Pagan Edge August 2010

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City Totems • Lord SilverStar • Bedouin Magick • Garden Repeatin’ • Poi • Hybrid Gothica

“Universal Tribe” August 2010 Volume 1• Issue 8 ™• August 2010 • Volume I


™• August 2010 • Volume I


5 Dream Weaving: Editor Speaks 6 From the Elders Corner Tribes

On the Cover “Celestial Delinquent” by Tansie Stephens, Hybrid Gothica • Publisher • Eberhardt, Personal Visions Executive Editor - jess*ca mae Proofreading & Copy Editor - Maeve Gregory Layout & Design - Refraction Creative Services Website Management - Personal Visions Consultants - Maeve Gregory, Dawn Sherwood, Faelin Wolf, and Tootie Marie Our goal at Pagan Edge is to provide readers a high quality, timely magazine with content relevant to modern pagans’ lifestyle and passions. Our publication is a lifestyle magazine so while we may publish spells, rituals, and some magick how-to; we aim to focus on ways that pagans, wiccans, earth-basedspiritualists, and those of like mind can incorporate their values and beliefs into their everyday living. Pagan Edge Magazine & exist solely to offer information to our readers. The publisher, editor, and the entire personnel of Pagan Edge., Pagan Edge Magazine, Personal Visions, Refraction Design and cannot be held responsible for misuse of any information provided. The views expressed in the articles and ads are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect these of Pagan Edge Magazine. Product descriptions, recipes & any how-to information: While we, and our affiliates, attempt to provide accurate information in the magazine and on the site, we do not warrant that the content on this Site will be accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. It is your sole responsibility for the use of the content of this Magazine or web site. For additional details please see

8 Urban Shaman City Totems

10 Plant Vibes

Garden of Repeatin’

12 Keeping the Edge Bedouin Magick

14 Art & Soul

The Artwork of Hybrid Gothica, Tansie Stephens

16 Eclectic Cooking

Cooking Outside the Comfort Zone

19 Note This!

Music Review on David Wood

20 Fabulous Familiars

Welcoming a New Pet

22 PE Book Review 23 Scribes Tablet

Poetry of Lisa Dean

25 Handecraft

Making a Practice Poi

26 Wheel of Happenings Events Calendar 27 News & Classifieds Volume 1 • Issue 8 August 2010 “Universal Tribe” Pagan Edge™ is published monthly by Personal Visions, ™• August 2010 • Volume I



™• August 2010 • Volume I

Dream Weaving Greetings! We are all a part of various groups, some of which we enjoy more than others: families, co-workers, study groups, spiritual circles. When and how does a group form its own identity separate from other groups or individuals? What makes a group of people gathering together cross the threshold to become a “tribe?” Perhaps you and your siblings sport a historical crest of your family surname? Do you and your friends have certain guidelines to follow when at the pub or disco? Did you adopt a set of oaths or principles when joining your coven or church? Does your scout troop or motorcycle club wear identical badges? The necessities of the hunting and gathering societies may seem to be ancient history for those of us surviving the modern western culture, but our instinctual need to belong to a close-knit group of people dependent upon each other is not in the past. It is here, it is now, and it is forcing us to be people of a “modern tribe.”

editor speaks

Sometimes we satiate this need by accepting the tribelike structures we may have been born into or may have been opportuned with via circumstance. Although often, most of us living alternative lifestyles satiate this need by searching out and creating our own modern tribes: in an urban setting, with sacred ties, and deeply satisfactory to our existence as individuals and as a group. Within our current tribes we find connections to those of the past. We might practice yoga or belly-dance at the community arts center. As we walk or roll upon the asphalt, we listen to our MP3 players programmed with drumming and chanting. We plant urban gardens with herbs and flowers of magickal lore to attract the city creatures. This issue of Pagan Edge is dedicated to your modern tribe, in whatever form you choose to make it or take it. It is intended to honor a path followed, leading you to where you are in this moment at this place and time. It may offer a glimpse of the journey which lies ahead for you, and for myself, and the universal tribe of world community we live and share together. Happy reading and blessings, ~jess*ca

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TRIBES For those of you who have noticed, jess*ca, our executive editor chooses a topic each month for the magazine’s theme. This month jess*ca chose “Tribes”. Tribes? Writing the required 800 to 1000 words seemed to be quite a challenge! Now I understand what authors mean by the term “writers block!” Why was I having this problem writing on the subject of “Tribe?” Perhaps when I see the word “Tribe” I immediately visualize warriors ready for battle, painted in blue woad, wearing animal furs, and brandishing their weapons in upraised arms, or perhaps Native Americans dressed in regalia dancing and drumming around a blazing fire. I even see in my mind’s eye images of indigenous groups of people from worlds far away from the modern one in which I live. In all seriousness, I might be able to write an article consisting of 50 words, but not 800!

