Pacific Union Recorder—July 2024

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All through the week we are to have the Sabbath in mind and be making preparation to keep it according to the commandment. We are not merely to observe the Sabbath as a legal matter. We are to understand its spiritual bearing upon all the transactions of life. All who regard the Sabbath as a sign between them and God, showing that He is the God who sanctifies them, will represent the principles of His government. They will bring into daily practice the laws of His kingdom. Daily it will be their prayer that the sanctification of the Sabbath may rest upon them. Every day they will have the companionship of Christ and will exemplify the perfection of His character. Every day their light will shine forth to others in good works. —Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 353

This month we start a five-part series on the Sabbath written by several Adventist scholars.


What’s inside

4 Meeting Ellen G. White (Again)

8 Developments: La Sierra University

13 Fundamental Belief Number 5: The Holy Spirit, Our Ever-Present Comforter

15 The Sabbath Bridge

19 The Glory of the Ordinary

22 A Report That Deserves to Be Available and Studied

24 Newsdesk

26 Arizona Conference

28 Central California Conference

32 Hawaii Conference

34 Holbrook Indian School

36 Adventist Health

37 La Sierra University

38 Loma Linda University Health

39 Pacific Union College

40 Nevada-Utah Conference

42 Northern California Conference

46 Southeastern California Conference

50 Southern California Conference

54 Community & Marketplace

59 Sunset Calendars

Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

Publisher Ray Tetz

Editor Alberto Valenzuela

Assistant Editor Connie Jeffery


Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela


Pacific Press Publishing Association

Adventist Health 916-742-0429

Kim Strobel


480-991-6777 ext 139 Jeff Rogers

Central California 559-347-3034

Justin Kim

Hawaii 808-595-7591

Caleb Schaber

Holbrook Indian School 928-524-6845 x143

Kimberly Cruz

La Sierra University 951-785-2000

Darla Tucker

Loma Linda 909-651-5925

Ansel Oliver

Nevada-Utah 775-322-6929

Michelle Ward

Northern California 916-886-5600

Laurie Trujillo

Editorial Correspondents

Pacific Union College 951-809-6777

Gene Edelbach

Southeastern California 951-509-2256

Andrea King

Southern California 818-546-8400

Lauren Lacson

Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 124, Number 7, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

Ellen G. White at Elmshaven St. Helena, California, 1915

Meeting Ellen G.

Driving down Silverado Trial in the Napa Valley of Northern California, you pass thousands of acres of lush green vineyards that seem to glow in the sunshine. The four-way stop with the blinking red light is your cue to turn up Howell Mountain Road and then bear left at Sanitarium Drive toward Adventist Health Saint Helena Medical Center. The scars of the recent fires still mark the landscape as you drive the winding two-lane road. Yet the resurging new growth is a reminder of the beauty that drew the pioneers of Adventist educational and healthcare ministry to see a vision of possibilities for the Lord’s work in this unique place. Continuing up the hill, you turn up a quiet street, Glass Mountain Road, and to your right you see Glass Mountain Lane. At 125 Glass Mountain Lane, you arrive at Elmshaven, the home of Ellen G. White from 1900 until her death in 1915.

Since 1956, the Pacific Union Conference has owned and operated this special place as a museum and learning center for the life and work of Ellen White and the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In 1993, Elmshaven was designated a National Historic Landmark. During the many years my family and I have toured Elmshaven, it never ceases to impress me with its tranquilly and natural beauty. This made Elmshaven a setting for spiritual renewal and inspiration for Ellen White as she was used by the Lord in her Spirit-led writing ministry. She wrote to Brother and Sister Irwin, “We are now located in our pleasant and muchappreciated home” (Letter 127, 1900). And in another letter

White (Again)

she confided, “The manifest working of the power of God in this matter is a cause of great thankfulness. Here I am retired from the strife of tongues” (Letter 139, 1900).

One of the highlights of a visit to Elmshaven is venturing up the stairs to her writing room. I can imagine her sitting at the specially prepared desk and chair in the early hours of the day, pen and paper at hand, writing letters and working on the manuscripts of the books she would publish during those years. The person of Ellen White comes into sharper focus when you see where she lived, worked, walked, and received the many guests that arrived to her home. Hers was a life of continued growing discipleship as she labored day by day until she passed to her rest there at the age of 87. At the close of life, she shared these words, “I have joy in His joy, and peace in His peace. I see mercy in His mercy, and love in His love.”1

The great legacy of Ellen G. White is the immense catalogue of her books, articles, letters to church leaders, and personal correspondence to hundreds of friends and family members. These span the decades from the recording of her first vision in December 1844 through transcribed interviews with her at Elmshaven in 1915. So much written material can be overwhelming to anyone asking, “Where do I start to experience the writing ministry of Ellen White?”

Many new believers have grappled with this very question after reviewing and embracing Fundamental Belief number 18, “The Gift of Prophecy.” It reads, “The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested.”2 How can we apply this principle to our daily discipleship walk with Jesus?

Over the years of my pastoral ministry, I have met Adventist members who fall along a wide spectrum of responses to the writings of Ellen White. Some are openly hostile. This is often rooted in the weaponized quotes from her books rained down upon them when they were children and teenagers. “Ellen White says…” was the end of the matter. Others I meet are utterly indifferent about Ellen White and know nothing about her or what she wrote. Still others hear brief quotes in sermons or citations in Adventist publications to reinforce a point of view. But little is firsthand experience. This last perspective is reflected in a worldwide study of Seventh-day Adventist members reporting that 70% of surveyed members “wholeheartedly accepted” that Ellen White was a prophet. Yet when asked whether “I apply Ellen White’s writings to my daily life,” this strongest agreement category dropped to 23%.3 Could this be connected to the question of “Where to start?” or perhaps a lack of firsthand experience with the spiritual benefits?

A few years ago, our granddaughters Macy and Chloe were eating with their parents. They had ordered yams as part of the meal. Since this was a new food, neither of them wanted to eat any. Like mothers everywhere, their mom said, “At least take a bite and try it.” When Chloe took her first bite, she exclaimed with joy, “Yams are good! Macy, you need to try yams.” Later in the day when we saw them, Chloe ran up to me, “Papa, have you tried yams? They’re good!” Since then, she has been a yams evangelist. Her experience reminded me of Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (NKJV). Hands-on experience with Ellen White’s writings has been the same for so many others.

For me, the core of Ellen White’s ministry was helping people draw closer to Jesus and love His Word. With this in mind, I’ve suggested that newcomers begin with the Jesus-centered books Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, and her wonderful book on the life of Jesus, The Desire of Ages. Thereafter, one

can begin a spiritual journey through the fivevolume “Conflict of the Ages” series, which gives us the theology of the great controversy through human history from pre-Creation to the New Earth. Read together, these foundational texts show us a writer who, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, revealed the loving character of God. Then, with this framework firmly in place, one can explore the variety of topics from Testimonies for the Church, along with her letters and articles with the wider context of her overall theology. All these and more resources can be found free of charge by using the EGW Writings App from the Ellen G. White Estate.4

Along with so many others, it has been my experience that the writing ministry of Ellen White has enriched, encouraged, and guided my Christian life. As I reflect on the many wonderful quotations from her writings, there is one that summarizes for me the encouragement I find from her writings for my walk with Jesus. “In the contemplation of Christ we linger on the shore of a love that is measureless” (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 333).

Bradford C. Newton is the president of the Pacific Union Conference.

1Clarence C. Crisler, “The Death of Sister White,” Pacific Union Recorder (July 22, 1915), p. 2.

2“What Adventists Believe about the Prophetic Gift,” https://www.adventist. org/gift-of-prophecy/.

3“2022-2023 Global Church Members Survey,” Feb. 2024.


Developments: Adventist

J. I. Robison
Junior College Choir 1930-31
Sewing class, circa 1929.

Pioneers in the West

Developments: La Sierra University

In 1920, five years after the creation of the Southeastern California Conference of Seventhday Adventists, the conference and adjacent Southern California Conference realized that their local Adventist school, San Fernando Academy, needed to be replaced and expanded. The conferences formed a committee to explore constructing a jointly operated school that might one day include a junior college. Even though the General Conference delivered a surprising vote against their school expansion venture, the conference committee, dedicated to education and Ellen White’s advocacy of rural schools, nonetheless commenced an arduous and wide-ranging search for a location on which to build. Eventually more than 300 acres were bought in 1922 near Riverside from a rancher named Willits J. Hole. The land had formerly been part of an 1846 Mexican land grant called Rancho La Sierra.

On July 1, 1922, Principal J.I. Robison announced that a school would open on October 3—a fullfledged 12-grade school. However, at the time of the announcement, there was nothing there!

As Robison explained later, “We did not have a

building. We did not have a book in our library, nor a test tube for the laboratory. We did not have a desk or a chair. We did not even have a faculty.… But we did have faith.… And so with faith and courage and loyal cooperation and united effort we stepped forward, facing every difficulty, confident that the Lord was leading, and that we would open school on October 3, as we had advertised.”1

Aided by numerous volunteers, donors, and the Riverside civic community—which ponied up $10,000 plus $5,000 in benefits to help secure its location—it opened on time, even if work wasn’t quite finished. Though the boys’ dormitory was completed, the girls’ dormitory was only half plastered—and since the stairs had not been installed, the girls had to access their unfinished rooms by ladder!

Varner Johns reported on the inaugural reception in 1922. “Two hundred or more crowded into the reception room of the La Sierra Academy the evening of November 19. Professor J. I. Robison gave the address of welcome to students, faculty and friends of the new school. Yes, a faculty of college bred, Christian trained men and women are there; all of

“God would not have us in any sense behind in educational work. Our colleges should be far in advance in the highest kind of education.”

them successful teachers, loved and respected by the student body. Every lover of Christian education should have heard one of the students tell those assembled, why she came to La Sierra Academy. All our efforts and sacrifices are worthwhile, if only our boys and girls can be in a school where such a spirit grips the hearts of its students. They have caught the spirit of the message, and they too have the ‘vision’ of true education and of service in a world field.”2

In 1923, coursework for teacher training was added, and the school, jointly operated by the two conferences, became La Sierra Academy and Normal School. With additional courses, in 1927 the name changed to Southern California Junior College. This necessitated major expansion to the institution, including extra office space, laboratory equipment, heating facilities, and library development. An elementary school was built on the north side of the campus. Over next three years, other facilities were added and the industrial program of the college was improved. During the Great Depression the college managed to not only survive but thrive under the diligent leadership of Erwin E. Cossentine, who between 1930 and 1942 expanded enrollment significantly and grew the campus footprint with new buildings and new programs through tenacious fundraising and advocacy. A new science hall, San

Fernando Hall, was added in 1932, which led to the accreditation of the college by the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools in 1933. A swimming pool, a gymnasium, and the Hole Memorial Auditorium were constructed between 1935 and 1937.

In 1939, the name changed to La Sierra College. It was accredited as a four-year liberal arts college in 1946. After World War II, enrollment increased rapidly, reaching 919 in the winter term of 19471948. Additions during this time included the library-

Workhorses at La Sierra, circa 1927-30s
Typing class, circa 1927-early 1930s

administration building (1946), the college church (1947), an industrial arts building, and a science building.

By 1962 other additions included a physical education facility with showers, a new swimming pool, tennis courts, a dairy building, and a poultry farm. Other improvements over subsequent years included a high-rise men’s residence hall.

In 1967 it was decided to merge La Sierra College with Loma Linda University as the latter’s College of Arts and Sciences. However, in 1990 this arrangement was ended, and La Sierra University and Loma Linda University were reconstituted as separate institutions.

By the 1993-1994 school year, 17 departments offered 15 Bachelor of Arts degrees, 17 Bachelor of Science degrees, a Bachelor of Music degree, a Bachelor of Social Work degree, a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, six Associate in Arts degrees, and two Associate in Science degrees. Graduate study was possible in art, chemistry, English, history, modern languages, music, office management, health and physical education, and psychology.

The university is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (AAA).

Beyond the academic aspects, the real reason behind all Adventist schools is “education for eternity.” As Ellen White wrote: “Although the study of the sciences may carry the students to high literary attainments, it does not give a full, perfect education. When special attention is given to the thorough development of every physical and moral power which God has given, then students will not leave our colleges, calling themselves educated while they are ignorant of that knowledge which they must have for practical life, and for the fullest development of character” (Ellen G. White, Christian Education, p. 212).

“God would not have us in any sense behind in educational work. Our colleges should be far in advance in the highest kind of education.… There is a great deal of talk concerning higher education, and many suppose that higher education consists wholly in an education in science and literature; but this is not all.…

“The highest class of education is that which will give such knowledge and discipline as will lead to the best development of character, and will fit the soul for that life which measures with the life of God. Eternity is not to be lost out of our reckoning. The highest education is that which will teach our children and youth the science of Christianity, which will give them an experimental knowledge of God's ways, and will impart to them the lessons that Christ gave to His disciples, of the paternal character of God” (Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 45).

Today approximately 1,600 students attend La Sierra University each year. Guided by

Dairy cows at La Sierra, circa 1927-early 1930s

Domestic science cooking class, circa 1927-early 1930s

the mission “To seek truth, to know God, to serve others,” the university provides more than 120 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs on a main campus that maintains its rural heritage as a registered arboretum, an oasis of vibrant flora and varieties of fauna. Its faculty include Fulbright Scholars; recipients of National Science Foundation, National Geographic, and USAID grants, and other recognitions; and academics who engage in groundbreaking scientific and archaeological research, artistic development, business, education, and theological training and leadership.

