PAC August 2015

Page 1


VOL. 37 NO. 8

The Morgan Presents Landmark Exhibition Celebration Of The 150th Anniversary Of

Alice In Wonderland


Page 2 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

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CIMARRON (RKO, 1931). One Sheet (27" X 41"). ESTIMATE: $50,000 - $100,000

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P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 3

As summer rolls full speed ahead, this month we look at an exciting and groundbreaking exhibition marking the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice In Wonderland.” Sure to interest any literary and ephemera fan, the show, being held at the well-known Morgan Library in New York City, explores the making of this classic and will showcase original illustrations. Also in this issue, postcard enthusiast Bob Dissinger gives a brief history of the Lancaster County, Pa., town of Mount Joy through early postcards. In other news, an extremely rare, circa 1860, Brooklyn Atlantics team baseball card passed down in one family for over 150 years will be sold at Heritage on July 30. “This is a seminal artifact, not just of baseball, but of American history,” said Chris Ivy, director of sports auctions at Heritage. The Atlantics served as a founding member of the sport’s first organized league, the National Association of Base Ball Players. Of course, there is a lot more, including information on other various shows, auctions, and exhibitions. Until next month, enjoy!

Inside This Issue The Morgan Presents “Alice In Wonderland” . . . . . . .4 A Short History Of Mount Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Ansel Adams’ National Park Portfolio Propels Photographs Auction To $585,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Heritage Comics And Comic Art Auction Evidenses Rising Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 PACM Classified Marketplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Frida Kahlo Love Letters Sell For $137,000 At Doyle New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Advertiser Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

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Articles and Stories: PACM welcomes news items, show schedules, stories about shows, exhibits, individual collectors and dealers.


Page 4 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

The Morgan Presents Landmark Exhibition Celebrating 150th Anniversary Of

“Alice In Wonderland” This summer, the Morgan Library & Museum will take visitors on an unforgettable journey exploring one of the greatest tales ever told, Lewis Carroll’s enchanting “Alice’s

Adventures in Wonderland.” The exhibition marks the 150th anniversary of “Alice’s” publication in 1865 and sheds light on the genesis of the story and its extraordinary reception in

England and abroad. The show includes the original manuscript of “Alice,” on special loan from the British Library, as well as original correspondence, unique drawings, handcolored proofs, rare editions, vintage photographs, and important objects associated with the story, some never before exhibited. “Alice: 150 Years of Wonderland” will be on view through Sunday, Oct. 11. “Visitors to ‘Alice: 150 Years of Wonderland’ will encounter the fascinating and often surprising story behind the making of one of the world’s true literary classics,” said Peggy Fogelman, acting director of the Morgan Library & Museum. “The Morgan has long held an outstanding collection of “Alice” material, and many of the most important items are featured in the exhibiJohn Tenniel’s (1820-1914) “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?” tion. We are also extraordinarily (The Mad Tea Party) was from 1885. The hand-colored proof was grateful to the British Library gifted by Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & for loaning the original Museum. Photography by Steven H. Crossot, 2014.

This hand-colored proof by John Tenniel (1820-1914) “Nothing but a pack of cards!” from 1885 was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. The photography was by Steven H. Crossot, 2014.

manuscript to serve as a centerpiece for the show. It is a rare treat,” said Fogelman. (Continued on page 5)



P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 5

“Alice In Wonderland” (Continued from page 4)



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56th Garden State Postcard Show SEPTEMBER 26 & 27, 2015 The Carte de visite photograph of Lewis Carroll with lens is from 1863. It was taken by Oscar Gustav Rejlander and was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Graham S. Haber, 2015.

been translated into more than 170 languages. The Exhibition Section I. Who Are You? Alice replied, rather shyly … “I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” The exhibition begins with an introduction to the key players in the Alice tale: Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell. Carroll invented himself in (Continued on page 9)

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Background The story of “Wonderland” was first told during a boating trip one English afternoon to Alice Liddell and her two sisters by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll. Delighted by the fantastic world of logic and nonsense inhabited by rabbits in waistcoats and playing card gardeners, the 10-year-old Alice asked for a written copy of her namesake’s adventures underground. Carroll proceeded to painstakingly write out the story, illustrating the original manuscript with his own pen and ink drawings. Revised and substantially expanded, the story first appeared in print in 1865 as “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” with the iconic illustrations of John Tenniel. However, Tenniel was dissatisfied with the printing quality of his illustrations, and the edition was suppressed almost immediately. Today, only about 20 copies of the first printing are known to survive. The story was quickly reprinted, and the new edition beautifully reproduced Tenniel’s brilliant drawings. Almost overnight, “Alice” became a publishing sensation, as the combination of text and illustration brought to life a story that has endured for 150 years. During this long period, “Alice in Wonderland” has never been out-of-print and has

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John Tenniel (1820-1914) drew “The White Rabbit” in 1885. Here is a hand-colored proof. It was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Steven H. Crossot, 2014.

Here is an albumen print of Alice Liddell wearing a wreath as “Queen of May” in 1860. The photograph was taken by Lewis Carroll (1832- 1898) and was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Graham S. Haber, 2015.

Page 6 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

A Short History Of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania By Bob Dissinger

Mount Joy was founded in 1721 by Scotch-Irish immigrants. The town was named for the Irish supply ship, The Mount Joy. The town rests

along Main Street, which is Route 230. The township was organized in 1759. Originally the town was comprised of Florin, Mount Joy, and

Richland. Businesses during these early times were mainly taverns, inns, mills, blacksmith shops, and wagon makers. Today, there are many businesses flourishing in this community. The post office first opened on Dec. 1, 1818. The first postmaster was O. Hendrickson. The post office of Florin opened March 6, 1882. Florin’s first

postmaster was H.E. Hershey. Many of the early homes, churches, and other structures still remain in the borough and can be viewed on some of the card images provided here, with two early exceptions. If you haven’t thought about collecting postcards, think about it. It can be a very informative and enjoyable hobby. Thank you for reading. More Photos On Page 7

Here was one of the public school Here is the vault from The Union The circa 1880 trade card is from the mercantile of Mrs. Jennie G. Sobers. buildings. National Mount Joy Bank.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY of OCEAN GROVE Invites You to its 26th Annual Summer Antique Show


This card is of Donegal Presbyterian Church.

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PHONE: (732) 774-1869 • FAX (732) 774-1685

The Central Hotel was built by Alois Bube.

P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 7

History Of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania (Continued from page 6)

This is a circa 1880 trade card for Phillip A. Here is a view of the post office. Pyle.

This was the interior view of First National Bank.

This was Marietta Street looking west.

This was East Main Street.


This card is of the Pennsylvania railroad depot station.

