VOL. 33 NO. 12
American Christmas Cards 1900 To 1960
Page 2 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
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TX Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Andrea Voss 16406. This auction is subject to a 19.5% buyer’s premium..
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 3
INSIDE THIS ISSUE American Christmas Cards - 1900-1960 . . . . . .4 Manuscripts, Letters, And Much More In ‘Charles Dickens At 200’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 College Girl Postcard Sets The Sweethearts Of The Gridiron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1906 Rock Island Railroad Sign Hits $71,500 In Showtime’s Recent Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Calendar Of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Classified Marketplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Advertiser Index . . . . . . . . . . . .22
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Page 4 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
American Christmas Cards - 1900-1960
Collectors have appreciated culture. Christmas cards express vintage and antique Christmas more than simple sentiment, for The book, American cards for decades. The colorful since their earliest days the Christmas Cards, 1900-1960, graphics, the warm sentiments cards have included prominent has been conceived as a kind of are just two of many factors field guide to American that have made them a perenniChristmas cards. After an introal favorite. More and more, ductory essay, each chapter is scholars have been realizing devoted to a single class of card the importance of these cards and includes images, a timeline, and other ephemeral items as a and commentary. The images reflectors of our culture and traprovide an overview of the ditions. One scholarly project, genre, and timelines identify sponsored by Bard Graduate concurrent events and phenomCenter in New York City, has ena that relate to the subject, yielded a colorful exhibition while short essays explore posand in-depth book. “American sible lines of interpretation. French-fold card, flocking and Presented are 20 of the most Christmas Cards, 1900-1960” gold on lightweight black paper, prominent classes of Christmas is on view through December circa 1950. 31 at the Bard’s Focus Gallery. card imagery. These classes The exhibition has been orgaeverything from nineteenth century to the end of include nized by Dr. Kenneth L. Ames, Business, Calling Cards, and the 1950s enriches our undercard, 4-7/8 by 3member of the BGC faculty, French-fold Photographs, to 15/16 inches. Black and color standing of not only the Family working in collaboration with a lithography on paper, circa 1935. American Christmas but also Christmas Postcards. The progroup of graduate students. A Rytex Creation, Peru, Indiana. significant aspects of American fusely illustrated book will be a “This is the first exhibition at the Bard to study the images on A m e r i c a n Christmas cards of the twentieth century, and it serves as an introduction to a large artifactual and aesthetic field that until now has been largely unexplored,” says a spokesman for the Bard. The accompanying book, American Christmas Cards, Single-fold card, 5-1/4 by 7 inches. Black and color lithog- Single-fold card, 5-1/2 by 7-1/4 inches. Black lithography 1900-1960, is edit- raphy with gold on paper, circa 1935. Tiffany & Company, with hand-coloring on cardstock, debossed panel, partial ed by Kenneth L. New York (?). Design by Winifred E. Lefferts (1902-1990). imitation deckle edge, circa 1930, decoratone. Ames, published by the Bard Graduate Center, images, precisely because they valuable resource for Ephemera and distributed by Yale suggest richer and deeper collectors. meanings than can be efficientUniversity Press. Two of the classes porly conveyed by words. In recent trayed, Houses and Homes and years the genre has been in Visiting, go hand in hand and decline, as fewer people send seem to catch the mood of what cards - but the chief function most would see as a mental making contact with others image of an old-fashioned remains as critical as ever. It’s Christmas. These two catenow evident that the Christmas gories are explored in the folcard was a culturally specific lowing excerpts from the book. artifact, a very distinctive, even Be sure to add this volume to idiosyncratic way to express a your Ephemera related library, fundamental and enduring and read about the others… human gesture within the comHouses and Homes mercial, materialistic, and Against the many oftrapidly changing society that repeated motifs of the was the United States in the Christmas card landscape, the first half of the twentieth centuimage of a house, with trees, ry. The Bard exhibition and Augmented postcard, chro- with snow, most often in a rural French-fold card, 4-9/16 by 3-1/2 book argue the premise that molithographed cardstock with setting, stands for primal inches. Black and color lithogra- examining the images on die-cut openings over paper human shelter. Refuge, coziphy on imitation parchment, Christmas cards used in the backing. Sent 1912, Schenectady, ness, belonging, place - the circa 1935. Made in U.S.A. United States from the late New York, to same. sparest of depictions conjures
www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com the deepest meanings of home, houses, not real ones. Visions which now come to symbolize of imaginary residences proChristmas at its essence. On the vide, in the words of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, “the psychological elasticity of an image that moves us at an unimaginable depth.” He goes on to say that “the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.” Christmas card dream houses are rooted in two deeply French-fold card, 4-3/8 by 5-1/2 inches. embedded American Black, red, and green lithography on peb- cultural constructions: bled paper, sent 1954. National Detroit, logo of Allied Printing Trades Council, the aspiration to own a free-standing, singleDetroit, Michigan. Printed in U.S.A. family home and the whole, holiday cards featuring romance of an invented rural houses are unusually subdued, New England past. References communicating a restfulness on to both abound in these images. the quietest end of the season’s According to anthropologist Grant McCracken, key physical attributes, such as natural materials and traditional styles, universally embody the feeling of homeyness. The creation of this sensation depends on visual cues that communicate enclosure and therefore safety. It is no accident, then, that the repetition of vaguely New England countryside vistas on Christmas cards - the profile of a steep roofline against rounded hillsides or protected by a grove of snow-covered trees - fulfills these criteria perfectly. Adding to this equation is the potency French-fold card, black and of rural New England as the color silkscreen printing on romantically reconstructed paper, circa 1955. WB (Wallace Brown, New York, logo of Allied national past. Titles like “The Printing Trades Council, New York.) Made in U.S.A.
emotional spectrum. Indeed, whether fairy-tale home, smoky farmhouse, or ancient half-timbered abode, these are dream
French-fold card, 5 by 6 inches. Black and color lithography on paper, circa 1950. WB (Wallace Brown?), union logo for Allied Printing Trades Council, New York. Made in U.S.A.
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 5 in population, these images painted a wish for the American ideal of the single-family, freestanding home in a small town or village or comfortably set off by itself. In architectural style, aside from a fleeting taste for various fantasy and enchanted forms, the occasional log cabin, or that even rarer urban residence, the simple, snug form of the Cape Cod house, predominates. In the Cape Cod house, the center-chimney design bespeaks warmth and nurture, and the low profile suggests the modest and unpretentious. The isolated front door of a house French-fold card, 5-7/16 by 4-1/4 inches. Blue, red, and silver lithography on paper, circa 1945. Made in U.S.A.
ings associated with interiors, both domestic and psychic. Taken by itself, the message “Greetings from our house to your house” is terse and even banal. Connected to images such as these, however, it becomes an invitation to shared sympathies and sentiments of great complexity and depth, indicating once again why images play such primary roles on Christmas cards. “Visiting” Flat card, 6-3/4 by 5-5/8 inches. The act of traveling to Chromolithography with gold on cardstock 1881. Louis Prang & Company, Boston, Massachusetts.
sometimes also appears as a motif, a commonplace but expressive artifact that serves to separate in from out, warm from cold, society from nature. House images rarely include people, nor do they need to. The house itself is sufficiently evocative. What is particularly striking about so many of the houses depicted on cards of the second quarter of the century is that they are so insistently vernacular. Big houses Postcard Chromolithography with silver and occasionally appear, embossing on cardstock. Sent 1907 from associated Hancock, Massachusetts, to East Chatham, often with some historical New York. worth, but the Old Homestead” appealed to undatable house in a vaguely generations jarred by industri- old-timey style predominates, alization and migration who standing apart from the fashionlonged for an apparently sim- able and of-the-moment on one pler time when a plot of land side and the ostentatious and might have guaranteed an costly on the other. And, odd as inheritance as well as a place of it may seem, although these rootedness. cards usually depict exteriors, While cities were swelling they evoke thoughts and feel-
Modified single-fold card, 4-1/8 by 3-3/8 inches. Green and red lithography on cardstock, diecut openings at windows, short fold at right, circa 1935.