La Sierra University was named No. 1 in the nation four times for its diverse environment by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College

Bus trip, 1929

Ranking. U.S. News and World Report’s 2024 Best Colleges guide ranks La Sierra fourth in the 15-state western region for social mobility, a measure of its ability to support those who struggle with various challenges, guiding them to degree completion and moving them beyond their expectations.

The university has also been recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for its Service-Learning program and other outreach and in 2013 by the Obama administration for its commitment to service.



Orchestra, 1930-31

Years Ago,” Adventist World (July 12, 2014), p. 30.
J. Johns, “La Sierra Academy Reception,” Pacific Union Recorder (Nov. 30, 1922), p. 4.

Fundamental Belief Number 5:

The Holy Spirit

Our Ever-Present Comforter

As a faith community, our dialogue about the Holy Spirit has been relatively limited. This may stem from a desire to distinguish ourselves from the practices of other Christian groups. Additionally, some view the Holy Spirit as an expression of God’s presence rather than a distinct person within the Trinity. Historically, the Holy Spirit may not have been a central point of emphasis. However, the Holy Spirit is a cornerstone of our beliefs that deserves recognition and celebration. Our eternal, infinite, and triune God is continually making Himself known to us in beautiful and intimate ways. It is through His empowering presence that He brings about transformative change.

As I reflect on my experiences as a fire chaplain, I am continually reminded of the depth and meaning behind the word “Comforter,” a term Jesus uses to describe the Holy Spirit (John 14:26, KJV). When responding to fire calls, I seek guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, and I pray for His comforting presence as I provide support to victims and fire personnel during moments of intense crisis. It is in these critical moments that the Holy Spirit’s role as the Comforter becomes palpable and real.

A brief historical perspective

Historically, our church has been cautious in its discourse about the Holy Spirit. Early Adventist publications, such as James White’s 1854 listing of five “Leading Doctrines” in the masthead of the Review and Herald, did not mention the Holy Spirit.

In 1872, a list of 25 articles of faith was published in a pamphlet entitled “A Declaration of the Fundamental Principles Taught and Practiced by the Seventh-day Adventists.”1 Only Number 16 referenced “the Spirit of God,” and it was primarily included to support the concept of “spiritual gifts” and clearly intended to confirm the validity of Ellen White’s work. The 1889 Yearbook had substantially the same wording, now under Number 19. After that it was only published occasionally, suggesting there was still some resistance to such official statements of belief.

In 1931, a new statement was prepared for the Yearbook, entitled “Fundamental Beliefs of Seventhday Adventists.”2 This was relatively brief, reading “That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony with the divine principles of the Bible, and are given for the perfecting of the saints, the work of

the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 1 Cor. 1:5-7.”3 Clearly there was little consideration beyond the gifts of the Spirit.4 Our early writings evidently lacked a comprehensive discussion of the Holy Spirit’s broader role.

The Holy Spirit in our beliefs today

Today, our Fundamental Belief #5 recognizes the Holy Spirit’s involvement in creation, incarnation, and redemption, affirming His personhood and the source of inspiration for the writers of Scripture. As in previous statements, it acknowledges His role in providing spiritual gifts and leading us into all truth. In this journey to a deeper understanding, as we recognize the Holy Spirit as a divine “person” of the Godhead, we will uncover the profound depth of abiding in God and His goodness.

Jesus’ reference to the Holy Spirit as the “Comforter” is particularly significant. This word in the Greek (parakletos) means literally “one who is called beside.” In other words, someone who is called to help another, encompassing meanings such as advocate, intermediary, and counselor. It also gained the sense of someone who brings comfort (the verb form is used in Matthew 2:18 and 5:4, translated as “comforted”). In the old Greek translation of the Old Testament (the Septuagint) the word parakletores is used for Job’s comforters.

So, what does Jesus say about this Comforter?

The first instance is in John 14:16. The variety of meanings of parakletos can be illustrated by how it is translated in different versions: “Comforter” (KJV), “Helper” (ESV), “Advocate” (NLT), “Friend” (Message), “Counselor” (CSB), “Companion” (CEB). This range of meaning helps us understand the various aspects of the Holy Spirit’s work.

“Understanding the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, Helper, Advocate, Companion, Friend, and Counselor enriches our appreciation of His work in our lives.”

The Comforter in our lives

Jesus promises another Comforter, implying one in addition to Himself, who will be with us forever, teaching and remind us of His words (John 14:26).

As the Spirit of truth, He gives evidence about Jesus (John 15:26). The coming of the Holy Spirit is so crucial that Jesus tells His disciples that it’s better for Him to go away, otherwise the Comforter will not come (John 16:7).

Understanding the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, Helper, Advocate, Companion, Friend, and Counselor enriches our appreciation of His work in our lives. As I navigate the challenges of my role as a fire chaplain, I often sense the Spirit’s sweet, comforting presence in the midst of crisis, guiding my actions and providing strength and support to those in need. This personal experience is deeply meaningful and humbling. It helps me appreciate the Holy Spirit’s essential role in my daily life, not just as a doctrinal point but as a living, active presence.

May we embrace and emphasize the fundamental work of the Holy Spirit that points to and magnifies Jesus (John 16:14). The Spirit’s work on our behalf is evidenced by His love and presence in our lives. God’s Spirit is intimately tied to God’s love throughout Scripture as the love of God is “poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit” (Romans 5:5, ESV).

May the ever-present Comforter continue to teach, remind, and inspire us, leading us closer to God and empowering us in our mission.

Patty Marruffo is the executive secretary of the Southeastern California Conference.

1This list was published again in the first issue of The Signs of the Times (June 4, 1874).

2Yearbook of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1931), pp. 377-380.

3Yearbook (1931), p. 379.

4Two less important statements should be noted. The Battle Creek, MI, church published a statement of beliefs in 1894 that represented a modification of the 1872 statement. (See Le Roy E. Froom, Movement of Destiny, [Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1971], pp. 338342.) A brief forerunner of the 1931 statement appeared in 1913. (See F.M. Wilcox, ed., “The Message for Today,” Review and Herald [October 9, 1913], p. 21.)

The Sabbath Bridge

At first, it doesn’t seem all that strange. According to the book of Acts, we see Paul, who lived part of his life as Saul, a persecutor of Christians, sitting in a synagogue on the Sabbath. Like everyone else, he hears portions of Scripture being read aloud, watches familiar ceremonies and traditions of centuries past being observed, enjoys the retelling of stories and events that formed his nation, and echoes prayers to the God who walked with his ancestors in the desert.

So, what’s so strange about it? Paul is a Christian. Since a lifealtering moment on the road to Damascus, the God he worships in the synagogue now includes His only begotten Son. Which begs the question: “What’s a devout Jesus-follower doing sitting attentively and respectfully in a Jewish synagogue where the Messiah is a longed-for future event, not a painful memory of a deadly miscarriage of justice?”

There’s a developing trend in recent commentaries on the book of Acts that embraces Paul’s faithful Sabbath observances as a genuine indication of a growing connection between Judaism and early Christianity. Luke, the author of Acts, depicts Paul both as a Christian apostle to the Gentiles and a practicing, faithful Jew—albeit one who claims to belong to a new sect within Judaism that maintains that Gentiles didn’t need to conform to all aspects of Jewish religious practices in order to be accepted by the God of Israel. Many at that time considered such a belief utter blasphemy.

But there he sits—a Christian Jew surrounded by the very people who supported the slaughter of His Savior.


Whether intentionally or not, Luke gives his readers numerous markers for connecting Christianity with Judaism. While many see evidences of such connections, particularly in the Pauline letters, today’s cultural and religious distance from first-century Judaism and early Christianity often prevents us from clearly identifying those links in other parts of the New Testament. I believe it would benefit us greatly to reflect upon them today.

It all began with the ascension of Jesus. Luke reports that this emotional event occurred on the Mount of Olives, “a Sabbath day’s journey” from Jerusalem (Acts 1:12).1 Measuring distance in such a decidedly Jewish perspective sets the context for his many other references to well-established religious practices.

Luke tells us that the early followers of Jesus were in Jerusalem at the time of their Pentecost experience and used the temple grounds as their gathering place. As a matter of fact, the first explosive surge of new believers met regularly in the temple (Acts 2:46)!

References to this Jewish place of worship continue with Peter and John’s healing of the lame man at the Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:2). Soon thereafter, Peter preaches a sermon near the Portico of Solomon (Acts 3:11). Both of these locations occupy sections of the temple grounds.

Acts also describes two incidents in which the apostles are jailed for teaching about Jesus. The first arrest and imprisonment is interrupted by an angel, who delivers them during the night and then tells them to “go, stand and speak to the people in the temple,” which they do immediately (Acts 5:17-21).

The second arrest comes a few days later. This time the apostles are jailed, flogged, and finally released, only to return to the temple where they keep right on “teaching and preaching the good news of Jesus as the Christ” (Acts 5:40-42).

With the temple/God connection being so obviously at the heart of the early Christian faith and religious devotion, it’s hard to imagine the followers of Christ being faithful Jews as well. It appears that Luke had no intention to suggest otherwise.

An additional marker is given right before Luke

Jerusalem and Mount of Olives

begins describing Paul’s three missionary journeys. He tells of yet another arrest of Peter, this time during the Feast of Unleavened Bread—a Jewish holy time that both narrator and reader would fully appreciate.

Three missionary journeys

This powerful link between the early Christian faith and long-established Judaism was carried far from the stone walls of Jerusalem and the rugged boundaries of the Promised Land. Paul, it seems, took it on the road.

Journey #1

• “But going on from Perga, they arrived at Pisidian Antioch, and on the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down” (Acts 13:14).

• “As Paul and Barnabas were going out, the people repeatedly begged to have these things spoken to them the next Sabbath” (Acts 13:42).

• “The next Sabbath nearly all the city assembled to hear the word of the Lord” (Acts 13:44).

If someone wanted to make contact with the Jewish community in a town, what better place to do it than at the local synagogue? And what better place could there be to share the Christian message? If Jesus was the expected Jewish Messiah, why not start with the very people waiting for Him to show up? Plus, traditionally, Jews have always enjoyed discussing—sometimes heatedly—all things spiritual. Paul played right into that honorable trait.

Also noticeable in this account is the reaction of Jews and the God-fearing converts after the service (Acts 13:42-44). What at first appears to be overwhelming support and acceptance, turns into jealousy and persecution on the part of some. The proselyte Greeks, however, continue to rejoice in the message Paul and Barnabas shared with them.

This pattern—visiting the local synagogue, sharing the good news about the Messiah, and arousing joy in the hearts of some Jews and proselyte Greeks as well as strong rejection and jealousy in others—

repeats itself over and over again in Luke’s account of Paul’s missionary activities.

Journey #2

• “And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to a riverside, where we were thinking that there was a place of prayer; and we sat down and began speaking to the women who had assembled” (Acts 16:13).

• “Now when they had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. And according to Paul’s custom, he visited them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures” (Acts 17:1-2).

• “And Paul was reasoning in the synagogue [at Corinth] every Sabbath and trying to persuade Jews and Greeks” (Acts 18:4).

In Acts 16, Paul and his three colleagues reach the Roman city of Philippi and on the Sabbath seek a place of prayer outside the city walls, likely because there’s no synagogue in that municipality. In contrast to all other references to Sabbath, this one is not directly linked to a synagogue but simply indicates a place where worship could be a bit less formal. The prominence of women in this narrative also suggests that the lack of Jewish men in the city may have hampered the formation of an official synagogue assembly.

The last two references to visiting a synagogue on Sabbath are barely mentioned by most commentators, even though the references suggest that Paul visited these synagogues on a weekly basis for a period of time—“for three Sabbaths” in Thessalonica (Acts 17:2) and “every Sabbath” in Corinth (Acts 18:4).

Journey #3

In Acts 18:24-26, Luke tells us that while in Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila—two of Paul’s coworkers—met “a Jew named Apollos” who was well educated in the Scriptures and spoke and taught

about Jesus in the synagogue. What’s interesting is that this meeting happened in the Ephesus synagogue and, in all likelihood, on the Sabbath.

Luke, in his matter-of-fact writing style, describes Apollos as “teaching accurately the things concerning Jesus” all without a prior knowledge of Paul and his mission. It seems obvious that Apollos’ purpose for being in the synagogue was not part of Paul’s mission of reaching the Jews first, then the Gentiles if the Jews refuse his gospel. Apollo’s outreach was his own idea.

So, we have a devout Jew, Apollo, attending services in the synagogue and preaching about Jesus. A little later, Luke states that while in Ephesus, Paul, too, “entered the synagogue and continued speaking out boldly for three months, having discussions and persuading them about the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8).

It appears that this is the same pattern we find in prior references to Paul’s visits to Jewish places of worship on the Sabbath. Bottom line? Paul was a man who upheld and respected the religion of his birth while proclaiming the risen Messiah to all who would listen.

Building bridges

I believe that Luke’s description of Paul’s many visits to synagogues on Sabbath recognizes the Jewish character and nature of early Christianity and acknowledges that what is happening in the book of Acts is a genuine continuity between fledgling Christianity and first-century Judaism. The Sabbath is serving as a spiritual bridge between those two ideologies.

Thus, it’s no longer strange to affirm that early Christian believers worshiped on the Sabbath in the context of their scattered synagogues while demonstrating a deep reverence for God’s Son Jesus and their new-found faith.

Paul’s observance of the Sabbath in the book of Acts is evidence of this ongoing and often successful

bridge-building, a mode of evangelism that came to be increasingly rejected and eventually dropped in subsequent generations.

However, the acknowledgment of a relationship between early Christianity and Judaism should provide a clear motivation for a continued study of Luke’s description of this relationship between traditional Jews and the believers in Jesus the Messiah. It highlights the relationship of early Christians and the geographically scattered synagogues; the context for Paul’s witness to Jews, proselytes, and Greeks; and the conflicts that arose between Paul and some within the Jewish persuasion.

