PAC March 2013

Page 1

VOL. 35 NO. 3

MARCH 2013

Years Of Hitting The Road Yields Years Of Colorful Ephemera

Spring's around the corner and thoughts of the open road are growing. Years of adventures are preserved in a nostalgic selection of Airstream memorabilia. See page 4.


Page 2 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 3

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Years Of Hitting The Road - Airstream Style Yields Colorful Ephemera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Ephemera 33 - International Fair And Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Calendar Of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 OBITUARY, James D. Lindemuth, Sr. . . . . . . .16 Classified Marketplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Fabulous Antique Postcard Auction To Be Held In Clarence, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Advertiser Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

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Denise M. Sater Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 800-428-4211

Distribution: PACM is available for free to the collector and hobbyist at ephemera and paper shows, events, advertisers, and can be read online. Subscriptions are also available: 3rd class $19.95; 1st class - $30; Airmail $35 USD, all other countries $40 USD. All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank OR add $7 to subscription price. Articles and Stories: PACM welcomes news items, show schedules, stories about shows, exhibits, individual collectors and dealers. Information and manuscripts received by PACM are considered to be for editorial use and PACM retains the right to use all material received freely within its editorial purpose and format. PACM accepts no responsibility for material received but will make every effort to return material, if requested providing it is accompanied by a SASE.

Correspondence and comments are welcomed. Letters may be used in columns unless accompanied by special instructions to the contrary. Writers expecting payment should query the editor before sending material. Advertising: PACM reserves the right to exercise its discretion to accept, suspend or reject any advertisement and to edit or condense any ad based on its standard of publication. PACM does not assume responsibility for claims and/or necessarily support content and statements made in ads. Although extreme care and diligence is taken in checking ad copy for accuracy, PACM is not responsible for typographical errors, mistakes or misprints. The Advertiser assumes any liability for the content of their advertisement. Reproduction of artwork, editorial or advertising copy is strictly prohibited without the consent of the publisher. Copyright 2013



APRIL 2013 MAY 2013 JUNE 2013 JULY 2013

AD DEADLINE Thurs., Feb. 28, 2013 Thurs., April 4, 2013 Thurs., May 2, 2013 Thurs., May 30, 2013

MAILED Fri., March 8, 2013 Fri., April 12, 2013 Fri., May 10, 2013 Fri., June 7, 2013


Editor Advertising Circulation Classifieds -

Page 4 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

Years Of Hitting The Road - Airstream Style Yields Colorful Ephemera magazines and books about auto camping and (Excerpted from RVing were being pubAirstream Memories, lished; tens of thousands by Joan Brunkowski of RVs had been conand Michael Closen, structed; thousands of published by Schiffer) campgrounds had been The legendary constructed; and thouAirstream travel trailsands of campgrounds er, with its unmistakhad been established. able shiny aluminum Before Airstream was airplane fuselage created in the early design, has been the 1930s, many cultural and world’s most recogtechnological events and nizable RV for over trends had come together 80 years. The remarkto lay the foundation for Memories by Joan Brunkowski and able success story can Airstream Airstream’s successful Michael Closen. be told through the history. And, Wally Byam unique medium of collectibles vehicle, and he was savvy was certainly aware of them. A and memorabilia. We only wish enough to truly understand the basic understanding of the matwe had become of age in time big picture about matters ters will be useful, for there are to have met, and perhaps even affecting RVs. Those of us who several common threads from gotten to know, Wally Bram now look back to the early this background information. (founder of Airstream.) He decades of the 1900s cannot The most significant backsomehow managed in his vast really appreciate the complex ground factors to note are: (1) creation of Airstream to have circumstances. Times were the many vehicle “roll” models bottled up travel adventure and changing rapidly and things that would influence the invento have marketed it effectively were not as primitive as we tion of travel trailers; (2) the to the world. He was very might think. By the 1920s, birth of the automobile and the bright, highly educated, and RVing was here to stay - in the rapid advent of auto camping; quite worldly. He grew up in forms of auto camping, home- (3) the art deco movement and the era of the real beginning of made travel trailers (and a few the resulting streamline infludevelopment of the recreational homemade “motorhomes”) and ence on design; and, (4) the some commercially made creation of a vast array of boxy coaches. Already, by the 1920s, travel trailer brands, all of which look basically alike. Out of this mix, Wally Byam and Airstream burst onto the scene and have reigned supreme, for 80+ years. In hindsight, there could have been no doubt that the travel trailer would be created, because (even before the automobile was invented) there were so many models of wheeled vehicles suggesting the prospect of a recreational trailer that would transport passengers, would serve as a carrier of clothing, food, and supplies, and would provide enclosed sleeping quarters for Magazine Advertisement. Auto-Camping Magazine. extended travel. These vehicles Standard magazine cover paper Standard magazine cover and included many types of horsepaper, multi-color graphic, 8.5” x multi-color graphics, full-page, 11.75”, MOTOR CAMPER & 8” x 11”, by Airstream, in drawn carriages (such as the TOURIST, Vol. 3, Sept. 1926, 226 TRAILER LIFE, May 1980 gypsy wagon, the circus pages. The image show here was [inside front cover]. Caption: wagon, the covered wagon, the on the front cover. Interestingly, “Airstream vs. The Incredible church wagon, and others). the combination of camping and Hulks.” Outstanding imagery Also included were railroad the earliest forms of RVing had and message! This ad captured passenger cars (especially gained such a strong foothold the most fundamental reason those with trolley-style roof that this magazine devoted to why Airstream has been so high- designs and those used as auto camping had originated in ly successful. Airstream is differ- camping cars (which could be 1924. Note that the purchase ent from its competitors (and not price of this issue in 1926 was 25 just in its product, but in its pub- pulled onto sidings and used by cents. Today, for the complete licity and advertising as well). wealthy patrons for overnight $15 to $20. stays in outdoor settings). issue, $50 to $75. Joan Brunkowski and Michael Closen

Advertising Brochure [underneath]. Light-weight brochure paper, tri-fold design, real color photo 8.5” x 11” folded [25” x 11” unfolded], by General Motors, unnumbered dated 1977. Title: 1978 Pontiac Trailer Towing Guide. Airstream appeared again. $10 to $15. Pocket Flask [on top]. Shiny silver metal, 3” x 4” x .75”, by Zippo, #40086, c. 2000s. Imprint “Airstream” with image of bicyclist pulling Airstream trailer. $30 to $40.

Magazine Advertisement [underneath]. Standard magazine paper real color photo, 8” x 11”, in TRAILER LIFE, May 1980. Caption: “Trailer owners from coast to coast agree ... Modular IV brake controller delivers superior braking performance!” $5 to $10. Magazine Advertisement [on top]. Standard magazine paper, real color photo 8” x 5.5”, in TRAILER LIFE, May 1980, page 28. Caption: “camp-a-float ... your rv, our boat.” Yahoo! What a clever idea—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, and Oklahoma. Notice the Airstream sitting on the camp-a-float to the left side of the picture. $5 to $10.

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 5 The period of the 1920s-40s or colors, with weighty con- struction and quality was the peak of the era of the struction materials, and with control, reasons for art deco movement with its little creativity. Perhaps, that Airstream’s dependabiliavant-garde designs and with mentality was understandable ty and longevity. particular attention focused in a new industry still coping Yet, Airstream could upon streamline design in with basic concerns about not have achieved nearly transportation as high a place in RVing (such as in the without its aggressive construction of and masterful publicity Advertising Brochure. Heavy weight locomotives, efforts over the last 80+ paper, color graphics, quad-fold [8 steamships, years. Indeed, those pub- panel], 9.5” x 4.5” folded [19” x 18” automobiles, licity steps have made unfolded], by General Motors, unnumand airplanes). Airstream THE leg- bered, dated 1966. Entitled: Custom Your ’66 Buick For Tuned Color was endary American travel Tailor Trailering. Wow! A personal favorite. The important too, trailer. That advertising vibrant color used throughout this rare as revealed by included a large number brochure make it a highly collectible the creative of picture postcards, piece, especially with the striking image and dramatic brochures, and other on its front cover of a bright yellow Buick novelty of colpublicity pieces pro- station wagon pulling a handsome ors and their duced by Airstream and Airstream. $30 to $40. pastel shades by numerous other pictures and slogans that could (which we companies which included be widely publicized. The now call retro). Advertising Postcard. Unused, real color photo large Airstreams in their ad images and catch phrases have H o w e v e r, 7” x 5.25”, by Airstream, unnumbered, c. 1960s. campaigns. stood the test of time, and even in the era Caption: “Airstream Land Yachting—The Better The key elements of the remain as persuasive for of art deco, the Way To Travel.” This card presented another ideal publicity efforts initiated by Airstream today as they were hundreds of travel scene—the family enjoying a sunny day at the Airstream’s founder and pub- decades ago. Most notably companies in beach, with their trusted Airstream nearby. This par- licity genius Wally Byam were among the slogans is: “SEE the fledgling ticular serene family image has appeared a number (1) his thoughtful and com- MORE. DO MORE. LIVE travel trailer of times in Airstream publications. $20 to $25. pelling slogans to describe the MORE.” i n d u s t r y allure and reality of owning an Many years ago, especially seemed to center their attention building roadworthy and Airstream trailer (2) his nation- in the 1950s, Airstream mountupon the shoe box design of dependable coaches, and fear- al and international caravans ed a most successful advertistrailers, largely with dull exteri- ing survival because so many and rallies, and (3) his remark- ing campaign, the cornerstone competitors were in the trailer ably aggressive and effective of which was the effective phomarketplace. advertising campaigns. tography done by Ardean Even in the 1930s, the airFrom almost its beginning, Miller. The Miller family was plane was a new and exciting Wally Byam understood the going on Wally Byam’s phenomenon for most of the value of a simple and memo- European caravan in 1956. population, because they had rable company philosophy, par- Ardean’s wife Norma was never flown in a plane. And, ticularly if it were reduced to a going to write a major article airplanes were sleek and shiny series of clever and meaningful about the caravan for National and modern. Geographic Magazine, and Commercial aviation professional photographer for the masses was Ardean was to take the pictures decades away. Owning for that article. Byam saw that an airplane was unatArdean was a very talented tainable and unimaginphotographer and hired him for able for almost everyAirstream. The rest is history, one, but owning an because for the next twenty Airstream with its airyears Ardean took the plane fuselage design thoughtful and memorable advertising and publicity phoAdvertising Brochure. Heavy and its bright airplane tos that helped make Airstream weight brochure paper, black & aluminum surface was white graphics, 8.5” x 11”, by possible. a legend. Several reasons Chrysler-Plymouth, #81-505Importantly, Airstream was 1032, 8 pages, dated 1971. Title: explain why the Advertising Postcard. Used [bulk rate the beneficiary of a great deal 1971 Chrysler-Plymouth Trailer- Airstream travel trailer postmark], real black & white photo, large of free publicity from the proTowing Packages. Wonderful became a true 7” x 5.25”, by Airstream, unnumbered, c. modern cover graphic! In keeping American icon. Among 1960s. Caption: “Just Arrived ... Big ducers of other products and with the uphill climb being illus- them are the design fea- Trailer Luxury In A Small Package!” This services, because other compatrated for the tow car and outstanding card was a classic example of nies wanted to be positively Airstream on the front of this tures of Airstream trail- Airstream techniques in effective publicity associated with a product as striking booklet, the Chrysler- ers, which have ele- and it was sent from Jackson Center, Ohio, trusted and successful as Plymouth slogan “Coming ments that make them to Glendale California. Notice that the two Airstream. Thus, campgrounds, Through” was printed in the stand above all others Airstreams were hitched to luxury Lincoln insurance companies, auto and brochure’s bottom right corner. as unique and memo- and Mercedes automobiles. The small truck manufacturers, cigarette The brochure also included anoth- rable including Bambi Airstream was intended as the real makers, and other corporations er black & white illustration of an Airstream’s shiny alu- focus of this postcard and of the text on the Airstream trailer being towed [on minum exterior and its front and back. The text made successful often included Airstream trailthe side front cover of the book- airplane fuselage shape. use of thoughtful slogans, a common ers in publicity photographs. let]. A “winged” Shasta trailer was thread of Airstream advertising. For exam- Since Airstreams are so instantshown as well on page three of the And, equally signifi- ple, on the back: “See it now ... Try it now ly recognizable, the exposure cant are both the con- ... Enjoy it now!” $40 to $50. handsome brochure. $25 to $50. was invaluable to Airstream.

