreat from the distractions, demands and stressors of the week, and to take the ‘upward look’ as you rest in these hallowed hours of the Sabbath—God’s gift for our lives.

Sharon Platt-McDonald worked as a nurse and other roles within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom for 26 years, before her call to serve as a leader within the British Union Conference. She has authored many books and resources for the church, and recently talked about her passions, ministry and recent publications. 21

Sabbath Gift Discover the gift of rest for a healthier and happier life SABBATH from Hebrew Shabbat (meaning, to cease or to rest) ‱ a time of rest. ‱ the seventh day of the week, often from Friday evening to Saturday evening, observed as a day of rest and worship by Jews and some Christians. Taking a Sabbath each week is an opportunity to focus on what’s important in life—for your life. It’s true that Sabbath is an ancient concept, but taking a day each week for what’s important is a growing trend and it has proven positive for individuals, couples, families and seniors. In a sense, it’s an ancient solution for the modern problem of a too-busy life. This Sabbath Gift book has insights from doctors, psychologists and a rabbi, and author Bruce Manners explores the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual advantages of taking one day a week—a Sabbath—to rest.

SPIRITSABBATH OF PROPHECY US$6.99 Paperback, 104 pages 9781922914491 Signs

Sabbath can help bring back a rhythm to life that not only enhances life, but also helps give it more purpose and meaning. NOTES

PROMO BLURB Sabbath Gift has insights from doctors, psychologists and a rabbi, and author Bruce Manners explores the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual advantages of taking one day a week—a Sabbath—to rest.

Bruce Manners a pastor and prolific writer, began serving as editor of the South Pacific Division’s Adventist Record magazine in 1990, a post he held until he returned to pastoral ministry in 2004. Now retired, he continues to write and serve in his local church in Lilydale, Victoria. 22

Day By Day Organ and Piano Audio CD Do you have fond memories of camp meeting? Camp meeting anywhere anytime is always a joyful spiritual occasion and camp meeting at 3ABN is no exception. Whether it is joyful enthusiastic or solemn music is as much a part of worship as prayer. It was during one of these special camp meetings that Dona Klein and Kelly Mowrer shared their musical talents together on the organ and piano. The theme for this CD is ‘May your relationship with Jesus Christ continue to grow as you walk with Him day by day.’ Song List 1. Peace in the Valley 2. I Will Serve Thee 3. Day by Day 4. In the Garden 5. If I Can Help Somebody 6. Power in the Blood 7. Savior Thine Alone 8. It Is No Secret 9. Christ in My Heart 10. His Name is Wonderful 11. Only a Boy Named David Visit ChapelMusic.com to listen to sample tracks from this album.


PROMO BLURB Dona Klein, organ, and her dear friend Kelly Mowrer, piano, light up their keyboards during camp meeting.


Dona Klein and Kelly Mowrer 23

G. I. Butler An Honest but Misunderstood Church Leader While George Ide Butler is not a household name among Adventists today, that was not true for those who lived in the second half of the 1800s. Twice president of the General Conference, Butler is probably better known for aggressively resisting A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner at the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference Session. In G. I. Butler, Denis Fortin puts readers into Butler’s shoes, revealing his heart, understanding his arguments, and viewing the young church through his lens. Yet, Fortin presents much more than a volume about Butler himself. The work provides a dynamic stream of Adventist history from Butler’s perspective as the denomination faced new stresses and strains—including complex family relationships and opposing power centers—as it sought to define itself and how it would operate.

HISTORY US$39.99 Hardcover, 608 pages 9780816369461

It is a messy yet encouraging picture of Adventist leaders living in the real world as they sought to move the church into the future. That less-than-ideal historical picture helps us understand that even exceptional church leaders can be complex and fallible. Step into Butler’s shoes for a fascinating walk through early Adventist history. NOTES

PROMO BLURB Two-time General Conference President George Ide Butler may be a controversial figure, but his life and ministry were rich and complex. Step into his shoes for a fascinating walk through early Adventist history.

Denis Fortin is professor of theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, where he served as dean (2006-2013). Born in Quebec City, Canada, Fortin served as a pastor in Quebec prior to moving to Andrews University. He is co-editor of the Ellen G. White Encyclopedia, and is married to Kristine Knutson. 24

A Voice to Rouse the Nations Ellen White and the Growth of Adventist Mission Work Seventh-day Adventists were not always committed to worldwide mission. Early Adventists were steeped in American particularism and national pride, preventing them from expanding their spiritual world view. As the pioneers adjusted their belief, they faced doubts about whether such a small movement truly could “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15, NKJV). During its first four decades, the Seventh-day Adventist Church transitioned from a small North American sect to a worldwide movement. Still, more than a century after Ellen White’s death in 1915, the “work is not yet done.” Are we doing our duty today? Everyone—from the senior living next door to the teenager growing up in a remote village across the globe—deserves to know about the Savior who died for us, was raised to life for us, and ministers in heaven for us, redeeming us from the wages of sin through His righteousness and leading us to healthful living and Sabbath rest. A Voice to Rouse the Nations is an illustrated history of Seventh-day Adventist mission work through 1915. Author David Trim explores the evolution of the pioneers’ beliefs and attitudes, introduces early overseas missionaries and their goals, and examines Ellen White’s role in the development and reform of the church’s global mission work. The adventure of the Great Commission beckons—will you answer the call? NOTES

HISTORY US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369287

PROMO BLURB A Voice to Rouse the Nations is an illustrated history of Seventh-day Adventist mission work through 1915. Yet the work is unfinished. The adventure of the Great Commission beckons— will you answer the call?

David J. B. Trim earned a BA in history from Newbold College and a PhD in history from King’s College in London. Trim was on the faculty of Newbold College for a decade and held the Walter C. Utt Chair in History at Pacific Union College. A prolific author, Trim has edited or coedited ten books, and his other publications include more than 150 articles and chapters in scholarly journals, popular magazines, and books. He has served as director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research since 2010. 25

Waco, A Living History How Adventist Faith Responds to Race and Racism “Waco was a tragedy, not just for its own time.” Do the consequences of the events that took place at Waco, Texas, in 1993 still reverberate with us all these decades later? The authors of this book believe they do. Journey with them through a forensic examination of the Branch Davidian movement from its inception to the dreadful events that culminated in April 1993, including an analysis of the possible reasons that motivated David Koresh, the self-styled messiah, and viewpoints from both the loyal and disaffected members of the cult. Why did it all happen? With the benefit of 30 years’ hindsight, the authors attempt to answer that burning question.



US$19.99 Paperback, 140 pages 9781786651884 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Do the consequences of the events that took place at Waco, Texas, in 1993 still reverberate with us all these decades later? The authors of this book believe they do.

Tímea Szabó and Dr. János Szabó live in Budapest and have been married for 29 years. They are open to the world, and love exploring new knowledge and cultures. Tímea is a theologian and special needs educational assistant; János has degrees in three disciplines—theology, psychology and history—and he gained a PhD in American Religious History. They love travelling, discovering the world, and playing sports. They are the happy parents of two adult sons. 26

40 Days Prayers and Devotions on the Assurance of Salvation Do you “hope” you will be saved when Jesus returns to take His people home? There are many committed church members who love the Lord and who have given many faithful years of service to Him. Yet, in spite of this wonderful testimony of their life, deep in the hearts they still only “hope” to be saved. God wants us to be assured of our salvation. This firm foundation will be essential for those living in the last, difficult days of Earth’s history. Satan knows that people without a firm foundation of trust in the fullness of Christ’s sacrifice will be easier to discourage and deceive. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13). Discover whether you are born-again, hear important truths to remember, see evidence of a saving faith, explore why Christians suffer, and more in this 40day study designed to bring you peace in Jesus. This is the fourteenth book in the 40 Days devotional series. As with the first thirteen books, this devotional is designed to prepare God’s church for Christ’s second coming as well as to help His people reach out to others in preparation for that glorious event. This preparation begins with church members who are willing to commit to 40 days of prayer and devotional study to develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

SMALL GROUPS US$15.99 Paperback, 114 pages 9780816369591

PROMO BLURB Deep in the heart of many believers, they still only “hope” they will be saved when Jesus returns. In this 40-day study, find the assurance of salvation God wants for His people.


Dennis Smith has been studying biblical teachings and living by those principles for almost two decades. He is a pastor and the author of several other books. 27

Greater Expectations The challenge of the Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount is Christ’s call for action. It is the Manifesto of His Kingdom – the distilled version of His entire teaching. Ray Markham presents these vital chapters of Matthew’s gospel as the greatest challenges ever presented to Christians. Jesus still turns the world’s received wisdom upside down. His aims and values continue to be revolutionary and urge Christians on to meet Christ’s Greater Expectations. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions for group discussion and a series of points for personal prayer, reflection and practical application. NOTES

SMALL GROUPS US$16.99 Paperback, 184 pages 9781907244391 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Join Mark Finley as he candidly confronts the issues of our time and your role in the crisis ahead. You can face the future with confidence knowing that God’s love triumphs and the faithful are saved.

Ray Markham is a husband, father, grandfather, teacher and keen sportsman. After many years in church leadership, Ray Markham’s preaching and teaching ministry is now being appreciated by an increasing number of churches. He is also an active member of Gideon’s International, and a professional, international cricket scorer. 28

Hawaii Aloha Audio CD The authentic sounds of the music of the Islands—the steel, the Hawaiian , the bass guitar and the Ukulele—along with the smooth melodic playing of Dona Klein at the organ and piano blend together in this remastered album of favorite gospel songs . This CD has been prepared especially for Dona’s many friends who have requested a recording of Hawaiian music Featuring : ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

Hawaiian Melody Abiding Love There is Someone / Gentle Shepherd Hawaii Aloha Kanaka Wai Wai and more !


SMALL GROUPS US$15.98 Audio CD 643330049297

PROMO BLURB The authentic sounds of the music of the Islands—the steel, the Hawaiian , the bass guitar and the Ukulele—along with the smooth melodic playing of Dona Klein at the organ and piano.

Dona Klein plays the organ during the opening meeting of the 2010 General Conference Session. Photo by Robert East, ANN. Dona, pianist and organist, has played for the Voice of Prophecy, Faith for Today, It is Written, Quiet Hour, Kenneth Cox Ministries, and 3ABN television. As a recording artist who has released nearly thirty albums and CDs, she is best known for her gentle and sensitive arrangements of traditional hymns, gospel music and songs, and contemporary numbers. 29

Why Pray? Does prayer seem like an enigma—a great unknown, unfathomable, and at times, unattainable mystical experience often held up as the key that unlocks spiritual success? That’s how it felt to author Mike Tucker, and he wanted answers. “What am I to do with prayer? Why do I pray? Why should I pray?” In Why Pray? Tucker studies some of the prayers that appear in Scripture and explores what they teach us about prayer and worship—and the character of God. He examines biblical accounts of worship services, since prayer and worship are inextricably linked. And he highlights miraculous answers, great disappointments, and unexpected benefits of prayer.