We can also safely conclude that Luke’s depictions of the conflicts Paul experienced can’t be perceived as controversy between Christianity and Judaism but between two forms of Judaism—one of which believed in Jesus as the Messiah and allowed Gentile inclusion into the community without undergoing the rite of circumcision. All of these insights bring to light new possibilities in the study of Sabbath observance in early Christianity.

This should also open the door to continued study into how the Sabbath can act as a bridge between ideologies today—especially among worshipers who share the same doctrinal foundations and history. In this time of turmoil and controversy, the Sabbath can become our own Gate Beautiful for loving interaction and the sharing of evidence-based insights and conclusions. All that’s needed to make it happen are people who, like Paul, will “go, stand and speak to the people in the temple.”

Denis Fortin is professor of theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. This article has been taken from the book Remembering: It Matters How We Tell the Sabbath Story (Oak & Acorn Publishing, 2023), pp. 65-87.

1Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible.

The Glory of the Ordinary

The Gospel of John, after introducing us to John the Baptist, introduces us to the first of the apostles, Andrew (John 1:3542). Although Andrew was the first of the twelve apostles, he is one of the least known. Peter, James, and John appear again and again in the Gospels (e.g., Matthew 17:1; Mark 5:37; 14:33), but Andrew appears only on rare occasions. Even though we don’t hear much about Andrew, there is no doubt that he had a very special relationship with the Lord—because when we do hear about him, we find him leading others to the Master.

Peter and Andrew were brothers from Bethsaida. Matthew, Philip, James, and John were also from Bethsaida. The brothers were fishermen, a profession that required nothing more than an affinity for the water, muscular dexterity, and patience.

It is likely that John and James—also fishermen— were Andrew’s lifelong friends. In small towns,

everyone knows everyone. Being from the same place and with the same profession, it is likely that they had spent the long hours while they were repairing their nets talking about the weather, the sale of fish, the competitions of the Isthmus Games—the equivalent of the Olympics in their day1—the hated Romans, and religion. Religion must have interested them a great deal.

Before there was the internet, before there was television, before there was radio, before there were newspapers, people found out what was going on around them through what they heard from those who traveled from one place to another. The location of Palestine, as a center of trade routes, provided for the distribution of news both locally and abroad. Among the news that reached Capernaum and Bethsaida was the news of a preacher with a novel, extraordinary, and attractive message: John was baptizing in the Jordan River with a warning message, calling his listeners to repentance.

Peter, James, John, and Andrew evidently took a break from their fishing activities and made a pilgrimage to hear this modern-day prophet. What they heard impressed them so much they became disciples of John the Baptist. That's how they came to know Jesus. The mission of the Baptist was to point others to Christ. In John’s Gospel we don't find the story of John baptizing the Messiah; we just see him pointing to Christ, probably not just to Andrew and the other disciple, but to all who heard him. Andrew was present on the occasion we read about in John 1.

Here, for the first time, the term "disciple" appears. The Greek word for "disciple," used in the New Testament, literally means "learner," "one who learns." The term presupposes the existence of a teacher toward whom the disciple shows respect, loyalty, and emulation.2 The term "apostle" has the meaning of messenger, sent, delegated. In John's Gospel "the disciples" are mentioned some 78 times; it never singles out the twelve apostles as distinct from the other disciples and includes both men and women.3

John the Baptist’s testimony—"behold the Lamb of God"—is so powerful and so effective that two of his disciples leave him to become disciples of Jesus. “When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus” (John 1:37, NIV). We find then that they first left their boats and nets to go and listen to a preacher in the wilderness and, after some unspecified period of time, they leave everything to follow Jesus. It seems that John is very specific in his use of that word. He uses it here to indicate that they were "following" Jesus. He does not use it to indicate that they were "followers" of John. He seems to say that they were his disciples but not his followers.

I imagine Jesus walking away and Andrew and the other disciple looking at each other with a clear understanding of what they had to do, gathering their things and hurrying to Jesus' side. Jesus now takes the initiative. When they are near Him, He

earnestly asks them, "What are you looking for? What do they expect from me? Have you seen anything about me that caught your attention?" As we often do, they answer with a question: "Where do you live?" That's probably what you and I would have said. Where do you live? What's your address? Jesus says to them, "Follow me and you will see." It's as simple as that. "Come and see" (John 1:39, NKJV). The text says that "it was about the tenth hour." Measuring the day from sunset to sunset, it was the equivalent of 4 p.m., so they spent the rest of the afternoon talking.

So far, the characters have been John the Baptist, Jesus, Andrew, and "the other disciple"—probably John the Gospel writer himself. But now the Gospel introduces us to another character: Simon Peter. Notice Andrew's first action: After having spent the evening with Jesus, after having spoken of those mysteries that only the Master knew how to present in such a way as to touch the soul, the first thing he does is to go in search of his brother. And Andrew, after Jesus' encounter with Peter, then takes a back seat in history.

Charles Lewis Slattery, in a sermon preached in 1912, points out three qualities of the apostle Andrew: He was of a susceptible temperament—he responded immediately to the Baptist's identification of Jesus as the Lamb of God; he was spontaneous— his reactions were immediate, he wasted no time in considering what it would mean to follow the Master; and he was loyal—unlike Peter, John, and James, we do not find at any time that Jesus rebuked him.4

I want to add one more feature. In addition to being susceptible, spontaneous, and loyal, Andrew was just like you and me: he was ordinary. We don't find him acting with the same outrageously impulsive behavior as his brother, asking the Lord to allow him to walk on the water (Matthew 14:22-33). Nor do we find him preaching like Peter a sermon so powerful that thousands accept Jesus (Acts 2:14-42). We don't find him like the sons of thunder, asking Jesus if they should command fire to come down

from heaven (Luke 9:51-56). Nor did he ask for a seat by the throne (Matthew 20:20-28). Andrew was content to remain anonymous. He was happy to work behind the scenes. His ministry, like yours and mine, was to be faithful in the position the Lord had assigned him. And that, for a disciple of Jesus, was an innovation.

Andrew appears a few times in the New Testament. He and three other disciples asked Jesus about the prophecy related to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (Mark 13:3-4). He brought the boy with the two fishes and the five loaves of bread to Jesus, who multiplied them and fed 5,000 people (John 6:8-13). And, with Philip, he brought some Greeks to meet Jesus (John 12:20-22). In each case, he showed that what was important to Andrew was simply to be Andrew—to faithfully be a worker bee. You might be like Andrew. Perhaps you don’t see yourself as having many talents. You wonder how God might use a person like you. You’re not the greatest Bible scholar. You don’t have a terrific singing voice. You have trouble speaking in public. You don’t see yourself as being too important in the grand scheme of things.

But you can be like Andrew. You can introduce people to Jesus. You can bring people to church.

When Jesus called Andrew, Andrew called Peter. And Peter is the disciple who first confessed Jesus as the Son of God. Without Andrew, there wouldn’t have been Peter. You can be an Andrew! Bring people to Jesus and watch how things will change.

Andrew's brother, Peter, receives many more mentions in the New Testament than Andrew. He was by far the most prominent of the disciples. But as far as we can tell, Andrew was happy to be an ordinary guy living in the shadow of an extraordinary brother’s light. From what we read in the Bible, it seems that Andrew communicated with actions more than with words. We need Peters to speak to the thousands, but we also need lots of Andrews to pursue individuals. Your goal? If you are an Andrew, serve the Lord faithfully in the way God has gifted you.

Teobaldo Montagut is a freelance writer from San Diego, California.

1William Blake Tyrrell, The Smell of Sweat: Greek Athletics, Olympics, and Culture (Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2004), p. 87.

2Lamar Williamson, Preaching the Gospel of John (Louisville, KY: Westminster Knox Press, 2004), p. 16.

3Warren Carter, John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), pp. 73-74.

4 can be like Andrew.
You can bring people to church. YOU CAN introduce people to Jesus.

A Report That Deserves to Be Available and Studied

With his preface, dated May 30, 1988, Fred Veltman signed off on the “Full Report of the Life of Christ Research Project.” Shortly thereafter, he submitted his massive report of over 2,500 pages to the Life of Christ Research Project Review Committee, a specially appointed oversight committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. When commissioned in 1980 in the wake of many published but limited studies into Ellen White’s literary borrowing, the project was to have been a two-year, comprehensive research investigation of the degree to which she used sources in writing on the life of Christ, especially in the 87 chapters of The Desire of Ages.

Veltman quickly realized the scope of this herculean commission and established some significant limits: 1) He decided to examine only 15 randomly selected chapters (17%) of the 87 chapters of The Desire of Ages. 2) He limited the search for potential literary sources to 19th-century, non-Adventist “lives of Christ” and related material. 3) He restricted his investigation largely to the occurrences and degrees of verbal similarities between Ellen White’s material and that of her potential sources and did not consider her parallels of their content or of their sequence of ideas. Although the restrictions helped Veltman focus his work, the project extended to nearly eight years from the intended two.

Despite these limits, Veltman’s investigation and report were extremely important and remain very significant. His study represents the most comprehensive investigation of a major segment of Ellen White’s writings and the most extensive and largest report of investigative findings to date. The study traced the history of concerns about the originality of Ellen White’s writing, her reliance on

assistants, and the history of research into such matters. Veltman created and employed a method of investigating her use of sources—in this case applied to her writing on the life of Christ—even if he was not always consistent in applying it. He studied these writings longitudinally, which included a textual tradition of her earlier, related writings that spanned at least 40 years. Despite his personal beliefs, Veltman approached the work objectively, openly acknowledging limitations and suggesting areas for future research.

The condensed form of Veltman’s report is required because the original version is excessively long, complex, and technical for most readers, including non-specialists and those with academic interests. Veltman acknowledged these challenges. Furthermore, the report was never published in the normal sense. He submitted it to those who commissioned it, who, in turn, made copies for various libraries and study centers. It has remained buried in these archival environments ever since, largely unknown to almost all Adventists except those who research Ellen White, her writings, or Adventist history.

My book, The Desire of Ages and its Sources, a condensed edition of Fred Veltman’s “Full Report of the Life of Christ Research Project,” is intended for all interested persons in hopes that it will provide not only a more userfriendly way for general readers to encounter its values than the original account but also a stimulus for researchers to proceed to examine and critique Veltman’s data and conclusions in its original form and to embrace his recommendations for future investigation. The book faithfully represents

Veltman’s assignment, purposes, methods, analyses, and findings throughout his preface and 18 chapters and does so in his voice and with his structure and organization. The condensed product retains the original wording, spelling, grammar, and syntax of all such quoted material included.

In hindsight, it must be recognized that, despite his extensive study and massive report, Veltman’s conclusions are inherently limited. He 1) did not examine 72 chapters (83%) of The Desire of Ages; 2) did not search for potential sources among Adventist writers or, for the most part, in nonAdventist homiletical or devotional material; and 3) largely did not consider Ellen White’s literary dependence on the content and idea flow of her sources.

Despite its self-imposed and other limits and notwithstanding its gaps and shortcomings, Veltman’s research was, and remains, very important. It deserves more than the scant notice it received upon completion 35 years ago and continues to experience today. Veltman acknowledged all this—its limits, its gaps, its tepid reception, and its eventual burial; but he also noted its timeliness, its importance, and its calls for future study. He acknowledged uncertainty in his findings. We commend him. His report should be preserved and made widely available.

Warren Trenchard is professor emeritus of New Testament and early Christian literature, tenured, at La Sierra University.

60 years of Church State Council

From a presentation at the May 2024 James Madison Awards in Westlake Village, California

The 1960s were years of flux and upheaval. In a decade marked by controversies and changing direction, the Church State Council was born. For me, Civil Rights protests are just lessons from history books, but those protest movements were impacting and powerful. When President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law, it contained for the first time religion-based employment protections, something that became a big focus of the Church State Council through the years.

In 1964, when the leaders of the Pacific Union Conference signed the Church State Council into existence, their goal was to focus on education, on lobbying, on building relationships with people in power on behalf of religious freedom. Their first James Madison Award was handed out to President Dwight Eisenhower. When he accepted

the award, President Eisenhower said he was going to make sure that this award hung on the wall of the Presidential library in Abilene, Kansas.

In the years that followed this kick-off event, the Church State Council went from strength to strength. Music concerts, lecture series, new chapters, award ceremonies—there were many, many proud moments. The founders realized that religious freedom advocacy had to be big. You can't do advocacy from inside a bunker.

You have to get out. You have to build bridges. You have to reach across divides of religion, of worldview, of politics. You have to make partnerships—sometimes with unlikely people—in the cause of religious freedom. That was a mandate back in 1964, and that is what the Church State Council has been doing ever since.

There are people who seem to think that their moral convictions, their understanding of theology, must line up perfectly with American law. But that is a subversion of what religious liberty is.

I had studied the theory of religious liberty, but the first time I started to understand what it really means, I was on a trip to Indonesia with the thenpresident of the Adventist Church, Jan Paulsen. When Dr. Paulsen traveled to different countries to visit with church members and leaders, he often liked to visit political leaders as well. Part of my job was to help set up those meetings and to attend them—in Angola, Mozambique, India, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Russia.

church members, not just in Jakarta but in some other provinces.

They told us terrible stories of discrimination, of jobs lost, of social hostility and violence, of the very real fear they faced on a daily basis just for living their faith—because that country has strong blasphemy and apostasy laws, and they're enforced. A few years ago, a man in one of the outer provinces posted on Facebook that he had left Islam and become an atheist. His neighbors surrounded his house, pulled him out, and started to beat him. Someone called the police, and the police arrested the man who was being beaten because it is a crime in Indonesia to promote atheism.

