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How Soon Is Soon?
Marvin Moore
Bible prophecy and current events point to Jesus’ soon return, but the precise timing of that moment rests entirely with God. Moore tackles this tension by examining our expectations about the future. US$17.99
Unmistakably Christian
Thomas Shepherd
These surprising lessons from Peter will encourage you as you follow Jesus, and your community will know you are unmistakably Christian. US$17.99
Steps to Christ: Recovery Edition
Ellen G. White
Begin the journey to hope, healing, and wholeness. This new Recovery Edition includes a 12-step program, empowering readers to overcome harmful habits and addictions. Above all, get to know the Person who can heal and restore. US$2.99
Tales That Teach: Helping Children Understand the Principles of Christ’s Object Lessons
Kirsten A. Roggenkamp, Heather Blaire
In this mesmerizing book, children will walk alongside characters as they explore imaginative retellings of Jesus’ parables. Each story illuminates such important virtues as humility, compassion, and forgiveness. US$15.99
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What Is a Magabook?
Peace Above the Storm
Ellen G. White
People everywhere are searching for peace. They need power to cope with the “storms” in their lives. This all-time bestseller, printed in over 100 languages, could be the most important book you ever read. US$19.99
Bible Answers
The Prince of Peace
Merlin L. Neff
Jesus is God, but He became a person so that all of us could learn a better way to live. He loves you and wants you to live with Him forever in heaven. Features stories about Jesus, including “A Stormy Sea,” “Zacchaeus Up a Tree,” “The Empty Tomb,” and more. US$14.99
“Magabook” is a term coined for a large, soft-cover, magazine-style book that is attractive and a ordable, designed originally for door-todoor distribution via literature evangelists. Here are a few of our favorites! SALE
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Beautiful in God’s Eyes
In a world in which beauty is defined and distorted by industries that profit from making people feel inadequate, it’s time to look into the eyes of your Creator and see the reflection of who you were meant to be. US$9.25
The Great Controversy
Ellen G. White
How did we get here and where are we going? Find the answers and hope in this overview of the cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan. US$19.99
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World Impact Day: April 13
The Great Controversy
Ellen G. White
Get involved in the global church’s World Impact Day by sharing this overview of the mighty conflict between Christ and Satan from its origins in heaven thousands of years ago to its conclusion on earth in the days ahead. This still-timely book reveals how God will ultimately rid the universe of evil and make everything new. SALE $7.99
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When it comes to finding joy in difficult circumstances, the apostle Paul is an unrivaled expert! Read the letter, follow the commentary, and discover the secret of finding joy. US$18.99
Fiel y Prudente: Viviendo a la manera de Dios Manuel A Rosario
Una guía de estudio y reflexión individual o en grupo para complementar su viaje espiritual de 40 días de oración y de superación personal. Explora las cualidades bíblicas de la mayordomía fiel y sabia. US$9.99 Available in many languages and editions at
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