Hearth & Home

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ISSN 2159-9939

House to Home The Enchanted Cat Home Sweet Home? Home is Where the Hearth Is Playful Chakra Bead Necklace Home Should and Can Be A Sanctuary Little Altars In the Home Meal Time Rituals Many the Miles Licorice

“Hearth & Home” March 2012 Volume 3 • Issue 3 ™• March 2012 • Volume 3


™• March 2012 • Volume 3



Eberhardt, Personal Visions jess*ca mae Tootie Marie Faelin Wolf Mya Om Lucille M Rose Ankolie Amina Racozy S. J. Drew Sister Nariel Nina Pak, www.ninapak.com Refraction Design & Creative Services Personal Visions Eberhardt, Wendy Beth

Our goal at Pagan Edge is to provide readers a high quality, timely magazine with content relevant to modern pagans’ lifestyle and passions. Our publication is a lifestyle magazine so while we may publish spells, rituals, and some magick how-to; we aim to focus on ways that pagans, wiccans, earth-based-spiritualists, and those of like mind can incorporate their values and beliefs into their everyday living. Pagan Edge Magazine & paganedge.com exist solely to offer information to our readers. The publisher, editor, and the entire personnel of Pagan Edge, Pagan Edge Magazine, Personal Visions, Refraction Design and paganedge.com cannot be held responsible for misuse of any information provided. The views expressed in the articles and ads are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Pagan Edge Magazine. Product descriptions, recipes & any how-to information: While we, and our affiliates, attempt to provide accurate information in the magazine and on the site, we do not warrant that the content on this site will be accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. It is your sole responsibility for the use of the content of this Magazine or web site. For additional details please see www.paganedge.com


March 2012 • Volume 3 3


™• March 2012 • Volume 3

contents 6 Dream Weaving Home Sweet Home? 8 Divine Mind Home is Where the Hearth Is

9 Life’s Wit House to Home 10 Craft Corner Chakra Bead Necklace Inside: The Call continues by Ankolie, page 14

11 The Elder’s Corner A Passion for Herbs 12 PE Book Review The Enchanted Cat 13 Keeping the Edge Many the Miles 14 The Call by Ankolie 16 Food of Gods Meal Time Rituals 17 Herbal Quickies Licorice 18 Little Altars In the Home 22 Finding the Edge Pagan Eye Candy 25 PE Book Review Curiosity Thrilled the Cat


March 2012 • Volume 3 5

Dream Weaving Home Sweet Home, yes? Except when it’s not of course. Living and belonging to a home is something has always been a challenge. For nomadic people the challenge is to have their home in the right spot at the right time of year for greatest advantage of resources. Then grew the settlements that took advantage of a fixed resource such as rich fertile soil along a great river, with the fixing of home to a place a new kind of challenge blew in. Floods, pests, drought, disease all burdened these homes — yet it still was better than being nomadic because even though civilizations are born and fall — each time they change, evolve, and feeling perhaps most importantly: reborn. We humans like to think that home is where your stuff is and that implies a level of control that has never really existed. Philosophizers will say some variant of “home is where the heart is”, and this leaves us with a false sense security. The thought I am most attracted to is that we are each homes, our bodies and our souls working together. For “Western Pagans/Heathens” this is still not a concept that has been as widely explored as by religions like Hinduism or philosophies like Buddhism. But if you think about home at this level it becomes much easier to see how we begin to build communities. From personal relationships to the broader standing in the community, each


™• March 2012 • Volume 3

publisher speaks

of our personal homes becomes a building block for bigger and bigger homes. We reflect this in the buildings we erect for our Gods and Goddesses and our human families. It is why when I look out at the swath of history of which we know, I see the pattern the Goddess has lead us on. From the earth we grew and have lived, loved, hated, and always struggled to be where we are now. Now I think we humans have matured collectively in our late-teen years. We certainly still have our good days and our bad days but more and more of us are heeding what our Mother is telling us and using what we have learned to take responsibility and work to keep our true home — our Mother — alive and well. Issue Notes: We love to introduce you to Zedral Z, our new author and Kitchen Witch. She will be doing our month feature “Food of Gods”. I hope you will welcome her with a comment or two on our FaceBook page. You can find out more about all our authors at our website. Also, we are a leanly staffed and so far a non-profit business, so this month features some of my first attempts at graphic design. If glares - please wish me a blessing and send your comments to admin@paganegde.com Blessed Be, Eberhardt