And the goal of these meetings was the same: to let the governments of these countries know that Seventh-day Adventists are good citizens. We may be a minority, but we have something positive to contribute. We contribute in healthcare, education, and many other areas. The other thing we wanted to address in these meetings was the issue of religious freedom and how religious minorities are treated.

I remember one meeting in Jakarta. As I watched the face of the Minister of Religion and Culture with whom we were meeting, I realized that he had practiced his response. He quoted word for word his country’s constitution and how it protects religious traditions of every kind. And he was absolutely right—the words were right there in his constitution. In many of these countries where religious freedom is threatened, there's a dominant faith tradition. In this country, Indonesia, that tradition is Islam. Muslim practices and ideas and assumptions are baked into everyday life. If you are a Christian, an atheist, or a Buddhist, you're on the outside. You are somewhat suspect.

After this meeting we had a chance to meet with church leaders of other faiths and also our own

Some of the most creative fiction you will ever read is in the constitutions of some countries. No matter how beautifully crafted those words are, they are absolutely meaningless when the government has its thumb on the scale in favor of one religion over another. Those words are meaningless when religious freedom is weighted differently depending on what religious tradition you come from.

The Church State Council has been standing for six decades for a radically different version of religious freedom that says religious freedom belongs to you not because of what you believe or what you don't believe but by simple virtue of your humanity. We’re incredibly proud of the work that the Church State Council does so well, because every day they stay true to that original mandate from 1964. They're thinking big, for sure, but first and foremost, they are working to reflect the character of the Creator God who endowed each one of us with infinite worth, infinite value, infinite dignity, and the right to live according to our deepest convictions.

Bettina Krause is associate director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty at the North American Division and editor of Liberty Magazine.

Ukraine Aid 2024

Paradise Valley church, in partnership with New Beginnings church and the Arizona Conference, recently sent a medical and pastoral mission team to Ukraine. This humanitarian aid mission delivered necessary financial donations and medical supplies and medications, in addition to providing medical services and pastoral services. The ongoing project began at the start of the war, and this was the third time a team took humanitarian aid to Ukraine. “On this third trip, I was accompanied by Pastor Paul Blake, Pastor Hugh Barton, and premedical student Jeremy Baker,” said project leader Dr. Troy Anderson.

The Ukrainian project director is Dr. Juriy Bonarenko, CEO of the Angelia Clinic, a Loma Linda University affiliated medical facility based out of the city of Kyiv. At the onset of the war, Bonarenko envisioned the humanitarian crisis and immediately created a mobile clinic task force that would take medical services and

professionals to areas of Ukraine where the war had cut off access to necessary healthcare. Over the past two years, he has developed a mobile clinic armada of vehicles, trucks, and trailers customized and refitted for specific medical purposes. These include an ambulance; an obstetrics van; medical, psychological, and pastoral consultation spaces; trailers with surgical procedural rooms; trucks fitted to be a mobile pharmacy, a laboratory, and a center for limited radiologic services; and a mobile storeroom for medical supplies.

Upon arrival in the city of Kyiv, the team was welcomed by Dr. Edward Stoyanov, CMO of the Angelia Clinic. The American team was introduced to the Angelia Clinic physicians and professionals who would join them. This included the team’s lead translator and Ukraine Ambassador host Sophia Logvinova.

The team came face to face with the physical and psychological impacts of war. They heard stories of the constant barrage of powerful bomb explosions that shook the earth and shattered windows. They also heard how reports of God sparing Adventist churches spread throughout the neighborhoods, making the churches an instant gathering place of safety for the local communities whenever the sirens started. Pastor Volodymyr, of the Central Chernihiv church, explained, “The people felt safe in our churches and kept on coming and, frankly, they never left.”

“Visiting this war-torn area and seeing the need of the people made my heart ache,” Blake reflected. “But as I began to encounter the wonderful people of this country, I saw that, although their hearts were heavy because of the war, the frequent missile warning sirens, and the heartache of losing loved ones, they had hope in Jesus

LEFT: The mobile clinic task force in front of one of the Angelia Clinic mobile units. RIGHT: Dr. Troy Anderson (left) conducts a physical assessment with a patient.
Pastor Paul Blake (left) and Pastor Hugh Barton (center) hang out with Ukrainian children.

and His soon return. God is working in Ukraine, and we were privileged, in a small way, to be Jesus’ hands in a war-torn land.”

The team was unable to visit the Youth Camp, Health and Fitness Center, under the leadership of Pastor Igor Tymko. But Pastor Igor did meet the team and spoke about how he and his wife are providing housing, education, and psychological treatment to the orphaned children of the war. They have personally adopted two war orphans into their family. The team was able to deliver necessary donations to Tymko to continue the war orphanage support project.

Barton was deeply impacted by the affliction of the Ukrainian people and was overwhelmed with emotion when he visited the memorial wall of the casualties of

war at the center of Kyiv. “Some of the soldiers were younger than my own children, and it saddened me that these young people live with danger 24/7.” He later would preach in a church that had survived a missile attack earlier in the war. “After the attack, the congregation grew to over 70 percent non-Adventist members as they felt the church was a place of safety,” Barton said. “I made an appeal and everyone accepted Jesus into their heart.”

Anderson noted that the trip was “overwhelmingly successful in not only providing necessary medical and pastoral care to Ukrainians but also in delivering the message that their brothers and sisters in America have not forgotten Ukraine and that Ukrainians are loved.”

Native American Camp Meeting Meets Fundraising Challenge

Families from all over the Navajo Nation packed the Holbrook church on Sabbath, May 25, as part of the annual Native American Camp Meeting that took place at Holbrook Indian School. Each year the number of participants increases, with families traveling from various parts of the nation to attend the meeting.

A major focus of the camp meeting was the ongoing work to establish the Diné Adventist Radio stations across the Navajo Nation. Each camp meeting there has been a matching fundraising

campaign. “The Lord blessed us in 2022 with a challenge grant of $20,000, which was matched at the 2022 Arizona Native American Camp Meeting, then another challenge grant for $15,000 at the 2023 camp meeting, which was also successfully matched, and then the $25,000 this year. So the total for the three years adds up to $120,000,” reported Assistant to the President for Native American Ministries Dale Wolcott.

“By the end of the Saturday night meeting, we had pledges from many different donors that brought us to the $25,000 total. A Navajo church member handed me a wad of bills that added up to $450,” Wolcott said. “A young lady in California, who had done several mission trips to the Navajo Nation, texted that she wanted to donate $170 of money earned by Sabbath caregiving for an Alzheimer’s patient.”

Assistant to the President for Native American Ministries Dale Wolcott welcomes attendees to the 2024 Arizona Conference Native American Camp Meeting.

Digital Evangelism in

the Fresno Central Church

Digital evangelism continues to move the mission of the Central California Conference forward: “The Adventist message to all of Central California and the world in this generation!” Fresno Central church was one of the first churches in the conference to implement this digital evangelism campaign, and it has had a powerful impact on the Fresno community.

Daniel Gouveia, pastor of the Fresno Central church, was told about the digital evangelistic project by Pastor Justin Kim, director of communication and digital evangelism for the conference. “I was excited, but at the same time I was a little bit afraid. Knowing the potential that Facebook ads have today, I knew we might have more contact and response than we could manage,” said Gouveia.

He agreed to test this project in his church but was

“I think this project has been a great blessing to our church. By God's grace, we now have a youth group that is growing!”
— Daniel Gouveia

concerned because the congregation at his church is mostly elderly. “Some of the members deal very well with technology and some don't. I prayed about it, though, and we went ahead.” Gouveia helped put together a team at the church to handle this digital evangelism, under the guidance of Vanessa Greer. They created a group of about six people to manage the responses from the digital ads.

The result of the digital evangelism campaign was powerful. The church received hundreds, eventually thousands, of interactions, prayer requests, and meaningful contacts. This response was initially managed with the help of a rapid response team from the Philippines and chaplains from Andrews University.

The team at the Fresno Central church transitioned

to responding to every single contact. “Now, of those hundreds of meaningful contacts—it was about 400 initially—some of them still continue to this day,” said Gouveia. “We had to stop running the ad because we were getting too many responses, and some of the people shared really heavy stuff with us and required a lot of support.”

This project has had an impact on the Fresno Central church that can be replicated in other churches around the conference. “I think this project has been a great blessing to our church,” said Gouveia. Most of the members of the Fresno church are elderly, but the church has now started an active youth group as a result of the campaign. “By God's grace, we now have a youth group that is growing!” he added.

It was God

Gouveia shared that one night at 11:30 he was working late when a team member texted him saying one of their contacts had asked for prayer. The contact was at the hospital because her son had been in a car accident, and she was desperate for support. She wanted someone to go to the hospital and pray for her son.

“I get there and there’s the mom and her family. And so I prayed with the family and they asked me, ‘Would you like to go in and see him?’” Gouveia went into the room where the son was under a sedative. His neck was immobilized. A truck had T-boned his vehicle, but he survived because he was thrown out of his car. The doctors decided to have surgery the next morning but said there would be about a one percent chance he would ever walk again. “And so the mom was completely crushed by this scenario. We prayed. I prayed with the family, then I prayed with the son.”

The mother continued reaching out, and Gouveia returned to the hospital the next day. “The surgery went very well,” said Gouveia. “From a one percent probability of him walking again, it had gone up to 50 percent. The

Digital Missionaries of Fresno Central Church

doctors were excited.” In the next few weeks, he started physical therapy and regained mobility.

“It was God,” added Gouveai. “But to be a part of that process was amazing, and I still maintain a good relationship with his mother. She texted me, she opened up, we prayed. At the moment of their greatest need, somebody was there because of this project, because of digital evangelism.”

The experience of Fresno Central church shows the potential of digital evangelism to reach wider audiences and strengthen community connections, providing support in times of need. As the church plans to resume its digital campaigns, the lessons learned from this pilot project will influence their plans moving forward, blending traditional pastoral care with modern digital outreach to meet the needs of the community.

For congregations looking to adopt digital evangelism, Gouveia encourages you to assess your community’s needs and your church’s resources, then start small, with the plan to scale up as needed. “Prayer should really be the priority,” added Gouveia. “Make sure you have a prayer meeting that is in-person and active. Make sure you have a team of people praying. You don't need digitally savvy people to do that.”

Fiji Mission Trip Provides Medical and Emotional Support

Arecent mission trip to Fiji, led by Dr. Randall Goodman, provided much-needed ophthalmology services and dental care to those living near the Vatuvonu Adventist School, which is located in a rural area on the southern shores of Buca. This is about 40 miles from the nearest town of Savusavu, on the second-largest island in Fiji.

The group of 13 dedicated medical professionals traveled to Fiji April 19-28, along with another team of eight, which included five students and three chaperones from a private academy in San Diego. This team provided community services alongside the medical team.

The medical team attended over 100 patients, offering ophthalmology and dental services that are difficult to access locally. Many basic medical services are accessible to locals in the urban areas of Fiji, but

in the rural areas they can be difficult to access, and services such as ophthalmology and dental can be even harder to obtain.

“Many people awoke at 2:00 in the morning and got on a boat to come be treated, and some of them had to wait 5 to 6 hours to be treated,” explained Carlos Garcia, pastor of the Santa Maria Adventist church. Garcia added, “While we were there, a pre-med student at UCLA joined us and brought with her a prosthetic eye.” Someone had made this prosthetic eye for one of the kids in the community who was seen last year on the previous mission trip.

The child’s eye had been measured and calculated, and an artificial eye was made for him. “The prosthetic eye was given to the young boy, and the smile on his face when he was given a mirror to see his new eye was just the absolute highlight of the whole week for the medical team,” said Garcia.

Creating connections through medical care

Goodman, a member of the Santa Maria church and a practicing ophthalmologist, has been visiting Fiji for eight years, building a connection with the local mission clinic in Natuvu. His dedication to providing medical care has been instrumental in establishing this mission.

This year he invited Pastor Carlos Garcia, who joined the team to conduct a week of prayer at the local boarding school. The primary focus of the mission was

medical care, but the spiritual and emotional support provided by Garcia and Pastor Jong Keun Han was equally impactful.

“It was absolutely phenomenal!” said Garcia. “The school has 250 students, and only 20 percent are Adventist. And of the staff, about 15 to 20 percent are Adventist. But 250 students were in attendance every morning.” The theme of the week was taking a stand for God. Garcia told stories about Daniel, Joseph, and Elijah. “The highlight of the week was that on Wednesday I made a call to commit to God and His leading, and the first person who stood up was the principal. It shook me.”

In the evenings, Pastor Han, who specializes in emotional health, spoke to the students and staff about dealing with stress and maintaining emotional well-being. His meetings were powerful, and the staff were very open to his insights and practical advice on handling emotional challenges.

At one of the altar calls, Garcia noticed that a young man who came forward was missing an eye. “He told me the story,” said Garcia. “In the fourth grade, a boy poked him with a pencil and blinded his eye. I took him to the clinic, and we put his name down for next year. I showed him a picture of the boy whose prosthetic eye was placed the day before, and in tears he said, ‘I want a prosthetic eye.’ So now a boy who came forward and gave his life to Jesus Christ is also going to get a new eye next year.”

The teams that travel to Fiji each year continue leaving a lasting impact on the local community. This mission trip—which usually happens in October

each year—continues to build relationships with the Adventist community in Fiji and help those in need of medical and emotional support. Dr. Goodman’s dedication and the team's collective efforts are a testament to the power of compassion and service, demonstrating how a small group of committed individuals can make a significant difference.