someone’s home, or visiting, is a common motif on Christmas cards ranging from the early 1920s through the 1940s. Cards that feature the act of visiting can be broken down into a few distinct groups. Some show couples or families approaching a house or a door, having yet to meet the people they are visiting. Others show people greeting one another at a house’s front door. Often the (Continued on page 16)
Page 6 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
Manuscripts, Letters, And Much More In ‘Charles Dickens At 200’ iconic A Christmas Carol (1843). The Morgan has the largest collection of the author’s letters (over 1,500) in the United States as well as more than fifty original illustrations of Dickens’s work, complete runs of Dickens’s novels published in monthly installments, first editions of his books, portrait photographs, caricatures, playbills, and ephemera. One section of the exhibition explores the plot outlines and (Continued on page 7)
book, to Our Mutual Friend (1865), the last he completed. (The Mystery of Edwin Drood remained incomplete at the time of Dickens’s death in 1870). Charles Dickens (1812-1870) The Morgan’s collection of Dickens material notably includes the complete manuscript of Our Mutual Friend, the only manuscript of a Dickens novel in the United States, as well as the manuscripts of three of Dickens’s Christmas stories, including the
DALLAS METRO POSTCARD SHOW & SALE Fri., March 2nd, 2012 10am-6pm Sat., March 3rd, 2012 10am-4pm
FRI., FEB. 24 TH, 2012, 10am-6pm & SAT., FEB. 25 TH, 2012, 10am-4pm
AUSTIN TEXAS POSTCARD & PAPER SHOW & SALE Sat., March 10, 2012 10am-6pm Sun., March 11, 2012 10am-4pm
Lamplighter Inn-North
GREAT CHICAGO POSTCARD & PAPER SHOW Fri., April 13, 2012, 10am-6pm Sat., April 14, 2012, 9am-4pm
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 65803 For more show dates: www.CourthouseSquare.net
Southfork Hotel, Plano, TX 75074
Wyndham Garden Hotel, Austin, TX
Countryside, IL
ings of Britain’s Victoria and Albert Museum. The exhibition, “Charles Dickens at 200” on view at the Morgan through February 12, 2012, celebrates the bicentennial of the great writer’s birth in 1812 with manuscripts of his novels and stories, letters, books, photographs, original illustrations, and caricatures. Sweeping in scope, the exhibition captures the art and life of a man whose literary and cultural legacy ranks among the giants of literature. “It is difficult to imagine a novelist of greater importance in the English language than Charles Dickens,” said William M. Griswold, director of The Morgan Library & Charles Dickens (1812-1870). A Christmas Carol in Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Museum. “His books Christmas, London: Chapman and Hall, are touchstones of liter1843. The Morgan Library & Museum. ary history and his PML 30615 Photography: Graham S. characters - from Tiny Tim and Oliver Twist Haber. to Ebenezer Scrooge Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was Britain’s first true literary and Uriah Heep - are some of the superstar. In his time, he attracted most vividly drawn in all of ficinternational adulation on an tion. The Morgan is delighted to unprecedented scale, and many of mark this important Dickens his books became instant classics. anniversary year with an exhibiToday, his popularity continues tion that celebrates his extraordiunabated, and his work remains nary creativity and fascinating not only widely read, but widely life.” “Charles Dickens at 200” will adapted to stage and screen. The Morgan Library & focus primarily on Dickens’s Museum’s Dickens collection is novels and their relation to his the largest in the United States various activities and collaboraand is one of the two greatest in tions - literary, artistic, theatrical, the world, along with the hold- and philanthropic - from The Pickwick Papers (1836), his first
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 7 economic circumstances in reformer. Dickens was particuwhich Dickens wrote, including larly concerned about poverty his family life; his travels (to and prostitution, and collaborated the United States and Europe); with the philanthropist Angela and his activity as a social (Continued on page 10)
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Alfred Bryan (1852-1899) Caricature of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray, undated charcoal and colored chalks, on blue paper. The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. 1974.7. Gift of Miss Caroline Newton, 1974 Photography: Graham S. Haber.
today in the Morgan’s collection. Also on view are examples of the first appearance of Dickens’s novels in monthly published parts, as well as original illustrations (by such artists as Hablot K. Browne, John Leech, George Cruikshank, and Samuel Palmer). These illustrations, alongside Dickens’s letters, shed light on his working relationships with the illustrators of his novels and stories. Another section of the show will feature letters and other documents that reveal the social context and the personal and
Charles Dickens’s brass seal with ivory base, The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. MA 6790 Photography: Graham S. Haber.
www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com crawled back into the wreckage DICKENS of a train crash to retrieve the manuscript of an installment of (Continued from page 6) this novel, which is preserved manuscript pages of Our Mutual Friend, a selection of which will be on view to allow visitors to follow Dickens’s creative process. In 1865, Dickens dramatically
Page 8 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
College Girl Postcard Sets The Sweethear ts Of The Gridir on by Roy Nuhn Football has been a national mania since the beginning of the 20th century. It was first played in the 1860s and when souvenir postcards came along 30 to 35
and marching bands. Most of them were Gibson Girls, reflecting the upper class’s cool, detached attitude that supposedly was the persona of the lovely young ladies from Vassar and other girls’ schools. Such women were destined one day to marry the sons of Eli and Harvard. College Girls Sets The largest numbers of College Girls postcard sets repre-
“Cornell” from the fascinating pennant series by anonymous publisher, circa 1909.
years later, football had become a deeply entrenched college sport. While professional leagues have always ruled the world of baseball, football was exclusively a collegiate affair until recent times. Small wonder that when publishers looked around for new ideas that would sell well, they quickly picked up on the College Girls theme. Dozens of sets were produced by a score of printers in the prime years from 1905 to 1910. Such postcards soon became as much a part of the college and gridiron scene as spirited cheerleaders and colorful pennants. The girls adorning such sets were boosters of the school and its football team; symbols of the panorama along with the mascots
College girl cheering on the “Michigan” team, part of Edward Stern’s “University Series” No. 6 copyright 1906.
sented Eastern colleges, especially the Ivy League. A few publishers, notably Raphael Tuck & Sons and Ullman Manufacturing
Company, did move further west, by vendors and at souvenir stands and among othat games played ers, included between Eastern Michigan; and powerhouses. south to pick up T h e teams like University of Tulane, Virginia Michigan and the and Louisiana. University of Albert Hahn Chicago, and a Company’s rosfew other schools, ter boasted challenged the Northwestern, Eastern supremaTexas, and cy from time to Illinois. Hahn’s time. And for that sets were the reason, these only ones to schools were part showcase these of some sets. It is teams. also true that durThe reason ing these years, for Eastern domiAmerica’s elite nance on College colleges were Girls postcards is “Princeton University Yell” mostly all located because that sec- from Rotograph Company in the Northeast. tion of the nation Series No. F100. More than a ruled college footdozen publishers ball in the early years of the 20th commissioned important artists century. College Girls and Boys of the day, as well as many postcards were published to be sold (Continued on page 16)
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Popular early 20th-century artist F. Earl Christy drew the EAS Company’s series from which “Columbia” is shown.
riseman@riseman.com website: http://www.riseman.com New York City-based Rotograph Company’s Series of “Yells.” Illustrated is “Harvard University Yell” (1906).
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P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 9
Page 10 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
DICKENS (Continued from page 7)
Jeremiah Gurney (1812-1895) Charles Dickens, 1867 The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. Massachusetts 7793. Purchased for The Dannie and Hettie Heineman Collection as the gift of the Heineman Foundation, 2011 Photography: Graham S. Haber.
by Declan Kiely. The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, at 36th Street, New York, New York 10016-3405. Phone (212) 685-0008; visit online: www.themorgan.org.
DS OHIO STATE FAIRGROUNAVENUE, H 17T E. 717 , ING ILD BU RHODES 43211 $ 0 Per Person General Admission: 6.0 $ dv. w/A F 1.00 OF
graphs, Features Paper, Postcards, Photomera he Ep Books And Everything
Burdett-Coutts to address the plight of “fallen women.” Dickens’s fascination with dramatic performance, which manifested itself in his participation in amateur theatricals and public readings, and the impact of this interest on his literary technique, is examined in the exhibition. A selection of original playbills illustrate this aspect of Dickens’s work, which encompasses his collaboration with fellow novelist Wilkie Collins. The exhibition also includes Dickens’s Christmas books. Visitors will be able to see the manuscripts of three of his five Christmas books, including A Christmas Carol (1843), The Cricket on the Hearth (1845), and The Battle of Life (1846). The Morgan owns the manuscript of A Christmas Carol, and this installation will allow visitors to see it in the context of Dickens’s other Christmas tales which have been credited by historians with significantly “redefining” the spirit and meaning of the holiday. To coincide with the exhibition, a new facsimile edition of A Christmas Carol has been published, with an introductory essay
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P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 11
Books From The
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Page 12 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
1906 Rock Island Railroad Sign Hits $71,500 In Showtime’s Recent Auction An 8-foot-long 1906 Rock The auction attracted (Pottstown, Pa.), in near-mint remarkable shape, climbed to $13,750; and a scarce Heinz Pickles string holder, near-mint and the best example ever offered by Showtime, made $12,100. A circa-1840s museumquality Dutch child’s sled, exquisitely hand-painted with swans and other birds and in excellent condition, with a Dutch sled: Circa-1840s Dutch child’s sled, exquisitely painted with swans and other birds ($12,100).
