1 minute read
Elegy for the Time Children Tyler Rader
Nowhere between everything the Time Children live past the edge. Nonexistent. A dream shared by many without a world.
Gods they are like, the Time Children be. Create. Alter. Destroy.
Light to dark. Time Children go invisible. Marbles seen above. Each home to dreamers. Not Time Children.
Dark to light. Marbles go invisible. Time Children reappear. Without thought, only purpose. Create. Alter. Destroy.
Monsters they resemble, the Time Children be. Strange shapes. Many, many pieces. Tin mostly appendages. Shadows make the body.
Time Children make more Time Children. One is different. This child small and little tin. Mechanical arms it resembled. Main body hazy. Very hard to see.
Think and feel, this Time Child can. Very dangerous.
Watching marbles was their favorite. Sometimes dreamers visited. Very boring. Too familiar.
One time, visitors came. Very lost and confused really. Not dreamers they were. They only knew about their marble, unlike dreamers.
Very excited, Marble Watcher was. Other Time Children not care.
Marble Watcher make home for lost visitors.
Give visitors sustenance, they did.
Marble Watcher thought happy.
Other Time Children thought nothing. Only purpose.
Create. Alter. Destroy.
Visitors made little visitors. Many littles.
Marble Watcher fascinated.
Other Time Children not care.
One home become many. Home become town.
Town people call Marble Watcher “Ruler of Everything”.
Marble Watcher confused.
Other Time Children not care.
Building made around Marble Watcher. Fancy chair they sat on. Many people visit at once.
Ask for more, the people do. Marble Watcher gives. Marble Watcher anxious.
Marble Watcher feel pain. People killed Time Child together. People proud. Marble Watcher mortified.
Town now city. People made portal to different marbles. More visitors. People not listen to Marble Watcher. Say Marble Watcher want something it not want.
More dead Time Children.
People took dead Time Children tin and shadow. Mixed them all together, they did.
Made many teeth of tin, people made. Body resembled people, but made of shadow. People made new Time Child. Named it Abaddon, they did. Gave it thoughts, and wants, and feelings. Very dangerous.
Presented Abaddon to Marble Watcher, People did. Proud they thought Marble Watcher will be.
Marble Watcher could not look at Abaddon.
Marble Watcher saw family tree in Abaddon.
Limbs welded together. Bodies dismembered and contorted. Pain on warped faces. An abomination.
Marble Watcher fled.
People killed more Time Children.
Marble Watcher saw everything.
Marble Watcher sad. Marble Watcher Guilty. People love Marble Watcher. Marble Watcher hates it.
Time Child watched marbles again. Watched as other Time Children died and were reassembled.
Marble Watcher wanted to see dreamers. People began killing them, too.
Marble Watcher is last Time Child.
Time Child sad.
Time Child scared.
Time Child lonely.
Time Child lost.