Connecting Alternative-Faith Writers and Readers

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™• August 2010 • Volume I

According to my New Merriam Webster Pocket Dictionary printed around the dark ages, give or take a few years, the definition of a tribe is as follows: noun 1: a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations 2: a group of related plants or animals 3: a group of persons having a common character, interest, or occupation. Definition number 1: a social group comprising numerous families or generations. Some people do think of members of their coven/circle/grove as family members. In fact, we spend more time and often discuss or share more about ourselves with our coven members than with our own blood relatives.

From the Elders Corner by Lucille M Rose

Definition number 2: a tribe being defined as a group of plants might be an accurate definition upon occasion. Our group can certainly plant itself around the table for potluck after ritual! Members of our group will tell you I am usually one of the first to find a plate, food, and chair upon which to sit. Definition number 3: a group of persons having a common character, interest or occupation certainly qualifies our group as a tribe. Although many of us consider ourselves a member of a coven, circle, grove, or one of many other names, we are in fact a “Tribe” according to the dictionary. For our group, our common character is that of being a pagan, serving our communities, teaching and learning from each other, and sending healing energy when asked. We follow or adhere to one or even several of the following concepts: the Wiccan Rede, the Rule of Three, the Nine Noble Virtues, the Seven Hermetic Laws, Toltec Agreements. Our common interests include finding ways to connect with Deity on a personal or group level. Our home libraries consist of a large variety of books ranging from Astrology to Zoroastrianism. Our home libraries might include books on Buddism, mythology, numerology, one or several forms of divination, Wicca, Buddism, Hinduism, herbs, and we might even have one or two bibles. And yes…we have read them all! It is not at all surprising to find us reading three or four books at one time. Workshops, lectures, presentations on almost any subject are high on our lists of things we enjoy.

We look forward to being together at least once a month, to celebrate a full moon, dark moon, or one of the eight Sabbats where we can share sacred space. There is a different energy when working in a group setting as opposed to working alone, anyone in our “Tribe” can confirm this. We usually attend at least one or two pagan events a year where we are given the opportunity to connect with others outside our immediate “Tribe”. My personal definition that I’ve formed after teasing out these themes: a group of people who share common interests, teach and learn from each other, and lend or ask for support when needed. Although being part of a “Tribe” places responsibilities, demands, and expectations on each person’s time and energy, it does not mean we have chosen to be with all the members in our tribe constantly. We still have time for solitude and our own interests. Spending time with my own family, making products for my home based business or creating a special request for a customer, meditating, feeling the earth beneath my feet while gathering wild herbs and plants in the fields and woods, hearing the birds, catching a glimpse of a snake drinking water in the creek, having a wild turkey popping up out of long male ferns and even catching a deer or groundhog watching me. These are the times when I feel the connection of my Deities. And if I so choose, I can share these experiences with my “Tribe”.

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the Urban Shaman

by Michelle “Crowskin” Bond

City Totems

finding your animal guide in the urban jungle Animal guides represent key aspects of learning. Sometimes people get caught up in the popular ones and forget that even we in our urban setting have animal teachers waiting to be recognized and noticed. These are the City Totems. The following focuses on animal guides most often found in the city and what they reflect for those of us who live surrounded by the lights, noise, and people of our modern landscapes. Butterfly/Moth: Bringers of Transformation Butterfly starts as a small caterpillar, something easy to overlook – and turns into a brilliant colored creature. Butterfly brings transformation, change, and magick. If you are being visited a lot by this creature most likely you are in for quite a blossoming of your talents, creativity and awareness. Moth is also transformation, however Moth also has some medicine uniquely his own. Moth teaches us to find the light in the darkness. If moth is visiting you, he can aide you in seeing through dark times to find the light. Just don’t be blinded by your goals. Some say Moth whispers secrets as well – listen carefully to your instincts and psychic abilities, because oftentimes Moth precedes an increase in awareness. Squirrel: Resourceful and Cautious Problem Solver There are often many of these creatures in the city. However, when Squirrel makes her presence known to you she is 8