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Page 8 P.A.C.M. - August 2015


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More than 200 lots of classic images realized more than $585,000 in Heritage Auctions’ Spring Photographs Signature Auction on May 3 in New York City. Several works exceeded expectations, such as Terry O’Neill’s “Faye Dunaway, Hollywood, 1977,” which sold for $17,500, and Petit’s “Mobil Station, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, 1974,” by George A. Tice, which sold for $12,500 against a $6,000 estimate. However, works by prominent artists claimed the auction’s top lots, as in the case of Ansel Adams’ acclaimed



Ansel Adams’ National Park Portfolio Propels Photographs Auction To $585,000


(Continued on page 14)


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P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 9

(Continued from page 5)

1856, about a decade before the publication of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” The pseudonym is derived from the author’s real name, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, by way of Latin: Charles>Carolus> Carroll; Lutwidge>Ludovicus> Lewis. He came up with the pen name, along with a few others, when publishing a poem in a magazine. From the list of options, his editor picked “Lewis Carroll,” and he used this name for the rest of his life, first as a byline for his poetry and later when publishing children’s books or writing publicly in the persona of Lewis Carroll. He was known in daily life as Charles Dodgson and used his real name when lecturing and publishing on mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford University, and when keeping up with his voluminous correspondence. Carroll was also one of the most important amateur photographers of the Victorian era, and it was while photographing in the Christ Church deanery garden, also in the spring of 1856, that he first met Alice Liddell, who later inspired the children’s classic. Alice Liddell was the fourth of 10 children born to Lorina and Henry Liddell. When she was 4 years old, the family moved to Oxford following her father’s appointment as the Dean of Christ Church College. The Liddell children were raised in the Christ Church deanery, located just off of the college’s central Tom Quad, and their lives were filled with comfort but strictly regulated: Alice and her sisters had a governess and a constant stream of tutors and instructors, including the famous art critic John Ruskin, who gave them art lessons. Section II. Down the Rabbit-Hole. “When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one! There ought to be a book written about me, that there ought!” This section explores the long creative process involved in bringing the Alice story to the public. Carroll later recalled that when he first told the story during the afternoon boating trip, he was desperate to “strike out some new

This is John Tenniel’s (18201914) “Painting the roses red,” from 1885. The hand-colored proof was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Steven H. Crossot, 2014.

line of fairy-lore” and, with no idea what would follow, sent his heroine “straight down a rabbithole.” Wonderland emerged over the long afternoon, and at the end of the day, the 10-yearold Alice asked for a written copy of the tale. It took Carroll a little over two years to finish the manuscript, and still another year to expand and prepare it for publication. Carroll presented a slim volume, the original manuscript of “Alice’s Adventures,” to Alice in 1864. When Carroll decided to publish the story, he commissioned John Tenniel to re-illustrate the book. Several of Tenniel’s illustrations were influenced by Carroll’s drawings in the manuscript, and author and artist collaborated closely on the designs. Carroll was sensitive to the relationship between text and image and gave instructions as to the exact size of the pictures and precisely ordered their placement. This acute attention to the overall design of the book, the way in which his witty and inventive text interacts with Tenniel’s beautiful drawings, was central to its brilliant reception. Carroll had originally hoped to publish “Alice” for the 1864 Christmas market, but delays with the illustrations pushed the date back by several months. In May, it was clear that the book could be ready by summer and Carroll pushed to have some copies published before the three-year anniversary of the

Included in the exhibit are Alice Liddell’s purse, prayer books, letter seal, ring, and this letter to her father. They were gifts of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Graham S Haber, 2015.

Looking-Glass. “Let’s pretend the glass has got all soft like gauze, so that we can get through. Why, it’s turning into a sort of mist now, I declare! It’ll be easy enough to get through.” Shortly after publishing “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” in 1865, Carroll wrote to Macmillan that he was contemplating a sequel. A book of transformations, “Through (Continued on page 10)

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“Alice In Wonderland”

boating trip. Two thousand copies were printed at the Clarendon Press in Oxford. The printer delivered the first copies to the Macmillan publishing house on June 27, just in time to have one specially bound and sent to Alice for the anniversary. Section III. Pictures and Conversations. “And what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” John Tenniel’s illustrations capture the essence of Wonderland: in many respects, they are as important to the story as Carroll’s dazzling text. The artist elaborated on the author’s initial drawings, making the characters and their interactions vibrant and magical. Tenniel’s illustrations appeared exclusively in black and white for the first 25 years of publication. In the 1880s, he and Carroll began working on an abridged version of the story for younger children, which would include 20 of the illustrations enlarged and colored. The artist’s own hand-colored proofs guided Edmund Evans, one of the leading color printers of the day, when preparing the edition. Section IV. Through the

Page 10 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

“Alice In Wonderland” (Continued from page 9)

the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There” takes place six months after our heroine wakes from the dream of “Wonderland,” when she is seven-and-a-half years old. The book was eventually published in 1871 (with an 1872 title page), and again featured illustrations by John Tenniel that

Here is Lewis Carroll’s and John Tenniel’s (illustrator) first printing of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” London: Macmillan and Co., 1865, (first suppressed edition). It was a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Graham S. Haber, 2015.

were engraved by the wellknown Brothers Dalziel firm. Work on the book was slow, partially owing to the pace set by Tenniel, who was at the height of his career and had initially declined the commission. As with “Alice,” Carroll carefully oversaw the design and production of the book, giving precise instructions for the size and placement of illustrations within the text. The first two impressions sold out within seven weeks of publication, and it too has never been out-ofprint. Section V. Thus Grew the Tale of Wonderland. “Wonderland,” this world of logical nonsense, continues to grip our imagination. What began as a simple tale, first told to delight three young children one summer afternoon, has grown beyond the bounds of its original format and narrative. Parodied and adapted in countless ways, the characters and themes of the story continue to live independently as cultural reference points. Alice and her companions first leapt off of the page under the careful eye of

Collector Looking North South East and West for Pre-1910

Cigar Store Trade Figures and Signs. Metal, Zinc or Wood Carved Period Tobacco Advertising Displays. Original Photographs of Figures in front of Stores Purchased. Send e-mail photos to: S883889

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Mark Suozzi 413-628-3241

These magic lantern slides from W. Butcher & Sons, “Alice in Wonderland,” London, 1905-1908, were issued in the Primus junior lecturers’ series, number 778d. They were a gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr. to The Morgan Library & Museum. Photography by Graham S. Haber, 2015.

the author, who paid close attention to the use of the narrative until his death in 1898. Carroll himself worked to develop the Alice market by issuing tie-ins, licensing the characters for specific products, collaborating on the first stage adaptation, and publishing a facsimile of the manuscript. Following his death and the expiration of copyright in 1907, the characters of “Wonderland” have more fully infiltrated our world in endlessly unexpected and adaptable expressions. Children’s Literature At The Morgan The drawings and hand-colored proofs for “Alice” are part of the Morgan’s rich collection of children’s literature, which includes the earliest written record of the “Mother Goose” tales (a 1695 illustrated manuscript of Charles Perrault’s “Contes de Ma Mere l’Oye”), illustrated letters of “Beatrix Potter,” Antoine de SaintExupéry’s original watercolors and heavily-revised working manuscript of “The Little Prince” (1943), and the drafts and drawings for Jean de Brunhoff’s “Histoire de Babar” (1931). Visiting With Families A gallery guide will be available for families, and “Wonderland” coloring sheets for younger visitors will be on hand for those dining in the Morgan Café. The exhibition installation will include a reading area with colorful carpets and stools where visitors may sit together and page through copies of “Alice.”