Page 6 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

Ephemera 33 - International Fair And Conference The Ephemera Society of America (ESA) and Flamingo Eventz, LLC, are proud to announce that Ephemera 33 the 33rd annual Ephemera Society of America International Paper Fair and Conference - will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Old

Space is limited, so call as soon as possible. Undeniably the finest Ephemera Fair in North America, presented fields include historical documents, advertising, prints, posters, photography, books, autographs, maps, documents, World’s Fair, Civil War, comics, puzzles, political, postcards, trade cards, view cards, sheet music, TV and movie memorabilia, games, puzzles, and much, much more. The Ephemera Society of America completes this fabulous International Fair with fascinating exhibits, conferences, appraisals, conservation workshops, discussion groups, a silent auction, and a gala award dinner Saturday evening where the 2013 Rickards Award will be presented.

Greenwich, Connecticut, on March 15, 16, 17, 2013. Treat yourself to a special weekend of conferences, presentations and the finest Ephemera Fair in America! Come learn, talk with collectors and dealers in all the worlds of vintage paper - from historical papers to funky rock posters, it’s all here. As an added bonus, all attendees will be offered exceptional room

rates at the Hyatt. Interested parties should contact the hotel directly for room information at (203) 637-1234 and be sure to ask for Discount Code “Ephemera Society”.

sored functions. There is a separate fee for the Society dinner and awards ceremony. Interested parties may join the Ephemera Society at the Fair or through their website:; membership is a mere $50 per person. The Fair will feature Internationally prominent vintage ephemera and rare book

Bartleby’s Books, Washington, DC; Blaine A. Hill Antiques, Harriman, New York; Bradbury Poster Stamps, Worcester, Massachusetts; Britanna Enterprises, Orleans, Massachusetts; Bruce Shyer,

exhibitors from across the United States, Canada, England, and Europe, presenting an incredible array of vintage ephemera, books and works on paper! Past exhibitors

While Society membership is not necessary to attend the Fair, participate in the conferences, workshops, discussions, and dinner - membership does have many important benefits, including discounted attendance fees at the conferences ($50 for members versus $60 for non-members) and early discounted admission to the Fair (9 a.m. at $10 on opening day, Saturday, for members versus 10 a.m. at $12 for nonmembers). In addition, members receive The Ephemera Journal; a 32-page four-color publication published three times a year; an annual Membership Directory; the monthly eNews, and special admission to Society-spon-

have included Agatherin’, West Sand Lake, New York; Aiglatson, Framingham, Massachusetts; American Historical Collection, Plantsville, Connecticut; Antipodean Books, Garrison, New York; Austin’s Antiquarian Books, Wilmington, Vermont;

Oakland, California; CJG Enterprises, Northport, New York; Cardtique, Stillwater, Minnesota; Caren Archive, Lincolndale, New York; Cartophillians, Cheshire, Connecticut; Castle Halloween, Benwood, West Virginia; Certain Books, Westhampton, New York; Class Menagerie, Bolton Landing, New York; Connecticut Cinderellas, West Hartford, Connecticut; Curtis Lindner, Redding, Connecticut; Dan Miranda, Brookline, Massachusetts; David Pollack Vintage Posters, Sherman, Connecticut; Dennis Holzman Antiques, Albany, New York; Dramatis Personae Booksellers, Sheffield, (Continued on page 8)

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 7

INSURANCE FOR COLLECTORS Best rates! • A rated insurer No appraisals! • Full coverage! Replacement value! Association Insurance Administrators

Dealer coverage available





2013 Club Shows Schedule Spring … Saturday, March 23 … 10am to 4pm Fall … Saturday, September 21 … 10am to 4 pm

every Country in the World 3 Alan Gottlieb, PO Box 6337 2 96 80 CO Colorado Springs,

Buy, Sell, and Trade Postcards & Misc. Paper Collectibles

New Location

★ ★ OUR 65 YEAR ★ ★ Shows will be held at: American Legion Hall 900 S. LaGrange Road, LaGrange, IL TH


WANTED: BASEBALL COLLECTIBLES! For over 30 years no one has consistently helped more sellers realize more money for their quality BASEBALL MATERIAL than Robert Edward Auctions. Offering an unparalleled tradition of integrity, knowledge, and professionalism, and an extraordinary national client base. We specialize in the very best in BASEBALL COLLECTIBLES. If you don’t check with us before selling – you won’t know what the market will bear. Let us tell you what we think of your baseball collectibles. We offer complete auction services, as well as free appraisals and comprehensive information about your material. We will not try to buy your material. We are not dealers. We are strictly an auction house – with unparalleled integrity, knowledge and experience in the field. We will give you the information you need to make the most intelligent decisions regarding your significant and valuable baseball material. When Barry Halper, the world’s greatest baseball collector, sold his legendary collection, he insisted that Robert Edward Auctions oversee the historic sale of his Twenty-Six Million Dollar Collection. Robert Edward Auctions offers the largest circulation of any auction devoted to sports collectibles in the world. Robert Edward Auctions always has millions of dollars available at a moment’s notice specifically for cash advances. We specialize in the very best in all areas of baseball collectibles. This includes:

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Page 8 P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Exchange, Lincolnville Beach, Maine; Honey and Joseph Freedman, Merion Station, (Continued from page 6) Massachusetts; Eclectibles, Pennsylvania; Ian Brabner, Tolland, Connecticut; Elizabeth Baird Ephemera, Falmouth, Maine; Eureka! Antiques, Evanston, Illinois; Eveleigh Books and Stamps, Dover, Massachusetts; Evie Eysenburg, Cold Spring, New York; Fine Books & Paper Treasures, New Boston, New Hampshire; Franklin Gilliam Rare Books, Charlottesville, Virginia; Gary White Wilmington, Bookseller, Montrose, New Bookseller, Delaware; Island Antiques & York; Gilann Books, Darien, Connecticut; Goose River Art Gallery, Shelter Island, New York; James Arsenault & C o m p a n y , Arrowsic, Maine; Joe Maynard, Brooklyn, New York; John G r a m m e r E p h e m e r a , Montgomery, New York; Kaplan & Kopelson Books, New York, New York; Kay Associates, Brooklyn, New York; Kit Barry E p h e m e r a ,

EPHEMERA 33 Brattleboro, Vermont; Leon Melrose, Massachusetts; Jackson Antiques, Gloucester, Rockland Bookman, Orchard Massachusetts; Leonard Park, New York; Savoy Books, Stamps, Rockville, Maryland; Lanesboro, Massachusetts; Stephen & Carol Resnick, Cazenovia, New York; Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Short Hills, New Jersey; Tamerlane Books, Haverstown,

Marc Chabot Fine Arts, Southbury, Connecticut; Mary L. Martin, Ltd, Perryville, Maryland; NCC Antiques, Dover, New Hampshire; Oxbow Books, Newbury, Vermont; Paper Americana, Pittsford, New York; Patricia Reilly, Brooklyn, New York; Paul J. Brzozowski, Fairfield, Connecticut; Peter Luke Old & Rare Books, New Baltimore, New York; Quadrille, London, England; R. Dana Sheaff & Company, Scottsdale, Arizona; Rare Book & Print Gallery, Elmira, Ontario; ResserThorner Antiques, Manchester, New Hampshire; Robinson Murray III, Bookseller,

Pennsylvania; Ten Pound Island, Gloucester, Massachusetts; The John Bale Book Company, Waterbury, Connecticut; The Old Pacrats, (Continued on page 10)


P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 9


The Buffalo Postcard Club Presents Its 36th Annual

Presented by Boy Scout Troop 441



SATURDAY, MARCH 2 , 2013 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.

