Annual Report 2011

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Creating a Hemisphere of Opportunity 2011 ANNUAL REPORT

We Respect our Partners and Those We Serve

We Act with Integrity and Value Dependability PADF understands the crucial role that trust plays in our relationship with partners, donors, and beneficiaries.

PADF believes in the inherent worth and dignity of those we work with and serve. As a result, we value them as partners and work together to bring about lasting change.

We Strive for Excellence in Service PADF works rigorously to serve and empower marginalized communities and vulnerable populations


We Are Committed to our Mandate PADF is the foundation arm of the Organization of American States (OAS).

in areas confronting poverty and civil strife. We also nurture community leadership and entrepreneurship.

We Are Accountable and Transparent in our Operations PADF’s practices and operations have earned the trust and support of thousands of donors, corporations, governments, institutions and agencies throughout the Western Hemisphere and beyond.

In this role we work with public and private partners to implement socio-economic development and disaster relief in the 35 OAS member states.

We Provide Sustainable Results PADF designs and implements activities

We Innovate

that enable communities to realize their

PADF has earned a reputation as a skilled

sustainable solutions to locally identified

and innovative implementer of programs

needs, making communities stronger and

that address key challenges in Latin America

more self-sufficient in accordance with

and the Caribbean.

the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

own potential. This approach provides

Our Mission The mission of the Pan American Development Foundation is to empower disadvantaged people and communities in the Americas to achieve sustainable economic and social progress, strengthen their communities and civil society, and prepare for and respond to natural disasters and other humanitarian crises, thereby

Expenses Management & General $4,981,886 1% Fundraising $323,286 10%


advancing the principles of the Organization of American States.

Our Vision

A Hemisphere of Opportunity for All


Programs $45,453,473


Chairman’s Letter


President and Executive Director’s Letter


PADF At-a-Glance

10 Create Economic Opportunities 14 Promote Social Progress

Table of Contents

18 Strengthen Communities and Civil Society 22 Respond to Natural Disasters 26 Hard Hats for Haiti Campaign 28 Donors 30 Board of Trustees 31 Headquarters and Field Staff 33 Financials 36 How to Contribute

Chairman’s Letter

Partners for Hemispheric Prosperity The Western Hemisphere has made great strides

poverty and inequality, create quality jobs, increase

forward in promoting economic growth, but our

integral development, support democratic values, and

region continues to confront challenges of wide-

protect the basic rights of those who are under threat.

spread poverty and social exclusion. While there

Since its beginnings in 1962 as an instrument

have been significant increases in popular partici-

of the Alliance for Progress, PADF has had a strate-

pation, the vision articulated in the Inter-American

gic partnership with the OAS that has successfully integrated our common goals of provid-

Extending the benefits of democracy and

ing development and disaster assistance

economic development to all the people of the

to communities across Latin America

Americas remains a key objective.

and the Caribbean. Through innovation, hard work, and a deep commit-ment to

Democratic Charter still has not been fully achieved

service, PADF systematically continues to show out-

in all countries. As Chairman of the Pan American

standing results in the reduction of socioeconomic

Development Foundation, I have seen up close the

disparities, positioning itself as a key hemispheric

difficulties that many people face each day as they

ally of the OAS and a strong supporter of the Inter-

struggle to attain a measure of prosperity in their

American System. As I look to the future, there is no

lifetime—equal access to education and basic services,

doubt that PADF will continue to contribute to the

dignified livelihood opportunities, safety and stability,

generation of increased progress and democratic

and increased development.

advances, and strive to extend a better way of life to

Extending the benefits of democracy and economic development to all the people of the Americas remains

those who need it most. I thank the Foundation’s many supporters, among

a key objective. As a result, PADF’s role as an agent of

them public and private sector partners, individual

prosperity for millions of our disadvantaged citizens is

donors and friends, as well as trustees and staff for

more relevant than ever, particularly as the Founda-

their continuing commitment and dedication to

tion nears its 50th anniversary. By following our

serving the millions of women, children, and men

guiding principles we devote our efforts daily to reduce

whose lives have been improved by PADF programs.

José Miguel Insulza Secretary General Organization of American States Chairman PADF Board of Trustees



President & Executive Director’s Letter

Advancing Opportunities and Prosperity For nearly half a century, the Pan American Develop-

in Chile and those impacted by floods in Caribbean

ment Foundation has been committed to promoting

Basin countries, to civil society groups in Central

new opportunities and sustainable development for

America and throughout the region, all have benefited

the most disadvantaged people of the Americas. In

and have contributed to advancing opportunities

2011, that commitment led us to implement more

and prosperity. They symbolize our solidarity with

than $50 million in programs that touched the lives

the least fortunate.

of 7.5 million people in 23 countries. Through public-private partnerships, we repaired

As we celebrate another year of accomplishments and look to the future, we also turn to the

thousands of quake-damaged homes in Haiti, built

past to see how far we have come. PADF’s suc-

an alliance in Mexico to combat human traffick-

cesses today are a reflection of the vision that led

ing, helped create new livelihood opportunities for

forward-thinking leaders in 1962 to create a unique

displaced persons and other vulnerable groups in

partnership between the Organization of American

Colombia, strengthened civil society organizations,

States and private enterprise, with support from the

Our vision to create A Hemisphere of Opportunity

Inter-American Development Bank and the U.S. Agency for International

for All remains the driving force behind every

Development, to better the lives of the

program we design and implement.

hemisphere’s most disadvantaged people. The force of that partnership

and distributed much needed medical equipment

continues to expand with the growing participation

and tools. We also brought relief to disaster-affected

of supporters such as Caterpillar, Royal Caribbean

communities and helped them better prepare for

Cruises Ltd., Chevron, Boeing and so many others.

and mitigate future disasters. Today, our vision to create A Hemisphere of

Looking ahead, PADF will continue to strive to reach even more beneficiaries and further expand in

Opportunity for All remains the driving force behind

the region with support from the OAS and donors,

every program we design and implement. As a result,

and the dynamic leadership of our Board of Trustees,

we empower communities throughout Latin America

management, and our headquarters and field staff.

and the Caribbean by pursuing initiatives that are not only important to them, but that also produce sustainable results and long-term prosperity. From micro entrepreneurs in Colombia, to community development leaders in Haiti, to earthquake victims

Maston N. Cunningham President, Board of Trustees John A. Sanbrailo Executive Director



Who We Are The Pan American Development Foundation was established by the Organization of American States in 1962 as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit to implement socioeconomic development programs and disaster assistance in Latin America and the Caribbean. For half a century, PADF has proven to be a skilled implementer of innovative programs that address key challenges in the Americas. The Foundation has produced impressive results. For example, during fiscal year 2011 alone, it benefited more than 7.5 million people in 23 countries, reflecting the vision of its founders of demonstrating Inter-American solidarity with the least fortunate.


How We Work PADF was organized through an innovative partnership between the OAS and private enterprise with support from the Inter-American Development Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and corporate and private donors. PADF engages community-based groups, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), local governments, and the private sector in the process of designing and implementing appropriate solutions for integral and sustainable development. Programs are funded with resources from individuals, corporations, private donors such as the American Red Cross and the Clinton Bush Haiti



Fund, multilateral organizations (the World Bank, the United Nations, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others) and national governments who support PADF’s work. PADF receives in-kind donations from the U.S. government and private sector partners. In 2011, PADF’s program expenditures totaled more than $50 million.