Celebrating Our Rich Heritage

In Hawaii, May Day transforms into Lei Day, a vibrant celebration rooted in the rich tradition of adorning and crafting lei. Across the islands, students and staff dedicate months to perfecting their hulas and cultural performances for this special occasion. Their diligent practice culminates in breathtaking displays that honor their heritage and unite communities. Families and friends gather as one ‘ohana to support and cheer on our students, showcasing unwavering pride and lōkahi (unity).

Beyond showcasing talent, Lei Day embodies the spirit of togetherness, reminding everyone of the deep bonds that tie them to their culture and each other. Each performance is made truly memorable by the dedication and participation of our students and families, of whom we are incredibly proud of.

Faith Like a Child

When you think of baptism, what comes to mind first? Do you remember your own baptism? Did it take place in your youth or after you were already an adult? Were there feelings of fear or excitement—or perhaps both?

I was baptized when I was 10 years old. I loved studying the Bible, and I was excited to show everyone at church just how much I loved Jesus. Later on, in my early 20s, I began to understand the deeper meaning behind baptism, and so I decided to be re-baptized. I remember feeling humbled to have a clearer grasp of what Jesus’ sacrifice meant for me and what I mean to Him.

While a child may not understand the full extent or meaning of baptism, even so, Jesus said that we need to allow children to come to Him when they show

“In Bible class, they’ve been talking about sharing their faith. They talked about how sharing your faith isn’t just about talking about your faith but showing it through being obedient to parents, helping wash dishes, and showing kindness to friends. When we do that, people are more receptive to the gospel.”

the desire. “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it” (Mark 10:14-16, NKJV). Jesus knew that the heart of a child would be pure enough to grasp His love for them the way He intended for each of us to understand— complete, genuine, full trust in His heart toward us.

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946

We are excited to share that we finished our school year with 13 baptisms on our final Sabbath. Our older students had participated in Bible study and spiritual mentoring with our Bible teacher, Pastor Mahinay, throughout the year. Our younger students engaged in Bible studies with our elementary teacher, Grace Babcock, in preparation for their baptism. When asked about her favorite part of Bible studies with students, Grace replied that she “enjoyed watching the children get excited about things, falling in love with Jesus, and watching the Holy Spirit do His job. It’s not about what I do; it’s about what the Holy Spirit does. It’s exciting!”

Another incredible aspect is watching the children witness to others. A lot of times they take home tracts or papers to give away. Grace also shared, “In social studies class they were learning about problems and solutions—discovering problems in our communities and coming up with solutions. It could’ve been simple, but when they saw problems in their community/ school, they came up with spiritual issues. They noticed people weren’t kind, etc. I would ask them, ‘What could a solution to this problem be?’ They chose to take a spiritual route to say, ‘They need Jesus.’ I then asked, ‘What could we do to have Jesus in our lives and share with others?’ They wanted to share Bibles with family members and people in their neighborhoods. One Sabbath they went out to hand out Bibles to community members, which ended up coinciding with the Sabbath afternoon activity for that day.”

It is not always easy to share our faith with others or to explain why we believe the way we do, but, as you can see, children do not have that kind of apprehension. They have not yet experienced the doubts, fears, and failures that can drive adults into silence. Perhaps this is why Jesus said that if we do not become like the little

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a firstthrough eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty-seven percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.


P.O. Box 910 • Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910 (928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) •

Students receive a baptismal certificate, along with a student study Bible.

ones—having the unquenchable, unwavering faith of a child—we cannot enter His kingdom. It is our hope that our students will continue to have a curiosity and desire to learn about Jesus and to follow Him. For this reason, we take great care to mentor them spiritually and provide discipleship opportunities, as well as gearing their worship times to gain a better understanding of God and His deep love for them. With His help, we will continue leading souls to Christ and preparing them for His kingdom.

The Adventist Health film team recently received two Gold Telly Awards for their videos “Bake More Memories” and “Global Missions | Valle de la Trinidad.”

“Bake More Memories” tells an inspiring Christmas story about teamwork between a dedicated physical therapist and a hardworking patient. Watch the story at

“Global Missions | Valle de la Trinidad” shares the volunteer work led by Adventist Health White Memorial in partnership with Montemorelos University on a mission project to provide healthcare services in the community of Valle de la Trinidad, Mexico. Watch the story at

Adventist Health Receives Two Telly Awards

Gabrielle Nichols-Roy, Adventist Health director for corporate communications, was executive producer for both videos, and Mark Soderblom, Adventist Health cinematographer, was director.

The Telly Awards celebrate excellence in video and television around the world. This year, more than 12,000 entries from six continents and all 50 states were submitted for consideration. Find hundreds of inspiring stories about Adventist Health patients, employees, and healthcare providers at

Adventist Health Executives Recognized as Women of Influence

Adventist Health Glendale leaders Alice Issai, president, and Jinhee Nguyen, patient care executive, were recently recognized as Women of Influence in Healthcare by the Los Angeles Business Journal

Issai joined Adventist Health Glendale in 2018. Under her leadership, the medical center has become a world-class destination for oncology, cardiovascular medicine, neurosciences, and orthopedics. Issai has created an environment that attracts physician leaders to the Glendale community. Nguyen leads a team of more than 900 nurses at Adventist Health Glendale. Under her leadership, the hospital has earned the Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award for the past six years. Under Nguyen’s leadership, Adventist Health Glendale achieved Magnet designation from the American Nursing Credentialing Center, recognizing excellence in patient care and innovation in professional nursing.

The Los Angeles Business Journal noted these women are being honored “for exceptional stewardship and achievement across the full spectrum of responsibility, exemplary leadership, the highest professional and ethical standards, and for contributions to the health and wellbeing of Los Angeles.”

Alice Issai
Jinhee Nguyen

The Wash Project and Beyond: Student Outreach for Unhoused Inspires New Programs

Past a hillside retaining wall covered in bright graffiti, a dirt path winds through arid grasses and flowering shrubbery framed by rolling hills—the scenery of a pleasant nature walk. Down a rocky embankment into a growth of trees lining a wide, sandy river bottom, the shapes of structures emerge from the shadows, the air grows heavy, and the path becomes a gateway into another world.

In spring 2023, four La Sierra University students, two carrying large plastic bins filled with brown bag lunches and chips and the others lugging backpacks filled with water bottles, approached a lean-to structure on the side of the embankment. It was one of the last visits of the school year for students involved in The Wash Project, an outreach for the area’s unhoused living in tents, dilapidated recreational vehicles and cars, and shelters forged from tarps, pieces of wood, and other repurposed materials.

The structures and shelters were scattered among the woodland and grasses of the river bottom situated roughly 15 miles from La Sierra’s campus. Many of the residents owned dogs, for both companionship and protection. A few had planted small gardens and were raising chickens.

The Wash Project, a program of La Sierra’s Spiritual

Silvana Albornoz, left, provides food to a resident of a homeless encampment while Christian Figueroa, right, talks with him.

Life Office, got underway in fall of 2022, spearheaded by pre-med neuroscience student and Peruvian native Silvana Albornoz, along with theology major Erick Baez Rodriguez, pre-dentistry and clinical health science alumna Ashley Peak, and pre-dentistry biochemistry major Christian Figueroa. Albornoz and Figueroa graduated in June.

The project ultimately attracted more than 70 students over the course of a year who participated in weekly group visits to the encampment, providing lifeaffirming connection and conversations, food, bottled water, and other necessities—and spiritual support through prayer for residents who desired it. More than 300 students and faculty members donated food for The Wash Project using extra money from meal plans.

While the last outing to visit the unhoused took place last year, the project’s leaders created new ways to serve their community. This school year, they formed an outreach endeavor called ReACT, based on their work with the homeless encampment. Each Friday, students visit residents of The Gardens of Riverside, an assisted living facility, under a program they call “Adopt a Grandparent,” offering companionship, joy, and intergenerational exchange.

Albornoz and other Wash Project leaders pattern their approach to outreach after Jesus’ methods of impacting others. “The first thing He will do is always supply their needs,” Albornoz said, “and then He will say, ‘Follow me.’”

A resident of a Riverside area encampment receives food and water from La Sierra students, left to right, Silvana Albornoz, Christian Figueroa, Armando Hernandez, and Ethan Miranda.

Loma Linda University Now Offering Associate of Science Degree for Full-Time Freshmen

Loma Linda University has launched an Associate of Science (A.S.) in Health Sciences degree, a two-year college degree designed to prepare students for entry into numerous bachelor’s degree programs in several of the university’s eight schools, including pre-requisite courses for programs such as dental hygiene and nursing.

The program is approximately two-thirds general education courses, including English, history, humanities, psychology, as well as a first-year skills seminar on college education. Core healthcare science courses include anatomy and physiology, college algebra, chemistry, and micro-biology. The A.S. degree also includes courses on religion, such as Introduction to the Bible, as well as Whole Person Care.

The program is in-person and can be completed in 18 months.

“We’re wanting to open the doors to first-time,

full-time freshmen, and we’ll give students a strong foundation for their future education,” said Gurinder Bains, M.D., Ph.D., program director. “This is another way to offer an opportunity for young adults to start on their healthcare journey—to start here at Loma Linda University and to finish here at Loma Linda University.”

Bains said the A.S. degree is designed to help students in the classroom and beyond, with its seminar on college skills and service-learning opportunities.

The university is also providing career advisors to help students decide on options following completion of the degree. “We want students to succeed throughout their whole healthcare journey,” Bains said.

Learn more about the degree at programs/school-of-allied-health-professions/healthscience.

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at

Renovations Across Campus Bring New Life to PUC

Renovations to Paulin Recital Hall, West Hall, and the Hanson Pool undertaken at the beginning of the calendar year are nearing completion. Funded by anonymous donations as well as gifts from alumni, these projects improved campus facilities that are widely used by students, faculty, and community members alike.

Paulin Recital Hall

Built in 1967, the last renovation occurred in the ’90s. Faculty and staff members of the music department felt it was time for another update, replacing worn seating and embracing advancements in performing arts technology.

PUC alumnus Quentin White donated to the music department. A former music major, White supported the remodel of the recital hall to extend its reach as a gathering place beyond PUC.

Phase one included a new lighting system that replaced the interior lights and a light bar above the stage. Phase two will begin in early August. The music department is offering the opportunity to name and personalize seats in the new theater for donations of $250 per chair.

West Hall

Faculty of the education department wanted to repair water damage and rotting walls in the historic building, which is approaching its 100th birthday. A

million-dollar gift from the Ricchiuti family enabled the department to begin planning a renovation. The facilities team helped prepare the building in March by temporarily relocating department functions, fixing the electricity and lighting, and installing new plumbing.

Over spring break, crews helped repaint the building's interior and exterior, installed new windows, and placed new carpets. The Archie Tonge Education Fund grant supported the purchase of new furniture, two projectors, sound equipment, recording equipment, STEM educational materials, a greenscreen, two smartboards, laptops, iPads, and headphones.

Hanson Pool

Hanson Pool renovations began during winter quarter. The refurbishments were necessary to comply with Napa County building codes and California’s Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, designed to prevent entrapment hazards in public pool drainage systems. Around two-thirds of the funds to restore the pool were reallocated from an extraneous insurance fund, with the remaining amount donated by the St. Helena Hospital Foundation.

Overall, these three projects are just the beginning of a new chapter for this historic campus.

“The two messages of these remodels are, one, [President] Trecartin is big on spending donations quickly to show the donor what a difference it made, and two, most of these projects we are focused on really are donor driven,” said project manager Sam Heier. “Hopefully, showing donors that what they have given us made a tremendous difference will motivate other donors to do the same.”

RIGHT: Las Vegas keynote speakers, from left to right: Justin Khoe, founder of Digital Missionary Academy; Mario Alvarado, pastor of the Ogden Spanish church; Ruben Casabona, media pastor of the Keene church; Neat Randriamialison, NUC communication director; Justin Kim, CCC communication and digital evangelism director. TOP FAR RIGHT: Mario Alvarado talks about the importance of engaging with the online audience. BOTTOM FAR RIGHT: Art Brondo, media producer for the NAD communication department, shows how to use cellphone cameras to capture and tell stories.

Nexus: Bridging Discipleship and Technology

Across the Nevada-Utah Conference

Anexus point is where different elements converge to create new possibilities and drive significant change. The Nexus: Discover Digital Discipleship event embodied this concept, bringing together diverse groups across the Nevada-Utah Conference (NUC) to explore innovative methods and technologies for advancing spiritual growth and community building.

Held in three cities—West Jordan, Utah, in March; Reno, Nevada, in April; and Las Vegas, Nevada, in May—this event, sponsored by the NUC communication department, emphasized the importance of prioritizing the mission while embracing varied technologies and methods to shape the future of the church.

Christopher Yanez, an attendee in Utah, shared his experience: “Nexus was an eye-opening experience. I loved everyone who talked.… I think this is the future of the Church.”

Participants gathered to discuss the foundational principles of digital discipleship, which involves building a community of followers of Jesus. Keynote speakers highlighted the crucial role of technology in the mission, demonstrating how it can be harnessed to spread the gospel more broadly and effectively. Workshops focused on social media strategies, content creation, sound design, graphic design, visual storytelling, and leveraging online platforms to reach a specific target audience.

This initial event aimed to set the tone and inspire churches and individuals to embrace new possibilities in ministry, emphasizing the need for adaptability

A group picture with the organizing team and some of the keynote speakers.

and continuous learning in today’s world. Moreover, participants were challenged with actionable insights to take back to their communities.

Mario Alvarado, pastor of the Ogden Spanish church and one of the keynote speakers, offered this insight: “If we are not engaging with the online audience on Sabbath, then we should stop livestreaming. From their perspective, church service is just like watching a security camera. There is a difference between passive and active livestream. If building a community by making disciples is the goal, then we have to connect and engage with our online audience.”