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likely carrying a message. Squirrel is master of discovery and planning with a strong sense of solving puzzles, is very resourceful, and is able to see ahead and plan for future situations. Stop trying to get everything done last minute, make sure you have enough resources and a plan for the coming months. Raccoon: Masked Teacher These nighttime city dwellers are fascinating creatures and powerful totems as well. Raccoon is known for his specific markings which make him look like he wears a dark mask around his eyes, like a bandit. Part of this ties into Raccoon medicine as well. By understanding and using your own masks properly, you can disguise yourself in times of conflict and uncertainty. Raccoon knows what he is, and has the confidence to do what he needs to survive. His markings are a powerful reminder of the same masks we wear during our normal day to day lives. Raccoon also teaches us to question without fear and to balance curiosity with caution. Dove/Pigeon: Spirit Messenger Dove and Pigeon are bringers of peace and love. It is often Dove or Pigeon who comes to people who are unsettled and in mourning. If you feel and see Dove or Pigeon around you often, know that someone on the other side is thinking of you and messages are trying to cross over. Pay closer attention to your loved ones and memories of loved ones past, because it’s in those memories that you will find some of your greatest lessons.

Robin: Diligent Mother Robin is associated with happiness, mothering, and diligence. If Robin is making herself known to you, it is a good time to take a look at your responsibilities and buckle down a bit harder. “Early bird gets the worm” is more than an old phrase — right now you may need to try a bit harder to keep things on track. Robin can also come to you in times where you feel unsure and need to be reminded to nurture and mother yourself once in a while. Rat/Mouse: Quiet Ones Rat and Mouse are stealthy creatures, often having more intelligence than we give them credit for. A lot of what they teach is using what you have to get what you need. Sometimes being stealthy and hiding just under the radar is the best way to get things accomplished when you need it. They are also a symbol of abundance and wealth and are associated strongly with luck and financial gains. Wren: Fearless Watcher Wren is associated strongly with precognition and being the messenger of the spirit. He may not look like much, but he is a fearless enduring bird. Wrens biggest message

is “don’t give up.” Sometimes the struggle really is worth it in the end, just keep trying. Often times if Wren appears to you, it is a warning even though things may be harsh right now, they will get better. Look to the future and hold fast to your dreams. Fly: Tiny Recycler Fly has the aspects of survival, and the ability to transform waste into something valuable. Fly teaches us everything has a place in this world, even if it’s not something desired or wanted. She has a multifaceted vision allowing her to see from multiple perspectives at once. If Fly has made herself known to you, perhaps you need to start trying to see things from other perspectives. Use what you would consider“waste”in your life and transform it into something more useful. This is not all of them by a long shot – but considering some city totems may open you to the other ones that happen to cross your path. Remember, teachers are all around you – waiting to be noticed. Keep your eyes and mind open, always question, and never be afraid to learn something new.

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Summer is on the downward slide, here in the northern hemisphere at least, and many a gardener’s energy, enthusiasm, and budget are waning. Don’t despair! After working my powers of visualization, and my muscles, all season in my own garden, artfully (AKA cheaply) resurrecting trash into treasures, I am ready to inspire others with a boost of creative energies! Here is a sampling of creative ways in which potential discards can be used for containers, edging or fencing, labeling, supports, and just plain fun in the garden. Containers Drainage is always a consideration when moving beyond traditional pots, but if you’re willing to punch a few holes in your repurposed container or can simply place a drainage ready pot within it, the real work will be narrowing your choices. Hats, shoes, and purses make fun containers. Wooden crates, hollow logs, and old tool boxes offer something less cutesy and it’s easy to quickly take pots in and out of them for changing displays. Kitchenware--pans, cups, bowls, colanders, cans and jars--are very much suited to herb and veggie gardens or outdoor dining areas. Get in on vertical gardening by attaching cups or soup ladles, as mini-pots, to an old oven rack then mount it on a wall or fence for growing


