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Nevada-Utah Conference

ABOVE: The Adventist Giving app used to assist community giving to victims of the recent fire. TOP RIGHT: The Moab church assists victims of the mobile home park fire, which destroyed six homes and damaged four more. BOTTOM RIGHT: The Moab community quickly rallied to offer help to victims of the mobile home park fire.

Moab Church Fills Urgent Need

With their sirens screaming, the fire trucks raced to respond to a devastating emergency at a mobile home park. Fire! Several structures were fully engulfed, and ultimately six trailer homes burned. In recent years, this has become a familiar refrain in the West, and with this loss Moab, Utah, just wrote its own stanza.

The little Adventist church in town felt the pain of a neighbor’s loss and wanted to help. But what could they do? How could they make a difference? They had been praying about serving their community, but what could be done in this crisis? It started with a phone call to the fire department. “Hello! This is the Moab Seventh-day Adventist Church. We heard about the fire. How can we help?” The fire department was still busy mopping up the mess, and they suggested that the church contact the local Victims Services Office.

“Hello! We heard about the fire and want to know how we can help.” The representative for Victims Services answered without hesitation: “There are already people calling to donate money for the victims. We need someone to manage the funds.” As soon as Mary McElhaney, the church treasurer, heard about the need, she said, “I can add that to our web portal on Adventistgiving.org and it will be live in five minutes!” Mary swiftly set it up, and five minutes later a URL had been sent to Victims Services.

Later that day, the local faith-based coalition held an emergency meeting. As soon as they learned about the Adventist church collecting funds, they embraced it and promptly broadcast to all their affiliates how people could give to the fire victims. The local pastor, as part of the meeting, suggested that other community leaders help manage the disbursement of funds. The coalition named a panel of community members to provide stewardship along with the Adventist pastor and treasurer.

Within hours, the local sheriff’s office, Fox news, and other significant media outlets were contacting the church, asking for interviews about how to help the fire victims and promoting the URL in their reporting and social media.

Ultimately, $25,000 was donated, and a rather unlikely team of a Latter-Day Saint accountant, a secular aid director, a local Sunday pastor, and two Adventists made prayerful, careful decisions about how to honor donors’ requests and disburse the monies to the affected parties.

Now this little church has richer community friendships. They were able to become well acquainted with multiple families at a time of great need and loss. They are praying for wisdom to help with the next crisis that comes.

Sometimes, service is best conducted when we realize that God has placed us in the right place at the right time with the right questions. What does your community need your church to do for them?

For more information on the fire and relief efforts, see https://ksltv.com/495335/faith-leaders-communityorganizations-helping-moab-mobile-home-park-firevictims/amp/

____________________ By Nathan James

NUC Young Adult Retreat

During the summer young adult retreat held July 21 to July 23, the Nevada-Utah Conference (NUC) Youth Department set out to create an experience where young people had the opportunity to connect with Christ more fully. Only the young adults were brave enough to weather the 104-degree heat in Moab, Utah!

The theme for this retreat, held at Castle Valley Academy, was “Your Story. Your Journey. The Calling.” Its emphasis was on how each story and life journey is unique, but everyone is called to Christ. NUC Youth Director Rudy Alvir focused attention on Ephesians 4:1-7, reminding attendees to walk worthy of their individual calling, through the One God that is in all. “This camp was an awesome opportunity to spend time with God in such a beautiful place,” exclaimed Javier from Utah. “I made many new friendships and heard a powerful message from Pastor Rudy. I’m looking forward to future summer camps.”

Unlike most retreats, this was unique in the sense that there was not a solo guest speaker. Each one of the young adults in attendance became the speakers, with each one of them sharing their testimonies, struggles, frustrations, joys, and their hope and expectations for the future. The participants walked away refreshed and knowing that God continues to be in control. Teresa from Reno said, “The vespers discussion and activity opened my eyes to other opinions and other people’s experience as Seventh-day Adventists. It was incredibly impactful and inspiring.”

Sabbath was a special day that afforded the group an opportunity to serve the local Moab community. The group members partnered with Community Rebuilds, assisting in the construction of homes for low-income families. It was an honor to be able to stain the wood, clean up the wood shavings and dust, and participate with an organization that focuses on bettering living conditions for individuals in the community. What a great reminder of “The Calling” Jesus has for us to minister to those in need.

The retreat concluded with a beautiful yet difficult hike to the world-famous Delicate Arch. After muchneeded rest and photoshoots, the young adults thought it was a great opportunity to continue witnessing to the community through song. Familiar songs such as “Amazing Grace” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” caught the attention of other hikers. What took place next was inspiring; as the songs echoed across the valley, the Holy Spirt seemed to touch hikers’ hearts. People stopped, listened, and instead of focusing on taking pictures of the arch, they reverently recorded the worship service.

As one young adult commented, “It seemed like God hit the pause button and wanted everyone to focus on His creation.” And Laionda from Reno added, “It’s amazing to see young people getting together, discussing the good news of God. I learned a lot about what it means to be called. I cannot wait to embrace the calling that God has placed on my life.”

____________________ By Delberth Castillo

FAR LEFT: Abraham from the Provo church sands boards as part of the community service project of the Young Adult retreat recently held near Moab, Utah. LEFT: A group of NUC’s young adults gave up their Sabbath afternoon nap to help build homes around the Moab community.

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