February 2012 "Of the Heart"

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ISSN 2159-9939

The Honor of Love A Passion for Herbs Functional Furoshiki Belgian artist Ankolie Turnabout is Fair Play Spirit in the Manifestion Process Eye Candy for the Pagan Heart The Witch’s Heart Book Review Anger is the Enemy of a Fulfilled Heart

“Of the Heart” February 2012 Volume 3 • Issue 2 ™• February 2012 • Volume 3


™• February 2012 • Volume 3



Eberhardt, Personal Visions jess*ca mae Tootie Marie Faelin Wolf Mya Om Lucille M Rose Ankolie Amina Racozy S. J. Drew Sister Nariel Nina Pak, www.ninapak.com Refraction Design & Creative Services Personal Visions Eberhardt, Wendy Beth

Our goal at Pagan Edge is to provide readers a high quality, timely magazine with content relevant to modern pagans’ lifestyle and passions. Our publication is a lifestyle magazine so while we may publish spells, rituals, and some magick how-to; we aim to focus on ways that pagans, wiccans, earth-based-spiritualists, and those of like mind can incorporate their values and beliefs into their everyday living. Pagan Edge Magazine & paganedge.com exist solely to offer information to our readers. The publisher, editor, and the entire personnel of Pagan Edge, Pagan Edge Magazine, Personal Visions, Refraction Design and paganedge.com cannot be held responsible for misuse of any information provided. The views expressed in the articles and ads are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Pagan Edge Magazine. Product descriptions, recipes & any how-to information: While we, and our affiliates, attempt to provide accurate information in the magazine and on the site, we do not warrant that the content on this site will be accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. It is your sole responsibility for the use of the content of this Magazine or web site. For additional details please see www.paganedge.com


February 2012 • Volume 3 3


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™• February 2012 • Volume 3

contents 6 Dream Weaving In the Deep of Winter 8 PE Book Review The Witch’s Heart 9 Divine Mind The Honor of Love 10 The Call graphic story by Ankolie

On The Cover: Art by Garrett Meyers

12 Life’s Wit Turnabout is Fair Play 13 The Elder’s Corner A Passion for Herbs



14 Pentagram Spirit as an

Element in the Manifestation Process



16 Finding Your Edge Eye Candy for the Pagan Heart

17 PE Book Review The Witch’s Heart 18 Keeping the Edge Anger is the Enemy of a Fulfilled Heart

22 HandeCraft Functional Furoshiki


February 2012 • Volume 3 5

Dream Weaving Here at the publishing office the deep of winter is upon us... While some of us are sharpening our skates, waxing our skis, and getting ready for some fun in the snow... others find it more rewarding to watch the flakes fall from inside our homes with a warm cup of tea and a capturing book. The land is cold and gray, asleep in death-like hibernation under her blanket of white. The trees stiffen against the winds, their sap slowing, their boughs frozen and still. The sun flirts with us from time to time, but mostly skies are clouded. Some days we even wonder if day has come, or if we are standing still in the dull dusk of twilight and black chill of night. Even our pets know, now is the time to tuck your nose under your tail (if you have one) and let the long nights bring rest and dreams. And yet, somehow we know, there is a busyness about winter unlike any other. Deep within the frozen soils, the slumbering trees, the bundled mammals and their cousins — something unseen, but definitely known, is stirring and storing and processing and programming itself. How do we know important work is getting done as small critters caress of the deep roots under the freeze line? How do we know the bodies of trees so restful are prepping to bring forth fresh green life and nourishing sap? Although we may not be as physically motivated as other seasons, may have put on a few pounds with our local comfort foods... we are active in other ways: feeding our brains with heavy reading, filling our hearts with deep reflections, learning new crafts, enjoying nights of food and game with friends and family... these fill our soul in ways we do not make time for in the lighter, brighter months. 6