Our Program Areas Visit

In keeping with our mission to create A Hemisphere of Opportunity for All, PADF implements highly focused programs that increase development opportunities for millions of people. They are designed to: Create Economic Opportunities

Strengthen Communities and Civil Society

Generating livelihoods for disadvantaged people

Enhancing democratic values and civic practices

Developing micro, small, medium, and community enterprises

Empowering civil society, communities, and social entrepreneurs

Supporting agriculture and rural development

Promoting human rights including Afro-descendants, indigenous and other vulnerable groups

Protecting and conserving the environment Implementing public-private partnerships and corporate social responsibility Facilitating South-South exchanges and cross-border cooperation

Promote Social Progress

Fostering participation and a culture of lawfulness Pioneering innovative models of corporate-civic engagement Supporting the Inter-American Democratic Charter

Respond to Natural Disasters

Implementing community-driven development

Preparing for disasters

Improving infrastructure and housing

Providing emergency relief

Expanding access to technical training and health services through in-kind donations

Assisting disaster recovery, reconstruction, and mitigation

Combating trafficking in persons and communitybased violence

Strengthening community responses to natural disasters

Building social capital, resilient communities, and neighborhoods

Supporting the Inter-American Committee for Disaster Reduction

Mobilizing diaspora remittances for development

Aiding victims of humanitarian crises



Where We Work Visit

PADF is dedicated to connecting low-income communities in the hemisphere to sustainable development solutions and improved livelihoods. Our initiatives and network of partners, including 23 American Chambers of Commerce and Organization of American States offices throughout the Americas, ensure hemispherewide coverage that helps us implement development programs and disaster response activities.

Mexico Facilitated the creation of an alliance between Mexico’s government, corporate partners, and civil society groups to help combat human trafficking and labor exploitation and raise awareness of the problem within Mexican society


In-Kind Donations Provided $6.5 million worth of medical and hospital equipment, tools and computers to local NGOs operating in Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Haiti, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, and Chile

Natural Disaster Response In support of the OAS, PADF provided relief and recovery assistance to communities in Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Haiti, and St. Lucia that were affected by floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. In Brazil, PADF mobilized Caterpillar and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. to help floodaffected towns in the State of Rio de Janeiro




Colombia Maintained indigenous coffee growing traditions through the renewal of 155 hectares of coffee in the Kogi indigenous communities in northern Colombia Implemented social, family, and business strengthening of hundreds of displaced and vulnerable families in the Tolima Department Provided health, education, institutional strengthening, and income generation opportunities for 400 displaced and vulnerable families in the Huila Department

in January 2011

Bolivia Led an exchange program that helped indigenous Bolivian leaders travel to Alaska to meet Alaskan Natives to discuss development, culture, traditions, environment, and other issues. The project benefitted Bolivian indigenous people and established cooperation linkages with native corporations in Alaska 6




Private Sector Engagement Reached more than 1.9 million people in 21 countries through corporate-funded programs worth $14.9 million, including human trafficking awareness in Mexico, environmental conservation in Brazil, economic development among indigenous people in Colombia, and home repairs in Haiti

Strengthening of Civil Society Benefitted more than 2.6 million people by strengthening civil society groups and entrepreneurs; promoting democratic practices, human rights, and civic participation; and supporting human and civil rights in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter


Haiti Repaired 4,000 homes with the support of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and Caterpillar Signed a $51 million agreement to expand house repairs, support small and medium sized businesses, and strengthen community groups throughout Haiti Completed a three-year human rights protection program that assisted more than 3,500 victims of trafficking and organized violence, and reached 3 million persons through public awareness campaigns




Supported a community-based ecotourism association in Guaraqueรงaba, Paranรก, to increase income generation for cooperative members and their families, while promoting nature conservation and a sustainable use of natural resources


Promoted environmental awareness among children, teaching them about the flora and fauna native to the endangered Atlantic Forest







By The Numbers In fiscal year 2011, PADF provided development opportunities and disaster assistance to more than 7.5 million people Livelihoods in 23 countries in Latin Generation America and the In Colombia, we served nearly Caribbean.

Community Empowerment

Strengthening of Civil Society PADF benefitted thousands

112,000 beneficiaries, many of them from vulnerable populations, through job creation, skills training,

PADF helped 506 beneficiaries

youth development, and micro

in Alaska and Bolivia through an

and small business development.

exchange program that promoted

With a $1.9 million grant from

dialogue between indigenous

the Colombian government, PADF

groups about development, culture,

expanded a program to help

traditions, environment, and

10,700 displaced persons and

other issues.

vulnerable families gain access to skills training and technical

of people by promoting media

assistance, and assist micro or

freedom, supporting democratic

family businesses.

practices, monitoring human rights, and enhancing civic participation, among other actions.

In-Kind Donations Some 2,179,150 people benefitted

Corporate Partnerships

Small and Medium Enterprises

from our in-kind donations pro-

We secured $14.9 million in

gram following the distribution of

resources from corporate partners

We launched a new $13 million

$6.5 million worth of vocational

to implement development initia-

cooperative agreement funded pri-

tools, supplies, and medical

tives and provide disaster relief.

marily by USAID called Leveraging

equipment to Colombia, Haiti,

More than 1.9 million people

Effective Application of Direct Invest-

Guatemala, Bolivia, Uruguay,

in 21 countries benefitted from

ments (LEAD) to attract investments

El Salvador, Panama, Brazil, Peru,

corporate-funded initiatives and

in Haitian small and medium enter-

and Chile.

public-private partnerships.

prises and increase remittances.Â

Disaster Recovery and Mitigation

South-South Exchanges PADF signed a $1.2 million

After flooding in Brazil, PADF

expansion of the Government

worked with Caterpillar and Royal

of Colombia’s South-South

Caribbean Cruises Ltd. to provide

Cooperation Program that provides

12,125 health visits, plant

Colombian technical advisors

3,500 trees and seedlings, and

and training to Caribbean-Central

provide 51,824 assistance visits

American countries in several

by new community brigades.

areas, including technical training, disaster preparedness and mitigation, food security, nutrition, bilingual education, and academic exchanges.


1,038,600 412,000

Our programs in Haiti benefitted some 1,038,600 people through disaster recovery, community-driven development, human rights promotion, border stabilization initiatives, rural development, and disaster mitigation.

people benefitted

Infrastructure and Housing Improvement In Haiti, PADF completed an evaluation of about 412,000 buildings—nearly every building affected by the 2010 earthquake—by working closely with Haiti’s Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Telecommunications (MTPTC), and Miyamoto International, a seismic engineering firm.

buildings evaluated

We repaired 4,000 homes in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne, providing safe housing for about 28,000 people. PADF trained 900 Haitian masons and worked with local contractors to build back better. The repaired walls are now 300 percent stronger than before the quake.


homes repaired safe housing for about

new walls

300% stronger

28,000 people 900


*PADF understands that describing programs by the numbers is only one way to look at their impact, and that our work reaches people in different ways. We remain committed to ensuring that all our programs focus on quality and sustainable results.




Create Economic Opportunities Visit PADF believes that the key to development is self-sufficiency. This is why our programs focus on generating livelihoods and increasing incomes for disadvantaged individuals and families through microenterprise development, skills training, agricultural improvements, natural resource conservation, and expansion of community infrastructure. Generating Employment for Disadvantaged People

are later sold under the cooperative’s own Dulafros

Employment generation is a priority for PADF.

members. Within a short time, the project improved

Through our many programs, PADF supports micro

the manufacturing process and working conditions,

and small enterprises development, improves

and increased incomes for beneficiaries.

agricultural conditions and techniques, focuses on natural resources conservation, and expands community infrastructure. In all programs, PADF targets the most needy, whether they are impoverished, displaced by civil conflict, or disadvantaged because of economic, racial or ethnic prejudices. PADF works directly with local residents to create sustainable employment through a variety of innovative activities. In addition, PADF focuses on areas that support the necessary conditions for economic growth, such as basic rural infrastructure and the participation of local citizens. Through a USAID-funded program focused on assisting vulnerable populations, PADF supported 120 displaced Afro-Colombian women living in Barranquilla, in northern Colombia, by helping them create a cooperative called Coopradal. The project helped the cooperative build a small factory that produces typical Afro-Colombian sweets which



brand to local supermarkets or on the streets by coop

Developing Micro, Small, Medium, and Community Enterprises PADF knows that when businesses thrive they create jobs, giving people access to additional income and increased wealth. PADF, therefore, encourages the creation of micro and community enterprises and community solidarity groups as a way to focus on improving the capacity of specific communities, particularly those that are vulnerable such as displaced and disadvantaged people. By providing training, capacity building, and technical assistance, PADF has helped communities implement alternative development, creating new income streams that are contributing to their overall development.

