7 minute read

Central California Conference

Refuge from a Fire Storm: CCC Opens Soquel Conference Center

“You have been a help in time of trouble, a refuge for the poor in time of storm. You have protected the weak during the heat of battle from the blast of enemy attack” (Isaiah 25:4, Clear Word).

Families who had to quickly evacuate pick up essentials provided by the community at the Soquel Convention Center.

Mark Larson, from the Santa Cruz County Department of Human Services, listens to concerned volunteers.

The coronavirus pandemic led to social distancing and the cancellation of Soquel Camp Meeting, and then the hot days of summer brought even more trials throughout California. Nearly 12,000 lightning strikes started 560 fires throughout the state. This danger became all too real in the Santa Cruz Mountains on Monday, August 17, with the CZU Lightning Complex Fire.

“Michael Beaton, director of general services from Santa Cruz County, called on Wednesday explaining that they were in need of an additional evacuation center,” recalled Todd Gallemore, Soquel Conference Center (SCC) facilities director. The Central California Conference (CCC) officers agreed to help and opened up the 70 cabins and full hook-up RV spaces in SCC’s Central City to the evacuees. “To open the doors to the community is something that the conference has

wanted to do for a very long time,” Gallermore continued. “We have been looking for ways to be a better neighbor and

to serve the community in a positive, constructive way.”

The next day, Mark Larson, from the county Department of Human Services, was onsite when the evacuee intake began. The evacuees arrived obviously distraught and filled with anxiety and fear. “It was very chaotic to handle all the needs at first, because the fire incident was so big,” Larson explained. “On day one, all we had to give out was an MRE [Meal Ready-to-Eat] and a bottle of water. We are now having a catering service come James Salazar, an understandably emotional evacuee, and his friend show in with meals three times a day CCC President Ramiro Cano pictures of the total loss of his home. that includes treats. There have been exercise classes, movie nights, and even classes on how to improve your mental and businesses. “I cannot take credit for what has health.” happened here,” Larson said. “It could not have been

Capacity peaked at 540 people for several days. done without the support of the Seventh-day Adventists, Many arriving evacuees were overcome with grief church ministries, and the other county employees that and fear, and they were often without even the basic have been performing above and beyond my wildest provisions. Amazingly, there were no shortfalls of expectations. People even described that it is almost essential needs. Each of the county’s needs were met like being on a cruise because they were treated so without even being asked. Although county supplies wonderfully.” were minimal at the start, they soon multiplied through As soon as Sam Smith, pastor of Watsonville church, generous donations from individuals and businesses. received permission from the county, he was able to set

The overflow of up a Share and Prayer Tent. donations meant Here, a safe place provided that the main spiritual care for the many auditorium became who were understandably a warehouse. The upset to the point of tears. Esperanza meeting One evacuee, who room transformed wished to remain into the Operation anonymous, came by the Center. A makeshift prayer tent. He shared stage was set up his fears and frustrations on Row 9 of Central about losing his home. City for the various When Smith asked him if programs provided he believed in prayer, he by pastors. A couple who had to evacuate check out what is said, “Yes, but right now

The process available at the Control Center. I’m too angry at God to required a great deal pray.” Smith told him that of collaboration between the county, other pastors he understood and that he could come by the prayer from surrounding areas, and community organizations booth anytime. Several nights passed, and both he and

Evacuees residing in Central City display a poster: “Thank U 4 helping create our new positive future.”


ABOVE: Central City on the Soquel campground houses many evacuees— forced from their homes—who had RVs and trailers.

LEFT: Evacuees, now safe from the fire, use the available cabins at the Soquel campground.

his wife attended the three-day evening series by Pierre Steenberg, CCC evangelism director, on “How to Cope with Grief and Loss.” After hearing Eddy Perez, CCC evangelist, share his testimony of how God had been with him in the midst of pain, this evacuee finally told Smith, “You know, I’ve always believed in God, but He was never a priority. Now this happened and it made me angry with Him. However, you people showed up and just loved us. You did all of these things for us, total strangers, with no strings attached. You are helping me to understand that God is with me even in the midst of this horrible situation. I want to seek God for myself more deeply now.”

Antonio Huerta, CCC vice president for ministries, struck up a conversation with a couple who also had attended Steenberg’s talks. Feeling much the same as the other evacuees, they explained, “Our house has been destroyed and we have no place to go.” Nevertheless, the wife thanked Huerta, explaining that they had come to this evacuation center devasted but had been given a new faith in God.

Huerta also found out that a young man volunteering at the resource center had been there all night long. At 20 years old, his passion and compassion were evident when he responded, “My sleep is not as important as serving the evacuees. My brothers and sisters are suffering right now.”

Ken, another evacuee, shared with tears as he was checking out, “I just wanted to thank these folks for their mighty fine hospitality. They met us here with open arms, smiles on their face, catered to every

whim, and with orders began to every possible be lifted in some thing we could areas, most people possibly need. I at the SCC were just cannot say able to return enough, but you home. However, it guys have been still sheltered 200 awesome.” to 250 individuals

Gina Jett, who could no a Boulder longer return to Creek resident, their destroyed shared, “The homes. entire town “This is a truly was evacuated remarkable facility. Monday night. You have been Seeing me on blessed by God social media, Evacuees outside their cabin at the Soquel campground. to have this vast Manuel Garcia, a property to use former student of mine from Monterey Bay Academy, for God’s purposes,” Larsen said. “Todd, Jeremy, Derek, reached out to let me know our neighborhood was safe. everybody has just been truly been remarkable. I will As a firefighter, he and his team are working double be forever changed. I am hoping and praying that these and triple shifts trying to hold the fire, and we are so relationships will continue on in the future.” grateful. I think God can use this event to help us be our As Ramiro Cano, CCC president, commented, "I best selves and work together as a community.” praise God that in the midst of a pandemic and the

James Salazar, a Bonny Doon resident, shared that devastating fires, the Soquel Conference Center has his home was a total loss. With only the clothes on their become a center of holy influence within the county backs, he and his girlfriend and their animals sought of Santa Cruz. Designated as an evacuation site, it refuge at SCC. With emotion, he commented, “It is so provided ample opportunities to be engaged in services nice to be here where people are taking care of you. of compassion to alleviate the hurting and to forge and It makes going through something like this so much deepen our relationships with the community at large." easier. I don’t know where I’d be if I weren’t right here, Indeed, God’s hand could be seen at every turn right now.” by those who were working side by side to humbly

By the end of August, the CZU Lightning Complex Fire serve the needs of the evacuees. Truly, CCC’s vision, was 43% contained, but 85,218 acres had burned. More “Reflecting Christ. Transforming Communities,” was than 1,100 structures were destroyed, and 921 of those demonstrated over and over during this tragic event. were single-family residences. Once the evacuation ____________________ By Sue Schramm


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