beautiful patina, coasted to $12,100; an inlaid gold quartz match safe with multi-colored diamond pattern and engraved detail throughout went for $10,620; and an Oak Motor Oil twosided ‘lollipop’ porcelain sign, (Continued on page 13)
Island Railroad reverse glass around 250 people a day on the condition, realized $43,125; train sign brought $71,500 at an first two days and about 200 and a Moose Beer reverse glass auction held September 30 to people on the last day. Internet sign, made by Duluth & October 2 by Showtime Auction Services, at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was a new auction record for an 8-foot Rock Island sign - more than doubling the previous record of $30,000. It was Rock Island: 1906 Rock Island Railroad reverse glass train sign, 8 feet also the top lot of the sale. long, in the original frame ($71,500). If a Rock Island Railroad sign rings a bell, it’s bidding (facilitated by M a l t i n g because another sign for the LiveAuctioneers.com and Brewing Co. same railroad, also from around iCollector.com) was brisk, with ( D u l u t h , the turn of the century but of a nearly 1,500 online bidders (a Minn.), neardifferent size and look, soared record for Showtime). Phone mint, rose to to $165,000 at Showtime’s last and absente bids were also $38,500. A n big auction, held April 1 to 3, recorded. Overall, close to 2,000 lots changed hands in extremely rare an auction that grossed $1.6 John Deere sand and wood one-sided million. “This was our biggest and sign, one of only two best fall auction ever, no known and in excellent condidoubt,” said Michael Eckles of tion, breezed to $14,960; a rare Showtime Auction Services. “I oak six-foot double tower was very pleased with the level showcase with nickel corners of Internet bidding activity, (69 inches by 35 inches), in which I know was driven by factors such as increased travel costs and the hassles of airport security. But the in-house crowd was great, too, and they Alcazar cigar tin: Alcazar cigar really got into the spirit of the tin manufactured by the American Can Company in mint event.” Headlining the auction was condition ($9,350). the lifetime country store, also in Ann Arbor. It was the advertising and toy collection most ever paid for an advertis- of Mike and Colleen Empey. ing sign, a record that still The sale also featured barber stands today. Both signs were shop, coin-op, gambling, folk housed in original gilt frames. art, toys, banks, Coca-Cola The 8-foot sign (99 inches and other soda, gum, candy, by 24 inches overall) was firearms and gunpowder, designed by the same maker tobacciana, coffee, salesof the Pullman Car chandemen’s samples, whiskey, liers. It was given to the breweriana, petroliana, Western Sandblasting automobilia, match safes Company in Chicago, and pedal cars. Following are additionBrooks Cigar Store: Circaal highlights from the sale. 1880s Cigar Store Indian All prices quoted include a attributed to Thomas 10 percent buyer’s premiBrooks, 69 inches tall um for in-house sales or an ($49,500). 18 percent buyer’s premium with a contract to produce for Internet bidders. 50 more. It is also quite A circa-1880s Cigar possibly the only one Store Indian attributed to with verbiage on the Thomas Brooks, 69 inches original frame and sign. tall, in excellent condition, It was considered highbrought $49,500; a ly desirable to collecYuengling’s Beer reverse tors, with the train in glass sign, made by the the foreground. John L. Dawes Mfg. Co.
www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com es in diameter, hammered for SHOWTIME $5,775; a hand-carved shotgun trade sign, 65 _ inches long and (Continued from page 12) in excellent condition, rose to near mint, made $10,350. An Alcazar cigar tin with $5,500; and an oak, nickel-corexceptional graphics and color, nered, curved glass showcase
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 13 on top, brought $4,125; a Super jeweler’s watch trade sign, 16 Greyhound Motor Fuel porce- inches by 25 inches, hit $3,960. lain sign, 58 inches by 34 inchA scrimshaw ivory tusk, 8 es, crossed the block for inches in length and decorated $4,125; a circa-1950s near-mint with the images of three White Owl cigar tin made women, went to a determined $3,025; and an R. O. Beitel (Continued on page 22)
Howard Levine World War I and II Aviation Literature
Oak Motor Oil: Oak Motor Oil “lollipop” porcelain two-sided sign in nearmint condition ($10,350).
with original brass tag made by Excelsior Showcase Co. (Quincy, Ill.), fetched $4,950. A Swift Wing sand and painted wood trade sign, beautifully constructed and in superb condition (41 inches by 11 inches) garnered $4,675; a hanging apothecary show globe and original griffin bracket, with no chips or cracks (22 inches tall) finished at $4,675; and a Johnson Halter papier-mâché trade sign with the original manufacturer’s label on back went for $4,400. A Sampson Bachrach Collar Button store display, with original brass tag and decals and collar button finial
• Unit Histories • Aircraft Manuals • Biographies • Recognition Items 12 Ivy Lane • Seekonk, MA 02771 • (508) 336-8837
made by the American Can Co., in mint condition, commanded $9,350; a Rodeo Coffee 5pound pail with bale and “Let-R-Buck” image on both sides, made by the H.E. Starbrooks Co., Ltd. (Winnipeg, Man.), brought $7,150; and a Pratts Veterinary Remedies (Philadelphia) tin front store cabinet realized $6,900. A DeLaval Cream Separators self-framed tin sign made by H.D. Beach Co. (Coshocton, Ohio), 25 _ inch-
Buy - Sell - Trade
John Deere sign: Extremely rare John Deere sand and wood onesided sign, one of two known ($14,960).
Check Out Our Web Site
www.Heroesandlegends.net Or Write For A Free Catalog Of Autographs
18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316
Page 14 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
Calendar of Events
Featuring Paper Collectibles
FEBRUARY 17-19, 2012 OCTOBER 5-7, 2012
36th Fall Postcard Show
Saturday November 12, 2011 Metro Detroit, Michigan
Farm and Home Center 1383 Arcadia Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (off Manheim Pike, Rte. 72)
Knights of Columbus Hall 870 N. Main Street, Clawson, MI
Saturday January 21, 2012 Metro Detroit, Michigan
Friday, November 25, 2011 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Knights of Columbus Hall 870 N. Main Street, Clawson, MI
10 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Saturday February 11, 2012 Greater Lansing, Michigan
Door Prizes ~ No Pre-Show Buying Admission $2.00 (50 Cents Off With Ad)
Okemos Conference Center
For More Information Call
2187 University Park Drive, Okemos, MI
Wally Jung
DIRECTIONS TO SHOW BUILDING: 30 E. to Manheim Pk., Rt. 72 S. Turn left between Conestoga Marine and car dealership. 30 W. to 283 W. to 72. Turn left on 72 S. Straight approx. 1 mi. Turn left between Conestoga Marine and car dealership.
Kay Feight, (717) 263-1638 Leon Rowe, (610) 444-0641
JOHN PETERSON 521 W. CARLTON ST. , ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91762 Or Call (909) 988-0042 Will Call You Back
MAGAZINES Collector Needs: 1945-Earlier, Especially: Aug. 1937, Sept. 1941, Jan. 1942, July 1943 & Feb. 1945
Visit P.A.C.M. Online www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com
“True” - The Man’s Magazine
The Lakeland Center
Send Us Listings Of Upcoming Events, Information On How To Join, Etc., And/Or Mail Us A Copy Of Your Club’s Newsletter. SEND INFORMATION TO: P.A.C.M. Editor P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 15
11:00 A.M.
Auction Gallery at Merchants Square Mall
1901 So. 12th Street,
Selling the one owner Inventory/Collection of noted PA Dealer/Collector Harold Burton. Approx. 80,000 postcards in 450 lots without reserve or minimum: to include 100s Real Photo Postcards (to include: 400+ PA, Stagecoaches, Sports Teams, Shaker Village, Main Streets, Motorcycles, Automobiles, Horse Drawn Wagons & Sleighs, Occupational, Restaurants, Children & Rocking Horses, Children w/Pedal Cars, Military, Romance, etc.), 100s Artist Signed (to include Wain, Kirschner, Clapsaddle, Rockwell, Outcault, Schmucker, Boileau, Fisher, Griggs, Christy, etc.), 1,000s Topicals (to include Mechanicals, Pop-Ups, Santas, Thanksgiving, Feather, Silks, Occupationals, Stamps on Postcards, Patriotic, Golliwogs, Native American, Black Americana, Military, Nudes, Political, Postmarks, Movie Star, etc.) 1,000s U.S. States A-Z & Territories, 1,000s Foreign, Curt Teich Archives Linens and so much more. For directions to our facility & hotel accommodations in the area visit our web site at
Preview: Friday, Nov. 11th, 12-8, Sat., Nov 12th, 10-6 Can’t make it? Bid Live Online at Auctionzip Live. Register to bid at www.auctionzip.com For complete catalog & images go to
auctionzip.com auct. #1405.
Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium (discounted 3% for cash & certified funds), Visa/MC/Discover
(610) 797-1770
PA LIC. AU003253L
Page 16 P.A.C.M. - December 2011 The houses on the cards tend to CARDS be either individual fairy-talelike cottages or parts of imagi(Continued from page 5) people approaching the house nary quaint and cozy villages. are holding presents, though These scenes do not offer realnot always. The visitors are istic images but instead depict a usually walking, often through sort of hazy Victorian world, snow, but are sometimes shown almost predominantly rural, set using other modes of trans- in snowy New England. The portation, such as sleighs. sense is of village life and close There is no indication that peo- community. T h e r e ple are coming to stay - no one may be some carries luggage, for instance connection but the impression is that these here to a real people have come from nearby and are engaged in a ritual of Christmas Day visitation. The cards almost always depict the scene from outside the house, which allows viewers of the card to Augmented booklet, 3-5/16 by 6 inches. Imitation travel with the hand-colored photograph applied to lithographed visitors. In this cardstock, purple border on three sides, bound sense, the with chartreuse ribbon, circa 1930. “Inner Court recipient of the of Ramona’s Home. San Diego.” card participates in the visit. On the cards nineteenth-century tradition. In that show visitors approaching the nineteenth-century, New the closed door of a home, the Yorkers (and some others) viewer can sense the anticipa- spent New Year’s Day visiting tion of the visit; on cards that their friends and family, an show the meeting the viewer activity possibly based on an can read the joy of the older Dutch tradition. Certainly, the acts of calling and visiting Christmas Day greeting. were parts of the larger Victorian social etiquette that spread far beyond the holiday season. Visiting cards frequently include the word “greeting” somewhere in the text, which suggests that the cards may stand in for a physical meeting that cannot take place. One card includes the text “If to your door I cannot come / your voice I cannot hear / My thoughts are with you just the same / Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” Such a message emphasizes the idea that the greeting card is a substitute for the holiday visit. If the sender and Single-fold card, 6-1/4 by 4-7/8 recipient cannot meet in person, inches. Black photolithography on heavy paper. Sent 1935, New they can send tokens evocative York, New York, to Lynn, of a visit. As such, there is often a message of longing in the Massachusetts. The text of these cards often cards that depict visiting. One refers to “an old-fashioned” card sums up that feeling quite Christmas, implying that the act aptly in the image and accomof visiting on Christmas Day is panying text. A woman stands of some antiquity. The figures alone by a window, gazing out. on greeting cards almost always The text reads: “Too far for a wear pseudo-Victorian cloth- handclasp / a smile or a call / ing; indeed, the scene itself is but not for this greeting / Merry (Continued on page 20) often equally pseudo-historic.