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herbs. To save bigger chunks of landfill space, turn a dead & gutted gas grill into a patio planter or use a worn bathroom sink in the shade garden to overflow with impatiens and vines – and on the tree behind it a fading mirror could get a second life. Edging and Fencing From the kitchen: pan lids, plates, and saucers (broken or not) can be set on edge into the soil for long-lasting borders. Wine or other long-necked bottles can be pushed in neck first for an easy, sparkling garden surround - place them at an angle to get more coverage than straight up. My beloved herb garden gets a head start each spring from the solar warmth collected by its hodgepodge of edging – a mix of used and broken bricks, blocks, and concrete and large stones – all popular for recycling into fences as well. Pruned branches work well for fencing and twigs of shrubby willows or dogwoods can be bent and woven for different looks. A row of bicycle wheels, sans tires, makes a fun and airy fence sure to draw attention. Labeling Get out your permanent markers, paint pens, and outdoor sealant – labeling is one recycle project on which

Plant Vibes

by Dawn Sherwood

A Paradise of Repurposed Rescues I highly recommend weatherproofing. The most basic label material can be had by cutting slats from tossed window blinds, or damaged wooden shutters, into stakes. For something more artsy to write the names of your plant friends on, use large shards of broken dishes or garden pots. Upturned bottles or clay pots make great nameplates next to larger plants or amongst a group of plants. Metal markers can be made from can or jar lids – punch a hole to hang from scrap wire or nail to wood. The bowl of a spoon or blade of a knife, placed handle end into the soil, work well in small spaces - especially those kitchenware containers! Supports Support structures can instantly enliven a garden with vertical and architectural interest. Stepladders, randomlystacked wooden chairs, and curtain rod or tree branch teepees are perfect for plants to climb or just as focal points. Old doors, windows, shutters or headboards can be used solo or fastened together for more elaborate structures. For my kitchen garden I created an entrance, and vertical growing space, with a gated arbor assembled from two wooden doors and two wooden windows – all of which have multiple pane openings for plants to twine through.

Feathered Familiar Fun Totems of old glassware – cups, creamers, vases, plates, etc. - stacked and glued together, are a fun garden decor trend. They add beauty or funkiness but can also serve as small feeding stations for birds or butterflies if a cup is used as the top layer of the assemblage. Fill it with bird seed or, for butterflies, with sugar water and a dish-scrub pad or florist marbles for the butterflies to perch on. A saucer just beneath the cup is perfect for plain water, which acts as a moat to keep ants out of the butterflies’ nectar. A simple cup and saucer alone, mounted on a section of copper tubing for a soil stake, can be used in the same manner and gives more placement options than an elaborate totem might. Personally, I often don’t weatherproof my repurposed creations… I like to see nature slowly reclaim them and make way for the next bit of inspired recycling, but it is an option to always give careful consideration to. My best advice is to just go for fun, function, and funky beauty from exercising creativity and ingenuity rather than a credit card… Now, go forth into the garden and repurpose!

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Bedouin Magick My grandmother always said, “Anger is like poison.” She always made such statements, and more often than not they were prefaced with the phrases like, “the prophet said,” or “according to the hadieth” (a collection of sayings attributed to the Prophet Mohammed). Although it has been years since I was Muslim and even longer since I lived in the Middle East, such sayings still bring stillness to my mind and peace to my soul – and even though my grandmother passed from this world sometime after my eleventh birthday and before my twelfth, I still hear her voice whenever I think of these sayings. In the past I have described my grandmother as a Gypsy – mostly because that is the closest modern moniker available to describe what she was. In Arabic she called herself an Abbadi, as if with that single word she could explain all that she was and perhaps in her mind it could. She was born in a time when the Ottoman Empire still existed, and Lawrence of Arabia was still Lawrence the British soldier. When I was young my father made my younger brother and me watch what he referred to as “that movie.” He said, “This is the American version of our family history.” It’s actually a British film, a distinction my father never understood, but it taught us that in some convoluted way we were related to every turbaned savage who fought with the good Captain at the battle for Aqaba. In discussing tribes and tribal people there tends to be a bit of a focus on Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, and the nomadic tribal peoples scattered throughout the South American rainforests and deserts of Africa. No one immediately thinks of the Middle East and of tribal people in the same sentence. No, I am sure that the first thing that comes to mind is an image of some guy in a turban, and a long white, long sleeved 12

