Pacific Union Recorder—January 2020

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Recorder PA C I F I C U N I O N

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The Love Principle Love’s Reminders Page 8

I Love Tacos Page 11

A Place at the Table Page 14

The Power of Grace Page 16 J A N UA R Y 2020




Recorder What’s inside PACIFIC UNION

Publisher Ray Tetz Editor Alberto Valenzuela Assistant Editor Faith Hoyt

4 The Principle of Love 8 Love’s Reminders 11 I Love Tacos 14 A Place at the Table 16 The Power of Grace 20 Adventist Health

Assistant Editor Connie Jeffery

22 Arizona Conference

Design/Layout Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela

28 Hawaii Conference

Printing Pacific Press Publishing Association The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENTS Adventist Health 916-781-4756 Jenni Glass • Arizona 480-991-6777 Phil Draper •

24 Central California Conference 30 Holbrook Indian School 32 La Sierra University 34 Loma Linda University Health 36 Nevada-Utah Conference 38 Northern California Conference 42 Southeastern California Conference 46 Southern California Conference 50 Pacific Union College 51 Newsdesk 57 Community & Marketplace

Download the Recorder to your mobile device! For iPad/iPhone: open your QR reader and scan the code. For Android: activate the QR scan extension in your Internet browser, then select “Scan QR Code.”

60 Sunset Calendar

Central California 559-347-3000 Cindy Chamberlin • Hawaii 808-595-7591 Miki Akeo-Nelson • La Sierra University 951-785-2000 Darla Tucker • Loma Linda 909-651-5925 Ansel Oliver • Nevada-Utah 775-322-6929 Michelle Ward • Northern California 916-886-5600 Laurie Trujillo •

Love. Serve. Lead. In these three words can be found a general description of the life and work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Union and throughout the world: love for God and for one another; service rendered in the name of Jesus; and the willingness to lead and be led in the proclamation of the gospel and soon return of our Lord. The repeating themes for the monthly Recorder magazines in 2020 are Love, Serve, Lead—with Love leading the way. “Love for Jesus will lead us to work as He worked for the blessing and uplifting of all people. His love will lead us to be kind and loving. We will feel sympathy for all the creatures of our heavenly Father.… A great blessing will come to us when we try to be a blessing to others. God wants us, for our own good, to have a part to act in His plan of redemption. He gives us hearts that are changed by His Spirit so that we can be His helpers and pass on to others the blessings we receive. Working with Him is the highest honor and the greatest joy The Love Principle God can give us. Those who do this work

Recorder PA C I F I C U N I O N

Pacific Union College 707-965-6202 Becky St. Clair • Southeastern California 951-509-2200 Enno Müller • Southern California 818-546-8400 Lauren Lacson • Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 07446381), Volume 120, Number 1, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361: 805-497-9457. Periodical postage paid at Thousand Oaks, CA, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

of love are brought nearest to the Creator” (Ellen G. White, Steps to Jesus, pp. 77-78). 1


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Love’s Reminders

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I Love Tacos Page 11

A Place at the Table Page 14

The Power of Grace Page 16 J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 0


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“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”


of Love



hat’s love but

Version—131 times in the Old Testament and

a secondhand

179 times in the New Testament.

emotion?” asked a

In one of those references, God is described

song popular in 1984.

by one of His servants: “Beloved, let us love one

The singer may or may not have been asking a

another, for love is of God; and everyone who

rhetorical question when she sang, “What’s love

loves is born of God and knows God. He who

got to do with it?” Perhaps she was making a

does not love does not know God, for God is love.

philosophical statement or citing an operational

In this the love of God was manifested toward

principle that questioned the Christian belief in

us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into

morality. Perhaps.

the world, that we might live through Him. In

That song may have reflected or influenced

this is love, not that we loved God, but that He

the thinking of many people in a post-modern

loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation

age. However, for those of us still anchored in

for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also

a Christ-centered, God-ordered lifestyle, love is

ought to love one another” (1 John 4:7-11, NKJV;

anything but “secondhand.”

emphasis added).

The Bible talks a lot about love. Love is

“God is love.” His nature, His law, is love. It

mentioned 310 times in the King James

ever has been; it ever will be. “The high and

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lofty One that inhabiteth eternity” (Isaiah 57:15,

because that is who He is—not love as an

KJV), whose “ways are everlasting” (Habakkuk

emotion, but love as an intentionally based

3:6), changeth not. With Him “is no variableness,


neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17, KJV).

According to Ellen G. White, “True love is a

God has always been about love. He is the

high and holy principle, altogether different in

originator of love. It flows straight from Him,

character from that love which is awakened by impulse, and which suddenly dies when severely tested” (The Adventist Home, p. 50). Love is a principle. It serves as the foundation for our system of beliefs. A principle frequently pre-determines an action or a response to an action. We can act and respond with a foundational basis of love—not love as an emotion, but love as a carefully reasoned conclusion.

Profiles of Love First-grade Students Discover the Joy of Giving at Annual Field Trip Every year at Redlands Adventist Academy, first-graders take a trip to Build-A-Bear for a very special field trip. Students build bears to give to patients at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. They pick a bear and help stuff, dress, groom, and package it for delivery, along with a special letter they have written. Their next stop is the children’s hospital, where they leave the bears for the patients. Although the students don’t get to meet the child who receives their bear, they do know that they are giving comfort and love to someone who might need some extra cuddles. RAA has hosted these field trips for over 14 years. “I love doing this field trip because it is community-focused and we are giving back to help make another child happy,” said Linda Breese, the first-grade teacher.



The word love has taken on several different meanings in our postmodern world. Humans talk about love, using one word for a range of connotations. In our romantic relationships, we use the word love as a statement of emotional connection and a myriad other things. We say we love our possessions, job, friends, church, and children. However, if we are true to the original meaning, we must focus on people, not things. My mother told me that her grandmother taught her never to say she loved something that could not return love. Inanimate objects cannot return love or make a commitment in any way. Like may be a better word to use for our fondness for our possessions.

“The word love has taken on several different meanings in our postmodern world.”

“It seems to me that since God is love and professed Christians are in discipleship development under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, we should be growing in love.” Let me reiterate. Love as a principle is the

trusting, hopeful. This is a high calling. To love as

foundation of God’s government, and it cannot

God defines it can be quite challenging in many

be altered any more than God can be altered.

situations. But nothing God calls humanity to do

And in a religious or spiritual context, we may

is impossible. It may not be possible if we rely on

find a “polar opposite” to love as a principle that

our own strength and remain in the grip of our

defines actions.

habits, training, and lifestyle, but “all things are

Take this next statement as an example: “Sin

possible” to them who believe. (See Mark 9:23.)

is the expression of a principle that is at war with

If I am reading Paul correctly here, love is

the law of love, which is the foundation of God’s

even more valuable among spiritual gifts than

government” (Ellen G. White, The Great Hope, p.

foretelling the future or rightly dividing the word

1). A very definite distinction is made between

in preaching or giving to the poor.

the principle of love, which is the foundation of

Of course, the full range of love in all its

God’s government, and sin, which is the opposite

applications can’t be covered in this article.

of the law of love.

Entire books have been written about love. One

It seems to me that since God is love and

could say that the entire Bible is the story of

professed Christians are in discipleship

love—God’s redeeming love. John 3:16 makes it

development under the supervision of the Holy

clear: “For God so loved the world, that he gave

Spirit, we should be growing in love.

his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth

The first Fruit of the Spirit, or evidence of the

in him should not perish, but have everlasting

Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of the believer,

life” (KJV).

is love. We must first have love. Then the others

When I think about this and turn the

will follow. Love leads to “joy, peace, forbearance,

spotlight on myself, I admit that I have failed to

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and

consistently live up to the full measure of God’s

self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV).

love. But I am hopeful in the promise of God that

Becoming a loving person is a sign of maturing

as I yield control of my life over to God, He will

in Christ. It is not the only evidence of such, but it

take care of my development.

is a true notification of godliness.

What’s love got to do with it? Everything.

Paul helps us define love in 1 Corinthians


13. Verses 4-7 declare how a loving person

Ricardo Graham is the president of the Pacific

acts: patient, kind, humble, focused on others,

Union Conference.

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wasn’t always sure how real love was

Atlanta years, I realized that my mom had been

supposed to look. But as I think back on

right all along. “They tease you because they love

my very blessed life, I see the truth of

you, “ she would say. It was a hard sell, but slowly

Psalm 32:8: “I will guide you along the best

I began to see the truth in her words. These

pathway for your life” (NLT).

inaugural students were amazing kids, and had

God chose a profession for me that would

we not bonded as we did, my career and my life

change my life, painfully at times, yet

may have taken a very different turn.

miraculously. I began my career at a junior

Throughout my teaching career, I have been

academy in Atlanta, where I was barely six years

the student, learning more from my classes than

older than my oldest student. It was during those

they ever learned from me. They taught me

initiation years that I survived an assortment of

about forgiveness and resilience and more about

what my students seemed to think were good

love than they’ll ever know.

ideas—snakes secretly placed on my chair by

In 1 John 4:8, we are told that “God is love,”

a mischievous student, a cake that turned out

and I have come to realize that those two forces

to be an upside-down casserole dish iced with

cannot be separated. Wherever there is love

chocolate frosting, Hawaiian punch loaded with

on display, God is there. In fact, examples of

salt, and an unexpected scare as they ran up to

love are all around us every day. They are God’s

my desk with a garden hose and shouted to the

special reminders that He is with us. He presents

boy on the other end, “Turn it on!” During my

Himself through distinct moments and people



BY BONNIE IVERSEN and experiences. He does it purposefully to

they look into my unwrinkled heart rather than

remind us that goodness exists and that He is its

my aging face and ask me to play with them.


God’s character was unmistakable in my mom’s

Love threads itself throughout our lives in

unconditional love. I’ve heard Him in the deep,

thousands of ways, and with every act of love,

reassuring voice of my dad when he quietly

we have an opportunity to look into the face

countered my desire to walk away from teaching

of God. I have seen Him in the innocence of

during a particularly difficult time by saying, “You

my high school students who shared with me

can walk away, honey, and you won’t embarrass

their hurts and questions about life and asked

me. But can you make it through one more day,

if I knew any promises in the Bible that would

and we’ll talk this evening?”

help them get through the hard stuff. I am

One more day has turned into almost 37,000

continually reminded of Him by the support of

days since my dad first asked me that question

my colleagues who surround me and by the

26 years ago. Dad’s love reflected God and

treasured family in which God placed me when

transformed the difficult years into a profound

He knew I would lose mine. I recognized Him in

passion for my profession and for the school that

the way the wife of my cherished brother took

God reserved for me. At times, I can still hear

care of him as he quietly and peacefully slipped

God saying, “Can you make it through one more

into the arms of God. I see Him in the precious

day, and we’ll talk this evening?”

faces of my best friend’s little girls whenever

Love that reflects God inevitably converges J A N UA R Y 2020


with genuine acts of kindness. My sweet dad

was praying for me. My students noticed and

began a special tradition when I started teaching

looked forward to seeing his flowers on my desk

at San Gabriel Academy in 1993. Every year on

from year to year. In the summer of 1999, I lost

the first day of school, he sent me a beautiful

my dad. Still emotionally dazed from his loss, I

bouquet of flowers and a note saying that he

entered my classroom at the end of that summer

loved me, that he was proud of me, and that he

on the first day of school. Slowly, my tears begin to fall. It was as though I had just walked into a floral shop, filled with arrangements from my students who had heard about Dad’s love through his bouquets. Although the notes attached to each arrangement were unique and personal, the theme was the same. “We know your dad can’t send you flowers anymore, but we want you to remember how much you are still loved.” The story of my dad’s flowers was told and retold, and the bouquets continued arrive

Profiles of Love Church Member Dedicates Her Retirement to Service When Kaneohe church elder Elsie Frisby retired, she made an extraordinary commitment. Frisby dedicated all her time to the various roles she fills at her church, including serving as the local women’s ministries director. She estimates that she spends an average of 12 hours a day volunteering—and she isn’t alone! Frisby meets with a group of women who provide for the needs of the homeless, make beanies for newborn babies at the local Adventist hospital, provide the meals served at the local Salvation Army Corps community center, and more. This group of women are connecting their church to the community and actively making a difference.

every first day of school for 16 years after his death. My profession and my personal life found common ground, and both have taught me about love—how to detect it, how to give it, and how to find God in it. Love and God are inseparable. His reminders can be seen in the trust of a student, in the unselfish care given by a loving spouse, in special children who see beyond wrinkles, in best friends who make me feel like family, in flowers sent because someone else couldn’t, in a smile radiating from a stranger, in a word of reassurance from a colleague. Acts of love remind us that God has been by our side all along. I know now how real love is supposed to look. It looks just like the face of God. _______________________________________ Bonnie Iversen is the Director of Advancement at



San Gabriel Academy; 26 of the 35 years she has spent in education have been at this school. She is a former history and English teacher.




nyone who knows me knows that I love tacos. My favorites are carne asada and fish tacos. I love uncomplicated tacos—not a whole bunch of toppings, just cilantro, onion, guacamole, and, of course, salsa. Simple but delicious. They taste even better if the

tortillas are made fresh from scratch. I recently told my wife, “After 25 years of marriage, I think I love you more than tacos.” She was very happy because she knows how much I love tacos. Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (NIV). This is an interesting concept. Jesus says that people (outside of the church) will know that we (the church) are followers of Jesus if we love each other. In other words, people will know that we are following Jesus based on how we treat each other.

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When I think of this Bible verse, it reminds me

or the tortilla is too hot. You need to give it a few

that people are like tacos. Let me explain:

moments to cool down. In the church, this type

The cold taco—There is nothing worse for my

of person seems to be angry about everyone and

taco addiction—I mean, my love for tacos—than

everything. They seem to be “hot” all the time.

a cold taco. The taste is the same I suppose, but

They have a hot temper that can burn.

it’s cold. No one likes a cold taco. Some people

The world’s best taco—You have probably

are cold. They come to church week after week

seen this on a menu or in an ad for a restaurant

but hardly talk to anyone, and they leave as soon

somewhere. Many claim to have the best taco in

as the church service is over. When you say hello,

the world. Some people in the church act like they

they respond with a nod and maybe a “Happy

are better than everyone else.


The spicy taco—Some tacos are extra spicy;

The hot taco—This is the taco that you bite

they burn your mouth and make you sweat when

into and it burns your mouth because the meat

you eat them. In all honesty, they are unpleasant


The genuine taco—This is my preferred taco. The tortilla is just warm enough, the salsa is not too hot, the guacamole is flavorful, the taco is topped with just the right amount of cilantro and onions, and the meat is tender

“Jesus calls me to love all people. This means ALL people—even the people who are not easy to love.”

and juicy. It is exactly what a taco should be. It is authentic. It is the real deal. Most of the time you can only get these tacos in a hole-inthe-wall restaurant or from a taco stand on the street. Nothing fancy or trendy—just a simple and unsophisticated place. In the church, these are the people who are real and transparent. They are humble. They truly love people. These individuals are not flashy. They simply love Jesus and people. They are not difficult to spot and not easily forgotten. They are the real deal. When it comes to tacos, I have my favorites and my preferences. But I will not turn away any tacos. I am always ready to chow down on some tacos. Why? Because I love tacos. I think I need to behave the same with the people in the church. Jesus calls me to love all people. This means ALL people—even the people who are not easy to love. I may have my favorite

to eat. These spicy tacos are like the people in

kinds of people. I may have a preference in

the church who are just unpleasant to be around.

regard to what kind of people I hang out with,

Maybe they gossip. Maybe they criticize everyone

but Jesus calls me to love all people.

and everything. They’re definitely hard to please.

