Pacifictenders Magazine

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Overview Published by Adkonect PNG P.O. Box 49 Port Moresby, PNG Founder Publisher Business and Marketing Director Editor Contributing Writers

Mr. Rodney Rupokets Namoi Kaluae Mr. Douglas Saefoa - Haylene Joku PNG - Matthew Werigi PNG


Esther Nuria Solomon Islands

Advertising Enquiries ............................................................................... S.I (+677 38229) PNG CONTACT In Country Marketing/Advertising Mr. Sorbie Panbiruo

Pacifictenders Magazine is the News & Media Publication for the Award Winning Online Tender Procurement Platform An online marketplace connecting Local Governments & Contractors by way of linking Government Agency Tender bid notices to the Private Sector community. We are a locally owned & Operating Digital Publishing Company serving Solomon Islands & PNG markets.

About Us is a Subsidiary of Adkonect, a Marketing Communications company founded in 2011 in Solomon Islands. Over the past years we have worked on delivering Marketing, Advertising & communications projects for Corporate & Government Clients.

PT Magazine Publication Today our focus is on providing value added content & stories for Pacifictenders Users. The Publication of Pacifictenders Magazine is an Industry resource for the Infrastructure & Development sector. It is about celebrating the diverse Building & Construction industry in the Pacific, by providing a medium to showcase their projects, build a greater public awareness and engage potential contractors.

Product Development Roadmap We have built our Online Procurement platform and Digital assets over the years to serve our Pacific Island Brands. In 2016 we launched the 1st online tender procurement platform in the Pacific Region (Pacifictenders. com), the second phase of the PT Product will be launched in 2020 introducing e-commerce digital tender document payments and a Self-Managed Portal for our Subscribers to use.

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Rodney Rupokets Founder & Publisher

.................................................................................. Distribution PT-Magazine will be officially distributed via a Digital Copy accessed from the Platform reaching all PT Subscriber Companies and Printed Copies Distributed to Government Agencies, Hotels, Retail and Hardware Supermarkets in Honiara & Port-Moresby. Relying on the support of our peers in the Construction and Infrastructure sectors to help this initiative grow.


Contents 12


COVER STORY: $2.7M Birthing Facility - Construction of new urban birthing facility underway in Honiara


Taking Back PNG: ADB Improving Rural Access


GoldRidge Mine Soon to Reopen Mining Contract Valued at USD$825M


Communication: Fibre to go live in 2020

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Development of the Solomon Islands Tuna Fisheries Industry


NFA MD Kasu Opens Tuna Media Training Workshop


Tuna A Success Story for PNG and Pacific


PNG’s PM Marape Emphasizes Sustainable Fisheries in the Region


Airtime Service, first of its kind, says Digital Finance Expert

WOMEN IN IT: Former NPF IT Manager Shares Experience in the Rapidly Changing Information Technology


Solomon Islands and PRC Sign MoU on Economic and Technical Cooperation

WOMEN IN PROCUREMENT: Being a Female Procurement Manager


DCGA Sets Ambitious 10-year Development Goal


SMEC Wins Infrastructure Work in the Solomon Islands


Puma Energy Invests K3.2 million in Badili Service Station Upgrade


Tavanipupu Ambitious to Become a Mariner


National Road Network Strategy 2018-2037 Launched in PNG


Construction Begins for Nauru’s First International Port, Supported by ADB


Steamships Announces K250m Investment


$5.3m Solar PV Hybrid System Gifted to Selwyn College


Solomon Islands Signs up for the Silk Road


PNG to Sydney Fibre Links Complete


PNG Government Sets Priorities for ADB Funding from 2019 - 2022


Construction of SBD 2.8 Million Seawall Project at Tulagi Underway

Commentaries and Contributed articles published in the magazine are the views of the authors and do no necessarily reflect the views of PacificTenders Magazine - whose role is to provide our readers in Solomon Islands, PNG & the region with a digest of Tender Procurement related news in various sectors of the Pacific Region. (Any Advertisments placed in this Publication, are the responsibility of the advertiser, responsibility for any Advertisment is not accepted by Adkonect )


Artist impression of the Naha Birthing and Urban Health Centre.

$27M Birthing Facility Construction of new urban birthing facility underway in Honiara BY ESTHER NURIA Honiara Solomon Islands


iving birth to an unborn child poses a huge survival risk for women and mothers and the chances of survival of either the mother or the baby is uncertain and cannot possibly be guaranteed. In developing countries like the Solomon Islands where most health centers around the country are ill equipped and at most times lack the necessary capabilities, a hundred percent guarantee of a successful childbirth is always uncertain. The need for advanced birthing facilities within urban centres in Solomon Islands is necessary to ensure women and mothers and even families are treated with better healthcare services. In the Solomon Islands, communities situated at distant proximity to urban healthcare centres are the most vulnerable since they receive less or no medical attention at all. Access to adequate health services in the country is a major challenge therefore the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in Solomon Islands has set out to change this and

better improve the facilities at urban healthcare centres. This article features the newly proposed Naha birthing unit that will be located at the east of Honiara, which is now under construction. The new birthing unit itself will be a gamechanging development that will serve a lot of people especially in the eastern part of Honiara, an area which is mostly densely populated. In an exclusive interview with PT Magazine; the contractor Mr. Pethwel Bako Dua described the building which his company has been contracted to build as an important health facility that should be located at both the Eastern, Central and Western centres of Honiara. Mr. Bako said building an SBD$27 Million birthing facility is a first of its kind for his company, compared to its size and financing. Pethwel described the day he got the news that he had won the contract as the day he had been assigned to a very important yet tough task and that he had to deliver not only for his company but for the sake of the people who would benefit




REF: CTB C02/19 – Construction of the Naha Birthing and Urban Health Centre, Honiara


Bako Construction Company

Contract Value

SBD $27 million

Contract Period 18 months Financier



The birthing unit is expected to be completed within an 18 month period and by December 2020 they are expected to deliver the completed project to the Ministry of Health and Medical services.

from the facility. “I feel like winning a scholarship to study at a university. This particular contract is a stepping stone for my company. At the moment we at the early stages of the contract which we’re digging up the trenches for the foundation of the building. My team are looking foward to achieving our objectives within the proposed time-frame and slowing down is not an option untill we’ve reached the final stages of construction,” Pethwel said. He described this particular construction as a much bigger contract for his construction compa-



ny and they have increased labor and have certain materials sourced from overseas including tiles and finishings, which as he claims are durable and long lasting. Bako said the birthing unit is expected to be completed within an 18-month period and by December 2020 it should be completed and delivered to the Ministry of Health and Medical services. Bako Constructions’ Group started in 1995 and had been operating for the past 25 years. “Running a contract is not an easy task, but is always essential to remain committed and responsible towards all building contracts. As a contractor we work within bidding amounts that we provide for each particular tender or contract we secure. We have to be consistent and honest with the


Workers of Bako Construction digging trenches for the foundation of the building at Naha, East Honiara. Left, aerial view of the construction site | Photo Credit-PT Media

costs and fulfill all the expectation stipulated in the contract. “My Company has managed to stay afloat for this long despite the increase in competition because of the commitment and professionalism I have always maintained in my work and towards my clients. Construction is indeed a challenging business and I encourage other building contractors to always caution the amount of money they spend during actual construction work and not to second guess each decision which might ruin your reputation,” said Mr. Bako. Naha Clinic Nurse in Charge Mr. Robert Fugui said, the Naha birthing unit was one of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services plans to help communities in rural and urban areas to have bet-

ter access to quality and much needed healthcare service which the government can offer. “Very soon residents living within the Eastern side of Honiara will no longer have to travel all the way to the to the National Referral Hospital to give birth, instead go to a nearby facility for normal delivery,” said Fugui. When spoken to PT Magazine residents living within Naha area expressed excitement and gratitude towards the government and the Australian Government for realizing the need and urgency of such facility. “It is exciting news because this facility will soon be accessible in our community. More especially access to better services for our women,” said Rose a mother living at Naha area. n




Taking Back PNG




Improving Rural Access


HE main bridges along the national highways in Papua New Guinea held far-flung rural areas connected and accessible since pre-colonial days to current. They connected the most rural areas of PNG to its main township, city and or port, for effective goods and service delivery as well as creating endless socio-economic opportunities for development in all areas possible. Above all, they made virtually every part of the country accessible and vulnerable to and for development as a developing nation. From these bridge thoroughfares, main roads and national highways were extended and created connecting secondary roads that further branched out into the provinces. They are harnesses to the roads. n


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Brirap Rollout Program New Britain Highway


n Alignment of the National Governments Medium Term Development Plan 1, 2, and 3 and under the National Transport Strategy 2010-2030, it is forecasted that eighty five percent of rural communities will have access to better and safer road transportation services via a good transport infrastructure and service network. Therefore the Department of Works and Implementation new bridge replacement plan will contribute towards achieving that target under the BRIRAP program which is an ongoing program



with funding support from the Asian Development Bank. Package 2B of the BRIRAP bridge rollout program on the New Britain Highway in West New Britain will see a total of 12 permanent bridge structures constructed. The project is currently under progress and costs around US$21.1 million based on detailed engineering design (DED) and current exchange rates. This is the second project in the program under the roads and bridge specification which will see the replacement of the old bridge specifications’ comprising single lane bailey bridges phased out and replaced with double lane and all weather resilient permanent concrete bridge structures designed to last a lifespan of 20 years. The replaced bridges will be earmarked and re-used on the five priority National Highways. Currently, eight out of the 12 bridges have been constructed and will stand fully ready to be launched and open for traffic on December 10,

Contract Title

Contract No: CSTB 3005 B BRIRAP Bridge Replacement for Improved Rural Access (Sector) Project