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tunic called a dishdasha. Perhaps he is smoking a water pipe or counting his ill-gotten oil profits – perhaps he is flying a plane into a building. You may even think of a woman in a burka. When I hear the word tribe, my mental landscape is immediately transformed and I am transported – if only through memory – to cool nights, spent beneath bright stars, in places that Americans have no names for. I am taken back to tribal councils that my father and grandfather attended, but from which I was excluded due to my age and gender. I am taken back to women baking bread on the taaboon, to the sound of the idthan ringing out five times daily to call the faithful to prayer. I think of family pride, of knowing my history for ten generations simply by the recitation of my full name. I realize even as I think of these things that no one else will know unless I share with them the stories and traditions of my youth. In honor of this month’s theme and of my heritage I will share some of my grandmother’s teachings with you. To Ward Off Evil Say: “bism allah alrahman al raheem”– in the name of God the gracious and merciful Hang: “Kef Mariam” the hand of Mary – depicted as an inverted hand with an eye in the center above the entrance to your home, or from the rear view mirror of your car. To Ward Off Demons or Evil Spirits and Banish Nightmares Recite Ayat Al-Kursi before bed or when you feel threatened. (In most households a copy of the Aya is kept above the bed, especially in a child’s room. The full text is available in both English and Arabic at http:// )

Keeping the Edge

by Mya Om

To Always Hear the Truth and See Through Deception Keep or wear a turquoise stone – my grandmother always said that a person cannot lie to you if you are wearing turquoise. To Have Safe Travel or Bring a Loved One Home Safely Recite Dua Al Safar while holding your hand over the top of your loved one’s head. (Full text of the Dua is available at http://www. To Attract a Lover Wear oil made from Jasmine flowers gathered and pressed at the full-moon. For Wealth Drink sour yoghurt made from sheep’s milk. (No, I do not know where that is currently available.) For Fertility Wear your gold and eat figs before bed. (Most Middle Eastern women are given gold jewelry as part of their bride price.) For Prophetic Visions Recite from the Quran before bed and sleep outside under the stars.

Envisioning Spiritual and Climate Wise Living

For Intelligence / Good Grades Eat raw almonds browned in olive oil. For an Upset Stomach Drink tea brewed from anise. ™• August 2010 • Volume I




TA N S I E S T E P H E N S One quick browse through Tansie Stephens’ Deviant Art gallery explains why she is known as “Hybrid Gothica” and visually defines what exactly such a term means. Her pieces are a hybrid of science fiction, folk lore, and tribal imagery. Her technique is a hybrid of traditional photography and cutting edge computer manipulation. Her concepts are a hybrid of comfortable subject matter blurring the boundaries between light and dark. Stephens makes it clear she is a master of her art form, with tattooed seductresses and creative compositions leaving the viewer wanting more.

Fujiqin 10” x 8” or larger, slightly cropped. For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me.

Perfect Enemy Size varies on version of image For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me.

Sakurajin 4” x 6” or larger with proportions constrained For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me. 14

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Perhaps her works attract us because she shares many of the same influences as her audience: movies, movie scores, music, and Mother Nature. Stephens learned her style “through being exposed to many types of movies and cultures. For example, Star Wars, Stargate, science fiction and fantasy films. My every lasting love and appreciation for nature also taught me what colors can produce an emotion through a picture. I feel colors, it’s how I percieve the world. If a color is repulsive, I stay away from it.” Often we see the color become the subject itself. “Duomatter” is a piece in which the colors red and blue challenge one another in composition and representation. Stephens’ passion for using color steered her towards her medium of choice, “I have worked with traditional mediums but the colors aren’t as rich as digital.” Not only do certain colors influence and dominate Stephens’ work, so do the concepts of light and dark. Pieces are often executed in a monchromatic scheme heavily dependent upon contrast and an accent color. “I call my style ‘Nebulous Illumine.’ It is a light darkness. With the way that I perceive things, Light influences dark, dark influences light.” She aims to bring the concept to others both visually and emotionally, “I hope my viewers feel the darkness inside, while seeing light at the same time, to feel ‘Nebulous Illumine.’ During a

Art & Soul “I have always had a love for creation and putting my thoughts into a piece of work.”