Discover prayer as a lens that brings the heart of the Father into focus. And as we begin to understand God’s great heart, something miraculous begins to happen. Slowly, often almost imperceptibly, our hearts begin to resemble God’s own great heart. NOTES

US$16.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9780816369836

PROMO BLURB If a healthy prayer life seems like an enigma, join Pastor Mike Tucker as he breaks down prayers in Scripture to reveal what they say about worship and the character of God.

Mike Tucker served as the Speaker/Director for Faith For Today from 2004 – 2020. He continues to serve as a seminar presenter with “Mad About Marriage”, “The Choice”, “Good Grief: Tears To Joy”, and as the host of the award-winning show, Lifestyle Magazine. Mike holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has served as a “Pastor’s Pastor” for ministers in his denomination. 30

Here I Am to Worship Audio CD Jamie Jorge celebrates 35 years of music ministry with “Here I Am to Worship.” In this album, Jamie departs from his classical style of hymns and expands his repertoire and musical style. Jamie worked with an all-star cast—including John Stoddard, Legacy Five, Michael Ripoll (Nomad), Take 6, The Aeolians, Oleta Adams, Timothy Noble and more—to produce this album. This collection of more contemporary songs will bless and encourage you. Songs include: 1. Agnus Dei 2. Here I Am to Worship 3. In Christ Alone 4. Above All 5. Hiding Place 6. I Can Only Imagine 7. God of Wonders 8. Shout to the Lord 9. Mighty to Save 10. How Great is Our God 11. Total Praise 12. Above All – Bonus Track NOTES

PRAYER US$14.98 Audio CD 643330049136

PROMO BLURB Jamie departs from his classical style of hymns and expands his repertoire and musical style. Jamie worked with an all-star cast—including John Stoddard, Legacy Five, Michael Ripoll (Nomad), Take 6, The Aeolians, Oleta Adams, Timothy Noble and more—to produce this album.

Jaime Jorge immigrated to the United States at the age of ten and studied with the eminent violinist Cyrus Forough. In 1994, Jaime was accepted into the medical program by the University of Illinois School of Medicine, taking steps toward pursuing his dream of becoming a missionary doctor. In 1996, he left medical school to devote himself to full-time music ministry. Jaime has traveled more than six million air miles, playing in more than forty countries and six continents, including North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. He has recorded and released seventeen albums and has given more than three thousand concerts. 31

Bible Bookshelf The War Between Good and Evil (2Q24) Writing from the Isle of Patmos, the apostle John described a cosmic conflict between good and evil. This war, known to us as the great controversy, began in heaven and transitioned to Earth when Adam and Eve lost Eden to the Deceiver. Humanity was then plunged into an epic battle for survival.

CHURCH LIFE US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 2Q24: 9780816370023 3Q24: 9780816369980

Today, the war continues. In The Great Controversy, Mark Finley tells the story of Christians who maintained their faith in the face of persecution. In Mark Finley is a former spite of sacrifice, suffering, and even martyrdom, Christianity flourished, proving that God’s providence speaker-director of It Is Written. He has authored is greater than the enemy of souls. more than 70 books and But the story is not so much about those who have has traveled the world as an international evangelist. been faithful to Christ, it is about the Lamb, who has been faithful to His children, the purchase of His blood. Jesus defeated Satan at Calvary and sealed His victory in the great controversy. Thankfully, the war is nearly over. Jesus is coming soon! “The night is far spent, and the day is at hand” (Romans 13:12, ASV).

The Book of Mark (3Q24) The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.—Mark 1:1. Mark, the shortest—and perhaps the first—of the four Gospels, presents vignettes of Jesus in bold, on-the-go strokes. Mark’s was not a meek-and-mild Jesus. Instead, He is striking, forthright, and powerful. He attacks Satan’s realm, casts out demons, and raises the dead. Join Dr. Thomas Shepherd, author of the forthcoming Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for an in-depth look at Jesus in action. Discover the power of “sandwich” stories, explore the revelation-secrecy motif, and watch as the Savior’s authority comes into conflict with the religious leaders of the day. After Mark takes readers on real-time adventures with Jesus, he leaves the ending open, but not without a purpose. The Gospel of Mark ends with an appeal to the reader to go and tell the good news: Jesus is risen from the dead! Tell it to all the nations. 32

Thomas R. Shepherd is senior research professor of New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University. He has taught New Testament for 30 years. He and his family have been missionaries in Malawi, Africa, and Brazil, South America. He and his wife, Sherry Shepherd, MD, have two grown children and six grandchildren.

Thriving 31 Stories on the Impact of Adventist Education People’s educational experiences influence their lives in many ways. It provides role models, inspiration, guidance in choosing one’s own career, and relationships that may last a lifetime. And the right type of experience can provide a foundation for a successful adult life. Seventh-day Adventist educator Aimee Leukert has witnessed the development of her own students into contributing members of society who themselves have become an inspiration to many around them. This book is a collection of stories from people who have built upon the foundation of their Adventist education and have thrived in their fields. They have achieved success by any measure; but more important, they learned early on that success isn’t about the money or reaching the top of the corporate ladder but about loving Jesus and reflecting His love to others. NOTES

CHURCH LIFE US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369447

PROMO BLURB This book is a collection of stories from people who have built upon the foundation of their Adventist education and have thrived in their fields all while loving Jesus and reflecting His love to others.

Aimee Leukert, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at La Sierra University. As an educator in the Adventist school system for more than 15 years, Dr. Leukert has taught at the elementary, academy, and university levels and has served as a principal in the Southern California Conference. Her work at the Center for Research on Adventist Education (CRAE) K-12 has allowed her to share her passion for teaching through different channels, including assisting the NAD Education Taskforce and launching Ambassadors for Adventist Christian Education (AACE), an organization designed to recruit, organize, and support volunteers for K-12 schools across the NAD. 33

Soft, Sacred Sabbath Songs Audio CD Twenty-seven piano and organ tracks, including “Sweet, Sweet Spirit,” “Because He Lives,” “Closer Than a Brother,” and many more. NOTES

CHURCH LIFE US$15.98 Audio CD 643330049280

PROMO BLURB Twenty-seven piano and organ tracks, including “Sweet, Sweet Spirit,” “Because He Lives,” “Closer Than a Brother,” and many more.

Dona Klein plays the organ during the opening meeting of the 2010 General Conference Session. Photo by Robert East, ANN. Dona, pianist and organist, has played for the Voice of Prophecy, Faith for Today, It is Written, Quiet Hour, Kenneth Cox Ministries, and 3ABN television. As a recording artist who has released nearly thirty albums and CDs, she is best known for her gentle and sensitive arrangements of traditional hymns, gospel music and songs, and contemporary numbers. 34

A Present Help in Trouble Karl and Lindsey Haffner, a father-daughter duo, developed personal paraphrases of Bible promises during a dark and painful time for their family. Inspired by painful loss, the passages offer comfort and encouragement through the power of God’s promises and the assurance of His love. The process of rewording God’s Word into everyday language proved healing during the dark days of saying good-bye. In addition to the “Haff Version” paraphrase, each chapter includes a brief story, a few Bible verses from a variety of translations, some quotes, and room for reflections, a short note to God, or a paraphrase of another Bible verse. “Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer” (Psalm 94:19, TLB). Even in the midst of life’s storms, when circumstances overwhelm us, we will not fear, because “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NKJV). This beautiful leatherette keepsake book features rounded corners, gold gilded page edges, a ribbon bookmark, and individual shrink-wrapping. Perfect for gifting. NOTES

CHRISTIAN LIVING US$9.99 (Intro); US$12.99 (Regular) Leatherette, 112 pages 9780816369577

PROMO BLURB These personal paraphrases of Bible promises, inspired by painful loss, offer comfort and encouragement through the power of God’s promises and the assurance of His love. The beautiful, leatherette keepsake book with gold edges makes an ideal gift.

Lindsey Haffner is a youth pastor a Redlands Seventhday Adventist Church in Southern California. Karl Haffner is Vice President for Student Experience at Loma Linda University. 35

Learning Life How Personal Devotions Can Make a Difference “The life application is what was changing me. I was no longer simply reading the Bible. Now, I was reading it and applying what I read to my own life and seeing how it fit into my consciousness. . . . Reading the Bible as simply head knowledge but not applying it to one’s own life is almost pointless.” Most Christians have heard again and again that personal devotions—alone time with God and the Bible—are a critical component of a healthy, growing spiritual life. Yet many don’t know how to “do” devotions. What should daily devotions look like, step-by-step? In Learning Life, Pastor Roger Walter breaks down a three-step plan for personal devotions that changed his life. Read. Pray. Tell.

CHRISTIAN LIVING US$16.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369362

This simple formula is flexible yet personal and powerful. It works for every age and ability and adapts to any schedule. Challenge yourself to begin the habit of daily personal devotions. Find out how in Learning Life. NOTES

PROMO BLURB Most Christians have heard that personal devotions are a critical component of a healthy, growing spiritual life. Yet many don’t know how to put the discipline into practice. In Learning Life, Pastor Roger Walter breaks down a threestep plan for personal devotions that changed his life.

Roger Walter is the lead pastor of the Adventist Community Church in Vancouver, Washington. He has two passions: to win the lost and to see people set deep spiritual roots. He pursues these with his wife, Gail, through a variety of ministries, including church planting, pastoring, preaching, and evangelism. Roger holds a doctorate in preaching and is the author of Evangelism Intelligence: Why Adventist Churches Grow Differently. Roger and Gail have eight children, two of whom are married, and two grandchildren. They love the outdoors and such outdoor activities as skiing, rock climbing, hiking, backpacking, gardening, walking, and running. 36

The Joys of Optimism Living in the Pleasant Tense Do you want to make this season of your life a grand adventure, bubbling over with joy and pizzazz? The benefits of positive thinking are well-documented. Undeterred by the inevitable challenges that life brings, author Kay Kuzma is determined to embark on a quest for optimism and joy—regardless of age, pain, discouragement, criticism, or the turbulence of current events—and she invites readers to join her on this transformative journey of discovery and personal growth. Uncover the power of choice and learn to live in the “pleasant tense”—a state of being that embraces peace, hope, and a steadfast belief that Jesus promised a joy-filled life. On this quest, you’ll ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

Learn tools to adjust your attitude, Practice rejoicing in the Lord, Discover your power to lift others, Relax into God’s promises, Develop a good exit strategy, and much more!