When we truly love each other, we connect

The bland taco—This is the hardest taco for

with each other and begin to develop

me to eat because it simply has little to no flavor

relationships. We learn about each other, and

whatsoever. I have eaten my share of bland

many times we begin to understand why we

tacos in my lifetime. Some people in the church

act the way we do. Jesus knew what He was

are there as “pew warmers.” They don’t connect

talking about. So let’s decide to love each

with anyone, they don’t support anything the


church does, and they don’t want to commit.


They attend church but are not engaged in any

Manny Cruz is director for youth and children's

of the church activities.

ministries, Arizona Conference.

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A Place at the Table BY RITH DOK

L 14

ove is a word that we hear so often. “I

I can remember a conversation that I had with

love…” (fill in the blank with whoever

my mom when I was attending academy. Only

or whatever). There are so many

two payphones were available for the entire

songs about love. It is the main theme

dorm, so getting a phone call was something

of many movies, especially around the holidays.

special. On this occasion, she asked me all the

But what does it mean to love? Has the meaning

regular questions parents ask when children are

of the word been so diluted that it no longer

away: How was I doing? Was I getting enough to

holds any real significance?

eat? I had only been in school for a few weeks,

We have been encouraged in 1 Corinthians

and my family was still not used to my being

16:14 to “let all that you do be done with love”

gone. My mom told me that sometimes she

(NKJV). I believe that love is everything. It is why

would still put out an extra place setting when it

we were created, it is what guides us, and it gives

was time for dinner, because she would forget

us purpose.

that I wasn’t at home anymore. Feeding us has


always been her way of sharing her love with

stuffed animal, or flowers on our porch. This

her family. This may resonate with some

thoughtfulness takes place throughout our

of you because food might be one of the

small community.

languages of love that you relate to.

Jesus is the perfect example of what love

When I think about what love means, I also

is. The Bible states, “Anyone who does not

think of the time when my wife and I moved

love does not know God, because God is love”

into our first home. We didn’t buy the best

(1 John 4:8, NIRV). Jesus came to earth not

house on the block by any means, but it was

only to save us but to be an example of love

structurally sound and it had the layout we

for us. He showed us how we should treat

were looking for. During the home inspection,

each other. He showed love to those who

we met the appraiser in the kitchen to

were excluded. He ate with those who were

hear his report. As he was going through

despised. He touched the untouchable. Jesus

the details with us, we became aware of a

came down and died for everyone’s sin. He

pungent smell in the room. When he noticed

became our ultimate example of what love is.

that we were backing away from him, he told

What is love? What does it mean? It is a

us that the smell was actually our dishwasher.

sense of acceptance and belonging, like being

It was July when we finally closed on the

part of a family. It is caring about the people

house. We knew the first thing we needed

around you so much that you are attentive

to do before unpacking was a thorough

to what they might need. It is being part of

cleaning of the entire house from top to

a community. It is letting those around you

bottom. With the help of my in-laws, we were

know that they are accepted and welcomed

able to get everything scrubbed clean, wiped

despite any differences. Love means knowing

down, and painted. And we hauled out the

that no matter how long you have been

old appliances, especially that disgusting

away, you are still thought of—you still have


a place at the table. It is acknowledging those

Then we took a break and sat out in the

around you and welcoming them into your

front yard to enjoy our new neighborhood.

life. It seems so simple but can be so difficult.

It wasn’t long until we met many of our

I imagine that if Jesus were here on earth

new neighbors. They welcomed us to the

today, these are the expressions of love that

neighborhood and even offered to help

He would show to everyone He interacted

us with anything we needed. One of our

with. This is what I believe love is.

neighbors noticed that our appliances were


on the curb, so they brought us dinner. The

Rith Dok teaches at Summit Christian Academy

amazing thing is that this was not an isolated

in Salt Lake City, Utah.

event. It isn’t out of the ordinary to find “just because” gifts of baked goods, a handmade

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he disciples of Jesus knew something

Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my

momentous was about to happen,

witnesses” (Acts 1:7-8, NIV). The disciples wanted

but they didn’t know what it was.

to govern. They wanted to make the laws, rule a

They were still trying to make sense

righteous nation, establish God’s kingdom. But

of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. All

this was reserved to the Father’s authority. The

their lives, they had been taught to expect the

Greek word is exousia. The exousia, the authority

coming of Messiah, who would rule all nations

to rule, is reserved to the Father. It has never

with a rod of iron. The crucifixion they didn’t

been given to the church. Whenever the church

expect. So what would happen next? Would Jesus

has sought political power, it has usurped the

take the throne of Israel and cast off Roman

authority of the Father.


The church has been given a greater gift. It has

“Lord, are you at this time going to restore

been given the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit.

the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6, NIV). The

Dunamis was given for the church to be a witness

question was not entirely academic. The disciples

of Christ to the world. It is a strange sort of

cherished the thought not only of Jerusalem

power; with God, things get turned upside down.

becoming the seat of global empire but of their

The first are last, the weak are strong.

role sitting with Jesus next to His throne.

The church’s most prized possession is the

Jesus answered, “It is not for you to know the

grace of Christ. As recipients of grace, we are not

times or dates the Father has set by his own

merely to proclaim the power of God’s grace to

authority. But you will receive power when the

forgive sins, to save, and to heal. We are to live

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out the power of God’s grace in our own lives.

and then contradict that message of grace by

Our power to influence the world is entirely a

judging, rejecting, criticizing, insulting.

function of our exercising the gift of grace, of our

Revelation 13 depicts a Christian America that

willingness to extend grace to others. Dunamis is

has modeled itself after the Holy Roman Empire,

the power to forgive the unforgivable, to love the

a nation where church and state collaborate to

unlovely. We cannot preach the grace of Christ

enforce and coerce a religion that is idolatrous, nationalistic, patriotic, Christian, and legal. Here’s the exousia! When this nation speaks as a dragon, it will produce the infamous mark of the beast. I call it “mark of the beast religion.” This religion is nationalistic and patriotic because it worships the beast, and in Bible prophecy, a beast represents a nation. Nation worship is all about nationalism and patriotism. This religion is Christian in name, in form, but not in character, on the authority of Jesus, who warned us about

Profiles of Love Bible Class Inspires Students to Live God’s Love Students of Foothill Adventist Elementary’s fifth- and sixth-grade class applied a “makeover” model in their Bible curriculum about salvation. Upon learning how God wants to do a “makeover” in their lives, they were inspired to do a “makeover” in their community. Students put together care packages for their local heroes and also for the homeless living in the neighborhoods of San Jose. In early October, they visited Saint James Park in the heart of San Jose and handed out 55 care packages. The students then visited four local fire stations with homemade cookies and cards for firefighters. This experience empowered them to continue living out their faith in active ways.

deceptions in His name in the last days. Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name…and deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5, NIV). The deception that Christians need to pay attention to is not the excesses of the left, not the threat of a militant Islam or a militant atheism. It is the threat of a militant Christianity. It is the deception of a Church triumphant that desires to rule all nations with a rod of iron in place of Christ. This is not to say that the left has not become a threat to the church. It has. In California, we have faced serious legislative challenges to the autonomy and values of our Christian institutions. The excesses of the left pose genuine threats to the church. But militant Christianity is here. The religious right has obtained the political power it sought.



It has placed key people in key positions at the seat of power of the most powerful empire ever in human history, more powerful than

the empires of the ancient world. However,

and give shelter to the stranger. That’s what

in obtaining political power, in obtaining the

grace does.

exousia, the authority to rule, the church has


forsaken the power of Christ, the power of

Alan J. Reinach, Esq. is executive director of the

grace, the power of love.

Church and State Council of the Pacific Union

Ellen White warns: “Here is the secret of all


religious laws that have ever been enacted, and the secret of all persecution from the days of Abel to our own time. Christ does not drive but draws men unto Him. The only compulsion which He employs is the constraint of love. When the church begins to seek for the support of secular power, it is evident that she is devoid of the power of Christ—the constraint of divine love” (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 126-127). Adventists have a religion that loves and respects God’s law. But “mark of the beast religion” is a religion of law, albeit a counterfeit. Truth and error lie close together—so close that Jesus warns the elect they are not immune from deception. We can easily become swept up in the enthusiasm of political victory and the moral self-righteousness of law, and omit the weightier matters of the law, justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Today, American Christianity has obtained the exousia, the power to rule. But at what cost? Its witness to the unchurched has been destroyed. The emphasis on legislating morality repels many, including our youth, who are fleeing organized religion in record numbers. The power of Christ is the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy

Profiles of Love Science Project Grows into Community Service What started as a class science project has bloomed into a full-grown community service ministry at VHM Christian School in Santa Cruz, Calif., with students and teachers transforming their overgrown and unused garden into a thriving green space of organic vegetables to be shared with their surrounding community. The project is spearheaded by third- and fourth-grade teacher, Jovinia Mustard. “Our first science unit was on plants and plant cells,” explained Mrs. Mustard. “The curriculum called for a more hands-on approach, and I thought, ‘What better way than getting our hands dirty in the school garden?’” According to principal Deborah Joplin, the most exciting aspect of this project is how it will continue to develop. “With God’s help, this project will grow into more opportunities to share Jesus with our community and there’s nothing more important than that.”

Spirit is manifest as the spirit of grace. Those empowered by grace are the ones in the parable (Matthew 25:31-46) who give a cup of cold water to the thirsty, feed the hungry, clothe the naked,



The team from Adventist Health meets with top officials at the Ministry of Health.


Adventist Health

Adventist Health Global Missions: Ethiopia By Jenni Glass


hen Shellie Carlson was just a baby, her parents left Springfield, Missouri, with a desire to minister to the people of Ethiopia in East Africa. With a few suitcases, they boarded a cargo ship in New York City and set out for the long journey. The young family quickly adapted to life in their new home, but after 14 years in Ethiopia, they were forced to escape the country because of the war. Back in the United States, Shellie finished high school and eventually earned a nursing degree and began working at Lodi Memorial Hospital, now Adventist Health Lodi Memorial in Lodi, California. She never forgot about Ethiopia. Years of war and unrest made visiting difficult, and Shellie was not able to return to the country she fell in love with as a child until 2011. After her first trip back to Ethiopia, Shellie’s heart only grew for the people, and she knew she wanted to make a difference. She started volunteering as a nurse at St. Paul’s Hospital in Addis Ababa, the capital city. During this time, she saw firsthand the needs of the staff at the hospital, including a lack of basic supplies and equipment. With each



trip she brought simple equipment like stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs, but she didn’t stop there. When Shellie returned to California, she told anyone and everyone about

(Above) A young girl prepares for a coffee ceremony for the group on the first day in Ethiopia. (Right) Nurses in the Adventist Health delegation meet with nurse leaders in Addis Ababa.

the condition of the healthcare system in Ethiopia. Shellie worked with leaders from Adventist Health Lodi Memorial and other hospitals to procure equipment to ship to Ethiopia. She also coordinated with Ethiopian government officials to ensure the containers of equipment made it to the hospitals.

Adventist Health

“Shellie’s passion for Ethiopia is inspiring to everyone at our hospital,” said Daniel Wolcott, president of Adventist Health Lodi Memorial. “Associates throughout the hospital have joined Shellie in her mission to make a difference for doctors, nurses, and patients on the other side of the world.” In 2019, Shellie arranged for an Ethiopian delegation to travel to California to meet with Adventist Health leaders to begin conversations about potential opportunities. This set the stage for an Adventist Health delegation, led by Daniel and Shellie, to travel to Addis Ababa and the Amhara Region to see the healthcare system firsthand and meet with government officials to further the discussion. In addition to touring St. Paul’s Hospital in Addis Ababa, the delegation met with top officials at the Ministry of Health. The conversation focused on the needs of the healthcare system and building

(Above left) John Schroer and Daniel Wolcott talk with local kids in Lalibela, Ethiopia. (Above right) Shellie Carlson spends a few moments with a young girl in the Amhara Region. (Right) The medical tent was donated by Adventist Health Lodi Memorial to a hospital in Addis Ababa. healthy communities to best meet the needs of the people. The second part of the trip led the group to the Amhara Region where they toured Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, which serves as the regional referral hospital serving seven million people. Regional Ministry of Health and Ministry of Economic Development officials joined the group on the tour. The newly appointed president of the Amhara Region hosted the delegation for a health forum to discuss the current state of healthcare and needs.

“Seeing the hospital firsthand and meeting with the staff helped us to understand opportunities for Adventist Health to partner together on future projects,” said John Schroer, Adventist Health Global Missions manager. “Our first opportunity to work together since visiting in October is shipping equipment from Adventist Health Feather River to the hospital in Bahir Dar.” Shellie’s passion and commitment are making a difference in communities throughout Ethiopia, but more than that, she is influencing others to start making a difference as well. Adventist Health Global Missions program is excited to join Shellie and engage in mission activities that will result in effective, meaningful development of our partner communities. (Left) Daniel Wolcott, president of Adventist Health Lodi Memorial, and Temesgen Tiruneh, president of the Amhara Region of Ethiopia.


J A N UA R Y 2020


Arizona Conference

Hispanic Convocation and Ministries Festival By Gaby Corella and Phil Draper


n November 16, the Arizona Conference Hispanic Ministries Department held the annual Hispanic Convocation at Washington High School in Phoenix, Arizona. More than 1,000 guests attended, including young adults and children. Assistant to the President for Hispanic Ministries Abimael Escalante, together with Arizona Conference President Ed Keyes and Executive Secretary Jorge Ramirez, announced

five new Hispanic church plants from five mother churches in the Arizona Conference. Leaders from each of the five churches lit a symbolic candle seeking God’s blessings on each new congregation. Guest speaker Pastor Melchor Ferreyra vividly shared the ways in which evangelism should be present throughout each church member’s life—not only as the outcome of a special event or as a result of who

is preaching. He also shared four important steps for evangelism—vision, mission, strategy, and values—and the implementation of these four steps. During the afternoon, a Ministries Festival breakout session gave members the chance to attend one of several different classes offered. Participants enjoyed a fellowship lunch with all our churches outside on the football field under scattered clouds and a blue sky. It was a blessed event!

based in Jesus Christ’s love.” Perez and Mex held several breakout sessions during which couples could participate and interact with each other. The husbands and wives were given the opportunity to express their feelings for each other in a series of planned activities. For some, this was a new experience in communicating love. As Mex emphasized, “We need to fight for our marriages and stop divorces!”

A wonderful Christmas spirit was displayed for the Saturday evening dinner as the couples dressed in “ugly Christmas sweaters,” sang Christmas songs, and enjoyed the cooler weather while sitting by the fireplace and drinking hot chocolate. One of the many who expressed gratitude for the experience exclaimed, “What great speakers and what an amazing weekend we had!”

Hispanic Marriage Retreat: Marriages According to God’s Heart By Gaby Corella and Phil Draper


he Arizona Conference Hispanic Ministries Department held their annual Hispanic Marriage Retreat from November 8-10 in Prescott, Arizona. Always a popular retreat, this year 80 couples attended. Special guest speakers were Pastor Enrique Pérez and psychologist Mary Mex, who provided a series of exciting seminars. Perez told his listeners, “No matter how big the love for your spouse is, it matters more when the marriage is



Arizona Conference

Outdoor Education

Helping our Kids Find God in Nature By Nicole Mattson


resh air, beautiful pine trees, lots of healthy energy, and the drawing love of Jesus! This is what Outdoor Education is all about: teaching students to seek and find God in His amazing creation.