Department of Works


Chodai Company Ltd


China JIANGSU International ETCC Ltd

Contract Period

August 2018 - December 2019


ADB / PNG Government

2019. The eight bridges to be launched and open for traffic are Koloi (B11), Labu (B12), KiaVa (B13), Aleeu (B14), Otutabu (B15), Marapu (B16), Ubai (B17) and Korori (B18). These sites were selected with due diligence as they are areas where their river catchments are common with high rainfall. These new bridges are expected to have a positive impact on the effective flow of traffic, delivery of goods and services, boosting of socio-economic activities and services on the rural communities and industries such as logging, agroforestry, agriculture and other downstream processing projects within the province. The project is anticipated to be fully completed by early February 2020 which will see the completion of the other four bridges at Ulamona (B7), Ubana (B8), Pika (B9) and Soi (B10). n

BRIRAP Proudly Funded & Facilitated by www.pacifi


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BY ESTHER NURIA Honiara Solomon Islands


hina Railway Group Limited (CREC) one of the largest Construction companies globally has been contracted by Gold Ridge Mining Limited for USD $825 million to reopen and operate the mine until 2034. CREC clarified at the re-opening ceremony at the Central Guadalcanal mine site on 26 October that the contractual amount was not a loan but rather a contract value. At a press conference following the re-opening ceremony CREC spokesperson Jacky WU rebuffed previous media speculations that the Solomon Islands Government and China had forged a loan agreement and clarified that the USD$825 Million was a contract value and not a loan as stated “It is a mining contract and CREC has been contracted to carry out the different phases stipulated in the contract leading up to the actual mining operation,” said Wu. The first phase includes an exterior mountain-strip-



ping project followed by the installation of interior mining equipment and facilities. The second phase includes the construction of roads, bridges, and a nearby reservoir along with dock facilities and a hydropower station. “This is a purified private sector business, nothing to do with the Governments of China and Solomon Islands. And I believe this project will not only benefit communities within the mining area but also the Province of Guadalcanal and even Solomon Islands,” said WU. WU said CREC will be making investments through purchasing of machinery and construction equipment and buying the processing plant. “As the contractor we are committed to form our liability here during the constructions stage, but we are not going to share any profit that is being generated from the mining developer,” said Mr. WU. To kick start the project and bring the mine back to full operations will cost them USD$50 Million, the spokesperson said. Mr. WU said they are still working on mobilizing technical staff and equipment to the Gold Ridge Mine site. “As a contractor, our responsibility is to deliver the


China Railway Group Limited (CREC) reps with Gold Ridge Mining Limited Chairman and the Deputy Premier for the Guadalcanal Province. | Photo PT Media

project, but whether to sell or other developments are the developer’s responsibility,” said Mr. WU. He said they are doing things strictly according to the employer’s requirement, as their target is to have the first shipment of gold in a year from now. “As the contractor we are committed towards achieving that,” he said. According to Trent Lee, Gold Ridge Mining Limited’s Manager Public Affaires and Community, under a Memorundum of Understanding signed between the 3 parties which make up Gold Ridge Mining Limited; Gold Ridge Community Investment Limited is expected to hold 10% of the shares (100% SI owned by Landowners); 20% by AXF (Australian Company); and the majority of shares (70%) by Wanguo Mning International. “An MOU signed between these 3 parties puts reference to the value of shares which each party is expected to own in the company. However, confirmation is pending approval from the Hong Kong stock exchange,” said Trent. Wanguo International Mining’s Board Chairman Mr. Gao Mingqing said as a young and vibrant International Company, Wanguo Mining is highly optimistic

in achieving the best in production. “We expect to go into production on the second half of the 2020 and we are hoping to produce 6 tonnes of gold a year after,” said Gao Mingqing. Gold Ridge Mining Limited Chairman Mr. Walton Naezon, reiteraterated that the USD $825 Million was not a loan but a contract deal with China Railway. “I want to make it clear that China Railway International is not a shareholder but a contractor,” said Mr. Naezon. When PT Magazine asked Mr. Naezon how soon they expect to make profit after the commencement of the mine, Mr. Naezon said their Feasibility Study is based on breaking even after five years. “Standard tax will be paid to the Solomon Islands Government before profits. On top of that there is SI royalties and gold exports taxes. It is worthwhile noting that our neighbor Win Win Ltd does not offer any equity shares to the landowners,” said Mr. Naezon. For now towards the actual work, they (GRML) will remove illegal miners and the vegetation and construct haul roads for removing ore. The illegal occupants will be compensated for their ‘leaf Haus’ and provided with transport to relocate their belongings to the resettlement village where they houses have been prepared. Deputy Premier for the Guadalcanal Province, Hon Lazarus Rina also congratulated the people of Central Guadalcanal for allowing their land and hoped the project would benefit both the Province and the nation. n

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Fibre to go live in 2020

Domestic cable being pulled ashore from the ASN Cable Ship ‘Ile de Brehat’ and spliced at the Honiara beach manhole, October 10, 2019. | Photo SISCC

Solomon Islands Undersea Cable to go live February: Deputy PM




CSI: Solomon Islands are expected to start using high speed internet in February 2020. This is according to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure Development, Manasseh Maelanga. Speaking to the local media, the Deputy Prime Minister gave no further details of the expected February roll-out date but said the Solomon Islands Government is committed to carrying out all preparatory work required for the system to go live by February 2020. Mr. Maelanga also stated that such developments alone cannot bring about a transformative impact for the country both economically and socially. He said such an impact can only be achieved

through solutions that promote equitable benefits to Solomon Islands’ indigenous landowners in terms of investment and development. Meanwhile, according to the Solomon Islands Submarine Cable Company (SISCC), the Alcatel owned cable laying ship, the Ile de Brehat is currently laying the Honiara to Auki branch of the Coral Sea Submarine Cable System’s domestic network. After Auki, Noro in the Western Province and Taro in Choiseul Province are also expected to be connected to the domestic network by December this year. According to the SISCC, a robust period of testing will follow the completion of the domestic network before the system is expected to go live in early 2020. n


Former NPF IT Manager shares experience in the rapidly changing information technology BY ESTHER NURIA Honiara Solomon Islands

“Information Technology (IT) changes rapidly, and to be a competetive woman means believing in yourself and understand the changes in technological trends.” The Former National Provident Fund, Information Technology Manager, Mrs. Suzanne Moli Orudiana shared the technological transformations she had experienced during which she had worked at the National Provident Fund (NPF). Mrs. Orudiana was the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund’s Information Technology Manager for more than 18 years when her contract finally ended on 23rd of October last month. In an exclusive interview with Pacific Tenders Magazine, Mrs. Orudiana acknowledged the fact that Information Technology had changed significantly over the years. “When I started working with NPF after graduating from Unitec University in Papua New Guinea, 90% of the work at NPF was done manually, and now this 90% is fully automated, and I am happy with the new changes that technology has brought,” said Mrs. Orudiana. She explained that when she first went to work at the SINPF as an Assistant Analyst in 2001, data entry had to be done manually and this took up alot of time and effort to complete. “My first achievement in SINPF was in early 2002 where we transitioned from the old membership contribution entry system to a new system. All our members contributions were converted and migrated onto a new digitised system,” said Mrs. Orudiana. This achievement had boosted her confidence and promoted her from an Assistant MYOB to overseeing the new computerized system for NPF. Since the introduction of modern data entry system, members can now receive their monthly account balance through their mobile phones and emails.

Mrs. Suzanne Moli Orudiana

I believe that women can also do great things and reach the top if we work hard and smarter. If I can get this far there is no reason why other women can to as well

Mrs. Orudiana being able to hold a senior position in such a big government organisation is not easy especially in an work place where men dominate the workforce. “Every day was challenge for me when i was a team leader. I beleive that women can also do great things and reach the top if we work hard and smarter. If I can get this far there is no reason why other women to as well,” said Orudiana. n

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Career insights with Anita Ringi BY ESTHER NURIA Honiara Solomon Islands

Q&A “As a female working in a male dominated specialty it is quiet challenging, due to cultural stereotypes and bias. However, having amazing managerial support and recognition from my team, I am able to work and lead the team to the best of my ability.” Featured in this issue of Pacific Tenders Magazine’s Women in Procurement, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), Procurement Manager Mrs. Anita Ringi shared her story as a female Procurement Manager working in the MEHRD.

tion (SICHE) now SINU in November 2012.They told me that I was not successful for the position but they offered me the position of a Contracts Administrator in the Procurement and Contracts Management Unit, Finance Division.

> Briefly introduces yourself (profile)?

My name is Anita Ringi and I am currently working in the Procurement and Contracts Management Unit, Finance Division within the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development as the Procurement Manager.

> What are the perks of being a Procurement Manager?

As a female working in a male dominated field is quiet challenging, due to cultural stereotypes and bias. However, having amazing managerial support and recognition from my team, I am able to work and lead the team to the best of my ability.

What does a procurement Manager

> do (for our readers to understand)?

My role is to provide center wide procurement and contract management roles & responsibilities, including but not limited to, procuring goods, works and services in accordance with Procurement & Contract Administration Manual 2013, Financial Instructions (FIs) 2010 and the Public Financial Management Act 2014.Providing guidance, advice and support to ensure procurement processes are effective, efficient, and ethical to provide the best possible value for money to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development. How long have you been working as

> a Procurement Manager with the MEHRD?

I started working as a procurement Manager when I first applied for a position in the Internal Audit Division in March 2013 after graduating from the Solomon Islands College of Higher Educa-




What are some difficulties and challenges worth mentioning, in your line of work?