In Haiti, PADF is attracting investments in local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through a 4-year $13 million cooperative agreement funded primarily by USAID. The Lever-

producers through sustainable agricultural practices that promote soil conservation and reforestation.

aging Effective Application of Investments (LEAD)

In northern Colombia’s rural Montes de María

program is strengthening the capacity of SMEs to

region, PADF benefitted 400 families, many of them

engage in best business practices, and attract foreign

displaced or otherwise vulnerable, through the Sow,

investment or Diaspora investments to grow the

Harvest and Dream Again project. This initiative

businesses, create jobs, and generate income. PADF

supported the cultivation of more than 100 hectares

also works with the Haitian Diaspora in the United

(247 acres) of passion fruit plants and later the sale

States and elsewhere to engage them in targeted

of 80 percent of the harvest to Postobón, S.A., one of

philanthropic activities, invest in social businesses,

the largest Colombian beverage companies. It also

and develop innovative ways to use a portion of

built 31 nurseries to handle seedling growth, trained

remittances to further the development impact of

more than 150 participants in livestock produc-

these resources locally.

tion, and provided nearly 4,000 laying hens to help

Supporting Agriculture and Rural Development

improve family incomes.

PADF is an acknowledged leader in transferring

Protecting and Conserving the Environment

technical knowledge of agricultural production and

Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean,

marketing, soil and water conservation, agroforestry,

many rural communities rely on forest resources

natural resources management, and income genera-

to survive. For them, protecting and conserving the

tion to farm families. PADF’s agroforestry programs

environment are not just good stewardship, they are

have worked together with community-based

also a way to preserve their way of living and ensure

farming organizations to raise the incomes of small

that their livelihoods will not be affected negatively.

PADF is seen as a leader in transferring technical knowledge of agricultural production and marketing, soil and water conservation, agroforestry, natural resources management, and income generation

to farm families.

In southern coastal Brazil, PADF has worked to preserve the last remaining native areas of the Atlantic

in securing the support of private sector partners

Rainforest thanks to funding from Boeing and Royal

Teléfonica, MTV, Cinépolis, and EMC2 to build a

Caribbean Cruise Lines, Ltd. As a result, this effort

multi-sector alliance with Mexico’s government and

has helped to preserve remaining properties with

civil society groups. The alliance, also with funding

native Araucaria forests through education and

from the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor

partnerships with owners. It has also helped conserve

and Combat Trafficking in Persons (GTIP), seeks to

the existing biodiversity in the Brazilian Atlantic

complement and support existing Mexican govern-

Forest, raise awareness among children on their

ment efforts to combat trafficking. The project aims

environment surroundings, and support a com-

to raise awareness and increase awareness of the

munity-based ecotourism association. This latter

problem, particularly among children and young

program seeks to increase income generation for

people, and also within Mexican society at-large.

cooperative members and their families, while promoting continued nature conservation and

Facilitating South-South Exchanges and CrossBorder Cooperation

sustainable use of the area’s natural resources.

South-South cooperation promotes the exchange

Implementing Public-Private Partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility

of resources, technology, and knowledge among

True to its original mandate to fuse public and private

of American States encourage member states to

resources to support hemispheric development, PADF

develop and expand cooperation in areas where they

is a leader in the mobilization of corporate and other

have unique expertise, technical assistance,

private sector funding. Each year, PADF works with

and training resources.

many corporations interested in investing socially

PADF and the OAS announced a $1.2 million expansion of Colombia’s South-South Cooperation Program,

in the region. Innovative models include leveraging significant private contributions to match public funds; implementing commonly defined development and humanitarian initiatives; engaging business networks such as American Chambers of Commerce throughout the region; and partnering with businesses that want to deliver in-kind donations such as equipment, tools, and medical equipment and supplies. In 2011, PADF secured $14.9 million in resources from corporate partners to implement development initiatives and provide disaster relief. As a result, more than 1.9 million people benefitted through corporatefunded initiatives and public-private partnerships in 21 countries. Partners included Caterpillar, Boeing, Telefónica, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Merck, EMC2, Citi, and many others.


In Mexico, for example, PADF played a key role


developing nations. PADF and the Organization

allowing PADF to consolidate and strengthen cooperation with Central America and the Caribbean. The program, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with support from the Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation (ACCIÓN SOCIAL), provides Colombian technical advisors and training to Caribbean-Central American countries in several areas. They include technical training, natural disaster preparedness and mitigation, food security, nutrition, bilingual education, and academic exchanges. It also works in special regions such as along the Colombia-Panama border.

Making Sweets, Building a Better Future Photos:

“We were caught in the middle. It was terrible. Some stayed. Some of us left,” says Rosely Robledo, 29, remembering seven years earlier when her hometown in the Chocó Department was caught amidst a tug of war between armed groups. Rosely left everything behind and became one of the 5.2 million Colombians displaced by the violence. With little education and no support system, she struggled to find work. As an Afro-Colombian woman, she faced the added challenge of discrimination. After moving north to Barranquilla, she learned about a work cooperative that was being created with the support of PADF, USAID, and a local non-profit group called Organización Social de Comunidades Negras Angela Davis. The cooperative would not only give Rosely and 120 other women the possibility to work, but also a financial stake in the company. Two years since its founding, the Coopradal cooperative has built a small factory that produces popular sweets which are later sold under the cooperative’s own Dulafros brand to local supermarkets or on the streets by coop members. Many members now agree that the project has improved working conditions and increased incomes. “They have realized that they are businesswomen and owners of the company,” says María Herrera Miranda, Coopradal’s legal representative. “They are also starting to think that this could eventually help the future of their own children.” Rosely agrees. “As a result of this work,” she says, “my children will be able to go to school. I also hope to study one day.”



Promote Social Progress Visit

This year PADF expanded its PRODEP program, a CDD initiative that for seven years has been implemented in close collaboration with Haiti’s Bureau for Monetization and with funding from the World Bank.

One of PADF’s priorities is to develop programs

The 18-month $7 million expansion includes executing an additional 175 projects across Haiti, including $2.1 million for training and technical assistance. PRODEP emphasizes development

that integrate private sector partners who can

of community productive enterprises that generate

enhance education, health, infrastructure,

employment, a high priority for Haitian develop-

community development, and other priority

ment and post-earthquake reconstruction.

Strong communities are an essential part of the social fabric—and social progress. They provide a platform on which human development can grow.

needs in impoverished areas.