Across these three locations, it was evident that when people from different backgrounds and expertise come together at a nexus point, they can pave the way for innovative solutions that address the ever-changing needs of the digital age.

Sparks Church Reopening

The Sparks church experienced a major flood in January 2023, which necessitated the relocation of the church. After a long year, the Sparks church celebrated its grand re-opening on April 13, 2024. Nevada-Utah Conference President Carlos Camacho, VP for Administration Chanda M. Nunes-Henry, and Treasurer Karen Schneider were in the congregation to help the members celebrate this momentous occasion. Many hours of hard work had been spent preparing the church, and the members had eagerly awaited this day.

Over the past year, the church underwent several changes, including the appointment of a new pastor, Kevin Solomon, after Neat Randriamialison, the former pastor, was asked to join the conference leadership team as communications director. Throughout the changes and challenges, it was clear that God is in control, and these trials worked to bring the members even closer to each other.

The church quickly resumed its community outreach efforts. For instance, they organized a shoe drive at two local schools, providing new shoes for over 40 children. Unfortunately, a tragic incident occurred just a couple of blocks from the church, resulting in three police officers being wounded. In response, the community service ministry team, along with Pastor Solomon, expressed gratitude to the local police forces for their service by delivering cookies and praying with the officers. Nothing can keep the children of God down. The

Sparks church flooded sanctuary in January 2023.

Sparks church aims to be a beacon in the community, demonstrating the love of the Lord.

“Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16, NLT).

Kevin Solomon, newly appointed pastor of the Sparks church, passionately preaches on the importance of opening the doors to all wounded people.

The Solid Foundation praise team leads the worship service during the grand reopening of the Sparks church.

Congratulations TO THE

Congratulations to the extraordinary Class of 2024! These inspiring young men and women remind us that God's purpose for children is far greater, deeper, and higher than we could ever imagine.

If you've been following our weekly newsletter, Northern Lights, you've witnessed some remarkable stories of these outstanding graduates and glimpsed their immense potential. Each story is a testament to their hard work, faith, and dedication.

Our church's educational system is more than just a place of learning. It is a system that nurtures not only academic excellence but also spiritual growth and moral integrity.

As they have over the years, these graduates will bravely navigate the complexities of our world. We look forward to witnessing their journey and accomplishments, reminding us of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead when faith and perseverance guide the way. As they step into the future, we are confident they will continue to shine brightly and make a profound impact on the world.

BELOW: 1. Adventist Christian Elementary School of Red Bluff, 2. Chico Oaks Adventist School, 3. Clearlake SDA Christian School, 4. Crescent City SDA School, 5. Echo Ridge Christian School, 6. Bayside Adventist Christian School, 7. El Dorado Adventist School, 8. Feather River Adventist School, 9. Foothills Adventist Elementary School.

OPPOSITE PAGE: 10. Fortuna Junior Academy, 11. Galt Adventist School, 12. Hilltop Christian School, 13. Lodi SDA Elementary School, 14. Napa Christian Campus of Education, 15. Orangevale SDA School, 16. Paradise Adventist Elementary School, 17. Pine Hills Adventist Academy, 18. Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy, 19. Pacific Union College Elementary School, 20. Redding Adventist Academy, 21. Redwood Adventist Academy, 22. Sacramento Adventist Academy, 23. Ukiah Junior Academy, 24. Westlake SDA School, 25. Yreka Adventist Christian School.

Lodi Academy
Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy
Pacific Union College Preparatory School
Pine Hills Adventist Academy
Paradise Adventist Academy

Northern California Academy Graduates

Napa Christian Campus of Education
Rio Lindo Adventist Academy
Sacramento Adventist Academy

Beaumont Church Celebrates 50 Years of God’s Goodness

The Beaumont church celebrated the 50th anniversary of its sanctuary on April 13, the exact date when church services were first held in the current facility.

In February, they welcomed their new pastor, Ron du Preez. One of the first things on his agenda was to celebrate this important anniversary. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for the congregation and guests to hear the Word, fellowship, enjoy music, and celebrate God’s faithfulness over the years.

The festivities began with a Friday evening vespers service, themed “Lo! He Comes—Longing for the Lord’s Day.” Attendees sang songs about the second coming of Christ, including the opening song, “Lift up the Trumpet,” accompanied by trumpets. Longtime members shared personal testimonies about the church's impact on their lives and the community, highlighting the blessings received through the Beaumont church.

Sabbath was filled with special events. The Honorable David Fenn, mayor of Beaumont, and his wife, Misty, offered greetings and good wishes for many more years of gratitude to God. Former pastors attended, including Bob Atteberry, Bill Penick, and Meshach Soli, along with Mark Etchell, the pastor from their sister church in Banning.

The worship hour featured music by the Advent Chorale and a sermon delivered by Atteberry. It was a special time for reconnecting with friends and former members, contemplating the joy of reuniting with loved ones at the second coming of Jesus.

The celebration continued with performances

by children and other groups. Mary Ellen Bazemore reviewed the church's history through a PowerPoint presentation, showcasing various activities over the years and how people have changed over time.

The evening ended with a final song, “When We All Get to Heaven.” Guests stood and sang with power and emotion, expressing a collective longing for that wonderful day.

This golden anniversary provided a unique opportunity to honor the church’s past, celebrate the present, and dream for the future. The occasion strengthened the bonds within the church community and set a vision of mission and outreach for years to come, all for the glory of the Creator and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pastors gather to celebrate. From left to right: Paul Schmidt, Bill Penick, Mark Etchell, Meshach Soli, Bob Atteberry, and Ron du Preez.
Joel Avalos, Ryan Morada, and Basilio Avalos play instruments at vespers.

SECC Ordains David Steward and Maria Ejurango

Southeastern California Conference (SECC) recently ordained David Steward at Fallbrook church and Maria Ejurango at Waterman Visayan Fil-Am church.

Steward received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Pacific Union College, a Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego, a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University, and evangelism training from Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. He has been pastoring for five years. When asked what he appreciates most about being in ministry, Steward shared, “I appreciate the opportunity to work alongside our wonderful members in the art of soul winning.”

As he continues his pastoral ministry, Steward hopes he will experience personal revival and that his church will “be on its knees seeking for God's Spirit to be poured out mightily and working miracles.”

Pastors lay hands on David Steward and family.

When he's not leading his congregation, he loves an array of outdoor activities and spending time with his wife and kids.

Ejurango received her Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in theology and health, at Mountain View College in the Philippines; a Master of Education with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction from Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in the Philippines; and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University. She pastored for seven years in Cebu, Philippines, served as district pastor to 16 churches, and spent 15 years in Bangkok, Thailand,

as a Bible teacher at Ekamai International School. She has served at Waterman Visayan Fil-Am church as an associate pastor for six years. “The joy of being an instrument of God to change lives for eternity” is one of the aspects of ministry she enjoys most.

Her long-term pastoral and personal goals focus on creating environments and facilities for children to be nurtured and rooted in their Adventist faith and to develop a closer relationship with Christ.

Outside of her pastoral duties, she loves crafting and making greeting cards for birthdays and special occasions. She also celebrates the endeavors of her husband and her two adult children.

SECC is honored to support pastors Steward and Ejurango as they serve with passion and conviction, bringing their unique gifts and dedication to their congregations.

Maria Ejurango and her family share a special song at her ordination.

Alumni reminisce through old photos.

El Cajon School Celebrates 100th Anniversary

April 6, 2024, was a high day for the El Cajon

SDA Christian School (ECSDA) as they celebrated 100 years as a school with a special program during the church service.

With very humble beginnings, the El Cajon church was established in 1912, and a sanctuary was built. The members decided to open a one-room school on the same property as the church. The school has grown over the years, and a new building was erected with more classrooms and a gymnasium.

For the special anniversary program, El Cajon was privileged to have Patty Marruffo, executive secretary of Southeastern California Conference (SECC), as the guest speaker. Other notable participants in the program included Datha Tickner, SECC superintendent of schools; Rachel Romero, SECC coordinator of small school support and former teaching principal of ECSDA; and David Roysdon, teacher at San Diego Academy. The students sang and provided the children’s story. Many alumni attended. One alumna, Lisa Fultz Bradley, came all the way from Roseburg, Oregon, and shared her memories of El Cajon. “I am still close with dear friends from even the earliest years there,” said Fultz Bradley. “In first grade, we had a very special teacher who had a special story time each day. She taught us how to play the ukelele, and we performed at various churches in the area. Many of us still have our ukes and have taught or are currently teaching others how to play because we still enjoy it so much and such a fondness is associated with it."

“The El Cajon SDA Christian School is a hidden jewel

in our area,” shared Diana Harper, a teacher at ECSDA. “I was the teaching principal (1994-1999) and felt the entire time I served there that it was indeed a wonderful blessing in my life. God was present each and every day and worked in the lives of the students, parents, and staff.”

Currently, the school has two dedicated teachers and many volunteers. ECSDA is a multicultural school and is proud of its young people. The school’s goal is to prepare their young people for heaven, where they will have the most wonderful reunion that will never end.

Students sing together for special music.

SECC Hosts Fourth Annual Youth Ministries Summit

In March, the youth ministries pastors of Southeastern California Conference (SECC) gathered for the fourth annual Youth Ministries Summit. Hosted this year at Azure Hills church, the Summit is an opportunity for the pastors of SECC to build camaraderie, inspire mission, and equip each other for effective youth ministry.

The day began with a breakfast spread and time in worship, then they took time to celebrate weddings, births, and ordinations from the past year. The morning session included a keynote message from Chris Oberg, pastor and CEO of Path of Life Ministries, and a collective ministry Q&A session on topics relevant to the field. About 60 children’s, youth, and young adult pastors were in attendance.

“We are blessed to set aside one day to create space to support, bless, and express our appreciation for our pastors,” said Isaac Kim, associate youth director and conference lead for family and children’s ministries. “We do not say it enough but, ‘Thank you, pastors!’”

The afternoon session began with an acknowledgement of SECC’s female youth ministry leaders, followed by a keynote address from Sam Leonor, mission and spiritual care executive for

Sam Leonor gives the afternoon keynote address.

Adventist Health. “Meekness does not mean weakness,” Leonor stated, reminding the pastors to set healthy boundaries. “Always guard your hearts.” The day finished with a prize giveaway that included a new espresso machine and tickets to Disneyland.

“The content and camaraderie of the Youth Summit was, as always, extraordinary,” said Lindsey Haffner, youth pastor at Redlands church. “It was a combination of important updates and meaningful presentations and conversations that connect us as partners in ministry.”

One special guest in attendance was Steve Case, president of Involve Youth and author of numerous books on youth ministry. “This one-day gathering for pastors who focus on ministry to and with young people combined inspiration, worship, food, and fun,” Case reflected. “I left feeling connected, energized, and eager to serve.”

“When I come to the Youth Summit, I feel like my time and work is respected and valued,” Haffner said. “These check-ins are such a refreshing reminder of why it’s a privilege to work in the SECC.”

LEFT: Attendees enjoy a time of worship. RIGHT: Pastors Grace Koh and Paul Jeon fellowship during the Summit.

RIGHT: Norma Enriquez, volunteer, sorts through children’s clothing.

FAR RIGHT: A visitor looks through baby clothing categorized by size.

Whittier Church’s Community Closet Reflects on Year of Service

Throughout the past year, Whittier church has grown its community outreach by introducing a community closet ministry. Every second and fourth Sabbath from 3-5 p.m., visitors to the church’s Adventist Community Services food pantry can now also select from a variety of free clothing, shoes, accessories, and toys for all ages. This May, Whittier church celebrated the first anniversary of this impactful initiative.

Alice Anderson, community closet coordinator, recalls how the ministry began with a small distribution of a blanket, sandwich, and water to unsheltered people in Whittier during the pandemic. “When the church reopened, we collected clothing and shoes and had tables set up in front of the church, giving these items away for free,” Anderson shared. “After the inception of the food pantry, we set


Please take notice that the 66th regular Constituency Session of the Southern California Conference of Seventhday Adventists is called to convene as follows:

Place: White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church

401 North State Street, Los Angeles, California

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time: 7:55 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., or until business is completed

The purpose of this session is to receive reports; to elect conference officers, the Vice President for Education, the Executive Committee, and the Bylaws Committee; and to transact any other business that may properly come before the delegates in session.

Delegates are invited to join with the SCC Prayer Team for prayer from 7:00 – 7:50 a.m.

Velino A. Salazar, President • John H. Cress, Executive Secretary

up tables and racks of clothing in the gym while we remodeled the upstairs room that had ‘closets.’ From there, the community closet was formed.”

The ministry has since transformed into a dedicated space that provides guests with dignity. Just as they can choose items from the food pantry, visitors to the community closet can sort through categorized clothing hanging on racks or shoes tucked away in shelves, as if they are shopping at a retail store.

One-on-one conversations, smiling faces, and returning families are just some of the elements that bring joy to the volunteers. For Crystal Rodriguez, volunteering evokes memories of her childhood. “I remember growing up with my mom, [who was] a single mom looking for clothes, [and] it was always really hard,” Rodriguez shared. “I think being able to help those single moms or those families in need is the biggest impact for me.”

In the past year, the community closet has brought so many people in the area together. The closet receives donations from church members and local residents, and any surplus is passed on to a local Goodwill or Salvation Army.

“I’ve gotten phone calls from people in the community looking for a place to donate clothes,” said Ben Guerrero, Whittier church pastor. “I’m so excited to see the passion and creativity of our people, how they started this ministry from just one bag of clothes, and how it grew.”

“It has been a labor of love,” Anderson added, reflecting on a year of the community closet. “We are proud of this ministry, and I pray that it will be sustained for many years to come.”