Call for Writers Getting published in Pagan Edge is a great way to express yourself, keep connected to the pagan community, and get some pieces for your portfolio. We are currently looking for pagans to writer on pop culture and lifestyle topics: music, cooking, humor, art, advice, and more. Contact Eberhardt at

admin@paganedge.com For more information & column descriptions

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March 2012 • Volume 3 7

Making the Divine Mind, Mine

by Sister Nariel, Contemplative Order of Anam Cara

Home is Where the Hearth is

Perhaps it is a symbol of a bygone era, but I remember that one item most young women treasured was the cedar chest or “hope chest” as they were called. Heralding back to days as early as the 15th century when women brought a dowry to their marriage, the hope chest continues to be used by countless women. Many times the fragrant chest that belonged to a grandmother or mother, was handed down to the bride filled with items such as: her wedding dress, linens, towels, silver, dishes and quilts. The creation of a family unit was one of the milestones in a woman’s life. The hearth was the beating heart of the home.

Around the hearth was where the family gathered to take their meals, craft healing remedies, share tales of their lives around a raging fire, and make love by the dying embers. Its importance cannot be highlighted enough. The stories of myth and legend abound with the symbolism of the cauldron and hearth, among these, the many layered tale of Gwion Bach and Cerridwen. It’s a fitting tale to recount here, particularly as we now move from the Station of Descent upwards, to the coming springtime and the time of gatherings, plantings and marriages. Found in the tales of the Mabinogion, the story is told of Cerridwen’s two children,

Afagddu and Creirwy. Afagddu was a swarthy and hideously ugly child, one that the world would not look at with love and appreciation. Creirwy was as the golden sunlight. Cerridwen wanted to give her son, Afagddu, a gift that would make him of greater value in the world and so she set to making a brew. The stirring and tending of this brew was a nearly insurmountable task and so Gwion Bach was set to the task and slaved at it for many, many months. When the brew was boiling and near completion, three drops seared Gwion’s finger and he (as any of us would and should) stuffed his finger in his mouth in order to cool the burn. With that one action, he ingested Home continued on page 21


™• March 2012 • Volume 3


ouse to

Nicholas and Sophie turned the key in the door to their new home. “This is it,” Nick said gladly. “Our first home, and with good luck, the home we’ll raise a family in.” The house still smelled of the cleaning chemicals used by the previous residents. “I’m glad we have time to make the place our own before we

Life’s Wit by S.J. Drew


have to move in all our stuff,” said Sophie. “Some things are just easier when the place is empty.” “You take care of the cleansing. I’ll head out to get the paint and some supplies,” he said. “Sounds like a plan.” Sophie went to the car and pulled out a box of supplies. Nick first checked the paint swatches in the rooms to make sure they

worked with the lighting, and then took the car and headed out. First, Sophie walked around the property to get a feel for the boundary and for the types of plants in her yard. She’d done this when they’d been looking at the house, but now she took her time to really learn what was around. Next, she walked around the house to get a feel for it as well. She stopped in each room and tried to concentrate on the feeling she got. The house had been built over fifty years ago, and had only been owned by two families since it had been built. While she concentrated, she could almost feel the passage of time as two generations raised families in the house. She pulled out some of her supplies and lit a smudge stick made of sage. She performed a cleansing ceremony in the house to rid it of negative House to Home continued on page 23


March 2012 • Volume 3 9

Craft Craft Corner Corner

Playful Playful Chakra ChakraBead Bead Neclace Neclace

Color, what isn’t important about it to the pagan/ Color, what isn’t important about it to the pagan/ heathen communities? We have multiple and Take time when cutting the colored pencils heathen communities? Wefor have andandTake time when colored pencils simultaneous true meanings each ofmultiple the major be careful not to cutting apply tothe much pressure simultaneous true meanings for each of the major and be careful not to apply to much pressure colors. Divine eyes have made the world full of color to avoid flaking the color off the outside. colors. Divine have made the world fulltheme of color to avoid flaking the color off the outside. and texture. Foreyes this months hearth and home and texture. Forpiece this months hearth home theme creating a fun of jewelry to and reflect sacred creating a fun piece of jewelry to refl ect sacred chakras came to mind as just right so here we go!

chakras came to mind as just right so here we go! You will need You will need ✮ colored Pencils ✮ Junior Hacksaw ✮ colored Pencils ✮ Sandpaper ✮ Fine Junior Hacksaw ✮ Drill And Small Drill Bit ✮ Fine Sandpaper ✮ OrSmall Wire (For ✮ Thread Drill And Drill The Bit Necklace) ✮ Safety Glasses! ✮ Thread Or Wire (For The Necklace) ✮ Minutes Of Your Time ✮ About Safety30Glasses! ✮ About 30 Minutes Of Your Time

