3 minute read

Northern California Conference

Leoni Meadows Summer Wrap Up

Nearly a year ago, Leoni Meadows was front and center of the Caldor wildfire. It burnt several buildings and key areas, including thousands of trees surrounding the camp. The cleanup and rebuild has been never-ending in the months leading up to this summer’s camp schedule.

Craig Heinrich, camp director, looks back on a camp season once in jeopardy with an air of incredulity. “We had a phenomenal summer,” he said. “Regardless of the intermittent problems like continually finding water pipes that the fire damaged, including sewer backups at times, and incredible pressure of cleanup and construction, we may have seen the best staff, volunteers, and campers ever!”

As you look out from the lodge, the wall of Douglas firs, several feet in diameter and hundreds of years old, are gone. Left in their place is a grayish picket fence of ghostly survivors.

Yet, beauty has sprung up in ferns and undergrowth that is quickly winning the war on gray ash and red soil. Heinrich pointed out, “God brought the spring and summer, reminding us He can make all things new.”

According to Heinrich, “Cowboy Camp was the most affected by the fire as it ripped through our barn, wagons, stables, and trails. It was the one camp that almost didn’t happen!”

And how true that was! If not for a group of thirdgraders at Sacramento Academy and a brilliant plan, cowboy camp could have been scrubbed. Sacramento Academy third-grade teacher Janine Harrington, along with her husband and students, approached both the Sacramento Woodside and Carmichael churches to ask them to financially support the rebuild of Cowboy Camp.

As a longtime customer, Harrington also approached Craig and DeeDee Lyman, the owners of Douglas Feed, for support. Little did she know that Craig had attended Leoni Meadows when he was a kid. The Lymans agreed to not only replace the tack items at cost but to also start a “Round Up” campaign with their customers! All told, the third-grade class presented Heinrich and the camp with a check for over $23,000 and helped pick products from the store.

At camp, Darci Miller, a “cowgirl” from Sonora and first-time camper, was thrilled with living in the temporary canvas bivouac, harkening back to visions of the Wild West. She said, “I know we couldn’t make the long trail rides due to the burnt trees and blocked trails, but being part of the camper rodeo was the best part of the week!

____________________ By Ken Miller and Laurie Trujillo

Fairfield Korean Company

On August 6, the North Bay Korean Group in Fairfield was organized as a church company. Originally a home-based worship service under the guidance of retired pastor Dewey Rhoe, the small group grew quickly and moved into a space at the Fairfield church in 2016.

This mission-hearted group is connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His soon return. Currently, with pastor Joseph Shon, members provide regular community health programs, cooking classes, and musical outreach.

According to James Lim, Asian Pacific coordinator, “It was a very meaningful milestone for this group to organize, serve, and grow to company status, even during the pandemic.”

____________________ By Ken Miller

Miguel Verazas Ordination

(Below) Miguel and his wife, Ashley, have welcomed two beautiful children to their family: Annalise and Noah. Miguel Verazas was ordained at the Pleasant Hill church on Sabbath, August 13. "I am humbled by the grace and mercy that God has shown me in my spiritual journey,” Verazas said. “I am also extremely grateful for those who have mentored me along the way."

Verazas has served the northern territory as a youth pastor since 2014, beginning at the Napa Community church, and since 2016 at Pleasant Hill. He earned a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University.

When asked, Verazas reflected, “My favorite part of ministry is giving Bible studies and preparing children of God to be baptized.”

____________________ By Ken Miller

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