™• February 2012 • Volume 3

editor speaks

In fact, this season, is the perfect time to get busy on those interests you don’t always take the time to pursue. After the bustle of the solstice holiday (potluck, presents, and ritual is done) and before the celebrations of the resurrecting spring (planting, maycrowns, and cleaning)... take some time for you. Fill your day or evening with something or someone you haven’t made time for lately. Acknowlege the passions of your heart and indulge in them. Perhaps you’re not the selfish type, but giving yourself moments of rejuvenation is much-needed medicine for the spirit. Your time of inward workings will reflect on your outside workings as well and everyone will benefit. The deep of winter is truly amazing. We are approaching Imbolc, a pre-Christian holiday which marks the half-way point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. “Imbolc” roughly translates to “in the belly” and has many layers of meanings. Perhaps we are concentrating on the pregnant ewes or other mammals which will bring forth lambs soon? Perhaps we are talking of the seeds frozen in the belly of the earth? Perhaps we are dreaming of our own ambitions and potential for creativity forming deep within ourselves and getting ready to burst forth? During this season of love, feel the love deep inside you, let it shine for the world to see, and while you’re at it, don’t forget to love yourself. Perhaps I won’t make time for it on Imbolc, but one of these February evenings of winter will be spent in a warm bath, with low-lighting. Maybe I’ll read the latest issue of PE or bring my journal to the bath with me... or maybe I’ll do nothing at all except sit still, close my eyes, and look inside myself... like a tall gray oak deep in the belly of winter. Happy reading & bright blessings,

Call for Writers Getting published in Pagan Edge is a great way to express yourself, keep connected to the pagan community, and get some pieces for your portfolio. We are currently looking for pagans to writer on pop culture and lifestyle topics: music, cooking, humor, art, advice, and more. Contact Eberhardt at

admin@paganedge.com For more information & column descriptions

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February 2012 • Volume 3 7

The PaganEdge

Book Review

by Faelin Wolf

Before even jumping into the spells and magick itself, Penczak advises the reader to be thoughtful: to determine his or her intention and desire behind pursuing love magick, to consider what expectations he or she might have, and even to examine what love means and how it is defined. Penczak also explores the ethics of love magick, including creating love spells for others. He encourages the reader to really consider how she or he feels about doing love magick and to consider the consequences.

The Witch’s Heart: The Magic of Perfect Love & Perfect Trust by Christopher Penczak, 2011 ISBN: 9780738726274

We Pagans are a diverse group. We follow many different traditions and practice many different ways. Love magick is one of those tricky subjects that can cause major debates between practitioners within paganism. And I admit, some of the love magick books I’ve seen have been… pretty fluffy and silly. Penczak, however, addresses love magick in a very serious and thoughtful way.

The book explores the concept of love through various means, including gods and goddesses, the tarot, astrology, numerology, herbs, and stones. These can be useful when conducting your love magick. When Penczak begins to explore spells, potions, charms, and rituals, he does so by topic. He focuses not only on love and relationships, but sex and lust as well. He even covers handfastings, relationship endings, sexual healing, fertility and pregnancy. I have never considered using love magick, but I think if I do use it in the future, I would definitely utilize The Witch’s Heart. I think it could be very helpful and I appreciate the thoughtful and serious tone and nature of the magick included. This may make an excellent present to yourself or someone else searching for love this Valentine’s Day. Book Review continued on page 17


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

Making the Divine Mind, Mine

by Sister Nariel, Contemplative Order of Anam Cara

The Honor of Love

One of the things I’ve often thought, when thinking of my 18 year old son, is that he died an honorable death. While he was one of six persons in the accident that he was involved in, he was the only one who left this world. Coincidence might explain, if in fact I believed in coincidence, but I don’t. Even at the time of such heartrending loss, I knew a choice had been made. In that one cataclysmic moment, Edward took the bet and raised it one; he would take the fall so that his friends would not. All of us who knew him well have always felt in that one moment he earned a hero’s death. In the months and

years following, and through uncountable dark nights of the soul, I have consoled myself and others by saying: “I would not take his honor from him.” I’ve always meant it. Recently, I have been turning things over and over in my mind about that fateful night. Why… why oh why… did I ever survive it? I haven’t felt that I should have. I know I wouldn’t have chosen to do so. I have even begged the Heavens to take this horrible suffering away from me and to let me be done with it. It was on one such night when I had

repeated those words, that I heard a most gentle answer. Deep, deep in the quiet of my soul — where the tears live and the love is so strong it wounds — I heard the voice of a very gentle Mother as she said to me: “Would you truly not take his honor from him if this was how he had to earn it?” I felt myself physically nodding. “Then why can you not understand that I would not take your honor from you? This is how you were destined to learn the depth of love. In long nights of tears, in days of sorrow, in total isolation, Honor continued on page 20 ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 9