featured artist by jess*ca mae

sunset, darkness approaches yet there is a glimpse of warm, beautiful light.” While some pieces are directly reminiscent of Terminator or Tomb Raider, some worlds Stephens brings to us are all of her own creation. Many pieces have their own plot and set of characters we have never seen before. Many are battling with each other or with themselves. But some are waiting to challenge the viewer. The artist’s work appeals to many pagans and fans of ancient culture. “I am spiritual, but it cannot be specifically defined. I am a lover of nature and the wonderful natural things in life.” Stephens’ characters become one with the elements, playing with water, fire, and frost. We may also find them among pyramids, jungles, and hillside temples. “I like to follow and admire ancient Egyptian, Asian and Indian cultures, taking bits from each to form my own spiritual identity. It heavily influences my art, as not only do I incorporate space themes, but ancient themes as well. The movie, The Fifth Element lends itself heavily to my inspiration and has a spiritual influence on me since it has space and Egyptian themes blended together perfectly.” Working her way through school to earn a degree as a graphic artist, Stephens’ makes her work readily available in a variety of print sizes at http:// She plans to continue creating and exploring the fantasy and sci-fi genre through digital computer manipulation. “I hope to have much success with my art and build a fanbase around my style. I want to live comfortably, while sharing my feelings and thoughts with others through my art.” While there are some common themes tying the pieces together, they are different enough from one another to make one guess at what images Stephens may create next for our viewing wonder. What many of us have difficulty putting into words, Stephens does so with her imagery, “I have always had a love for creation and putting my thoughts into a piece of work.”

Lotusai 10” x 10” For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me.

Sithopathia 10” x 10” For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me.

Sardanapalia 10” x 10” For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me.

Sith Cookie Size varies on version of image For Sale, Print only. If other usage, contact me. ™• August 2010 • Volume I



outside t h e Twenty years ago, when I first moved away from home and became responsible for meals in my own household, I ventured out of my comfort zone of what my mother had cooked and into the world of cooking- show recipes and experimenting on my own. After enough failures, I retreated back to the dishes I’d eaten as a child. Resorting to fast food after inedible meals just wasn’t cutting it. Then I met Alice. She and her husband were an older couple who lived in an apartment below us. They invited my then boyfriend (now husband) and me in one evening when we stopped by to tell them we’d interrupted someone trying to break into their car. They gave us tea and a delicious snack of pitas and dip while we waited for the police to come and make a report. It turns out they were ethnic Armenians and had recently moved from Iraq. Alice didn’t speak much English, relying mainly on her husband to translate. Even so, I was able to let her know that I really liked the dip she had served, which turned out to be hummus. Once Alice understood that I’d never had it before, she beckoned me into her kitchen, sat me down at her table,


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and taught me how to make it. She didn’t use measuring cups or spoons or a recipe card, yet the end product had flavors that were as well-balanced as any I’ve ever had in any subsequent hummus. Alice made sure I paid close attention to the texture and taste of the dish at each stage as it came together. Every time she tasted, she gestured for me to do the same. If the mixture wasn’t right, she’d say no and then show me which ingredient needed to be added. When it was right, she nodded her head, had me taste it, and nodded again. This was done after every new ingredient was added until all were in the bowl and Alice had declared it done and gave me one last taste before plating it to show me a traditional way to serve it. Alice set out to teach me how to make hummus, but she taught me so much more. I realized recipe cooking isn’t for me---I learn and cook much better by taste and feel. My eyes play tricks on me when I cook... if I’m in a hurry, my eyes tell me the food is done when it’s not and viceversa. But my taste buds don’t lie to me. I learned a few basic ingredients can be transformed into a dish with a distinct flavor and feel all its own. The flavors, if balanced, won’t

Eclectic Cooking

e n o Z t f r o m Co fight or overwhelm one another. And most importantly I learned the power food has to bring people together. Not just eating food but cooking it as well. I often make hummus for potlucks, and several people have asked me to share the recipe. Unfortunately there is no recipe for me to give. I’ve offered to have them join me in my kitchen and demonstrate how to make it the way Alice taught me; no one has taken me up on that yet. This month’s recipe is a tutorial, with photos and instructions, rather than a traditional recipe, with absolute measurements and times. I hope that the process will be helpful if you have a hummus recipe you want to try or one that didn’t turn out quite like you intended. If you try this and it doesn’t work out, or if you simply want the full experience of a mini-Hummus Bootcamp, grab a can of chickpeas and head over to my kitchen!