Public Programs A family Sunday story time in Mr. Morgan’s library will be held every Sunday from June 28 through Oct. 11 from 3 to 4 p.m. It is free with museum admission and free to Cool Culture members. No reservations necessary. Appropriate for ages 3 to 6. The film “Alice in Wonderland” (1951, 75 minutes) will be shown Sunday, July 19, at 1 p.m. The short film “Betty in Blunderland” (1934, 7 minutes) precedes the screening. After the show, pop into the Morgan Café for afternoon tea. Exhibition-related films are free with museum admission. Advance reservations for members only. Tickets are available at the admission desk on the day of the screening. A lecture titled, “The Story (Continued on page 11)

Lewis Carroll’s (1832-1898) drawing, “Your hair wants cutting” (The Mad Tea Party), circa May 1865, is a pen-and-ink on paper after a woodblock proof of John Tenniel’s design. It is from a private collection.

P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 11

“Alice In Wonderland”

The Morgan Library & Museum began as the private library of financier Pierpont Morgan, one of the preeminent collectors and cultural benefac-

DANIEL HERZOG Cash in a flash for Pre-1950 postcards


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Features: Paper, Postcards, Photographs, Book And Everything Ephemera. Check Us Out On

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FREE ADMISSION Food Concession at the show from 11 A.M.-2 P.M.


tors in the United States. Today, more than a century after its founding in 1906, the Morgan serves as a museum, independent research library, music venue, architectural landmark, and historic site. In October 2010, the Morgan completed the first-ever restoration of its original McKim building, Pierpont Morgan’s private library, and the core of the institution. In tandem with the 2006 expansion project by architect Renzo Piano, the Morgan now provides visitors unprecedented access to its world-renowned collections of drawings, literary and historical manuscripts, musical scores, medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, printed books, photography, and ancient Near Eastern seals and tablets. The programs of the Morgan Library & Museum are made possible with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The Morgan Library & Museum is located at 225 Madison Ave., at 36th St., in New York City. Call 212-685-0008 or visit


For Info Call: TERRY BIGLER P.O. Box 1961, DUBLIN, OHIO 43017


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(Continued from page 10)

of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland” by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst will be held on Saturday, Aug. 8, at 2 p.m. In his latest book, Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Magdalen College, University of Oxford, illuminates the friendship between Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) and Alice Liddell, the child for whom he invented the Alice stories. Douglas-Fairhurst examines how this relationship stirred Carroll’s imagination and influenced the creation of “Wonderland.” A book signing will follow the talk. Organization and Sponsorship This exhibition will be made possible by the generous support of Rudy and Sally Ruggles, the American Trust for the British Library, the Caroline Macomber Fund, and the Peter J. Solomon Family Foundation, with additional assistance from the Young Fellows Project Fund, Jon A. Lindseth, and the Charles E. Pierce, Jr. Fund for Exhibitions.

Page 12 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

Heritage Comics And Comic Art Auction Evidences Rising Market The original art from Alex Raymond’s March 21, 1939, “Flash Gordon and Jungle Jim” Sunday comic strip (King Features Syndicate) brought $155,350 on May 29 at Heritage Auctions. It was the third highest price ever realized on a piece of original comic strip art for the company. The three-day Comics and Comic Art Signature Auction held May 28, 29, and 30 grossed over $6 million. “Collector interest in original art continues to be strong,”

said Ed Jaster, senior vice president at Heritage Auctions, “especially as it concerns the big names in early comic strips.” This was abundantly evident in not just the auction’s top lot, but also in the lots that occupy the numbers two and three on the final auction tally sheet: Winsor McCay’s surreal original “Little Nemo in Slumberland” Sunday comic strip art dated July 18, 1909, (New York Herald) was the (Continued on page 13)

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Books From The

Heritage Auction (Continued from page 12)

subject of spirited bidding before it finished the day at $131,450, a new world record price for the artist, while Alex Raymond made another appearance with his “Flash Gordon” Sunday comic strip original art dated July 12, 1936, (King Features Syndicate) which realized $89,625. On the comic book side of the auction, the Dark Knight reigned supreme, garnering an impressive $83,650 final price realized for a CGC-graded 8.0 copy of Detective Comics #33 (DC, 1939), while a CGC-graded 4.5 copy of Batman #1 (DC, 1940), the #6 comic book on Overstreet’s Top 100 Golden Age comics list, brought $77,675. Additional highlights of the auction included a Captain America Comics #1 (Timely, 1941) CGC 5.5. This will always be considered one of the most desirable comics in the hobby, primarily due to the fact that it has one of the most famous covers of all time. It also sits in the #7 spot on

Overstreet’s list of the Top 100 Golden Age Comics. The marks the origin and first appearance of Captain America and Bucky, by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, as well as the first appearance of the evil Red Skull. It realized $77,675. Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers Strange Tales #108 splash page one Fantastic Four original art (Marvel, 1963) sold well. This incredible page from the typewriter of Stan Lee and pencil of Jack Kirby is from the most transformative period in Marvel Comics’ rich history. Most any Marvel fan from the early days will remember this tale. Despite being a Human Torch “solo story,” this splash includes the entire Fantastic Four. It sold for $54,970. The Whiz Comics #2 (#1) (Fawcett Publications, 1940) CGC 3.0 was the first appearance of Captain Marvel, star of the upcoming movie “Shazam.” This is one of the top 20 of Overstreet’s Top 100 Golden Age Comics, and one not seen very often. It’s worth remembering that in his heyday,

P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 13 Captain Marvel outsold he casts a long shadow on this Superman, then made a come- cover by famed Batman artist back in the 1970s when DC Marshall Rogers. It brought picked up his rights. In the old $50,190. days, this was right up there The Phantom Stranger #1 with Action Comics #1 and Spokane pedigree (DC, 1952) Detective Comics #27. It CGC 9.4, an Overstreet seems, with renewed pop cul- “scarce” issue, this is the first ture attention, to be regaining appearance of the Phantom some respect. It sold for Stranger. Tough find by any $52,580. standard, this copy is by far the Marshall Rogers Detective highest grade that Heritage Comics #473 cover original art experts have ever seen for issue (DC, 1977) marks the first #1, and it realized more than six cover Heritage has ever offered times its guide price, selling for from one of the most $23,900. sought-after runs of the 1970s. To learn more, visit The Penguin may be short, but

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Page 14 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

Photographs Auction (Continued from page 8)

“Portfolio Two: The National Parks and Monuments,” originally purchased directly from the artist in 1952, which sold for $37,500. “This auction was punctuated with stellar examples with strong provenance to some of photography’s leading artists,” said Ed Jaster, senior vice president at Heritage Auctions. “Artworks by Richard Avedon remain strong, and I was pleased to see bidders pursue works by Roman Vishniac and George A. Tice,” said Jaster. Two images by Henri Cartier-Bresson, “Île de la Cité, 1952,” which was purchased directly from the artist in 1996, and “Rue Mouffetard, 1954,”

both sold for $25,000 each. Bert Stern’s “Marilyn Monroe, The Last Sitting Portfolio (Ten Photographs), 1962,” sold for $21,250. Avedon’s 1956 portrait of Louis Armstrong, gifted to Philadelphia interior designer Harris Radin, sold for $16,875, and Roman Vishniac’s “The Vanished World Portfolio (Twelve Photographs), 193638,” a complete portfolio with colophon and linen case from a private New York collection, sold for $13,750. For more information, visit