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February 2012 • Volume 3 11

n r u ab T

Life’s Wit by S.J. Drew

out Fa i r s i P l ay Katrina. But I guess everyone thinks that, and half of them are wrong,” Steve said. He sighed. “Maybe that’s why I haven’t asked yet.”

“Steve, just ask her already,” said one young man to his friend as he drank a beer. “Seriously. You’ve been flaking out for weeks.”

with you? Katrina’s not even here.”

“This is the biggest decision of my life. I’m not going to screw it up,” replied Steve.

“You are totally pathetic. Just ask the girl. How hard is it? You pull out the box, show her the rock, and she already knows what you’re going to say.”

“No, Darnell is right,” said another young man. “You’re wasting time. You want to marry Katrina, so just ask her.” “Great, thanks Terence.” “Man, she’s too good for you anyway,” continued Darnell. “That’s true,” Terence agreed. Steve sighed and ordered an appetizer for his buddies. “It’s just such a big decision, you know? This is the rest of my life.” He fumbled with something in his pocket. “Is that the ring?” Terence asked. “You seriously carry it 12

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“I don’t want to lose it,” Steve mumbled.

“But what if she says no?” “She’s dated you for like, three years,” Darnell said. “If she was going to ditch you, she would have done it already.”

The other two groaned. “Look, here we are, three single guys, and you’re the only one with a steady girl. Katrina is awesome. She’s totally hot, she’s funny, she’s smart. Just ask her already,” Darnell said. “Seriously,” said Terence. “You call her up and take her out to dinner this weekend. You don’t have to go some place fancy, just some place nice. You propose to her, or we’ll tell her what an idiot you’re being.”

“Yeah, but this is serious. There’s like, no going back.” “You really believe that? I mean, half of all marriages fail,” said Terence. “I know, and I think it’ll be different with me and

Turnabout continued on page 21

From the Elders Corner by Lucille M Rose

A Passion for


When I retired, I felt cut off, adrift from the outside world. Everyone I knew worked during the day. My family lived in other states so I literally had no one to communicate with until my husband returned home in the evening. My days consisted of cleaning, doing laundry, preparing meals and working on my list of projects. Time passed and all the days began to seem the same… endless. I knew I reached the danger zone when a telemarketer called and I did not hang up the phone!

Where was my spirit, where did my passion in life go? This situation was acceptable. Change needed.

not was

An opportunity for change presented itself when my sister called and asked if I would like to visit her at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. When I arrived at my sister’s house she told me we were going to meet all her friends. The coup-de-gras was

when one of her friends asked if we would like to go to an herb store with her to purchase herbs. She was going to make a batch of salve. I was more than ready for this project! We purchased the herbs and my sister volunteered her kitchen. We read over the procedure and went to work. Six hours later we had a wonderful batch of salve cooling in containers and a huge mess. And I had found my passion in life! After I returned from my trip, I spent hours researching the herbs we had purchased and used. I decided to make a batch of salve and give a small portion to all my friends and family.

The comments I received prompted me into doing more research, reading and learning about the properties of other herbs.

that carried some herb type products but no one knew what calendula was. I told her I had been experimenting with oil infusions and I had some infused calendula oil. If she gave me an hour I could calculate the amount of beeswax and cocoa butter necessary to create a salve and make a small jar for her. I asked who suggested this salve to her and her reply was “my doctor”. She picked up the salve and a week later called to tell me it had worked. She was impressed with the salve.