www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com Vanderbilt and the University of COLLEGE GIRLS Wisconsin. Tuck’s postcards rank among (Continued from page 8) unknowns, to design appealing the best to be found. Their and colorful illustrations of “College Kings” (series number College Girls for souvenir sets. 2766) and “College Queens” These companies included J. (series number 2767), both Bergman, Julius Bien, National drawn by F. Earl Christy, are the Art Company, Rotograph most innovative of all. These Company, Souvenir Post Card eight postcards (four per set) are Company, and the previously eagerly sought by today’s collecmentioned Albert Hahn, Raphael tors. Quite likely, Tuck sold them as complete sets rather than as Tuck, and Ullman. singles. College Men Sets Besides the “Kings” and Besides College Girls, some “College Men” will also be “Queens,” Tuck’s production found. Ullman Manufacturing output included series number Company, located in New York 2344 (“Football”); series number City, and London-based Raphael 2514 (“The New England Tuck and Sons, through its New College Series”); series no. 2794 York Branch office, were the (“College Kings”); and six sets titled “University Girls” - series major marketers of this style. Usually the men portrayed numbers 2453, 2590, 2593, 2625, 2626, and 2627. Most of the Tuck sets had six postcards, some four, and one, number 2627, contained 12. Tuck’s famous oilette process was used in the printing of all of them. Like most other publishers, but to a greater degree, Tuck employed a Tuck’s output also included two four“compatibility” theme. postcard football sets done in a playing card design, “College Kings” and With rare exception, all of “College Girls.” Complete set of the the colleges represented in a set either played against Kings is illustrated. each other (especially were football players in uniform, against all others), or were locatwhile the girls tended to be ed relatively close together. Nowhere is this more evidressed in fashionable Saturday outing clothing done in he colors dent than with the different of the school. A few sets can also “University Girls” sets. One be found with footballs on them consists entirely of Ivy League and, indeed, one set is actually schools; another is made up of titled “Football” (Tuck’s oilette The Big Ten of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota, series number 2344). Some of the sets in this cat- Wisconsin and Chicago. Yet egory have the college yell or another is of all Southern colcheer inscribed. Others also leges. Quite likely these sets carried the official seal or, were made up for a specific occasionally, an artist’s fanciful year with the schools’ gridiron conception of the team’s mas- schedules used as a guide. Thus cot, such as Yale’s bulldog. An series number 2766, where extremely interesting series, Chicago University and the and probably the best of the University of Michigan mesh topical, is Tuck’s sets numbered with Columbia and Cornell, 2766 and 2767 in which the may have been printed in the postcards are printed as playing year when the upstarts from the cards with the “Kings” being Midwest came to the Eastern College Men and the “Queens” bastion to prove their mettle. Long after the goal posts are being College girls. torn down, the last fan leaves the Tuck Sets In all, Tuck published at least giant stadium after the final game 11 sets of College Girls and of the season and the pigskins, College Men. Most had the art- helmets and shoulder pads are work of famous American illus- put away for another year, collectrators. As noted earlier, Tuck tors will still have a gridiron full was one of the very few firms to of “College Girls” to keep giving include schools other than the out the old college cheer and conrich Eastern colleges. In some tinue waving the school pennant. Hooray for our team! cases, only the Tuck sets offered
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 17
FOR SALE BOOKS ON EUROPEAN and Asian Royalty. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward, AK 99664. RARE HISTRORY BOOKS, History Galley Family of Pennsylvania from 1775, 493 pages. History of Lake County Illinois 1902, 747 pages. Peter Parker, Sarah Ruggles their ancestors and descendants 1913, 609 pages. History of York and Lancaster Co. Pennsylvania, 750 pages. Weeneker, 421 E. Ross Palmyra, Missouri 63461, 573-7692449 after 6pm.
BALLANTINE’S BOOKS ILLUSTRATED History of WWII. Collector Buys & Sells. Send S.A.S.E. for list- S. Welli, 937 S. 72nd , West Allis, WI 53214. WORLD WAR II “90th Division, War from ground up” J.Colby 1st ed. div., v.f. $96 “Now Hear This” D. Gallery, 1965 1st ed. Norton V.G. $80 F. Stewart 330-689-0292.
PAPERBACKS FOR COLLECTORS and Readers. All genres. Low prices. Free lists. Cris Kocher, Books, 534 Meigs St., Athens, GA 30601.
AUTO/ TRUCK AD Collection, good shape, many packaged, phone 651-351-1194.
SEND FOR FREE Lists: Auction and Sale. Vintage paperbacks, Digests, Pulps, Comics, Mens magazines, BLB’s. Wally Pattengill, 825 Pecos Dr., Waco, TX 76708.
MEMORIES “N” MORE large selection of general ephemera, posters, books, magazines, etc. Open Tuesday through Saturday. 204 High St., Pottstown, PA 19464. Call 610-326-1911 for information.
TV/ MOVIE TIE-IN paperbacks/ hardbacks. Many old favorites. Check it out, couch potatoes! Mark Simpson, 123 St. George’s Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4.
CLASSIC COMIC BOOKS for Sale- most comics O-HRN 100’s available. Send want lists. Roger, 205 Bay Ave., Leonardo, NJ 07737. DISCOUNTED COMIC BOOKS: BLB, Newspapers, Comicstrips; Pulps; Paperbacks; Hardbacks; Movie-TV; Life, Look, Post, misc. Send SASE plus 50¢ per list. Indicate desired lists. Above also bought. G.Rauch, 148 East St., Lore City, Ohio 43755, thrillingmemories.com HEEYY, COLLECTORS! COMICS! DC’s, Marvel, Dell, Gold Key, Japanese Manga, TV tie-ins, etc. Mark Simpson, 123 Saint George’s Ave, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4
CHECK US OUTUsed and New Hardcovers and Paperbacks, www.bluejaybooks.com FOR SALE: BOOK COLLECTION. Wide variety of subjects and dates, from mid-19th century to1940’s. Over 1,000 books to be sold as a collection. Phone 717-625-4310 GERMAN BOOKS For Sale. Send SASE for Free List. 6770 Runkles Rd., Mount Airy, MD 21771 Email coxgerlinde@comcast.net
EACH THOUGHT & Gesture is caught on celluloid. Film Star Bios, other assorted related stuff- art, culture, etc. Isa A. Halim, 101 Circuit St., Boston, MA 02119-1971. MAGAZINES, DIGESTS, HARDCOVERS, Pulps, Fanzines, Comics, SF/F, Horror, Mystery, etc. Free Search. Always Buying. JS., 1500 Main Ave., Kaukauna, WI 54130, mikequai@sbcglobal.net NEW! KOVEL’S ANTIQUES & Collectibles price guide 2010. Accurate up to date, $27.95 plus $4.95 S&H. kovelsonlinestore.com or write Kovels, PO Box 22900, Beachwood, OH 44122. PAPERBACK BOOKS- BUY/ Sell. Adult, Vintage, Mass Market. SF, Fantasy, Horror, Detective, Spy, Western, Beacon, Midwood, Monarch. SASE for information. Chris Eckhoff, 98 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
TEN MENS ADULT Mags and ten adult DVD’s my choice, mostly score, $40 postpaid. Donald Munro, 25 Richards St., Worcester, MA 01603.
SELLING MOVIE, TV, Miscellaneous Magazines, Soundtracks, Movie Memorabilia, Some Clippings. Request Your Favorite Star, I’ll Search. SASE Required. Joe Bianco, 157 Center Ln, Levittown, NY 11756.
SPORTS & MARYLIN MONROE Magazines in near mint to mint condition. To receive this free catalog from Boca Rare Gallery email bocarare@aol.com Thank You.
60 ISSUES “THE New Republic” between 11/1917 & 12/1918, very good condition, $125 for lot, great WWI articles. Contact Ron Johnson 570-835-5246 or email drjin-tioga@hotmail.com
ADAMSTOWN ANTIQUE MALL first stop for Vintage paper collectibles. Call for information 717-484-0464. Great variety magazines, books, show business, posters programs, ads, sheet music, serendipity.
MISCELLANEOUS COUNTRY STORE items for sale, over 2,000 items, 20 page list send $3. Tom Polansky, Box 1728, Buellton, CA 93427. VINTAGE ORIGINAL MAGAZINE Ads- 10 different ads $10 postpaid per categorychoose from: (Autos 1903 to 1941) or (Autos 1940’s to 1960’s) or (Soda/ Beer/ Liquor 1940’s to 1960’s) or (Cigarettes 1950’s to 1960’s) or buy all four categories $35 postpaid. Nice Ads! Greg Pandajis, PO Box 822, Cheshire, CT 06410.