Improving Infrastructure and Housing

Implementing Community-Driven Development

Good infrastructure plays an important role in the

Community-driven development (CDD) transforms

development of communities as it contributes to

the traditional development model by transferring

improved agriculture, education, transportation,

control over resources and decision-making from

health, communications, and disaster mitigation.

organizations to communities. As a result, com-

This is particularly true in disaster areas and rural

munities identify their needs and the development

communities where infrastructure may have been

options that work best for them. Then they take the

damaged, is often limited, or remains in disrepair.

lead in carrying out projects that aim to improve

With the support of trusted partners, PADF has

their lives. This approach promotes self-reliance,

worked throughout the region to build, improve, and

emphasizes transparency and accountability,

rehabilitate schools, homes, public squares, health

empowers citizens, and creates more responsive

and training centers, shelters, roads, bridges, water

local governments.

sources, irrigation systems, and many others. This

In Haiti, where this program has spawned more than 1,000 projects throughout the country, communities have become engines of economic growth.

has proved critical in ensuring that communities continue to grow. A successful example of PADF’s work in this area

Projects under CDD include improving livestock

is our House Repairs program in Haiti, which received

reproduction, outfitting fishermen with modern

$13.6 million from the American Red Cross, the

equipment, building a poultry production facility,

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and the Caterpillar Founda-

and establishing tailor and artisan workshops,

tion. These contributions allowed us to expand

among others.

significantly our efforts to repair earthquake damaged yellow-tagged houses in Léogâne and Port-au-Prince.



Expanding Access to Technical Training and Health Services through In-Kind Donations

Combating Trafficking in Persons and Community-based Violence

With the support of a network of partners, among

PADF works to strengthen networks among civil

them U.S. medical institutions, public agencies,

society groups to build their capacity to combat

manufacturers, and universities, PADF’s In-Kind

violence on the community level, including domestic

Donations Program distributes high-quality new and

servitude of children, violence and torture, rape and

used medical and dental equipment and supplies

abuse of women, gender-based violence, and labor

to health care institutions throughout the region.

exploitation of youth. This support enables civil society

It also supports vocational training programs that

organizations that lead national networks to train

are designed to help disadvantaged people increase

smaller organizations, improve violence data collec-

their incomes in order to become self-sufficient.

tion systems, and systematize and disseminate

By using donated tools and equipment to comple-

this information both at the com-

ment technical training, PADF enables students of

munity level and

all ages to gain marketable skills, growing the pool of

for public

qualified job applicants and improving the training institutions’ capacity to teach. This year, PADF provided $6.5 million of in-kind donations to Colombia, Haiti, Guatemala, Bolivia, Uruguay, El Salvador, Panama, Brazil, Peru, and Chile.

In Haiti, PADF hired qualified masons and engineers, implemented international building standards, and used high quality local materials to repair thousands of quakedamaged homes.



policy design. It also helps to link organizations

self-reliance, while emphasizing transparency and

with government entities that are responsible for

accountability, empowering citizens, and creating

implementation of relevant laws to ensure that these

more responsive local governments. Besides creating

are enforced and that citizens have the confidence in

economic opportunities, CDD is strengthening

the judicial system to report crimes and seek assistance.

communities by laying the groundwork for local

In Haiti and the Dominican Republic, PADF completed a 3-year, $9.6 million USAID-funded program called Protecting Human Rights in Haiti that focused on cross-border trafficking

governance and cooperation.

of Haitian children for domestic servitude (restavèk) and cross-border trafficking of adults and children. This program helped support trafficking victims, rescue and provide shelter for trafficked children, and repatriate 3,000 Haitians who had been trafficked. PADF has also trained hundreds of government officials and non-governmental organizations charged with monitoring and preventing trafficking of persons, and has strengthened government and civil society groups on advocacy and policy reform. Building Social Capital, Resilient Communities, and Neighborhoods PADF knows that building strong communities means engaging people of diverse backgrounds in a community and empowering them to face a wide range of development challenges. This is why PADF develops programs that include capacity-building classes, training, and awareness-raising of key issues that are relevant to communities. These include violence, child and youth exploitation, human trafficking, human rights, discrimination, labor rights, disaster mitigation and preparedness, and many others. In Haiti, a community-driven development (CDD) program is promoting personal—and community—



Mobilizing Diaspora Remittances for Development Diaspora groups are an important source of income for millions of people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2002, PADF has worked with such groups to channel funding for transnational development projects in their communities of origin. Through this approach, U.S.-based immigrant groups direct community remittances to projects that generate jobs and raise family incomes back home. In turn, PADF provides training and capacity-building programs for the partner immigrant groups on prioritizing development needs, raising funds, and implementing and evaluating projects they support. In 2011, PADF secured funding from USAID to implement the Leveraging Application of Direct Investments (LEAD) program in Haiti, a $13 million cooperative agreement initiative which, among several activities, collaborates with the Haitian Diaspora community living in the U.S. to channel remittances to viable social enterprises and community projects back home, increasing their internal sustainability and external impact. One of the goals of this program is to help identify potential areas of philanthropy in order to improve the impact of remittances by investing a portion in community projects or businesses in order to create new jobs.

“It was hard to picture the area ever coming back to life,” says Louissaint Toussaint, a local teacher from Portau-Prince’s Delmas 32 neighborhood. “Everything we owned was destroyed”. With 45 percent of its buildings damaged by the earthquake and thousands of casualties, Delmas 32 was undoubtedly among the city’s most damaged neighborhoods. Having worked in that neighborhood since 2007, PADF stepped in to help.

able to link them with the municipal government

Rebuilding Delmas 32

and to facilitate and reinforce the links between local


“Our first priority was to get all the stakeholders and all the grassroots groups to work together,” says Kerline Rock, a PADF project director. “We were then

governance and the community. It was a success that is still evident today.” With strong political will emanating from the Mayor’s office and the newfound dynamism of the civil society, Delmas 32 put itself on the map as an example in recovery and reconstruction initiatives. The neighborhood was the site chosen for the pilot phase of the Ministry of Public Works’ house repairs program, funded by the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and implemented by PADF. Some 3,800 homes were repaired during the course of the year using new anti-seismic techniques. PADF is working on more house repairs, new residential developments, road improvements, a public market, and a community administrative center with over $20 million in funding pledged from the World Bank. And the progress is evident. “If you stood on a hill above, and looked down at the neighborhood today, you might say ‘Well Delmas 32 wasn’t damaged that bad’ but we were! You couldn’t even walk through the streets then,” explains Toussaint. “Today, merchants are selling, houses are being repaired, and children are going to school. There are still a lot of problems here, but when you consider where we’ve been, we are living again.” PADF 2011 ANNUAL REPORT


Strengthening Communities and Civil Society Visit

cross-section of the population, among them youth, women, and vulnerable groups. Projects leverage innovative techniques including arts, social media PADF believes that addressing the needs of communities through strengthening civil society and increasing citizen participation in municipalities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is a fundamental ingredient for a healthy democracy. Since 1962, PADF has successfully developed and strengthened hundreds of community-based groups, NGOs, and municipalities in the region, enhancing their capacity to serve their own communities. Enhancing Democratic Values and Civic Practices PADF promotes the teaching and learning about human rights and democratic values through formal and informal training and activities that engage a

tools, and other interactive opportunities to promote citizen discussion and collaboration. PADF also works to foster professional journalistic practices, promote balanced and objective media coverage of critical issues, develop innovative media outlets, and increase awareness of the importance of the role of a free media. In 2011, as part of our regional civil society strengthening program, PADF provided assistance to groups in Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, and other countries in accordance with our mandate of supporting the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Empowering Civil Society, Communities, and Social Entrepreneurs In the Latin America and Caribbean region, PADF is actively strengthening local non-governmental organizations and municipalities by working side by side on all of its projects, whether the focus is on preventing human trafficking, combating human rights abuses, or promoting media freedom. This approach

Displaced Colombians learn storytelling skills so they can better express their community needs and concerns and retain their cultural identity.