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- WANTED 5186 Political 5189 Posters 5192 Preservation Supplies 5195 Radio/TV 5198 Railroadiana 5201 Regional 5204 Sports 5207 Stamps 5210 Stocks/Bonds 5213 Tobacco Cards 5216 Trade Cards 5219 Transportation 5222 Travel 5225 Western 5228 Misc. Paper 5234 Misc. Non-Paper POSTCARDS 5240 Topical, Real Photo 5243 Topical, Misc. 5246 Views, Real Photo 5249 Views, Misc. 5252 Misc. Postcards PULPS 5258 Misc. Pulps SIGNS & DISPLAYS 5264 Misc. Signs & Displays

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5396 Sports 5399 TV Program Guides 5402 Women’s 5405 Misc. Magazines EPHEMERA 5411 Advertising 5414 Art/Illustration 5417 Art/Pinup 5420 Autographs 5423 Automotive 5426 Breweriana 5429 Calendars 5432 Cards, Sports 5435 Cards, Non-Sports 5438 Cartoons/Comic Art 5441 Catalogs 5444 Disney 5447 Documents 5450 Entertainment 5453 Genealogy 5456 Historical 5459 Labels 5462 Maps 5465 Militaria 5468 Movies/Theater 5471 Music 5474 Newspapers 5477 Numismatic 5480 Paper Dolls, Soldiers 5483 Photographica

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Page 16 P.A.C.M. - August 2015


SILVER AGE COMICS List! Send S.A.S.E. (#10 envelope) to: Feduniewicz, Box 237, Calvin, PA 16622! Discounts on bulk orders! DC, Marvel, Charlton, gold Key, more!

STAR SHOTS SELLING and Buying Autographed items with proven authenticity since 1991 free catalog. Write! Star Shots, 5389 Bearup St, Port Charlotte, FL 33981, Thank you.

ADULT CATALOG #8: Playboy, Men’s Magazines, Books, DVD’s, Lingerie catalogs, Adult catalogs, B&D. Send $1 to Steve Polwort, PO Box 61, Maryville, IL 62234, email

BOBSNONSPORTS.COM NO BUYERS premium, also coins, auction bid email call 215-822-1834, on website go to Bob’s cormer. Mail bids to Bob Osifchin, 108 Cornwall Dr., Chalfont, PA 18914

BOOKS ON EUROPEAN and Asian Royalty. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward, AK 99664. CELTIC BOOKS AT Affordable Prices! History, Folklore, Children, Language, Genealogy, Outof-Prints and MORE! Calalogue mailed or emailed upon request. CELTIC HERITAGE BOOKS, PO Box 770637, Woodside, NY 11377-0637, (Tel.) 877-215-7861

DO YOU LIKE BOOKS? Have you ever thought about opening your own book shop or you presently have a book shop, but you could use additional quality stock. Well, I have the quality stock of approx. 4,000-5,000 books that will enhance your inventory. Call Bob 610-869-8754 FREE SEARCH SERVICE M.M. Davies/ Bookfinder 762 Route 23A, Catskill, NY 12414. 518-755-4294 HARD BACK BOOKS for sale, wide variety, free list. Send me your books wanted items. Fred Skupenksi, 3016 Wallace St., Lower Burrell, PA 15068.

LAST PAPERBACK CATALOG over 1,800 vg to about fine Dective SF Sleaze etc. send $2 Weathertop Paper, 1910 S. Westhaven Dr., Oshkosh, WI 54904. PAPERBACKS FOR COLLECTORS and Readers. All genres. Low prices. Free lists. Cris Kocher, Books, 534 Meigs St., Athens, GA 30601. TV/ MOVIE TIE-IN paperbacks/ hardbacks. Many old favorites. Check it out, couch potatoes! Mark Simpson, 123 St. George’s Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4.

180 COMICS! $45 Postpaid! All new, bagged assortment. No duplicates, all different! 90% DC and Marvel! Feduniewicz, Box 237, Calvin, PA 16622. Don’t Delay! Order Today! COMICS, CARDS FESTIVAL August 9th, 10am-4pm. Flemington Elks, 165 Route 31, Flemington, NJ. Vendors, artists, cards, crafts. Admission $3. 609-2427756. HEEYY, COLLECTORS! COMICS! DC’s, Marvel, Dell, Gold Key, Japanese Manga, TV tie-ins, etc. Mark Simpson, 123 Saint George’s Ave, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4

ADULT GIRLIE MAGS. Private collection spanning 50’s - present. Many titles, Celebrities, Traci Lords, most N. Mint, Must have want lists. Reasonable prices. Looking for those rare girlie mags? I may have them! Al Nazario, #12P 400 W. 43rd St, NYC, 10036 or call 212-868-9203

GREAT MATERIAL ON hundreds of Stars from 30’s to 70’s, magazines, postcardsMonroe, western stuff, Wayne, Scott, Murphy, Crabbe... Send want list Robert Beliveau, 1041 Gadbois, Beloeil, Quebec J3G 3x6 Canada.

THE TOY COLLECTOR (Magazine for Toy Train Collectors) complete set (1977-98) 65 issues, clean, intact, odor free, vg+ all $140. Paul Fiumara, 8394 Curiosity Ct., Walkersville, MD 21793-7845. 301-845-8393, WANTED JOHN DEERE page Ads. Richard Van Gosen, PO Box 44, Street, MD 211540050. 410-836-0466.

VINTAGE STORE EPHEMERA mostly Advertisng from stores such as J. Byrons & Byrons; Selber Bros.; Hudsons and corporate art from larger Busby and much more. 100+ pcs up to 3’ long. Contact Andy at 954303-1553. ZEROX SALES LIST $1 includes pictures of CDV’s, Tintypes, Indians- Cowboys- WesternPostcards, Trade Cards, Music Sheets, Travel Magazines, Sports Guides, Coins, Stamps, Covers, Foreign, Censored FDC, Ship Cancels. Specify of interest. Christ, PO Box 1793 Destin, FL 32540, 850-837-3630.

AUTOGRAPHS FOR SALE in most fields- regular list issued, dealer since 1973. Send for free catalog. Charles Searle, 20 Highland Point Ct., Weaverville, NC 28787. AUTOGRAPHS FOR SALE: FREE bi-monthly list available. Also buying. Mike Hirsch, 11 Philips Mill Dr., Middletown, NJ 07748, 732-787-1202.

FOR SALE 3000 VintageAntique Postcards from North America, asking $3,000. A great mixture. EBAY ID Dove3Ducks

CAN LABELS WHOLESALE 25¢ email for list 301-717-5058.