VINTAGE MAUD HUMPHREY Art for sale. Outstanding quality, rare framed & unframed prints. Complete books & calendars, much misc. All over 100 yrs. old. Wendy Hoffman Gallery 702-839-9999, wendysart@aol.com
AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPHS CELEBRITY signed Photographs, cards, posters, books & more. Send for Free Sample Catalog to Star Shots, 5389 Bearup St., Port Charlotte, FL 33981. AUTOGRAPHS FOR SALE: FREE bi-monthly list available. Also buying. Mike Hirsch, 11 Philips Mill Dr., Middletown, NJ 07748, 732-787-1202. AUTOGRAPHS: HOLLYWOOD and Rock & Roll. FREE CATALOG from Heroes & Legends. 18034 Ventura Blvd #204, Encino, CA 91316, phone 818-342-2800. We also buy autographs. FREE CATALOG, HISTORICAL autographs. Political, Military, Actors, Sports, Etc. Letters, Documents, Photos, Signatures. Bargain Prices. Monetary Ltd. P.O. Box 670202, Dallas, TX 75367. 972-380-2798. mltd@peoplepc.com Since 1981.
F R E D KOT S A B O G A N PO Box 5156 Long Island City, NY 11105-5156 Phone: 718-626-0068 M-F 2-8pm.
PAPER EPHEMERA MAIL-BID Sale, 500 Lot Catalog, $1 postage for next issue. S.H. Jemik, PO Box 753, Bowie, MD 20718-0753.
MEMORABLE HISTORICAL NEWSPAPER Headlines, original, authentic, not copies, including “Japan Bombs Pearl”, “Germany Surrender”, “Japan Surrender”, “Kennedy Assassinated,” etc. For a list of 58 different Headlines call 954-675-3122 or email me at veryrealstuff@yahoo.com
FOR SALE MAPS, USGS Topo Maps State lots 1950-1993, 20 states available @ $1 ea. ie 50 maps $50 plus shipping repa435@yahoo.com
40,000 MOVIE POSTERS Lobby card 400,000 original movie stills consignments for live auction May 2012, website Hollywoodposterauction.com lastmo@aol.com Last Moving Picture Company, 10535 Chillicothe, Kirtland, OH, 44094. MINT 10X13 1940’S B&W Actors/ Actresses photos, Warner Baxter, George Brent, Helmut Dante, Paul Lucas, Paul Muni, etc. $50 each, contact warder3319@aol.com ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS, 1,000’s to choose from; one sheets, lobby cards, etc. Jim Zicopula, 166 Woodridge Lane, Lino Lakes, MN 55014. 651-483-9809.
JFK’S SIGNED PROFILE in Courage w/COA $4,500; Beatles signed by all 4 lobby cards 1964 $2,500; Elvis Presley signed 4x4 card $850; John Lennon signed 4x4 card $1,200; B. Springstein “Born to Run” signed CD $750. All items neg. John Tassi 732-3229009, email jjt12345@optonline.net
MERCURY DIMES. FREE List. 1916 thru 1925-S. 24 coins no 1916-D G-4 with date buy single or lot. Normand Vigeant, Apt. 8G, Monroe Terr., North Dartmouth, MA 02747.
FREE SAMPLE COPY of the Wrapper magazine for non-sports collectors. Send $1 postage to: The Wrapper, Dept. P. 2020 Farmington Lakes Dr. #15, Oswego, IL 60543. More info. 630-877-7715 or LesWrap@comcast.net Our 32nd Year!
FOR SALE- Variety of Vintage Photographica: glass negatives, photographs, early photography magazines, 8mm projectors and cameras, slides, and more. Phone 717-625-4310
ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS Horror, Sci-Fi, Disney, Promo Super Hero Comic Book Posters. 1-sheet & smaller sizes, spanning 80’s - present. Must have want list. Reasonable prices. Looking for very rare items I have it! Al Nazario 400 W. 43rd St. Apt 12P, NYC, NY 10036 or 212-868-9203 or email al.nazario@yahoo.com
RHODE ISLAND EPHEMERA and postal history collection for sale. Carr, 500 Mendon #305, Cumberland, RI 02864-6219, 401-726-2069.
BASEBALL AUTOGRAPHS 802 different; 3x5’s, all played, 1900-1959; most deceased, send large 64¢ SASE for list. D.R. Roch, Box 2101, Painesville, OH 44077.
100 LARGE FOREIGN Stamps off paper $3. 200 mixed sizes $3. No CTO’s. SASE required. Collector Downsizing. Barbara Andrews, 3915 11th Ave., Kearney, NE 68845. 75 USED U.S. off paper $2. 4 cacheted F.D.C.’s $1. Ungummed postage, $4 face, $2. EM.VELOPES, C/O Rick Herman, Box 103, Island Park, NY 11558. CASEY JONES, RAILROAD Man, Railroad Unit. Join, learn about collecting trains on stamps. Get info. free sample newsletter. Write CJRRU PO Box 18615, Rochester, NY 14618. ILLUSTRATED ADVERTISING ENVELOPES showing various old products. Many with matching graphic enclosures. Submit collecting interest for free photo copies, John Cuddy 2768 Willits Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136. Also other Advertising Paper.
COLLECTIONS: MAPS, HOTELS, Florida, Kennedys, Presidents, Royal Family, Wm. R. Hearst, Fashion, School, Blacks, Blanding, Sheet Music, Cookbooks, Pin Buttons, Ziegfeld, Documents, Diplomas, Celebrities, Postcards, Books, Spiderman cards, Letters. Gordon 772-336-9606.
COON CHICKEN INN RESTAURANT MENU (Closed In 1951) 6x81⁄2 Figural Menu $15, 2/$22. COON CHICKEN INN ASHTRAY, 31⁄2” Diam. Glass, Negro Man’s Head. $12. BUTTE, MT, 1910 DRUG LABELS, Incl. Poisons & Opium, 55/$10. MICHAEL JACKSON TRADING CARDS, 1984, 33 Dif., $10. FRUIT LABEL COLLECTION, 19201965, a nice assortment of ladies, kids, animals, race cars, scenes, etc., etc. (we retail for $5 Ea.) 100 Asst./$35. LUCKY STRIKE GREEN PINUP ADVERTISING CALENDARS, 1939, 11x14”, 2 Diff., Pair $18. 1940 GAS STATION PINUP GIRL CALENDARS, 51⁄2x11” for Phillips 66, Flying “A” & Union 76, 3 Diff., $21.
We are the #1 source for paper, advertising, rare books, postcards & more! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561 POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK books, pamphlets, collectibles: medals, stamps, etc. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward, AK 99664. TRAIN MEMORABILIA MAGAZINES $1.50 + postage, Auto magazines, several different State magazines, & National Geographics. Postcards of all types 50¢-$5 + postage. Robert Andrews, PO Box 6782, Providence, RI 02940.
FREE LIST of many Collections. Being unpacked for sale soon, from several estates. Huge selection approximately 100 categories. SASE to Good “Ole” Bill, PO Box 15357, Phoenix, AZ 85060-5357.
GENERAL STORE LABEL COLLECTION, 1900-1960, misc. products: Syrups, extracts, nerve tonic, tobacco, honey, Negroes, soda, etc., 100 Asst., $12.
TEEKS N THINGS FALL LIST. Vintage Automotives, Music, Paper, Bottles, Glass, Pottery, Toys, Coins. $1 for listing. Mike Curto, 2439 East 63rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11234
1910s HOLIDAY POSTCARDS, Christmas, Birthday, Easter, Lovers, N. Years. 50 Diff., $25.
TEN DIFFERENT DATE Indian Head Pennies $10; Twenty different $22. Add $1.50 shipping. Myltiple lots available. PM Antiques, Box 224, Coffeyville, KS 67337.
1930s WHISKEY LABELS, Golfer, Trains, Airplanes, Scenes, 100/$12.
SELLING GRANDFATHERS WORLDWIDE covers collection, advertising to WWII included 200/ $68. Worldwide Embassy covers 100 for $65. Victor Schwez, 10519 Casanes Ave., Downey, CA 90241.
ROY ROGERS TRADING CARDS - 70 Diff., $12, 100 Asst., $8.
U.S. ADVERTISING COVERS (1800’s-1910) $201.52. Postal History U.S. 25/ $58. U.S. Bicentennial 40/$52. WWII Letters 25/$55. WWII Patriotic Covers 20/$55. Naval Cachet Coves 40/ $45. Pre-1950 First Flights U.S. 40/ $45. Victor Schwez, 10519 Casanes Ave., Downey, CA 90241.
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer?
1958 KID’S VALENTINES, 100/$12.
JOIN THE CHRISTMAS Seal & Charity Stamp Society. Quarterly newsletter, auctions. For application write: CS & CSS, POB 18615, Rochester, NY 14618-0615. Send $2 for sample copy of Seal News.
SELLING GRANDFATHER’S WWII, German, Nazi, Hitler, 3rd Reich covers and cards, Historical, great value! 25 items, $125. Victor Schwez, 10519 Casanes Ave., Downey, CA 90241.
ENGLAND OLDER STOCK Certificates 25/$45. Canadian Court Documents with revenue stamps 25/$48. 1890’s photo/ pictures of Worldwide, views, scenes, people, tribes, buildings, etc. 50/$58. Victor Schwez, 10519 Casanes Ave., Downey, CA 90241.
FRENCH WINE LABELS - 1920-1950, Many Nicely Illus. 100/$12.