PADF partners with businesses that are looking for innovative,

sustainable ways to invest in local development.

develops leadership and improved local capacity to better address community problems. PADF also trains local leaders in critical areas such as planning, management, fundraising, and citizen participation, and provides technical assistance and other resources. This helps address community problems with greater efficiency, effectiveness and transparency, enabling grassroots democracy to truly be a government by the people. Promoting Human Rights, including Afro-Descendants, Indigenous and Other Vulnerable Groups PADF has been a strong supporter of human rights throughout the Western Hemisphere, implementing programs to combat human rights abuses, support victims of violence, and provide opportunities for increased equality to vulnerable groups, including Afro-descendants, indigenous people, and internally displaced persons. By partnering with local nongovernmental organizations, strengthening government entities, and raising public awareness, PADF has had a significant impact on women’s rights, violence reduction and monitoring, social rights, access to justice, rights of free association, and the rights of historically excluded minorities. Fostering Participation and a Culture of Lawfulness PADF knows that strengthening the social fabric is a key part of achieving a culture of lawfulness. By fostering the participation of families, government

teach communities that each member has a personal role in creating and overseeing the implementation of the laws, and preventing crime and corruption. This is why PADF believes in working

with children and youth, because schoolbased programs have a ripple effect, influencing not only students, but also teachers, parents, local government officials, neighborhood associations, and the community at large. Pioneering Innovative Models of Corporate-Civic Engagement To better tackle the challenges facing many communities across the Latin America and Caribbean region, PADF partners with businesses that are looking for innovative, sustainable ways to invest in local development. By creating new investment models, PADF and its partners can work together to stimulate job creation, protect the environment, improve social services, and prepare for and respond to natural disasters quickly. PADF also leverages significant private contributions to match public funds. In Colombia, for example, PADF has received significant counterpart contributions from nonpublic sources, including multinational and national firms such as Coltabaco, Chevron, Citi, Ecopetrol and others to create jobs and provide social services to families displaced by violence.

officials, law enforcement, and civil society, programs



When possible, PADF also works directly with the

businesses and institutions that want to donate

private sector, including non-corporate foundations,

equipment as part of their corporate social investing

churches, NGOs, and associations to accomplish

goals. PADF distributes high-quality new and used

commonly defined development and humanitar-

medical and dental equipment to health care institu-

ian initiatives. In Haiti, PADF received $13.6 mil-

tions throughout the region. This program also

lion from the American Red Cross, the Clinton

provides tools to support vocational training programs

Bush Haiti Fund, and the Caterpillar Foundation to

that are designed to help disadvantaged people

repair quake-damaged homes. Elsewhere, telecom-

increase their incomes in order to become self-

munications giant Teléfonica provided funding to

sufficient. In the past 40 years, PADF has provided

implement an anti-human trafficking campaign in

more than $100 million worth of goods—including

Mexico that also drew the support of other private

$20 million during the past five years, and $6.5 mil-

sector partners, including MTV, EMC2, and Cinépo-

lion in 2011 alone—that have benefitted more than

lis, the country’s largest manager of movie theaters.

60 million disadvantaged people.

In Brazil, PADF worked to preserve endangered native areas of the Atlantic Rainforest in southern

Supporting the Inter-American Democratic Charter

coastal Brazil thanks to funding from Boeing and

PADF is a support mechanism for the Inter-American

Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Ltd. In the state of Rio

Democratic Charter which was approved by Orga-

de Janeiro, PADF also partnered with the Caterpillar

nization of American States members on September

Foundation and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Ltd.

11, 2001. In this role, PADF works to strengthen civil

to implement relief aid and recovery activities fol-

society, community groups and the private sector as

lowing heavy flooding in the region.

fundamental pillars of democracy.

Another innovative model allows PADF to engage

Over time, PADF has helped NGOs form alliances

with existing business networks. Under PADF’s

with municipalities, government agencies, and

strategic alliance with the Association of American

corporate and private donors to develop micro-

Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA)

enterprises, provide employment and technical

to provide disaster relief and assistance, PADF liaises

training, improve basic services, facilitate citizen

with American Chambers of Commerce in many

participation in community-action programs, and aid

countries. In some instances, local AmChams pro-

victims of natural disasters and humanitarian crises.

vide PADF with emergency relief funds to manage on their behalf. PADF’s growing In-Kind Donations Program is also a successful model, as it partners with

In Haiti, PADF received $13.6

million from the American Red Cross, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and the Caterpillar Foundation to

repair quake-damaged homes. 20


“Migrants are very susceptible to falling victims to this type of crime,” says Luz María Pérez Cabrera, referring to Mexico’s growing human trafficking problem. With the backing of a local non-profit organization called Un Mundo Una Nación AC, she runs a shelter for migrants in Pizaco, Tlaxcala state, called La Sagrada Familia, the Sacred Family. Located near a set of railroad tracks over which trains carry freight and humans, the shelter is an oasis for the migrants—more than 80 percent of them men— who stop by. “My journey has been very sad,” says a young

A Migrant's Oasis Photos:

woman from Honduras who is three months pregnant. “I’ve been hungry, cold, I’ve also been thirsty. Not too many people will give a glass of water to someone like me.” Luz María takes them in—tired, hungry, thirsty, mistreated and even injured—and listens to their stories of abuse, their fears and dreams. She and her team also discuss the challenges ahead and the dangers, particularly at the hands of criminal groups who prey on migrants. “Migrants don’t have a safety net here, so they fall victim to extortion,” says Luz María. “But they don’t denounce these things, because they often have to hide so they don’t attract the attention of local authorities who can deport them.” Even migrants have rights, she says. This is why she talks to them to ensure that they learn about human rights, about who in Mexico has the authority to stop them, and what kinds of people and organizations they can rely on for help. With support from PADF, the shelter also plans to increase its reach in the community in order to better assist migrants. “We thank PADF for helping us make this issue more visible and help prevent people from joining groups that could affect the rights of migrants,” says Luz María. PADF 2011 ANNUAL REPORT


Respond to Natural Disasters Visit Latin America and the Caribbean remain highly

Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Repub-

vulnerable to natural disasters. When they

lic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia,

occur, PADF mobilizes corporate and private

and Venezuela.

contributions, as well as public sector grants, to support emergency responses, implement disaster

Providing Emergency Relief

(DMA), a unique partnership that serves as a vehicle

PADF’s network of partners, including 23 American Chambers of Commerce and Organization of American States offices throughout the Americas, provides hemispheric-wide coverage during disasters. Working with corporations,

to incorporate the private sector into disaster mitiga-

non-profit organizations and other entities, PADF

tion, preparedness, and response. With the support

is able to distribute, monitor and ensure that relief

of the Association of American Chambers of Com-

supplies reach beneficiaries in an effective and

merce in Latin America (AACCLA) and the Associa-

timely manner. With the support of these partners,

tion of Contingency Planners (ACP), the Alliance

and agreements with transportation companies,

helps establish disaster management and business

PADF moves emergency shelter packages and other

continuity committees and protocols; facilitate risk

supplies with very short notice. These efforts are

and vulnerability reduction initiatives; and offer

enhanced by PADF’s close relationship with the

training and technical assistance.

OAS, which provides greater access to government

rehabilitation and reconstruction programs, and provide disaster preparedness and mitigation in order to reduce the impact of future disasters. Preparing for Disasters PADF leads the Disaster Management Alliance

In 2011, the DMA was represented in various countries in the Americas, including Costa Rica,

authorities, translating into quicker and greater support and better on-the-ground responses.

Donations from Caterpillar, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., and private individuals helped 11,852

people in flood-affected Rio de Janeiro state through mud removal, water treatment, basic health assistance, and other activities. 22


PADF recently responded to the following disasters:

St. Lucia—A donation from Chevron helped PADF

Brazil—In flood-affected Rio de Janeiro state,

work with the Soufriere Foundation to repair and

donations from Caterpillar, Royal Caribbean Cruises

refurbish schools damaged by Hurricane Tomás.