How to: Basic Bead Necklace

Always wear safety glasses when you do any How to: Basic Bead Necklace crafts involoing maechanics such as drilling, Always wear safety glasses when you do any2. Don’t worry if the cut surface of the beads sawing, and cutting. Remember Safety is sacred! crafts involoing maechanics such as drilling,look a bit scruffy…all they need is a quick rub with 2. Don’t worry if the cut surface of the beads sawing, and cutting. Remember Safety is sacred!some sandpaper. It is easier to lay the sandpaper bit scruffy…all theybead need a quick rub with 1. For the basic necklace begin by making on look a flatasurface and rub the in is small circles. some sandpaper. It is easier to lay the sandpaper beads. Use either hexagonal or round colored 1. For the basic necklace begin by making pencils ¼ inch (7mm) long. To cut beads use a a flatdrill surface and rub the bead in small circles. 3.onNow a hole in the side of each bead beads.sharp, Use either hexagonal round colored small, hacksaw blade. Ororsomething like pencils ¼ inch long.fast To work cut beads use ausing a small drill bit. Make sure to place a scrap a Dremmel tool (7mm) can make of cutting. 3. Now drill a hole in the side of each bead small, sharp, hacksaw blade. Or something likepiece of wood underneath. It’s not a good idea to Make Better sure toyet place a scrap getusing holesainsmall your drill workbit. surface. to use a Dremmel tool can make fast work of cutting. piececlamps of wood underneath. notinaanything. good idea to crafting to avoid making It’s holes

get holes in your work surface. Better yet to use clamps to avoid making holes anything. 4.crafting Once you a number of beads are cut, in simply string them onto a length of thread…job done! For Once you a number of beads are cut, simply . 4. a different lookonto you acan string them length try ofstringing them on For thread…job done! . jewelry wire (shown a different look youis can silver plate copper). ✪ on try stringing them jewelry wire (shown is silver plate copper).


™• March 2012 • Volume 3

From the Elders Corner

by Lucille M Rose

A Home Should and Can Be A Sanctuary My mother was an alcoholic. My husband’s father was an alcoholic. Our childhoods were different yet similar. During the days the yelling, fighting and crying were common occurrences. Our dinners consisted of screaming, yelling and crying. Our behavior would be critiqued and if what we said or did at the dinner table was judged to be unacceptable then our plates of food were taken from us. My husband’s dinner experiences were slightly different.

Out home experiences could in no way compete with Disneyland for fond memories. Food and sometimes plates of food were not taken from them; it was thrown across the table. He told me that he and his brothers became quite good at catching food in midair! Our home experiences could in no way compete with Disneyland for fond memories. The yelling, screaming crying

did not stop at dinner; it depended on the plans of the parent. We hoped to hear the words” I am going down to the bar”. We would breathe a sigh of relief knowing we were being given a few hours of peace. Bars usually close around 2:00 am. However, Clubs are granted an extended time. If our mother would came home in a really happy mood she went straight to bed – great for us. But if someone had said something to her that displeased her in any way, she was no longer the party girl. She was Super Mom able to grab me by the hair, drag me out of bed and beat me with whatever was in her right hand. Oh yes…those were the fun times. I am still to this day am an extremely light sleeper. The slightest noise and I am awake, waiting for a smack to the head. A second later I realize where I am. I’m in our home. I’m safe. I take a deep breath, exhale and go back to sleep. We were almost always on the defensive, waiting for the moment when we should run, find a place to hide or protect ourselves if caught unawares. My husband

fought back. I did not fight back until I was eighteen and so embarrassed that I was getting a beating with a belt in front of friends, that I fought back for the first time. I might have “won” the battle but my siblings lost the war because she then went after them.

I’m safe. I take a deep breath, exhale and go back to sleep. Yet I consider myself very fortunate. I was sent to my Aunt’s house to spend weekends with her. And when I was in eighth grade I was sent to my Grandmother’s to care for her after she broke her hip. At dinnertime at my

SanctuarySanctuary continuedcontinued on page 24 on page 24


March 2012 • Volume 3 11

The PaganEdge

Book Review

by Faelin Wolf

When I think of home, I think of cats. I can’t imagine my home without cats! So, my theme is cats to match our theme of Hearth and Home.

The Enchanted Cat: Feline Fascinations, Spells & Magick

by Ellen Dugan, 2006 ISBN: 0738707694

I am definitely a cat person. Are you? There is something inherently magickal and mysterious about cats. I was always intrigued when my oldest cat would be interested in any magickal doings I might be engaging in and I thought it was awesome that she seemed to hold as much reverence for my altar as I did. Ellen Dugan recognized the magickal nature of cats and with a little urging from the Goddess, her daughter, and her cats, she wrote this book for all the other witchy cat-lovers out there.