Procurement role in an organisation is to drive compliance to administrative rules imposed by the organisation, which is always met with a level of resistance from project managers and suppliers. I am overcoming this challenge by building effective professional relationship, and understanding personal and professional objectives. Working as Procurement Manager is quite challenging despite the advantages, procurement is still an extremely challenging career choice and I’m still learning and growing in my career as the Procurement Manager. Being Procurement Specialist requires one to have sound understanding of all rules and regulations, great business acumen and strong negotiations/



Firstly, I never intended to work as a procurement officer and regardless of how clueless I was at the time, I had an excellent opportunity as a Contracts Administrator, and it was great experience straight from school to set me up in good stead for a very interesting career as a Procurement Manager. I hadn’t even heard the word procurement until I came to the Ministry of Education. Which didn’t really mean anything to me as a new graduate. But I was fortunate to land a position in that team and have loved the profession ever since. I continue to think we should get more people especially women into procurement. I would like to encourage other young women who are interested to look for opportunity where ever possible. Every female employer should remember, that behind every successful woman in leadership, there is a team of supportive colleagues. One should never be afraid to take on a job that she doesn’t understand. Everything can be taught, if you show commitment and interest.

people skills. I am constantly learning new skills on the job. I am regularly attending professional development workshops to ensure my qualifications are current.


What would you in a situation where you had to negotiate a contract? In a situation where a contract has to be negotiated it has to be according to the Financial Instructions (FI) 2010 and the Procurement and contracts Administration Manual 2013, the Public Financial Management Act 2013 and Financial Circulars. There are a number of parties at the negotiation table. I am representing the Ministry, but I am moderating terms and conditions between MEHRD’s technical expert (construction team or Policy writer) and a supplier. The only way to succeed in negotiation is rigorous preparation, mutual understanding of prerequisites with the Ministry’s technical specialist and knowing Supplier’s objectives and requirements.

> Did you find it difficult to overrule or even reject certain decisions from your superiors?


Open communication with management is extremely important. I am always referring to facts and regulations when making procurement decisions. At times management is relying only on expertise, they respect my opinion and would hear me out when I reject their request.

In Solomon Islands, I see that we have started to make our way into the Digital World but like any other industries it takes time and financial capacity to fully implement. Planning and budgeting needs to done, Policies and procedures has to be drafted with the relevant stakeholders. Just as with so many other industries, Procurement now is starting to find its future in the digital world.

> How do you keep track of all purchasing activities?

We have our Filing System both electronic files (E-File) and also Hard Copies of all activities and they are filed according to their reference numbers and are separated into Goods Contract, Services Contract and Works Contract. Would you be kind enough to share some

> wisdom to aspiring women who might want to pick a similar career path?

How do you see the future of online procurement?


We understand you are using the PT the local online tender platform, how has this improved your tender advertising short listing? Using the Pacific Tender platform has really improved our short listing of candidates. We have received quite a number of applicants responding to our adverts which were advertised on this local tender platform as compared to last year. n

Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development

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Prime Minister James Marape at the PNG road network strategy launch.

National Road Network Strategy 2018-2037 launched in PNG PT MEDIA Port Moresby Papua New Guinea


apua New Guinea have for the first time launched its 20 years National Road Network Strategy 2018-2037. This strategy is a blueprint for the business of managing roads and bridges. The strategy also contains the principles of maintaining and improving PNG’s national road network over the next 20 years and it also gives a clear plan to meet the challenges of providing an appropriate level of service in a tight fiscal environment. PNG Prime Minister James Marape together with the Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Sam Basil has endorsed this strategy and has stated that they will fully support this plan and will assist Works Minister Michael Nali. Department of Works Secretary David Wereh said currently they are in talks with Oil Search to open up the Gulf and Southern Highlands highway.



Wereh said all of what the department is doing is in line with the strategy. One of the other things discussed during launch was the idea of utilizing tax credit schemes in active economic viable areas. The two ministers, National Planning Minister Sam Basil together with the Prime Minister James Marape came to a conclusion that these schemes will now be geared towards road and bridge infrastructures in provinces and districts that has economical projects happening. “We need to align these roads with some of the major developments,� says Minister Nali. He said often times the government has spent those credit funds on areas where there are no tangible benefits hence it is time they start spending on areas where there is economic return. Minister for National Planning Sam Basil said he supports the call made by the Minister for Works and will make sure that most of the tax credit will be used to financing important roads in Papua New Guinea.


Mr Basil said the Department of Works has already mapped out the important corridors in Papua New Guinea that will give access to agricultural areas and opening up access to projects like the mining and gas projects. “Before we build, we need to ensure that most of the existing roads are fixed so in the next couple of weeks, my department will call the works department to sit together and let’s change the way we do things in National Planning. This time we bring in the road that matters and we do a multi financing … all the donor partners if you can hop on board, please hop on board because our department will open up because we seriously need to address these important road links in PNG,” he said. In sharing the same sentiments with the ministers Mr Marape says going forward the Department of Works needs to have a checklist on which roads are of priority to do maintenance and which roads can be looked at later on. Mr Marape said this is because all the roads need to be given attention depending on the availability of resources that are there. “I want to thank Minister Nali for his intervention of

the better use of tax credit … I support this call and would like to say that all of these tax credit funds will be geared towards road infrastructures,” he said. He said for ports, airports and roads that needs maintenance they will look at them carefully and see if these infrastructures can repay for itself than it will be looked at separately and those that can’t private partners are welcome to help rebuild. Marape said this will be for the economical thriving provinces. “Roads will be according to their economic strength, which roads leads to agricultural farms, which to fisheries and which will bring sustainable benefits and which to a Ports hub as long as there is activity that will grow the economy roads will be built,” he said. The Prime Minister has also called on provincial governments and the provincial Department of Works to make known their responsibilities by clearly identifying provincial roads from national highways and both must know where their responsibility lie. He said the road map will only work through shared responsibilities because maintenance on existing roads will only be given to those areas where there is availability of resources for revenue and needs access. n

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Construction begins for Nauru’s first International Port, supported by ADB



ith support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), work has begun to transform the Aiwo Boat Harbor area, which will help make it Nauru’s first international and cargo terminal, improving the country’s maritime trade and connectivity. Nauru President, Lionel Aingimea witnessed the upgrade work as engineers installed large reinforced concrete piles into the atoll’s bedrock. Over 500 of these concrete piles will form the basis of the port’s main structure. “We are now realizing our dream of having an international port, and strong development partnership during implementation will be the key to the



success of this project,” said Mr Aingimea. “The efficient, reliable, and climate-resilient port that will be built, will be a lifeline to the people of Nauru,” said the Regional Director of ADB’s Pacific Liaison and Coordination office in Sydney Lotte Schou-Zibell. “The construction of this climate-resilient infrastructure greatly enhances the ability of the world’s smallest island country to withstand the climate effects of rising sea levels and increasingly intense weather events such as storms and cyclones,” said the Director of GCF’s Mitigation and Adaptation Division, Jerry Velasquez. ”The port will also support low-carbon maritime transport connections to the Pacific region and the rest of the world.” “The Australian government welcomes this progress in development of the new sea port which


Camilla Solomon, Senior Country Officer, ADB Pacific Office in Nauru, the President of Nauru, Lionel Aingimea, and Sonya Gray, Acting High Commissioner, Australian High Commission, Nauru with the project team.

will provide safe and efficient maritime operations to Nauru and be central to meeting the needs of the community for provision of critical fuel, food and medical supplies,” said Australia’s High Commissioner to Nauru Angela Tierney. Financed by ADB, GCF, and the governments of Australia and Nauru, the Nauru Sustainable and Climate Resilient Connectivity Project will increase the Pacific island nation’s trade opportunities and promote economic recovery. Nauru is among the most vulnerable countries, globally, to natural disasters and the effects of climate change. The new port will be climate-proofed to allow large vessels to berth with the construction of a wharf featuring a berth pocket and breakwater. Port security will be established to ensure compliance with international best practices, while a con-

tainer storage area will be built. The project will support the Port Authority of Nauru to introduce institutional reforms. With a population of about 13,000 people, Nauru is highly dependent on maritime transport for its habitability. Nauru will greatly benefit from the upgraded port infrastructure, allowing for more costeffective and timely delivery of essential supplies and may provide for alternative sources of domestic revenue. ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. In 2018, it made commitments of new loans and grants amounting to $21.6 billion. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region. n

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Steamships announces K250m investment

Artist impression of Harbourside South project.

PT MEDIA Port Moresby Papua New Guinea


TEAMSHIPS Trading Company has announced the commencement of construction of the Harbourside South project at a ground breaking ceremony in Port Moresby today (Tuesday 15th). Prime Minister James Marape was the guest of honor at the ceremony and who worked tirelessly to commence. This project is earmarked to provide a vibrant Harbourside precinct with a new tower comprising of 21 levels of prime residential apartments,retail and commercial spaces,and much needed parking space. According to Steamships, a unique feature of the



project will be the air conditioned bridge which will connect Champion parade in Port Moresby to Stanley Esplanade through the Harbourside buildings (East and West). This project is a joint venture between steamships and the PNG Sustainable Development program. “We are excited about the progress already being made by our principal Contractors, China State Construction Engineering Corporation PNG Limited (CSCEC), and other various contractors involved,� Managing director Michael Scantlebury expressed. The Harbourside precinct will undoubtedly be the landmark along Stanley Esplanade and Champion Parade. The building is expected to be completed by May 2022. n


Solomon Islands signs up for the Silk Road Solomon Islands and PRC Sign MoU on Belt and Road Initiative

The signing of MOUs between Solomon Islands and PRC.