THE JERSEY SHORE POSTCARD SHOW was formerly held on the Beach Front at the

at the

JOHN TAYLOR PAVILION which was destroyed by SANDY



(Formerly Knights of St. John)


2379 Union Road • Cheektowaga, New York DONATION: $3.00

90 Lanes Mill Rd.

HOWELL, NJ (Just East of Rt. 9 across the street from Lowe’s)


Food available by The German American Club. Come on in and enjoy the homemade Potato soup for lunch!

ADMISSION $2.00 Local Donation

CLUB AND SHOW INFORMATION: Bill Henderson - Show Chairman • (716) 638-1102 Carl Mottern • (716) 875-1621


JOHN McGRATH: 732-363-3121




Poster Conservation & Restoration Services 40 years of service to collectors, libraries and museums. We also buy and sell Original Vintage Posters (800) 659-1905


30 East Adams St, Suite 1150 Chicago, IL 60603

Page 10 P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Rosin, and An Invitation to Create Art with Ephemera by Wendy Addison and Kate Murray. In addition, there will be a Collectors Roundtable discussion by inveterate ephemera collectors discussing their collections Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Conservation Workshops will be announced at the Fair and Collector’s Forum discussions will pop up spontaneously throughout the long weekend. The highlight of the weekend is the Saturday night awards dinner and silent auction. For complete dealer or customer information contact Flamingo Eventz at (603) 509-2639, e-mail them at, or visit EVENT HIGHLIGHTS Conference Hours: Friday, March 15: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, March 18: 9 to 11 a.m. Fair Hours: Saturday,

EPHEMERA 33 (Continued from page 8)

Newark, Delaware; Three Sisters Antiques, New Suffolk, New York; University Archives, Westport, Connecticut; Valley Americana, Pepperell, Massachusetts; and Vintage Charmings, Paris, France. Conferences hours are Friday, March 15: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday March 17: 9 to 11 a.m. Topics include: Graphic Design Before Graphic Designers by David Jury, The High Quality of Much Victorian Design by Dick Sheaff, Panel discussion: “Lithography vs. Steel Engraving vs. Wood Engraving vs. Letterpress” with Sally Pierce, Mark Tomasko, Leslie Evans, Doug Clouse Moderated by Dick Sheaff, From Art to Ephemera and Back Again by David Rosand, The Playful Victorian Eye: Historical Precedents in Worldwide Art by Tamar Zimmerman, Panel Discussion: “Using Ephemera in Artistic Creation” with Cynthia Hart, Caroline Preston and Diane Zumsteg - Moderated by Nancy March 16: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; East Putnam Avenue (Route 1), Sunday, March 17: 11 a.m. to Old Greenwich, Connecticut. 4 p.m. Take I-95 to Exit 5 in Appraisals: Sunday, March Connecticut. Turn right at the 17: 1 to 3 p.m., $5/item by John end of the ramp onto East Putnam Avenue (Route 1). Follow to the third traffic light and turn right into the hotel entrance. Miscellaneous: Refreshments will be available at the Fair and a four-star restaurant is onsite at the Hotel. The Ephemera Society of America, Inc (ESA), is a non-profit organization formed in 1980 to cultivate and encourage interest in ephemera and the history identified with it; to further the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of ephemera by people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of Bruno, star of the hit PBS interest; to promote the personantique competition series al and institutional collection, Market Warriors. preservation, exhibition, and Admission: Adults: $12, research of ephemeral materiYouths 12 to 21: $6, Under 12: als; to serve as a link among free with paid Adult, plenty of collectors, dealers, institutions, free parking. and scholars; and to contribute Directions: The Hyatt to the cultural life of those who Regency Hotel located at 1800 (Continued on page 14)

March 12, 2013

ALLENTOWN SPRING Antique Advertising, Book & Paper Show

Over 150 Lots of Big Little Books

APRIL 27 & 28, 2013 Saturday 9 to 5; Sunday 9 to 3 Agricultural Hall, 1929 Chew St., Allentown Fairgrounds


Admission $

7.00 from the Collection of Glenn Reichert



P.O. Box 156, Center Valley, PA 18034



For info Contact Sean Klutinoty

Allentown Paper Show, LLC

2000 N. Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517 USA Tel: 1- 717-335-3435 | Fax: 1-717- 336 -7115 AH001884


Join our friendly community!

with this ad Only

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 11

Books From The


6770 Runkles Rd. • Mount Airy, MD 21771


Favorite Movie Star Biographies Movie Books List available for stamped envelope Gerlinde Pflaumer-Yeater

Visit P.A.C.M. Online our Second Annual

Antiquarian Book & Ephemera Show & Sale SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013 S779344

9 A.M.-2 P.M.

To be held at

Brookline Event Center Home of Brookline Auction Gallery, llc 32 Proctor Hill Rd.,

BROOKLINE, NH 27 Quality New England dealers will bring their best wares for this great Spring show. Last year was our first & everyone is excited for this one.

We are located 1 hour N. of Boston in tax free NH. For more info. or to inquire about booth space contact Ron or Kathy Pelletier



Announcing | Free parking & quality food on site

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Jack Totheroh California Fractional Pioneer Gold Collection

Harvey’s Tahoe Native Americana Collection From the Wovoka Estate

Panamint Basket Collection

Plus many other Numismatic & Americana Rarities You won’t want to miss this sale!

3555 Airway Dr. Suite 308 - Reno, NV 89511 Toll Free 877-852-8822


Always accepting quality consignments Call us today for our competitive auction rates!


Page 12 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

Calendar Of Events




MARCH 15, 16, 17 (EPHEMERA) Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1800 E. Putnam Ave. (RT1), Old Greenwich 603-509-2639

APRIL 28 (BOOK & EPHEMERA SHOW & SALE) Brookline Event Center, 32 Proctor Hill Rd., Brookline 603-673-4474.


FLORIDA FEBRUARY 15-17, (PAPER: MONEY, COLLECTIBLES, AMERICANA, EPHEMERA) The Lakeland Ctr. Exhibit Hall, 701 W. Lime, Lakeland, 561-392-8551.

ILLINOIS MARCH 23 (POSTCARD SHOW) American Legion Hall, 900 S. LaGrange Rd., LaGrange APRIL 5, 6 (POSTCARD SHOW) VFW Hall, 1234 Vandalia, Collinsville, 618-531-4189 APRIL 14 (MEMORABILIA SHOW) Elk Grove Holiday Inn, 1000 Busse Rd., Elk Grove Village, 708-442-7907.

MARCH 2 (POSTCARD SHOW) The German American Club Hall, 90 Lanes Mill Rd., Howell, 732-363-3121. MARCH 24, (POSTCARD & PAPER) Kip Senior Center, 55 Kip Ave., Rutherford, 201939-8782, 201-939-6779

LEGAL EXECUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES PHOTOGRAPHS - AUTHENTIC PICTURES OF ACTUAL U.S. EXECUTIONS - POSTCARDS - REAL HANGINGS SHOWING GALLOWS LINE DRAWINGS - FROM VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS, ETC. (NO - Foreign executions. Pictures of guy on trial, or looking through cell bars, or walking down halls, etc. No famous execution such as Lincoln Conspirators, Wirz execution and so forth. No toys, comics, non-authentic stuff and movie related materials.)

NEW YORK MARCH 16 (POSTCARD AUCTION) Schultz Auctioneers, 11177 Main St., Clarence, 716-759-2260. MARCH 24 (POSTCARD SHOW) Masonic Community Center, 2379 Union Rd., Cheektowaga 716-807-6641.


MARCH 22, 23 (POSTCARD & VINTAGE PAPER SHOW) Our Lady of the Greenwood School (Gym), 399 S. Meridian St., Greenwood, 317-966-5302.

MARYLAND FEBRUARY 16, (POSTCARD & STAMP) Ramada/ Plaza Hotel, 1718 Underpass Rd., Hagerstown, 301-739-3801.

MARCH 12 (TOYS & ADVERTISING) Morphy Auctions 2000 N. Reading Rd., Denver, 717335-3435. MARCH 22, 23 (38TH POSTCARD SHOW) Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster, 717-263-1638.

TEXAS MARCH 23, 24, (VINTAGE MOVIE POSTER AUCTION) Heritage Auctions 3500 Maple Ave. Live & online


NEBRASKA APRIL 12, 13, (Western Tribes & Treasures) Atlantis Casino Resort, Reno, 877-852-8822.

Attorney At Law 901 Church St., Nashville, Tennessee 37203-3411 Telephone: 615-491-2928 Fax: 615-255-6289 E-mail:

APRIL 27, 28 (ANTIQUE ADVERTISING, BOOK & PAPER SHOW) Allentown Fairgrounds Agricultural Hall, 1929 Chew St., Allentown, 610-573-4969.

MICHIGAN APRIL 7 (BOOK & PAPER SHOW) Lansing Center 333 E. Michigan, Lansing 517-3320112


FEBRUARY 24, (BOOK, POSTCARD, POLITICAL, PAPER SHOW) Beech Grove High School Gym, 5330 Hornet Ave., Beech Grove, 317-786-1447.

MARCH 9 (POSTCARD SHOW) Linglestown Fire Co. 5901 Linglestown, Rd., Harrisburg, 717-334-1674.

MARCH 10 (PHOTO & POSTCARD SHOW) Holiday Inn Rosslyn, Arlington, 703-3807886, 540-476-2666.

Don’t Miss An Issue Of P.A.C.M.! Subscribe By Phone: 1 (800) 800-1833 x 2541 Order Online:

HEROES & LEGENDS Check Out Our Web Site Or Write For A Free Catalog Of Autographs

18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316


Or Fill Out & Mail In The Form On Page 16

I SEND OUT PERIODIC SHEET MUSIC & MEMORABILIA AUCTION LISTS: • Movie • Broadway & Revue • Irving Berlin • Rag, Jazz, & Blues • Also Buying Any of the Above Paul A. Riseman 2205 S. Park Ave. Springfield, IL 62704 Phone: (217) 787-2634 FAX: (217) 787-0062 Or email me at: website:

Which Can I Send You?