MOVIE NEWSPAPER 250+ Ads Tarzan, Crime, War, Drama. 1930’s and 1940’s lot $100. Robert Bonko, 6563 Roycroft Dr., Parma, OH 44129, 440-885-1187.

DO YOU NEED TO REMOVE: Stamps • Trade Cards • Labels and other paper items from paper, cardboard, bottles, glass, porcelain or metals? Use JCT Remover which does not stain items. 4oz. $11.95 comes with brush. JCT Remover 5377 Village Station Circle, Williamsville, NY 14221 FOREIGN STAMP COLLECTION for Sale! Unmounted stamps from retired dealers stock. Lots of different countries! $150 prepaid to you!! Write Greg, Box 574, Libby, MT 59923. MISSOURI DUCK STAMPS 1979 through 1984 (6) mint, unused, hinged, removed from album, $200, call Bill 317-679-8683 free shipping. MISSOURI TROUT STAMPS 1973 through 1984 (12) mint unused, hinged, removed from album $200, call Bill 317-679-8683 free shipping. SPECIALS $5 EACH: 300 used U.S.; 10 cacheted covers; ungummed postage $7.50 face; pot luck. EM*VELOPES, c/o Rick Herman, Box 103,Island Park, NY 11558.

STAMPS COINS COLLECTABLES Lou Zeelsdorf 317 E. 8th St. #2 Erie, PA 16503.

FOR SLAE OLD Railroad Calendars Milwaukee, Chessie, Burlington, Pennsy, etc. Send for list. Ron Deming, Box 207, Franklin, Minn. 55333 phone 507-5572194.

BUYING SHEET MUSIC Collections contact Kevin Lanagan 410-965-0544 MUSIC FOR SALE go to check our User ID- oldiesandmore many great items.

1877 INDIAN HEAD cent graded NGC good 4 in proctective mailer. Best offer. Normand Vigeant, 4 Anderson Way, No. Dartmouth, MA 02747-1239. MORGAN’S A.U. MERCURY’S G, also Medals- Purple Heart, Silver Star, Bronze Star. Free List. Normand Vigeant, 4 Anderson Way, No. Dartmouth, MA 02747. PROOF SET 1951 in box catalogs $675 special $495; 1960 proof set $29; 1953-S half B.U. $31. Parkers Hobby Shop Box 74, Mishawaka, IN 46544.

ATTENTION STAMP COLLECTORS and Clubs monthly sales list discounted 10-15% catalog vlaue; U.S. - Worldwide, MNH, MH, used, also covers. APS 158558 Chris, Box 1793, Destin, FL 32540, 850-837-3630.

AUCTION AND SALES Lists of Vintage paperbacks, digests, pulps, comics, men’s magazines. Send fro lists with email address Pattengill, 825 Pecos Dr., Waco, TX 76708. COLLECTOR’S, DEALERS, COME browse a Cornacopia of Paper Collectibles, all sofely priced for all, enjoy yourself in friendly surroundings, all categories of paper. 204 High St., Pottstown, PA 19464, call 610-326-1911. GOING OUT OF Business- Selling Maps; Views; Illustrator Art; Vintage Ads; Natural History; Ethnic; Pin-up; Parrish; Homers etc. Dealers Welcome. Send wants for deals

Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? We are the #1 source for paper, advertising, rare books, postcards & more! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 17

COON CHICKEN INN RESTAURANT MENU (Closed In 1951) 6x81⁄2 Figural Menu $15, 2/$22. COON CHICKEN INN ASHTRAY, 31⁄2” Diam. Glass, Negro Man’s Head. $12. FRUIT LABEL COLLECTION, 19201965, a nice assortment of ladies, kids, animals, race cars, scenes, etc. (we retail for $5 Ea.) 100 Asst./$35. 1930s WHISKEY LABELS, Golfer, Trains, Airplanes, Scenes, 100/$12. FRENCH WINE LABELS - 1920-1950, Many Nicely Illus. 100/$12. PAPER EPHEMERA LOT, 1890s1960s, Misc. Cards, Checks, Letters, Valentines, Folders, Labels, Railroad, 100 Pcs./$10. EAST COAST RR STOCK CERTIFS., 10 Diff., $15, 50 Asst., $55. MARILYN MONROE “GOLDEN DREAMS” Card Decks, 2 sealed Decks in display box. 1976 Tom Kelly Studios L.A. New old stock. Each set $15, 6 sets, $60.

PRIVATE COLLECTOR SELLING: Postcards, Magazines, Transportation, Entertainment, Sports, Comics, Sheet Music, Books, Ads: Sent on approbal. Joe Garland, PO Box 670, Vista, Ca 92085-0670.

THE POSTCARD MAN postcards on approval California, Utah, Colorado, NY City, Comic, holiday more! Mail your list Monnie Burnette, 403 E. Flournoy Lucas Rd. Apt. 155, Shreveport, LA 71115, 318-797-4764..

SASE LIST BOTTLES, all types of paper, magazines, tradecards, postcards, stamps, coins, depression glass, childrens books. Timothy Hart, 20 Masten Rd., Victory, VT 05858.

WANTED TITUSVILLE, FL Postcards and Auction Cards or Posters. Cliff Shuler Auctioneer, 422 Julia St., Titusville, FL 32796.

SEND POSTAGE STAMP for Inventory reduction sale paper americana and ephemera. S.H. Jemik, PO Box 753, Bowie, MD 20718-0753.

DON’T FORGET PULPFEST August 13 thru August 16, 2015 go to PULPFEST.COM for more info.

SPORTS BOOKS, MAGAZINES. Hollywood movie magazines, books. Military books, magazines. Music Sheets, Arts/ Illustration. John Cole, 5429 Sandy Shell Dr., Apollo Beach, FL 33572. 813-331-3285.



“FOR PETE’S SAKE” old postcards, airplanes, court houses, post offices, WWII, Libraries, R/R depots, ships, 85 categories, Vincent Peterson Jr., 1380 Elm Ave. Apt. 317, Lancaster, PA 17603. HAVE MANY TOPICALS, greetings and states available. Approvals provided, will also consider trades. Sitomer, 16357 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills, CA 91344.

GETTYSBURG BOOK WANTED: At Gettysburg : or What A Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle; a true narrative by Alleman, Tillie Pierce. Published in 1889 by W. L. Borland, New York and has 148 Pages. LOOKING FOR FIRST AND SECOND EDITIONS. Paying top dollar! Email Tim at

WANTED 1930’S POPEYE. Jim Eyler, 400 S. Main St., Elmer, NJ 08318.

Postage Extra Notice: Since 1970 I’ve been buying quality paper ephemera in quantity to sell in the future. At 74 yrs. old the time is now. I offer the following categories at true wholesale prices: - Antique Advertising - Postcard Lots - Fruit Labels - Beer, Whiskey, Soda Labels - Stock Certificates - Old Newspapers (1830-1890’s) - Old Calendars - Old Bottles - Comic Books - Negrobilia - WWII Collectibles - Booklets - Advertising Tins - Gas Station Memorabilia - Magazines Ads - Cowboy - Country Store Products

Send $3 for our wholesale catalog, over 2,000 items.