Herbs can be used for a number of minor conditions. Passion continued on page 24

One day a friend called me and asked if I knew where she could purchase calendula salve. She had already been to a couple stores ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 13


2 • AIR Thought

5 • EARTH Physical World


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

1 • WATER Emotion

3 • FIRE Transformation

Photos © Tootie Marie Imagery


Article & Photos by Tootie Marie Imagery

An Element In The Pentagram Of Manifestation

The Fourth of the Five Elements in the Manifestation Process

This is the fifth and final article in a five part series dealing with the Manifestation Process as it is made whole by the five elements -- Water, Air, Fire, Spirit, and Earth -- and how we can trace these elements along the lines of the pentagram. Each element can be seen as an important part in the process of manifestation – Emotions, Thought, Transformation, Connecting Force, Physical World. Just a refresher: the elements are listed here in the order in which we bring our emotions into physical being. Water is the element of Emotions; Air is the element of Thought; Fire is the element of Transformation; Spirit connects us to everything; and Earth is the element of the Physical World. The Manifestation Process is continually happening whether we are conscious of it or not. Hopefully this series of articles has made you more aware of the process of manifestation. You have also made a deep connection with each element as you followed through this course. These articles have been written out-of-order, so to speak, so that the element being highlighted is in accordance with the topic

of discussion for the month. Our topic this month is Spirit. Therefore the final article in our series actually coincides with the fourth element in the Manifestation Process: Spirit. For this activity, as you focus on Spirit, you want to be in a location where you feel calm and peaceful, possibly a place where you feel close to your Connecting Force. This could be indoors or outdoors, near your altar, or surrounded by nature, wherever feels right to you. Another aspect that will enhance the setting is dressing in appropriate colors. If you wish, you can adorn yourself in Spirit’s colors usually associated with white, a balance of white and black, or white and your favorite color. Before we begin concentrating on the Spirit element, please take a few minutes to think of an object you have in your possession that ties you to Spirit, the element of your Connecting Force. This will be more difficult than the previous exercises, so give yourself time to think about this one. Think about whatever represents Spirit to you -- whatever connects you to the unseen world, to life, to truth, to

your spiritual path. Perhaps you have a guardian “angel” or an animal guide, a special activity or place. A symbolic representation will work splendidly. You can use a photo, a poem, a book, artwork, your altar. If it works for you, then it’s good. Either pick up your “Spirit object” and hold on to it, or situate yourself near it throughout this exercise. Make yourself comfortable. Relax. Ground and center yourself. In your mind’s eye, you will concentrate strongly on the Spirit element in order to manifest its energy and power. By doing this, you are producing links and channels for the energy to move through. Spirit is the Connecting Force, the element of both inner and universal harmony, the energy that holds everything together. This was recognized by even our early conservationists. Freeman Tilden, the poet and advocate for our national park system, wrote “The early philosophers looked at the world about them, and decided that there were four elements – fire, air, water, and earth. But as they grew a little wiser, they perceived that there must be something else.

Manifestation continued on page 26 ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 15

Finding Your Edge items on the internet have caught our eye... bring your lifestyle with you, wherever you desire!

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by B




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Miniature Groundhog Figurine





Pi n e


Agate Candle Holders $110 Rablab VW01 by Thonet • inhabitat.com • €100

Flat Pack Recycled Honeycomb Cardboard Chair

Flaming Arrow Saint Brigid signed and matted giclee by Helena Nelson-Reed $70

Something caught your eye? Share it with PE readers! submit to chief-editor@paganedge.com 16

™• February 2012 • Volume 3

Book Review continued from page 8

since they seem to fight and irritate each other all the time.

Married With Zombies

by Jesse Petersen, 2010 ISBN: 9780316102865

I thought I’d continue with my February Zombies & Love theme that I started last year. Hey, it’s not your typical connection, but it sure is fun! Married With Zombies is definitely more zombies than love, though. Sarah and David are a young married couple who are drifting apart. They are attending marriage counseling, but they both have been thinking about getting divorced. It seems that they just aren’t the same people they were when they fell in love—especially

Enter the mysterious and fast-spreading zombie infection. They discover this unusual occurrence when they show up for their weekly marriage counseling appointment to find their therapist is eating her previous patients, the perfect “Wonderful Wilsons.” Now, Sarah and David must work together to battle the increasing number of zombies that are taking over Seattle and find a way to escape town to check on their families and find safety. Along the way, they find they are working on their marriage and using some of the advice they learned from marriage counseling. As it says on the cover, “the couple who slays together stays together.” This was definitely a fun and easy read. There was plenty of humor, a lot of cynicism, and lots of zombie slaying. There were some gruesome descriptions, so beware to those who are easily grossed out. I appreciated that Jesse Petersen did not just throw her characters together and make their marriage all better after their teamwork in the zombie crisis. They still have problems, but she showed them growing and working on their love together. This was the first in a new series, and I’m definitely picking up the second book!