EIJING, People’s Republic of China- The Solomon Islands Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of the People’s Republic of China. This is based on cooperation within the framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative. The main areas of cooperation under this MoU include Policy Coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-topeople bond. In signing the MoU the two countries will work together within the Belt and Road Initiative to realize the goal of common development, translate mutual complementary strengths into advantages for practical cooperation and sustainable growth to enable the two countries to enhance their political relations, economic ties, security cooperation and people-to-people exchanges and to strengthen cooperation and promoting regional connectivity between regions, jointly establishing an economic cooperation framework which is open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to

all so as to maintain regional peace, security, stability and sustainable development. The two countries will promote the bilateral cooperation based on being guided by the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the two Participants will respect the core interests and major concerns of each other, deepen mutual trust and beneficial cooperation for common development and prosperity; In accordance with respective effective domestic laws and regulations which are consistent with their respective international obligations and commitments, two Participants will ensure the safe and smooth progress of related cooperation projects and energize their economic and social development. In accordance with the concept of cooperation, development and win-win progress under the Initiative of jointly building the Belt and Road, both countries will make full use of bilateral cooperation mechanisms, multilateral mechanisms that they have both joined, and effective regional cooperation platforms to form

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synergy, provide each other with support. Hence, the two countries will regularly communicate and promote the synergy and integration of their major development strategies, planning and policies, as well as strengthen communication and coordination for respective important major policy adjustments. Both countries will conduct cooperation and exchanges of infrastructure connectivity in areas mutual interest such as roads, bridges, civil aviation, ports and energy, telecommunications and open up further to each other, expand two-way investment and trade flow, further deepen investment, trade and industrial cooperation, explore ways and methods to promote substantive mutually beneficial cooperation, and encourage their businesses to build industrial park and trade cooperation zone. Both countries will also encourage respective financial institutions to provide financing support and financial services according to market and commercial principles for production capacity, investment and trade cooperation. The two Participants will expand the use of local currency in investment and trade based on the investment and trade demands, strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between their currency and financial regulators and promote the mutual establishment of the financial institutions between the two countries. A cooperation mechanism will be established to handle financial risks and crises, as well as increase cooperation between the banking sector and institutional investors. Both countries will promote people-topeople exchange, further develop the sister cities network and conclude cooperation agreements on education, culture, health, tourism and public welfare. The two countries will enhance exchange and cooperation between their local governments, media, think-tanks, and the youths, and continue to promote the development cooperation related to public welfare. n



PNG Government sets priorities for ADB funding from 2019 - 2022 PRESS RELEASE PNG Ministry of National Planning Port Moresby Papua New Guinea


he Papua New Guinea Minister for National Planning, Hon Richard Maru, has met with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in June 2019, and gave them clear directions on Papua New Guinea’s priorities for concessional funding in line with PNG’s Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) III priorities. This follows a visit to Minister Maru by the PNG ADB Resident Coordinator, David Hill, where they discussed ADB Country Partnership Strategy Final Review Findings and also the ADB Country Operations Business Plan (COBP 2017-2022) for PNG. PNG currently has an active loan bench of US$1.6 billion which consists of 26 public sector loans to finance 14 projects. The total grants amount to US141.2 million, comprising for grants to health, nutrition (US$57.65 million) with 40% share while transport sector (US$39.47 million) has 28%. The public sector management (US$25.5 million) has 17.9% share and the energy sector and finance grants amount to US$18.86 million. From 2020-2022 our Government would like the ADB commercial loan funding and grants to focus on five priority sectors, including critical infrastructure projects. The critical areas our Government would like ADB to concentrate on in terms of sectoral priority areas: 1) Key enabling infrastructure to stimulate economic growth like: i. Civil Aviation Development Investment Program (CADIP) II Program to include Regional Airports, Tier 2 airports and rural airstrips. ii. Major economic roads like the Momase International Highway from Angoram to Wutung in the Sandaun Province; and key commodity roads right around the country, including the upgrading and sealing of the


PNG currently has an active loan bench of US$1.6 billion which consists of 26 public sector loans to ďŹ nance 14 projects.

Papua New Guinea Minister for National Planning, Hon Richard Maru.

Somare Highway in Manus Province. iii. New international wharfs in Kikori, Manus, Wewak, and Vanimo. 2) In the Health sector, we would like ADB to concentrate on funding the development of Level 4 District Hospitals in all Districts and the development of the Central Provincial Hospital. 3) In the Education sector, we would like the ADB to fund the expansion of current technical colleges and polytechnic intuitions and new ones and the building of more dormitories in our Universities to take on more students at the University of Technology and University of Natural Resources and in Teachers Colleges and Nursing Colleges. 4) In the WaSH sector, we want ADB to focus on Provincial Town Water Supply and Sanitation Systems. The priority projects for ADB include Vanimo, Kerema, Tari and Kurumul Town Water Supply Projects and the new project to build the new water supply and sanitation system for the proposed Pacific Marine Industrial

Zone (PMIZ) Project in Madang which is not included in the China EXIM Bank funding for the development of PMIZ. 5) The Government is keen for ADB to continue the Budget Support to the Government of Papua New Guinea under our Debt Restructuring Plan. Under the Land and Maritime Transport and Trade Commitment Program, Minister Maru specifically asked ADB to fund the Momase International Highway and assist the Gulf Government complete an independent review as part of the Government’s due diligence program of the technical and economic viability of the development of the proposed Vanimo, Wewak, Manus and Kikori International wharfs following that completion of the designs of these wharfs by external contractors. The Minister thanked ADB for the very successful implementation of CADIP I and the K1 billion reconstruction of the Highlands Highway and looks forward to working closely with ADB to deliver the sectoral projects identified in their consultations on the new ADB Country Business Plan. n






he development of Solomon Islands Tuna Fishery started in 1970s with the establishment of the first commercial fishing company, Solomon Taiyo Ltd in 1971. This was a joint venture company between the Taiyo Gyogyo Company of Japan and the Solomon Islands Government. The company established its first processing plant in Tulagi, Central Province after 1971. It expanded its operations and eventually relocated to Noro, in the Western part of Solomon Islands in 1989. In 1978, National Fisheries Development (NFD) Ltd, owned by the Solomon Islands Government was established. The company stated fishing operations with two purse seiners in 1984. Similarly, Solomon Taiyo Ltd operated its purse seiner around the same time as well. In 1990, NFD Ltd was sold to a Canadian Company which was eventually bought over by Tri-Marine International around mid-1990s. The management of the fisheries varies, with the purse seine and long line fisheries being managed under the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) whilst pole and line fishery is managed under the annual license allocations



with only four vessels currently engaged in pole and line fishing. The Noro processing plant was sold with the majority of its shares now owned by Tri-Marine International and the National Provident Fund of Solomon Islands. The company went through major restructuring and built their production up from 80MT to 120MT per day, employing around 1200 Solomon Islanders. Since 1995, several new and small joint venture companies have emerged and ventured into longlining. The joint ventures involve chartering of foreign longline vessels to locally based companies. The number of longline vessels under charter arrangements increased up to around 300 vessels in the 90s. The Government took some measures to reduce this number, which is now maintained at 100 licenses annually since 2011. The only way to get maximum economic benefits from Tuna is to catch and process the tuna locally. This is a priority area for the government; hence it is working to establish another processing plant around Bina Habour in the Southern Coastal region of Malaita in Malaita Province. It is hoped that the fish processing plant and international jetty proposed there will increase employment as well as socio and economic benefits, come 2023. n

Mr. Edward Honiwala is the Director of Fisheries at the Solomon Islands Government Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources since 2016. Fisheries Observer at Solomon Islands Fisheries (1991) and Fisheries OfďŹ cer-Data and Statistics in 1998. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Resources from the University of Tasmania, Australia.


NFA MD Kasu at the Tuna Media Training Workshop BY HARLYNE JOKU Port Moresby Papua New Guinea

PINA President Kora Nou supports media role in tuna awareness


FA (National Fisheries Authority ) Managing Director John Kasu officially opened a three day Media Awareness Training Workshop yesterday (Monday the 9th of September) at Port Moresby’s Hilton Hotel in preparation for the 7th Pacific Tuna Forum which will begin on the 12th and 13th ( Thursday and Friday) this week. The workshop was attended by PNG media representatives from the main stream newspapers, radio and television as well as freelancers and experts of the tuna industry and trade. Mr Kasu said he is pleased that the media workshop is taking place prior to the Forum. He said the media workshop will enable PNG journalists to have an exchange with the experts have more understanding of the tuna resource industry and trade in PNG, Pacific region and the world. “It is a good opporunity for the NFA, FFA (Forum Fisheries Agency) and INFOFISH officials to provide details of the various aspects of the tuna fisheries – from resource management to development, from our national programs to regional collaborations; and the market opportunities and challenges. Mr Kasu said PNG and Pacific island countries are dependent on tuna because it is a multibillion kina major revenue earner and an important sustainable resource. Mr Kasu said it is important that the public and stakeholders are aware of the management and the development taking place in the tuna industry and the media plays an important role in disseminating this information. Mr Kasu was accompanied by the Presi-

dent of PINA (Pacific Islands News Association) who is also the Managing Director for NBC (National Broadcasting Commission) Kora Nou. Mr Nou said the latest report that was represented at the recent Pacific Leaders Meeting in Tuvalu revealed that all major tuna stocks in the region are not overfished and in good health. Mr Nou said according to SPC PNG earns US$129 million in license fees from tuna. This is an important story that needs to be told. “It is my hope that you will use this opportunity to learn about PNGs tuna industry and link that with benefits the government is getting and its flow-on effects to our people. And to get know and learn from more experts in the field,” Mr Nou said. Mr Nou said PINA as the recognized body representing journalists in the Pacific supports training of journalists in PNG especially through its development partners like FFA Forum Fisheries who are the facilitators of the workshop. “Across the Pacific we have seen an increase in well researched and in-depth tuna related stories, particu-