TOM POLANSKY Box 1728P • Buellton, CA 93427

(805) 688-8577


OLD ALMANACS 1800’S $10 each. Old Punch Boards 1940 mint, 6 different, $5 each postage extra. Gene White, 1586 Lloyd White Rd., Clover, SC 29710, 803-222-9713. POSTERS, HANDBILLS, POSTCARDS, Stamps, Sports cards, Calendars, Comics, Movies/ Theater, Historical, Men’s Magazines, Misc. Hardcover & Misc. Paperback Books. Contact Aarne a f o 5 3 @ p a c b e l l . n e t

OVER 60 BOXES & 10 binders of New Jersey Postcards, historical covers & paper, mostly in excellent condition. Call Goldy’s Spt Collectibles, 3338 Route 9 South, Freehold, NJ 07728, 732-409-4944.

FOREIGN- POSTCARDS 100 $30, USA Building- Postcards 100 $30, Virginia Postcards 100 $30, very good conditionBruce Heiner, 1915 Rock Spring Rd., Forest Hill, MD 21050.

25,000 FOREIGN CARDS from most Countries, good to excellent condition (some used), 50¢ each plus postage. Robert Andrews, PO Box 6782, Providence, RI 02940. FREE LIST. SEND for sales list of assorted lots of topics and foreign and state views. Gary Radtke (PACM), 11415 Green Ridge Dr., Waynesboro, PA 17268 PENNSYLVANIA: BUY, SELL, TRADE At Saturday’s Market, RT 230, between Middletown and Elizabethtown, PA. Every other week. Call Bob at 717-367-8652.

POSTCARD ON APPROVALS Send wants to Robert Page, 25 Lexington Ave., Brattleboro, VT 05301. POSTCARDS OF ALL Types- Trains, Colleges, Restaurants, Lighthouses, Rollercoasters, Sports Stadiums, etc. Continentals 50¢ + postage. Robert Andrews, PO Box 6782, Providence, RI 02940.

MOVIE MAGAZINES TEEN’S 20’s, 30’s only, excellent condition only. Send Xeros of covers, state price, condition, mail to John Diesso, 224 Union St., Schenectady, NY 12305. WANTED: FAMOUS MONSTERS Magazines, Issues #1 to #10 in good condition. Write to James Warren, 25 Washington Lane, Wyncote, PA 19095.

BUYING SATURDAY EVENING Post, Time, Life, Look, Collier’s, Movie Magazines. Top prices paid. Call 954-803-7544 “We reimburse shipping charges”. MAGAZINES WANTED PRE-1970: Life, Look, Saturday Evening Post, Collier, Time. Also: Men’s, fashion, auto, movie. Condition not important, but must be complete. Herb Hoffman, 1350 Monroe Street, Hollywood, FL 33019. 954-925-8472

@@@Traveling PAPER BUYER@@@ Currently traveling in: Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, California September travel: Pennsylvania and NJ, Kentucky INTERESTS: old letters, RARE BOOKS, manuscripts, autographs, photography, postcards, broadsides, Western history, more. EMAIL: Friendly & Professional Call Bill to discuss (858) 633-7175

ILLUSTRATOR ARTWORK BUY/SELL RAFOX Parrish Gutmann Delongpre Goodwin, Prints, Calendars, Pin-up Art, Armstrong, Elvgren, Vargas, Petty, Ammo-Art, Yard longs Hawaiiana, 702-839-9999, Wendy Hoffman Gallery, 5233 Sandy Cactus Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89149.

WANTED: PRESIDENTIAL & Other Historic Autograph Material. Pages of History, PO Box 2840, Binghamton, NY 13902. 607-724-4983

FORD 1928-1934 CAR - TRUCK Ads magazine or newspaper. Sales literature, catalogs, manuals, mailers, letterheads, posters, signs, photos, body, accessory, speed etc. Jordon 630-816-1932

ESQUIRE MAGAZINES 1933-1946 with Pinup Gatefolds; Pinup Calendars 1930s-1990s; Illustrated Hunting Fishing Calendars 19001950s Buy/ Sell 702-839-9999 Wendy Hoffman Gallery, 5233 Sandy Cactus, Las Vegas, NV 89149. WANTED ILLUSTRATED CALENDARS 19001959 Hunting/ Fishing, Pinups, Indian Maidens, Children, Florals, animals, also calendar company salesman sample books Brown & Bigelow, TD Murphy. Email or call Wendy Hoffman Gallery 702-839-9999.

1930’S-50’S BUBBLE GUM Cards, showing Airplanes, Pirates, Baseball, G-Men, Superman, Indians, War, Tarzan, Tobacco Cards. Vin Minner, 21 Boulevard Rd., Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927, 973-267-3132.

POLICE GAZETTE OR similar publications original or reprint. Also related ephemera. Robert Coelln, 1414 Tierra Berienda, Pueblo, CO 81008-1789, 719-547-3530.

WANTED: WEEKLY MAGAZINES from 1900 to 1980, Life, Time, SEP, Liberty, Colliers, Newsweek, Literary Digest, Look, Leslies. Fran DiBacco, 123 Blue Heron Dr., W. Deptford, NJ 08086.

Place Your Classified NOW! WE PAY CASH for all types of Old Paper of Historical or Collectible Value. or 888-721-8009 or visit Questions? Call 1-800-428-4211



ALL NON-SPORTS CARDS: Tobacco, Coffee, Candy, Gum, Bread cards wanted. Other old cards too. Good prices and friendly transactions. Alan Miley, 2403 Sugarberry, Reston, VA 20191-2727. 703-391-9156, NON-SPORTS CARDS any kind. War, Elvis, Gilligans Island, Davy Crockett, Mars Attacks, Laugh-In, etc. any pre-1975 title wanted. Walt Meder, P.O.Box 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-379-1947

AM LOOKING FOR Christmas Catalogs from the WWII years 1941-1945 in fair or better condition. Dale L. Hilk, 424 E. 1st St., Wacconia, MN 55387.

WANTED BY COLLECTOR: Any letter or document pertaining to the seats in a synagogue. Please contact Barney W. Hill, telephone 336-476-6849. WORLD WAR II ration items wanted: forms, books, tokens, checks, articles, etc. Describe carefully. Price or ask for offer. Lee Poleske, Box 871, Seward, AK 99664.

OLD 8X10 B&W photos of Factory interior or exterior Scenes, Street Scenes. Must be original. Debold Gallery, PO Box 1037, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, 973-429-7616.

WANTED: RAILROAD BREAST Badges and Railroad Hat Badges, also Airline Pilots Breast Wings. Mel Arndt, 551 Huntington Commons Rd. Apt 115, Mt Prospect, IL 60056.

HEINTJE SIMONS RARE recordings or memorabilia. Johann Maddigan, 3605 Princeton Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95405. HERBERT STOTHART MUSIC Director MGM sheet music wanted. Gilbert 920994-4568.