February 2012 • Volume 3 17

Original Photography by Nina Pak ©2011 Model: Stelfox Ohm, Make Up Artist: Jessica Elliot


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

Keeping the Edge

by Mya Om

Anger is the Enemy of a Fulfilled Heart I’ve written about my own journey to change the way I view the world, both in this magazine and in my books, but I realized this morning that the one thing I didn’t communicate was the impetus that led me to the first realization that what I was doing was not working. I was twelve when we moved to the U.S. This wasn’t a pretty move for me as I had to give up a comfortable life, close friends, and the family I had grown up with in exchange for people I didn’t know, customs I didn’t understand, and a family I never fit in with. It didn’t help that at the time I only had the contents of a single suitcase to my name. I made the decision, albeit unconsciously, to let anger in. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I realized how much that anger had shaped my life. To a large extent, up to that point, I hadn’t been living my life; I had been reacting to the circumstances of my life and as a result I had zero control over the events around me and even less control over the magickal energies I was starting to work with. I cannot emphasize enough how important control over self—both thought and action – is to any type of working. I just wasn’t making the connection at that point between my lack of control and the failures of my workings. It became a self-destructive cycle where failure led to frustration, and frustration fed the anger I was carrying around, and my life continued to spiral beyond my control.

In late 2002 after yet another chaotic spiral that left me a temporarily homeless, college dropout, I went with a friend to a workshop at a New Age Store. I do not remember what the workshop was about, or even the name of the store, but what I do remember is the reading I received from the instructor after the workshop. The message she communicated to me that day reminded me I was in control and not the outside world or the other people in it. If I wanted things to change I would have to change them myself. I think that a lot of people – male & female – suffer from something I will call “someday syndrome”, where they live their lives waiting for “someday” to arrive because when someday arrives it will bring with it a solution to all of life’s problems. There is this old Middle Eastern fable that explains this better than I ever could – the story as related to me by my grandmother is as follows: Jooha, (a traditional Arab folk character) goes on a shopping spree that lasts for months. Each day he returns home to his wife with new and unusual things, lovely carpets, new furnishings, fantastic treats, etc… His wife watches him go on this spree for a while and after a few days she begins to wonder for whom he is buying all of these wonderful things. The next time he comes Anger continued on page 25 ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 19

Honor continued from page 9 you have learned a Mother never ceases to love. You have learned love crosses all time and all space. You have learned LOVE *IS* ALL TIME AND SPACE. This is your honor and I would not take it from you.” I cried. I blanched. I stilled. Then I understood. Even now, in this separation of our physical selves- my destiny and Edward’s destiny are still ever intertwined. I have never apologized for my sorrows, nor have I tried to explain why I had to go through what I have gone through, and why so much of it has had to be alone. I understand now. It had to be alone so I would see I had never been alone at all. I have had to feel this sense of separation in order to realize we were never separated at all. I had to feel a Mother’s love and sorrow and strength, in order to understand my Mother’s love, sorrow and strength. Even as I write this, I am humbled. My skin feels like it’s on fire, burning with the sense of “Do I dare write this? Does this mean I have given up on him? Does it mean I am choosing to live while he chose to die?” I realize now in writing it, I own it. I realize I could no more give up on him than he


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

could give up on me. I realize She never gave up on either of us. I realize he did not choose to die. He chose to live a higher kind of honor and a different kind of life. I realize I must choose, every day (sometimes every minute of every day) to live a higher kind of honor and a different kind of life than I had envisioned. Isn’t that what LOVE really does? It makes us stronger, surer, more honest, more open and more daring than we could have ever imagined. Love doesn’t seek the status quo — it constantly strives for higher, greater and deeper. Noted author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once said: “What love we’ve given we’ll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity.” What would you do, in order to love fully and live honorably? What love will be yours forever? What love will be lost for eternity? Do you know your love is the greatest gift you can give to the world? Your beauty, your talent, your soul is needed in this world that is languishing due to apathy and neglect. Who YOU are and the way YOU love is YOUR honor — may no one take it from you.