P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 13

BEECH GROVE BOOK, POSTCARD, POLITICAL, and PAPER SHOW FEBRUARY 24, 2013 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Beech Grove High School Gym 5330 Hornet Avenue, Beech Grove, Indiana Exit 52 (Emerson Avenue) I - 465 Sponsored by Beech Grove High School Renaissance 317-786-1447


Rare books, autographed books, cookbooks, general reading books, thousands of postcards by topics, stereoviews, movie posters, magazines, and other paper items of interest

Page 14 P.A.C.M. - March 2013



Howard Levine

Wanted to Purchase: • National Currency • Small Size Notes • Specimens/Proofs

• Large Size Notes • Error Notes • Packs

NO Deal too Large. We’ve Handled $100,000,000+ Since Founding Our Business In 1981

FREDERICK J. BART 586.979.3400 e-mail: website:

P.O. Box 2, Roseville, MI 48066




World War I and II Aviation Literature Buy - Sell - Trade


• Unit Histories • Aircraft Manuals • Biographies • Recognition Items


FAX: (508) 626-0991 TEL. (508) 872-9173


E-Mail Web Site




12 Ivy Lane • Seekonk, MA 02771 • (508) 336-8837


38th Spring Postcard Show






Friday, March 22, 2013 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday, March 23, 2013 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.

Do You Like Trains, Photography or New York City History? If so, there is a new, all color subway book you may like.

Making All Stops

The book series is called and Volume One shows the NY subways from 1970 to 1976. Photos with captions were provided by some of the best photographers of the subway era. For book info, details or to place an order, visit our webpage:




Farm and Home Center 1383 Arcadia Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (off Manheim Pike Rte. 72)

No Pre-Show Buying Admission $2.00 (50 Cents Off With Ad) For More Information Call Kay Feight, (717) 263-1638 Leon Rowe, (610) 444-0641



MARKET WARRIORS on PBS. MARKET WARRIORS, a new antiques competition (Continued from page 10) have an interest in our heritage series from the producers of as a nation or a people, both ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, nationally and internationally. airs on PBS Monday nights at 9 Flamingo Eventz, LLC, p.m./8 central. presents the finest, most innovative, successful, and respected COLLECTORAMA Book and Ephemera Fairs in the Northeast. The Bruno’s SHOWS have over 25 years experience The Lakeland Center as antique dealers and over 20 LAKELAND, FL years experience as professionFeaturing al show promoters. They are Paper Collectibles members of the Antiques & FEBRUARY 15-17, 2013 Collectibles National OCTOBER 11-13, 2013 Association (ACNA), and John Call ED KUSZMAR Bruno is an antiques appraiser and television personality who 561-392-8551 can be seen on the new series

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 15




“True”- The Man’s Magazine Collector Needs: 1945-Earlier, Especially: Aug. 1937, Sept. 1941, Jan. 1942, July 1943 & Feb. 1945

April 5-6, 2013 COLLINSVILLE, IL


VFW Hall, 1234 Vandalia


(Highway 159, Easily Accessible From Interstates 70 & 55, 270, 255 & 64; Just 15 Minutes From Downtown St. Louis)

26+ Dealers Will Bring Thousands Of Cards For Your Purchasing Pleasure

SUNDAY, MARCH 24TH, 2013 10 A.M.-4 P.M.

FREE Admission FREE Parking Food Available On Site

KIP SENIOR CENTER 55 Kip Ave., Rutherford, NJ (Meadowlands Area)


Contact: Tom Snyder Phone: (618) 531-4189 E-Mail:

Virginia Marass (201) 939-8782 Lee Kuenzle (201) 939-6779 E-Mail:


The Community Chest Of Rutherford, Inc.




Friday: 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Saturday: 9 A.M.-4 P.M.

Indianapolis Postcard Club

BOOK & PAPER SHOW Sunday April 7, 2013

Postcard and Vintage Paper Show

9:30 ± 5:00 $4.50

Our Lady of the Greenwood School (gym)

Children 13 and under free!

Lansing Center 333 E. Michigan Lansing, MI

399 South Meridian Street,

Greenwood, Indiana 46143

(517) 332-0112

Show Dates and Times


Friday, March 22, 2013

More than a million old books, maps, ads, photos, magazines, postcards, posters, prints, & paper collectibles for sale!

10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Saturday, March 23, 2013 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Admission $2.00 For More Information:


Kent Clady - 317-966-5302




JOHN PETERSON 521 W. CARLTON ST. , ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91762 Or Call (909) 988-0042 Will Call You Back

Page 16 P.A.C.M. - March 2013


If You Collect Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store … SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!

James D. Lindemuth, Sr.


Order Online At

And Receive 10% Discount 2. Phone Order: 717-492-2541, M-F, 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. 3. Fax Order: 717-653-6165

first job, in broadcasting, with CBS radio station WHUM in Reading (Pennsylvania), where he developed creative writing skills as a copywriter, sportswriter and publicity writer and show producer. Writing was to become a vital part of his life and career. Never satisfied with just one job at a time, Jim wrote weekly press releases for several “stock car” auto racetracks and contributed regular columns in National Speed Sport Magazine and Illustrated Speedway News. He also wrote publicity releases for the Reading entry in the Eastern Professional Basketball League and also found time to work as an “advance man” for the world-famous Shipstads & Johnson Ice Follies before continuing with a career in broadcasting. In his game plan to move up to CBS Television in New York, he joined Philadelphia’s WCAU TV-10, CBS top owned and operated TV station. It was here that he worked on a number of (Philadelphia) locally-produced shows which were fed to the CBS Network. While in Philadelphia, Jim was also assigned to the Philadelphia A’s and Philadelphia Phillies baseball games, telecasting home games to opponents’ cities when the local area was “blacked out.” It was here where he met Robin Roberts, resulting in Jim engaging Roberts to host a sports show of the same name, written and produced by Jim. It was in (Continued on page 20)

4. Mail Order: The Paper & Advertising Collectors’ Marketplace P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 Yes, my subscription is enclosed. Please begin sending my monthly copy of P.A.C.M. with next available issue. Name Address City



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$19.95 Per Year (12 Issues - 3rd Class) $30 Per Year 1st Class Mail (USA) $35 Per Year Airmail (Canada) RENEWAL NEW SUBSCRIPTION


All Checks Must Be In U.S. Funds. Checks Must Be Drawn On U.S. Bank OR Add $7.00 To Subscription Price.



If you belong to a local or regional Paper/Advertising Collectors Group, please include information about it on separate sheet.



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.com r o t c e gcoll E n i s i vert d AK a he d T W Just Want MoreaInformation? eran pSample p . Send $2.00 For A Copy. P3/13 www



James Douglas Lindemuth Sr., died Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune. He was 85 years old. Jim passed on in death the way he lived his life, with dignity and respect. Jim was born and raised in W y o m i s s i n g (Pennsylvania) and graduated from Wyomissing High School in 1945. He was a gifted athlete who lettered in a number of sports including baseball, basketball, soccer and track and field events and also found time for football, golf and tennis. Always wanting to play professional baseball, he worked his way from high school baseball on to the advanced American Legion baseball program and then the Reading (Pennsylvania) City Industrial League, which produced many major league stars-to-be. With strong scouting reports and connections with the Brooklyn Dodgers, he appeared headed to the Dodgers system. However, his dreams of a baseball career were dashed as a result of sports-ending knee injuries. Early on, Jim developed a keen interest in music and became an accomplished clarinetist. Jim went to Lafayette College, Easton (Pennsylvania), in pursuit of degrees in English and Geology. At Lafayette, he was a member of Zeta Psi national fraternity. While there, he formed a jazz group along the lines of the Benny Goodman Sextet and performed at local fraternity functions and nearby colleges, all of which helped to pay his college tuition expenses. Having grown up in the big band “swing era,” the wanderlust eventually got to him and he took a leave of absence to hook up with Tommy Dorsey, touring with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra for the better part of a year. He remained a friend of Tommy Dorsey until his unexpected death in 1956. He had a storied professional career in network television and as an advertising executive. Once out of college, he took his

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 17

FOR SALE BOOKS ON EUROPEAN and Asian Royalty. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward, AK 99664. HOW THE COLT Navy .36 was gunsmithed, fired during Civil War by Daniel Rhea Technical. Amusing DJ’s $23 postpaid. Hera Box 501, Woodriver, IL 62095.

ATTENTION GOLFERS: Ben Hogan Golf lessons Sports Illustrated 1957 (all 5 issues in set are extremely rare!) $800 for set + free S&H. Also many individual issues available, all are near mint to mint condition, just in time for the Masters. Boca Rare Gallery 772-812-2427 or M.M. DAVIES/ BOOKFINDER We locate Out of Print Books, 762 Route 23A, Catskill, NY 12414-5634, 518-755-4294,

BOOKS PERTAINING TO Film. Actor Bios, Director Bios, Film Theory etc. List available upon request, Isa Halim, 101 Circuit St., Boston, MA 02119-1971. COLLECTIBLE PAPERBACK, MYSTERY, SciFi, Western, TV, Movie, War- will respond to want lists only. C. Allan, 4444 S. Rio Grande Ave. Apt. 850D, Orlando, FL 32839. PAPERBACK BOOKS- BUY/ Sell. Adult, Vintage, Mass Market. SF, Fantasy, Horror, Detective, Spy, Western, Beacon, Midwood, Monarch. SASE for information. Chris Eckhoff, 98 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 PAPERBACKS FOR COLLECTORS and Readers. All genres. Low prices. Free lists. Cris Kocher, Books, 534 Meigs St., Athens, GA 30601. SEND FOR FREE Lists: Auction and Sale. Vintage paperbacks, Digests, Pulps, Comics, Mens magazines, BLB’s. Wally Pattengill, 825 Pecos Dr., Waco, TX 76708. TV/ MOVIE TIE-IN paperbacks/ hardbacks. Many old favorites. Check it out, couch potatoes! Mark Simpson, 123 St. George’s Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4.

160 COMICS! $40 Postpaid! All new, bagged assortment! No duplicates, all different! Feduniewicz, Box 237, Calvin, PA 16622. 100% Marvel and DC product! Order Today! 180 COMICS! $45 Postpaid! All new, bagged assortment. No duplicates, all different! Feduniewicz, Box 237, Calvin, PA 16622. Marvel, DC, More! Don’t Delay, order Today!