The Enchanted Cat explores how cats have always been connected with goddesses and their connections in historical times. Cats’ personalities and characteristics are examined and explored for how they might enhance your magickal workings. Dugan offers spells to incorporate your cats’ magick and blessings to accomplish your aims, such as cleansing and protection spells, as well as spells that can help your cats directly, like healing and welcoming spells. She discusses the important responsibilities and uses for a feline familiar and guides the reader in how to discover and use a feline power animal. This book is packed with feline everything! I like the different spells that Dugan offers, although at times the rhymes seem a little silly. I think an important message throughout the book is to honor your cats’ wishes and never force them into helping with a spell or meditation. The idea is to invite curious cats to offer their blessings and go from there. You may have a familiar in the making or just an observer, but cat lovers will value the new ideas for how to incorporate their already magickal companions into their magickal practice! Book Review continued on page 25


™• March 2012 • Volume 3

Many the Miles

Keeping the Edge

by Mya Om

I have always been a bit of a restless soul – even as a child I was never the type content with being still or quiet. I very much loved and hated the fact that my family was always on the move – we were modern day transcontinental gypsies, but that is a story for another day. Is it any wonder then, my earliest memory is of being on an airplane in mid-flight or that today I sit in an aisle seat on a jet, laptop in hand, and type the words you are reading. If home is where the heart is, then my home soars above rolling white pillows of vaporized water and it glistens in the reflection of a ray of sunshine reflected off the wing of a jet icy with exertion some 35,000 feet in the air. If home, instead, is where my soul is, then I live much closer to ground, in a collection of thoughts, ideas, mysteries, and relationships—all of which taken together shape the fabric of my identity. Today I am a student, an attorney, a consultant, a world traveler, a mystic, a

self portrait © Nina Pak 2011

priestess, pagan, writer and witch—I take pride in each one of these identifiers and am fully “at home” in each persona. What comes much harder is when Miles continued on page 26 ™•

March 2012 • Volume 3 13


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March 2012 • Volume 3 15

By Zedral Z

Food of These days, many of us feel very rushed. There is a lot of pressure to be in so many different places – work, school, soccer practice, moots, rituals – that many people feel that there are simply not enough hours in the day. Often there are so many mundane activities taking place that one’s spirituality must take a back seat. Sure, it’s taken out and dusted off for special occasions, but what about making time for the Divine in your everyday life?

It may not always be practical to set up for a full-blown or even a mini ritual in the middle of the week. Full moon observances may have to be pushed back to the weekend, as well as Sabbats. Not being able to find time to make a more personal connection with your gods can leave you possibly feeling drained, tired,

Gods Meal Time Rituals

irritable, and in a rut. So how can you feel more in tune with the Wheel of the Year and with your personal deities? One way in which you can honor both the turning of the wheel and your gods is by continuing to do something that you already do every day: eat. Yes, eat. Meal time can be ritual time for you and your loved ones. A simple breakfast of oatmeal can be a time for you to nourish both body and spirit. Here are a few suggestions and tips to help you turn a simple act into something more meaningful.

✧ Light candles. A table or a small cluster of tea lights will suffice. You can use elemental colors, all white, or whatever color you feel appropriate. Candles will bring the element of fire to your table. ✧ Use a special tablecloth. If

you have an extra altar cloth, something you can wash, use it as your tablecloth.

✧ Place flowers on the table.

Add a little bit of greenery and life to your table altar with fresh flowers, either purchased or gathered.

Feel free to call upon the four directions/elements to join your meal. Leave an offering in the middle of the table.Make dishes that come from your deities’ cultures.

✧ Make a vegetable korma for Parvati. Bake some fresh pita bread for Demeter. Frittata continued on page 27 16

™• March 2012 • Volume 3


The fruit is an oblong pod, 1 inch long, containing several seeds.The flavor of licorice comes mainly from a sweet-tasting compound called anethole , an aromatic, unsaturated ether compound also found in anise, fennel, and other herbs. Additions sweetness comes from glycyrrhetinic acid a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar.

What’s It Made Of?


icorice is a flavorful herb that has been used in food and medicinal remedies for thousands of years. The licorice plant is a legume (related to beans and peas), native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. It is not related to Anise, Star Anise and Fennel, which are the source of superficially similar flavoring compounds. It is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 3–6 inches long, with 9–17 leaflets. The flowers are ½–? inches long, purple to pale whitish blue, produced in a loose inflorescence.