FOREIGN PAPER MONEY wanted in any condition and quantity. Same day check. World Wide Notaphilic Service, Box 5427PM, Vallejo, CA 94591

ANY EPHEMERA RELATED to Chess including photographs, autographs, envelopes, etc. Lewis Kellert MD, 7421 Hawkins Creamery Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882, 301-873-8473 BETTER COLOR SLIDES, b/w negatives, photos, local history, cities, towns, transportation, all topics. Historical, movies, architecture, etc. City atlases, esp. NYC, Long Island + Post Cards. Top Dollar. Brian Merlis or 516-808-1214.

CATHOLIC HOLY CARDS. Protestant Bible lessons, lace cards, scripture cards, paper icons. Brent Devitt, 35 Hawthorne Glen, Beavercreek, OH 45440. 937-238-0183. Email

BOOKS AND POSTCARDS relating to Michigan and Wisconsin Copper and Iron Mining. Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield Street, Oshkosh, WI 54902

EARLY NORFOLK, VA Postcards send photo copies or approvals to Blane Walker, 320 East 42nd St Apt. 1604, New York, NY 10017-5965. VINTAGE CARDS OF Illinois towns you never heard of & Chicago suburbs. Please include email or phone. Eureka! 705 Washington, Evanston, IL 60202, 847-869-9090

SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618 THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING older items pre-1980 programs, pins, tickets, totes, wire photos, books. Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre St., San Leandro, CA 94579,

OLD FIRECRACKER/FIREWORKS LABELS, Packs, Catalogs, Advertising. No DOT Attn: Rick at

MOVIE POSTERS, LOBBY Cards bought & sold, 1900-1980’s, immediate cash available. Sam Sarowitz, 239 Centre St. New York, NY 10013, 212-226-2207, Fax 212-226-2102, Email

AIRLINES & AIRPORT chrome cards, esp. domestic, published during the 1950s & 1960s, a permanent want. Armen Avakian, 4560 Pinehollow Ct, Apt 170, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317-298-8913.

HUNTING/ FISHING MEMORABILIA WantedAdvertising, Calendars, Magazines, Books, Shot Shell Boxes, Posters, Licenses, etc., Call Mike 302-448-6467 or 302-875-9061.

TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,

AUTOMOBILE ROAD MAPS, touring guides. 1940’s? Good 1930’s? Better! 1920’s? Earlier? Best!! Automobile Blue Books. 1902-1905. Others? Dave Cole, 1119 Speed, Santa Maria, CA 93454.

CATHOLIC HOLY CARDS, Protestant Bible lessons, lace cards, scripture cards. Brent Devitt, 35 Hawthorne Glen Trail, Beavercreek, OH 45440, 937-238-0183,

SHOWGARD COVER ALBUMS paying $10 each, used no damage, any color, any size, ship any amount. John Cuddy’s Covers, 2768 Willits Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19136. SIEGEL STAMP AUCTION Catalogs: Great stamp reference catalogs for sale from No. 748 (1983) to No. 1075 (2014). Nine page list available for #10 SASE or inquire at: John Marquardt, 609 Woodridge Dr., Columbia, MO 65201-6538 call 573-4747254 or STATE HUNTING/ FISHING Stamps. Pay up to $5 plus each. No tears, creases or tape stains. Check by return mail. John Marquardt, 609 Woodridge Dr., Columbia Missouri, 573-474-7254.

WANTED COLLECTIONS & Accumulations of Postcards & Travel Memorabilia: Posters, Brochures, Booklets, Decals, Stickers & Labels, from Airlines, Railroads, Steamships & Hotels, Top Dollar Paid! 561-351-8580.

WANTED WHOLE SALE lots of paper, brochures, etc. Also smalls & other collectibles. Of particular interest: airplane ads & brochures, WWII (including medals), 17 & 18th century historical documents, etc. Tell me what you have, and lets see. Email to please include contact info. If I’m interested I will call you back.

BADGES WANTED FROM Railroads, Chicago; Police and Airline Pilot Wings. Mel Arndt, 551 Huntington Commons Rd., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, 847-956-6652. MODEL AIRPLANE AND Aviation Collectibles wanted: Books, magazines, kits, engines, accessories. I buy estates. Aeroindex, PO Box 1135, Cheshire, CT 06410. 203-250-0720 OLD COINS U.S. or Foreign, fast cash, fast reply, write Collector 18330 Wards Ferry Rd. SP 29, Sonora, CA 95370. WANTED ADULT DVD’S Traci Lords Chambers and others C.A. Sabella, 901 9th st #1202, New Brighton, PA 15066. WANTED: BOY SCOUT Patches, Order of the Arrow Patches, ALL Boy Scout Memorabilia. Drew Fillak, 855 Cherry St., Manteno, IL 60950-1829.

LONG BEACH ISLAND (Barnegat City) Bonds, Loveladies Surf City Shipbottom Brant Beach Beach Arlington Harvey Cedars Spray Beach Beach Haven Holgate B.H. Terrace High Point Sea Haven BH Gardens Tuckers Beach Depots Hotels RR Stations C.G. Shipwrecks LBI Causway, 609-4929161 POSTCARDS WANTED: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, not Prague: Austria, not Vienna; Germany any smaller city Gruss Aus; Pozdrav & Eastern Europe. All before 1929. Approvals welcome. Penny Kleinman 516-921-0184 or email:

I AM ALWAYS looking for Mining related Postcards and books. Write with information Robert Fox, 1235 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh, WI 54902. WANTED NORTH DAKOTA Postcards for resale, no badlands, also souvenir items, misc. paper, calendars. S.G. Spangler, 528 2nd Ave. N.W. Jamestown, ND 58401, 701-252-8458.

WANTED: PET SHOP Advertising Displays including vintage pet products or magazines. Gary Bagnall, 3650 Sacramento Dr., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. Email

AUTOGRAPHS, BANNERS, POLITICAL pins, leathers, baseball cards, sports memorabilia music, comics, wanted. Highest price paid. Write: Stan Block, 128 Cynthia Rd, Newton, MA 02459.


BANK CHECKS, CHECK Books any city or state, fancy or plain, years 1700-1950’s, send sample or copy. William Smith, 517 Amanda Dr., Bear, DE 19701.

CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Fairs, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Girlie Pinups, Steel Pier, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. CIRCUS, CARNIVAL, ICE Show, Magic, RRS, Africa, Steamship, Rodeo, Buffalo Bill. Cirque Du Soliel and Ringling Bros. too. Box 213, New Martinsville, W. VA., 26155.

Have Questions? Call 1-800-428-4211 Or Fax Form To: 717-492-2566 ™


Page 18 P.A.C.M. - August 2015

P.A.C.M. - August 2015 Page 19

Calendar of Events COLORADO


JULY 17,18 (POSTCARD & PAPER SHOW) Jefferson County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall, 15200 W. 6th Ave., Golden, 303-667-6212. JULY 31 - AUGUST 1 (BOOKS, MAPS, EPHEMERA) Denver Mart, I-25 & 58th, Denver,

JULY 19 (COMICS, CARDS, TOYS SHOW), Toms River Elks, 600 Washington St., Toms River, 609-242-7756.