With every turn of the page, readers will find inspiration, challenge, and a path toward a more joyful and meaningful existence. Through captivating stories, practical insights, and a deep understanding of the human spirit, Kuzma offers a roadmap for transforming everyday moments into extraordinary experiences. “We can either look through the old lenses we’ve been given and find life dreary, boring, and commonplace—tinted by the influential negative people in our lives—or we can choose to look at life through peach-colored glasses and see countless possibilities that we had never dreamed of before.” NOTES

CHRISTIAN LIVING US$14.99 Paperback, 124 pages 9780816369201

PROMO BLURB Through captivating stories, practical insights, and a deep understanding of the human spirit, Kay Kuzma offers a roadmap for transforming everyday moments into extraordinary experiences.

Kay Kuzma has a doctorate in education from UCLA and is a dynamic motivational speaker, family –life and parenting educator, retired university professor, author, radio and TV personality, and popular presenter at women’s retreats. She has spent her life inspiring others to develop strength of character and meaningful relationships.


The End of Uncertainty Walking towards a future of well-being We live in frequent changes and ongoing crises that generate uncertainty, instability, stress, and anguish. Times that make us look for ways out and solutions to challenges and that, many times, foster the yearning to know the future and to know how many nights or bright days await us. The End of Uncertainty is the fruit of a significant research effort on how God has fulfilled his Word throughout the history of humanity. It has been fulfilled because its inspiration comes from the Lord himself. And that allows us to nurture our assurance that God is in control of this world and a future of wellbeing awaits us. Also available: ‱ ‱


El Fin De La Incertidumbre (Spanish) La Fin De L’Incertitude (French)


US$16.99 Paperback, 128 pages English: 9788472089679 Spanish: 9788472088184 French: 9788472089686 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB The End of Uncertainty is the fruit of a significant research effort on how God has fulfilled his Word throughout the history of humanity. It has been fulfilled because its inspiration comes from the Lord himself. And that allows us to nurture our assurance that God is in control of this world and a future of well-being awaits us.

Alejandro BullĂłn is currently an evangelist for the Voice of Hope, a radio program based in the North American Division. Until last year he served as secretary of the Ministerial Association of the South American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, and also as an evangelist for all of South America. 38

The Truth Sets You Free God desires nothing more than for you to be free—and His truth will set you free! So often we surround ourselves with lies—lies that we can be good enough; lies that He is a harsh taskmaster, or that He doesn’t care. But God wants to free us from that—and He has given ample proof of this in His Holy Scriptures. With broad brushstrokes, Line Nielsen paints a beautiful picture of the personal, intimate Father God—a God who wishes to care for us, if only we will let Him; a God who wishes to take our focus off our sin-sick selves, and place it squarely on Him, our only hope of salvation: on the One who is Love, Mercy, and Truth. NOTES

CHRISTIAN LIVING US$18.99 English: 9781786659071 Paperback, 199 pages Stanborough

PROMO BLURB With broad brushstrokes, Line Nielsen paints a beautiful picture of the personal, intimate Father God—a God who wishes to care for us, if only we will let Him; a God who wishes to take our focus off our sin-sick selves, and place it squarely on Him, our only hope of salvation: on the One who is Love, Mercy, and Truth.

Line Neilsen is the Executive Secretary at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Denmark. 39

The Stress Recovery Effect Powerful Tools to Reduce Anxiety, Stress Less, and Perform Your Best Stress. It can harm you or help you. Pull you down or propel you forward. Stress is one of the greatest mental health challenges of our day. How you handle stress may be the deciding factor of success in your personal and professional life. Did you know not all stress is bad? Research reveals an Optimal Stress Zone where you will not simply survive, but thrive! Grounded in science, The Stress Recovery Effect equips you with proven strategies to bounce back from stress’s negative effects. While many people endure stress, few take time to teach themselves how to recover. The simple yet powerful techniques in this book will equip you to overcome even the worst stress. NOTES

CHRISTIAN LIVING US$21.99 Paperback, 352 pages 9781922914583 Signs

PROMO BLURB While many people endure stress, few take time to teach themselves how to recover. The simple yet powerful techniques in this book will equip you to overcome even the worst stress.

Nick Hall and Dick Tibbits 40

Challenges of the Digital Age A Guide for Parents and Educators If you can answer yes to at least one of these questions, this book is for you. ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

Do you understand how media works in the brain? Are you concerned about how children are being bombarded with digital garbage more than ever? Are your children developing fewer and fewer genuine friends and ties to nature? Have your children’s friendships shifted from “real” people or animals to virtual ones? Would you like to learn how to handle media consumption and have practical tips to educate children in a balanced way?

This is a value-oriented media compass that offers the most important scientific findings about healthy media use from infancy to adolescence. It’s an outstanding resource for parents, educators, and leaders who are concerned with the amount of electronic media content that is invading our homes and want to receive guidance and help to handle this situation in a practical and constructive way.



US$16.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9788419752727 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB This resource offers the most important scientific findings about healthy media use from infancy to adolescence. It’s perfect for parents, educators, and leaders who are concerned with the amount of electronic media content that is invading our homes and want to receive guidance and help to handle this situation in a practical and constructive way.

This book was written from the perspective of a family. The media scientist and psychologist Dr. Bojan Godina (developer of the award-winning prevention project “Medienscout” and international lecturer on media education and heath); the counseling psychologist Katy Godina; and the educator and social media manager Melina Godina. They write this book from different perspectives: as father, mother, daughter and at the same time experts in their fields. 41

The Green Dress and Other Parables from My Life The 52 devotional readings in this book are true stories from Danijela Schubert’s eventful life. Throughout the 52 short stories she tells from her personal experience, Dr. Danijela Schubert is openly vulnerable, inviting us to share her sadness and joy, her stress and laughter, and to learn the lessons she has discovered in her life. The Green Dress asks you to question your own choices and challenges you to see value in your own experiences.

WOMEN’S INTERESTS US$16.99 Paperback, 166 pages 9781922914521 Signs

PROMO BLURB The 52 devotional readings in this book are true stories from Danijela Schubert’s eventful life. With questions for journaling or discussion with friends, the insights you gain as you read this book will deepen your emotional intelligence and strengthen your walk with God.

From the first story, Dr. Schubert is an engaging writer. The tone is friendly and playful, and her stories are relatable—you can easily compare her experiences to your own. She takes stories that we might be tempted to brush off as mundane and insignificant and demonstrates that they are powerful, that there is something to be learnt from them. The questions asked at the end of each story allow us to get the most out of the stories told and challenge us to reflect on our own experiences. These questions make the book perfect to inspire journalling or discussions with friends. The first story told is from the perspective of before she was born, and it’s immediately clear that Dr. Schubert had a difficult childhood. Her family struggled with poverty and substance abuse, but they stayed strong throughout. The Green Dr.ess reflects on the way the author perceived her mother as a child and how she sees her now, looking back as an adult, and it’s inspiring to see the way her views have changed with age. Throughout The Green Dress, Dr. Schubert makes links to her faith and the way it has guided her through difficulties with money, family and personal worldview. She finds God’s presence in every story she tells and sees the ways He quietly helps her to think positively and make the right decisions. The Green Dress leaves us reflecting on our own difficulties and mistakes, and finding God’s presence in our everyday life. It leaves us asking ourselves what we can learn from the stories we brush off and forget—and helps us see the value in sharing the stories from our own lives. —Tess Carter, work experience student, Signs Publishing BONUS: Each devotional story has a beautiful illustration, by Maryellen Hacko, designed for colouring in as you muse over what you’ve just read or reflect on the questions at the end of each chapter.

Dr. Danijela Schubert served the Adventist Church most recently as the director of Women’s Ministries for the South Pacific Division. 42

Worship While I Wait Audio CD Worship While I Wait features Gale Jones Murphy’s sacred musical compositions, arrangements, and piano performances. Ten instrumental selections and one vocal selection highlight both familiar songs and original new music. Gale “speaks musically from the heart,” and those that listen will be lifted as they are reminded of the Creator’s love. This CD includes: ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

Tell Me the Story of Jesus Jesus Love (medley) Great is Thy Faithfulness (medley) Worship While I Wait (piano solo) Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing The Handiwork of God I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Prayer for Ukraine It is Well / ‘Tis so Sweet Why Do We Sing Worship While I Wait (vocal solo)

WOMEN’S INTERESTS US$9.98 Audio CD 666459022323



Gale Jones Murphy’s sacred musical compositions, arrangements, and piano Gale “is not just a musician but a minister of music par excellence.” performances delight and uplift listeners. Ten instrumental selections and one vocal selection — Kenneth L.E. Manders, president, Bermuda Conference highlight both familiar songs and original new music. “Gale is an important member of the board of directors of the Steinway Society of Central Florida. She supports the Society with musical performances at our events whenever we need the talents of this fine pianist/performer.” — Gary Grimes, president, Steinway Society of Central Florida NOTES

Gale Jones Murphy is a composer, pianist, and music educator. She authored over 800 pieces of music and has been published across many platforms and media. Gale serves as minister of music for the Mount Sinai Seventh-day Adventist Church and as a board member and piano instructor for the Steinway Society of Central Florida. She has appeared with groups and artists such as Nashville Symphony, Wintley Phipps, and Sandi Patty. She also served as an official accompanist for world sessions of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Breath of Life TV, Hope Channel, It Is Written broadcast, NBC, and ABC have all featured Gale on their programs. Gale is a co-host with Connie Vandeman-Jeffery on the TV show “Keeping The Faith.” Gale also performs as a humorist and standup comedian. 43

Alcohol All Risk, No Benefits In a world filled with confusing, mixed messages about alcohol, this book offers a powerful and enlightening look at alcohol and its risks from a Christian perspective. The book explores the physical, mental, and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking understanding, healing, and hope. With a blend of scientific research and biblical wisdom, Alcohol uncovers the profound impact of alcohol on the body, brain, and mind. Drawing on the latest medical insights, this book sheds light on the alarming truth behind alcohol’s effects, helping readers make informed decisions about their health and well-being. This book, written by a collection of doctors and research scientists, challenges the cultural myths and misconceptions that often surround alcohol use. Through a Christian lens, it unravels the societal pressures and norms that can lead to alcohol abuse, offering readers a fresh perspective on the choices they make.

HEALTHY LIVING US$16.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369898

PROMO BLURB In a world filled with confusing, mixed messages about alcohol, this book offers a powerful and enlightening look at alcohol and its risks from a Christian perspective. The book explores the physical, mental, and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking understanding, healing, and hope.

Alcohol doesn’t stop at highlighting the dangers of drinking; it also provides valuable guidance on prevention and intervention. From addressing the unique challenges faced by youth and college students to offering insights into effective treatment and recovery, this book equips readers with practical tools to combat alcohol abuse in their lives and communities. Alcohol is a compelling call to action, reminding us that healing is possible and redemption is within reach. Whether you are personally affected by alcohol’s effects or seek to support those on their path to recovery, this book will empower you with knowledge, compassion, and faith to make a positive change.