NFA (National Fisheries Authority) Managing Director John Kasu. | Photo The Loop




TUNA larly on increased economic returns for the Pacific countries, crew licenses and excess fees, the doubling of employment opportunities for workers in the in dustry, and the increasing reliance on tuna as the food security source for many of our island people. “The onus now is on us to continue to tell the successful tuna story, locally, regionally and across the world,” Mr Nou said. Mr Kasu further stressed that the leaders of the Pacific recognised the importance of the tuna fisheries and have worked together in early years of independence. “The establishment of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency is a testament of the region’s resolve to be actively involved in the sustainable management and utilisation of the tuna resources. Our leaders’ foresight in the early years bore fruit with the adoption of the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea in 1982. This provided for the soverign rights of the coastal states in our territorial seas and also the establishment the exclusive economic zones,” Mr Kasu said. Mr Kasu commended Pacific Island Countries for continuing to work together as FFA members and sub-regionally as the PNA to manage the tuna resources as well as to ensure equitable returns. He said the FFA continues to coordinate our participation at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. By working together we are able to ensure appropriate conservation and management measures are put in place for the sustainable management of the resources in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. The Goverrnment of Papua New Guinea through the National Fisheries Authority has invested a lot in the management of the tuna fisheries. These include: A State of the art Vessel Monitoring System; an Integrated Fisheries Information and Management System; and one of the largest fishery observer program in the world, Mr Kasu said. Bank South Pacific BSP also presented a K15, 000 cheque to Mr Kasu later on Monday afternoon to assist with the hosting of the forum. n



A Success Story for PNG and Pacific BY HARLYNE JOKU Port Moresby Papua New Guinea


una is a success story not just to PNG’s fishing industry that pays K1.5 billion kina annually as dividend to the national government but; to the lives of coastal villagers too - everyday people. As “Justin Ilakini, NFA (National Fisheries Authority)’s Executive Manager of Provincial Support and Industry Development puts it; “Tuna does not only support economic growth or food security, it does not only support big businesses but small ones too. Tuna touches the lives of everyone. The benefits of this industry has a human face. It provides employment which in turn provides food and education.” About 60 percent of global tuna supply comes from WCPO Western Pacific which includes PNG. The region is the largest tuna fisheries in the world with an annual catch of 2.7 million tonnes between 2014 -2018. PNG is a key player in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) region’s fisheries industry. According to Chris Reid, Acting Director of Forum Fisheries Agency, as of 2018, the tuna catch taken in PNG waters was valued at over US$700million, about K2 billion. The Tuna fisheries success story has prompted PNG to take the lead to co- partner with INFOFISH in hosting the recent 7th Regional Pacific Tuna Forum (PTF 2019) from 12-13th September, 2019 at Port Moresby’s Hilton Hotel. About 200 participants from countries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) gathered to discuss the latest management and sustainability initiatives, and to be informed of investment opportunities in relation to the tuna resource in the region. PNG’s Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Dr Lino Tom supported by the Managing Director Mr John Kasu officially launched the Tuna Forum a week before the forum on the 5th of September, 2019. Minister Dr Lino Tom said at the launch that the government sees the fisheries resource as a major contributor to the economy of the country and that it is the wish of the Marape government that by the year 2020 fifty percent (50%) of the fish will


Officials at the Media Awareness Training Workshop held in September at Port Moresby’s Hilton Hotel.

be processed onshore. “We want to ensure that we provide the necessary infrastructure for onshore processing so our country can benefit from revenue from this sector,” Dr Tom said. He thanked the NFA National Fisheries Authority and stakeholders for organizing the forum and making it a success. Managing Director of NFA John Kasu emphasized the important role the media plays in reporting issues related to tuna fisheries and the forum. Mr Kasu made the remarks when he launched a three day pre forum media training workshop organized as an initiative of FFA and PEUMP (Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership Programme) which ran from the 9-11th of September leading to PTF 2019. Key Fisheries Management Consultant Mr Les Clarke from New Zealand who has been advisor to FFA, Forum Fisheries Agency and PNA Parties to the Nauru Agreement calls PNG a ‘powerhouse’ in tuna fisheries in the region together with Fiji, Solomon Islands and Kiribati. “These were generally outward looking, confident expressions of directions of national tuna development from both local private sector, including joint venture partners and the government. The development parts of the four countries are quite different. We have heard of a wide range of initiatives underway including strengthening of legal and policy

frameworks, institutional developments, enhanced verification and monitoring programmes including e- monitoring,” Mr Clarke commented during closing remarks at the forum. On the issue of climate change; Mr Clarke said this is not the first time that the forum has considered the subject. But he emphasized; “There is no longer

There is no longer any room for eccentric climate change denial. It is still early days in this discussion and there is still much work to be done. any room for eccentric climate change denial. It is still early days in this discussion and there is still much work to be done. We had powerful presentations from the South Pacific Commission (SPC) about projected impacts of climate change and some good discussion on policy responses. Mr Clarke said there is no doubt climate change will be a more important subject in the next forum.

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Other high profile presentations included effective management can result in large dividends for resource owners and vessel operators. FFA attributed the positive economic conditions on the purse seine fisheries to the alternative and effective management controls. The two day PTF 2019 was hailed as “successful and rewarding” by several key participants. Most were vigilant in pursuing the theme - “Sustainable Tuna Fisheries: Driver for Social and Economic Growth and Development in the Pacific. INFOFISH Director Shirlene Anthonysamy said; “it was two days of successful deliberations. “She thanked the government of PNG and the NFA National Fisheries Authority for hosting another successful tuna forum. “It is important to hold discussions and network on the theme. We’d love to hear your feedback. We thank the PNG Government and NFA for making the forum a very successful event,” MS Anthony Sam said. INFOFISH are co organizers of the forum supporting key organizer PNG’s NFA (National Fisheries Authority). According to NFA Managing Director John Kasu at the official launching of PTF 2019 on the 5th of September the hosting of the conference cost over K 1 million. Mr Les Clarke, Fisheries Management Consultant (New Zealand) and currently advisor to PNA (Partners to the Nauru Agreement) said in his closing remarks; “After spending some time away and coming back to the forum I found it absolutely superb,” he said. n

PNG’s PM Marape Emphasizes Sustainable Fisheries in the Region BY HARLYNE JOKU Port Moresby Papua New Guinea


he Regional Tuna forum began with a keynote message by PNG’s Prime Minister James Marape delivered by the Minister assisting the PM Mr Manasseh Makiba. It was a clear message of the Marape Davis government’s priorities attached to tuna resource development in the country. “The Pacific people are blessed with abundant fisheries and marine resources. We must ensure that our tuna resources are harvested on a sustainable basis to safeguard our livelihoods of our future generations. In terms of tuna, the Western and Central Pacific Ocean supports the largest tuna fishery in the world. It provides an average annual catch of 2.7 million tons in 2014 to 2018. This equates to 56% of global tuna supply. In the same period of 2014 to 2018, about 58% or 1.5 million tons of tuna catch annually came from waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States and their exclusive economic zones (EEZ) unlike other parts of the world. PM Marape said he is grateful of the role played by the leaders of the Pacific Islands in the 1970s and 80s in negotiating and securing the rights of the coastal states under the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea. He said this laid foundation for Pacific Islands States to enter fishing access arrangements with distant water fishing nations which allowed fishing vessels to fish within our respective EEZs. PM Marape has tasked the Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Dr Lino Tom to establish a high level committee comprising members of relevant government department agencies and the fishing and processing industry. They will set out to identify a set of clear policy options and strategies that will ensure a viable environment

Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources >



PM Marape stressed it is essential that Pacific Island Countries work together to establish common understanding in monitoring of investments in the region.

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape.

for tuna fishing and processing sector as well as to be able to attract additional onshore investments and further increases in processing. The committee will explore possibilities of having countries in the region utilize the value of their tuna fishery and to secure potential funding and private sector partners to invest in tuna processing in PNG or other suitable locations in the region. PM Marape stressed it is essential that Pacific Island Countries work together to establish common understanding in monitoring of investments in the region. Efforts must be given to discoursing investors from shifting their investments and the reflagging of their fishing vessels from one island country to another, he said. “If we can do that, we will remain true to our resolution to maintain regional solidarity, which has been our greatest strength to date. It is time to address issues facing the tuna sector together. The sooner we have these issues addressed the sooner we will see the increases in benefits to the Pacific Islands countries as well as our distant water fishing partners and investors from the sustainable use of the important resource, “ said Mr Marape. PNG’s presentation prepared by Managing Director John Kasu and delivered by his deputy Noan Parkop highlighted Tuna as the largest of PNG’s fisheries and represents a balance of both domestic industry development and foreign access arrangements. The tuna fisheries primary based on skipjack and yellow fin

with smaller quantities of big eye and albacore. They stressed that Papua New Guinea remains committed to building a vibrant tuna fishing industry. Today PNG is not only home to a major fishing ground for tuna stocks, the country is slowly becoming a major tuna processor and a growing fishing state. Chairman of FIA Fishing Industries Association Sylvester Pokajam was critical of the VDS and rebate schemes. However on the positive note he said the total current employment as a result of current tuna processing capacity is 9,720 and supporting about 48,600 individuals and the figure will increase. Mr Pokajam said PNG has a total catch of 316,278 metric tons with a value catch of US$496 million. Because more than 50 % of its catch is from PNG flag vessels and LBFV, its contribution combined with harvesting and processing is US$257 million, balance of payment is US$317million, Mr Pokajam said. The government and the NFA have agreed for a review of the rebate scheme. Overall, the two day forum concluded on a high note. Mr Morea Veratau the 7th Pacific Tuna Forum’s Master of Ceremony from PNG’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was impressed with the meeting. He congratulated the organizers saying the forum has drawn from 17 countries, 33 distinguished panelists. “It has been them wonderful and successful forum. One of the best that I have ever attended,” Mr Veratau said. n

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Sanjay B. Shah made his presentation to SINPF staff.