Turnabout continued from page 12

She opened the lid to reveal an expensive man’s watch. “Stephen, will you marry me?”

“Thanks guys,” Steve said dryly. “You’re the best. Really.” But the next day Steve made a dinner date with Katrina. He settled on some place nice, but not fancy, so she wouldn’t think he had anything big planned. And if she didn’t think he had anything big planned, she wouldn’t be disappointed if he lost his nerve. After he ordered appetizers and cocktails, he thought about asking but just couldn’t quite work up the courage. “Stephen, we need to talk,” Katrina said. Now he was really nervous. “We’ve been dating for a long time now. I think you’re a great guy. You’re smart, you make me laugh, and we always have a good time together.”

Suddenly he understood the meaning of the word ‘dumbstruck.’ In a moment, he regained his voice. “Of course I’ll marry you.” Her smile lit up her face. “Good. I thought you were going to ask, and I was afraid the reason you hadn’t yet is because you didn’t want to marry me.” “I want to marry you more than anything else in the world.” He leaned across the table and kissed her. “Um, would you like your ring now?” he asked sheepishly, pulling the box out of his pocket. Katrina laughed until she was out of breath. “You are so silly sometimes. But that’s why I love you.” “I love you too.”

“Please don’t say ‘but,’” he thought. She pulled a small box out of her purse and put it on the table. “I know this probably isn’t what you expected.” ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 21

Functional Furoshiki

Coming from the mid-Edo Period (1603-1868), furoshiki literally translated means “bath spread”. First used in public bath houses, furoshiki served as a wrap to hold the bather’s clothes. Before becoming associated with public bath, furoshiki was known as “hirazutsumi”, meaning a flat, folded bundle. In October of 2005 Japan’s Environmental Ministry held an Eco Event in which the following facts were provided: • One plastic bag, weighing 8 to ten grams requires from 16 to 18 ml of crude oil to produce. • The production of said


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

bag also emits 30g carbon dioxide during manufacture and an additional 31g of carbon dioxide during its final disposal by incineration.

• The Environmental Ministry determined that 30 billion plastic bags are annually used in Japan which results in approximately 915 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. By each of us using a traditional furoshiki (a square of cloth), we can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions thus helping to mitigate global warming. Because cloth can be reused over many years (especially if it is up-cycled

from another use like old bed sheets) it has a positive effect compared to the carbon made in new cloth production as well as replacing the bags mentioned previously. Now we will show you how to make a good basic shopping bag that can be either tied ahead of time and used as a shoulder pack or kept and tied at a time of need. No special skills are required and for the demonstration in this article, a recovered piece of light weight linen was used that measures 44 inches square. The size can vary depending on what you plan to carry or what you have on hand. More importantly keep the fabric

Reviving Mindfulness in the Every Day lighter weight so your knots are easier to tie and are less bulky. Step one: Lay out your fabric on a table or counter (if at the store) and take up one corner and pull the fabric between a hole made with your pointer finger and thumb until you have about 12 inches extended beyond your hand. Tie a simple pass through knot at the base and tighten the knot to the point of just being snug. Step two: Repeat step one for the opposite corner. Then tuck both knots in and under to hide them. This forms both sides of your bag.

Step three: Take up one of the remaining corners and pull the fabric between a hole made with your pointer finger and thumb until you have about 24 inches extended beyond your hand. Tie a simple pass through knot at the base and tighten the knot to the point of just being snug. Step four: Repeat step three for the last corner. Now you have two base knots that form the starting point for your handle. Step five: Bring the ends of the two 24 inch pieces together and using a standard square knot firmly tie just the ends of the two pieces together to


a how-to by PE Staff

form your handle. Remember never over tighten your knots so you can undo them later to make additional furoshiki shapes. One of the spiritual benefits of furoshiki is that it helps with the practice of mindfulness by keeping you focused on both what you may be preparing to buy or carry and it gives your hands something to do that brings engagement to what is otherwise a passive act. In some cases it can help break the cycle of consumerism by helping you decide you don’t need what impulse may have driven you to. Enjoy, and check out our website for videos and links on furoshiki.