Monkey Butler Improv Brings North Hills Church Members Together

Through Laughter

In 2007, members of Mosaic church in Los Angeles decided to put their years of improv experience to good use and create a community that benefited others while maintaining a spiritual foundation. They founded Monkey Butler, a non-profit comedy company that provided free workshops to the public, similar to famous schools like The Groundlings and The Upright Citizens Brigade.

Monkey Butler instructor Tim Cress gives constructive feedback to students during the discussion portion of class. RIGHT: Monkey Butler student John Weber acts out a scene as a greedy televangelist while implementing storytelling instructions by the other participants during the game “Action, Color, Emotion.”

Tim Cress, pastor of North Hills church, joined the group after its formation and became an instructor. Having past improv experience himself, he eventually helped bring Monkey Butler to places like Denver and Boulder, Colorado, where he previously pastored. Now, he teaches improv at the North Hills church on a weekly basis.

This Tuesday night workshop guides a diverse group of people through various improv games, resulting in authentic and unfiltered creativity. One of the main elements of a typical improv class includes the creation of spontaneous scenes from prompts provided by audience members. The inclusive nature of improv also makes it a powerful tool for community building. “It gets us emotionally connected to one another,” Cress noted. “‘Fun’ is often not a word that people associate with

church and spirituality, but it should be because God created us to play.”

Luke Blueford, a student of Monkey Butler, shared that this type of gathering allows him to interact with church members differently. “It lets me see that we are all one family, oriented toward making laughter a part of our lives as well as enjoying each other’s presence,” he said.

Improv is not just about comedy; it’s also about personal growth. Participants have learned to think on their feet, communicate effectively, and work as a team. Aldrich Mamora, an Adventist police officer, shared how the classes have impacted his professional life. “I’ve developed more patience for people, getting out of my comfort zone, and learning interpersonal communication,” he said. “It helps people reach their creative potential.”

“Improv brings people together like nothing else I’ve ever seen,” said Cress. “It has changed my life for the better. If you are vulnerable, you will discover things that you would never learn otherwise.” This sentiment has resonated with many of his students who formerly believed that they weren’t creative people, only to discover those misconceptions quickly crumbling. Monkey Butler is a testament to the power of humor and creativity in bringing people together in bold ways. As Cress aptly put it, “Improv changes life.”

North Hills member Serena Mangunsong (center right) realizes she is out during the improv game “Bippity Bop.”



Food Pantry at El Rio Spanish Church Provides Relief to Community

What do Vacation Bible School (VBS), Dorcas Ministries, and a food pantry have in common? At El Rio Spanish church, members have demonstrated the significance of different ministries working in tandem to share God’s love with the community in Oxnard. The church is situated where many agricultural farm workers live with their families, often in crowded housing and without access to community resources. “Our local community includes people who I consider as having extensive care coordination needs: risk of homelessness, low income, refugee status, chronic health conditions, and so on,” said Pam Vanegas, food pantry coordinator at El Rio Spanish church. “People with these extensive needs may work long hours and have a difficult time accessing resources that would make life a little easier for them.”

Recalling her time as a Bible worker at Pasadena and Central-Japanese American Community churches, Vanegas felt compelled to find a way to minister to the

spiritual, physical, and mental needs of the community. She remembered how in years past, parents whose children attended VBS shared that food was hard to come by—especially during the summer when children didn’t have access to school lunches.

“My heart ached knowing they may be looking forward to school not just for an activity for their children to attend,” Vanegas said, “but a meal as well.” When El Rio was preparing for VBS last year, Venegas prayed, and God placed on her heart the desire to host a food pantry at the church.

El Rio’s food pantry opened in June 2023, concurrently with VBS. Initially the ministry only focused on food distribution, then in November the church’s Dorcas ministry director asked to collaborate to also offer clothing and toys. These gently used items are donated by church members.

Now, the food pantry operates the second Sabbath afternoon of each month to accommodate visitors unable to access these resources during work hours. Food Share, Ventura County’s food bank, provides food for the distribution. The food is set up farmer’s market style so guests can choose what they’d like to receive. More than 80 families are served each month.

“Prior to starting the pantry, our team prays that the Holy Spirit may impress people to approach us,” Vanegas said. “It is wonderful to see the smile on people’s faces when they walk out of our pantry with a box filled with food and a bag of clothing, toys, and literature. By God’s grace, we meet the need for physical and spiritual food as well as clothing every time we host the food pantry.”

Volunteers register attendees by phone before directing them to the food pantry.
replenishes the canned goods station in between
MIDDLE: A volunteer hands a mother and child their selection of produce. RIGHT: Visitors look through clothing.

Villanueva shares on the topic of “Guidance” on night three.

Evangelistic Series Showcases Identity and Purpose

This spring, the Simi Valley community was welcomed to a unique evangelistic series focused on identity. The event was held at the Simi Valley church, and presentations were given by Southern California Conference Literature Ministries Director Andy Villanueva. “I aimed to preach a series designed to uplift and inspire our community, showcasing our Adventist beliefs in a practical and relatable manner,” he said.

The series, “Irresistible Identity: Embracing Who Jesus Created You to Be,” spanned three weekends and comprised 10 presentations. The primary goal was to foster a sense of community and engagement among church members and individuals from the surrounding area. Presentations included “Purpose,” which was about purpose and identity; “Trust,” which focused on the great controversy and the origination of evil; “Love,” which talked about the law; and many others. Each evening featured a fun, interactive quiz that involved everyone, followed by group discussions to review questions related to the presented topic.

“The concept of identity can be challenging to define, as we often rely on our experiences to shape who we are,” Villanueva shared. “However, this approach can be misleading. This series sought to guide individuals in finding purpose and meaning in life by discovering their

irresistible identity in Jesus. It all begins with embracing who Jesus created us to be.”

The most significant takeaway from the series was the high level of engagement it fostered. One guest shared, “I loved how the information was presented concisely, and the topics were easy to understand. The 15-minute group discussions were another highlight, allowing me to connect with others on a deeper, more personal level.” A church member remarked, “The series offered a fresh, new approach to our message. It was easy to follow and made so much sense. I enjoyed the quiz, especially the trick questions. It was a wonderful refresher on why I believe in our Adventist message. The light meal afterward was a great opportunity to get acquainted with others.”

“I’ve participated in many evangelistic series, most of which are informational,” Villanueva shared. “However, this series demonstrated how the Bible and its teachings can bring tangible value to our everyday lives. It was an engaging experience for everyone involved. Seven individuals, ranging in age from 16 to their mid90s, decided to be baptized or rebaptized. This series is truly for everyone, encouraging a journey of embracing who Jesus created us to be.”

For a church interested in having this series, connect with Villanueva at


La Sierra University

Robotics Summer Camp. The 9th Annual Robotics Summer Camp is coming to La Sierra’s Price Science Complex. Designed for ages 10 and up, the camp will


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$70 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display rates (full color only): back cover, $4,200; full page, $3,800; 1/2-pg., $2,200; 1/4-pg., $1,200; 1/8-pg., $700; $160 per column inch.


The Pacific Union Recorder is published 12 times per year with a circulation of approximately 75,000. For more information about advertising, please email to recorder@

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These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. August: July 3 • September: August 1


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and healthcare institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See

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The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

offer computer coding, robotics, artificial intelligence, and custom robot building. Beginner class, July 15-19; intermediate class, July 29-Aug. 2. Registration and info:

STEAM Camp/STEAM Bridge. STEAM Bridge for incoming freshmen will be offered Sept. 3–13. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Summer camp info: stem-camp; STEAM Bridge details coming soon to

The La Sierra Report. Stay in the know and sign up to receive The La Sierra Report, an e-newsletter of the university’s interesting news and events. To subscribe, send your email address and subscription request to

Classified Employment

Full-time church administrator: Discover Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sonora, CA, seeks a people-skilled, task-oriented church administrator. Responsibilities include working with pastors, overseeing communication, facilities, scheduling, and special projects. Full-time with health, PTO, retirement benefits. Must be an SDA member with strong organizational and communication skills.

Wanted: part time housekeeper and home manager for senior single female owner who travels a lot. Live in South Shores Country Club, Henderson Nevada, in guard-gated community, private suite. Take care of house, some cooking, some dog care in exchange for living very well. Perfect for the semi-retired person who wants a great lifestyle and a great place to live. Some compensation. Must have a car and pass background checks. Email and tell me about yourself or call Myrna at 310-613-9549.

Holbrook Indian School is currently in need of an Assistant Girls' Dean and an Industrial/Vocational Arts Teacher. These are paid positions. In addition, there is an opening for a volunteer married couple with mental health training and experience to fill the role of House Deans in an off-campus housing capacity at the Eagle's Nest. If you or someone you know are mission-minded and would like to serve Native American children, please see or share our jobs page at

Pacific Union College is seeking faculty positions in the area of History. Major duties include the responsibilities of assessment, planning, development, and implementation of classroom experiences and course objectives. We desire those who will be committed to a collaborative working environment,

as well as those who possess dedication in furthering the goals of excellence in student success and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, we desire those interested in bringing students closer to Christ by nurturing the whole person and embracing concepts for lifelong learning. If you are interested, please contact Human Resources at or call 707965-6231.

Located in the Napa Valley, Pacific Union College is one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States, with views of mountains, vast forests, sunshine, and temperate summers and winters. The college's mission is to learn with purpose, rise in faith, and serve with love. Employees work in a tight-knit and faithcentered community that supports and encourages one another. If you enjoy working in a collaborative and caring atmosphere, you belong at PUC. We offer generous employee benefits, including tuition subsidies, housing assistance, medical, dental, vision, moving expenses, and retirement contributions.

Room/Work Exchange offer in SoCal for female. Busy professional needs your help with 15 hours of housekeeping/week in exchange for rent. Located 2 hrs drive from LLU. Must be able-bodied, English speaking, SDA, and not allergic to my cat. Background check and interview. More info:

Evangelism Projects Coordinator needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to assist in developing and implementing and reporting for various mission projects. This is a full-time (32 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, with potential for international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Marketing Director needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to plan and direct successful fundraising and marketing through a variety of methods. This is a full-time (38 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, and includes some national and international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Andrews University seeks candidates for a full-time, tenure-track Ph.D. biochemistry faculty position for our ACS-approved program, starting July 2024. Duties: mentor undergraduate students to excellence in faith-reflective professionalism; teach biochemistry and chemistry courses and labs; champion undergraduate research; promote an all-inclusive, equitable learning environment. For more information, email:

Jesus 101 is looking for a Production Department Assistant to assist with editing, production, and media department needs. This is a full-time (38 hours per week), in-office position located in Riverside, CA. Position includes generous employee benefits. For

more information or to apply, visit: https://www.

Retired couple seeking an estate management/ care-taking opportunity. He: 30 years attorney/ commercial real estate trust manager, Navy veteran, and California Highway Patrol. She: 37 years pediatric registered nurse (current licenses in Indiana and California). Oversight of estate and related vendors, plant-based chef, driver, care for homebound person, child, pet, or plants, etc. Looking for longterm situation (greater than 1 year) and separate housing onsite. Compensation based on duties assigned. References available. Bondable. email:

The Miranda Seventh-day Adventist Church is looking for a missionary-minded couple to care for its church. The couple will rent the church trailer home and be responsible for maintaining the church grounds. For more information, please call Mike Michelli at 707-296-5518.

Looking for a single male between the age of 58 and 70 years old to come live and help me on 9.2 acres in Northern Arizona. Must have own RV and know about gardening and country living. Rent is $500 a month, which pays for electricity and water. We have four seasons and hospital nearby. Close to the Grand Canyon. Must be a committed, church-going Seventhday Adventist. There are several churches in the area to choose from. References required. Call Lisa at 317459-1060 or email at

VP-Research Affairs. Responsible for coordinating the research programs, activities, and policies of LLUH. This includes providing advisory services to various groups conducting research across the institution. This position is also tasked with maintaining the research infrastructure of the organization and serves as the institutional official authorized to sign research grant applications. In addition to research, this role also oversees intellectual property and innovation across the institution. Performs other duties as assigned. Doctorate is required. Minimum of 10 years of experience in research as a Principal Investigator and/ or experience managing complex intellectual property agreements is required. Five years management experience is required. Membership in the Seventhday Adventist Church required. https://egln.fa.us2. sites/CX/job/3160/?utm_medium=jobshare – 3160

Financial Aid Advisor. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. The

Financial Ad Advisor position determines eligibility and administers all phases of the financial aid process to include all federal, private, campus based, and noncampus based financial aid programs for the students. Counsels current and prospective students and/or parents regarding student's individual aid eligibility while maintaining confidentiality of protected information. Works collaboratively with various University departments and staff to ensure accurate financial aid related data is provided to students. Financial Aid Advisor performs other duties as needed. Bachelor's degree - Equivalent experience in higher education involving duties, responsibilities, and qualifications similar to those described in this document may be accepted in lieu of a bachelor's degree. Minimum of two years finance or accounting related experience required. Financial aid experience preferred. Membership in SeventhDay Adventist Church required. https://egln.fa.us2. CX/job/304/?utm_medium=jobshare – 304

Faculty-Behavior Health. Responsible for education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Performs other duties as needed. Master's or higher from an accredited institution. Doctorate Degree in Counseling or related mental health field preferred. Two or more years of professional clinical practice and/or classroom teaching experience. Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), or Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) required. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/1767/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 1767

Assistant Professor at Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Responsibility encompasses

education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of their department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Assistant Professor performs other duties as needed. Requires nurse practitioner degree in nursing from an accredited institution. Two years post-master’s teaching experience or closely related professional experience. Professional certification, licensure, or registration as appropriate. https://egln.fa.us2. sites/CX/job/1100/?utm_medium=jobshare – 1100