Through the combined efforts of Brian Allison, principal at Glenview Adventist Christian Academy; Wendy Eberhardt, Yavapines Camp Director; the Arizona Conference Office of Education; and many lay volunteers and teachers, 62 students in grades five and six had a memorable time learning about the joy of being “Treasure Hunters” in both His Word and His beautiful creation. Pastor Hugh Barton brought the Word to the students using physics demonstrations and personal applications. Students and helpers alike were impacted by his kind way of sharing Jesus and meaningful prayer—in fact, 11 students answered the call for baptism. God works ever so powerfully through His masterpiece, nature. The students experienced the exhilaration of viewing stars in a beautifully dark fall sky, panned gold from the creek at

Camp Yavapines, learned orienteering skills, mined for “chips,” built survival shelters, practiced trailblazing, and learned about the 12 Foundations of Heaven gemstones as they basked in the sunshine and brisk autumn air. Next year, the Arizona Conference will invite seventh- and eighth-graders to join this group at the camp from September 29-October 1. The older students will enjoy a powerful program based on the needs of young teens.

May God continue to reveal Himself to our young people and to use Camp Yavapines as a place where they can feel His awesome presence through beautiful surroundings.

J A N UA R Y 2020


Central California Conference

Prayer Retreat Offers Music, Prayer, and More


By Cindy R. Chamberlin

he annual Central California Conference (CCC) Prayer Retreat, “Unleashing God’s Power,” was held the weekend of Nov. 8–10, 2019, at Tenaya Lodge near Yosemite National Park. The event, hosted by the CCC’s Prayer Ministries team, brought more than 200 people together in a weekend respite of prayer, fellowship with believers, good food, music, and heartfelt testimonies, as well as keynote presentations by Mike Tucker, Faith for Today speaker/director and host of the award-winning television program, Lifestyle Magazine. Tucker brought home truths about the Bible and Christian living in practical story form. His wit and wealth of research were woven into sermonettes that were both practical and spiritual. He spoke candidly regarding his late wife Gayle’s death and other personal crises that he has gone through. Attendees resonated with his vulnerability, and discussions followed naturally within small groups.

Additionally, Tucker’s new wife, Pam Lister Tucker, provided special music throughout the weekend. Lister Tucker’s soft music selections echoed as lullabies, and each song seemed to “ooze” the gospel. Throughout the weekend, conference prayer warriors directed attendees to incorporate

prayer, silent prayer, traditional prayer, and small casual prayers. After sundown, attendees were treated to ABC sales, fellowship by the pool, and crisp outdoor walks. However, the event was absent a familiar face—Joyce Mulligan, CCC Prayer Ministries director, was

An audio version of the retreat will be forthcoming on the CCC website. Look for it soon at



Central California Conference

undergoing surgery for a fractured shoulder and elbow. However, Mulligan had organized her team so well in advance that they were able to carry on in her absence, although she was sorely missed. “This prayer conference was bathed in prayer, so I was confident that in my absence the presence of the Holy Spirit would take control over the entire weekend,” says Mulligan. “I praise God for my wonderful, praying staff and many volunteers that let God use them to make the weekend a success.” Ed Walker, CCC’s Prayer Ministries assistant director, led throughout the convocation and challenged attendees to "stay on their knees" and "pray on." A tradition of the prayer weekend is to bring the hotel staff on stage to be officially and publicly thanked, and this year

was no exception. Walker thanked each member on stage and prayed a blessing over them. Pastor and prayer ministries core member Kenny Fraser helped lead. There were children’s and youth meetings that ran simultaneously with the adult programming. Holly Cline, prayer ministries associate, was careful to provide the little ones with a weekend of child-appropriate ministry—freeing parents to focus and worship without disruptions. Attendees commented they appreciated this aspect of the retreat. David Urbina and Marina Ensminger added youth activities to the weekend lineup, connecting young participants with the larger church body. All attendees left encouraged to pray on.

“This prayer conference was bathed in prayer, so I was confident that in my absence the presence of the Holy Spirit would take control over the entire weekend.” —Joyce Mulligan

J A N UA R Y 2020


Central California Conference

Gilbert Nye,

Volunteer Extraordinaire

By Cindy R. Chamberlin


mong the programming at the 34th constituency session of the Central California Conference (CCC), which took place Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019, was a special recognition for a long-time volunteer. In 1968, Gilbert Nye did groundbreaking work to help build the elementary school at Fresno Adventist Academy (FAA). In 1995, he coordinated the electrical and plumbing upgrades in North Park at the Soquel campgrounds. When the capital campaign was voted at a special constituency session in 1999 with three categories for development—including the Soquel Conference Center, Camp Wawona, and scholarships for Adventist schools—it was known these projects would require successful professionals in multiple areas of expertise. So an announcement was sent out to CCC churches sharing the vision and calling for professional volunteers: architects, engineers, business owners, and seasoned contractors. Nye, a mechanical engineer, whose company contracted with projects specifically relating to new construction responded. Nye was the man God selected for the job. For over 20 years, he dedicated himself to refurbishing and rebuilding the Soquel campground, building up the infrastructure of FAA, and more. He gifted his skills for design, strategic plans, blueprints, and building projects. His name is on the original plans for each of FAA’s buildings, and he continues to keep each facility in working order. Additionally, he is the current chair of FAA’s facilities



committee, a member of the Soquel Operations Board, and a familiar visitor to the Camp Wawona Board. These contributions have been more than theoretical; he also got his hands dirty. When he and colleague Ron Evans installed a duct system for a new bathroom, they cleaned restrooms and cookhouses before camp meeting— oftentimes only receiving payments of lunch or dinner at monthly meetings. Additionally, when Camp Wawona needed rebuilding expertise Nye, yet again, donated his knowledge and time. Generous, dedicated, selfless, optimistic, patient, and fun are just a few of the qualities of this mentor, team player, and encourager. Nye has filled an integral role for all of CCC’s major plants, large rebuilding initiatives, and structural projects. “I don't have enough time to tell you all the wonderful things that Gil has done for the school,” said Chandra Young, FAA principal. “He has volunteered to drive our van to transport students from Madera. He takes care of our fleet of vehicles by getting them serviced regularly. He has coordinated and completed several projects over the summer to make

our campus beautiful. He was the coordinator on the gym roof project, the solar field project, and the project for the new cement on the elementary playground. Gilbert has helped get new locks for the doors, found a landscape company to service our grounds, located companies to service our air-conditioners and replace thermostats—and that was just so far this year.” When asked about his involvement, Nye simply said, “My goal has been to assist the Seventh-day Adventist Church in its goal to spread the gospel to the all the world.” According to school administrators, Nye is a pillar of FAA, finding scholarships and donations for students in need. "Additionally, he has organized the FAA Holiday Gala for many years and sponsors students at almost every fundraiser. He has donated his time and money to making God’s properties great. Above that, Gilbert is a friend and a wonderful Christian man who cares deeply for others and exemplifies a life of service," said school officials.

Central California Conference

J A N UA R Y 2020



Hawaii Conference

The Blessing of Teaching By Jacqueline Milla


s a former public school educator, I can assure you that working with children just about guarantees that you seldom experience a dull moment. And now that I have the privilege of teaching in a Seventh-day Adventist private school, I can assert that working with children in an Adventist school family guarantees that not only will you have a scarcity of dull moments, you will experience an abundance of blessed moments that stir your very soul.

From the time God placed the call to teach in my heart, I knew I wanted to teach in an Adventist school. Credentialing hoops, which had to be jumped through, dictated that I spend a couple of years in the public school system. In the end I am grateful for my time in public school, because it has made even more precious the experience of being able to openly introduce students to Jesus, to model the joy of service, and to show them that to be a Christian is to have every action of their life motivated by love. I hope that all of our Christian educators remember to cherish the gift of teaching in an atmosphere where learning stems from the love of our Creator and the knowledge that God is the author of all wisdom. One of those soul-stirring moments took place at Maui Adventist School in September, while the kupūna



(elderly) of Roselani Place retirement home were on their monthly field trip to visit with our students. As they entered the classroom, the kupūna were welcomed with warm hugs by the students and escorted to their seats in cushioned chairs, which were overflowing with pillows for their added comfort. A couple of feisty kupūna objected to too many pillows, while others were glad to take the castoffs. I watched with pride as students practiced being patient, listened to the kupūna’s needs, and responded graciously. The students showed off their dramatic talents with the performance of a skit on the beloved Bible story of Hannah and her longed-for answer to prayer, Samuel. The students then enthusiastically shared a number of familiar songs, accompanied by our talented ukulele

players. My heart swelled as I saw the kupūna’s eyes light up. They began to tap their feet and sing along to “It’s a Small World” and “Jesus Loves Me.” I was overcome by the power of music to bridge gaps and connect generations together. As we bid our guests goodbye, the activities director waved me over. He shared that tears came to his eyes as the students were singing “Jesus Love Me.” “My father used to sing that song to me. I haven’t thought about ‘Jesus’ Loves Me’ for a very long time. Thank you.” In this moment, any mundane aspects of teaching melted into oblivion. I was touched by the feeling of what it means to be used by God in a small way to reveal His unfailing love for people. This is why we do what we do. As an educator in the Hawaii Conference, I am truly blessed.

Hawaii Conference New teachers Shannon Kaneshiro (left) and Marshall Freitas (right) join the Hawaii teaching team with their families.

Hawaii Welcomes Local Boys into the Classroom

Marshall Freitas Hawaiian Mission Academy is excited to welcome Marshall Freitas to the team as dormitory dean and head of food service. Born on Oahu to Joseph and Cora Freitas, his family included two sisters and three brothers. His father's dream was to live on the Big Island of Hawaii; however, following complications during surgery, his father died at age 38. His mom, a teacher, decided to fulfill that dream, and they moved to the Big Island when Marshall was four. A coworker introduced her to the pastor of the Adventist church in Hilo. After Bible studies, the family joined the Hilo church and the children began attending Mauna Loa School. Marshall attended Hawaiian Mission Academy for his sophomore year as a dorm student. He has great memories of gymnastics, volleyball, and Camp Erdman, but his most special moments came from

music. He played the ukulele and sang with a quartet, the Men of God, led by Gary Gifford, a Bible teacher at HMA. After graduation, Marshall completed his associate's degree in Food Service at Hilo Community College. He then served as the assistant boys’ dean at Gem State Academy in Idaho. After having been a dorm student and an assistant dean, the seed was planted to one day be a dorm dean. While cooking at Camp Cedar Falls in California, Marshall met Vergie, and they were married in 2002. The next year, their daughter, Magie, was born, and in 2004, they moved back to Hilo to raise their ohana. Magie became a student at HMA during her sophomore year. After hearing of an opening for the dorm dean position at HMA, the family prayed for the doors to be opened. Marshall thanks God for this

answer to prayer and is honored to serve Him at HMA. Shannon Kaneshiro Adventist Malama Elementary School is thrilled to welcome Shannon Kaneshiro to its campus in Waianae. He is passionate about working with young people to help prepare them to be tomorrow’s leaders. Most importantly, he seeks to lead students to the feet of Jesus. This is his 16th year in the classroom. Shannon is originally from Hawaii and has just returned after a sevenyear hiatus. After freezing in Maryland for two years and roasting in Arizona for five, Shannon is very happy to be back home in Hawaii with his wife, Maria, and three daughters. Shannon loves outdoor activities such as hiking and camping with his family, and he looks forward to new adventures. J A N UA R Y 2020


Holbrook Indian School

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946

A Refuge in Unfailing Love By Pedro L. Ojeda


ow big is the city of Holbrook?” “How far away is the nearest town with a Costco, Target, or Walmart?” These are some of the most prevalent questions I hear from people applying to work at Holbrook Indian School (HIS). When I first heard about this school, I pictured a tiny school in the middle of nowhere. Isolation is a key factor in whether people move to Holbrook or not. So why am I here? I remember asking one of my key references why he had recommended me for the job as principal. He responded, “Once you meet the students there, you will fall in love with them.” I thought that was a strange answer then, but I understood



it once I had interacted with the students for a few months. Our students are just like those in other Adventist schools in every essential way. They need nourishment, accountability, consistency, acceptance, and love. The difference lies in the fact that they live in nations within a nation. This leads to disenfranchisement—and, coupled with poverty, the results are less than favorable. Without too much research, you can discover that Native Americans suffer from high levels of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, neglect, abuse, violence, suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse. The leading causes of death among Native children are accidental injury, suicide, and

homicide, in that order. HIS exists primarily to offer Native American children a safe haven while they are students here. The desperate need I see when I look deep into their eyes is what makes my heart go out in love for each student. And it does not matter if they were sent to my office for discipline issues—I still love them. Our goal at HIS is to introduce the children to God’s love for them. “How priceless is your unfailing love, Oh God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 36:7, NIV). Our hope is to provide a place for that refuge. It breaks my heart whenever we have to ask one of our students to leave the school. This separation makes it almost impossible to

Holbrook Indian School continue helping the student. It is heart-wrenching because it is not their fault—the culprit is the environment they are being raised in. One of our big frontiers is a program for parents and guardians so that our students do not revert each time they go home for a home leave or summer break. To help alleviate this, we started a summer program three years ago to extend the amount of time for this safe haven each year. I once heard a person say that HIS is held together by Band-Aids and toothpicks. What I saw when I first arrived on campus was a collection of houses, buildings, and grounds in various states of disrepair. There was so much work to do that the good people working here at that time could not keep up with it. Many of the structures had been put up with love but not with a sense of longevity. There were, and still are, unfinished projects all over campus.

After I had been here few years, our science teacher decided to go back to school to work towards a doctoral degree. When I inspected the home they vacated, I was shocked at the condition of the house they had been living in. When I asked them about this, they said that they understood that working at HIS came with sacrifices, and they realized that the maintenance department simply could not get to all repairs and that funding did not exist for refurbishing homes. God has sent amazing people to work for Him at HIS. One of them, David Dickerson, was the business manager here for four years. In conjunction with our development department, he found a way for us to begin refurbishing staff homes each time a staff member moved out. Since then, we have been blessed with enough funding and capable workers to refurbish almost all the homes on campus and remove all the dilapidated ones. We are currently experiencing a shortage in housing for staff and hope to build two duplexes in addition to completing repairs on the homes that still need it. Please join me in praying that God will continue to send us the funding we

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventhday Adventist Church. HIS also manages a first- through eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.

need to accomplish this goal. I love it here. I love the red rocks right here on campus and in nearby Sedona, Arizona, which I consider to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. I love the hard work, even though it sometimes knocks me down to the ground. But that is not a bad thing, because that is where Jesus’ feet are, and that is where I belong. I love the thousands of amazing donors who contribute hard earned dollars to help the least of these in our little school in the desert. Thank you! To those of you who have never heard of Holbrook Indian School, now you have. Won’t you join us in helping these amazing children? Give us a call or come by and visit. We would be happy to give you a tour of our campus and the Navajo Reservation.

Seventh-day Adventist DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 910 Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910 (928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109)

J A N UA R Y 2020


La Sierra University The Urban Voices Project community choir, led by co-founder Leeav Sofer, performs for TEDxLaSierraUniversity.


Fifth TEDxLaSierraUniversity

Inspires with ‘Through it All’ Theme By Darla Martin Tucker


a Sierra University’s Troesh Conference Center, filled with more than 380 community members and regional high school students, buzzed with anticipation on November 8 as the fifth TEDxLaSierraUniversity got underway.