GAS STATION PINUP CALENDARS, 1940-50-64, 7”x14”, Mobile, Texaco, Shell, Etc., 12 Diff., $75. PAPER EPHEMERA LOT, 1890s-1960s, Misc. Cards, Checks, Letters, Valentines, Folders, Labels, Railroad, 100 Pcs./$10. ORNATE E. COAST RR STOCK CERTIFS., 10 Diff., $15, 50 Asst., $55. CHECK OUT OUR wholesale catalog of over 1,000 items online. www.BestLittleHoardHouse.com
Postage Extra Postage Extra Extra Please Please Postage Please
STOCK CERTIFICATES WWW.CLINTONHOLLINS.COM List/ 3 stamps. 50 different, $19. 3/ $45. 15 different railroads, $26. 3/ $63. Hollins, Dept. V, Box 2711, Springfield, VA 22152-2711
TOM POLANSKY Box 1728P • Buellton, CA 93427 C647601 (805) 688-8577
CALENDARS, MOVIE POSTERS, Match covers. Anthony Carroll, 705 Gobin Dr., Carlisle, PA 17013, 717-243-2195.
FREE LISTS! FREQUENT Mail Auctions for Collectors/ Dealers. Paper, Miscellaneous Collectibles. Auctions since 1987. No minimum bids! Baeten, 511 Nathan, DePere, WI 54115
“FOR PETE’S SAKE” old postcards, airplanes, court houses, post offices, WWII, Libraries, R/R depots, ships, 85 categories, Vincent Peterson Jr., 815 Olde Hickory Rd. Apt. 215, Lancaster, PA 17601-4956. PICTURE POSTCARDS GLADLY sent on approval. Big variety of states, topics. Earlies, linens and chromes. Sitomer, 16357 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills, CA 91344.
PLEASE! Remember to include your NAME AND ADDRESS with your CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE ads.
JAPAN: LARGE COLLECTION Rural/ Costal/ Town views, 1900-1925 vintage, custom box, 825+ different, $4,900. 100+ hand stenciled envelopes included, near mint. Cornell, 413-582-0032 Thank you. Free. Donated: Money for Charity.
104 FOREIGN POSTCARDS in album sold as set $225 postpaid for U.S. address Linda Seeley, 721 Marrow St., South Hill, VA 23970, 434-447-6311. OLDPOSTCARDS.COM- Topical USTOWNVIEWS.COM- Views 50 States Alan Gottlied alan@oldpostcards.com 719-622-6722
BEAUTIFUL POSTCARDS MANY States, Topicals, Holidays, Oldies, Linens and Chromes. Open to Trades, Buy Sell approvals available. Sitomer, 16357 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344. FREE LIST. SEND for sales list of assorted lots of topics and foreign and state views. Gary Radtke (PACM), 11415 Green Ridge Dr., Waynesboro, PA 17268 NEAT! -FOREIGN- POSTCARDS for Sale! 35 assorted for $58 prepaid to you! Mail Check or M.O. to Greg Harrison, Box 574, Libby, MT 59923. POSTCARD APPROVALS. HAVE views, topicals, holiday. Write Robert Page, 25 Lexington Ave., Brattleboro, VT 05301 with want lists. POSTCARDS ON APPROVAL Send Want List. I will send approvals. Hundreds of categories. Jerry Noftsger, 923 Knob Creek, Tega Cay, SC 29708 postcard@comporium.net VINTAGE MINT LINEN U.S. Postcards, 10 different for $6 postpaid! Greg Pandajis, PO Box 822, Cheshire, CT 06410.
WANTED WANTED OLDER WIZZARD of Oz related hardcover books with dust jackets. Scott Silveri, 9 Elm St., Manchester, NH 03103 s.silveri@yahoo.com
WANTED INDIAN TERRITORY and Okla. territory items such as postcards, checks, tokens, letter heads and advertising items. Dale Ennis, Box 14, Coalgate, Okla. 74538.
www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com Have Questions? Call 1-800-428-4211 Or Fax Form To: 717-492-2566
Page 18 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 19
THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING Programs, pins, passes, books, older items only. Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre St., San Leandro, CA 94579 pharlap2@aol.com
THIMBLE THEATRE. POPEYE comic strips wanted, large size dailies and Sunday’s 1920’s-1930’s. Send price, condition, dates to Jim Eyler, 400 S. Main St., Elmer, NJ 08318.
FREE CATALOG HISTORICAL, Autographs, Letters, Photos, Documents, Signatures, Presidents, Political, Military, Actors, Monetary LTD, PO Box 670202, Dallas, TX 75367, 972-380-2798, mltd@peoplepc.com since 1981. WANTED: PRESIDENTIAL & Other Historic Autograph Material. Pages of History, PO Box 2840, Binghamton, NY 13902. 607-724-4983
WANTED ILLUSTRATED CALENDARS 19001959 Hunting/ Fishing, Pinups, Indian Madens, Children, Florals, animals, also calendar company salesman sample books Brown & Bigelow, TD Murphy. Email or call Wendy Hoffman Gallery wendysart@aol.com 702-839-9999.
WANTED POPEYE, 1930’S Paint Books, Little Big Books, Comic Books to 1943, etc. Good to fine condition. Jim Eyler, 400 S. Main St., Elmer, NJ 08318.
HAWBAKER TRAPPING SUPPLY. CatalogsGreencastle/ Ft. Loudon, PA. Looking for catalogs 1945 or earlier & related memorabilia. Terry Hardy, 717-367-2765 2162 Cedar Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 WANTED: ANY EARLY Sporting Magazines, Catalogs, Paper. Outdoor Life, Field and Stream, Northwestern Sportsmen, Outer’s, Outer’s Recreation. Gary Koelbl, 1815 Orchard Lane, Oshkosh, WI 54902.
RADIO BROADCASTING BOOKS, magazines, paper wanted on shows, performers, schedules, stations. Write or call: Bequaert Old Books, Box 775, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447. 603-585-3448, info@beqbooks.com
BUYING SATURDAY EVENING Post, Time, Life, Look, Collier’s, Movie Magazines, LHJ, Fortune, etc. 954-803-7544 or email oldevintagemags@aol.com INTERNATIONAL STUDIO MENTOR, Connoisseur, Antiques, Teens, 20/s, 30/s. Gilbert, 659 Lake Dr., Random Lake, WI 53075, 920-944-4568. WANTED: WEEKLY MAGAZINES from 1900 to 1980, Life, Time, SEP, Liberty, Colliers, Newsweek, Literary Digest, Look, Leslies. Fran DiBacco, 30 Everett Dr, Columbus, NJ 08022
ILLUSTRATOR ARTWORK BUY/SELL RAFOX Parrish Gutmann Delongpre Goodwin, Prints, Calendars, Pin-up Art, Armstrong, Elvgren, Vargas, Petty, Ammo-Art, Yard longs Hawaiiana, 702-839-9999, Wendy Hoffman Gallery, PO Box 35647, Las Vegas, NV 89133-5647. WOODBLOCK PRINTS WANTED- Color or B&W. Extraordinary prices for works by Dow and Provincetown Printers. Free illustrated want list. Steven Thomas, Inc., Dept. PACM, Box 41, Woodstock, VT 05091. Phone/ Fax: 800-781-8028. e-mail: stinc@sover.net
ALL NON-SPORTS CARDS: Tobacco, Coffee, Candy, Gum, Bread, cards wanted. Other old cards too. Good prices and friendly transactions. Alan Miley, 2403 Sugarberry, Reston, VA 20191-2727. 703-391-9156, a.miley@verizon.net BREAD, BAZOOKA & Baloney Gum, any kind. War, Elvis, Gilligans Island, Davy Crockett, Mars Attacks, Laugh-In, etc. any pre-1975 title wanted. Walt Meder, P.O.Box 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-379-1947 Email: walt@waltmeder.com RED ROSE TEA/ Blue Ribbon Caffee cards: “Butterflies of North America,” 48 card set from Canada. David Anderson, 1843 W. Lunt Ave., Chicago, IL 60626.
ELVIS PRESLEY BOOKS (500), Magazines (500). All or none, make offer 337-237-0553.
CHRISTMAS SEAL SOCIETY needs YOU! ou need the seal societ. Write- PO Box 18615, Rochester, NY 14618. Send $2 for sample journal, seal news. Write Today.
SHEET MUSIC WANTED- Any Era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Dr., Cinnaminson, NJ 08077. 856-829-6104 smusandy@aol.com
TRAINS ON STAMPS become a collector, learn more. Join the Casey Jones RR Unit. Write for information, free news letter: CJRRU, POB 18615, Rochester, NY 14618.
FOREIGN PAPER MONEY wanted in any condition and quantity. Same day check. World Wide Notaphilic Service, Box 5427PM, Vallejo, CA 94591 WANTED: OLD PAPER money, United States, prior to 1934. Any quantity. Also foreign. Send for fair offer. Horwedel, PO Box 2395, W Lafayette, IN 47996 765-583-2748
DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA stereoviews, postcards, photographs, ephemera for history book project. bobkolbe@gmail.com 605-332-9662, Bob Kolbe, 1305 S. Duluth, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.
KATE SMITH MEMORABILIA: Radio, TV, Movies, Sheet Music, Advertising. Need the unusual. Long-time collector: Raymond Wood, PO Box 242, Syracuse, NY 13214.