February 2012 • Volume 3 23

Passion continued from page 13

They might work slightly slower than a prescription drug but they have fewer side effects and are gentler on the body. Yes, there are occasions when one should NOT use herbs and most importantly, one SHOULD discuss with their doctor what herbs they are using. I expanded my line of products and soon friends and family members were suggesting I sell these creations. I designed a label, packed up some of the products and visited one of the local businesses. About a year later I came up with the name Lotions Potions and Soaps but Notions would cover everything so I filed the required paperwork and opened a checking account for Lotions Potions and Notions. I will never forget the day when I realized the herbs I was purchasing were growing near my house….yarrow, mullein, white willow to name but a few. I purchased a small book on wild plants in Michigan and was shocked when I was able to identify over a hundred 24

™• February 2012 • Volume 3

“weeds” as plants with medicinal properties and they all grew within walking distance. Wild raspberry plants grew behind my house under my kitchen window. All I had to do was snip off leaves, rinse them off and dry them. I was thrilled when I discovered rare or endangered species… hundreds of trillium, bloodroot and Solomon’s seal in a secluded area where no one went.

A few years later I drew up plans for an herbal garden and created a list of fifty additional plants. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have several plants find their way to my herbal garden… such as horsetail, violets, comfrey, shepherds purse and chickweed.

I use wildcrafted, homegrown and certified organic herbs to create lotions, salves, infusions or tinctures, soaps and powdered incense. The only smudge sticks used in our rituals are the ones made with homegrown artemisia, white sage, lavender and perhaps a few other plants when the occasion requires it.

Now my days consist of wild crafting, making or creating product, and reading the comments that are enclosed with checks. Pet owners often send me pictures of their pets. Cats “enjoying” their Kittie Crack are my favorites.

And not one cat has turned its finicky little nose up at the all-natural Kittie Treats which contain walleye. Dogs love the all-natural Hoopty Doo Doggie Treats (venison, chicken or lamb). But seeing the before and after pictures showing the results of the Anti-Itch Lotion, the Fur Baby Boo Boo Salve or the Anti-Fungal really gives me a sense of validation in what I am doing. And I know I am truly blessed to have been introduced to the world of herbs.


Below: Hoopty Doo, a regular client of Lotions Potions & Notions, enjoys a chickenbroth popsickle.

Anger continued from page 19

I was in control and not the outside world or the other people in it. home with his arms full of goods she asks him, “Jooha, what is all of this? Who is it for?” Jooha responds, “Darling, it is for when Ramadan comes.” The wife is disappointed because she had been hoping that the stuff Jooha was buying was intended for their family and not for this Ramadan person. Being a good wife, she does not complain, instead she helps Jooha to arrange all of the stuff he purchases in one of the rooms in their house. Several months go on like this with Jooha buying more and more things. Then, one day when Jooha is out, there is a knock on the door. When the wife opens the door she finds a young man waiting for her. He asks, “Is this the house of Jooha?” and she says, “why yes it is, but my husband is away.” The young man says, “thank you, if you could just let him know that Ramadan came to see him.” And he turns to walk away. “Wait,” the wife calls out, “I think I know why you are here, my husband would surely be upset if I turned you away.” She invites the young man inside, and after serving him coffee, she takes him to the room where she has stored all of the things Jooha has bought. The young man is very pleased and the wife is pleased to help him load up all of the goods Jooha has bought on to his mule. That night when Jooha comes home, he goes to the room to store all of the goods he bought while away

and sees the room empty. He yells for his wife, “We’ve been robbed!” his wife comes running, “What, what is the matter?” she asks him. “Where is all of my stuff?” he asks. “Ramadan came so I gave it to him,” she says. In Islamic society Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and prayer. In this story Ramadan symbolizes the idea of living for “someday.” Jooha spent all of his time, effort and money buying things and hiding them away for when “someday” arrived, instead of enjoying what he had he waited and waited to enjoy his life and then when he wasn’t looking it was all gone and he never got to use any of it. The message of the story is to enjoy life as it comes and not wait around for someday to arrive, because that someday may never come, or some life event may happen to take away everything you have long before Ramadan comes. When I finally realized how I had been holding on to anger, and hoarding away any possibility of happiness until the time when my life magically fixed itself (my own personal Ramadan), I was able to begin to find a way out of the mess I had created for myself. Like Jooha I realized how foolish I had been to store all my dreams away and wait for a time that may never actually arrive.