Glycyrrhizin, one of the main components found in licorice, is believed to contribute to the herb’s healing properties. Laboratory studies have reported that glycyrrhizin reduces inflammation, promotes secretion of mucous (usually through coughing), soothes irritation, protects the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, and stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands (regulates cortisol, the stress hormone). The roots also contain coumarins, flavonoids, volatile oils, and plant sterols. Licorice products are made from peeled and unpeeled dried root. There are powdered and finely cut root preparations made for teas, tablets, and capsules, as well as liquid extracts. Some licorice root extracts do not contain the compound that stimulates the adrenal glands (glycyrrhizin). These extracts are known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), and do not seem to harm the adrenal glands or have the undesired side effects of other forms of licorice.


March 2012 • Volume 3 17


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™• March 2012 • Volume 3


Finding The Edge

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March 2012 • Volume 3 19

Little Altars

in the home

While relatives and friends decorate with “Easter” decorations, bring some spring time flair to your home... Pagan style! Using the top of a book shelf or other furniture is a great place to display your Ostara Eggs and the fertility symbols of Spring. This display features some figurines based on the work of Beatrix Potter: conservationist and Unitarian Universalist.

Small stone sculptures, such as cairns or inutsuks are easily incorporated into table centerpieces, office spaces, or end table displays.

The top of this jewelry box serves as a selfworth altar. Sitting next to the vanity, it is covered with positive affirmations, gifts or symbols of self-worth, and personal patrons.

Spring cleaning for the body! A small space in the bathroom holds handmade soaps, scrubs, bath tea, and candles. Reminding one to honor the body and relax. 20

™• March 2012 • Volume 3

Home Home continued from page continued from page 10 8 With that one action, he ingested allall ofof the wisdom that had infused the wisdom that had infused inin it. it. The cauldron cracked, spilling The cauldron cracked, spilling out outthe therest restofofthe thecontents contentsand and Cerridwen, Cerridwen,ininanger, anger,setsetupon upona a chase of Gwion Bach that would chase of Gwion Bach that would take takethem themthrough throughevery everyseason season and andelement elementuntil untilsuch suchtime timeasas she sheconsumed consumedhim. him.Having Havingbeen been quickened byby this seed, Cerridwen quickened this seed, Cerridwen would then give birth to this “new would then give birth to this “new child” and would choose toto spare child” and would choose spare hishis lifelife byby casting him out upon the casting him out upon the waves inin a coracle. Gwion Bach nono waves a coracle. Gwion Bach more, more,Taliesin Taliesinthe theChief ChiefBard Bardofof the Britains was born — a tale ofof the Britains was born — a tale destiny conceived atat the hearth. destiny conceived the hearth. Perhaps Perhaps today today our our “central “central heating” bit diff different, erent,but but heating”isis aa bit the the hearth and the cauldron hearth and the cauldron remain remain the symbols central symbols of the central of our receipt our of inward of receipt inward wisdom andwisdom outward and outward journey. From thewe journey. From the hearth, hearth, learn we the learn valuethe thatvalue the that Great the Great Mother places on Mother places on our livesour and lives thethat lengths that the and lengths she will goshe to in will go to order that to ensure that order toinensure our destiny our destinyunfettered. unfolds unfettered. unfolds We learn We learn that in our more that even in even our more ungainly ungainly states, we have value states, we have value and and promise. Most importantly,we promise. Most importantly, welearn learn due diligence to the due diligence to the tasks tasks and people arein and people who arewho placed placed in No, ourthese lives.are No, our lives. notthese always are not always fun. Mainly, fun. Mainly, they are a lot ofthey work are a lot of without thean without thework gratifi cation of gratifi cation of an immediate immediate payout. Yet without payout. these, Yet we without cannot these, rise towe the cannot height Without of our heightrise of to ourtheabilities. abilities. Without the lessons, the lessons, we cannot fathom wethe cannot fathom pathway pathway as itthe wanders, and asmay it wanders, andWithout may lose lose our way. these