Dr. Peter N. Landless completed specialties in family medicine, internal medicine, and cardiology. He is also an ordained minister, and has served in Health Ministries at the General Conference. He is also the executive director of the International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency. He is an adjunct professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and adjunct associate professor at the Loma Linda Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Dr. Duane McBride has become well known for his research efforts in addictions and Adventist Global Church Member surveys. In addition to chairing the Andrews University School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Dr. McBride serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Prevention of Addictions. Dr. McBride continues to work on and publish research in collaboration with individuals both at Andrews and abroad and to prepare for the 2023 Global Church Member Survey.


A Practical Guide to Plant-Based Eating Vibrant Life Magazine Special Issue Discover the remarkable power of plants and embark on a journey toward a healthier, more vibrant you in this special issue of the Vibrant Life magazine. Uncover the wonders of a plant-based diet, understand its physical and environmental benefits, and explore inspiring stories of individuals who have revitalized their health through plant-based living. You’ll discover fascinating features, such as ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

5 reasons to go meat-free The ABCs of a plant-based diet But how do you get enough protein? How to eat plant-based anywhere

Experience the power of plants as you flip through the pages of “A Practical Guide to Plant-Based Eating.” Let Vibrant Life be a trusted companion on your journey toward optimal health and ethical living.

HEALTHY LIVING US$2.99 Magazine, 48 pages 643330049167


PROMO BLURB Discover the remarkable power of plant-based eating, and embark on a journey toward a healthier, more vibrant you in this special issue of Vibrant Life magazine that makes plant-based eating practical.

Heather Quintana is hurtling down the road of life as the editor of Vibrant Life magazine and as a pastor’s wife. She met her husband, Robert, in seminary, where they earned Master of Divinity degrees. Since then the majority of their time in ministry has been focused on teens. 45

Foods That Heal Before there were drugs, there was nature You can change your life by changing your diet. You can enjoy more vibrant health just by tapping into nature’s cornucopia of vitality-enhancing foods. Let world-renowned nutrition expert Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger get you started on the pathway to better eating. The author explores the nutritional value of nuts, grains, sprouts, and vegetables and explains the benefits and dangers of various types of food. What about soft drinks? Coffee? Salt? Sugar? Wine? Meat? Dairy products? Pasta? Olive oil? Is meat addictive? Does it cause cancer? Alternatives to meat. How to avoid toxic fish. How to reduce your cholesterol. How to solve the constipation problem. A diet for diabetics. You will discover foods that help you avoid weight gain. Foods that help you breathe more freely. Foods that help you digest. Foods that battle infection. Foods that benefit the skin, muscles, urinary tract, intestine, stomach, liver, lungs, blood, arteries, heart, nerves, and eyes.

HEALTHY LIVING US$9.99 Paperback magabook, 94 pages English: 9788472084278 Spanish: 9788472084261 Safeliz

And just because food is medicine doesn’t mean it can’t be delicious. The luscious photography will make your mouth water over the delicious recipes on these pages. The earth is a garden. Let it heal you. Spanish: Alimentos que curan NOTES

PROMO BLURB You can change your life by changing your diet. You can enjoy more vibrant health just by tapping into nature’s cornucopia of vitalityenhancing foods. Let world-renowned nutrition expert Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger get you started on the pathway to better eating.

George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D., is a doctor of medicine and surgery at the University of Granada in Spain. He is a board-certified general and digestive surgeon, and a specialist in health education, UNED University, Spain. He is a member of the International Union of Food Science and Technology, Ontario, Canada, and a fellow in the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, England. After practicing his specialty for 15 years, Dr. Pamplona-Roger now focuses on medical research and health education. He has been published in many health journals, and has also written Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power; Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, and New Lifestyle: Enjoy It! 46



Insecure The 7 A’s of God’s Relational Grace Natalie Boonstra Lilly was diagnosed with Madelung’s deformity at just 10 years old. The corrective surgery for this painful, one-in-two-million congenital wrist disorder was successful, but left the very visible daughter of a wellknown public figure with emotional scars, insecurity, and self-doubt. Join Natalie as she shares how God changed her heart, showed her who she is in Him, and helped her realize her inherent value. The secret is, we all have a condition that separates us from others—it’s called sin. There is nothing we can do to change that condition. But we have a Savior who loves us and delights in us. I want to tell you my story and help you find that same confidence in Jesus. You were chosen and called by God to make the world a better place just by being in it. It’s time to shed the heavy shroud of insecurity and to allow Jesus to wrap you in His perfection and peace.



US$17.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9780816369515

PROMO BLURB Natalie Boonstra was diagnosed with Madelung’s Deformity at just ten years old. The corrective surgery for this painful, onein-two-million congenital wrist disorder was successful, but left the very visible daughter of a well-known public figure with emotional scars, insecurity, and self-doubt. Join Natalie as she shares how God changed her heart, showed her who she is in Him, and helped her realize her inherent value.

Natalie Boonstra Lilly is currently a graduate student pursuing a degree in clinical mental health counseling. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and being active in women’s ministries. From a young age, she knew she wanted to help others find confidence in who Jesus calls them to be. Natalie lives in South Carolina with her husband, Devin, and their cat, Stella. 48

Trapped in Death Cavern When people pray, great things happen! God often answers by bringing quiet confidence into our hearts and guiding our choices. But sometimes God will intervene in miraculous ways that defy our senses and expectations. This book is a collection of accounts of such events from around the world. Witness a miraculous escape by a group of naĂŻve boys who lose their way in the deep winding passages of a Kentucky cavern. Enjoy an amazing miracle meal of strawberries during World War II. Read an astonishing story about Jesus coming face-to-face with a young miner who strayed from the path of grace. Listen to stories about angels interceding miraculously to heal the sick, answer the desperate prayers of children, and preserve the fields of a faithful Sabbath-keeping farmer. Each of these stories is special because it represents the power of God to rescue His people at the point when they need Him the most. NOTES

STORIES US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369539

PROMO BLURB When people pray, great things happen! God often answers by bringing quiet confidence into our hearts and guiding our choices. But sometimes God will intervene in miraculous ways that defy our senses and expectations. This book is a collection of accounts of such events from around the world.

Bradley Booth has taught in Adventist schools in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand, and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife Maribel have three children, and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group. Dr. Booth’s mission in life is to stand up as a witness for Jesus in good times and bad. 49

Beseiged A firsthand account of the Siege of Sianfu and the Nanking Outrage For the first time, Besieged presents a firsthand account by the author’s grandparents and other missionaries of the overwhelming trials and tribulations they suffered beside the Chinese people during the far-reaching struggle for China’s political unification. When Stephen Hall discovered his grandmother’s 1928 diary from Mukden (now Shenyang), China, he felt compelled to preserve a record of the momentous historical events she and his grandfather had experienced as missionaries during the Chinese Civil War. After four years of intense research that confirmed the China stories that his grandparents had shared with him, he has written a thrilling firsthand account never before revealed to the public. NOTES

STORIES US$22.99 Paperback, 304 pages 9780816369409

PROMO BLURB Besieged presents a firsthand account by the author’s grandparents and other missionaries of the overwhelming trials and tribulations they suffered beside the Chinese people during the far-reaching struggle for China’s political unification.

Stephen Hall has designed and art-directed 32 regional and national magazines and served as art director for the Review and Herald Publishing Association. In addition to writing Besieged, he designed the book. The Society of Publication Designers, based in New York, profiled his career as a part of their fiftieth-anniversary celebrations. A seventh-generation native of Henry County, Kentucky, Stephen currently lives in Hagerstown, Maryland, with his wife, Linda. 50

Christmas Gifts True Stories to Celebrate the Season In this storybook, Helen Heavirland captures the beauty and meaning of Christmas. Although the season brings wonder to our senses, it is also true that life remains stubbornly unpredictable. Hardships and trials are ever present, even at Christmas. If you have encountered difficulties in life, then you will find hints of your own story in these pages. Each account is true and tells how ordinary people rose above their trials to experience the joy of God’s love. Some stories are new, some are old, and some are heartrending, but all are heartwarming. ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

When the 1930s depression deepens, how can enemies find Christmas healing? Lost in a blizzard, is Victor willing to sacrifice his own dream on the chance he might save Pa? With finances near zero, a baby due, belongings packed to move, and Cheerios the only food, can the young couple’s Christmas be anything but miserable? Did Grandpa and Grandma forget Christmas? How can there be a positive ending to a frigid Christmas Eve, a snowcovered road, and a broken-down Greyhound bus full of freezing passengers eager to get home?

It’s hard to imagine anything good coming from these situations, but the amazing Child of Bethlehem turns every challenge into something beautiful. And that’s why Christmas Gifts will leave you smiling and inspired.

STORIES US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816368815



In this storybook, see ordinary people rise above their trials to experience the joy of God’s love. Some stories are new, some are old, and some are heartrending, but all are heartwarming.

Helen Heavirland is an award-winning author of five books, including Surviving the Sand, and hundreds of stories, poems, articles, and devotions. She enjoys hiking, birding, gardening, and teaching online writing classes that inspire everyday people to write simple stories that intrigue readers and impact the future for good. 51

Guide’s Greatest Wild Animal Stories Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run beside a jaguar or hang out with a hippo? Most of us have imagined how cool it will be to live side by side with the biggest and wildest of God’s creatures in heaven. Until then, most of these amazing creatures are best viewed from a safe distance. This is a collection of breathtaking true stories about God’s protection over those who had life-threatening run-ins with some of His most dangerous creatures. Hold your breath as Stuart sprints from a charging rhino, jump as Pastor Paulo spins on his heels to face a jaguar stalking him in the moonlight, and cringe as Lissy and Laura ignore mom’s warnings not to tease a monstrous bull . “The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy

KIDS US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816370047

PROMO BLURB This is a collection of breathtaking true stories about God’s protection over those who had life-threatening run-ins with some of His most dangerous creatures. Hold your breath as Stuart sprints from a charging rhino, jump as Pastor Paulo spins on his heels to face a jaguar stalking him in the moonlight, and cringe as Lissy and Laura ignore mom’s warnings not to tease a monstrous bull . . .

on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord. —Isaiah 65:25, NIV Taken from nearly 70 years of Guide, a magazine for Christian youth, these stories remind us that God is watching over us and that heaven is going to be very exciting! NOTES

Lori Peckham, ed., is a professor of English and communication at Union Adventist University in Lincoln, Nebraska. This is her seventeenth “Guide’s Greatest” story collection. When she doesn’t feel brave, she loves reading about those who found their courage in Jesus. 52

God Speaks A boardbook series The God Speaks series helps parents introduce the Bible to their preschool children. Read the famous stories of Bible characters, and help your children start learning about a wonderful God who truly loves them. These beautifully illustrated board books are perfect for little ones ages 0–6.

