By Berit von Pohle
Deepening Roots and Unfurling Wings
t’s been said that education gives you two
Strong roots provide an environment
things: it gives you roots and it gives you wings.
in which children, teens, and young
As I look back on my school experience, this was
adults can feel secure enough to try out
certainly true for me.
different experiences—they can begin
I cannot discount the blessing of being raised
to test their wings. Sometimes the idea
in a loving, Seventh-day Adventist Christian family
of exploring these new experiences
nor the opportunity of growing up in a community
would not have occurred to the student,
that placed a high value on education, specifically
but talents and capacities are noticed
Adventist education. But when I consider where my
and encouraged by the teacher. I
roots are, they are deeply planted in the classrooms
think back to the third grade when my
where I experienced teachers who cared for and
teacher asked me to direct the rest
nurtured their students.
of the class in a song during a school
Those roots were watered and nourished by
program. While I’ve always enjoyed
teachers who also ensured that we received the
music, I still can’t understand what
“Sonshine” of Jesus as we grew. Those roots were
prompted that situation—except that
tended alongside others, in communities where
perhaps my teacher saw hints of leadership in this
we learned the academics but were also led to
young soul. While that experience isn’t included on
experience a loving God.
my formal résumé, it was one that made a statement
Don’t get me wrong—it wasn’t perfect! There were days when some teachers forgot to water us, and
to me about being responsive to opportunities and the mentoring of others.
maybe even days when they inadvertently stepped on
I think back to an academy teacher who took an
our leaves. But overall, my years of schooling gave me
interest in me personally, using casual conversations
roots in the Seventh-day Adventist church, roots in
to make suggestions (some welcome and others not)
professional training, and roots in relationships with
about which boys might not make the best close
so many people who continue to be an important
companions. Beyond the personal conversations,
part of my life.
that teacher began to help me see how some of
4 Pacific Union Recorder