our way. Without these very lessons, we cannot fathomfathom the very lessons, we cannot sacredness of theofgifts the sacredness the that giftsare that our with others. arerelationships our relationships with others. The The“dowry” “dowry”weweshelter shelterininour our hope hopechest, chest,bebeit itphysical physicaloror spiritual, spiritual,yields yieldsthe thenecessary necessary tools forfor the planting wewe will dodo tools the planting will ininthe thenext nexthalf halfofofthe thecycle. cycle.AsAs wewe journey upwards towards the journey upwards towards the light half ofof the year, and forward light half the year, and forward ininthe thejourney journeyofofa alifetime, lifetime,wewe dodonot notdodososounarmed unarmedororill ill equipped. The fragrant comforts equipped. The fragrant comforts emerging emergingfrom fromthis thisplace placeallow allow usus toto see the astounding beauty see the astounding beauty ofof others and give usus the courage others and give the courage totoengage engageand andbebepresent presenttoto them The themininevery everyway. way. Thesorrows sorrows and andjoys joysthat thatare arewoven woveninto into the theintricate intricateand anddelicate delicatelaces laces ofoflifelifegrace graceususininadversity, adversity,asas well wellasasbountiful bountifultimes. times.These These are arethe thelessons lessonsofofthe thehearth hearth and ofof the heart. NoNo matter how and the heart. matter how farfaraway awaywewemay maybebefrom fromthe the age ageofofheroes heroesand andlegends, legends,wewe may ections maystill stillsee seetheir theirrefl refl ectionsinin the theshimmer shimmerofofour ourown ownsilvery silvery souls. souls. Deep Deepwithin withinususallallis isa adestiny destiny totobebefulfi lled. fulfi lled.May Maywewefoster foster the theseeking seekingofofthat thatdestiny destinyinin allall ofof the people that wewe love soso the people that love that thatwewemight mightgift gifttotoour ourown own families, families,asaswell wellasasthe therest restofof the world, another era ofof heroes the world, another era heroes and legends. May the cauldron and legends. May the cauldron ofof inspiration and wisdom, ever inspiration and wisdom, ever bebewarming warmingupon uponour ourhearths. hearths.



March 2012 • Volume 3 21

Culinary Uses Bouquet: medicinal and highly aromatic. Flavor: sweet tasting, similar to anise, with a slightly bitter, slightly salty aftertaste. When chewed on its own it seems to get sweeter and sweeter. Licorice is known mostly as a confectionery flavor. Licorice candy actually rarely has more than 2% natural licorice extract, usually taking most of its flavor from anise or a synthetic substitute.

Candy Licorice flavor is found in a wide variety of licorice candies. The most popular in the United Kingdom are Licorice allsorts. In continental Europe, however, far stronger, saltier candies (Dutch) are preferred. It should be noted, though, that in most of these candies the taste is reinforced by aniseed oil, and the actual content of licorice is quite low. Additionally, licorice is found in some soft drinks (such as root beer), and is in some herbal teas where it provides a sweet aftertaste. The flavor is common in medicines to disguise unpleasant flavors. The sticks of licorice essence may be dissolved in hot water and drunk as a tisane and the roots may flavor fruit juices, syrups and for flavoring drinks like Sambuca and beers like Guinness. The herb Licorice root (see below) should not be confused with confectionery licorice.

Magickal Uses Licorice has an ancient reputation as an aphrodisiac; the Kama Sutra and Ananga Ranga contain numerous recipes for increasing sexual vigor which include licorice. In addition it is alleged to grant the bearer control over a person or situation.


™• March 2012 • Volume 3

Venus spells: Licorice (as an herb) may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to Venus (beauty, compassion, fidelity, friendship, happiness, interchanges, joy, love, luck, meditation, pleasure, reconciliation, and youth). Be careful about substitutions for preparations that will be ingested or come in contact with the skin.

Zodiac Astrological planet: Venus Godess/God Associations: Venus/Aphrodite Seasonal Associations: Spring Time