February 2012 • Volume 3 25

Manifestation continued from page 15 These tangible elements did not comprise a principle – they merely revealed that somewhere else, if they could not find it, there was a soul of things. A fifth essence – pure, eternal, and inclusive.” The domain of the Spirit realms exists outside of time and outside of space. The results of your wants and needs begin their materialization here, in the aura or ethereal body, and their evident manifestation in the Physical World will come after this. Take your time as you go through the following steps, allowing what you see to develop at its own pace. Spirit is challenging to visualize – it’s more a feeling, a knowing. You can see Spirit as a way of expressing eternal truth… of how you reflect Goddess and God, or how you reflect the Great Mystery, or the Great Spirit, or however you want to say what that energy is. You can feel Spirit all around you… above and below… inside and outside. It is your link to the unseen world… the link to your guardians… to your guides… to your spiritual path. Spirit is the essence of life itself, within you and outside of you… through Spirit you are a part of all life… you are a part of all


™• February 2012 • Volume 3

existence on all levels, seen and unseen. Spirit is at the center-point of your being. It can not be seen… it can not be named… but it is always with you. You can feel Spirit connecting you to a universal energy… connecting you to a universal power... you can feel Spirit at the center of unconditional love. Spirit is a channel to the past… a channel to the future… it is always in the present moment, raising your consciousness of the here and now. Think to yourself, “The energy of Spirit begins to change everything it touches, and everything it touches begins to change… The energy of Spirit begins to change everything it touches, and everything it touches begins to change”. You can feel the constant process of change within yourself… feel the constant process of change in your body… the constant process of change in your ideas… in your emotions… in your work… in your relationships. You can feel changes beginning all around you… recall changes you have already made… visualize changes you are about to make.

Give thanks to Spirit for its all encompassing, sacred, divine energies… give thanks for this timeless, eternal connection… give thanks for your ever-present source of inner truth… inner peace… healing. Now, fix your attention on the “Spirit object” you have either been holding, or that has been near you, this entire time. With all the sacred inner energies and divine radiating currents you are now in touch with, take time to remember why this was the object you chose to represent Spirit. What makes it special? How does this object tie you to Spirit? How does it represent your Connecting Force? How does it represent inner or universal harmony; or both? Empower your “Spirit object” with the energy you feel flowing through the links and channels created from your deep connection with Spirit. In working through the exercise above, you have reinforced your awareness of the association you and the objects around you have with Spirit. This also raises your consciousness of Spirit as an important element in the Manifestation Process. You have an active part in the process. Celebrate Spirit: remember to show your love for and give thanks to Spirit. It is where your desires first begin to materialize.

Touch the sacred -- the still-point of power at the hub of your being. Reach out and reach in, connecting to your source, and the guidance from within. This is what people around the world search for – how to recognize the divine as it is expressed in our sometimes very complex lives. May your Connecting Force guide you, and bring you inner peace and harmony.


References: Kindred, G. (2001). Sacred Celebrations: A Sourcebook. Gothic Image Publications Starhawk (1989). The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. HarperCollins Publishers To view all previous articles in the series: Look for the first article in the February 2011 issue dedicated to Earth: the final element in the Manifestation Process. The second article is in the May 2011 issue dedicated to Air: the second element in the Process. The third article is in the August 2011 issue dedicated to Fire: the third element in the Process. And the fourth article is in the November 2011 issue dedicated to Water: the first element in the Process. You can now arrange them in order to follow along the lines of the Pentagram of Manifestation.

Photos © Tootie Marie Imagery ™•

February 2012 • Volume 3 27


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