1940’s-1970’s COMIC BOOKS for sale- 50,000+ wide selection, strict grading, reasonable prices. Request 60 page old Comics catalog, with $3 (outside U.S. $6). MightyMags.Com PO Box 22916 St. Petersburg, FL 33742 or view online COMICS 20 $15 Marvel DC image valiant my choice all protected by board plastic also Sheet Music $5 each, my choice, 516-944-7214. COMPLETE COMIC BOOK Sets, runs, lots, 1960s-present. Deeply discounted. Request “sets” catalog with $1 (outside U.S. $3). MightyMags.Com PO Box 22916, St. Petersburg, FL 33742 or view online DISCOUNTED COMIC BOOKS: BLB, Newspapers, Comicstrips; Pulps; Paperbacks; Hardbacks; Movie-TV; Life, Look, Post, misc. Send SASE plus 50¢ per list. Indicate desired lists. Above also bought. G.Rauch, 148 East St., Lore City, Ohio 43755, HEEYY, COLLECTORS! COMICS! DC’s, Marvel, Dell, Gold Key, Japanese Manga, TV tie-ins, etc. Mark Simpson, 123 Saint George’s Ave, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4

NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE, 30+ bound volumes, 1890’s through very early 1900’s, all for $60. Shipping negotiable, call 570-835-5246 for details. NINE MINT, COMPLETE, Fortune Mags. 9/37, 1/39, 2/39, 4/39, 5/39, 8/29, 9/39, 10/39, 11/39. $20 ea., offer for all. M.P. Kline 1-843-537-3968

MEMORIES N MORE Paper Ephemera Advertising Magazines etc. No online sales. 204 High St., Pottstown, PA 19464. 10am-6pm Tuesday through Saturday, 610-326-1911 or 610-906-4332. PAINTED LADIES IS now located in the Adamstown Antique Mall, Rt 272, Adamstown PA. Large collection of antique paper, advertising items, magazines, catalogues and other fun items. Come, browse, enjoy! SASE LARGE LIST Paper, Bottles, Postcards, Stamps, Trade Cards, Cook Books, Magazines, Campaign pins, advertising. Timothy Hart, 20 Maston Rd., Victory, VT 05858.

UNCANNY X-MEN MINT: 1993/94 #300 to #312, plastc covers, cardboard backing, cost $24. Make offer plus postage. Bud Reynolds, 2730 Shepherds Glen, Wichita Falls, TX 76308

VINTAGE MAUD HUMPHREY Art for sale. Outstanding quality, rare framed & unframed prints. Complete books & calendars, much misc. All over 100 yrs. old. Wendy Hoffman Gallery 702-839-9999,

PA GAME NEWS, 1987- 1991 not complete years, 1992- 2011 complete years. 717-361-0788 after 4:30pm

AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPHS CELEBRITY signed Photographs, cards, posters, books & more. Send for Free Sample Catalog to Star Shots, 5389 Bearup St., Port Charlotte, FL 33981.

ADULT GIRLIE MAGS. Private collection spanning 50’s - present. Many titles, Celebrities, most N.Mint, Must have want lists. Reasonable prices. Looking for those rare girlie mags? I have them! Al Nazario, #12P 400 W. 43rd St, NYC, 10036 or call 212-868-9203 PLAYBOY BACK ISSUES available send specific wants $4 each ppd. Kenny Grucholski, 3004 LaFayette St., Corsicana, TX 75110-1324.

SELLING MOVIE, TV, Miscellaneous Magazines, Soundtracks, Movie Memorabilia, Some Clippings. Request Your Favorite Star, I’ll Search. SASE Required. Joe Bianco, 157 Center Ln, Levittown, NY 11756.

WRESTLING MAGAZINES 1964-1969 total 46, list available, all good to excellent, 435-574-2152. Also TV Guides (18) 1970, (57) 1971, make offer on either group.

AUTOGRAPHS FOR SALE: FREE bi-monthly list available. Also buying. Mike Hirsch, 11 Philips Mill Dr., Middletown, NJ 07748, 732-787-1202. AUTOGRAPHS-FREE CATALOG from Heroes & Legends 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. AUTOGRAPHS: HOLLYWOOD and Rock & Roll. FREE CATALOG from Heroes & Legends. 18034 Ventura Blvd #204, Encino, CA 91316, phone 818-342-2800. We also buy autographs.

ALEX RODRIGUEZ (A-ROD) Card Rookie #340 all PSA10 Flair Co., quanity 10 ea. available, $200 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427, LEBRON JAMES ROOKIE Card #111 Topps Chrome all PSA10, quanity 1, $350. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427 or SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 11/28/83, Michael Jordon 1st cover, college N. Carolina State near mint, quanity 7, $200 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427,

BECKETT BASKETBALL Price Guide Magazine, issue #1 March-April 1990 Michael Jordon, all near mint to mint cond., quanity 50, $15 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery at 772-812-2427 or FOR The Best Selection of Movie Memorabilia. Also buying Movie Posters! or 856-546-0731.

MEMORABLE HISTORICAL NEWSPAPER “The Actual Paper” Headlines, original, authentic, not copies, including “Japan Bombs Pearl”, “Germany Surrender”, “Japan Surrender”, “Kennedy Assassinated,” etc. For a list of 58 different Headlines call 954675-3122 or email me at SEEK BRITISH ROALTY Commemoratives, also German Royalty, Illustrated London News Christmas numbers, The Field, Tatler Country Life, Replies, Please, 42-07 64th St., Woodside, NY 11377 Thanks- RMS.

1887 MAP, 353 Mine Sites Lake Gogebic, MI to Mellen, WI 19”x25” $5. Earle Sell, 59 Brogan St., Ironwood, MI 49938-3161.

ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS, 1,000’s to choose from; one sheets, lobby cards, etc. Jim Zicopula, 166 Woodridge Lane, Lino Lakes, MN 55014. 651-483-9809.

ELTON JOHN CD 1997 Tribute Candle in the Wind to Princess Diana original packaging $5 includes postage. JPM, 12902 Rockside Rd., Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125

MIXED WHEATS (5) $3 and LSASE, (5) Pre1960 Nicks $2 + LSASE, (5) Forg. coins $3 + LSASE. W.D. O’Brien, 5 Helena Dr., Broad Brook, CT 06016.

DELL SPORTS BASKETBALL- (Wilt Chamberlain) 1st cover, college edition, near mint $200. Contact Bocarare Gallery at 772-812-2427, OLD SPORTS PROGRAMS, Tickets, Sports illustrated, 1930’s-present, Football (College, Pro), Basketball (College, Pro), Baseball, Olympics, Boxing, Golf, etc. Send Wants- Tom Morton, 9018 Balboa #111, Northridge, CA 91325, email

SPORTS ILLUSTRATED (Smashing in Saint Louis Albert Pujols on cover) mint cond., quanity 10, $50 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 10/28/96 (Tiger Woods) 1st cover, mint cond. $95. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 11/28/77 (Larry Bird) college issue 1st cover, quanity 2, near mint, $100 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 4/2/79 (Magic Johnson) 1st cover in college, quanity 5, near mint cond. $100 ea. Contact Bocarare Gallery 772-812-2427,

300 DIFFERENT: AFRICA $10; Asia $10; Australia $9.50; Canada $8.50; Europe $8.95; France $13.95. Dwight Chamberlin, 1108 Chamberlin Hill Ext., West Sand Lake, NY 12196. CASEY JONES, RAILROAD Man, Railroad Unit. Join, learn about collecting trains on stamps. Get info. free sample newsletter. Write CJRRU PO Box 18615, Rochester, NY 14618. EXTENSIVE VARIETY U.S. Stamps boxes with first day issues in folders random stamps need work organizing. Contact Arthur, Lancaster, PA call 717-293-8141 or email FIRST DAY COVER Reference new 18 volume set. Planty’s Photo Encyclopedia of Cachet FDC. Invaluable reference. $275 plus shipping, call 573-474-7254 or

1888 BESSEMER CONSOLIDATED Iron Company- $1,000, $500, $100 Bonds, $20 dollars each or all 3 for $50. Earle Sell, 59 Brogan St., Ironwood, MI 49938.

$3 WILL GET you my 8x10 - 13 page descriptions & price list of a variety of many collectibles. Reasonable offers accepted. Send to Warren, 9029 Seneca Lane, Overland, MO 63114. BOOKS, PRINTS, MAGAZINES, Postcards, Stamps, Militaria related books. Volga German journals- set of 5- unique hand written 1912-1925 includes related photos 717-293-8141.

MEMORIES N MORE Postcards, Scrapbooks, 78 Album sets, Philatelic items, Sheet Music, Advertising, Books, Ephemera, Calendars, Catalogs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Letterheads, 204 High St., Pottstown, PA Call 610-326-1911 or 610-906-4332.

HAVE VIEWS TOPICALS Holiday Postcards, send postcard want lists to Robert Page, 25 Lexington Ave., Brattleboro, Vermont 05301.

MISS. PAPER, POSTERS, Political, Theater, Maps, Sports, Muisc Phila. Parks, circa 1930 and older over 1,000 items, $300 for all, Call 570-325-8331.

SERIOUS COLLECTOR? LET Me Help! 1000’s of Vintage Postcards send wantsDiscounts! Approvals gladly sent- Steve Schmale, 6303 Thornburgh, Foresthill, CA 95631, Thanks!

ROSE O’NEILL, BONNIE Brook, Advertising Trinkets, mailers, misc. items. Box 47, Monmouth, IL 61462, 309-255-8500. SPORTS, HOLLYWOOD, World War II, 1930’s-1950’s magazines, books, and ephemera items. John Cole, 4146 Whittner Dr., Land O Lakes, FL 34639. 813-996-3584, VINTAGE COLLECTION CLEARANCE Autographs, Hollywood, Presidents, Civil War, Sports, Music, Playbills, Artists, Cartoonists, Movie Stills, Steel Engravings, Cheap! Want Lists? Odlaw Sellers, Grafton, MA 01519.