olive oil 1 lemon cumin (optional)

Instructions: • Add the chickpeas and half of the liquid from the can into a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. You might want to taste the resulting paste, so you have a baseline for the chickpea flavor. You can add more liquid from the can, or water, if the mixture is too thick to blend well. • Next up is tahini. If you’ve never tasted tahini, do so now. It’s similar to a nut butter, but slightly less nutty and a touch bitter. Add 3-4 spoonfuls to the chickpea mixture and blend. Taste again. You’re shooting for a mixture that no longer tastes like chickpeas but doesn’t yet taste like

by Maeve Gregory

tahini. You want a balance between the two flavors. This will be a personal preference to some extent... I’ve come to like a flavor tipped more toward the tahini over the years. Add tahini in smaller quantities until you have the flavor you want. • Add olive oil. A tablespoon or two to start. Blend. The mixture will be smoother in texture and more satisfying on the tongue. • Add 2 cloves of garlic (if not using a food processor, it can be minced by hand). Start with two cloves and give it another taste. Not garlicky enough? Add more a bit at a time until it’s to your liking. (continued on next page)

Alice’s Hummus Ingredients: 1 can chickpeas (garbanzo beans) 1 jar tahini (sesame seed paste) (peanut butter will do in a pinch) 2-4 cloves garlic

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(continued from previous page) • Add lemon juice from half a lemon. guessed it, taste! The savory flavors should be brighter and lighter with the lemon. If the mixture tastes a little dull still, add more lemon. • Add a pinch of cumin. Just a pinch. It’s not necessary, but it does add a little something, seeming to take the edge off any bitterness the tahini might have added. • Note: At each step, add less of the next ingredient than you think you should. You can add more if needed. • I’ve attempted to replicate the design that Alice showed me when she served the final product. Smear a thick layer of hummus onto a plate, and garnish with olives, parsley, paprika, and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve with pita bread, crackers, vegetables.


™• August 2010 • Volume I

Eclectic Cooking

by Maeve Gregory

Alice’s Hummus

The Recipe

1 can chickpeas 1 jar tahini (ses (garbanzo beans), liking. A 2-4 cloves garlic ame seed paste), If mixtudd half lemon’s juice, taste. cumin (optional , olive oil, 1 lemon, lemon. Are tastes dull, add more ) dd a pin At each step, ad ch of cumin. Note: Blend chickpea than you think yod less of ingredient s, ad d w at u should. You ca er until add smooth. Add 3n m or 4 e if sp ne o o ed n ed fu . ls tahini, blend. Taste and is a balance of chblend until mixture Smear flavor. Add 1-2 ickpea and tahini onto a a thick layer of hummus oil, blend. Add tablespoons olive olives, p plate, and garnish with taste. Add more 2 cloves garlic, of olive arsley, paprika, and a drizzle oil. until it’s to you r crackers, ve Serve with pita bread, getables.

Wicca Goes Pop

David Wood

Music Review

Note This!

by V.L.

a bass-heavy dance piece or a softened ballad. His work is extremely catchy and sticks rather easily. If one didn’t listen to the lyrics, they’d surely believe they were listening to the typical pop and club artist. Wood’s lyrical content speaks of his struggles, his love for people and the earth, and the power of Wicca in his life.

Many young witches listen to metal, folk, rock, or a mixture of genres when it comes to pagan musicians. The question remains, “What about the pop kids?” No longer will they have to sit and wonder with David Wood on the scene. He’s the definition of pagan meets Pop and Dance - and he does it flawlessly. He’s got a little bit of something for everyone as his genre range includes Dance, Pop, Electronic, and Soul. Despite the music, the lyrics touch down to the very heart of the subject matter: Wicca and being pagan. Wood doesn’t skip a beat when touching his audience.

Now that it is the year 2010, David plans on taking his work in a new direction. He will continue his career under the name of Lord SilverStar. He also plans to incorporate more pagan themes into his work. Wood is not signed to a label but is not deterred by this. He has been featured on,, and other sites. More information about him can be found at Wood can also be found on YouTube, MySpace and Facebook. David’s take on pagan inspired music is highly original and will hopefully inspire other Pagan musicians who wish to work in the direction of Pop.