Ltd., and private individuals helped 11,852 people through mud and debris removal, basic health assis-

Assisting Disaster Recovery, Reconstruction, and Mitigation

tance, drinking water treatment and monitoring,

After immediate relief efforts are mobilized and

reforestation, and community brigades.

implemented, countries often need support in

Colombia—Partners Chevron and Royal Carib-

reconstructing municipal buildings, schools, and

bean Cruises Ltd. provided flood relief assistance

other infrastructure. PADF works closely with

that benefitted 3,760 people.

municipal leaders, community organizations, the

Haiti—After Hurricane Tomás, PADF distributed

private sector, and civil defense agencies to identify

bottled water and water purification supplies to

the highest priorities and deliver resources with the

affected residents. With support from IMCA Cater-

greatest positive impact.

pillar and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., PADF also

In Haiti, PADF repaired thousands of quake-dam-

responded to a cholera epidemic by installing a

aged homes in Port-au-Prince with funding from

water filtration system in Gonaïves and educating

USAID/OFDA and prompted other organizations to

residents about cholera prevention and treatment.

work with PADF to begin the repairs of additional

Panama—Chevron support benefitted 2,500 flood-affected residents.

damaged homes. This project alone resulted in the repairs of 3,850 homes in various neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, and prompted other organizations to work with PADF to repair 7,400 additional homes.

Building back better in Haiti has been critical in helping communities recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake.



Strengthening Community Responses to Natural Disasters PADF believes in the full participation of local communities and affected populations in relief programs, such as communitybased early flood alert systems and other local preparedness planning and exercises. This approach complements the impact of a response, as it helps countries build publicprivate partnerships that enhance and speed responses and reconstruction and ensure greater coordination of assistance at the community level. Supporting the Inter-American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction Each year PADF actively supports the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR), a forum established by the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly. IACNDR comprises many leading hemispheric organizations. Its primary purpose is to analyze issues related to natural and other disasters, including the prevention and mitigation of their effect, in coordination with the governments of OAS member states; competent national, regional, and international organizations; and non-governmental organizations. IACNDR also seeks to strengthen hemispheric actions to achieve maximum international cooperation in support of national and/or regional efforts for timely prevention, preparedness, early warning, response, vulnerability reduction, emergency care, mitigation, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. Aiding victims of humanitarian crises For decades, PADF has responded to most of the hemisphere’s major natural disasters and humanitarian crises. In its role as the OAS development and relief arm, PADF is also called upon at times to respond to other humanitarian crises such as assisting displaced persons in Colombia, demobilized ex-combatants in Central America, refugees fleeing civil unrest, victims of human trafficking and abuse, disabled citizens and excluded minorities such as Afro-descendent and indigenous communities, and others. 24


Mobilizing Community Brigades in Brazil Photos: When a deadly combination of floods, mudslides, and landslides struck several towns in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state in January 2011, Leonardo de Jesus da Silva, a 30-year-old civil servant, didn’t know that the tragedy that killed more than 900 people and became one of Brazil’s worst weather-related tragedies would also impact him personally, but in a different way. The disaster prompted PADF to respond through partner Viva Rio, a widely respected local NGO, thanks to donations from the Caterpillar Foundation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., and individual donors. These resources helped remove mud and debris, provide basic health assistance to families, treat and monitor drinking water, conduct reforestation efforts, and organize community brigades. Having lived in Teresópolis, one of the worst affected communities, Leonardo knew well the extent of the devastation. So when the project organized two all-local community brigades, he offered his help and became the leader of a 20-person team. Soon, he was going house-to-house teaching residents about reducing health risks and helping them understand emergency procedures in case of new flooding. He also worked with his team to plant trees to help reduce future erosion. “We worked together for the common good, to resolve the problems that nature brought upon us, to take what we experienced, which was awful, and make the best out of it, taking pride in both assisting and being assisted,” said Leonardo. As part of the project, Leonardo helped introduce the use of smartphones and Google technology to map homes and pinpoint high flood risk areas. This information could save lives, he says, if there was ever another disaster in this mostly rural and mountainous region. “If a new emergency or natural disaster were to occur, they are better prepared to resolve a situation. They are now trained to act,” he says. PADF 2011 ANNUAL REPORT


Hard Hats for Haiti On September 22, 2011, PADF launched in Miami the Hard Hats for Haiti campaign, a three-year initiative that seeks to raise funds and focus attention on providing safe homes, revitalized neighborhoods, and job opportunities for thousands of vulnerable Haitians.

To join, go to

Building Haiti Back Better

infrastructure, such as roads, schools, clinics, and

“We want to rebuild Haiti by implementing PADF’s 3Rs approach: Rebuilding homes, Revitalizing neighborhoods, and Restoring livelihoods (creating jobs) by making sure the people who need the most help really get it,” said Paul Fisher, Director of

over the next three years in order to access and

water sources, while training and employing thousands of Haitians. Hard Hats for Haiti seeks to raise $1 million each year from individuals and corporations implement the $50 million in funds already committed by PADF’s institutional donors. “Hard Hats for Haiti provides a unique opportunity for our Miami community to invest in on-the-ground results in Haiti,” said Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado, a campaign supporter. This campaign, which draws support from part-

Corporate Partnerships and Development for PADF

ners Caterpillar, Diageo, RIM Blackberry, MTV, CBS4,

and campaign coordinator during the event launch

Miami Magazine, and Social Miami, comes at a

at the Little Haiti Cultural Center in Miami.

crucial time in Haiti’s recovery process as hundreds

Fueled by more than $50 million in investments


Miami photographer Jordan Zúñiga visited Haiti with PADF to document the lives of everyday Haitians two years after the 2010 quake.

of thousands of Haitians, among them thousands

from the World Bank, USAID, and other donors,

of children, are still living in unsafe conditions with

including the American Red Cross, the Clinton Bush

little options for livelihood opportunities. Although

Haiti Fund, and Caterpillar, the campaign is helping

daunting, Haiti’s reality highlights the urgency to

to boost PADF’s efforts to rebuild homes and improve

build Haiti back better.


“South Floridians are looking for ways to make a difference in Haiti,” said Haiti Consul General Ralph Latortue, who co-hosted the launch event. “Small and large donors alike want their dollars to go directly to the poorest Haitians to move the country forward. Hard Hats for Haiti is an opportunity to do just that.”

More than 100 business leaders, community activists and neighbors turned out to support the Hard Hats for Haiti campaign launch. Among

Campaign launch event. (Left to Right): Paul Fisher, PADF; Ralph Latortue, Consul General for Haiti; Pat Santangelo, City of Miami; Daniel O’Neil, PADF; and Mike Ronan, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

auctioned several of the photographs during Art Basel, the most prestigious annual art show in the Americas, which is held in Miami each year. More than 500 art lovers, collectors, Haiti government officials, local personalities, and other guests supported

them were Miami television anchor, Jawan Strader,

Hard Hats during the Haiti Art Expo 2011. During the

of WFOR-TV CBS 4 who hosted a follow-up fundrais-

event guests had the opportunity to view a world

ing event; Reggie Canal of AKSYON who organized

class exhibit of Haitian art presented by art collec-

“Contemporary Haiti,” a fashion and design fundrais-

tor and curator Michele Frisch and original Haitian

ing gala held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston

photography by Jordan Zúñiga. Guests included Mr.

that benefitted the campaign; and renowned Miami

Ralph Latortue, Honorary Consul General of Haiti;

photographer Jordan Zúñiga who traveled to Haiti

Anedie Azael, Miss Haiti 2011; and Dee Adames,

to photograph PADF’s work on the ground and later

Bravo TV’s “Shear Genius” winner and celebrity stylist.