WANTED PRE-1960 RADIO • WIRELESS • TV TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH Books, Magazines, Paper Items & Catalogs Single Items or Collections
Bequaert Old Books BUYING TOY CATALOGS Pre-1960 the earlier the better, also buying Toy Advertising, Photos, Postcards. Joseph Saine, 628 Dixie Hwy, Rossford, Ohio 43460. 419-662-toys or www.josephsaine.com
STAMPS, POSTCARDS, COINS, Currency, Autographs, Historic Documents. Bought & sold. Especially Jewish-theme, anti-semitic material from 1933-1945. Free Appraisals. Est. 1955. Bick International, PO Box 854pac, Van Nuys, CA 91498 iibick@sbcglobal.net 818-997-6496, fax 818-988-4337.
WANTED INDIAN TERRITORY and Okla. items, such as postcards, trade tokens, checks, documents, letterheads, advertising items. Dale Ennis, Box 14, Coalgate, Okla. 74538. WORLD WAR II ration items wanted: forms, books, tokens, checks, articles, etc. Describe carefully. Price or ask for offer. Lee Poleske, Box 871, Seward, AK 99664.
FRUIT CRATE LABELS looking for wholesale source that sell undamaged labels in quantity. All inquiries answered. Lawrence Eaton, 194 LaFayette Rd. Lot 27E, Salisbury, MA 01952 kanlprints@aol.com
P.O. Box 775 • Fitzwilliam, NH 03447 603-585-3448 • info@beqbooks.com
BUY, SELL, TRADE- WWI, WWII, Zeppelin Aviation literature, unit histories, manuals, biographies, recognition items, see Display advertisement. Howard Levine, 12 Ivy Lane, Seekonk, MA 02771.
OLD TRANSPORTATION TICKETS. U.S. Pre1930 from Trolley, Railroad, Bridges, Ferry, Tollroad, Omnibus, Stage, Horsecar, Railway, etc. Dan Benice, PO Box 5708, Cary, NC 27512.
PRE-1960 FLORIDA AND Cuba Memorabilia Wanted. Tourist brochures, souvenirs, etc. Herb Hoffman, 1350 Monroe St., Hollywood, Florida 33019, 954-925-8472, modernc@gate.net
SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618
STOCKS AND BONDS wanted. Bruce Heiner, 13802 Princess Anne Way, Phoenix, MD 21131.
1940’S, 1950’S PAPER, Baseball, Movies, Pin-ups, Radio, Scrapbooks, Magazines, Postcards, Photos, Sport, and Nonsport. Trading cards. Jim Gebo, 15 May Court, Methuen, MA 01844, 978-685-7781, jimgebo@gmail.com A BERKSHIRE COUNTY Collector wants these towns Hinsdale, Hoosac Tunnel, Mill River, Peru, Otis, Richmond, Southfield, Becket. J. Rupinski, 170 Cheshire Rd., Pittsfield, MA 01201. AMERICAN & CANADIAN Ephemera Pre1930. Pamphlets, travel brochures, trade catalogs, advertising, sheet music, scrapbooks, maps, atlases, almanacs, handwritten letters, ledgers, diaries, etc. 518-756-6492. ANYTHING PERTAINING TO Actual Crimes, Victims, Suspects, Police, Lizzie Borden, Black Dahlia, Winnie Judd, Gracy, Rosenbergs, Capone. Tal Kanigher, Box 6294, Burbank, CA 91505, 1-818-848-6469. AUTOGRAPHS, BANNERS, POLITICAL pins, leathers, baseball cards, sports memorabilia music, comics, wanted. Highest price paid. Write: Stan Block, 128 Cynthia Rd, Newton, MA 02459. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Fairs, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Fireworks, Girlie Pinup Magazines, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. GENERAL EPHEMERA LARGE postcard, United States and Foreign postal history inventory, trade cards and advertising paper. Ken Shea, 5 Oak Valley Rd., Wellfleet, MA 02667. I PAY “Immediate Cash” for old letters with envelopes 1800’s-1920’s era any country prompt reply! Write with description and asking price to “Collector” 18330 Wards Ferry Rd. SP 29, Sonora, CA 95370. MATCH COVER COLLECTORS Why not join 1,000s of others in this fascinating & inexpensive hobby? Write RATHKAMP Match Cover Society, C/O Terry Rowe, Box A 1509 S. Dugan Rd., Urbana, OH 430789209 or check www.matchcover.org
TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709, kdomo22951@aol.com
NANTUCKET ISLAND POSTCARDS, Ephemera Wanted. Better cards, albums, collections, approvals welcom. Seeking early, quality. Scott Waldie, 41 Hooper Farm Rd., Nantucket, MA 02554, swaldie01@comcast.net
100,000 OLD STAMPS Auction by Country Start $1 Ebay cptkneecap real auction Ken Owings Americana kcojco@comcast.net Box 561 N. Dighton, MA 02764. Genuine Ebay Auction.
ONE-ROOM SCHOOLHOUSE WANTED. Teacher collects, photos, postcards, student work from old rural schools. Fuhro, 419 East Third Ave., Roselle, NJ 07203. 908-241-7829.
Page 20 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
POSTCARDS, TRADE CARDS, early Advertising, Catalogs, Magazines, Railroad, Tobacco cards, Historical, Booklets, Pamphlets, Entertainment, Misc. paper, before 1950. Jim Swenson, Box 61, Oakland, Nebraska 68045, 402-685-5597. WANT PICTORIALS OF Trencher Machines Badger Buckeye Cleveland Parson’s from 1950’s and 1960’s. Write only to Dale L. Hilk, 424 E. 1st, Waconia, MI 55387. WANTED CASINO COLLECTIBLES- OLD NEVADA POSTCARDS REAL PHOTO, MATCHBOOKS, SLOT/ KEY CARDS, TOKENS, CHIPS OR ADVERTISING PAPER, FRANK, 702-382-4774, 2024 FONTANA AVE., LAS VEGAS, NV 89106. WANTED DIONNE QUINTUPLETS and Margaret O’Brien postcards or other paper or non-paper items pertaining to them. Lois Helen Brown, 154 W 500 S, Peru, IN 46970-7621. 765-473-3983. WANTED: POSTCARDS, OLD Magazines, Movie, Railroad, Advertising, Trade Cards Motorcycle, Coins, Trade Tokens, before 1940. Box 61, Oakland, Nebraska, 68045, 402-685-5597.
COLLECTORS, PLEASE SEND a lists of your wants. I’m always going-to-estate sales etc. Thank you! Rayond, PO Box 722, Warrenton, OR 97146.
DECALS WANTED- WATER Dip Only. States, Travel, Parks, Attractions, Pin-ups. Robin Paul, 607 S. Main St. #105, Wauconda, IL 60084.
CARDS (Continued from page 16)
Christmas to all!” We can perhaps read the retrospective images and sentiments of these cards as reactions to a society that was becoming increasingly mobile, with family members moving farther and farther away from home. Although the cards often depict gift-giving, it is the action of greeting that is emphasized; presents are less the point than reunion. This theme of coming together is reiterated in Christmas songs such as “Have Yourself a Merry Little
French-fold card, 4 by 5 inches. Red and gray lithography on paper, partial deckle edge, circa 1950. Image by Jean Lamont.
I PAY “Immediate Cash” for Pre-1950 era Marbles, all sizes, good condition only. Fast Reply! “Collector” 18330 Wards Ferry Rd.- Sp.29, Sonora, CA 95370.
AIRLINES & AIRPORT chrome cards, esp. domestic, published during the 1950s & 1960s, a permanent want. Armen Avakian, 4560 Pinehollow Ct, Apt 170, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317-298-8913.
WANT PUBLIC SCHOOL Ephemera, Pre-1920 Postcards, Photos, Documents, also Chinese in America, Girls Basketball. Saybrook, CT. Collector, Box 20, Old Saybrook, CT 06475.
MEGAN FOLLOWS COLLECTOR seeks program air dates 1982 Kraft Sealtest ice cream commercial as ballet dancer. Richard Kanarr, 3102 Prince St., Harrisburg, PA 17111-1683, 717-558-8126.
BOOKS AND POSTCARDS relating to Michigan and Wisconsin Copper and Iron Mining. Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield Street, Oshkosh, WI 54902
WANTED BETTER POSTCARDS, old paper from Minn., Wisc. Paul Schultz, 19425 Woodland Acres., So. Pine City, MN. 55063.
MODEL AIRPLANE AND Aviation Collectibles wanted: Books, magazines, kits, engines, accessories. I buy estates. Aeroindex, PO Box 1135, Cheshire, CT 06410. 203-250-0720 Aeroindex@cox.net RETIRED BURBANK POLICE Lt. will purchase your genuine Law Enforcement badges, describe and price 1st letter. Tal Kanigher, Box 6294, Burbank, CA 91505, 1-818-848-6469 WANTED RAILROAD AND Security Badges. Also Casino Security Patches. Mel Arndt, 551 Huntington Commons Rd., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, 847-956-6652. WANTED: BOY SCOUT Patches, Memorabilia. Order of the Arrow Patches, Memorabilia, all Boy Scout Items. Drew A Fillak, 855 Cherry St., Manteno, Illinois 60950-6829.