KIDS US$9.99 each Boardbooks, 10 pages Creation #01: 9780816369737 Noah’s Ark #02: 9780816369744 Joseph #03: 9780816369751 Moses #04: 9780816369768 David #05: 9780816369775

PROMO BLURB The God Speaks series helps parents introduce the Bible to their preschool children. Read the famous stories of Bible characters, and help your children start learning about a wonderful God who truly loves them.

After years of homemaking, Cathlynn Doré Law spent years teaching in the classroom. Now retired, she continues adventuring with her husband, Mark, her two sons, daughtersin-law, and ten grandchildren. Her best days include hiking, worshipping God with friends and family, sewing, biking, writing, cross-country skiing, and baking. 53

Dios Lo Dijo (God Said It) Serie: Libros 1-16 (Español) The God Said It series of children’s Bible stories, now available in Spanish, features 16 kid-sized booklets filled with beautiful illustrations and timeless truths. Each book contains four Bible stories and four coloring pages that help little ones understand God’s Word. The coloring pages in the middle of each booklet are based on featured stories in the booklet. These pages are meant to be colored by the reader and gifted to someone they appreciate. Reader age: 5-10 NOTES

KIDS US$9.99 Paperback, 16-booklet set 643330049143

PROMO BLURB The God Said It series of children’s Bible stories, now available in Spanish, features 16 kid-sized booklets filled with beautiful illustrations and timeless truths. Each book contains four Bible stories and four coloring pages that help little ones understand God’s Word.

Bradley Booth has taught in Adventist schools in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand, and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife Maribel have three children, and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group. Dr. Booth’s mission in life is to stand up as a witness for Jesus in good times and bad. 54

The Bible Zoo God loves the animals, and He created many of them for us to enjoy. He created birds and fish, insects, and many more wonderful animals before He created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In The Bible Zoo, Ethel Maxine Neff, author of Packy, Pokey, and Sally, writes for younger children about the animals mentioned in the Bible in a style that is educational and informative. She traces the references to such animals as bears, dogs, and leopards from the time of Noah until we are in our heavenly home. NOTES

KIDS US$12.99 Paperback, 96 pages 9780816370061

PROMO BLURB This enchanting children’s book not only introduces young minds to the diverse array of creatures crafted by God, from birds to bears, but also provides a captivating exploration of their roles in biblical narratives, making learning about faith and fauna a joyous and educational experience for the little ones.

Ethel Maxine Neff 55

Sabbath Activity Book A Primary Treasure Resource Looking for something to do on Sabbath afternoons? This Primary Treasure Sabbath Activity Book contains a variety of puzzles to help you learn both Bible and nature topics. In addition to the puzzles, each page includes “A Chance for Service” idea for you and your family, giving you an opportunity to bless others. Enjoy such activities as distributing copies of the Bible to people in need, growing healthy herbs to give away as gifts to friends or neighbors, or writing letters of encouragement to older people in your church or neighborhood. Add some fun and service to your Sabbath or any other day of the week. Ideal for kids ages 7–10. NOTES

KIDS US$5.99 Paperback, 80 pages 9780816369331

PROMO BLURB This Primary Treasure Sabbath Activity Book contains a variety of puzzles to help you learn both Bible and nature topics. In addition to the puzzles, each page includes “A Chance for Service” idea for you and your family, giving you an opportunity to bless others

Artist Lars Justinen lives in British Columbia with his wife, Kim, who is also an artist. Together they manage their Nampa, Idahobased business, Justinen Creative Group. 56

Super Heroes Everybody needs a hero. In this book are the stories of the greatest heroes since the beginning of time. Stand with Moses on the mountain top as he receives the laws that would change the world. Witness David, the young shepherd boy, conquer the giant. Be inspired by the bravery of Esther as she risked her life for her people. And read about the greatest hero of all, Jesus, who risked everything for you. Let these stories from the Bible be a source of encouragement to you and your family as you read them. Give your children a real hero they can look up to today. Available in English and Spanish. NOTES

KIDS US$12.99 Paperback, 96 pages English: 9780816369331 Spanish: 9780816390595

PROMO BLURB Super Heroes introduces children to the great heroes of the Bible. Heroes who stood with courage against evil, people who changed the course of history and are still admired today.

Bradley Booth has taught in Adventist schools in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand, and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife Maribel have three children, and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group. Dr. Booth’s mission in life is to stand up as a witness for Jesus in good times and bad. 57

Tales That Teach Helping Children Understand the Principles of Christ’s Object Lessons Tales That Teach invites young readers on a captivating journey, breathing new life into timeless stories to make them accessible and engaging. In this mesmerizing book based on Ellen White’s Christ’s Object Lessons, children will walk alongside characters as they explore imaginative retellings of Jesus’ parables, all while staying true to the core messages of the Bible. Each story becomes a doorway to such important virtues as humility, compassion, and forgiveness.

KIDS US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816369553


But Tales that Teach offers more than just stories. It’s a tool kit for children’s spiritual growth, providing memory verses, interconnected parables, thoughtprovoking questions, and hands-on projects. These resources help children not only grasp the lessons but also to apply them in their daily lives. Let Tales that Teach ignite a passion for timeless principles, inspiring the next generation to embrace wisdom and embark on a personal journey of growth. NOTES

In this mesmerizing book, children will walk alongside characters as they explore imaginative retellings of Jesus’ parables, all while staying true to the core messages of the Bible. Each story becomes a doorway to important virtues like humility, compassion, and forgiveness.

For decades English teacher Kirsten Roggenkamp taught students to write. Now in retirement, she finds that she enjoys applying what she taught and is writing her own stories and skits that focus on helping children to know Jesus better. One of her favorite activities is seeing her former students and finding out how God has blessed in their lives.

Heather Blaire delights in creating Bible-based narratives and skits to help children learn about God’s love. It’s a pastime that grew into a passion during her years as an elementary teacher. Her definition of adventure includes teaching her golden retriever how to “read,” deciphering puzzles, and taking part in Christian drama productions. 58

Peace Like a Spider and Other Devotions for Teens Success. You know shortcuts don’t cut it. So what’s it take? Does the Bible have anything relevant to say about succeeding? You bet! Karl Haffner explores some of the Bible’s best tips for succeeding in your relationships, spiritual life, school, and on the job. Discover the ingredients for liking yourself, how to make sense of mom or dad, and which qualities girls and guys value most in a dating partner. Check out Jesus’ cure for worrying, Joseph’s strategy for safe sex, and Solomon’s advice for coping with stress. Learn how to dodge the traps of wishing and regretting, beat the blues and peer pressure, and have peace no matter what. Bringing you face-to-face with God’s unconditional love, these devotions can’t help helping you succeed!



US$18.99 Paperback, 365 pages 9780828029308

PROMO BLURB Does the Bible say anything about success? You bet! In this daily devotional, you’ll learn how to dodge the traps of wishing and regretting, beat the blues and peer pressure, and have peace no matter what.

Since writing Peace Like a Spider in 1994, Karl Haffner has spent his life talking about Jesus with young people—as pastor at a college church, author of numerous articles published in teen journals, and dad to Lindsey and Claire. He and his wife, CheriĂ©, live in Highland, California, where he serves as vice president for student experience at Loma Linda University, and she teaches fourth graders at Loma Linda Academy. 59

Tales of the Exodus: Mountain Majesty A Story of God’s Faithful Covenant Love for Children of All Ages Can God free the hearts of traumatized former slaves to learn to follow His law of love? Will He patiently forgive His chosen people as they complain, rebel, and worship a golden calf—or will He destroy them for their sins? In this suspenseful, gripping story, Asher and Zara behold the breathtaking glory of God on Sinai. They discover what it means to live in a loving covenant relationship with God. They learn how deeply God longs to reveal His everlasting love to the entire world through their new nation, Israel. Inspiring, relevant lessons on faithful covenant love from the biblical Exodus come alive in this gripping story of hate, heartache, healing, and hope.



US$13.99 Paperback, 186 pages 9798368370675 Self-Published

PROMO BLURB Inspiring, relevant lessons on faithful covenant love from the biblical Exodus come alive in this gripping story of hate, heartache, healing, and hope.

Nicole Parker is a biblical counselor, speaker, homeschooling mom and adjunct faculty member in the religion department of Southern Adventist University. In her spare time she enjoys reading, experimenting in the kitchen, adventuring, and laughing hard. She is the happy wife of Alan Parker, a professor in the religion department at SAU. She has a master’s degree in biblical counseling from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary and a master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Andrews University. 60

Journey to Eternity A Story of Heaven Liam thought he had an idea of what Heaven would be like, but he could never have imagined just how incredible it would actually be! Join Liam and his friends on the ultimate adventure as they experience the Second Coming, life in Heaven, the Final Judgement, and the earth made new—eating from the tree of life, visiting unfallen worlds, flying with angels, and falling even more deeply in love with Jesus. Prepare yourself for a trip that will blow you away on the most exciting journey you’ll ever undertake—a journey to eternity. Ages: Teen NOTES

KIDS US$17.99 each Paperback 9781786651655 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Join Liam and his friends on the ultimate adventure as they experience the Second Coming, life in Heaven, the Final Judgement, and the earth made new—eating from the tree of life, visiting unfallen worlds, flying with angels, and falling even more deeply in love with Jesus.

Peter Lindsay 61

My Bigger Search and Find Bible Open up this expanding book to make it BIGGER and reveal busy biblical scenes with loads of beautiful things to see and fun details to explore. The brightly illustrated pages pop out in a super-creative way. Each page folds out to nearly quadruple the size of the book! Can you search and find the things to look for in each picture?

KIDS US$15.99 Pop-up Boardbook 9781786659019 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Open up this expanding book to make it BIGGER and reveal busy biblical scenes with loads of beautiful things to see and fun details to explore. The brightly illustrated boardbook pages pop out in a super-creative way.


Jacob Vium-Olesen, Pamela Mariel-Barbieri 62

Ready, Set, Find Joseph, Prince of Egypt Love toddler-friendly boardbooks? You’re in luck! Get ready to follow Joseph on his incredible journey from family to prison, and, at last, to the king’s palace. Help him spot and find the things that he sees as he tries his best to follow God’s plan for him. So, on your marks, ready – set – find! NOTES

KIDS US$10.99 Boardbook 9781786658999 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Get ready to follow Joseph on his incredible journey from family to prison, and, at last, to the king’s palace in this toddler-friendly boardbook. Help him spot and find the things that he sees as he tries his best to follow God’s plan for him. So, on your marks, ready – set – find!