Corporations and Institutions Aeropost Almar USA Bacardi Ltd. Banco Agricola Burson-Marsteller Boeing Cargill Honduras Caterpillar CBS4 Miami Chevron Circle Solutions Tools Citi Coltabaco Compañía General De Equipos, S.A. de C.V. Cornwell Quality Tools Company Danaher Tool Group Diageo Ecopetrol EMC2 FedEx Florida International University Finra Greenberg Traurig, LLC Holiday Inn Express Interlex Communications, Inc. LAN Airlines Lockheed Martin Marriot Hotel Hollywood, FL Merck Metro Newspapers Miami Magazine Microsoft Money Gram MTV Praxair ProPac Riley-Sloane RIM/Blackberry Royal Caribbean International Ltd. Shady Grove Adventist Hospital Social Sony Univision Walmart Warner Music Group Western Union Zep Transports, Inc.



Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations American Chambers of Commerce in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Trinidad & Tobago, and Venezuela FEDECARIBE U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Foundations Caterpillar Foundation Cinépolis Foundation Citi Foundation Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Donner Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Homes for Haiti Foundation International Lifeline Fund Silicon Valley Community Foundation Telefónica Foundation The Charles Delmar Foundation The MGive Foundation The Miami Foundation The Sage Foundation Yéle Haiti Foundation United Way of Miami Dade, Inc.

International NGO Partners American Red Cross Boys & Girls Club of Broward County Feed My Starving Children Feed the Children Global Impact Haiti Partners International Lifeline Fund International Service of Hope/IMPACT Kenyas Kids, Inc. Mission Relief Services Missionary Flights International Private Sector of the Americas United Nations Human Settlement Programme

Public Sector Government of Canada Government of Colombia Agencia Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional Government of Barrancabermeja Government of Bolivar Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Haiti Bureau for Monetization Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Communication Government of Spain Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional Government of Taiwan Government of the United States Department of Defense Department of Homeland Security Department of State Department of Veteran Affairs Embassy of the United States of America, Bolivia General Services Administration United States Agency for International Development United States Agency for International Development/Limited Excess Property Program United States Southern Command

Multilateral OPEC Fund for International Development Organization of American States UN-Habitat The World Bank Group

Other Donors Asociación Salesiana Cabralana y Ayuda Haití Círculo Católico de Obreros First Baptist Church of Wheaton Friends of Grenada Inc Georgetown Preparatory School Good Search Havre de Grace SDAC, Inc. Helicop Sociedad Anónima Costa Rica Jamaican Women of Washington, Inc. Laboratorio Clínico Amadita Mercado de Valores de Costa Rica Universidad de Concepción

In northern Colombia, PADF helped farmers increase crop production by providing agricultural technical assistance. PADF 2011 ANNUAL REPORT


Board of Trustees Visit José Miguel Insulza Chairman Secretary General Organization of American States

Jesús J. Canahuati Executive Vice President, ELCATEX Elásticos Centroamericanos y Textiles, S.A. de C.V.

Albert R. Ramdin Vice Chairman Assistant Secretary General Organization of American States

Juan Manuel Carreón Vice President Public Affairs Union Pacific

Maston N. Cunningham President, Board of Trustees (from July 2011) Treasurer, Board of Trustees (through June 2011) President & COO Tri-Valley Corporation

Pedro T. Esteva Chairman and CEO Implementos y Maquinarias C por A (IMCA)

Frank Gómez President, Board of Trustees (through June 2011) Marketing & Public Affairs Educational Testing Service Frank Kanayet Yépes 1st Vice President, Board of Trustees Chairman and CEO Grupo GPC Holding Reginald Boulos, M.D. 2nd Vice President, Board of Trustees (from July 2011) President, Chamber of Commerce & Industry – Haiti Chairman and CEO Boulos Investment Group Gladys Coupet Treasurer, Board of Trustees (from July 2011) Citi Country Officer Citibank N.A. Haiti Branch Ruth Espey-Romero Secretary (from July 2011) Past PADF President Shareholder Greenberg Traurig, LLP Kathleen C. Barclay Secretary, Board of Trustees Past President, AACCLA Asesorías KCB, Ltda. Marilyn Blanco-Reyes Vice President Legal and Regulatory Affairs - Latin America and Caribbean Division FedEx Express Corporation



Ivelisse Estrada Senior Vice President, Corporate and Community Relations Univisión Communications Inc. William D. Gambrel Past President, AACCLA Past President, BankBoston, Colombia Craig Kelly (from April 2011) Vice President The Cohen Group Paul G. Knollmaier (from January 2011) Marketing & Operations Support Director Caterpillar, Inc., Americas Distribution Services Division Ryan Krogmeir Vice President, Chevron Products Americas East and Latin America

OAS Secretaries General And Chairmen José A. Mora, 1962-1968 Galo Plaza, 1968-1975 Alejandro Orfila, 1975-1984 Joas Clemente Baena Soares, 1984-1994 César Gaviria, 1994-2004 Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, 2004 Luigi R. Einaudi, Acting, 2004 José Miguel Insulza, 2005-Present

PADF Board Presidents William Sanders, 1962-1972 T. Graydon Upton, 1972-1977 L. Ronald Scheman, 1977-1983 R.I. Jervis Jones, 1983-1985 Leveo Sánchez, 1985-1988 J. John Jova, 1988-1990 Robert M. McGee, 1990-1992 George M. Kroloff, 1992-1995 Jorge Ríos, 1995-1997 Jack Heller, 1997-2000 Alexander F. Watson, 2000-2002 Frank D. Gómez, 2002-2004 Ruth Espy-Romero, 2004-2006 Alexander Watson, 2006-2009 Frank D. Gómez, 2009-2011 Maston N. Cunningham 2011-Present

Robert M. McGee Past PADF President Past President, Occidental International Corporation

PADF Executive Directors

James J. Parker (through Dec. 2010) Vice President Americas Distribution Services Division Caterpillar Inc.

Sy Rotter, 1968-1974

Armando Pérez ExxonMobil Corporation (Ret.) Vice President, Board of Directors COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation

Marvin Weissman, 1988-1990

Michael Ronan Vice President, Government Relations Caribbean, Latin America & Asia Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Ltd.

L. Ronald Scheman, 1962-1968 Norman Goijber, 1974-1977 Michael D. Miller, 1977-1980 Edward Marasciulo, 1980-1988 Peter Reitz, 1990-1997 Frederick Schieck (acting), 1997-1998 Sarah Horsey-Bar, 1998-1999 Robert Moore (acting), 1999 John Sanbrailo, 1999-present

PADF Staff Visit Washington, D.C. John Sanbrailo Executive Director Amy Coughenour Betancourt (Partial 2011) Deputy Director Terrence Brown (Partial 2011) Senior Operations Director Louis Alexander Senior Programs Director Michael J. Zamba Senior Director of Communications and Public Affairs (Partial 2011) Daniel O’Neil Senior Program Director, Caribbean Maribeth Murphy Senior Director of Development and Business Operations, South America Lance Leverenz Director of Business Development Paul Fisher Director of Corporate Partnerships and Development Oluseto Akinjiola Director of Human Resources Hearly G. Mayr Director of Communications and Public Affairs (Partial 2011) Pilar Heraud Program Director, In-Kind Donations Julieta Varron Director of Grants and Contracts Patricia Manyari Director of Finance


Camila Payán Deputy Director

Jeff Kerzner Country Director (Partial 2011)

Shakeh Akopian Controller Valerie Bellande Corporate Partnerships Coordinator Sandra Pérez Office Manager/Benefits Administrator/ Trustee Relations