Airtime Service, first of its kind, says Digital Finance Expert BY ELLIOT DAWEA SINPF Press Release


he Solomon Islands Forty three year’s established superannuation in the country known as Solomon Islands National Provident Fund is venturing into digital finance service dubbed as youSave Lo Mobile that was launched on 9 November 2019. Speaking exclusively with Pacific Tenders Magazine (PTM), the project’s technical expert assigned by UNCDF/PFIP to help in the implementation and assist the stakeholders is Sanjay B. Shah from PHB Development said the project launch was a success. He said youSave Lo Mobile is an innovative digital financial service pilot project for enhancing access to finance and enabling financial inclusion for the informal sector in the Solomon Islands. The platform is now in its final stages before completion and implementation by the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF).

This is to enable the use of mobile Airtime (Top Up) to make deposit payments directly into the youSave accounts of customers. Currently “youSave” is a very popular retirement savings product targeting the informal sector in Solomon Islands. It that was launched in 2017 by SINPF and is supported by the Australian High Commission’s Department Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) and the United National Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). With the implementation of the airtime project, youSave members can buy airtime from any Telekom or Bmobile topup agents and send the credits they buy as their savings to youSave using a designated USSD code *673# from their mobile phones. For those youSave members that use this service, they will receive a message notification on their phone once their account is updated, on a real time basis. Using the same code, members will also be able to find the current balance of their youSave account. Meanwhile youSave Team Leader Wilson Hano




said UNCDF, through its Pacific Financial Inclu sion Program (PFIP) has provided technical assistance to SINPF. He said Sanjay; an international expert will oversee the use of airtime (Top Up) for making deposit payments into the youSave customer account. Hano said the introduction of youSave in 2017, has made NPF more complete, because all Solomon islanders can save money for retirement or old age. He believes that this pilot project with the innovative approach to use conveniently available airtime to make direct deposit payments into the customer’s account will be a game changer and bring digital financial services to all. Sanjay told PTM that the main goal of the airtime project is to provide easy and secure access to youSave members to be able to save for old age without having to come physically to SINPF head office in Honiara and other two provincial branches. More importantly, they can do this at any time and from anywhere in Solomon Islands, from the convenience of their homes. The key innovation here is the use of airtime payment for deposit/savings product. While airtime has been used to make payments for services such as power, or water or insurance, this is a first time anywhere in the world, where airtime will be used for savings. This is a unique approach which UNCDF / PFIP to provide support as it provides a tool for better saving practices through a digital channel, since it is proven that digital financial services can make this a reality for low and middle-income people. This can help improve livelihoods by providing safety nets in case of emergencies, preparing for unexpected expenses, and enabling financial independence. Isaac Holly, the Country Technical Specialist of UNCDF, had described “This project is a significant step towards the digital economies in Solomon Islands and are thankful to the Australian High Commission for their continued support to these projects.” The pilot project is being led and coordinated by the Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) and the overall implementation of the airtime project will be piloted by the 2 MNO’s (Telekom and Bmobile) together with SINPF. Currently total youSave membership had surpassed 11 thousand members, with about $8 million in net



savings. Withdrawal is still small, around 10% and youSave is encouraging the informal sector to save more for their old age. “I am here to advise, guide and prepare the stakeholders and to make sure that all the technical elements, the preparedness and the discussion on human resources, and all the processes work seamlessly and correctly – so as to ensure a successful project. With such kinds of multi-stakeholder projects, tasks and requirements and their implementation can become very complex – thus a major role that I play is to ensure smooth coordination among

The key innovation here is the use of airtime payment for deposit/savings product. While airtime has been used to make payments for services such as power, or water or insurance, this is a first time anywhere in the world, where airtime will be used for savings. the partners and that all are at the same level of understanding. Another strong element that I assist the stakeholders with, is to ensure that the technology and processes, and how it will function, has to be done with the customer as the main focus, so that it is secure, practical and convenient for them. Thus, I am here to put all these elements into place, so that when the technologies are ready and all the processes come together, then youSave airtime project can go live”, Sanjay said, Sanjay is a senior consultant with expertise in the field of digital finance and has been working in the areas of digitization, digital finance, financial inclusion and access for more than 15 years in different regions of the world. n


Internet access growing steady in the Solomons BY DOUGLAS SAEFOA Honiara Solomon Islands


he growth of online media has had a significant impact on the traditional media landscape in Solomon Islands. Media outlets are now using online as alternative to meet the demand for faster information, and bloggers have more influence and credibility than ever before. Content is delivered quickly, more frequently and 24 hours a day. According to the Director of Communications within the Ministry of Communication and Aviation Alwin Danitofea, collective data sourced from the current internet service providers in the country would depict that internet connectivity throughout the country is slowly but effectively improving. According to the 2017 Telecommunications Solomon Islands Annual report in 2017 mobile connection was 465,000, penetration 78% and coverage 94%, Internet connection was 114,000 and penetration 19%. The number of connections since 2010 has increased sevenfold, with a penetration rate of 78% in 2017 compared with 70% in 2016. The overall coverage nationwide, calculated on population number and density is 94% for 2017, which compares with 93% in 2016. For the future, the most noteworthy trend is the number of internet connections, which were just 8,000 in 2010 but now number some 114,000 nationally. The majority of the population, some 78%, still access to 2G voice telephony only. However, with the upgrades completed in the provinces, 3G coverage now extends to some 19% of the popu-

lation, compared with 13% in the year before. “The 2.37% of the population still not connected for any service, are in locations in the remote highlands, and other rural areas where mobile signals cannot reach for technical reasons, or where mobile base stations or relays would need to be specially deployed to link up with the mobile network assets already in place where the traffic volumes justify installation” said Danitofea. The fact is 465,000 people in country have subscribed to mobile services, 114,023 are subscribed to the 3G network. Mr. Danitofea explained that despite the significance in terms of coverage this does not practically reflect the extent of mobile phone users throughout the country since most mobile phone users have more than one SIM registry on the telecommunications operators’ database. However what is important is that telecommunications in the country has improved a lot from what is was 10 years ago. “Despite the fact that our provinces have access to this platform a huge challenge is having the knowledge on how to utilize it. We have discovered that most of our people living further within our Provinces seem less interested in the extended capabilities the internet has to offer and more attracted to social media platforms like facebook” said Danitofea. Internet Usage and Population statistics for Oceania recorded at the end of 2017 revealed that a total of 68,000 people in Solomon Islands use facebook or have an account on facebook. Mr. Danitofea said the undersea cable project will definitely provide the boost in telecommunications in the country. n




Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing


Solomon Islands and PRC sign MoU on Economic and Technical Cooperation GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION UNIT Honiara Solomon Islands


he Solomon Islands Government and the People’s Republic of China have signed a Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) on Economic and Technical Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China (PRD) on October 9 when the Prime Minister met with the PRC Premier Li Keqiang in China. The MoU MoU is based on the view to further developing the friendly relations and economic and technical cooperation between the two countries. The Government of People’s Republic of China is willing to provide assistance within its capacity to assist the Government of Solomon Islands in its endeavour to develop economy and improve people’s livelihood under the framework of cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Pa-

China Expands BRI Initiative to Member Coun-


ACIFIC ISLAND countries who are part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will be part of China’s advancing its Belt and Road Cooperation. China’s Minister for Commerce Zhong Shang in a press conference held in Beijing earlier this month announced that with the country’s 70th anniversary they are now looking at strengthening and deepening its trade and commerce relations with all 38 Belt and Road countries. Minister Zhong said this is because China has seen a continuous expansion of its trade with BRI countries. He said China’s share of trade with BRI countries is increasing every year including its currency.

cific Islands region, as well as the bilateral cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and Solomon Islands. Further, in accordance with the needs of the Government of Solomon Islands, the Government of People’s Republic of China will provide Solomon Islands with grant aids from 2020 to 2022 for the implementation of the projects agreed by the two countries and provide funds into “the Rural Constituency Development Fund”. The mentioned aid will be implemented through signing annual economical and technical cooperation agreements. Under the mentioned aids, according to the concerns of the Government of Solomon Islands, projects will be discussed for orderly implementation which includes the 2023 Pacific Games Stadium, water purification facility, the upgrading of the National Referral Hospital and the expansion of the Solomon Islands National University. n

He said Chinese companies has heavily invested 13billion US dollars to BRI countries and the total value of contracted and engineering projects to BRI countries also exceeded 720 billion US dollars. “The BRI countries have also invested in China with more than 48 billion US dollars in terms of major projects and industrial parks and we have seen the implementation of some of these projects,” he said. Mr Zhong said as a result they have now established a trade working group with 8 BRI countries and a trade working committee with five countries. He said the focus of these two groups is to first build an open platform to allow for more trade so that more products from the BRI countries can access the Chinese market. “To create two way markets to deepen the strategic investment project connectivity with relevant countries to ensure there’s a balance in our trade with them and also with our companies to engage cooperation on e-commerce with relevant countries and also to negotiate FDIs with BRI countries as well as to upgrade the FDI list for some of those countries, “he said. n




Solomon Islands Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare at the Australia and Solomon Islands Business Forum.