The day-long slate of speakers and presentations two years in the making got off to an inspirational start as the Urban Voices Project, a community choir and nonprofit based in Los Angeles’ Skid Row, filed on stage, singing as they came and led by cofounder Leeav Sofer. They fanned out into the audience and invited La Sierra University leaders to join them as they clapped and sang in a moving line. Their performance, interspersed with testimonials of rising from desperate



circumstances through the power of music, set a rousing tone for this year’s TEDxLaSierraUniversity theme, “Through it All.” The interactive performance was followed by a talk from Sofer on the pervasiveness of homelessness and the rejuvenating impact of the nonprofit Urban Voices Project on homeless communities. Eight presentations divided into three sessions followed Urban Voices and Sofer, given by speakers from wide-

ranging backgrounds. Speakers included Oscar Olivarria, principal of Calexico Mission School, a Seventhday Adventist institution; Andrew Marr, retired U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret and best-selling coauthor; Dr. Lee Grismer, La Sierra professor of biology and renowned herpetologist; Rose Mayes, executive director of the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County; Tasia Valenza, Emmy-winning voiceover artist and actress; Captain Tim Strack, city

La Sierra University of Riverside Fire Department; Jeff Piotrowski, Emmy-winning storm documentarian, storm chaser, and news media consultant, and his wife, Kathryn Piotrowski. Olivarria, among the first speakers, brought to the audience the story of the significant sacrifices made by Calexico Mission School’s students and their parents. Eighty-five percent of the school’s students live in Mexicali, which lies across the U.S.Mexico border on the other side of the street from the school. In order to get to school on time, students in Mexico must get up very early to join crowds of people pushing their way through the international border crossing. He described the anxiety of Mexican parents, working for pesos, whose ability to pay their children’s tuition at the school hinges on the monetary exchange rate between the two nations. Businesses near the border fence post neon signs informing customers of the fluctuating rates. “Young students are able to understand that the higher that number on the marquee, the greater the possibility that their parents might tell them they can’t continue going to school with us,” Olivarria said, adding that many actually request prayer for the dollar to go down.

Oscar Olivarria, principal of Calexico Mission School, a Seventh-day Adventist K-12 school located adjacent to the U.S.-Mexico border, delivers a talk for TEDxLaSierraUniversity on Nov. 8. “If you think about how you have been able to overcome your adversity,” said Olivarria, “I think you can agree with me that it was your faith. That is the vehicle through which we are able to overcome adversity. I want to share my students’ journey with you because as you learn their story, if you look at them as human beings,… you will see that thing I think we are all looking for, that resiliency to face every day of our life.” Attendees of the Nov. 8 event commented on ways the talks impacted them. Brayden Clark, a freshman at Mesa Grande Academy in Calimesa and a flutist in the academy band, appreciated the Urban Voices

Members of the capacity audience at Troesh Conference Center react to a presentation for TEDxLaSierraUniversity.

Project performance and talk by founder Sofer. “I really liked how music can represent emotions and we can use that to calm down,…how music helps to create and represent how we feel,” he said. Shiyloh Romo-Schmunk, also a freshman at Mesa Grande Academy, with interests in one day joining the U.S. Air Force, said that Marr serves as a significant role model by showing that it’s possible to become stronger through adversity. “[It was] his whole message about what he’s struggled through and even prospered from that most inspires me.” TEDxLaSierraUniversity is an independently organized TED event and is organized each year by John Razzouk, instructor and Sam Walton Fellow at the Zapara School of Business where the events are held. He puts together each event over many months in his spare time as a TEDxOrganizer licensed by TED, aided by volunteers, and with sponsors to cover costs. Videos of the November TEDxLaSierraUniversity talks will become available over the following weeks at and other sites. For more on this story and TEDxLaSierraUniversity, please visit J A N UA R Y 2020



Loma Linda University Health

Loma Linda University Health Establishes New Health Science Institute in China By DonaJayne Potts


oma Linda University Health has created a new health science institute to support the development of emerging healthcare professions in China. In an inauguration ceremony held in October, the International Institute for Health Science was established in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, in partnership with Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC) and its clinical training site, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. Over the past two years, these partners have collaborated to develop new academic curricula, recruit students, and design classrooms and laboratories on the campus of ZUCC. ZUCC’s School of Medicine will offer medical and nursing students education in dental hygiene and respiratory therapy, which will be embedded into the university’s Bachelor of Science degree academic programs. Classes are slated to begin in the fall of 2020. “We chose to partner with Loma Linda University Health because of its worldwide reputation as an innovative and compassionate healthcare educator and provider,” said Wei Wei, PhD, ZUCC



president. “They are committed to the development of a new kind of health professional—one who models values of justice, compassion, humility, integrity, excellence, freedom, and selfcontrol.” Wei said ZUCC will be the first university in China to offer an academic program in dental hygiene. The Chinese federal government recently released a series of health policies for a national initiative called “Healthy China 2030”—a strategic plan to boost the overall health of its people over the next 11 years. The blueprint for this campaign lists five specific targets, which include efforts to invest in and ensure long-term oral health in China. With these policies, the government is seeking to shift the paradigm of a treatment-centered oral healthcare model to a preventionoriented model. Although respiratory therapy has been established as a profession in the United States for nearly 75 years, Wei said it has only been acknowledged as a medical occupation in China within the last 10.

China has seen a rise in pulmonary diseases such as lung cancer and asthma over the past 15 years, in part due to long-term hazardous air pollution exposure, according to China Daily. “China is in great need of preventive dental care and lung disease treatment,” Wei said. “We look forward to establishing strong educational training programs in these areas.” ZUCC was founded in 1999 by Zhejiang University and Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government. Regarded as a world-class international university, composed of nearly 12,000 students, it offers undergraduate and graduate degrees from nine schools. “We are beginning a new partnership that aims to impact education and healthcare across all of China,” said Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health. To learn more about Loma Linda University Health’s global healthcare and education initiatives, visit the Global Health Institute website at, email or call 909-558-4420.

Loma Linda University Health

Nurse Honored for Donating 113 Gallons of Blood Inducted into National Donation Hall of Fame By Janelle Ringer


in San Bernardino, California, in 1982 after transferring to Loma Linda University School of Nursing. “I realized I could benefit the patients in my local hospital by donating,” Emoto said. “Almost all of my donations have come to the Loma Linda University Medical Center, where it goes to the patients I care for daily.” Since graduating from nursing school in 1977, Emoto has worked

as a nurse—as well as a mentor for student nurses—with Loma Linda University Health. “I want future nurses to know that the blood they hang is coming from a volunteer,” Emoto says. “People who give blood do so because they have a passion for helping people. Those donations could save someone’s friend or family member.”


exter Emoto, RN, a postanesthesia care unit and recovery room nurse at Loma Linda University Health, has been inducted into the national Fresenius Kabi Donation Hall of Fame for his blood donations. Emoto started donating his blood 45 years ago while he was attending Pacific Union College in Northern California’s Napa Valley. “I’ve always had a passion for helping people, and at the time I simply hoped someone could benefit from my donation,” he said. Emoto has donated more than 113 gallons, making him one of the more prominent blood donors in the Western United States. That blood has helped nearly 1,500 individuals, according to LifeStream Blood Bank. Emoto began routinely donating blood at LifeStream

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at J A N UA R Y 2020


Nevada-Utah Conference (Left) Reno’s Wild Whimsical Women, a local community group, volunteer to help prepare and serve a wonderful Thanksgiving meal to the veterans of the area. (Bottom left) Reno veterans enjoy the meal, music, and merriment provided for them at the Center of Influence. (Bottom right) Husbands and other volunteers join Reno’s Wild Whimsical Women in service to local veterans.


Honoring Reno’s

Military Veterans By Debra Waggoner


wo of Nevada-Utah Conference’s Adventist Community Services ministries in Reno, Nevada, honored military veterans in November. The Sparks church sponsored their first AMEN (Adventist Medical Evangelism Network) medical clinic on November 10, 2019, in honor of Veterans Day. The AMEN clinic, with its army of local volunteer medical professionals and church members, served numerous homeless and low-income veterans with health assessments, dental services, and massage therapy. Through this event the church members were able to express their appreciation to those who served our country and helped protect our freedom. “It’s very heartwarming to see our church show such amazing appreciation to veterans,” said Debra Waggoner, associate director for the Center of Influence and also a veteran of the United States Air Force. “Our country’s military is a necessary institution to keep us all free, and military service was very good for



me. I would gladly make the same decision to serve if I had to do it over again. I like to remember Romans 13:1. ‘Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God’ (ESV). The AMEN staff were great,” she added. “I got a dental cleaning and an amazing, much needed massage out of the deal. Thank you, Sparks church!” Two weeks later, on November 21, 2019, the Center of Influence hosted its fourth consecutive annual Thanksgiving dinner provided by Reno’s Wild Whimsical Women, an informal social and charitable group that primarily supports homeless and struggling veterans and their families around the holidays. Over 125 men and women veterans made their way to the basement of the Center of Influence to be welcomed by the wonderful smells of Thanksgiving turkey and all the trimmings. More than a dozen volunteers from the community swooped in to set up a festive dining hall, prep the homecooked dishes, and serve the many

deserving veterans. An expert violinist named Mickey played lively patriotic songs and filled many of the song requests from the guests. Paul, a veteran, neighbor, and friend of the Center since its opening, said, “The Center is a special place in the neighborhood and a help to many. We [i.e., the veterans] are all lucky to have all these great people treating us so well. The meal and everything is really appreciated.” Nevada is home to more than 226,000 veterans, approximately 8% of the state’s total population. According to a recent study of more than 132,000 homeless individuals, the homelessness rate of veterans is higher than among civilians, as is the suicide rate. A large causative factor for both is chronic disease and other medical conditions. Veterans’ medical services in northern Nevada are good but still insufficient to meet the many needs of veterans. We are happy to be able to serve this population in meaningful ways.

Nevada-Utah Conference

Total Member Involvement Brings GLOW

to the Nevada-Utah Conference By Joseph Cadiz


otal Member Involvement has been a vital aspect of the Seventh-day Adventist movement. Each generation of Adventists—Baby Boomers to Millennials to Generations X, Y, and Z—has a part to play in spreading the light of God’s love to a dying world. This is why GLOW, Giving Light to Our World, was created. GLOW is a ministry whose aim is to activate believers across the globe in spreading the gospel through pocket-sized tracts on subjects such as salvation, health, prayer, prophecy, and the reliability of the Bible.

In the Nevada-Utah Conference, church members have been consistently using GLOW tracts to do outreach in their local communities. There has also been a renewed emphasis on the mass distribution of GLOW tracts in a single area. These mass distribution events are called “GLOW Mission Trips.” Church members of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds come to these events to distribute tens of thousands of GLOW tracts in the span of just a few days. Ellen White counsels that small books and tracts should be distributed like the "leaves of autumn" all over the world. In using GLOW tracts, this mission is being fulfilled. Over the past year, the NevadaUtah Conference organized three GLOW mission trips and distributed over 130,000 GLOW tracts. All three mission trips were conducted in areas with little to no consistent Adventist presence. One of these areas is the small city of Mesquite, Nevada. According to the most recent census, Mesquite is home to a little over 15,000 people. In just one day, missionaries from the closest local churches in Las Vegas were able to pass out more than 15,000 GLOW tracts during a GLOW Mission Trip in the area. Ana, a participant during

(Left) Three generations of Adventists gather together to pass out GLOW tracts. (Right) Nevada-Utah GLOW Conference leadership (left to right: Jesús Nandi, Joelis Colmenarez, Randy Rincón, Cristel Escobar, Evan Fox). the Mesquite mission trip said, “It was a blessing to be a part of this mission trip, and I am so glad that I can serve God here in the state I live in. I pray that someone will be moved to establish a Seventh-day Adventist church in the city of Mesquite!” Most recently, church members were able to share over 15,000 tracts with the predominately Latter-day Saint population of Tooele, Utah, right outside of Salt Lake City. As a result of the GLOW Mission trip, local church members are hoping to organize a Spanish church plant to help minister to the ever-growing Spanish-speaking community in the Tooele area. Jesus Nandi, one of the Tooele GLOW Mission Trip leaders, explained, “It is initiatives like this that help church

members of all ages see the impact they can have in hastening the second coming of Jesus Christ. From young to old, every member has an opportunity to be a missionary by just passing out a few GLOW tracts!” There are plans to conduct a 1,000,000 GLOW Mission Trip in Las Vegas, Nevada, as the Raiders move from Oakland to their new home by the strip. Nevada-Utah Conference GLOW leaders are hopeful that in the coming year more and more church members will take hold of this opportunity to help spread the gospel like the falling leaves of autumn. GLOW tracts are helping more and more church members fulfill the gospel commission in the cities across Nevada and Utah. J A N UA R Y 2020


Northern California Conference Santa Rosa church, 1869-1912

Healdsburg church, 1884-1921

Two NCC Churches



his fall, two Northern California Conference (NCC) congregations celebrated their 150th anniversaries. Santa Rosa and Healdsburg were the first Adventist churches founded west of the Rocky Mountains.

A Brief History John Loughborough and Daniel Bordeau came to California as missionaries in 1868. After a miraculous chain of events, they held evangelistic meetings in Petaluma, Windsor, and the Santa Rosa Creek/Piner District area (west of Santa Rosa). In April 1869, the first organizational meeting of Seventhday Adventists west of the Rockies was held in a tent across from the Piner schoolhouse. Bordeau was elected president of this first California organization, which had about 75 members. During this three-day meeting, Loughborough baptized 15 people. These were the first Seventhday Adventist baptisms in California. The missionaries moved the tent to Santa Rosa, holding meetings



from April to June, and 40 people were baptized as a result. They then went on to Healdsburg, and by mid-August, 35 were baptized. After the tent meetings transferred to Sebastopol, local believers in Santa Rosa provided the materials, land, and labor to build a church. In October, when Loughborough and his wife arrived for the laying of the church’s foundation, they discovered that eager workers had already finished the foundation and erected the joists. The workers had also decided to make the church 10 feet longer than planned—at their own expense. “California style of liberality!” exclaimed Loughborough. “Surely no objection to an extra 10 feet if you’re willing to pay for it!” In November, believers organized

the Santa Rosa church and dedicated their new building. The Healdsburg church was organized two weeks later in early December, and the members met in a house that was repurposed as a church. Healdsburg Celebration and Evacuation On Sabbath, Oct. 26, 2019, the Healdsburg congregation came to church prepared for a full day of anniversary celebration, but the Kincade fire changed their plans. The day’s schedule included a sermon by North American Division President Dan Jackson, a special lunch, and a concert by musician Tad Worku. However, during Sabbath School members received an evacuation order on their phones. The Kincade fire was raging nearby, and worried city officials had ordered the evacuation of the entire city by 4 p.m.

Northern California Conference

North American Division President Dan Jackson speaks for the Santa Rosa celebration. He also spoke for the Healdsburg anniversary.

Pastor Jimmy Painter called everyone into the sanctuary, and someone suggested that the program be moved to the Santa Rosa church. After receiving an invitation from Senior Pastor Don Smith, the members went home to prepare for evacuation. At noon, a number of them drove to the Santa Rosa church for the celebration— complete with sermon, meal, and concert. “Healdsburg has had a history of being faithful,” said Painter. “We were trying to maintain that legacy." On Nov. 16, the congregation continued the celebration at their own church, thankful that it was still standing. The choir sang a special piece, Healdsburg Mayor David Hagele read a proclamation, and Painter preached from a pulpit used by Ellen White. After lunch, a procession of cars toured nearby historic Adventist sites as the church’s historian Elaine Privat presented information via a short-range radio.

Santa Rosa Celebration On Nov. 15 and 16, the Santa Rosa congregation celebrated their anniversary during a weekend of events themed “Milestones of Grace and Providence.” Speakers for Sabbath morning included Dan Jackson, Illinois Conference President Ron Aguilera (a former pastor of the church), and NCC President Marc Woodson. Other weekend participants included numerous previous pastors, Santa Rosa City Council Member Ernesto Olivares, and Pacific Union Conference Director of Communication & Community Engagement Ray Tetz. Highlights included special meals, music by Rio Lindo Adventist Academy and Pacific Union College students, a Redwood Adventist Academy update, and a tour of Adventist heritage locations. As the church members commemorated the past, they also focused on their current mission. “The best way to honor our history is to move forward,” said Smith. “We must continue to be a relevant Adventist presence in the city of Santa Rosa, to love all people, and to help them encounter Jesus.”