Jean Ednor-Nelson (Partial 2011) Director of Operations Jean-Erick Déryce Technical Director Haiti Emergency Shelter Rehabilitation Program Jouvens Coratin (Partial 2011) Director of Finance

Colombia Henry Alderfer Country Director Soraya Osorio Director of Finance and Administration Gloria Nelly Acosta Director, IDP Program Patrick Kiernan (Partial 2010) Director of Grants and Contracts Joseph Blubaugh (Partial 2010) Director of Grants and Contracts Luz Cristina Pinzón Director, New Business Development and Communications Yady Ibarra (Partial 2011) Director, Special Programs

Nadia Cherrouk Director of Finance (Partial 2011) Hervé Razafimbahiny (Partial 2011) Director of Protecting Human Rights Program (PHR) R. Ross Croulet Chief of Party/Program Director, LEAD Arsel Jérome Project Director, Programme de Développement Participatif (PRODEP) Rural Community Driven Development Kerline P. Rock Project Director, Programme de Développement Participatif Urbain (PRODEPUR) Urban Community-Driven Development, PRODEPPAP Urban Pilot

William Torres Deputy Director of Finance and Administration

A.E. Friedrich Nicolas Technical Director Emergency Projects

Carlos Castellanos Director, Human Resources and Budgets

Isaac Xavier Technical Director Infrastructure Projects

Rosa Lila Cerda Deputy Director, IDP Program

Rose Marceline Domond Human Resources Manager

Alfonso García Deputy Director, Alternative Development

Chiara J. Vaccaro (Partial 2011) Chief of Party/Program Director, Haiti Emergency Shelter Rehabilitation Project

Bernard Fructuoso Senior Finance Analyst

Abdelhamid Kalai (Partial 2011) Chief of Party/Program Director, Haiti Emergency Shelter Rehabilitation Project

Nathalie Liautaud Senior Program Manager, Caribbean Luisa Villegas Senior Program Manager, South America Caterina Valero Regional Program Director

In Memoriam Luc Alain Lamour, a dear and respected colleague who worked at our Haiti office, passed away unexpectedly on February 15, 2011 at the age of 46. He had been with PADF since June 1, 2006. A loving father and husband, he was also a committed professional whose dedication made him one of the cornerstones of the PRODEP project. He will be dearly missed by his family, friends and fellow colleagues at PADF.

Program Reach 2001–2011







(in millions of dollars)











$0 '01













Financials Independent Auditor’s Report To the Board of Trustees Pan American Development Foundation Washington, D.C We have audited the accompanying balance sheet

and significant estimates made by management,

of Pan American Development Foundation (the

as well as evaluating the overall financial statement

Foundation) as of September 30, 2011, and the related

presentation. We believe that our audit provides a

statements of activities, functional expenses and

reasonable basis for our opinion.

cash flows for the year then ended. These financial

In our opinion, the 2011 financial statements

statements are the responsibility of the Foundation’s

referred to above present fairly, in all material

management. Our responsibility is to express an

respects, the financial position of the Pan American

opinion on these financial statements based on our

Development Foundation as of September 30, 2011,

audit. The prior year’s summarized comparative

and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for

information has been derived from the Foundation’s

the year then ended in conformity with accounting

2010 financial statements and, in our report dated

principles generally accepted in the United States of

March 25, 2011, we expressed an unqualified opinion


on those financial statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated March

auditing standards generally accepted in the United

22, 2012, on our consideration of the Foundation’s

States of America and the standards applicable to

internal control over financial reporting and our

financial audits contained in Government Auditing

tests of its compliance with certain provisions of

Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of

laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements

the United States. Those standards require that we

and other matters. The purpose of that report is to

plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable

describe the scope of our testing of internal control

assurance about whether the financial statements

over financial reporting and compliance and the

are free of material misstatement. An audit includes

results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion

consideration of internal control over financial

on the internal control over financial reporting or on

reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures

compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit

that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not

performed in accordance with Government Auditing

for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the

Standards and should be considered in assessing the

effectiveness of the Foundation’s internal control

results of our audit.

over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used

Vienna, Virginia March 22, 2012




FY 2011 Operating Revenue


Fiscal Year





54% U.S. Government 54%

25% Foreign Government/Public Sector 12% In-kind 9%




FY 2011 Expenses 60% Creating Economic Opportunities and Promoting Social Progress


21% Responding to Natural Disasters

Fiscal Year


2011 Expenses 60%




Strengthening Communities & Civil Society

10% Management & General 1%






SUPPORT AND REVENUE Grants and contributions

















Responding to Natural Disasters



Total Program Services















In-kind contributions Shipping reimbursables/subsidies Other income Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions Total Support and Revenue

EXPENSES Program services: Creating Economic Opportunities Strengthening Communities and Civil Society

Supporting services Management and general Development Total Supporting Services Total Expenses

Change in net assets

NET ASSETS Beginning Ending

$ 3,967,138



PADF received unqualified audits for FY 2010 and 2011. PADF is audited annually by the accounting firm McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. Copies of audited financial statements and federal form 990 are available upon request and federal from 990 are available at



How to Contribute Your Donations Make a Difference From individual donations to corporate partnerships, a range of contribution sources enhances PADF’s ability to reach those most in need of support. Government and multilateral donors, foundations, private companies, and people like you are all

Your Contributions are Tax-Deductible

necessary to facilitate our work throughout the

PADF is a registered 501 (c)(3) organization.


Contributions made to PADF are generally tax-

We’re an Ideal Mechanism for Social Responsibility Programs PADF provides an excellent mechanism and innovative models through which corporations and foundations can address critical development and disaster management needs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. With transparent management, proven methodologies, and essential relationships that facilitate and mobilize

laws can vary, so donors are encouraged to seek tax advice. In other countries, tax laws should be consulted concerning the deductibility of a gift.

Ways to Give to PADF Online Donate online at Check or Money Order

impact and visibility.

Pan American Development Foundation 1889 F Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20006 Tel: 202.458.3969

We Welcome the Opportunity to Partner with You

Planned Giving

If you are a foundation or an international agency,

Bequests can be made to PADF through a donor’s

PADF can help you further your hemispheric

will or living trust.

objectives through innovative community-based

Other Donations

programs. For more information, please call PADF’s

Donations of stock, appreciated real estate, property,

development office at 202.458.3969 or e-mail

insurance, or trusts can be made to PADF in support

of its programs.

contributions effectively, PADF’s corporate social responsibility options maximize your company’s


deductible under U.S. law. Applicability of these


Project Manager Hearly G. Mayr

Stewardship At PADF we take pride in our financial efficiency

Written by Hearly G. Mayr Jean Cyril Pressoir

and sound accounting practices. As part of our

Research Andrew Breiner

receive, we carefully monitor and review pro-

Photography Nicole Wolf Luisa Villegas Jean Cyril Pressoir Jordan Zu帽iga Frederick Dupoux Hearly G. Mayr Designed by Beth Singer Design, LLC Special Thanks Frank G贸mez

effort to maximize the value of every dollar we grams and costs, use donations and grants for their intended purposes, and look for ways to leverage funds for maximum impact. PADF is certified as a Partner in Trust by GuideStar, and has been awarded a Seal of Excellence by InterAction, the largest alliance of U.S-based international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

About PADF The Pan American Development Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, brings together many stakeholders civil society, support human rights, protect the environment,

1889 F Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel. 202.458.3969

and respond to natural disasters in Latin America and the

to improve livelihoods, empower communities, strengthen

Caribbean. Established by the Organization of American States in 1962, PADF has worked in every country in the hemisphere. In 2011, its programs reached more than 7.5 million people in 23 countries.

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