CONNECTICUT AUGUST 22, 23, (PAPERMANIA- ANTIQUE PAPER, ADVERTISING & PHOTOGRAPHY) XL Center, Hartford, 860-563-9975, 860-529-2234.

MASSACHUSETTS JULY 10-18 (PAPER & POSTCARD) The Postcard & Ephemera Center Brimfield Acres N., 74 Palmer Rd (RT20), Brimfield, 203-592-0192. JULY 31-AUGUST 2 (COIN, CURRENCY, JEWELRY, STAMP & POSTCARD SHOWS) Orleans Hotel, 4500 W. Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas, NV

AUGUST 22, (POSTCARDS, COLLECTIBLES, SHORE MEMORABILIA) Auditorium Pavilion Opposite Great Auditorium, Ocean Grove, 732774-1869. SEPTEMBER 26, 27, (POSTCARD SHOW) PAL Center, 33 Baldwin Rd. (immediately off RT. 46) Parsippany, 215-208-6928.

NEW YORK JULY 25, 26 (POSTAL HISTORY & EPHEMERA) Polish Community Center, 225 Washington Ave. Ext., Albany

SEPTEMBER 27 (POSTCARD) Elk’s Lodge #141, 134 North Greenbush Rd., Troy, 518-798-0002.

OHIO JULY 19, (STAMP BOURSE) Clarion Inn, 6625 Dean Memorial Pkwy, Hudson, 330-832-5992. JULY 25, (POSTCARD SHOW) Wallick Auction Center, 965 N. Wooster Ave., Strasburg, OH 330-832-5992. AUGUST 30, (STAMP BOURSE) Clarion Inn, 6625 Dean Memorial Pkwy, Hudson, 330-8325992.

OHIO SEPTEMBER 13, (PAPER, POSTCARD, BOOK SHOW) Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, 614-206-9103.

PENNSYLVANIA JULY 26 (PREMIUM FIREWORKS) Morphy, 2000 N. Reading Rd., Denver, PA 17517. 887-968-8880,

JULY 18, (ANTIQUE ADVERTISING, BOOK and PAPER) Allentown Fairgrounds Agricultural Hall, 1929 Chew Street, Allentown, 610-573-4969. JULY 25 (PEDAL TRACTORS, FARM TOYS, MEMORABILIA, LITERATURE, HIT & MISS ENGINES & MORE) York Expo Enter, York, 717-577-1886. AUGUST 16 (POSTCARD) Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster 717-413-6882. AUGUST 16-22 (MATCHCOVER CONVENTION) . Best Western Plus Lehigh Valley, 300 Gateway Dr, Bethlehem

TEXAS JULY 25, 26, (VINTAGE MOVIE POSTER AUCTION) Heritage Auctions 3500 Maple Ave. Live & online

Frida Kahlo Love Letters Sell For $137,000 At Doyle New York A group of love letters written by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo sold for $137,000 at Doyle New York on April 15. The 25 letters were written by Frida Kahlo to Jose Bartoli, a Catalán émigré artist whom she met in New York. Many of the letters include keepsakes inserted by Kahlo, among them drawings, photographs, pressed flowers and other mementos. The successful bidder was a private collector in New York, who is also an artist and admirer of Kahlo. These unpublished letters, dating from 1946 through 1949 and comprising more than 100 pages in Spanish, were secreted away and cherished by Bartoli until his death in 1995. They remained in the possession of Bartoli’s family, who made the decision to offer the letters at auction 20 years after his death. Frida Kahlo met José Bartoli in New York while she was recuperating from spinal surgery stemming from a bus accident in her youth. Their

love affair continued after Kahlo returned to Mexico to her beloved home, La Casa Azul, and her husband, artist Diego Rivera. The clandestine correspondence lasted for three years, aided by friends and Kahlo’s sister, Cristina, who had introduced the pair. The letters provide new and unique insights into the life and career of one of the 20th century’s most important artists. Poetically composed with a touch of Kahlo’s characteristic surrealism, the letters offered illuminating information about some of her best-known paintings, including her 1946 “Tree of Hope.” They also poignantly

refer to an unknown possible pregnancy, her post-surgery relationship with her husband, personal and professional struggles, and her unwavering love for Bartoli. In a letter from October 1946, Kahlo states, “My Bartoli…I don’t know how to write love letters. But I wanted to tell you that my whole being opened for you. Since I fell in love with you everything is transformed and is full of beauty…love is like an aroma, like a current, like rain. You know, my sky, you rain on me and I, like the earth, receive you.” Acclaimed Frida Kahlo biographer Hayden Herrera has recently written an essay profiling these letters. The letters offer very personal revelations about Kahlo’s relationship with Rivera. Herrera states, “Although Kahlo was deeply attached to Rivera, these letters suggest that she would have left him in order to live with Bartoli. She told Bartoli that he gave her a

kind of love that she had never experienced before. Her love for Bartoli was passionate, carnal, tender and maternal.” About José Bartoli, whom Herrera interviewed for her biography on Kahlo, she states, “Bartoli never lost his love for Frida. If you asked him about her, he would speak with great reverence, but also with restraint. All his life he treasured the little objects she gave him as tokens of her love and he kept all her letters.” Herrera continues, “Kahlo sometimes worries that Bartoli would find her letters to be childish, corny, and stupid. But, she tells him, love letters are never intelligent or stupid. Her letters are her ‘truth.’ She asks him to receive them ‘as if a little girl passing in the street gave you a flower without knowing why.’” The price includes the buyer’s premium. To learn more, visit

Advertiser Index Allentown Paper Show LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Bigler, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Carl Candels & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Collectorama Show Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Executive Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Garden State Postcard Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Gottlieb, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Heritage Auction Gallery Movie Posters . . . . . . . . . .2 Heritage Auction Gallery Sport Cards . . . . . . . . . .13 Heroes & Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Herzog, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Historical Society Of Ocean Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Lancaster County Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Marcutrigiano, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Northeast Postal History & Ephemera Show . . . . .11 Peterson, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Pflaumer-Yeater, Gerlinde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Rathkamp Matchcover Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Robert Edward Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Suozzi, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The Indy Ad Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Unshredded Nostalgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Upstate N.Y. Postcard Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Page 20 P.A.C.M. - August 2015


1425 West Main Street P.O. Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

ALWAYS BUYING 3,000 Sq. Ft. Of Memories At

Unshredded Nostalgia Ephemera • Magazines • Posters • Photos Snapshot Albums • Documents • Postcards Animation Cels • Autographs

323 S. Main Street, Route 9,

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Since 1978 we have housed an eclectic mix of 17th-20th century antiques, collectibles, paper and advertising items including over 2,000 historical documents. Thousands of photo archives depicting Hollywood celebrities, musicians of all genres, sports legends, and world leaders. Other items include first edition books, classic magazines, legal and illegal casino memorabilia, antique jewelry, Hummels, and vintage signs. “We are just temporary custodians of the artifacts,” says proprietor and resident researcher Jim Episale. It’s something that all of us, both young and old, can share, enjoy and treasure, we sell the objects that people throw away and thus help preserve the past.



Especially New Jersey Memorabilia & Photo Archives

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