Adventist Beginnings in California 1848 - James Marshall discovers gold at Sutter’s Mill. 1850 - California becomes the 31st state. 1859 - Merritt G. Kellogg, stepbrother of John Harvey Kellogg, travels overland to California with his wife and young son and settles in San Francisco. His first convert is B.G. St. John. 1865 - Kellogg’s Sabbath School class sends a request for a minister to the General Conference, along with $133 (about $2,100 in today’s dollars) in gold. The General Conference is unable to send anyone. 1867 - Kellogg goes personally to the General Conference to plead for help in person, but he is not able to present his case until 1868. 1868 - J.N. Loughborough and D.T. Bordeau (and their spouses) arrive in San Francisco and begin holding meetings in small towns north of San Francisco. 1869 - Loughborough conducts the first baptisms in California. 1869 - Believers organize the Santa Rosa and Healdsburg churches.

NAD President Dan Jackson (far left), NCC President Marc Woodson (third from right), and current Santa Rosa church Senior Pastor Don Smith (far right) stand with former Santa Rosa church pastors.

1872 - On their first visit to California, James and Ellen White attend the first camp meeting in the West, held in Windsor.

J A N UA R Y 2020


Northern California Conference

Esmé and Robert Ross

Named New NCC Prayer Coordinators By Julie Lorenz


n November, Esmé and Robert Ross began serving as the volunteer prayer ministries coordinators for the Northern California Conference (NCC). In addition to their new responsibilities, she works as the online Bible school instructor for Amazing Facts and he currently serves as the interim pastor of the Rancho Cordova/Sacramento Southgate churches.

The Rosses have taken the role held for 20 years by Naomi Parson, who recently moved to Washington State with her husband, Bill. For a number of years, the Rosses served on Parson’s prayer ministries committee. “Naomi has done truly amazing work,” said Esmé Ross. “Naomi and Bill’s spirit of service will continually inspire us as the work they began will move forward with the Spirit of God.” As they begin their new task, the couple plans to connect personally with NCC congregations and schools. “We’ll be reaching out to every prayer coordinator in each church, working with them specifically,” said Esmé Ross. “We also want to connect with our

educators in our schools.” “Our desire is to support and promote prayer for the churches, pastors, educators, and conference as a unified factor for God’s people in these last days,” said Robert Ross. Both husband and wife are fourthgeneration South Africans. He was raised in the Adventist church, while she grew up in a Christian home and became an Adventist through his influence. Six years after their marriage, he enrolled at Helderberg College to study theology. They served for 18 years in South Africa before being called to the Iowa-Missouri Conference, where he pastored churches and she worked as

Don’t Miss the 2020 P r ay er R e t r e at


Randy Maxwell Renton Church Pastor/ Prayer Ministries Director, Washington Conference

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 (NKJV) Register online at or call (530) 626-3610. For questions, contact Esmé and Robert Ross, (530) 210-4723.

w w w. n c c s d a . c o m / p r ay e r r e t r e at



a hospital chaplain and as a grief and bereavement chaplain. Together they served as the conference’s directors of family life ministries. In 2005, the NCC called them to the Colfax/Meadow Vista district, and they later served the Alturas/Bieber Company/Fall River Mills/Round Mountain/Surprise Valley district. In 2014, the Chesapeake Conference called them to the Tridelphia church in Maryland. Robert Ross officially retired in August 2018, and they returned to Northern California. The Rosses have two children: Chantal Klingbeil, who serves as associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, and Jëan Ross, associate pastor of the Granite Bay church and vice president of evangelism for Amazing Facts. They have six grandchildren. In what little spare time the Rosses have, he enjoys painting and wood carving, while she enjoys reading and being in nature. “We are confident that the Lord is leading Esmé and Robert as they take on their new roles as prayer ministries coordinators,” said NCC President Marc Woodson. “We pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as they lead in this most important work.”


Northern California Conference

Paradise Church Continues

to Help Its Community By Julie Lorenz


n the wake of the Camp Fire, the Paradise church has been ministering to its community in a variety of ways. The Shed Project – Nov. 5-26 Love Paradise, the church’s community outreach ministry, partnered with Maranatha Volunteers International to construct more than 200 storage sheds over the course of three weeks. In all, 377 people came to the parking lot where the Paradise church once stood in order to volunteer for the project. As of this writing, volunteers are distributing the sheds throughout the community. Many Paradise residents are living on their properties in recreational vehicles and tents without adequate places to store their belongings. Each shed provides a 10x12-foot space that is safe from theft and the elements. “It’s so moving when people share how just a simple shed is restoring hope to them,” said Joelle Chinnock, Love Paradise secretary and the project’s coordinator. “It brings us joy to recognize that a shed is helping somebody. I’ve seen lives in our church being transformed as they

reach out to the community.” More than 700 people applied to receive a shed, so another building project is being planned for the spring if funds are available. To make a donation, visit the Adventist Giving page on the church’s website: envelope/start. “By building sheds and gifting them to people in need, the Paradise Adventist church is meeting a very tangible need in a hurting community,” said Kyle Fiess, vice president of projects at Maranatha Volunteers International. “And we have been privileged to be part of that effort.” Read more about this project in the February issue. Make a Difference Day – Oct. 25-26 Since 2016, Love Paradise organized Make a Difference Day each spring and fall so volunteers could clean up and beautify their community. In the aftermath of the fire, organizers wanted to continue that tradition. Local officials asked them to clean up Paradise’s major roadways in the lead-up to the one-year anniversary of the town’s destruction.

On the first day, 70 people came to volunteer, including high school students from Paradise Adventist Academy (now meeting at Chico Oaks Adventist School). “We were able to get most of them working on places that are near and dear to their hearts, such as the roadways around the academy,” said Chinnock. More than 100 people volunteered to work on the second day. Associate Pastor Garrison Chaffee and several church members founded Love Paradise, which is affiliated with Love Our Cities, a faith-based program of community involvement. Check out Marriage Seminar – Sept. 28 The church hosted a marriage enrichment seminar to help couples improve their relationships. About 60 people attended the workshop, held at the Paradise Alliance Church. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra, directors of family life ministries for the North American Division, presented Love for a Lifetime. “Tragedy is really hard on marriages—even good marriages,” said Dan Martella, associate pastor. “But couples can say, ‘This tragedy is not going to destroy our marriage.’” J A N UA R Y 2020


Southeastern California Conference

Equipped2Serve: Training Workshops for Local Church Leaders By Becky St. Clair


s the Southeastern California Conference (SECC) identified strategic priorities, administrators asked members how they thought the conference should focus on the mission of expanding the kingdom of God. is to continually answer questions no one is asking,” Wilson said. “To that end, understanding the next generation is of vital importance if we are to minister to them effectively and appropriately.” He added, “Workshops like E2S create space for pastors to have meaningful dialogue with church members who are already primed to serve.” As part of the disabilities ministries training, Liore Gil, a certified music therapist, offered training on music sessions for differently abled persons, applying principles from music therapy. “Differently abled persons are simply waiting to be noticed, accepted, loved, and included in our church services,” Gil said. “I’m impressed and grateful that the conference provided these training sessions, which embrace different ministries in the church. Those (Right) Beverly Maravilla, children and family pastor at La Sierra University church, leads a presentation on children’s ministries at Equipped2Serve on Sept. 21 at Loma Linda Academy. Her workshop included classroom management tools and ideas for keeping children engaged. PHOTO: ENNO MÜLLER



who attended my presentations were eager to learn and found the fun in serving.” Various resources were provided for all who attended, including gift cards to Advent Source and the Adventist Book Center, books specific to ministries, and online resources. “Feedback has been extremely positive,” said Roberts. “Members love coming together with others who feel called to the same ministries, and they are reassured that, in addition to their pastors, there are people who will walk beside them and help them in their leadership.” The conference hopes to make E2S an annual event, and other ministry-specific trainings may also be available. For information on upcoming training workshops, sign up for our enewsletter at


“There was a strong consensus that they wanted to be more involved in the mission of their local churches,” said Sandra Roberts, SECC president. “They also desired to be better equipped, resourced, and mentored in order to best serve.” In response, SECC organized free training events called Equipped2Serve (E2S), which covered 20 areas of church ministry. These included workshops for people involved in children’s and women’s ministries, church clerks, communicators, and more. The first training event took place in 2017 and due to its success was repeated in the fall of 2019. For the two most recent events, about 700 local church leaders attended either the Sept. 21 E2S at Loma Linda Academy or the Nov. 9 event at San Diego Academy. Workshop presenters shared practical resources and ideas and provided time for attendees to share with, inspire, and learn from one another. Kevin Wilson, youth and young adult pastor at Oceanside church, presented on “Generation Z: The Values, Culture, and Desires of the Next Generation.” “I believe one of the fastest ways to irrelevance and eventual obsolescence

(Left) SECC’s second 2019 Equipped2Serve training was held in San Diego Academy on Nov. 9. Leading the welcome and introduction is Sam Leonor, administrative director for mission identity and spiritual care at Adventist Health for the central and southern California regions.



Southeastern California Conference (Far left) Members of the Mentone church prepare small evangelism bags with candy and a GLOW tract that were distributed on October 31 at a city-sponsored Halloween event in Redlands. They handed out over 4,000 bags. (Left) Kids at Mt. Rubidoux church’s “Hallowed Be Thy Name” event on October 31 “walk on water” at the Matthew 14:24-32 booth, referring to the story of the disciples’ fear when they saw Jesus walking on water.

SECC Churches Sponsor Evangelism-centered Activities on October 31 By Natalie Romero


n October 31, churches across the Southeastern California Conference held special gatherings centered on evangelism and outreach. Designed for children, youth, and families, these events provided safe, Christ-centered alternatives to Halloween activities.

Crosswalk church Crosswalk church partnered with the Active church in Redlands and Yucaipa to host their second “trunk-ortreat” gathering. “This is a great event for families who are looking for a fun and safe activity during Halloween,” explained Isai Moran, youth pastor at Crosswalk. “We are always amazed at how this event engages a lot of people outside our church community.” This year more than 2,000 people stopped by for candy. Mentone church The Mentone church participated in two trick-or-treating events hosted by the city of Redlands. About 30 volunteers passed out bags containing GLOW tracts and candy as part of a “GLOW in the dark” outreach. Prior to October 31, church members assembled approximately 4,000 bags. “The bags got handed out very quickly,” said Jeff Harper, associate

pastor. “By the end of the night, we were passing out GLOW tracts without the candy.” Aimed at young readers, the GLOW tracts contained stories about Jesus’ love. “I think we should take advantage of every holiday to spread the gospel,” Harper said. “On Halloween, people are much more receptive to someone coming to their door. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the good news in a fun way.” Harper added that church members already plan to repeat the event next year with a goal of distributing 10,000 bags. “God can use these small pieces of literature in a powerful way,” he said. Mt. Rubidoux church Children and youth at the Mt. Rubidoux church experienced a unique take on “trunk-or-treating” at the first “Hallowed Be Thy Name” event organized by Jeremiah Green,

children ministries pastor of Mt. Rubidoux church. “We wanted to be Christ-centered and intentional in our approach,” said Green of the event that had nearly 200 people in attendance, over half of whom were children. The event included several booths featuring Bible-based games. For the story of Lazarus, the children participated in a competition in which they wrapped each other up in toilet paper and tried to see who could unwrap the “mummy” the quickest. To illustrate Jesus walking on water, another booth hosted a cake walk game. After completing the activities at each booth, participants received candy and had their names entered into a drawing for a prize at the end of the evening. “We had a lot of parents thank us for this opportunity for their kids,” said Green. “Children’s evangelism is important, and we’re hoping to make this an annual event.” J A N UA R Y 2020


Southeastern California Conference


(Right) The youthled OC Youth Vespers tour included sharing testimonies, making new friends, and praise and worship music. (Far right) The OC Tour Youth Vespers was a yearlong youth-organized program that brought together youth for fellowship and worship at various SECC churches throughout Orange County.

OC Tour Youth Vespers

Fosters Community and Youth Leadership By Nicholas Lodge


outh gathered at the end of October at Laguna Niguel church to fellowship, praise, and celebrate God’s goodness and to hear a message of hope as they concluded the OC Tour Youth Vespers. OC Tour is a youth-led initiative designed to bring young people together to make friends, worship together, and build leadership skills. The OC Tour gives young people the opportunity to brainstorm and lead different worship experiences at their local churches, along with empowering them to develop their spiritual gifts. The first event took place in February 2019 at Orange Coast church. The vespers service began with an icebreaker followed by fellowship, food, and praise provided by the youth worship band from Crosswalk church. The program segued into testimonies by the young people about the power of God in their lives. Similar events followed in the spring, bringing together young people from various churches, including Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Orange, Orange Coast, ReLove, and Laguna Niguel. “We had a tremendous success as



we launched the OC Tour,” said Uriel Herinirina, youth coordinator of the Orange Coast church. “Our goal is to have youth worship God through drama, poetry, and music, as well as to hear their own peers testify of how they came to God.” The tour continued the rest of the year in other churches, concluding with a vespers in October. “The goal was to let our young people know that God’s love for them is not confined to a box,” said Ricardo Woolcock, youth coordinator at Laguna Niguel. “Programs like this also equip our future church leaders,” he added, regarding the organizational and leadership component, in which young people flexed their skills in working collaboratively to organize

the programs. “Anytime you do something like this, prepare for the Holy Spirit to work.” At the end of the OC Youth Tour, one of the organizers shared the following quotation from Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students by Ellen G. White. They felt it expressed the impact that enthusiastic and well-equipped young people could make for the kingdom of God: “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world” (p. 555). For more information about the OC Tour Youth Vespers, or upcoming events, contact Uriel Herinirina at

Southeastern California Conference

SECC Welcomes

New Department Directors By Cynthia Mendoza

In 2019 Southeastern California Conference (SECC) welcomed new departmental directors to fill several recently vacated positions.

Jon Ciccarelli Ministerial Director Jon Ciccarelli, former senior pastor of the Calimesa church, is now serving as ministerial director. He replaces Ernest Furness, who served in this role for more than 20 years and another 13 years in other positions at SECC. Ciccarelli has been with the conference since 1988, including 17 years at Escondido church and then 10 at Calimesa church. In spite of feeling the call to ministry early in life, Ciccarelli did not immediately pursue it. But God disrupted other plans, leading him to transfer to La Sierra University (then Loma Linda University), where he graduated with a degree in theology and immediately afterward began his service with SECC. “I consider it a great honor to serve fellow SECC pastors—friends and colleagues,” he said about his new role. “My heart is to come alongside them with whatever is going on in their lives so they can be as productive as God has called them to be in their ministry.”

Aren Rennacker Youth Director As youth director, Aren Rennacker will be filling the role that former director Rudy Carrillo filled for more than 26 years during his total of nearly 38 years of service at SECC. Heading into Pacific Union College as a freshman, Rennacker had aspirations of becoming a sportswriter. But as he got involved in campus ministries and activities, he began to feel a yearning to do something more fulfilling. Upon graduation, he began working as a youth pastor at Oceanside church and then transitioned to Calimesa church in 2016, where he served as youth pastor. In his new role, Rennacker said, he looks forward to getting to know as many youth pastors and leaders as possible, including volunteers, and evaluating how to best move forward. “I want to empower them to be the best they can,” he said. “I’m looking forward to having conversations about how to best serve youth and young adults in our territory.”