FIFTEEN CRISP IRAQY Currency, 1/4 Dinar to 10,000 Dianrs, Saddam Hussein era. 940-692-1686 Make offer. Bud Reynolds, 2730 Shepherds Glen, Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 FREE COPY OF Collector and secondhand dealer lawsuits. Richard Hopp 818-902-0532 MAIL BID 40,000 Items- Antiques, Books, Magazines, Records, Toys, Paintings, Prints, Posters, Varga, Parrish, Wyeth, Driben, Rockwell, $20 lists postage. R. Holler, PO Box 30255, Elkins Park, PA 19027.

SINGERS AND MOVIE STARS 3x5” Postcards. Size. Complete List of singers, stars for 45¢. 940-692-1686. Bud Reynolds, 2730 Shepherds Glen, Wichita Falls, TX 76308

“FOR PETE’S SAKE” old postcards, airplanes, court houses, post offices, WWII, Libraries, R/R depots, ships, 85 categories, Vincent Peterson Jr., 815 Olde Hickory Rd. Apt. 215, Lancaster, PA 17601-4956.

FOR SALE COVERS, Articles, Cutting on Movie, TV, Stars, Singers, Models, Posters. Send SASE with list L.G. Denman, 159 Church St., Kingston, PA 18704-4955.

FOR SALE POSTCARDS Diner’s, Ships, Coney Is., Atlantic City, Rudolph New Orleans, Ohio, Georgia, photo postcards Philip Boileau, New York St. Vincent Peterson Jr., 815 Olde Hickory Rd. Apt. 215, Lancaster, PA 17601-4956.

FREE LIST OF 34 Anti-Crime Reports. Send 66 ¢ SASE or $1 cash to suite 85 PACM, 123 Essex St., NY, NY 10002.

FREE LIST. SEND for sales list of assorted lots of topics and foreign and state views. Gary Radtke (PACM), 11415 Green Ridge Dr., Waynesboro, PA 17268

FREE LISTS! FREQUENT Mail Auctions for Collectors/ Dealers. Paper, Miscellaneous Collectibles. Auctions since 1987. No minimum bids! Baeten, 511 Nathan, DePere, WI 54115 GLEASON’S PICTORIALS, 1920’S E. Watson Patriotic Posters, 1940’s NY Sunday News Movie Star covers, Charlie Chaplin Collection, Frank Lloyd Wright Restaurant Menu, your wants 608-875-6405

GOING OUT OF Business Sale. 50% Off. Postcards, Books, Paper, Misc. Also selling showcase, shelving, display items and supplies. Booth CRL (Carol) at Old Sled Works, 722 N Market St, Duncannon, Pa 17020. Wed-Sun, 10-5. (717)834-9333. POSTCARDS ON APPROVAL Send Want List. I will send approvals. Hundreds of categories. Jerry Noftsger, 923 Knob Creek, Tega Cay, SC 29708

WANTED PURCHASING POLITICAL PHOTOGRAPHS Lincoln, U.S. Grant, tintypes, autographs, Brady images send email photos to Mark or phone 413-628-3241 email WANTED INDIAN TERRITORY and Okla. territory items such as postcards, checks, tokens, letter heads and advertising items. Dale Ennis, Box 14, Coalgate, Okla. 74538.

U.S. MILITARY DECORATION “Certificates” to any decoration. Keohane, 15 Hidalgo Ln. PSL, FL 34952, 772-785-9732. Also paying your price for military insignias, patches, wings, uniforms, etc.

THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING Programs, pins, passes, books, older items only. Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre St., San Leandro, CA 94579

BOOKS/ ARTICLES BY/ About Victoria Lincoln. Send info to S.Ginsberg, 1911 Elkhart, Silver Spring, MD 20910-2154 or email

WANTED TRAILER TOPICS Magazines. Bill Baldwin, 931-446-0454- 3648 Trousdale Ln., Columbia, TN 38401.

WANTED POPEYE, 1930’S Paint Books, Little Big Books, Comic Books to 1943, etc. Good to fine condition. Jim Eyler, 400 S. Main St., Elmer, NJ 08318.

WANTED: ANY EARLY Sporting Magazines, Catalogs, Paper. Outdoor Life, Field and Stream, Northwestern Sportsmen, Outer’s, Outer’s Recreation. Gary Koelbl, 1815 Orchard Lane, Oshkosh, WI 54902.

BODY BUILDING MAGAZINES: Muscle, Joe Weider, Arnold Schwartznegger, Catalogs, Booklets. 1940’s to 1970’s. Muscle Builder, Mr. America, Bob Hoffman, plus others. Call 516-449-6915.

BUY, SELL, TRADE- Norman Rockwell covers etc. George Arlan Fletcher, PO Box 214, Clinton, MI 49236, 734-320-0559, Email IDEALS MAGAZINES AND Books wanted. Older issues preferred, very good to excellent condition only. Email with issues and prices: MAGAZINES WANTED PRE-1970: Life, Look, Saturday Evening Post, Collier, Time. Also: Men’s, fashion, auto, movie. Condition not important, but must be complete. Herb Hoffman, 1350 Monroe Street, Hollywood, FL 33019. 954-925-8472 WANTED: WEEKLY MAGAZINES from 1900 to 1980, Life, Time, SEP, Liberty, Colliers, Newsweek, Literary Digest, Look, Leslies. Fran DiBacco, 123 Blue Heron Dr., W. Deptford, NJ 08086.

CHEWING TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT Pastoral scene young man and woman seated on hillside chewing tobacco, 1920’s to 1930’s, top dollar offered. J. Lutschag, 1061 Magnolia Wood Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70808. JOHN G. MEDINGER Agent. Baltimore, MD, stenciled stoneware jug. Seeking information and/or Documents, Advertising, City Directory Listings concerning Medinger. David Shelly, 4522 Dobyns Rd., Stuart, VA 24171-3535. MR. ICE CREAM wants better ice cream postcards, trade cards, letterheads, magic lantern slides, stereoviews, tokens. Allan Mellis, 1115 West Montana, Chicago, IL 60614-2220, TRADECARDS, SIGNS, POSTERS, Labeled bottles, Tins, Ephemera, Displays, Country Store 1860 to 1910. John Seier, 371 Sprout Brook Rd., Garrison, NY 10524, 845-736-4016,

PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIEDS NOW! Have Questions? Call 1-800-428-4211 Or Fax Form To: 717-492-2566


Page 18 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 19

ILLUSTRATOR ARTWORK BUY/SELL RAFOX Parrish Gutmann Delongpre Goodwin, Prints, Calendars, Pin-up Art, Armstrong, Elvgren, Vargas, Petty, Ammo-Art, Yard longs Hawaiiana, 702-839-9999, Wendy Hoffman Gallery, 5233 Sandy Cactus Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89149. WOODBLOCK PRINTS WANTED- Color or B&W. Extraordinary prices for works by Dow and Provincetown Printers. Free illustrated want list. Steven Thomas, Inc., Dept. PACM, Box 41, Woodstock, VT 05091. Phone/ Fax: 800-781-8028. e-mail:

FRENCH AUTOGRAPHS PRE-1914 Wanted, please contact Thanks. WANTED: PRESIDENTIAL & Other Historic Autograph Material. Pages of History, PO Box 2840, Binghamton, NY 13902. 607-724-4983

AUTO SALES LITERATURE, Maps and Manuals. Memory Lane, 2080 Market St., Auburn, PA 17922, WINTON AUTOMOBILE, BICYCLE, Diesel, Literature, Photos, “The Auto Era” Magazine, Misc. Ephemera. Bernie Golias, 330-483-4110

ESQUIRE MAGAZINES 1933-1946 with Pinup Gatefolds; Pinup Calendars from 1930’s 1990’s; Illustrated Hunting Fishing Calendars 1900-1950’s Buy and Sell 702839-9999 Wendy Hoffman Gallery, 5233 Sandy Cactus Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89149. WANTED ILLUSTRATED CALENDARS 19001959 Hunting/ Fishing, Pinups, Indian Maidens, Children, Florals, animals, also calendar company salesman sample books Brown & Bigelow, TD Murphy. Email or call Wendy Hoffman Gallery 702-839-9999.

1930’S-50’S BUBBLE GUM Cards, showing Airplanes, Pirates, Baseball, G-Men, Superman, Indians, War, Tarzan, Tobacco Cards. Vin Minner, 21 Boulevard Rd., Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927, 973-267-3132. ALL NON-SPORTS CARDS: Tobacco, Coffee, Candy, Gum, Bread cards wanted. Other old cards too. Good prices and friendly transactions. Alan Miley, 2403 Sugarberry, Reston, VA 20191-2727. 703-391-9156, BREAD, BAZOOKA & Baloney Gum, any kind. War, Elvis, Gilligans Island, Davy Crockett, Mars Attacks, Laugh-In, etc. any pre-1975 title wanted. Walt Meder, P.O.Box 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-379-1947 Email: RED ROSE TEA/ Blue Ribbon Coffee cards: “Butterflies of North America,” 48 card set from Canada. David Anderson, 1843 W. Lunt Ave., Chicago, IL 60626.

WANTED ANTIQUE POLITICAL Cartoons about Trusts, Monopolies, Antitrust subjects from Puck, Judge, Harpers, etc. Write Kate Schlech, 3228 S. Stafford St., Arlington, VA 22206.

CATALOGS AND LETTERHEAD- A.C. Bossleman and Co., Pyrophoto MFG. Co., Pyrophoto CO., Barnets and Abrams Co., J.N. Abrams, contact 22 Carlyle Ct., Robbinsville, NJ 08691.


CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH Era documents dated 1848-1858. Write: Chester Jaffee, PO Box 5369, Berkeley, CA 94705. CHILDREN’S SEASHORE HOUSE, Atlantic City. Postcards, photos, paper anything related, PRE-1950s. Send on approval with price John Cuddy, 2768 Willits Rd., Philadelphia. PA 19136 or call 215-552-9855 email ONE- ROOM SCHOOLHOUSE Teacher wants student work, photos, postcards, memorabilia. Also anything Spanish- American War. Fuhro, 419 East Third Ave., Roselle, NJ 07203. 908-241-7829. WORLD WAR II ration items wanted: forms, books, tokens, checks, articles, etc. Describe carefully. Price or ask for offer. Lee Poleske, Box 871, Seward, AK 99664.