Cecilie Fodor, Sandrine L’amour 63

My Favorite Bible Texts Coloring Book Volume 3 What is your favourite Bible text? Would you like to colour it? The My Favourite Bible Texts series of colouring books is designed to encourage your children to respond to God’s Word. Based on a compilation of children’s favourite Bible verses, each of the three books in this series is beautifully and simply illustrated, just perfect for your little ones to colour. Get your crayons out, have fun, and share your favourite Bible texts! NOTES

KIDS US$4.99 Paperback 9781786659194 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB The My Favourite Bible Texts series of colouring books is designed to encourage your children to respond to God’s Word. Based on a compilation of children’s favourite Bible verses, each of the three books in this series is beautifully and simply illustrated, just perfect for your little ones to colour.

Children from the Welsh Mission 64

Bible Brain Teasers How good is your Word power? What is your Bible IQ? Bible Brain Teasers contains 57 pages of challenging Bible crosswords, wordseaches and word grid puzzles. Fun for the whole family!

KIDS US$5.99 each Paperback 9781786651822 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Bible Brain Teasers contains 57 pages of challenging Bible crosswords, wordseaches and word grid puzzles. Fun for the whole family!


Sylvia Coupland 65

Godly Women of the Bible Come closer, little one! Auntie Rachel has some stories to tell you—stories about lovely, noble women of the Bible, women who loved God, women who were once little girls just like you! Parents, if you would like your little daughters (and your sons as well) to be generous and hard-working, take the initiative, and seek God in prayer, why not inspire them with these encouraging stories of the godly women in Scripture? We are sure your whole family will be blessed as you read.



US$10.99 Hardcover 9781786658951 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Come closer, little one! Auntie Rachel has some stories to tell you—stories about lovely, noble women of the Bible, women who loved God, women who were once little girls just like you!

Rachel Cabose 66

The Great Explorer Bible A Seek-and-Find Bible Storybook The Great Explorer Bible shares classic stories from both Old and New Testaments while captivating children’s attention with colourful illustrations and amazing seek-and-find challenges. Jesus said, “Seek and you shall find,” and when children read and seek through this Bible storybook they will discover that they have already been found by God, their heavenly Father. The Great Explorer Bible will keep children of all ages engaged and entertained for hours. Available in English and Spanish.


KIDS US$19.99 Hardcover English: 9781786658975 Spanish: 9781786658883 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB The Great Explorer Bible shares classic stories from both Old and New Testaments while captivating children’s attention with colourful illustrations and amazing seek-and-find challenges.

Charlotte Thoroe, Gill Guile 67

Illustrated Daily Bible This new children’s Bible includes stories chosen to cover all the main events, retold with a continuous thread. There are 365 stories, one for every day of the year, each accompanied by Bible quotations that give readers a taste of the language and style of the original texts. The stylish illustrations illuminate and inform, while the easily accessible encyclopaedia at the end of the book helps to explain the context and background of the stories. All combine to make this useful and readable Bible for older children and their parents.



US$19.99 Hardcover 9781909545793 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB This new children’s Bible includes 365 stories, one for every day of the year, each accompanied by Bible quotations that give readers a taste of the language and style of the original texts.

Rhona Davies 68

Looking After God’s World What would it feel like to be God and make a whole wonderful world? What would it feel like if your beautiful world was ruined? Tim and Susie wonder about these big questions while they build sandcastles on the beach. Join in their adventures when disaster strikes and they learn how to look after God’s wonderful world. NOTES

KIDS US$11.99 Hardcover 9781906381950 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Join Tim and Susie as they build sandcastles on the beach. When disaster strikes, they learn how to look after God’s wonderful world.

Karen Holford 69

My Bible Counting Book Children will enjoy this book as the scene develops on each double page. The simple text and bright, colourful illustrations will make this a favourite counting book for nursery-aged children. NOTES

KIDS US$9.99 Hardcover 9781906381899 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Children will enjoy this book as the scene develops on each double page. The simple text and bright, colourful illustrations will make this a favourite counting book for nursery-aged children.

Anne Pilmoor 70

The Perfect Lamb Rufus was heartbroken. Father had taken his best friend and pet lamb, Sammy, to the temple for the family’s yearly sacrifice. But Father’s trip does not go as planned, offering new hope for Sammy, Father and Rufus— and you. The story of The Perfect Lamb is based on the Bible stories surrounding the death of Jesus. Bible verses and questions in the back help parents, teachers, and Sabbath School leaders discuss this important story with young children. Early readers and preschool children will learn about Jesus “the better Lamb” and what He has done for us. NOTES

KIDS US$11.99 Paperback, 80 pages 9781922914101 Signs

PROMO BLURB The story of The Perfect Lamb is based on the Bible stories surrounding the death of Jesus. Bible verses and questions in the back help parents, teachers, and Sabbath School leaders discuss this important story with young children.

David Edgren is a storyteller, author, and chaplain in Melbourne, Australia. He is passionate about sharing stories that build faith and values and has done so at churches, camps, and schools around Australia, New Zealand, and beyond. He is author of the “Adventures in the Bible” series and other books for children and young people. 71

What Shall I Dream About? A young boy is ready for bed and asks his mother, “What shall I dream about?” This wonderful book will help each little sleepy head drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep. NOTES

KIDS US$10.99 Hardcover 9781906381660 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB A young boy is ready for bed and asks his mother, “What shall I dream about?” This wonderful book will help each little sleepy head drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep.

Dr. Becky De Oliveira was an accomplished writer and storyteller. She published essays, articles, and short stories, edited magazines, and wrote three books, including two for children. In addition to writing, Becky was a prolific reader, averaging 50 books a year. Her two large color-coordinated bookshelves stand as a testament to her love of literature. 72

When I Look at You My book about feelings A smiling mouth, a frowning mouth. Bright eyes, crying eyes. Jumping feet, stamping feet. Excited? Sad? Lonely? Help your child name and understand their feelings (even tricky ones) with this read-together book. Complete with relevant Bible texts and engaging illustrations, When I look at You: A book about my feelings is a must for every parent’s toolbox.


KIDS US$11.99 Hardcover, 32 pages 9781906381974 Stanborough

PROMO BLURB Help your child name and understand their feelings (even tricky ones) with this readtogether book. Complete with relevant Bible texts and engaging illustrations, When I look at You is a must for every parent’s toolbox.

Karen Collum 73

Creative Woman’s Bible NKJV Especially conceived and developed for today’s women by the Women’s Ministries Department of the General Conference and Editorial Safeliz, this Bible has the following features: ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

BIBLES US$55.99 Leather flex, 1,408 pages Blue: 9788472089242 Brown: 9788472089563 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB Especially conceived and developed for today’s women by the Women’s Ministries Department of the General Conference and Editorial Safeliz, this NKJV Bible has beautiful illustrations, study tools and commentaries, features about women in Scripture, and more.



New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Beautiful illustrations of Bible verses, numerous drawings of the women of the Bible to color, and margins for notes. Additional QR materials include Bible study tools, illustrations on the sanctuary and apocalyptic prophecies, maps, and more. More than 100 commentaries, written by recognized authors, about issues related to women (weddings in the Bible; rape and violation, levirate marriages; woman prophets). These commentaries appear alongside the Bible text. Special introductions to each section (Pentateuch, Wisdom literature, Prophetic books, Gospels, Letters, etc.) explaining the role played by women of the Bible, and how they fulfilled their special mission. Outline of each book of the Bible. Articles on more than 60 virtues, and the women who best represent them. General articles on well-known and lesser-known women of the Bible, as well as practical lessons we can learn from them.

Holy Bible Giant Letter NKJV Experience the richness of God’s Word with the NKJV Giant Letter Print Bible. Your eyes will thank you. With this easy–to–read 17-point type and is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, use at church. The type size makes this Bible an ideal choice for those who have diminished or impaired vision. FEATURES ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱ ‱

Durable lay-flat binding Two-column text format Topical subheadings Large, 14-point type size Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages 12 Bible Studies with QR Codes Prophetic Symbols Chart Maps

Available in English and Spanish. NOTES

BIBLES US$39.99 Bonded leather, 1,408 pages English: 9788472088207 Spanish: 9788472088191 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB Experience the richness of God’s Word with the NKJV Giant Letter Bible. Your eyes will thank you. With this easy-to-read 17-point type and is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, use at church. The type size makes this Bible an ideal choice for those who have diminished or impaired vision.


Holding On To Hope 2024 Missionary Book of the Year for Women Get your hopes up. Somewhere along the way, someone probably told you not to get your hopes up. You don’t want to end up disappointed, they warned. But what if hope isn’t the problem? What if hope is the solution? In this book, you’ll discover an often-overlooked Bible verse that will inspire you to hold on to hope even when things seem hopeless. When you’re tempted to give up on a dream, goal, situation, person, or even yourself, this is a reminder that God hasn’t given up, and He doesn’t want you to either. NOTES

SHARING US$3.79 US$2.99 Ebook US$6.95 Audiobook Paperback, 128 pages Volume pricing available 9780816369713

PROMO BLURB Discover an often-overlooked Bible verse that will inspire you to hold on to hope even when things seem hopeless. When you’re tempted to give up on a dream, goal, situation, person, or even yourself, this is a reminder that God hasn’t given up, and He doesn’t want you to either.

Heather Quintana is hurtling down the road of life as the editor of Vibrant Life magazine and as a pastor’s wife. She met her husband, Robert, in seminary, where they earned Master of Divinity degrees. Since then the majority of their time in ministry has been focused on teens. 76

Jesus Wins Bible Study Guides We Know How the Story Ends . . . Imagine a couple of loving parents holding their baby in their arms for the first time. Now try to imagine what they would do if their little one was snatched from their arms by a kidnapper who wants to destroy the child forever. If we can understand how those parents would feel, perhaps we can begin to understand something of God’s plan of salvation to rescue His children. The human race, buried in sin, with no possibility of eternal survival, could only be rescued with help from above. The Bible tells us how this rescue plan was fulfilled through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In fact, the entire Bible was written to announce that plan! The holy Scriptures are filled with joy and excitement because salvation has been achieved for all who accept His plan. Soon He will return to take His children home! In this course of ten interactive Bible studies, you will encounter the Creator-Redeemer God, who loves you with a love much greater than any failure you have ever had, and who wants to gift you His salvation and dwell with you eternally. As you understand more and more about this loving God, you will enjoy a life of fullness and peace, here and now, while we wait for His return. At the end of each study, you will find a QR code so you can watch a short video summarizing each lesson. We invite you to join us on this fascinating journey through the Holy Scriptures! We know how the story ends—JESUS WINS! Available in English and Spanish.