Faculty at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of their department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. DDS/DMD degree is required. MS/MSD and/or PhD is preferred. Two years previous experience, published peer reviews journals, experience in grant writing, securing grants, submission of external funding, and experience in material science, numerical methods, and finite element analysis. https://egln.fa.us2.oraclecloud. com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/ job/216/?utm_medium=jobshare – 216 and 555

Faculty Medicine two tenure-track at Loma Linda University Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Research expertise in one of the following areas: Neuroscience, stem cell and/ or cancer biology, or developmental biology. Ph.D. (or equivalent) in a relevant field, MD, or dual degree; at least three years of postdoctoral research experience; record of peer-review original research publications in recognized scientific journals, including at least one postdoctoral publication. Preferred experience in applying data science approaches to biological problems, which could include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, multi-dimensional imaging, or other methods; history of securing extramural funding. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/808/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 808

Professor PhD at Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University

and the individual school. Professor PhD performs other duties as needed. Requires earned doctorate (or equivalent) from accredited institution, preferably with focus in area of scholarship. Post-doctoral experience (or equivalent) encouraged. Minimum five years of successful teaching experience as associate professor with emphasis in area of scholarly focus. Functions in a leadership capacity in area of expertise. Professional certification, licensure or registration as appropriate. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2030/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 2023

Faculty at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Faculty member supports graduate education in global public health, research and/or global health practice in an international and/or multi-national setting. Develops, delivers, and assesses curriculum at a graduate (master’s and doctoral) level. Mentors and advises students for curriculum, applied practical experience (APE) projects and career planning. Participates in student recruitment activities and APE site identification, student placement, and site review. Ability to bring in external grant funding and strong networks in the global health field are a plus. Minimum of doctoral degree from an accredited institution required. https://egln.fa.us2.oraclecloud. com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/ job/826/?utm_medium=jobshare – 826

Community Health Worker Instructor at San Manuel Gateway College. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. The Instructor is responsible for planning, teaching, implementing, and assessing courses and activities. Performs other duties as needed. Specialty license or certification preferred. Requirements will vary per specific specialty. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2560/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 2560

Real Estate

Off-Grid Living. Solar with propane generator and well. Rural but close to SDA churches, hospital and Pacific Union College. 4B/4B, 4,036 sf, 20 acres. New barn, garden area with raised beds, peaceful view. Great mountain biking and hiking area, Interested, email for more information.

SDA country school shopping. K-8, near Cookeville, TN, with Forest School, stream and cave on 30 acres, music program, friendly church, Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs, jobs, colleges, low taxes. 931-8540259 or 423-240-1832,

PUC Commercial Space for Rent. Pacific Union College has commercial real estate space available for lease. The spaces are in various sizes and functionality and are available for inquiries. For additional information, please email Sam Heier at sheier@puc. edu.

Tennessee country living. Private 3/2, 2330+sf, large master bedroom, bathroom, walk-in closet, additional gaming/family room, currently being remodeled. Almost 5 acres, paths through woods, around pond, 2 small streams, 2 outbuildings, 20x20 workshop, on city water, has additional well. Located outside of Dunlap, 56 min. from Southern. Active churches in the area,

Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1519-sq-ft home. Marble fireplace, dishwasher, washer/dryer, and refrigerator. Select furniture included. Convenient location near Walla Walla University. Beautifully landscaped with private backyard and covered patio and deck, security lights, garage, and much more! Please contact 951232-9814 for more information.

Dream 5.69-acre ranch-style home in Northern California foothills. This fully fenced property features a 4-bedroom house with an open floor plan, walkout basement, and wooden overlook deck. Woodstove and central heat. Enjoy an orchard of 35+ mature fruit trees, 34 heavily bearing concord, muscat, and several other varieties of grapevines, and a deer-fenced garden. Breathtaking views of Lake Oroville from a serene, circle drive location—ideal for a young family or a lifestyle center. Discover your slice of paradise. Call 231-735-6078.

For Sale

Retiring SDA optometrist in NW CA selling a very profitable practice. There are no other optometry, ophthalmology, or optician practices in this

city or county. Local Adventist church and K-8 school. The office is 5 blocks from an amazing coastline with surrounding beautiful forests, beaches, and rivers. 1250 sq. ft. office with a wonderful staff. If interested, please contact

Outpatient Physical Therapy and Aquatic Therapy in the foothills above Sacramento, CA. Turn-key practice, in business for over 30 years. Great referral base and solid practice. Lots of potential for growth. Great opportunity for someone wanting to establish a medical mission outpost or wellness center as well. 5400-sq-ft facility. $450,000. Flexible options to the right party. Contact or leave message at 209-304-7455.

Dental practice for sale in Siskiyou County, CA. Profitable practice, 4 ops, practice refers out ortho, endo, and some oral surgery. Great study club and specialists to refer to. Get out of the city and come to God's country, a 4-season area filled with hiking, mt. biking, skiing, and water sports. If interested, please contact

Vacation Opportunities

Travel on a faith-based tour to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Rome, or Vietnam on a special cultural discovery tour with Dr. Carl Cosaert, New Testament professor at Walla Walla University. To learn more about these inspirational tours that renew your faith, visit www. or email

Explore Armenia and Georgia this September with Dr. Carl Cosaert, dean of the School of Theology at Walla Walla University. Discover enchanting towns, historic churches, and breathtaking views in countries boasting a profound Christian legacy of nearly two millennia. Visit or email info@ for more information.

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541-279-9553, or email:

Angwin home. Five-bedroom, three-bathroom vacation home 2 miles from PUC. Fully furnished, large kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, piano, high-speed internet, vineyard views, WiFi, washer and dryer, BBQ, sleeps 10. Call for rates, photos, and reservations: 415-539-7980 or email nroger1965@

Footsteps of Paul in Greece! Begin your biblical journey in the north where Paul landed and travel south to Athens, visiting countless spots throughout.

Cruise to four Greek islands and Ephesus. Info at www. or George Dialectakis, 860-402-2247.

Bulletin Board

Help the Lord’s ministry of healing in Micronesia by donating your car, boat, bike, RV, or truck. All proceeds help provide free medical services to the island peoples of Micronesia. Canvasback Missions, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, has been serving since 1986. For more info: 707-746-7828.

San Fernando Valley Academy (preschool-12th grade) is located in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Northridge in the San Fernando Valley. The over 100 students and their teachers are a large family who care about each other and want each other to succeed. In the high school, teachers have also been professionals in their credentialed teaching fields. The elementary teachers are highly experienced with years of childhood development training, so you know that you are getting qualified instruction from top to bottom. Please visit our website: or give us a call at 818-349-1373 to schedule a visit. We look forward to meeting you.

Partner with ASAP Ministries in serving the marginalized and reaching the unreached in Southeast Asia with the wholistic gospel. What you do today can change a life for eternity! To learn more, visit Subscribe to our weekly Mission Matters videos. Facebook: asapministries; Instagram: asapministries; YouTube: asapministries.

Shop for new/used Adventist books. TEACH Services offers used Adventist books at www.LNFBOOKS. com or new book releases at your local ABC or www. Authors, let us help publish your book with editing, design, marketing, and worldwide distribution. Call 800-367-1844 for a free evaluation.

Prayer needs—Facing a challenge? Have a concern? At LifeTalk Radio we believe in prayer and want to pray for you. Whatever your problem, God is bigger. Share your prayer needs at: Live with hope! Listen at

At Rest

Ashley, Kennerley Comstock Jr. – b. Feb. 1, 1934, Los Angeles, CA; d. April 18, 2024, Pasadena, CA. Survivors: wife, Sylvia; daughters, Lysa Ashley, Lesley Benzakein; sibling, Diana Ballard; three grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren.

Farwell, Jolene – b. Oct. 15, 1935, Hilo, HI; d. May 5, 2024, Poulsbo, WA. Survivors: sons, Danny, Scott; daughters, Gina, Lisa; sibling, Donna; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren.

Foxworthy, Laurie Watts – b. July 31, 1959, Chadron, NE; d. May 3, 2024, Calhoun, GA. Survivors: husband, Jerry Foxworthy; parents, Patricia and Ralph Watts; siblings, Eydie Thomas, Marcia Falk, Ralph Watts III; stepchildren, Buffy Brooks, Amy Huddleston; one grandchild.

Gaede, Edwin – b. July 21, 1942, St. Helena, CA; d. March 24, 2024, Wenatchee, WA. Survivors: wife, Betty; stepdaughters, Julie Webster, Barbara Gutierrez; four grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren.

Hulse, Gladys – b. Aug. 23, 1931; d. May 13, 2024. Survivors: daughters, Nancy Falter, Karen Wolfkill, Diane Thompson; seven grandchildren, three greatgrandchildren.

Jarvis II, William Tyler – b. Feb. 18, 1983, Loma Linda, CA; d. May 5, 2024, Milwaukee, WI. Survivors: parent, Ada Jarvis; sibling, Matthew Jarvis.

Kriley, Ron – b. May 30, 1955, Stoneham, MA; d. Oct. 23, 2023, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: sibling, Donna Becker Lesko.

July 2024 Sunset Calendar

City/Location JUL 5 JUL 12 JUL 19 JUL 26

Alturas (Modoc Cty.) 8:39 8:36 8:32 8:26

Angwin 8:37 8:34 8:30 8:25

Bakersfield 8:14 8:12 8:08 8:04

Calexico 7:53 7:51 7:48 7:44

Chico 8:38 8:35 8:31 8:25

Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 7:12 7:17 7:23 7:28

Eureka 8:50 8:48 8:43 8:37

Four Corners [E] 8:39 8:36 8:32 8:27

Fresno 8:21 8:18 8:15 8:10

Grand Canyon (South Rim) 7:48 7:46 7:42 7:38

Half Dome 8:23 8:20 8:16 8:11

Hilo 7:03 7:02 7:01 6:59

Holbrook (Navajo City) 7:37 7:35 7:32 7:27

Honolulu 7:17 7:16 7:15 7:12

Joshua Tree 8:00 7:58 7:55 7:50

Lake Tahoe 8:28 8:25 8:21 8:16

Las Vegas 8:01 7:58 7:55 7:50

Lodi-Stockton 8:31 8:28 8:24 8:19

Loma Linda 8:03 8:01 7:58 7:54

Los Angeles 8:07 8:05 8:02 7:58

McDermitt [N] 8:29 8:26 8:21 8:15

Moab 8:45 8:43 8:39 8:33

Monterey Bay 8:29 8:26 8:21 8:15

Mt. Whitney 8:01 7:59 7:56 7:51

Napa 8:35 8:33 8:29 8:23

Nogales [S] (Los) 7:10 7:09 7:07 7:05

Oakland 8:34 8:31 8:27 8:22

Paradise, CA 8:37 8:34 8:30 8:24

Phoenix 7:41 7:39 7:36 7:32

Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 7:05 7:04 7:03 7:00

Reno 8:29 8:26 8:22 8:17

Riverside 8:04 8:02 7:58 7:54

Sacramento 8:33 8:30 8:26 8:21

Salt Lake City 9:01 8:58 8:54 8:48

San Diego 8:00 7:58 7:55 7:50

San Francisco 8:34 8:32 8:28 8:23

San Jose 8:31 8:29 8:25 8:19

Santa Rosa 8:37 8:35 8:31 8:25

Sunset Beach 8:29 8:27 8:23 8:18

Thousand Oaks 8:10 8:08 8:05 8:00 Tucson 7:33 7:32 7:29 7:24 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

Rieke, Leela – b. June 25, 1931, Merced, CA; d. May 7, 2024, Oakhurst, CA. Survivors: sons, Bernie, Johnny, Wayne; daughters, Lelene Rieke, Diana Gardner, Carissa Crane; 21 grandchildren.

Sumilat, Mary Sitompul – b. Sept. 30. 1930, Bukittinggi, Sumatra, Indonesia; d. May 9, 2024, Highland, CA. Survivors: son, James Sumilat; daughter, Jean Hutabarat; four grandchildren, one great-grandchild.

Swingle, Kermit R. – b. July 14, 1953, Coaldale, PA; d. Feb. 10, 2023, Henderson, NV. Survivors: wife, Brenda; siblings, Karen Coe, Kathy Vancleve.

Thomas, Glenn Alexander – b. March 21, 1963; d. July 1, 2023, Winter Park, FL. Survivors: friends, Gregg Owens, Dee Barrera, Russell Hoxie.

Weiss, Barbara Ann – b. April 12, 1946, San Diego, CA; d. Dec. 19, 2023, Surprise, AZ. Survivors: husband, Ivan; sons, Mike, Chris; three grandchildren; brother, Rod Chase. Worked in various capacities at Calexico Mission School, San Pasqual Academy, Garden State Academy, Thunderbird Academy.

August 2024 Sunset Calendar

7:15 7:07 6:58 6:49

7:09 7:05 7:00 6:54 6:48

Tree 7:44 7:38 7:30 7:21 7:12

Tahoe 8:09 8:01 7:52 7:42 7:32

7:52 7:45 7:37 7:29 7:20 McDermitt [N] 8:07 7:58 7:48 7:38 7:26 Moab 8:26 8:19 8:10 8:00 7:50 Monterey Bay 8:12 8:04 7:56 7:47 7:37 Mt. Whitney 7:32 7:37 7:42 7:47 7:51 Napa 8:17 8:09 8:00 7:51 7:40 Nogales [S] (Los) 7:18 7:11 7:04 6:57 6:48

8:16 8:08 7:59 7:52 7:40

CA 8:17 8:09 8:00 7:50 7:39

7:26 7:19 7:12 7:04 6:55 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau

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