Brian Schwab Associate Treasurer for Risk Management and General Services Brian Schwab has been with SECC for nearly 20 years, having served at Pine Springs Ranch and the moving department prior to his new role as associate treasurer for risk management and general services. He follows former director Chin Kim, who served in this role for nearly four years and a total of nearly 14 years at SECC. As a young man, Schwab learned practical skills from his father on their family farm and as missionaries in West Africa. After graduating from college, Schwab went on to serve in the Carolina and Central California conferences before coming to SECC. “I look forward to serving others,” he said of his new role. “I see the primary role of our department as being a support to the ministry of our pastors, teachers, and staff. I want them to know the types of services we provide and how we can collaborate to make processes clear and easy.” J A N UA R Y 2020



Southern California Conference

SCC Welcomes Danny Chan as L.A. Metro Region Director


By Lauren Lacson

anny Chan was recently elected as the new L.A. Metro Region director for the Southern California Conference, following the retirement of Gerard Kiemeney. Chan’s latest appointment was at Eagle Rock church, a church he served for 16 years, the last nine as senior pastor. “Leading Eagle Rock as senior pastor and seeing people grow week to week has been the highest ministry joy of my career,” Chan reflected. “Eagle Rock has been more than just our home church, it has been our family, which is why it was so difficult to consider moving on from

he Southern California Conference (SCC) is pleased to welcome Pastor Jaime Heras as its new Hispanic Region director. Heras has worked for 30 years in the local church context—28 of those years were spent pastoring SCC churches. Heras had served as senior pastor at Paramount Spanish church for only 11 months when he received this call. “I was convinced that God wanted me to continue in a local setting,” he shared. “When I perceived that my name might be a possibility for this position, I asked God to let me



Eagle Rock into a new role,” Chan continued. “It was only after several confirmations that I sensed God calling me to follow His leading in a way that will stretch and grow me and stretch and grow my church.” In this role, he will provide leadership to the 27 churches and pastors in the L.A. Metro Region. “I hope to partner with pastors, church leaders, and laity as together we discover God’s plan for the L.A. Metro Region,” Chan shared, “to love each other, serve our communities, and lift others into the way of Christ.” His focus is on personal ministry and


Heras enjoys a moment with his wife, Emma, and two children, Edward and Joysel.


Chan is pictured with his wife, Virna, and children, Jordan and Cassidy.

genuine relationships. “My personal purpose statement is to lift others up into the way of Christ through compelling teaching and authentic relationships,” Chan stated. “My passion in ministry is to mentor others to listen and respond to God’s constant activity in their lives as they are lifted into the way of Christ.” Chan is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He just published his first book, titled The Listening Prayer, which is about learning how to be filled with power and purpose through abiding prayer.

Jaime Heras Accepts the Call to Serve as SCC Hispanic Region Director By Lauren Lacson

continue as a church pastor. I told Him, ‘This is what I have done; this is where my passion is; this is where I feel content. I am asking You to leave me in my local church. That is what I want.’” Yet, Heras was not at peace. Psalm 25:9-10 and Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 126, guided him in the decisionmaking process; God spoke to him through these two passages. He sensed God persistently convicting him, asking: “Are you willing to follow Me and go where I will lead you?” “After 40-plus years, I have

realized that answering ‘yes’ to that question has brought me the greatest joy, excitement, and contentment in my life,” Heras said. His passion is ministry, plain and simple: serving and loving people. Moving forward, he plans to partner with the pastors in the Hispanic Region “to create a Christ-like environment that supports growth, trust, leadership, organization, responsibility, honesty, consecration, love, and joy.” The end goal? Mobilization of the church to mission.

Southern California Conference

SCC Is Leading Children to Say “Yes” to Jesus By Araya Moss



Ministry leaders, Children’s Sabbath School teachers, VBS leaders—all who work with children—gathered on a November weekend to participate. The NAD does not typically lead these trainings in the fall; however, Broomfield convinced Gerry Lopez, NAD children’s ministries associate director, to lead the two-day English and Spanish language trainings. Huerta, SCC Hispanic Region administrative assistant, and Broomfield, a liaison for the Greater Los Angeles Region, chose classes from four out of eight tracks based on the NAD Children’s Ministries Certification. “I think this is the best way to equip local children’s ministries leaders as they teach and lead children to say ‘yes’ to Jesus,” said Lopez. “In these training tracks, we present different ways leaders can teach Bible lessons, Sabbath School, or any other ministry in an active manner.” A significant age range was visible among those in attendance, with the youngest in their early 20s and the oldest being almost 90. “It was


hen Gloria Huerta and Franklyn Broomfield discovered they both were in communication with the North American Division (NAD) Children’s Ministries department for resources, they decided to join forces to create an impactful and dynamic children’s ministries training session.

awesome to see young people on fire for children’s ministries,” said Huerta, “as well as someone who is almost 90 having that spark, joy, and commitment for children.” Attendees learned methods of teaching children with different learning styles, showing children how to pray, helping kids cope with bullying, and so much more. Each of the workshops incorporated innovative activities and object lessons aimed to equip leaders to cultivate a loving environment for children to build a foundation in Christ. “These trainings are amazing because, for some, it’s the first time they are working with children,” said Sylvia Landaverde, volunteer and member of El Sereno Spanish church.

Lopez (right) captivated participants’ attention with extensive training that incorporated group activities, collaboration, and sharing of ideas. “Some get little to no guidance from their church.” Kary Camacho, who volunteered as the photographer to capture the joy and excitement of the first day, saw an added benefit for experienced children’s ministries leaders. “Even though many of us have worked with children for so long, there is still a lot we need to learn,” observed Camacho. “What was most helpful was understanding that not all kids learn the same.” With this feedback in mind, Huerta’s goal is to plan another training session later this year using more of the remaining classes. “The leaders left with practical and timely knowledge, tools, and resources,” said Broomfield, “to reach and claim our children.”

(Right) Attendees greet one another through an ice-breaker activity. Approximately 160 people attended the training both days. (Below) In an activity designed to teach children how to pray, participants first wrote prayers on a beach ball, then tossed the ball in the air. Whoever picked it up would pray over the written requests and praises.

J A N UA R Y 2020


Southern California Conference

Ventura Church Celebrates 125 Years of Serving Its Community




By Araya Moss


ast November marked the 125-year anniversary of the organization of Ventura church, one of the earliest Adventist congregations on the West Coast, which formed seven years before the Southern California Conference (SCC) was officially organized.


SCC President Velino A. Salazar shared a Sabbath morning message about the many changes this congregation has seen in 125 years, adhering to an unchangeable message in changeable times. “We are praising God for how this congregation has remained faithful to the message,” said Salazar. “With all the changes we see, we realize there is one thing that has stood the test of time: the gospel of Jesus Christ.” One other aspect of the Ventura church that has remained unchanged over time is a rich history of meeting the needs of its community. Throughout the day of celebration, this concept was prevalent. “This congregation has been purposefully active in building bridges between ourselves and other Christian and religious groups in the city,” said James Ayars, Ventura church’s current senior pastor of 14 years. As such,


the Ventura church building is also home to three other congregations: St. George’s Anglican Church, The City Church Español, and a Syrian Orthodox congregation made up primarily of recent refugees. Ventura church also provides support for those facing homelessness and was one of the founding congregations for City Center Transitional Living, which helps provide temporary housing allowing families to find a permanent home. Ventura church is the sponsor of several nonprofits, including Turning Point Foundation, an organization serving those with mental illnesses, and Project Understanding, an organization providing food and low-cost housing for families with low incomes. Greg Hoenes, SCC West Region director, affirmed the congregation’s commitment to its neighbors during

his acknowledgments. “Pastor Ayars is dedicated to the notion that Jesus Christ has children all over the city, in need,” said Hoenes, noting the importance of Ventura church asking the city: “What do you need, and how can we help you?” The Ventura County Government Center is across the street from the Ventura church campus, giving the congregation immediate access to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, who, along with other local government officials, honored and recognized the congregation’s outstanding community work over the years. Ventura City Mayor Matt LaVere and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein sent letters of gratitude. “Since 1894, Ventura church has served as a welcoming spiritual home for generations of diverse churchgoers in the Los Angeles area,” Feinstein stated in her letter. “As a steadfast pillar of faith and social justice, your presence has provided individuals and families a loving place to pray, worship, grow, and help others.” During the service, SCC presented a gift of $12,000 to Ventura church to expand its evangelistic vision. “It is our hope to continue to be a catalyst for change in the community,” Ayars said. Ventura church, which boasts an ethnically diverse congregation, gathers for a picture.


Southern California Conference

Treasury Training Informs and Inspires By Lauren Lacson


ast fall, the Southern California Conference (SCC) treasury team spent two Sundays offering training for our local church leaders. One event took place at San Fernando Valley Academy and the next at White Memorial church, two locations intentionally chosen to facilitate participation. Attendees held a variety of roles: local church treasurers, pastors, board members, and more.

Topics covered throughout the day included the role of the treasurer and treasury updates, asset/risk management, human resources, payroll, remittance, billing, honorariums, auditing, the Jewel accounting system, and plant assets. The diversity and breadth of these topics was no accident. “We planned the meeting to include subjects of general knowledge that affect the entire operation of the church, not just treasury items,” Orville Ortiz, SCC treasurer/CFO, explained. Ellis Flores, pastor at Ebenezer Spanish and Highland Park Spanish companies, especially appreciated the risk management information. “This was my first time going to this type of training, and it was helpful to me,” he recalled. “We had an incident one time at a camp, and a group of youth was attacked. At that time, we didn’t know what to do as far as church insurance and procedures. At this seminar, I asked

Warren [Tetz, asset/risk management director] about the steps we need to take when something like this happens. That was very helpful for me to know how to be prepared when an emergency happens.” “By making the team available with quality, up-to-date information, it makes the treasurers and the pastors aware of issues that could impede ministry if not cared for,” Ortiz said. “This event also lets the attendees know there is a group of experts here in the office who are ready to assist when they encounter difficulties.” These in-person events are also invaluable for networking. “I appreciated meeting other treasurers and bonding with others in this role, because we face similar challenges,” Sherlyn Luedtke, treasurer at Canoga

Park Community Adventist church, shared. “I am also very grateful for the treasury, accounting, HR, and risk management teams for holding us to the highest standards of God’s work and also what the state expects. A lot of it was very informative to me. I learned so much, and truly, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.” “What I saw was how many people are on my team as a treasurer, that the conference staff is really part of my team to do the treasury work—God’s work—well,” Luedtke reflected. “It was a great experience. I’m looking forward to attending next year because I know I’ll learn even more.”

(Right) Ewan Wonoprabowo, SCC auditing director, shares a presentation on auditing along with Dileanny Jimenez, SCC auditing assistant (not pictured). PHOTOS: ORVILLE ORTIZ

(Inset) Warren Tetz, SCC asset/ risk management director, gives attendees valuable information. (Right) Throughout the two days of events, more than 150 participants took advantage of the resources offered. J A N UA R Y 2020


Pacific Union College

“Remember Where You Came From” One Student Athlete’s Story By Esther Fernandez and Becky St. Clair


here was violence in my neighborhood every day. So I made a change.” Senior business major and student athlete Joshua Mitchell grew up in South Bronx in New York City. Though he, like most people, harbors hometown pride, he also acknowledges the impoverishment that makes his neighborhood what it is. Although many of his friends have been killed or incarcerated, Mitchell has always been determined that his life would be different. In October 2019, that determination earned him a spot at the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Leadership Institute. After two video interviews and two in-person interviews before the conference board, he was invited to participate in the event taking place in Washington, D.C. This included an all-expenses paid trip, with five nights in the

Washington Marriott Wardman Park— an experience Mitchell laughingly describes as “too bougie”—multiple forks and all. The Thurgood Marshall conference offered networking opportunities with both businesses and graduate school recruiters. Fortune 500 companies like AIG, Boeing, Wells Fargo, and P Morgan Chase had representatives networking with students and giving talks on what it takes to be financially successful. “Some interviewers even gave me their personal cell phone numbers for future reference,” Mitchell adds. “They asked me to call them once I graduate.” On the third day of the conference, Mitchell himself gave a presentation about financial literacy in front of thousands of people. “Financial literacy is how to create wealth and generational income,” he explains. “It’s how to give back to your community by teaching others how to invest in different types of assets like properties and stocks.” Mitchell’s impoverished neighborhood, though physically on the other side of the country from PUC, continues to sit at the forefront of his mind while he completes his studies. “Getting out of a bad situation is not enough,” he says. “You have to go

back and help. Remember where you came from.” The conference gave him the opportunity to network with people who can help him make a difference back home. Mitchell hopes these valuable connections will help him in his goal to start his own nonprofit back in South Bronx—an organization that will offer business advice and help people get started, thus breaking generational poverty. “By working hard myself, I believe others will be inspired to do the same,” he says. He emphasizes the need to keep his organization no-charge: “You shouldn’t have to pay for knowledge.” Mitchell is grateful for the Christian environment at PUC, which eliminates distractions such as parties that take place regularly at other schools. “Where I come from, people only know three things: violence, drugs, and poverty,” he says. “Here at PUC I have a clear mind. I play basketball and I study, and I really feel I can get stuff done. I come from the worst part of my city, yet I’m successful academically. I’m not an anomaly. I encourage everyone to look at student athletes not just from the outside but also as people just like them who want to better themselves.” This is an edited version of the original story published in PUC’s Campus Chronicle on Nov. 14, 2019.

PUC senior business major and student athlete Joshua Mitchell was selected through a competitive process to participate in and present for the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C., last fall.




Pacific Union ASI Young Professionals Rally Held in Northern California By Pat Arrabito


Danny Kwon, executive director of Life and Health Network, spoke at the ASI Young Professionals Conference. Kwon gave a short and practical lecture on the process of starting a 501(c)(3) organization. He has worked with ASI self-supporting ministries for almost 20 years and has been instrumental in the legal formation of several ASI ministries.

to our world) leader, several pastors, and many others. Students of Weimar college and music teacher Erwin Nanasi opened the meeting with singing and a devotional time of sharing stories of Total Member Involvement—a weekly community outreach that has connected Weimar with their neighborhood and brought people to Jesus. Shue Vang, high school chemistry teacher and sponsor of the “Bread of Life Club” at his public high school, told the group of how 70 students have come to his club to read the Bible during their lunch break. After the Sabbath hours were

over, business education began. Randy Bivens, Weimar Institute Chief Operating Officer, talked about the importance of EQ—emotional intelligence—in the business world. Danny Kwon, executive director of Life and Health Network, gave a short and practical lecture on the process of starting a 501(c)(3) organization. Supper was an example of young professionals in the business world. It was catered by Chef Chew, who feeds the hungry of Oakland in his vegan restaurant, and featured his own invention: delicious meat substitutes, which are now available at Whole Foods. Continued on page 52


haring their energy and enthusiasm for God, 130 Seventh-day Adventist young professionals gathered on Sabbath afternoon and evening, Nov. 15, at the Northern California Conference (NCC) office in Sacramento, Calif. The event was sponsored by the Pacific Union ASI (Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries), an organization that brings together business and ministry for the sake of the gospel. NCC Young Adult Ministry helped to facilitate the event by providing social media advertising and securing the meeting location. Additionally, Pastor Daniel Garza advised with program planning. The group was welcomed by Ed Fargusson, assistant to the NCC president. Attendees included teachers, business persons, lawyers, entrepreneurs, at least one psychiatrist, a Kickstarter employee, a denizen of Silicon Valley, a professional fundraiser, several chefs, a filmmaker, a social media marketer, realtors, builders, a GLOW (giving light

Young people from around Northern California and beyond sit together during the catered lunch at the ASI Young Professionals Conference. J A N UA R Y 2020


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(Below) The ASI Young Professionals Conference room was set up for 99 attendees, but the event drew 130.