SHARING US$2.99 Paperback, 32 pages English: 643330049211 Spanish: 643330049075

PROMO BLURB In this course of ten interactive Bible studies, you will encounter the Creator-Redeemer God, who loves you with a love much greater than any failure you have ever had, and who wants to gift you His salvation and dwell with you eternally.


Elizabeth Viera-Talbot is speaker/director for Jesus 101 Biblical Institute (www.jesus101institute.org). Elizabeth has a PhD in Biblical Studies from the University of Gloucestershire, England. She also has a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Behavior, and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. She is an international speaker/ lecturer and a passionate gospel evangelist. She is married to Patrick Talbot, a marriage and family therapist. 77

God’s Promises for You Pocket Signs God’s Promises for You! brings you hope and encouragement from God’s Word! Tracts in the Pocket Signs series deliver one truth-filled article from the fullsized, 32-page monthly Signs, in a convenient 8-page “zine-ette” that can be slipped in a book, purse, or pocket. Each one offers the reader a life-changing opportunity learn more with a Discover Bible Lesson. Include one with your bill payments, leave one in a public place, on buses or trains, in airports or restaurants—it’s so easy to share! Order Pocket Signs today! The price shown is for a package of 100. Pocket Signs are not sold individually.

SHARING US$3.79 Sold in packs of 100 only. Pocket Tract 643330049174

PROMO BLURB God’s Promises for You! brings you hope and encouragement from God’s Word! Tracts in the Pocket Signs series deliver one truth-filled article from the full-sized, 32-page monthly SIGNS, in a convenient 8-page “zine-ette” that can be slipped in a book, purse, or pocket.



The Great Controversy www.ShareGreatControversy.com Pricing shown is for single copies. English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese language editions have volume pricing available. Other language editions are sold only as singles.

Arabic 9798400300172 $8.49

Chinese 9786269510962 $8.49

French 9798400300141 US$12.99

SHARING German 9798400300066 $8.49

US$12.99 Paperback, 512 pages (English) English: 9780828029155 Spanish: 9798400300110

PROMO BLURB Italian 9798400300035 $8.49

Swahili 9798400300127 $8.49

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Someone shares this life-changing book every single day. The world is never the same. Portuguese 9798400300011 US$12.99

Ukranian 9798400300073 $8.49

Russian 9798400300233 $8.49

Vietnamese 9798400301209 $8.49 79

Satan’s First Lie Exposing Global Myths About Death, Ghosts, and the Afterlife A long, long time ago, before our world became infected by sin, a serpent slithered among the colorful branches of “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (see Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:1). Unknown to Eve—the first woman created by our loving God—that mysterious reptile was about to become a mouthpiece for a dark, masterfully deceptive, sinister being. When the creature spoke, its voice was soft, smooth, melodious, and mesmerizing. “You shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4) was its seductive message. Tragically, Eve believed the snake and chose to taste the forbidden fruit. This is how sin and death entered the human family. Believe it or not, that ancient serpent’s message is now being repeated by nearly every religious teacher and religion on planet Earth. But it’s a lie.

SHARING US$2.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9798988756002 White Horse Media

Satan’s First Lie will take you on a fascinating journey of discovery through the inspired pages of the Holy Bible. Although its message will probably be different from what you have previously been taught, the evidence it presents is thoroughly biblical, supremely sensible, and, ultimately, irrefutable. As globally popular errors are exposed, you will find peace and hope about a fantastic future beyond the grave. NOTES

PROMO BLURB Satan’s First Lie will take you on a fascinating journey of discovery through the inspired pages of the Holy Bible. The evidence it presents is thoroughly biblical, supremely sensible, and, ultimately, irrefutable. As globally popular errors are exposed, you will find peace and hope about a fantastic future beyond the grave.

Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media. The author of 40+ books, he has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows and has also spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. He has been featured in three History Channel documentaries and one National Geographic International documentary offering insights into the book of Revelation. Mr. Wohlberg currently lives in Priest River, Idaho, with his wife Kristin, their son Seth Michael, and their daughter, Abigail Rose. 80

Bible — NRV 20 c c

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$2.79 each Volume pricing available Paperback, 96 pages 9780816390861



El Verbo Las siete revelaciones de la encarnaciĂłn En su libro, El Verbo: las siete revelaciones de la encarnaciĂłn, Bentancur nos ofrece un anĂĄlisis profundo y creativo del PrĂłlogo del Evangelio de San Juan, destacando los diferentes ĂĄngulos del diamante que es el misterio de Dios hecho hombre, quien es: la Palabra, el Artista, el Manantial, la Luz, la LĂĄmpara, la Simiente y la Morada. Estas pĂĄginas nos motivan a experimentar aquĂ­ y ahora la realidad del Dios Creador-Redentor, quien lo dio todo en la persona de Cristo JesĂșs. THE WORD: THE SEVEN REVELATIONS OF THE INCARNATION (SPANISH)


In his book, The Word: The Seven Revelations of the Incarnation, Bentancur offers us a deep and creative analysis of the Prologue to the Gospel of Saint John, highlighting the different angles of the diamond that is the mystery of God made man, who he is: the Word. , the Artist, the Spring, the Light, the Lamp, the Seed, and the Dwelling. These pages motivate us to experience here and now the reality of the Creator-Redeemer God, who gave everything in the person of Jesus Christ.

US$15.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816390687

PROMO BLURB Este libro ofrece un anĂĄlisis profundo y creativo del PrĂłlogo del Evangelio de San Juan y nos motiva a experimentar aquĂ­ y ahora la realidad de Dios en la persona de Cristo JesĂșs.

Ricardo Bentancur is a speaker, a writer, a poet, and the director of the International Department at Pacific Press¼ Publishing Association. Born in Uruguay, he obtained his higher education in Argentina. He has a degree in theology from Del Plata Adventist University, a master’s in theology from the Catholic Pontifical University, a degree in philosophy from the National University of Buenos Aires, and a doctorate in philosophy and letters from the National University of Cordoba. 82

El Mensaje de los Tres Ángeles The Three Angels’ Messages (Spanish) UNA PROCLAMACIÓN PODEROSA PARA LOS TIEMPOS FINALES Para Elena de White y los pioneros adventistas, las enseñanzas relacionadas con los ĂĄngeles de Apocalipsis 14 hicieron mucho mĂĄs que satisfacer su curiosidad. Para los estudiantes de la Biblia que aprendieron a rastrear los pasos de Dios a travĂ©s de la historia y fueron testigos del cumplimiento de la profecĂ­a en sus dĂ­as, los mensajes de los tres ĂĄngeles se convirtieron en una guĂ­a crucial en su viaje a travĂ©s de la anticipaciĂłn, la decepciĂłn de 1844 y un descubrimiento mĂĄs profundo. DespuĂ©s de una introducciĂłn histĂłrica y teolĂłgica al tema, los siete capĂ­tulos de este libro hablan de la centralidad del evangelio, el Dios Creador, el juicio previo al advenimiento, la caĂ­da de Babilonia y la imagen de la bestia. TambiĂ©n estamos seguros del inmenso poder de la proclamaciĂłn de Dios del tiempo del fin que precede a la apariciĂłn gloriosa de nuestro Señor. A POWERFUL PROCLAMATION FOR THE END TIMES For Ellen G. White and the Adventist pioneers, the teachings connected to the angels of Revelation 14 did much more than satisfy their curiosity. For Bible students who learned to trace God’s steps through history and witnessed the fulfillment of prophecy in their days, the three angels’ messages became a crucial guide in their journey through anticipation, the disappointment of 1844, and more profound discovery. After a historical and theological introduction to the topic, this book’s seven chapters speak about the centrality of the gospel, the Creator God, the preAdvent judgment, the fall of Babylon, and the image of the beast. We are also assured of the immense power of God’s end-time proclamation preceding the glorious appearance of our Lord. NOTES

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$12.99 Paperback, 208 pages 9780828028622

PROMO BLURB Después de una introducción histórica y teológica al tema, los siete capítulos de este libro hablan de la centralidad del evangelio, el Dios Creador, el juicio previo al advenimiento, la caída de Babilonia y la imagen de la bestia. También estamos seguros del inmenso poder de la proclamación de Dios del tiempo del fin que precede a la aparición gloriosa de nuestro Señor.

Ellen G. White is the author of more than 130 books, many of which have been compiled and published posthumously from her extensive manuscript file. She is the world’s most translated woman author, her works appearing in more than 150 languages. Inspired by God, she exalted Jesus and continually pointed to the Holy Scriptures as the basis for faith. 83

Fiel y prudente Viviendo a la manera de Dios En las palabras del autor: “Todos tenemos la gran responsabilidad de administrar los bienes de Dios. No podemos escoger entre ser o no ser mayordomos; lo somos por creaciĂłn y redenciĂłn, y mientras estemos vivos, no podremos jamĂĄs librarnos de esa solemne responsabilidad. ÂĄPero sĂ­ podemos escoger el tipo de mayordomos que queremos ser!” Fiel y prudente es una guĂ­a de estudio y reflexiĂłn individual o en grupo para complementar su viaje espiritual de 40 dĂ­as de oraciĂłn y de superaciĂłn personal. Explora las cualidades bĂ­blicas de la mayordomĂ­a fiel y sabia, no solo de las finanzas, sino tambiĂ©n en el ĂĄrea de la vida espiritual y la relaciĂłn personal con Dios. Estudia la mayordomĂ­a en los diversos aspectos de la vida familiar, incluyendo la elecciĂłn de la pareja, el matrimonio y la crianza de los hijos, y el ĂĄrea importante de las finanzas familiares. Luego examina la mayordomĂ­a cristiana en relaciĂłn con los negocios, y termina con un anĂĄlisis bĂ­blico de cĂłmo la mayordomĂ­a enriquece y guĂ­a todos los aspectos de la vida cristiana: los diezmos y ofrendas, la benevolencia y el servicio, la testificaciĂłn, las pruebas y las bonanzas, y la planificaciĂłn del patrimonio.

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$18.99 (Intro price: $13.99) Paperback, 176 pages 9780816390748

PROMO BLURB Fiel y prudente es una guía de estudio que explora las cualidades bíblicas de la mayordomía, no solo de las finanzas, sino también de la vida espiritual, la vida familiar, los negocios y otras åreas importantes de la experiencia diaria cristiana.

FAITHFUL AND WISE (SPANISH) In the author’s words: “We all have the great responsibility of managing God’s goods. We cannot choose between being or not being stewards; We are it by creation and redemption, and as long as we are alive, we will never be able to free ourselves from that solemn responsibility. But we can choose the type of butlers we want to be!” Faithful and Wise is an individual or group study and reflection guide to complement your spiritual journey of 40 days of prayer and personal improvement. He explores the biblical qualities of faithful and wise stewardship, not only of finances, but also in the area of spiritual life and personal relationship with God. He studies stewardship in the various aspects of family life, including choosing a partner, marriage and parenting, and the important area of family finances. It then examines Christian stewardship in relation to business, ending with a biblical discussion of how stewardship enriches and guides all aspects of the Christian life: tithes and offerings, benevolence and service, witnessing, trials and tests. bonanzas, and estate planning.