DCGA sets ambitious 10-year development goal Solomon Islands Government commits to achieve infrastructure objectives PRIME MINISTERS OFFICE Honiara Solomon Islands


he country’s geographical setting makes infrastructure a vital component in our quest to attract investors and economic growth. This is according to the Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare during his address at the Australia and Solomon Islands Business Forum held recently. “The undersea cable is such an infrastructure that will connect our islands, but more importantly connecting the country to the outside world,” he says. The cable has already landed in the Solomon Islands and in Australia as well. The government is excited and looking forward to its commission in December. The DCGA has also launched the Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP). This is a project that will upgrade the roads in Malaita and improve the Honiara International Airport and Munda International Airport. This project is financed by the World Bank and Solomon Islands Government, to the tune of $SBD433m. “The opportunities that this improved infrastructure will bring is huge. It will definitely make the West-



ern Province more accessible to tourists. An influx of tourists into Western Province will no doubt boost economic activities there,” the Prime Minister says. The improved upgraded road network in Malaita will bring the down the cost of transport in Malaita. Transport service providers will no longer need to spend more on spare parts and fuel because of bad road conditions. This will in turn make it more affordable for farmers to bring their produce to Auki and Honiara. This will greatly assist our kava farmers in Malaita to bring their kava to Honiara because of improve infrastructure. DCGA has an ambitious 10-years infrastructure plan that aims to connect up to 70% of the country through a network of roads, bridges, wharves and airports. This will cover 37 constituencies in its first phase. This should facilitate the opening up of this country’s agriculture sector in the rural areas. DCGA has been in talks with donors about this initiative known as the National Transport Core. The DCGA is committed to the delivery of ongoing and prospective policy priorities in the interests of national unity and stability, lasting peace and economic advancement. n


DCGA has an ambitious 10-years infrastructure plan that aims to connect up to 70% of the country through a network of roads, bridges, wharves and airports.

Specifics of SMEC’s project in the country include employing a standardised approach to bridge design and upgrading, in addition to evaluating various subprojects of the STIIP for potential climate change disaster risks.

SMEC wins infrastructure work in the Solomon Islands CONSULTANCY.COM.AU


ngineering and development consultancy SMEC has been appointed to design and overlook infrastructure projects in the Solomon Islands. The firm was appointed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development in the country, to help with the construction of certain roads and wharves. The range of projects falls under the Solomon Islands Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Improvement Program (STIIP), an Asian Development bank (ADB) supported initiative. The aim is to make infrastructure on the islands “safer and more climate-resilient,” according to the ADB website. The project is also aimed at connecting some of the more remote rural areas to the main economic centres. SMEC will support this process by helping to construct some of the roads and wharves, after winning a competitive bid. The firm is well-equipped to manage the project, given its areas of expertise. SMEC specialises in advanced engineering and design consultancy for a variety of sectors, including transport, energy, water and the built environment,

among a range of others. The engineering consulting firm has been operational in the Solomon Islands since 1977, and has considerable experience with infrastructure development in the country. The Solomon Islands finds itself among a multitude of countries that have realised the need to revamp their infrastructure, in line with a global focus on sustainability and to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving transportation landscape. Neighbouring country Australia is also currently navigating similar challenges. Specifics of SMEC’s project in the country include employing a standardised approach to bridge design and upgrading, in addition to evaluating various subprojects of the STIIP for potential climate change disaster risks. Where risks are identified, the firm will provide recommendations for design change. Graham Jones, who is the Project Manager at SMEC for the new developments said of the STIIP, “This program addresses significant challenges for the dispersed population of Solomon Islands in terms of access to services and economic opportunities.” Mike Qaqara, who is the Acting Director at the Ministry of Infrastructure Development’s Central Project Implementation Unit added, “STIIP will benefit our population by providing much improved accessibility and mobility through better and more reliable transport. This in turn will contribute to stimulating growth in our domestic industries, such as agriculture and regional trade, as well as expand socioeconomic opportunities for our rural and urban communities.” n

> 39


Puma Energy invests K3.2 million in Badili Service Station upgrade BY MATTHEW WERIGI PT MEDIA Port Moresby Papua New Guinea



uma Energy invested K3.2 million to upgrade Badili Service Station says the country manager, Jim Collins. He said Puma is pleased to have the partnership with the operator and it was a testimony to this renovation. It is also producing high quality fuel and it has heavily invested in its energy security compared to regional Pacific neighbours. “Puma Energy’s investment is part of an ongoing commitment of continually reinvesting into local infrastructure and raising the standards of the industry in the country as well providing high quality products in a safe and welcoming environment for our customers”, concluded Collins. Mr. Paul Morris started his operations in Badili in 2007 after he successfully operated a similar operation at Faniufa in Goroka, Eastern highlands Province in 2004. After three years he exceeded all the expectations which convinced Shell then and he was offered the opportunity to operate in Badili. “The site as you know today was a different story then, high turnover of operations was the norm, because of the high armed

Opening of the new Badili Service Station.



hold up rate as we have had our share of the hold ups too”, said Morris. “My special acknowledgement to Puma Energy for the upgrade of this facility which is an indication to Puma’s long term commitment to PNG in truly energizing our country. This facelift in our modern city indeed a welcome news and we will work with you to better offer quality service to our customers”, added Paul. Mr. Paul Morris challenged the Government and the Multinational Companies that the SME Policy does not support the indigenous entrepreneurs. Paul said,” Service Stations should be a reserved business for SMEs and indigenous entrepreneurs”. In conclusion he further said that as an indigenous entrepreneur he is looking forward to the continued support from PUMA Energy and the Government as a conduit to take back Papua New Guinea and make it the richest black nation. The Service Station which was officially opened on Wednesday 21st August by Honourable Justin Tkatchenko, Minister for Housing and Urbanisation and member for Moresby South.In congratulating the operator, he said,” Badili area have seen a lot changes and you have done good by investing here providing employment opportunities which will empower the community in many years to come”. n


Manager of Tavanipupu Island Resort (TIR) Mereoni Adimaisau chatting with one of her guests.

Tavanipupu ambitious to become a Mariner M

anager of Tavanipupu Island Resort (TIR) Mereoni Adimaisau details her ambitious plan under her flagship marketing strategy to transform the resort to become the first mariner resort in Solomon Islands. Speaking to Pacific Tenders Magazine in an exclusive interview, Mereoni said her new management team are committed to offer a world class tourism and hospitality resort in Solomon Islands. Mrs. Mereoni who hails from Fiji said the Solomon Islands Ports Authority was instrumental in carrying out the survey and assessing Marau Sound. Result of the assessment will enable TIR to consider the establishment of a Mariner. This will attract tourist, yachts especially from South East Asia to spend their holiday in TIR. “Since I assumed the role as the new manager, I have noticed the staffs commitment and support and I am optimistic that this is the team that will propel TIR forward,” she said. TIR resort will increase number of bungalows to 15, currently only 9 bungalows are in use by guests. “Despite negative publicity in the media the new man-

agement will work hard and intelligently to build on the brand name of TIR”, Mereoni said. Since inception of my management team, marketing of the resort, the bookings by international guests is increasing rapidly. This was increasingly evident, as recently TIR have received visitors including Swedish doctors, Canberra Grammar School, American writers, foreign journalists and other high profile overseas guests coming and spend nights at the resort. The future of TIR lies in marketing of the resort to boost international guests coming to the resort for their holidays. TIR made headlines overseas as an international brand when the British Royals Prince William and Princess Kate spend their honey moon in the resort in 2012. The resort was featured in the Australian Campaign on channel 7 from the month of August to October, 2019 featuring a weekend special of three nights. TIR is a major investment owned by Solomon Islands National Provident Fund since June 30, 2017. It boosts employment and engages surrounding communities at Marau sound to venture into tourism activities that stimulate the rural economy. n




$5.3m Solar PV Hybrid System gifted to Selwyn College BY DOUGLAS SAEFOA Honiara Solomon Islands


NEW Solar PV and Diesel Generator Hybrid Power System has successfully been installed at Selwyn College North West Guadalcanal and is now fully operational, thanks to joints effort by the Solomon Islands government and EU-GIZ. The project was funded by the European Union through the GIZ (German Development Agency) within the Pacific- Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE). The programme was designed by the GIZ for the Pacific Islands. The Solomon Islands Government through its Ministry of Environment Climate Change Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) secured (2) Financial Agreements (funds) from the Sustainable Energy part of the GIZ ACSE programme for two separate projects: The Selwyn College Solar PV and Diesel



Generator Hybrid Power System and A Diploma programme in Solar PV which was expected to be offered at SINU in mid-2019. According to the Project Management Unit (PMU) the funds secured for the Selwyn College Project alone was approximately EUR 844,158 equivalent to SBD $7,713,804.14. The SIG and the Anglican Church of Melanesia also contributed a combined amount of approximately SBD422,922,40 in this project. The actual cost for the construction of the hybrid power system is approximately SBD5,343,561.61. The PMU said the project at Selwyn College is something similar to Solomon Power’s Solar Hybrid stations in Taro and Seghe. The MECDM Climate Change Division in its capacity to assist the SIG to achieve its renewable energy goals has decided to provide reliable electrical power supply for large boarding schools within the country, from clean energy or


renewable energy sources. Thus, this is a pilot project. “The importance of the project is its Pilot nature and the Climate Change Division’s participation in achieving the SIG renewable energy goals. The latter outcomes of this project as it is being replicated will have a very long term benefit in terms of provision of clean energy and reliable electrical power to the boarding schools which will have other good rippling effects as well as reducing the gap for us to grossly benefit from other clean energy international initiatives for instance, the carbon trading scheme,” said Project Officer Lemuel Liolea. EU-GIZ spokesperson Gavin Pereira said the project is the culmination of 5 years of planning (since 2014) and Ground work (since 2017). The solar hybrid system combines solar power with battery storage to provide 24/7 power access to the school. The system also integrates a diesel generator to provide additional generation to supply the school’s load, and recharge the batteries at times of high-cloud, low sun, or high energy usage. In terms of magnitude, the system comprises 160kW of Solar PV, 940kWh of battery storage; a 110 kVA generator, 90kVA battery inverter cluster, 150kVA PV inverter cluster The system is designed to provide 400kWh of electricity for the school each day. The school community are now entrusted to ensure that they adopt the efficient energy management principles that the project have taught, to ensure that the system works well into the future. Further, the school through its management board are entrusted to maintain contributions to a sinking fund to ensure that funds are on hand for maintenance or potential equipment replacement “This is a pilot project, and it is hopeful that this approach provides a blueprint for SIG for replication across other unpowered boarding schools, approximately 20 of them in total,” said Mr. Pereira “Replicating the project will have the effect of boosting the quality of education by improving access to educational services; such as lighting for homeworks; internet and computer usage, better water and sanitation (through the power systems improvement in providing water 24/7).” “GIZ has financed this project through its partnership with EU under ACSE. This is a once off program, however, the project has provided the blueprint for future replication,” Pereira said. n