House to to Home 9 House Homecontinued continuedfrom from page 11

andand of of course influences. The house didn’t influences. The house didn’t serviced, serviced, coursethey they stillstill hadhad to move in in allallofoftheir have much of that have much of that to move their to begin with or they wouldn’t to begin with or they wouldn’tstuff. stuff. have bought it, butit,the have bought but the At the end of moving day, At the endtook of moving cleansing ceremony was awas a cleansing ceremony Sophie a small day, offering Sophie took a small offering good idea. When she finished, good idea. When she finished, of food outside and set it outside andland setwights. it she pulled out more ordinary she pulled out more ordinary of food out for the local out for the local land wights. supplies and started laying supplies and started laying When she came in, Nick had When came Nick out plastic sheeting and and out plastic sheeting lit ashe small fire. in, “Isn’t it ahad bit smallfor fire. “Isn’t it a bit tapingtaping up theuplight fixtures to to lit awarm the light fixtures a fire?” she asked. warm for a fire?” she asked. prepare for painting. prepare for painting. “Maybe so, but I thought so, but I thought Nick returned with with the paint Nick returned the paint “Maybe it would be nice to give an beto nice to give an and some rollers. “It smells and some rollers. “It smells it would offering Hestia on our offering to Hestia good in here.” good in here.” first official nightoninour our new firsthouse.” official night in our new house.” “It should.” “It should.” They performed a ceremony ceremony Preparing the house tooktook a a They Preparing the house to performed Hestia to aska for her to Hestia to ask for her little time. they little As time. As painted they painted blessings upon the house. blessings upon the house. a room, they cast of of a room, theyspells cast spells When the offering was the offering protection and blessing on on When protection and blessing consumed by thewas fire, the byburnt the fire, theand the house, usingusing the act the house, theof act of consumed fire slowly down slowly burnt down and painting as a focus. ThereThere was was fire flickered painting as a focus. out. “That was a flickered out. “That was a a lot toa paint, they they had to lot to paint, had to great idea,” Sophie said. “The idea,” said. house “The havehave the the great house feltSophie like a good feltor like good house chimney chimneyhouse before weawouldn’t have before or we wouldn’t have bought it, but now it really bought it really feels it, likebut ournow house.” feels like our house.” “No, now it feels like our “No,home,” now itNick feels like oura smile. said with home,” Nick said with a smile. “You’re right,” Sophie said. “You’re right,” Sophie “It’s our home now.”said. “It’s our home now.”


March 2012 • Volume 3 23

Sanctuary continued from page 11

Aunts house I set the table and washed the dishes. At my Grandmother’s house my job was to stand in front of the stove and make sure that whatever was in the pan did not burn. During these times my Aunt or my Grandmother and I would talk about things. I love standing in front of the stove watching things, stirring, smelling, and tasting… I also learned dinner could be a pleasant experience. There was discussion, laughter, and most importantly everything on my plate was mine to eat! When my husband and I married I knew I wanted our home to be more like my Aunt and Grandmother’s homes. They were pleasant, peaceful, clean and safe. I wanted dinners to be pleasant experiences. I read books on Feng Shui, tips on clutter, cleaning and organizing in the hopes of finding something that would help me accomplish my goal. Then one night during dinner I told my husband how I felt about my experiences at the dinner table when I was growing up and how I wanted 24

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to not repeat the cycle. My husband agreed. He too wanted something different. We would not yell at each other during dinner, we would not throw food, we would talk about things that happened at work or in our son’s case-school. And we could laugh or talk too! If we had something that bothered us we would discuss the issue another time. I made a conscious effort to monitor my behavior at the dinner table. One day I realized I was eating dinner without the familiar knot in my stomach. My skin was not prickling with the flight or fight adrenaline coursing though my body. I was in awe! A couple years later I noticed that when we returned from a vacation and I unlocked the door to our house and entered our home, I was glad to be there! The living room was clean and appeared comfortable. It looked inviting with the treasured items given to us from friends, pictures of family on the wall and couple healthy plants. I felt happiness bubbling up inside my body. This was our home! Our haven, our safe place in a world with so much turmoil. I was and am determined to keep that feeling in our home. There have been a few people I have not invited back to our home and there are a few people who I will not allow to enter our home. I will stand on the front steps

and talk to them. We have a choice and the right to decide on whom we want to enter our home. And the front door is not the only way for people or trash of the world to enter our home. There is the telephone/cellphone, the television and the computer. The telephone has caller ID. The phone number pops up on the cellphone when someone calls. The television has several channels from which to choose and it also has an off button. And the computer has my favorite feature…the delete button. One couple years ago (probably fifteen or twenty), my husband was sitting on the couch watching something on television when he looked over at me and said with a huge smile on his face“ I feel like I am in a sanctuary when I am home”. He had confirmed what I had felt and I knew then that I had indeed created a place for us to enjoy. I am so grateful for having my Aunt and my Grandmother in my life to guide and love me .


Book Review continued from page 12 I admit, I was drawn to this book because it has two of my favorite things—libraries and cats! I enjoyed learning about the main character, Kathleen, and the cats, Owen and Hercules, as their stories are slowly revealed throughout the book. I’m hoping that the rest of the series reveals a little more at a time about each of them. The mystery kept me guessing and I liked that. The ending surprised me, but I had enough information that I enjoyed making some good guesses along the way. The cats’ magic was fun and Kathleen’s discovery of it was amusing as well. This was a great first book to a new series and I’m greatly looking forward to the next book!