Manuel A. Rosario ha sido pastor de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día desde 1998. Ha desempeñado cargos en las åreas de Mayordomía y Ministerios Personales. Posee una maestría en Divinidades y doctorados en Investigación y Ministerio. Ademås, es coproductor del programa radial internacional Fe y Finanzas y autor de varios libros, como Mayordomía es salvación y ¥Cuån grande es Dios! Actualmente presta sus servicios en la Asociación del Gran Nueva York, junto a su esposa Jazmín y sus hijos Carlos y Carolin. 84

ÂĄSĂ­gueme! Un llamado a vivir en JesĂșs EdiciĂłn especial de El Centinela El estudio bĂ­blico ÂĄSĂ­gueme! Un llamado a vivir en JesĂșs, ediciĂłn especial de 32 pĂĄginas de la revista El Centinela, ofrece doce lecciones que exploran los pilares de la fe cristiana, desde la grandeza de Dios hasta el compromiso de vivir para JesĂșs. Se busca entender estos fundamentos mediante un anĂĄlisis detallado, con el propĂłsito no solo de comprender una doctrina, sino de vivir estas verdades eternas que JesĂșs nos revelĂł y enseñó con su propia vida. Esta guĂ­a nos exhorta a seguir a JesĂșs, sumergirnos en la verdad espiritual y buscar una amistad mĂĄs Ă­ntima con nuestro Creador. Busca profundizar la comprensiĂłn de la Biblia y fortalecer la relaciĂłn personal con Dios. FOLLOW ME! (SPANISH) The Bible study Follow Me! A Call to Live in Jesus, a 32-page special edition of El Centinela magazine, offers twelve lessons that explore the pillars of the Christian faith, from the greatness of God to the commitment to live for Jesus. We seek to understand these foundations through a detailed analysis, with the purpose not only of understanding a doctrine, but of living these eternal truths that Jesus revealed and taught us with his own life. This guide exhorts us to follow Jesus, immerse ourselves in spiritual truth, and seek a closer friendship with our Creator. It seeks to deepen the understanding of the Bible and strengthen the personal relationship with God.

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$0.75 Volume discounts available Magazine, 32 pages 643330049204


PROMO BLURB La guĂ­a de estudios bĂ­blicos ÂĄSĂ­gueme!, ediciĂłn especial de El Centinela, nos exhorta a seguir a JesĂșs, sumergirnos en la verdad espiritual y buscar una relaciĂłn mĂĄs Ă­ntima con nuestro Creador.

Dr. Elvis Díaz has joined the Pacific Press marketing team as Director of International Sales and Marketing. In this role, he will refresh the marketing and sales programs for Spanish-language products, including books and El Centinela magazine. Dr. Díaz has a bachelor’s degree in theology; master’s degrees in family therapy, leadership, and religion; and a Doctorate of Ministry with an emphasis in leadership and church growth. He worked as a pastor for over 15 years in New Jersey and Arizona. Pastor Elvis wants every church member to become a channel of hope by helping to distribute Adventist books and the Spanish-language missionary magazine, El Centinela. 85

El camino a la Abundancia Secretos para creder en todas las ĂĄreas de tu vida Los seres humanos anhelamos prosperidad, felicidad, salud y Ă©xito en todo lo que emprendemos. Pero vivimos en una sociedad cada vez mĂĄs compleja y limitante, con un alto grado de incertidumbre. La escasez de recursos materiales atenta contra una mejor calidad de vida. La gran crisis econĂłmica mundial pinta un escenario pesimista y un futuro nada prometedor. Te preguntarĂĄs: ÂżExiste un camino hacia una vida abundante? ÂżExiste todavĂ­a esperanza de revertir mi situaciĂłn personal? Este libro responde estas interrogantes, y te ofrece vislumbres maravillosas de los principios divinos para crecer abundantemente en todos los aspectos de la vida. ABUNDANT LIFE (SPANISH)


Human beings yearn for prosperity, happiness, health, and success in everything we undertake. But we live in an increasingly complex and limiting society with a high degree of uncertainty. The scarcity of material resources threatens a better quality of life. The great world economic crisis paints a pessimistic scenario and a not-very-promising future. You may wonder: Is there a path to an abundant life? Is there still hope of reversing my personal situation? This book answers these questions and offers you wonderful insights into the divine principles for growing abundantly in all aspects of life. NOTES

US$2.79 Volume discounts available Paperback, 96 pages 9780816390717

PROMO BLURB Este libro ofrece vislumbres de los principios divinos para estabilizarse econĂłmicamente y crecer abundantemente en todos los aspectos de la vida.

Rubén Rivera Ramos is vice president for Multilingual Ministries of the Columbia Union. 86

Amigos del Rey Libro misionero del año 2024 Este libro serĂĄ un recurso sumamente Ăștil para quienes han recibido el llamamiento de Cristo al servicio y desean ser amigos y discĂ­pulos del Rey. SerĂĄ Ăștil para estudiar en grupos pequeños, en casas o en las iglesias, ya sea con la familia, en cĂ­rculos de amistad o en grupos ministeriales. Al final de cada capĂ­tulo hay preguntas para reflexionar y dialogar que facilitarĂĄn el estudio del tema en los grupos pequeños, y un cĂłdigo QR que te conectarĂĄ directamente con un video que contiene un breve diĂĄlogo sobre los desafĂ­os de la testificaciĂłn y la predicaciĂłn. FRIENDS OF THE KING (2024 MISSIONARY BOOK OF THE YEAR) (SPANISH) This book will be a helpful resource for those who have received Christ’s call to service and desire to be friends and disciples of the King. It will be helpful for studying in small groups, at home, or churches, whether with the family, in circles of friendship, or in ministry groups. At the end of each chapter, questions for reflection and discussion will facilitate the study of the topic in small groups, and a QR code will connect you directly to a video that contains a short dialogue on the challenges of witnessing and preaching. NOTES

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$2.79 Volume discounts available Paperback, 96 pages 9780816390700

PROMO BLURB Un recurso de estudio Ăștil para quienes han recibido el llamamiento de Cristo al servicio y desean ser amigos y discĂ­pulos del Rey.

Osvaldo Rigacci, ed., has served in the pastoral ministry for more than forty years in different churches of the Conference of Texas, United States. As of May 2021, he is the Vice President of Multicultural Ministries for the Southwest Union. He is married to Monica Riffel, with whom he has a daughter and a son who gave them six beautiful grandchildren. 87

Modelos de fe Las 52 cualidades esenciales del liderazgo bíblico Modelos de fe es una valiosa herramienta para líderes de iglesia que buscan crecer y aprender. Cada una de las 52 cualidades de liderazgo se extrae de la vida de personajes bíblicos destacados que fueron ejemplos de esa virtud. Este manual de estudios no solo enseña, sino que también facilita la transformación personal de los líderes mediante la reflexión y el desarrollo de cualidades específicas. Basado en una metodología pedagógica, cada lección incluye relatos, contexto bíblico, anålisis del texto, interpretación, pensamientos claves, aplicación pråctica y desafíos personales. Es una invitación a seguir los pasos de personajes bíblicos fieles y convertirse en líderes mås efectivos y fieles. El manual fue escrito por pastores de iglesias adventistas en Norteamérica que son apasionados por el liderazgo y el trabajo en equipo. MODELS OF FAITH (SPANISH)

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$11.99 Volume discounts available Paperback, 112 pages 9780816390632


Models of Faith is a valuable tool for church leaders seeking to grow and learn. Each of the 52 leadership qualities is drawn from the lives of notable biblical figures who were examples of that virtue. This study manual not only teaches but also facilitates the personal transformation of leaders through reflection and the development of specific qualities. Based on a pedagogical methodology, each lesson includes stories, biblical context, text analysis, interpretation, key thoughts, practical application, and personal challenges. It is an invitation to follow in the footsteps of faithful biblical figures and become more effective and faithful leaders. The manual was written by pastors from Adventist churches in North America who are passionate about leadership and teamwork. NOTES

Modelos de fe es una valiosa herramienta de estudio para lĂ­deres de iglesia que buscan crecer y aprender. Analiza de forma prĂĄctica 52 cualidades de liderazgo que se extraen de la vida de personajes bĂ­blicos destacados que fueron ejemplos de esa virtud.

El Centinela 88

TransformaciĂłn y fe Una visiĂłn integral del discipulado ÂżEstĂĄs listo para seguir a JesĂșs? Si usted se siente impulsado a participar en el ministerio de su iglesia, este libro es esencial. TransformaciĂłn y fe explora el fundamento bĂ­blico del discipulado, su esencia y sus desafĂ­os, la funciĂłn de un discĂ­pulo y los principios evidentes en la experiencia de los personajes bĂ­blicos. Vivir como discĂ­pulos no solo nos harĂĄ Ăștiles en la vida de la congregaciĂłn, tambiĂ©n cambiarĂĄ nuestra vida con resultados eternos. Aprenda estrategias, obtenga conocimiento prĂĄctico y contribuya al desarrollo y crecimiento de su iglesia. TRANSFORMATION AND FAITH: A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW OF DISCIPLESHIP (SPANISH) Are you ready to follow Jesus? If you feel moved to participate in the ministry of your church, this book is essential. Transformation and Faith explores the biblical foundation of discipleship, its essence and challenges, the role of a disciple, and the principles evident in the experience of biblical characters. Living as disciples will not only make us useful in the life of the congregation, it will also change our lives with eternal results. Learn strategies, gain practical knowledge, and contribute to the development and growth of your church.

INTERNATIONAL SP/FR/PORT US$11.99 Volume discounts available Paperback, 128 pages 9780816390601



Transformación y fe explora el fundamento bíblico del discipulado, su esencia y sus desafíos, la función de un discípulo y los principios evidentes en la experiencia de los personajes bíblicos. Enseña estrategias y conocimiento pråctico que contribuye al desarrollo y crecimiento de la iglesia.

Dr. Elvis Díaz has joined the Pacific Press marketing team as Director of International Sales and Marketing. In this role, he will refresh the marketing and sales programs for Spanish-language products, including books and El Centinela magazine. Dr. Díaz has a bachelor’s degree in theology; master’s degrees in family therapy, leadership, and religion; and a Doctorate of Ministry with an emphasis in leadership and church growth. He worked as a pastor for over 15 years in New Jersey and Arizona. Pastor Elvis wants every church member to become a channel of hope by helping to distribute Adventist books and the Spanish-language missionary magazine, El Centinela. 89






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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.