(Left) Chef GW Chew, general manager of the Veg Hub restaurant in Oakland, Calif., catered a delicious meal that included his famous vegan “chicken” noodle soup and barbecue sliders. Chef Chew has been a vegan food inventor/restaurateur for over 10 years and was one of the speakers at the ASI Young Professionals Conference.

The rest of the evening brought more inspiration and education from Beautiful Minds, the psychiatric practice of Daniel Binus; John Huynh, who shared his story of successful fundraising; and Chef Chew, who shared his food journey and what God has done in and through him. Ostap Dzyndra of Build and Restore International talked about the ways in which mission trips help the volunteers as well as those who were helped. The evening ended with an opportunity for young professionals to engage with mission, to connect with each other more fully, and to engage more deeply in God’s work in order to hasten the coming of Jesus.

Jewish Ministries: Helping to Build Understanding By David Gardner


appointed by the Union llen G. White wrote, “When to serve in this position this gospel throughout its territory. Currently there are shall be 25 Jewish-Adventist presented in its fullness to the Jews, many will congregations in North America and 56 accept Christ as the Messiah.… God expects worldwide. Gardner’s His messengers to take responsibilities include support of the two Jewish particular interest in the Jewish people” (The groups in our Union David Gardner, territory: a RussianActs of the Apostles, pp. Director of Jewish Jewish congregation in 380-381). Ministries for David Gardner, director the Pacific Union Glendale, California, and Conference Beth B’nai Zion, a group of Jewish Ministries for the Pacific Union Conference, has of members of the Santa Barbara, taken this “particular interest” very California, church. He also offers the seriously. In September, he was support of the Union in work with



pastors and lay leaders to assess needs in major Jewish population centers and the feasibility of launching Jewish-Adventist groups through contextualized outreach, done in partnership with Adventist Global Mission. In addition, Gardner assists in arranging special Jewish occasions at churches in the Union for educational purposes. Special guest speakers and programs are available through Shalom Adventure Magazine, Shalom Learning Center, and Christians Against Anti-Semitism— all Adventist organizations. Gardner has worked for the church over 40 Continued on page 53

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Adventism.” “What I learned in the yeshiva has anchored me within Adventism,” he continued. “Thus, my dream developed of bringing together instructors and a curriculum that equips Adventists to interact effectively with both secular and religious Jews, while also addressing the attrition of our people to Messianic congregations and Jewish communities.” The Jewish people are part of God’s family, waiting to be introduced to their Messiah. Jews and Adventists have many Dr. Alexander Bolotnikov, a Jewish rabbi turned common beliefs, practices, Adventist pastor with a doctorate in rabbinic and cultural traits that can literature, reads from the Torah. open doors to friendships and acceptance of the gospel came to the last study from the book message. of John, he asked, ‘I’ve accepted Gardner described one such Jesus as my Messiah, but I’m a Jew. experience, a highlight of his years What am I?’ He beamed a smile of in ministry: “A Jewish physician relief when told, ‘You ARE a Jew! A requested Bible studies. When we Jew who has found your Messiah.’”


years and holds degrees in theology and education. He also holds a certificate in Jewish Ministries Leadership from Shalom Learning Center. This training equips him to appreciate Jewish history, culture, and religion to better work at building understanding and friendships that will lead to Jews accepting their Messiah. Gardner also works to recruit students for Shalom Learning Center and a new masters’ degree program in Jewish studies at Andrews University. The vision for this degree arose as the Shalom Learning Center’s Alexander Bolotnikov saw an alarming increase in Adventists converting to Judaism in recent years. “I decided I should learn what my heritage meant, because I was raised as a communist, not a Jew,” said Bolotnikov, a Jewish rabbi turned Adventist pastor with a doctorate in rabbinic literature. “So, I went to the yeshiva. When I became a believer in Jesus, the only Christian church I could join without compromising scripture was Seventh-day

Recorder en español Shares Stories of Hispanic Congregations in the Pacific Union By Faith Hoyt


o more effectively share the stories of the approximately 250 Spanish-speaking congregations in the Pacific Southwest, the Pacific Union Conference Communication & Community

Engagement Department now produces the Recorder en español, a quarterly magazine that launched in January of 2019. The magazine matches the English version of the magazine, and the

content varies from translated stories that appear in both magazines to content specifically written for the Recorder en español. The Recorder en español magazine currently reaches around 20,000 Continued on page 54 J A N UA R Y 2020


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“Many Spanish-speaking church members, although they can communicate in English, prefer to read publications in their native tongue,” said Velino Salazar, Southern California Conference president. “The Recorder en español expands the vision and understanding of our Hispanic community by showing that their churches—even though speaking a different language, living their own culture, and having a distinct perspective—are also advancing the kingdom of God.” “The Spanish Recorder has been long overdue for our Spanish congregations. We’re very thankful to the Pacific Union Conference for making it a reality,” said Antonio Huerta, vice president for ministries at the Central California Conference. Churches not yet receiving bulk copies of the magazine are invited to contact the Recorder office (at in order to be added to the Recorder en español


households and approximately 52,000 Hispanic Adventists living in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. "The Pacific Southwest is well served by the monthly publication of the magazine, The Recorder,” said Carlos Camacho, executive secretary and ministerial director for the NevadaUtah Conference. “I’ve been amazed to witness the redesign of the magazine to keep up with the changes and unique challenges of every season. They’ve done it again by publishing the quarterly Spanish edition. The Recorder en español responds to a real need within the Hispanic communities of the Pacific Union territory.” The Recorder en español magazine is one of several new multi-lingual resources the Pacific Union is producing on a regular basis to provide a tool for churches to reach out to serve the estimated 15 million Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking people living in the five states in the Pacific Union region.

The invierno (winter) 2020 magazine and past editions of the Recorder en español are available on the Pacific Union’s website in PDF form.

mailing list. For more immediate access, each of the quarterly magazines are available on the Pacific Union’s website in PDF form. Read the latest edition of the Recorder en español by visiting

First CCC Master’s of Theological Studies Cohort to Graduate By Alberto Valenzuela


t the Central California Conference (CCC) constituency session on November 17, 2019, it was announced that the first fouryear cohort of the CCC Master’s of Theological Studies program would finish requirements for their degrees in December. The program, Continued on page 55 54



Continued from page 54 which is

an extension of the HMS Richards Divinity School at La Sierra University, is based at the conference office. The students, who are working pastors, have attended classes there. The program was the brainchild of the conference leadership and the late Bailey Gillespie, who was instrumental in working with CCC and La Sierra University to get things established. Together, the Central California Conference and the Pacific Union

Conference have provided necessary financial support and the facilities in order to make this extension educational model accessible and successful. About 20 pastors/students took classes in Greek, Hebrew, Old Testament, New Testament, ethics, and more. It has been an exciting journey for the students as well as their instructors, who were blessed by teaching the various classes. “We believe that the congregations under their care have been blessed by

these pastors who have been enriched as a result of their studies in this program,” said Joy Fehr, president of La Sierra University, in her remarks. “God truly was in it.” She thanked the conference leaders for their unwavering commitment to the educational goals and the delivery of the program, evidenced by the direct support of the conference, its leaders, the Pacific Union, and the churches. Then everyone offered congratulations to the soon-to-be graduates.

Fairness for All Introduced in Congress Press Conference held at Utah State Capitol By Alan J. Reinach


istoric legislation protecting both religious freedom and LGBT rights was introduced in Congress in early December. Pacific Union Conference Director of Public Affairs & Religious Liberty Alan

Reinach was on hand for a press conference announcing the bill in Salt Lake City, held there because the lead sponsor is Utah Congressman Chris Stewart. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is among the broad coalition of groups sponsoring

the measure. Melissa Reid, from the North American Division PARL Department, represented the church at the press conference and delivered the remarks that follow: “The Seventh-day Adventist Church applauds Continued on page 56 J A N UA R Y 2020


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the Fairness for All Act’s balanced, principled approach for protecting both religious freedom and LGBT civil rights. “Fairness for All simultaneously affirms our right to hold and act upon our biblical view of sexual identity and marriage and our belief that everyone is created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect. “It allows us the ability to honor Christ’s imperative to love both God and our neighbor. “Religious liberty and the separation of church and state are longstanding principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Under these principles, we do not seek to impose our beliefs on others through the apparatus of the State or any other mechanism. “At the same time, we assert unequivocally the right of the church and its members to express our faith and administer our institutions



according to our biblical values and beliefs. “The Fairness for All Act acknowledges and respects the historic and legally protected place religion occupies in society. “It strengthens the protections for religious freedom in the workplace. And it shields LGBT individuals from discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, or public accommodations. “The Seventh-day Adventist Church commends Congressman Stewart and the other bill sponsors for their commitment to freedom of conscience, and we look forward to the support of many additional members of Congress who value both religious freedom and LGBT civil rights.” One of the truly remarkable back stories is that of Shirley Hoogstra, the president of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities, who had the herculean task of herding the

diverse constituent member colleges and universities to support this measure. CCCU represents more than 180 institutions in the U.S. In her public remarks, Ms. Hoogstra said Fairness for All grew out of the question asked by leaders of the faith and LGBT communities of one another: “What do you need?” She contended that Fairness for All represents the best of how we do government in America. Both Congressman Stewart and Governor Gary Herbert spoke, observing that Fairness for All grew out of a previous measure enacted in Utah in 2015 that has come to be known as the Utah Compromise. Fairness for All is the latest in a long line of efforts to enact civil rights protections for LGBT rights. “Fairness for All provides the most comprehensive protections for both religious freedom and LGBT rights in the spirit of “live and let live,” Reinach said.


PUC Accredited by National Association for Schools of Art & Design By Becky St. Clair


acific Union College’s department of visual arts has been accredited by the National Association for Schools of Art & Design (NASAD), the primary accrediting body for all top art and design schools in the country. “We felt like being aligned officially with an accrediting body was an important step to validate the quality of art education at PUC,” explained Rajeev Sigamoney, chair of the department. Accreditation through NASAD puts PUC in association with over 360 other accredited schools, of which PUC is the only one affiliated with the Adventist Church. “From this relationship we will gain an even greater understanding of best practices in all disciplines we teach and organizational processes, to make sure the department handles every aspect of art education at the highest possible level,” Sigamoney said. The accreditation process began nearly four years ago and included reviewing requirements, meeting with NASAD representatives, and a college self-study of over 200 pages to ensure every aspect of PUC meets the highest standards possible. “We were able to look at ourselves in the mirror and continue to push for improvements,” Sigamoney said. The self-study and feedback from NASAD led to changes to the department’s programs and facilities, bringing PUC in line with NASAD’s high standards. The department of visual arts offers a B.F.A., a B.A., and an A.S. in

areas such as film, fine art, graphic design, and photography, as well as minors in art and art history. “The department of visual arts, since well before I got here, has been one of the premiere departments in all of Adventist academia,” Sigamoney said. “It has been a safe haven for many students and a shining light of what a quality Adventist education can look like. This accreditation

validates the education we have been striving to give the thousands of students who have gone through our hallways, preparing them for careers in the arts and equipping them to find meaning in their vocations.” To learn more about the visual arts program at PUC, visit Come see PUC for yourself by scheduling a visit at or emailing

“We felt like being aligned officially with an accrediting body was an important step to validate the quality of art education at PUC.” J A N UA R Y 2020


Community & Marketplace CALENDAR Arizona Conference

Scottsdale Top Raw Food Potluck (Jan. 11) 5:30 p.m. Bring your gluten-free raw food dish—enough to feed 8-10 people. Recipes appreciated. Bring eating and serving utensils. Natural Grocers, 13802 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale (NW corner Scottsdale and Thunderbird). Info: Mary Russo 602-214-9423. Women’s Ministry Inclusive Leadership Day (Jan. 12) 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. A transformative workshop that will change the way you look at relationships. Arizona Conference, 13405 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale. Registration: $57 before Dec. 13; $77 Dec. 13-Jan. 1; $100 after Jan. 2. Info: Lynn Ortel, 704-607-4582. Occidental College Glee Club from Los Angeles in concert



(Jan. 12) 5 p.m. Camelback church, 5902 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix. Free. Jaime Jorge Concert (Jan. 17) 7 p.m., Desert Cove Church, 12400 W. Desert Cove Rd., El Mirage, Ariz. Info: Cathy Fields, 602-818-0913. Annual Multi-Lingual Ministries Convocation (Jan. 17-18) Fri. 7 p.m.; Sab., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Speaker, Jorge Soria. Gospel Mission International, 5020 N. 23rd Ave., Phoenix. Info: Glenn Sta. Ana, 480-669-0109. Final Empire Prophecy Seminar (Jan. 23-25) 7 p.m. Chinle church, 777 Cotton Wood Dr., Chinle, Ariz. Info: Dale Wolcott, 928-589-7210.

Central California Conference

Life Hope Centers (Jan. 1112) for the Sonora community in Sonora, Calif. Volunteers are needed for this free, two-

day event. The more dentists, medical professionals, and optometrists that volunteer, the more community members can be served. Sign up at Women’s Retreat (Jan. 24-26) at Tenaya Lodge with Melody Mason and Leah Page. To register by Dec. 31, go to CentralCaliforniaAdventist. com/womens-ministries, call 559-642-2396, or email

La Sierra University

Brandstater Gallery will present Woven Threads: The Migration of Myths & Metaphors, featuring paintings, prints, and sculptures of Alison Saar, Iva Gueorguieva, Mei Xian Qui, and Fatemeh Burnes representing, respectively, the United States, Bulgaria, China, and Iran. Exhibit runs Jan. 13–Feb. 13; reception Jan. 26, 6 p.m. Free.

The La Sierra University Orchestra (Jan. 25) 7:30 p.m., Hole Memorial Auditorium, featuring guest conductor Arturo Armellino and bassoonist Luciano Corona, both from Naples, Italy. Performing Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 1, Coriolanus Overture” and Mozart’s “Bassoon Concerto.” Tickets: $5$15. Info:, music@, 951-785-2036. The La Sierra University Wind Ensemble under Dr. David Brennan (Feb. 15) 7 p.m., Hole Memorial Auditorium. Tickets: students $5, seniors 55+ $10, general admission, $15. Information:,, 951-7852036. The Department of Music presents the popular Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music.” Four performances (Feb. 29, March 1, March 7, and March 8). Info:

Community & Marketplace https://music-events.lasierra. edu/winter-quarter-events/ or; email or call 951785-2036.

Speaker Gabriel Velazquez. Info: RetirodeMatrimonio, Hispanic Ministries Department, 916886-5614.

Experience La Sierra University! Now's the time for students to save a spot for University Experience, where they’ll learn how they can change their world in a thriving and diverse Adventist environment. Check out to sign up.

VBS Training in English (Feb. 22) 3-6 p.m. NCC Office, 2100 Douglas Blvd., Roseville. “Bible Heroes.” Training will come to the Bay Area in March. Info: Children’s Ministries Department, 916-886-5654.

Northern California Conference

Health Secrets for the 21st Century with Tim Riesenberger, M.D. (Jan. 10-12). Redding church, 2828 Eureka Way, Redding: Fri., 6 p.m.; Sab., 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. Anderson church, 2769 Balls Ferry Road, Anderson: Sun., 4 p.m. A meal will follow each meeting. Use diet and lifestyle to avoid illness. Free. Info: 530-524-0400 or Instituto Laico Adventista de California (ILAC) (Jan. 19) 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Pacific Union College. Training for Spanishspeaking laypeople. “Daniel 7-12.” Speaker: Enrique Báez. Info: NCC Office Open House (Jan. 26). Time to be announced. 2100 Douglas Blvd., Roseville. Info: NCC Office, 916-886-5600.