VETERANS POST PAYING your price for Military Insignia. WWII War Trails, Patches, Army Navy Wings, Merchant Marine Awards. Jerry Keohane, 457 Woodgate, Tonawanda, NY 716-877-1439.

BUYING LARGE QUANTITY only magazines, newspapers, periodicals, please contact Bruce or 732-740-9133. NEWSPAPERS WITH ARTICLES, photos and political cartoons of scopes “Monkey Trail” of 1925. tony Haley, PO Box 1042, Mountain Home, AR 72654, 870-424-2152. WANTED - PLEASE quote: Chicago Ledger 1910-1923; Illustrated Story Weekly 1923-1924; Weekly Ledger 1924-1925; Blade and Ledger 1925-1927; 1931-1938.

FOREIGN PAPER MONEY wanted in any condition and quantity. Same day check. World Wide Notaphilic Service, Box 5427PM, Vallejo, CA 94591

1960’S AND EARLIER uncut paper dolls. Email or call 847-869-9090 with condition and prices. Pictures jpeg or attachments help.

VINTAGE PAPER TOY Soldiers, uncut sheets, European preferred. Rey Thomas, 2546 Villanova Ct., Vienna, VA 22180.

DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA stereoviews, postcards, photographs, ephemera for history book project. 605-332-9662, Bob Kolbe, 1305 S. Duluth, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. OLD 8X10 B&W photos of Factory interior or exterior Scenes, Street Scenes. Must be original. Debold Gallery, PO Box 1037, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, 973-429-7616.

WANTED DICK CAVETT TV interviews, Jackie Gleason shows, Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guides 2000, ‘01, ‘02, ‘03, 1995. Gilbert, 659 Lake Dr., Random Lake, WI 53075.

WANTED PRE-1960 RADIO • WIRELESS • TV TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH Books, Magazines, Paper Items & Catalogs Single Items or Collections

Bequaert Old Books P.O. Box 775 • Fitzwilliam, NH 03447 603-585-3448 •


COMMERCIAL ARTWORK BY John G. Scott: Blotters, Calendars & Magazine Covers. Contact: Stauffer, 3235 Mudlick, Roanoke, VA 24018 or

BASEBALL TICKET STUBS Wanted from the 1970’s and 1980’s. American League teams only. Date on ticket. (Details) Tim Newsom, 34 Waterside Lane, Clinton, CT 06413-2141. 860-669-9914,

AUTOGRAPHS, BANNERS, POLITICAL pins, leathers, baseball cards, sports memorabilia music, comics, wanted. Highest price paid. Write: Stan Block, 128 Cynthia Rd, Newton, MA 02459. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Fairs, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Fireworks, Girlie Pinup Magazines, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. CATHOLIC HOLY CARDS. Protestant Bible lessons, lace cards, scripture cards, paper icons. Brent Devitt, 35 Hawthorne Glen, Beavercreek, OH 45440. 937-238-0183. FLASHLIGHTS CATALOGS SIGNS, Brochures Pre-1916, also early flashlights. Stuart Schneider, 820 Kinderkamack, Rd., River Edge, NJ 07661, MATCH COVER COLLECTORS- Why not join 1,000s of others in this fascinating & inexpensive hobby? Write RATHKAMP Match Cover Society, C/O Terry Rowe, Box A 1509 S. Dugan Rd., Urbana, OH 430789209 or check NANTUCKET ISLAND POSTCARDS, Ephemera Wanted. Better cards, albums, collections, approvals welcom. Seeking early, quality. Scott Waldie, 41 Hooper Farm Rd., Nantucket, MA 02554, WANTED CASINO COLLECTIBLES- OLD NEVADA POSTCARDS REAL PHOTO, MATCHBOOKS, SLOT/ KEY CARDS, TOKENS, CHIPS OR ADVERTISING PAPER, FRANK, 702-382-4774, 2024 FONTANA AVE., LAS VEGAS, NV 89106.

SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618

WANTED DIONNE QUINTUPLETS and Margaret O’Brien postcards or other paper or non-paper items pertaining to them. Lois Helen Brown, 154 W 500 S, Peru, IN 46970-7621. 765-473-3983.

TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,

WANTED NEWSPAPER AND Magazine articles from the 1980’s about Exercise Classes taught by screen actresses. Don Schmieden, 221 Scott Street Apt. 737, Wausau, WI 54403.

STATE HUNTING/ FISHING Stamps. Pay $1$4 ea. No tears, creases or tape stains. Check by return mail. John Marquardt, 609 Woodridge Dr., Columbia Missouri 65201, 573-474-7254. TRAINS ON STAMPS become a collector, learn more. Join the Casey Jones RR Unit. Write for information, free news letter: CJRRU, POB 18615, Rochester, NY 14618. WANTED U.S. 19TH Century Stampless covers. Schmitt, PO Box 387, Northport, NY 11768, 631-261-6600.

PRIVATE COLLECTOR LOVES old stock certificates & bonds (US or Foreign). Early items preferred. Send prices with photo copies and descriptions. Write: Collector, PO Box 27, Harrisburg, PA 17108-0027.

A BERKSHIRE COUNTY Collector wants these towns Hinsdale, Hoosac Tunnel, Mill River, Peru, Otis, Richmond, Southfield, Becket. J. Rupinski, 170 Cheshire Rd., Pittsfield, MA 01201.

WANTED- MOVIE, POSTCARDS, Trade dards- old magazines before 1965-old coins before 1964- real photo Raildroadsmisc. Jim Swenson, Oakland, NE 68045, 402-685-5597. WANTED: BIDDERS FOR Paper Collectibles. Auctions every two months. Free List! No minimum bids! No Ebay sales! Mike Baeten, 511 Nathan, DePere, WI 54115. WANTED: KITSCH (BAD TASTE) items, “Robert Wilson” items, and autographs with signer doodles or sketches on them.

BADGES WANTED FROM Railroads, Chicago; Police and Airline Pilot Wings. Mel Arndt, 551 Huntington Commons Rd., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, 847-956-6652. COLLECTOR SEEKING EXPERIENCED, reliable Dealers for Postcard approvals from extensive “Want List”. Send your information to: M. Schnebly, 622 South Allison St., Greencastle, PA 17225. I WILL BUY at once 1800’s era stamped envelopes- any country Fast Offer! “Collector”, 18330 Wards Ferry Rd. SP29, sonora, CA 95370.

Page 20 P.A.C.M. - March 2013 MODEL AIRPLANE AND Aviation Collectibles wanted: Books, magazines, kits, engines, accessories. I buy estates. Aeroindex, PO Box 1135, Cheshire, CT 06410. 203-250-0720

AIRLINES & AIRPORT chrome cards, esp. domestic, published during the 1950s & 1960s, a permanent want. Armen Avakian, 4560 Pinehollow Ct, Apt 170, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317-298-8913. BETTER RPPCS ANY Topic and Location. Also disability related cards. Bob Bogdan, 157 Stevens Orchard Rd., Orwell, VT 05760 802-948-2664. BOOKS AND POSTCARDS relating to Michigan and Wisconsin Copper and Iron Mining. Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield Street, Oshkosh, WI 54902

NJ REAL PHOTO POSTCARDS & Better NJ Picture Postcards Wanted. Approvals welcome, I pay postage. Jim Lindemuth, 94 Mt. Carmel Way, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. 732988-8686. PUERTO RICO WANTED: postcards, photos, stereoviews, books, stamps, coins, letters, maps. Prompt payment. Personal collection. Jose A. Sierra, PO Box 374, Camuy, PR 00627-0374. UTAH REAL PHOTO POSTCARDS, early and scarce printed cards, trade cards, concert/ posters and handbills, photos, maps, ephemera, rare Utah or Mormon. Ken Sanders WANTED PRE-1920 REAL Photo Views Western Berks, Eastern Lebanon Counties, Penn. Peter Lengel, PO Box 58, Robesonia, PA 19551, 610-693-9690. Send call with list.

Fabulous Antique Postcard Auction To Be Held In Clarence, New York Schultz Auctioneers of Clarence, New York will be auctioning off a 50 year collection of over 250,000 quality and rare postcards on March 16th, 2013. This collection is from a long time Buffalo, New York,

Transportation, all US States including a major collection of New York State, Women, Blacks, Movie Stars,

collector of Ephemera. The postcards will be sold in mostly groups and albums. There are over 100 subject categories, Advertising, Political, and much, much more. The collection is valued at over $500,000. The Auction starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 16th, at Schultz Auctioneers auction house, located at 11177 Main Street in Clarence, New York. More information is available including Holiday, Centennials at and Expositions, Novelties, or by phoning (716) 759-2260. Military, Sports,

LAKE MINNETONKA, MINN. Postcards & other memorabilia. Leipolds, 239 Water St., Excelsior, MN 55331. POSTCARDS WANTED: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, not Prague: Austria, not Vienna; Germany any smaller city Gruss Aus; Pozdrav & Eastern Europe. All before 1929. Approvals welcome. Penny Kleinman 516-921-0184 or email:

I AM ALWAYS looking for Mining related Postcards and books. Write with information Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh, WI 54902. WANTED STUDEBAKER POSTCARDS car and truck, factory issued Pre-1959, details and price please, John Arning, 21 North Pearl Street, Port Chester, NY 10573.

OBITUARY (Continued from page 16)

Philadelphia TV where he also worked with Ed McMahon (“Johnny Carson Show”) and Jack Whitaker (“Wide World of Sports”), who went on to become major TV personalities. With his love of music and interest in opera, Jim wrote, directed and produced for CBS Television Theater “The Life and Works of Guiseppe Verdi.” This accelerated his move to New York television. Once having earned his spurs as a network television director on the New York stage, he joined “The Ed Sullivan Show,” his first major TV connection in New York in those pioneer days of live television. For the next 20 years, working in network television control rooms throughout New York City, Jim worked on some of the most celebrated shows in television history; “The Ed Sullivan Show” (he was there when Bo Diddley made his TV debut in 1955 and when Elvis Presley made his first of three appearances in 1956, performing “Shake, Rattle & Roll,” “Hound Dog” and “Heartbreak Hotel” to a frenzied audience), and other CBS shows, including “The Arthur Godfrey Show,” “The 564,000 Challenge,” “What’s My Line” and “Captain Kangaroo.” He also worked on the “Steve Allen Show” at NBC-TV and “The Price Is Right” (with original host Bill Cullen), and on ABC-TV’s “Who Do You Trust,” where Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon teamed up for the first time in what was to

POSTCARD WANTS: CHICKENS- no comics, no Easter; Alaska (ALCAN) Highway (before 1950); Seward, Alaska (before 1964). Lee Poleske, PO box 871, Seward, AK 99664.