BOB BOGDAN WANTED exceptional Real Photo Postcards any topic any location, rcbogdan@syr.edu 802-948-2664. WANTED: POSTCARDS FROM Praire Depot in Ohio now Wayne. John Peace, PO Box 343, Wayne, Ohio 43466
Christmas” from the 1944 film Meet Me in St. Louis: “Here we are as in olden days / Happy golden days of yore / Faithful
MUTOSCOPES; ARTIST PINUPS; (Exhibits); Nudes. Send info. Titles; Condition; Price. Will send my (Want List). Tony Bourassa, PO box 722, Round Lake, NY 12151. 518-899-5415. WANT 3X5 OR 4x6 Color Postcards of Groups Posing for Camera. Athletic Teams, Musicians, Families, Military Units, Natives, Conventions, Workers, Cheerleaders. Box 1559, Colorado Springs, CO 80901.
PUERTO RICO WANTED: postcards, photos, stereoviews, books, stamps, coins, letters, maps. Prompt payment. Personal collection. Jose A. Sierra, PO Box 374, Camuy, PR 00627-0374.
I AM ALWAYS looking for Mining related Postcards and books. Write with information Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh, WI 54902. POSTCARD COLLECTIONS WANTED U.S. & Foreign. Will travel for larger collections. Paying Top Prices. Please contact before shipping: Elaine Luck, PO Box 5473, Akron, OH 44334, ph.330-867-6724, Email eluck@neo.rr.com PUBLIC SCHOOL, TEACHERS, Students, School Yards, Interiors, etc. Also Chinese in America. Prompt response and payment. Tedd Levy, Box 20, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. tedd.levy@sbcglobal.net WANTED: CANADA POSTCARDS, Collections & Canada Mining Stocks. Fred @ 810-3856191 or email: fwwtanner@gmail.com
POSTCARDS WANTED: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, not Prague: Austria, not Vienna; Germany any smaller city Gruss Aus; Pozdrav & Eastern Europe. All before 1929. Approvals welcome. Penny Kleinman 516-921-0184 or email: pennykleinman@gmail.com
WANTED: POSTCARDS MOWER County especially Austin, Lansing 6 mile grove Halloween, Santas (not re) early farming. Higgins Books, 17929 538th Ave., Austin, MN 55912.
friends who are dear to us / Gather near to us once more.” As in the song, these cards suggest that Christmas is about being together, that no matter where life has taken you, you will be reunited with those you love for the holiday. The Bard Graduate Center is located in New
York City at 18 West 86th Street, between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m to 5 p.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission to both the Focus and Main Galleries is $7 general, $5 senior and students, and free Thursday evenings after 5 p.m. For more information about the Bard Graduate Center and upcoming exhibitions, visit bgc.bard.edu.
Augmented French-fold card, 5-1/2 by 4-1/4 inches. Imitation hand-colored photograph applied to black and color lithographed lightweight, Modified French-fold card, 4-3/8 by 5-3/8 inches. embossed paper, circa 1935. Sunny Scenes Inc., Black, red, and silver lithography on paper, short fold at bottom, circa 1935. Winter Park, Florida.
P.A.C.M. - December 2011 Page 21
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- FOR SALE BOOKS 5006 Automotive 5009 Children’s 5012 Cookbooks 5015 Detective/Mystery 5018 Historical 5021 Militaria 5024 Sports 5027 Western 5030 Misc. Hardcovers 5036 Misc. Paperbacks COUNTRY STORE 5042 Dispensers 5045 Display Pieces 5048 Signs 5051 Tins 5054 Misc. Country Store MAGAZINES 5060 Automotive 5063 Aviation 5066 Comics 5069 Detective/Mystery 5072 Geographical 5075 Hunting/Fishing 5078 Men’s 5081 Movies/Theater 5084 Music 5087 Radio/Television 5090 Science Fiction 5093 Science/Mechanics
area code must be included.
5096 Sports 5099 TV Program Guides 5102 Women’s 5105 Misc. Magazines EPHEMERA 5111 Advertising 5114 Art/Illustration 5117 Art/Pinup 5120 Autographs 5123 Automotive 5126 Breweriana 5129 Calendars 5132 Cards, Sports 5135 Cards, Non-Sports 5138 Cartoons/Comic Art 5141 Catalogs 5144 Disney 5147 Documents 5150 Entertainment 5153 Genealogy 5156 Historical 5159 Labels 5162 Maps 5165 Militaria 5168 Movies/Theater 5171 Music 5174 Newspapers 5177 Numismatic 5180 Paper Dolls, Soldiers 5183 Photographica
4-6 Issues - 15% 7-12 Issues - 20%
+ + + + $
Times number of issues x TOTAL PRICE $
COMPLETE BOXES AT LEFT USING CLASSIFICATION NUMBERS LISTED BELOW. MULTIPLE INSERTIONS: Not responsible for errors, unless called to our attention before second insertion
- WANTED 5186 Political 5189 Posters 5192 Preservation Supplies 5195 Radio/TV 5198 Railroadiana 5201 Regional 5204 Sports 5207 Stamps 5210 Stocks/Bonds 5213 Tobacco Cards 5216 Trade Cards 5219 Transportation 5222 Travel 5225 Western 5228 Misc. Paper 5234 Misc. Non-Paper POSTCARDS 5240 Topical, Real Photo 5243 Topical, Misc. 5246 Views, Real Photo 5249 Views, Misc. 5252 Misc. Postcards PULPS 5258 Misc. Pulps SIGNS & DISPLAYS 5264 Misc. Signs & Displays
BOOKS 5306 Automotive 5309 Children’s 5312 Cookbooks 5315 Detective/Mystery 5318 Historical 5321 Militaria 5324 Sports 5327 Western 5330 Misc. Hardcovers 5336 Misc. Paperbacks COUNTRY STORE 5342 Dispensers 5345 Display Pieces 5348 Signs 5351 Tins 5354 Misc. Country Store MAGAZINES 5360 Automotive 5363 Aviation 5366 Comics 5369 Detective/Mystery 5372 Geographical 5375 Hunting/Fishing 5378 Men’s 5381 Movies/Theater 5384 Music 5387 Radio/Television 5390 Science Fiction 5393 Science/Mechanics
5396 Sports 5399 TV Program Guides 5402 Women’s 5405 Misc. Magazines EPHEMERA 5411 Advertising 5414 Art/Illustration 5417 Art/Pinup 5420 Autographs 5423 Automotive 5426 Breweriana 5429 Calendars 5432 Cards, Sports 5435 Cards, Non-Sports 5438 Cartoons/Comic Art 5441 Catalogs 5444 Disney 5447 Documents 5450 Entertainment 5453 Genealogy 5456 Historical 5459 Labels 5462 Maps 5465 Militaria 5468 Movies/Theater 5471 Music 5474 Newspapers 5477 Numismatic 5480 Paper Dolls, Soldiers 5483 Photographica
5486 Political 5489 Posters 5492 Preservation Supplies 5495 Radio/TV 5498 Railroadiana 5501 Regional 5504 Sports 5507 Stamps 5510 Stocks/Bonds 5513 Tobacco Cards 5516 Trade Cards 5519 Transportation 5522 Travel 5525 Western 5528 Misc. Paper 5534 Misc. Non-Paper POSTCARDS 5540 Topical, Real Photo 5543 Topical, Misc. 5546 Views, Real Photo 5549 Views, Misc. 5552 Misc. Postcards PULPS 5558 Misc. Pulps SIGNS & DISPLAYS 5564 Misc. Signs & Displays
INTERNET: Place an Ad or Search Online www.paperandadvertisingcollector.com E-MAIL:
Page 22 P.A.C.M. - December 2011
Advertiser Index Association Insurance Administrators . .7 Bags Unlimited Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Bigler, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Collectorama Show Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Courthouse Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Flamingo Eventz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Gary L. Sweitzer Enterprises Inc. . . . . .10 Heritage Auction Galleries . . . . . . . . . . .2 Heroes And Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Herzog, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 J&D Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Jung, Wally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 K.D. Smith Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Levine, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Lyn Knight Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
SHOWTIME (Continued from page 13)
bidder for $2,950; a Signal Gas round porcelain tin sign, 72 inches in diameter and in excellent condition, found a new owner for $2,200; and a Sharpleigh’s Razor Blade store display case with product, wood and glass with original decals, finished at $1,210. Showtime Auction Services’ next big sale will be
Mears Online Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Metropolitan Postcard Club Of New York City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Morlatton Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . .14 Mynotera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Neat Stuff Collectibles.Com . . . . . . . . .9 Paper Asylum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Peterson, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Pflaumer-Cox, Gerlinde . . . . . . . . . . .11 Riseman, Paul A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Robert Edward Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Suburban Collectors Club . . . . . . . . . .11 Unshredded Nostalgia . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 We Print Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
an absentee Internet auction, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sold will slated to end Jan. 28, be 2,000 lots, similar to what 2012, at 6 p.m. changed hands in this (EST). Offered will sale. Featured will be be around 300 lots the best collection of in a wide array of Yeungling’s Beer: categories. Then, Yeungling’s Beer on March 30 to reverse glass sign, April 1, 2012, made by the John L. Showtime will Dawes Mfg. Co. hold a huge live ($43,125). auction at the Washtenaw Farm original pedal cars Council Grounds in Showtime has ever
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33 VOL.
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offered. Showtime Auction Services is based in Woodhaven, Mich. The firm is always accepting quality items for future sales. To consign an item, an estate or a collection, you may call Michael Eckles at (951) 4532415; or, you can e-mail him at MikEckles@aol.com. To learn more about Showtime Auctions and its upcoming events, please log on to www.ShowtimeAuctions.com.
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