VBS Training in Spanish (Feb. 29) 3-6 p.m. NCC Office, 2100 Douglas Blvd., Roseville. “Bible Heroes.” Info: Children’s Ministries Department, 916886-5654. Church Clerk Orientation and Training (Feb. 23) 9:15 a.m.2:45 p.m. NCC Headquarters, 2100 Douglas Blvd., Roseville. Lunch included. RSVP. Info:, 916-8865627.

Instituto Laico Adventista de California (ILAC) (Feb. 23) 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Pacific Union College. Training for Spanish-speaking laypeople. “Revelation 1-11.” Speaker: Félix Cortez Valle. Info:

Pacific Union College

We’re hiring! View current PUC job listings at PUC Now: Sign up to receive PUC’s monthly e-newsletter with links to news, events, and more. Visit today.

Southeastern California Conference Junior High Bible Camp (Jan. 24-26) Pine Springs Ranch, 58000 Apple Canyon Rd., Mountain Center. This camp is for Junior High kids who are between children and youth ministries. Info: youthevents@, 951-509-2260.



ing v i G for e p Ho row or m o T

Junior/Senior Leadership Training (Feb. 5-7) Leoni Meadows. For those assisting at the Freshman/Sophomore Retreat, Feb. 7-9. Info: Youth Department, 925-603-5080. Freshmen/Sophomore Retreat (Feb. 7-9) Leoni Meadows. For academy, high school, and home school freshmen and sophomores. Info: Youth Department, 925603-5080. Hispanic Marriage Retreat (Feb. 14-16) Leoni Meadows.


Advertising is accepted as a service to Seventh-day Adventist church members in the Pacific Union. The Recorder management reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, especially ads not related to the needs and practices of the church membership. Acceptance of any advertising shall be considered a matter of accommodation and not a matter of right, nor shall it be construed to constitute approval of the product or service advertised. Payment in advance must accompany all classified advertisements or they will not be published. Display ads for known advertisers will be billed. To pay by credit card, please call 805-413-7280. How to Submit Advertising Classified ads must be sent with payment to the Recorder office ( Display ads should be arranged with the editor ( Classified Rates $70 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display Rates (Full Color Only) Back cover, $4,200; full page, $3,800; 1/2-pg., $2,200; 1/4-pg., $1,200; 1/8-pg., $700; $160 per column inch. Information Circulation is approximately 76,000 homes, and magazines are scheduled to arrive in homes by the last Thursday of the previous month. For more information about advertising, please click on the Advertising tab at, email, or call 805-413-7280. 2019-2020 Deadlines These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. February: January 6 March: February 6


AdventistGiving allows you to return your tithe and give your offerings online while you do your banking, are on a long business trip, on vacation, or even if you are unable to attend church due to an illness. If you desire to give back to the Lord, you can do online through AdventistGiving. DOWNLOAD THE APP FOR APPLE OR ANDROID

The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and health care institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See www.dailywritingtips. com/the-art-of-writing-news.

J A N UA R Y 2020


Community & Marketplace Pathway to Health Rally (Jan. 25) 4:30 p.m. Loma Linda University church, 11125 Campus St, Loma Linda. Leaders from Your Best Pathway to Health and AWR 360 Health will share faith stories of past health clinics and how people can volunteer for upcoming health clinics either in the U.S. or overseas. Info: 909-558-4570. Palms Springs Church Camp Meeting (Feb. 7-8) Palm Springs church 620 South Sunrise Way, Palm Springs. The speakers will be Randy Roberts, Sandra Roberts, and Richard Duerksen. Music by the La Sierra University Choir and Steve Darmody. Sack lunches provided on Sabbath. There will be a Sabbath morning program for kids 12 and under. Info: 760-327-5112, palmspringsadventistchurch. com.

Southern California Conference

Greater Los Angeles Region (GLAR) Health Network Retreat (Jan. 25-26). GLAR Health Ministry leaders and team members are invited to a two-day leadership training event. Glendale Hilton, 100 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale 91202. Info: Sali.glarhealth@gmail. com. Anthony J. Kelly Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament (Jan. 27). The 2nd annual tournament is sponsored by GLAR. Breakfast and lunch provided, plus an awards

dinner. Palos Verdes Golf Club, 3301 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates 90274. Info: 818-730-5094.

CLASSIFIED At Your Service

California Adventist Federal Credit Union, your "One Stop Finance Shop." Serving our Adventist Community for over 65 years with financial products and services, along with wealth building education. Please visit our website at www. for updates on all that CAFCU has to offer. Call our office and speak to our friendly staff or manager for additional information: 818-246-7241. SDA Realtor: Relocating, selling, or buying in California? Allow our network of trusted agents to make your local and regional transition plans worry free. Contact Padmini at: Interstate Realty, DRE # 02084028, 909-240-0966, Ask me about California first-time buyer programs.

Bulletin Board

Adventist Books: Looking for new Adventist titles to encourage and grow your daily walk? Visit us at www. For used Adventist books, visit www. Authors: If you’re interested in having your book published, call 800367-1844 for a free evaluation. Andrews University Department of Sustainable Agriculture Degrees. Feed the world with Agribusiness. Beautify the world with Environmental Landscape Design. Care for the creatures that share our world with Animal Science. Change the world with International Agriculture Development. See our new Agriculture Education Center at



Community & Marketplace agriculture; email: agriculture@; 269-471-6006.


Exceptional family medicine opportunities in Idaho and Washington. Total Health Physician Group is located in the culturally diverse and artistic communities of Pullman, Wash., and Moscow, Idaho. Opportunities for a balanced life and meaningful service are supported by three Adventist churches, local Adventist schools, University of Idaho, Washington State University, and locally thriving industries—with Walla Walla only a short 2.5-hour drive away. If you are interested in working with mission and passion, visit us at: https://www. jobs or contact Jayne Peterson Pennsylvania Conference seeks to fill several part-time

Bible Instructor positions. Oneyear contract in local church district; includes some benefits and two weeks paid vacation. Personalized training and mentoring will be provided. Some experience preferred but not mandatory. Go to for application and forms or email ltorres@paconference. org. Southern Adventist University’s School of Visual Art and Design seeks full-time professor of film production to teach cinematography, lighting, sound design, documentary directing, and producing. For full description and qualifications, please visit: Southern Adventist University is seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: Teaching FacultyEnglish and Teaching Faculty-

Physics and Engineering. For full description and qualifications please visit: Stallant Health is accepting applications for a Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant for our Weimar, CA, and Crescent City, CA, rural health clinics. Please contact Marva at marva@stallanthealth. com for further information. Wanted: Experienced, adventurous radio broadcaster! This mission field is not overseas. Details production.

Missing Members

Palmdale church, 1758 E. Ave. R, Palmdale, CA 93550; 661-9478496. Mike Betancourt, Penny Broadway, Alonzo Brooks, Ruth ann Brown, Scott Anderson Brown, Blessbyhah Carter, Larissa Climo, Marta Jacqueline

Climo, Angie Corvarrubies, Robert Culver, Robert Curnette, Thomas French, Tony Garner, Tracy Lupe Gates, Vernon Gates, Velma Griffie, Judith Kanka, Griselda Kelly, Michael Sean Kelly, Juan Jose Mancilla, Cynthia Maravilla, Dennis Menendez, Ashley Scarlette Moran, Minoa Nolasco, Miguel Onofre, Tamara Leigh Patire, Michael Pincher, Axentie Ponce, Mary Lou Ponce, Karina Rubio, Gabriela Sanchez, Gregory Sanchez, Laney Sanchez, Lindsey Sanchez, Lizbeth Sanchez, Lisa Sidenberg, Janet M. Sidenbender, Margarita Curie Smith, Timothy Smith, Anthony Torres, Andrian Townes, D'andre Townes, Desree Townes, Gerald Vick, Eric Adrian Vodeb, Laurie Watson, Sandra L. Watson, William Wilder, Mary Louise Yingling.

Real Estate

Beautiful mountain cabin retreat in the heart of nature

J A N UA R Y 2020


Community & Marketplace on ten acres near the Salmon River in Siskiyou County. Swimming, rafting, kayaking, and awesome scenery. Supplied with wood heat and hydroelectricity. Sleeps 8 comfortably (3 bdrm). Shop building, orchard, and garden. Less than 1 hour to active SDA church. $268,000. Wanda, 707445-1156.

Email or call 209-524-8769 for more information.

Vacation Opportunities

Angwin home – Five-bdrm, 3-bath vacation home, 2 miles from PUC. Fully furnished, large kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, piano, vineyard views, WiFi, washer and dryer, BBQ grill, sleeps 10. Call for rates, photos, and reservations: 415-497-5678 or email:

Rare, country single-level family ranch-style home on 1.3 acres with 4-5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 covered patios, new sports pool, 4-car garage with exercise room and office. Four Adventist neighbors, four miles west of Waterford, Calif. This property is gated, fenced with own grassy park with towering 300-year-old oaks along Dry Creek. Minutes away from shopping, church, schools, state university, Lake Don Pedro, camping, etc.

Egypt tour (Dec. 28, 2020-Jan. 6, 2021) with Dr. Carl Cosaert of Walla Walla University. Discover the Pyramids, the Valley of the Kings, the Exodus, a Nile cruise, and much more. Wonderful weather, meals, and accommodations $2,565 plus airfare. For information contact

Sunset Calendar



Jan 3

January 2020

Jan 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31

Alturas 4:45 4:52 5:00 5:08 5:17 Angwin 5:01 5:08 5:15 5:23 5:29 Bakersfield 4:56 5:02 5:09 5:16 5:23 Calexico 4:48 4:54 5:01 5:07 5:14 Chico 4:55 5:02 5:10 5:18 5:26 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 4:45 4:51 4:58 5:05 5:13 Eureka 5:01 5:08 5:16 5:24 5:33 Four Corners [E] 4:20 4:28 4:36 4:46 4:55 Fresno 4:55 5:01 5:08 5:16 5:23 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 5:26 5:32 5:39 5:47 5:54 Half Dome 4:52 4:58 5:05 5:13 5:21 Hilo 5:54 5:59 6:03 6:08 6:12 Holbrook 5:22 5:28 5:34 5:41 5:48 Honolulu 6:02 6:06 6:11 6:16 6:20 Joshua Tree 4:48 4:54 5:00 5:07 5:14 Lake Tahoe 4:49 4:56 5:03 5:11 5:19 Las Vegas 4:38 4:44 4:51 4:58 5:05 Lodi-Stockton 4:57 5:03 5:11 5:18 5:26 Loma Linda 4:52 4:57 5:04 5:11 5:18 Los Angeles 4:56 5:01 5:08 5:15 5:22 McDermitt [N] 4:31 4:38 4:46 4:54 5:03 Moab 5:09 5:15 5:22 5:30 5:38 Monterey Bay 5:03 5:09 5:16 5:23 5:31 Mt. Whitney 4:54 4:59 5:06 5:12 5:19 Napa 5:01 5:07 5:14 5:22 5:30 Nogales [S] 5:34 5:40 5:46 5:52 5:59 Oakland 5:02 5:08 5:15 5:23 5:31 Paradise, CA 4:54 5:00 5:08 5:16 5:24 Phoenix 5:32 5:38 5:45 5:51 5:58 Puuwai, Ni’ihau [W] 5:53 5:58 6:02 6:07 6:11 Reno 4:47 4:54 5:01 5:09 5:17 Riverside 4:52 4:58 5:05 5:12 5:18 Sacramento 4:57 5:03 5:10 5:18 5:26 Salt Lake City 5:12 5:18 5:26 5:34 5:43 San Diego 4:54 5:00 5:06 5:13 5:20 San Francisco 5:02 5:09 5:16 5:24 5:31 San Jose 5:02 5:08 5:15 5:22 5:30 Santa Rosa 5:02 5:08 5:15 5:23 5:31 Sunset Beach 4:55 5:01 5:07 5:14 5:21 Thousand Oaks 4:58 5:04 5:11 5:18 5:24 Tucson 5:31 5:36 5:43 5:49 5:56

[N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9



Maui vacation condo in Kihei. Relaxing and affordable. Only a 3-minute walk to the beach! 1-bdrm w/ king bed. Clean, comfortable, well-maintained. Sleeps 4. Fully-furnished kitchen, washer/dryer, and more! Free parking, Wi-Fi, and calls to U.S./Canada. Friendly Kihei SDA church nearby. Visit us at: <http://www.> Email: or call Mark 909-800-9841. Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541-279-9553 or email:

AT REST Ashkar, Fuad – b. May 20, 1928, Haifa, Israel; d. Nov. 10, 2019, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Nawal; daughter, Annette; three grandchildren; sister, Alice Nakhle. Homer, Arlajean – b. April 18, 1940, city unknown, Michigan; d. Sept. 19, 2019, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: son, Rick. Huenergardt, Maryne Louise – b. Aug. 5, 1928, Medford, Ore.; d. July 28, 2019, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: brother, Howard; sister-in-law, Charlotte. Served as director of student health at Chaffey Community College in Chino, Calif., and as a volunteer at KSGN radio in Riverside, Calif. Isaeff, Mariane Drake – b. Jan. 2, 1939, Turlock, Calif.; d. Oct.

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Community & Marketplace 23, 2019, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Wayne; brother, Fred Drake. Mariane was a retired judge and longtime member of the Loma Linda University church. Knoefler, Joyce – b. Sept. 6, 1927, city unknown, Iowa; d. Nov. 8, 2019, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: son, David; nine grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren; two great-greatgrandchildren. Locke, Marilyn Glee (Woodard) - b. June 12, 1933, Grand Marais, Minn. d. Nov. 2, 2019, Napa, Calif. Survivors: son, Jeffrey; daughters, Serena, Diana Gutierrez; brother, Warren Woodard; seven

grandchildren; 10 greatgrandchildren; one great-great grandchild. Served as treasurer for the Yountville Signs Memorial church and for Napa Adventist Junior Academy (now Napa Christian Campus of Education). Pote II, William (Wayne) Wainwright Houston – b. May 25, 1919, Newport, Del.; d. Nov. 30, 2019, Ceres, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Cheri Joseph; four grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. Served as a member of the CCC Executive Committee, Lay Advisory Council.

2019, Calexico, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Francisca Velasquez; three grandchildren. Schari, Joseph Ludwig – b. Nov. 26, 1933, Laredo, Texas; d. Oct. 4, 2019, Woodland, Calif. Survivors: sons, Michael, Richard, Steven; daughter, Sandy; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.

Weiss, Osiris I. – b. Nov. 22, 1932, Juliaca, Puno, Peru; d. Nov. 19, 2019, Encinitas, Calif. Survivors: son, Rick; daughters, Linda, Karen Kathryn; two grandchildren; sisters, Mafi Schmidt, Molly Weaver. Served as academy teacher in Hawaii; pastor and Rogel, Maria – b. Sept. 15, 1921, Sonora, Mexico; d. Sept. 6, missionary to Guatemala and

Panama; as a hospital chaplain in the U.S. Williams Sr., Glenn E. – b. Sept. 14, 1921, Vaughn, Ark.; d. Oct. 31, 2019, Banning, Calif. Survivors: son, Glenn; daughter, Becky Evans; four great grandchildren. Glenn was a founding member of the Banning church. Correction: Axt, Faith (Bubano) – b. May 13, 1933, East Orange, New Jersey; d. April 23, 2019, Hemet, Calif. Survivors: husband, Mel; daughters, Michelle Zenz, Bonnie Heald, Leslie Smith; stepson, Lonnie; five grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren.

J A N UA R Y 2020



P.0. Box 5005 Westlake Village, CA 91359-5005





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