PNG to Sydney Fibre links complete Coral Sea Cable 2 Connectivity up and running - Port Moresby to Sydney


NG DataCo Limited recently announced that the CS2 connectivity between Port Moresby and Sydney is up and working now. According to DataCo, the DataCo team that will be operating the system on the PNG end had hands on training with the contractor, and as part of the training powered up the link to get connectivity up and working during the first week of October this year. Whilst the link is up, DataCo has also advised that its engineers will be conducting tests on the link for about one month before some trial traffic on the link. Paul Komboi, the Managing Director of DataCo said, “the connectivity is a milestone for the country(PNG) where internet connectivity is concerned”. “We are excited about the link that is up now and following tests and final checks and commissioning we




are on track to have commercial services on by January 2020”, Komboi added. The Coral Sea Cable System provide 100 Gbps of capacity by January 2020 into Port Moresby and will improve reliability and latency as it will have less points of failure given its direct connection into Sydney. Meanwhile work on the National Transmission Network (NTN) for PNG is about 60 percent complete. In an update on the status of the National Transmission Network that is being constructed in various parts of PNG. DataCo Limited Managing Director

Gulf Province and Daru, Western Province. This will complete transmission connectivity within the southern region of PNG up to Lae and Madang. Which only leaves the Islands region and Wewak and Vanimo in the Momase region to be completed by first quarter 2020. The new NTN infrastructure was taken up in various sub projects. The main project consists of Highlands Terrestrial fibre, Kumul Submarine Cable Network, Coral Sea Submarine Cable and the Satellite Modernization and Optimization Projects. The national transmission network comprises of; n n

The Coral Sea Cable System provide 100 Gbps of capacity by January 2020 into Port Moresby and will improve reliability and latency as it will have less points of failure given its direct connection into Sydney.

n n n n n n n


Paul Komboi said work is progressing well and PNG DataCo is confident to deliver the project by 2020. A modern domestic and international transmission network connecting all provincial capitals and multiple international connections to diverse international locations is being built by PNG DataCo and its partners. The NTN uses fibre optic (subsea and terrestrial) as primary route and satellite as secondary route. It is a strategic national infrastructure intended to be shared by all. The NTN consolidates the existing infrastructures and the new infrastructures being currently built. The existing networks are; LNG Fibre, terrestrial OPGW/ADSS cables and international submarine cables and gateways as well as the satellite infrastructure at the Gerehu Earth Station. The multiple Submarine Cable breaks in the Kumul Submarine Cable Network (KSCN) System 2 around the Lae Bismark sea waters which was rigged by the 7.2 Earthquake in Bulolo on May 7th, 2019 was also scheduled for repair and was fixed when a cable for repair enrouted to PNG and did the repair in MidAugust 2019. After completion of the repair, this cable ship then proceeded to install new submarine cables to Kerema,




PNG LNG Fibre Cable (Pom-Hides); Highlands Terrestrial Fibre Cable (Yonki-HagenWabag-Mendi); Lae to Madang Terrestrial Fibre Cable; APNG S2 Submarine Cable (Pom-Sydney); PPC 1 Submarine Cable (Sydney-MadangGuam); Domestic Satellite links; New O3b Satellite links; New Coral Sea Submarine Cable (CS2) (SydneyPom-Honiara); New Kumul Submarine Cable Network (KSCN) which comprises 15 coastal province capitals including connections to Jayapura (Indonesia) and Noro (Solomon Island); and New modernised Data Centre in Port Moresby and Data Centre Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) in Madang; and New modernized Network Operation Centre (NOC) in Port Moresby for network monitoring.

The Managing Director said the arrival of the Alcatel cable-laying vessel “Ile De Brehat” at the beginning of July, saw the first phase of CS2 project begin. The laying begin in July will see cable-laying work complete on target for the end of 2019. PNG DataCo who is responsible for the Government’s representative on the project will work with Vocus, Alcatel, DFAT and Solomon Island Cable Company (SICC) to ensure cable-laying from Port Moresby to Sydney and Honiara operates smoothly. Mr Komboi is confident that when the KSCN and CS2 Submarine Cable Projects are completed in the first quarter of 2020, this will ensure that PNG will have international and domestic transmission connectivity to distribute high capacity and quality broadband capacity to all provincial capitals empowering Telcos and ISPs as well as the corporate enterprise and government to extend their suite of ICT services and products to the other populated areas to service the people of PNG. n


A similar seawall project being erected in another country in the region.

Construction of SBD$2.8 Million Seawall Project at Tulagi underway


he Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) has been facilitating a proposed sea wall project at Tulagi, Central Province. The proposed sea wall project is financed by the World Bank under the Community Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Project (CRISP). Mr Nelson Henry Sara CRISP National Engineer said, under the MECDM, Tulagi sea wall project is a major project financed under CRISP and is aimed at assisting those communities who are vulnerable to climate change and Nofokava construction group has been contracted to undertake the project. Mr Sara said the construction work has already started and is progressing smoothly as the main structure have already been erected below the sea level and precast has already been installed. “In this project, we originally planned on a seat pilling type of structure, but it didn’t actually happen because it was quite expensive and then equipment’s to carry over to Tulagi were not affordable so that’s why we only did the precast concrete structure type,” said Sara. “This project has started since last October and was expected to be finished last month of June but since the elections took place in April, the ministry had to

extend the time from July to September by which the project should be completed,” Mr Sara said. Nofokava Construction Group Manager Eddie Walton also spoke of great significance this project could bring not only to Tulaghi town but to residents all through the station. “My team consists of eight men, and we’re happy to undertake this project. As you would understands erecting a sea wall is not an easy task and we have encountered some difficulties especially when the sea wall is being erected from beneath the water and not on a dry area. The task is rather challenging as we continue to move bit by bit every day, especially laying of the steel rods at the foundation level. The wall is expected to stretch 240 metres long and the height 3 metres from sea level,” Mr Sara explained. “Despite the challenges we have managed to complete the first phase of the project which is précising and we are now further into the project,” he said. The wall is being erected just outside Tulagi town, from the Tulagi market to the provincial rest house right in front of the Charles Woodward sports field. According to the MOU the total cost of the project is around SBD $2.8 million. n More on the Nofokava Construction Group in our next issue





Ministry of Health and Medical Services PO Box 349 Honiara Solomon Islands

NOTIFICATION OF CONTRACT AWARDS BY THE MINSTRY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST HALF OF 2019. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) is pleased to inform the general public about the various procurement contracts it has awarded during the first half of 2019. The MHMS would further like to take this opportunity to thank all tenderers who participated in all the tenders it ad-

vertised during the reporting period. All unsuccessful tenders wishing to seek explanations on the grounds for which their submission were unsuccessful are advised to contact the Procurement Unit in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services by email through LJacob@ or by phone through 26013.





1. Construction of RWASH Staff House at Buala

CTB C 90/18

MY Construction


2. Construction of RWASH Staff House at Kirakira

CTB C 89/18

MH Consortium


3. Procurement of 400 Hospital mattresses for NRH

MTB G 32/19

Trade Link International


4. Provision of Security Services for CTB C 14/19 MHMS and NRH

Solomon Security Service


5. Procurement of Motor Vehicles

CTB C 13/19

United Auto


6. Construction of Naha Birthing and Urban Health Centre

CTB C 02/19

Bako Construction


7. Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Specialised Printing Services

CTB C 06/19

a. Provincial Press

As per Price Schedule

b. Honiara General Printers

As per Price Schedule

c. Global Printing

As per Price Schedule

d. InfoTech Impact

As per Price Schedule

e. Good Guys Solution

As per Price Schedule


Melanesian Secretariat and Printing Services

g. JJ Technology


As per Price Schedule As per Price Schedule


1. Preferred Supplier Arrangement for General Stores LOT 2

2. Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Stationery LOT 1


CTB C 09/19

CTB C 09/19

a. Advance Quality Suppliers

As per Price Schedule

b. Fleet Solomons

As per Price Schedule

c. Tropical Marketing Pty Ltd

As per Price Schedule

a. Advance Quality Suppliers

As per Price Schedule

b. Advance National Office

As per Price Schedule

c. Global Printing

As per Price Schedule

d. Tropical Marketing Pty Ltd

As per Price Schedule

3. Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Effluent Waste Removal

CTB C 07/19

Ultimate Enterprise

As per Price Schedule

4. Supply and Delivery of RWASH Water supply Materials for Gizo

CTB C 05/19

Tongs Corporation


5. Architectural Support Services and Project Management

CTB C 38/19

Kramer Auscenco


6. Provision of External Audit Service for GAVI Cash Support Programmes

MHMS S 27/19

Morris & Sojnocki


7. Air Ducting Condition Services at NRH

MTB S 19/19

Kings Construction


8. Air Condition and Electrical Maintenance Services

CTB C 40/19

Cool Solomons


9. Renovation of NRH Kitchen

MTB W31/19

Motawa Enterprise


10. Provision of Genset Maintenance Services at the National Referral Hospital.

MTB S 25/19

Island Enterprises


11. Infection Prevention Services at NRH

CTB C 24/19

LOT 1 QB Joint Venture


LOT 2 Jay Pest


LOT 3 Trust Builders Construction


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