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat

by Sofie Kelly, 2011 ISBN: 9780451232496

Mystery is a genre that I am slowly starting to explore more. Of course, my favorites are the ones with some sort of supernatural or magickal elements to them. In my exploration, I found an intriguing new series. Kathleen is a librarian who took a temporary job in Minnesota to escape her life in Boston after a devastating relationship. She’s enjoying her time in Minnesota, the people she’s meeting, and the renovation work she’s doing on the town’s historical library. She even has adopted two cats from a mysterious property in town. But suddenly, her peaceful life is disrupted by the murder of a visiting musician and composer. While she’s trying to convince the police that she is not a suspect and figure out what happened, she discovers that her cats, Owen and Hercules, seem to have some special abilities; and they seem to be using their abilities to help her figure out who committed the murder.

Faelin Wolf, author of PE Book Review, cannot imagine her own Hearth & Home without the feline members of her family: Kali Isadora & Inara Nut.


March 2012 • Volume 3 25

Miles continued from page 13

It is an inarticulable feeling to realize the way others see me is very different from the manner in which I perceive myself. one persona crashes into another and I have to reconcile myself into an amalgam of two or more wholes as if each identity is mutually exclusive of the other. Recently this dichotomy of identity has been brought in to sharp focus for me through the lens of someone else’s perceptions of who I am. The long and short of the story: there is something inauthentic, arrogant, and deceptive in the deliberate separation of one self from the other(s). As I reflected on this idea, I realized there was no real dichotomy, because at my center I am the same as I always was, it is only the mirror I reflect to the world that has changed. The separation of identity did not begin as a conscious decision (most of us call it living in the broom closet) it is a state of being where only those closest, or perhaps only those with the least ability to shatter the remaining identities, know of the other versions of self. This is a self preservation mechanism, which I have evolved into a true art form to where I am more at home within the illusion of myself than I am with my own authentic core being. The end result is that I feel at home everywhere and no-where at allchoosing instead to ultimately reside within an inner home which can only be reached through the quiet still spaces in my soul. It is an inarticulable feeling to realize the way others see me is very different from the manner in which I perceive myself. In my search for the hidden mysteries it seems I have managed to offend some with my constant quest for more – more knowledge, more education, more opportunity, and most of 26

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all: more understanding. One friend described it as jealousy and perhaps it is that in a way—but to me it seems more of a confrontation with their own limitations, be they perceived or actual. In the first instant of my realization, I became angry at the judgment, reflecting back the same attitudes and malaise to which I had been subject. In the second instant, awareness set in and I realized I had neither gained nor lost anything through their judgment, because judgment alone carries no impact, rather it is the weight I assign to the judgment which carries the actual impact. As I have written before, anger has no space within my inner home, neither does judgment, doubt and fear. In the third instant I felt pity for the soul that cannot see beyond the limitation of perceived identity—my grandmother referred to these people as “the ones who cannot see beyond the end of their own noses”. Instead, they choose to base their awareness of others on a form of unarticulated bigotry founded on gossip, unintended hurts, and in the case of one person a friendship with a third party. So where am I headed with all of this? Good question. Basically what it comes down to is, what does your inner home look like? How do you perceive yourself? Are you a success, a failure, or somewhere in between? Meditate carefully on your answer, because if you are basing your evaluation on where you are in relation to someone else, you have missed the point of this exercise. Remember the Charge of the Goddess, “if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will NEVER find it without.”

Frittata continued from page 16 Pasta Frittata with Peas and Pancetta 1 tablespoon olive oil ½ lb pancetta, cut into ½ inch cubes 1 shallot, finely minced ¼ lb cooked pasta, such as ditalini or other small shape ½ cup fresh peas, blanched and drained 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese 8 eggs ¼ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped 3 tablespoons cream Salt and pepper to taste

Heat an oven proof skillet over medium heat. Heat the olive oil for about 30 seconds and then add the pancetta. Cook until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels to drain. Cook the shallot in the fat until tender, about 5 minutes. Lower the heat to medium low. Add the pancetta, peas and cooked pasta. Stir in parsley. Whisk together the eggs, cream, Parmesan, salt and pepper. Pour this mixture into the skillet. Cook 9-10 minutes, until the bottom and sides have started to set. Heat the broiler. Place the skillet under the broiler until the top of the frittata has set and the top is slightly golden, 2-3 minutes. Cool to room temperature, cut into wedges, and serve. Serves 8.

✧ Choose seasonal foods as often as possible. This will help put you more in tune with the turning of the wheel. Plus, it’s cheaper and the food has more flavor when it’s in season. Aim to do this whenever you feel the need to recharge your spiritual batteries. If you can’t do it every day, that’s fine. If you’re simply in the mood to celebrate spring and are looking for an addition to your Ostara feast, try this simple, tasty frittata that utilizes spring peas and pancetta.


9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans. 9 out of 10 wildfires can be prevented.



March 2012 • Volume 3 27

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