PLEASE! Remember to include your NAME AND ADDRESS with your CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE ads. become their long-term relationship. When Jim achieved his goals in TV production, he moved on to Young & Rubicam, the prestigious Madison Avenue advertising agency, where he directed live television commercials. He later chose to take on still another challenge, moving over to Y&R management where he was an account executive with responsibilities for major clients, including General Motors, Lipton, Remington, Goodyear, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Gulf, Cluett Peabody and General Foods. In working with these national accounts, he gained a lifetime of experience in media, marketing, research and merchandising. In the course of his work, Jim also served as a casting director for numerous TV programs and television commercials, working with the William Morris Agency, the world’s leading talent agency for entertainers, bands and pop personalities, and with major New York model agencies (e.g., Eileen Ford, John Powers) to engage actors, actresses and models for various television properties. Having accomplished his goals in New York television and advertising circles spanning two decades, he left the city and moved to Fair Haven (New Jersey). In 1979, while considering semi-retirement, Jim moved to Ocean Grove (New Jersey) and accepted a position as Executive Director of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association with day-to-day responsibilities for Operations, (Continued on page 22)

P.A.C.M. - March 2013 Page 21


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- FOR SALE BOOKS 5006 Automotive 5009 Children’s 5012 Cookbooks 5015 Detective/Mystery 5018 Historical 5021 Militaria 5024 Sports 5027 Western 5030 Misc. Hardcovers 5036 Misc. Paperbacks COUNTRY STORE 5042 Dispensers 5045 Display Pieces 5048 Signs 5051 Tins 5054 Misc. Country Store MAGAZINES 5060 Automotive 5063 Aviation 5066 Comics 5069 Detective/Mystery 5072 Geographical 5075 Hunting/Fishing 5078 Men’s 5081 Movies/Theater 5084 Music 5087 Radio/Television 5090 Science Fiction 5093 Science/Mechanics


area code must be included.

5096 Sports 5099 TV Program Guides 5102 Women’s 5105 Misc. Magazines EPHEMERA 5111 Advertising 5114 Art/Illustration 5117 Art/Pinup 5120 Autographs 5123 Automotive 5126 Breweriana 5129 Calendars 5132 Cards, Sports 5135 Cards, Non-Sports 5138 Cartoons/Comic Art 5141 Catalogs 5144 Disney 5147 Documents 5150 Entertainment 5153 Genealogy 5156 Historical 5159 Labels 5162 Maps 5165 Militaria 5168 Movies/Theater 5171 Music 5174 Newspapers 5177 Numismatic 5180 Paper Dolls, Soldiers 5183 Photographica

4-6 Issues - 15% 7-12 Issues - 20%

+ + + + $

Times number of issues x TOTAL PRICE $

COMPLETE BOXES AT LEFT USING CLASSIFICATION NUMBERS LISTED BELOW. MULTIPLE INSERTIONS: Not responsible for errors, unless called to our attention before second insertion

- WANTED 5186 Political 5189 Posters 5192 Preservation Supplies 5195 Radio/TV 5198 Railroadiana 5201 Regional 5204 Sports 5207 Stamps 5210 Stocks/Bonds 5213 Tobacco Cards 5216 Trade Cards 5219 Transportation 5222 Travel 5225 Western 5228 Misc. Paper 5234 Misc. Non-Paper POSTCARDS 5240 Topical, Real Photo 5243 Topical, Misc. 5246 Views, Real Photo 5249 Views, Misc. 5252 Misc. Postcards PULPS 5258 Misc. Pulps SIGNS & DISPLAYS 5264 Misc. Signs & Displays

BOOKS 5306 Automotive 5309 Children’s 5312 Cookbooks 5315 Detective/Mystery 5318 Historical 5321 Militaria 5324 Sports 5327 Western 5330 Misc. Hardcovers 5336 Misc. Paperbacks COUNTRY STORE 5342 Dispensers 5345 Display Pieces 5348 Signs 5351 Tins 5354 Misc. Country Store MAGAZINES 5360 Automotive 5363 Aviation 5366 Comics 5369 Detective/Mystery 5372 Geographical 5375 Hunting/Fishing 5378 Men’s 5381 Movies/Theater 5384 Music 5387 Radio/Television 5390 Science Fiction 5393 Science/Mechanics







5396 Sports 5399 TV Program Guides 5402 Women’s 5405 Misc. Magazines EPHEMERA 5411 Advertising 5414 Art/Illustration 5417 Art/Pinup 5420 Autographs 5423 Automotive 5426 Breweriana 5429 Calendars 5432 Cards, Sports 5435 Cards, Non-Sports 5438 Cartoons/Comic Art 5441 Catalogs 5444 Disney 5447 Documents 5450 Entertainment 5453 Genealogy 5456 Historical 5459 Labels 5462 Maps 5465 Militaria 5468 Movies/Theater 5471 Music 5474 Newspapers 5477 Numismatic 5480 Paper Dolls, Soldiers 5483 Photographica

5486 Political 5489 Posters 5492 Preservation Supplies 5495 Radio/TV 5498 Railroadiana 5501 Regional 5504 Sports 5507 Stamps 5510 Stocks/Bonds 5513 Tobacco Cards 5516 Trade Cards 5519 Transportation 5522 Travel 5525 Western 5528 Misc. Paper 5534 Misc. Non-Paper POSTCARDS 5540 Topical, Real Photo 5543 Topical, Misc. 5546 Views, Real Photo 5549 Views, Misc. 5552 Misc. Postcards PULPS 5558 Misc. Pulps SIGNS & DISPLAYS 5564 Misc. Signs & Displays






















INTERNET: Place an Ad or Search Online E-MAIL:

Page 22 P.A.C.M. - March 2013

Advertiser Index Allentown Paper Show, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Association Insurance Administrators . . . . . . . . . . .7 Bags Unlimited Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Beech Grove High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Bob Johnson’s Auto Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Brookline Auction Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Buffalo Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Collectorama Show Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Diverse Markets Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Executive Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Flamingo Eventz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Gottlieb, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Harrisburg Postcard Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Heritage Auction Gallery Movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Heroes & Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Herzog, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Holabird, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Indianapolis Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Kelly Schultz Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

OBITUARY (Continued from page 20)

Program, Finance and Development. Always having been exposed to the entertainment world, he presented over 200 concerts in the Great Auditorium, featuring topname concert artists in the fields of pop, classical, big bands, opera, gospel and country music. His proudest moment as a concert promoter was in 1994, the 100th anniversary of the Great Auditorium, when Jim re-created the famous 1938 Benny Goodman concert at Carnegie Hall. The Great Auditorium was packed with jazz enthusiasts from the tristate area offering thunderous applause throughout this awesome performance by the finest group of big band musicians ever assembled. With a lifelong interest in

Early American and English antiques, Jim assembled numerous collections, including one of the finest collections of century-old miniature oil lamps in the country. His vast collection of Ocean Grove memorabilia, which included souvenir china and glass, ephemera, pottery, sterling silver, photos, stereoviews, postcards, advertising, novelties, paperweights, police and fire badges is currently on display at the Historical Society of Ocean Grove, where for many years Jim volunteered his services in publicity and advertising. He also promoted numerous Postcard & Paper Shows for the Historical Society and assisted with their auctions and other special events. Following retirement from the Camp Meeting Association in 1996, Jim decided to take on still another “career” and

Laska, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Levine, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Lindemuth, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 McGrath, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Metro East Postcard Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Mid-Michigan Antique Book Dealers Assoc. . . . . .15 Morlatton Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Morphy Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Only The Best Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Peterson, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Pflaumer-Yeater, Gerlinde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Poster Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Rann, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Riseman, Paul A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Robert Edward Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 The Community Chest Of Rutherford, Inc. . . . . . .15 Unshredded Nostalgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Windy City Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 chose to become a Postcard Dealer specializing in New Jersey antique and vintage postcards. Having accumulated such a large collection of New Jersey views, he went on to sell at postcard and antiques shows, working over 25 shows each year in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Throughout his personal life and career, Jim worked with and befriended many celebrities in the fields of art, television, music, entertainment, opera, government, antiques, sports and corporate America. Among them were Ed Sullivan, Steve Allen, Arthur Godfrey, John Daly, Bob Keeshan (Captain Kangaroo), Bill Cullen, renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright, baseball legend Cornelius “Connie” Mack, noted sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, TV’s Ed McMahon (Jim lunched with McMahon twice weekly in New York

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before he moved on to the West Coast with Johnny Carson), noted CBS journalist Edward R. Murrow, comedian Don Knotts, TV panelists Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennett Cerf and Arlene Francis, Metropolitan Opera stars Jerome Hines and Rosiland Elias, band leader Skitch Henderson, golf great Byron Nelson, Indianapolis “500” winner Bill Holland, Norman Vincent Peale, Leon Hess, Philadelphia Phillies Hall of Famer Robin Roberts, major league baseball stars Carl Furillo, Brooklyn Dodgers, and Whitey Kurowski, St. Louis Cardinals, auto thrill show performer Joey Chitwood, and movie actress Margaret O’Brien. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Jim’s name to the Historical Society of Ocean Grove, 50 Pitman Ave., Ocean Grove.

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Page 24 P.A.C.M. - March 2013


1425 West Main Street P.O. Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Always Buying 3,000 Sq. Ft. Of Memories At

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New Jersey Memorabilia • • • •

Photos Postcards Brochures Bottles, etc.

Also Always Buying Photo Archives • Newspaper Archives • Movie Stills • Publicity Photos Please call on any large assemblage of photos



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