David Wood was born in Kentucky but currently resides in Ohio. As a child, he was inspired by the disco music he and his mother would listen to. By the time he became an adult, he had his mind completely made up: music was his passion and he was going to share it. By 1997, he committed to his faith and began sharing it with others through his music. Since then, he played the club circuit (which he no longer does) as well as pagan festivals. To date, Wood has seven albums. They are: Plaything (1991) Scrapbook (1994) From the Ashes (1997) Wytch (2001) Love Child From ‘69 (2003-06) A Witch’s Journey (2008) Shades of the Hecate Tree (2009) He has worked with Lady Bridwen and plans to collaborate with her in the near future. Every song he writes is filled with a strong energy whether it is

Our monthly featured artists can be heard on: ™• August 2010 • Volume I


There is plenty of advice out there on choosing which type of pet fits you and your family best. Advice should take into consideration available resources including time, energy, and money (for medical, food and other expenses) a person has to devote to an animal companion. But once the type of pet — be it a fish, rat, snake, cat, dog, or other critter — has been settled on, how does one go about incorporating her into a earth-based spiritual lifestyle? When searching for a pet, consider looking at rescue or adoption animals. This is one of the times when caring and compassion for nature and Mother Earth can have a real impact on other beings’ lives. Not only is it rewarding for them to find a lasting and loving home, it can be rewarding for the person who takes them in and earns their love and respect in return. The sources for such animals are varied. Local government shelters, rescue groups, private shelters, and even private individuals are sources for pets both young and old. Spending time with an animal is invaluable in deciding if she is the one to take home. It’s important to evaluate how her personality might mesh with other members of the household. It’s also important to find out if there might be a deeper, more personal connection between the animal and the people she will be living with. Sometimes there is an attraction drawing us to a specific animal and also drawing her to us. It might even occur with a species we wouldn’t normally choose as a companion or doesn’t match each of our criteria exactly — it’s important to honor that special connection if at all possible.


™• August 2010 • Volume I

That connection can be specially important if one is taking in a stray or abandoned animal. Perhaps the animal is one found by the person or perhaps it seems the animal has chosen a new human family by camping outside their door. Sometimes outside energies decide we and an animal friend belong together. It can be a wrenching and damaging experience to deny the outside energies of the universe; the decision to not take in the animal should not be made lightly. This is

Fabulous Familiars

by Maeve Gregory

one time when logic may just not cut it. Naming an animal companion can take time. Sometimes a name just trips off the tongue and fits the animal so well that it sticks right away. Or maybe an adult animal has a name and their new family keeps it simply for continuity. But an abandoned animal or a very young animal may not come with a name. How to choose one with all the options available? Living with an animal allows her name to come into being organically. Maybe the new addition to the family has a characteristic calling out for a certain name, such as a cat with a chirpy meow wanting to be named Cricket. Maybe a dog with an unusual aptitude for hunting is named for the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. Whatever the case, the name should be natural and should be one both human and animal can live with. And speaking of naming an animal for a god or goddess, a name can bring a lot of energy to a being. When energy is coming from a named shared by a god or goddess, it can be intense. Coupled with the energy each animal brings simply because of it’s form, the result can be unpredictable. It’s a possibility that a pet with aforementioned combined energies will go her own way, regardless of her human family’s desires. The gods and goddesses are often multi-faceted in what they represent, so it shouldn’t be a surprise the energy they may bring is not simple and one-dimensional. It’s possible to introduce more than the intended aspect into a pet’s behavior and attitude. A person has to decide whether they are capable of taking on all of those possible aspects or if maybe a simpler, less weighty, name will do. Bringing a new presence into the home can be an exciting time with the new dynamics between the new pet, existing pets, and humans. Eventually though, all will settle into their new relationships. The next stage where all are comfortable and at home with one another can bring its own set of issues. Some of those will be covered in the September issue of Pagan Edge. ™• August 2010 • Volume I


The Pagan Edge

Book Review The Global Forest

by Diana Beresford-Kroeger, 2010 ISBN: 978-0-670-02174-1 A different type of book this month: The Global Forest is a little more science focused than the books I’ve been offering you. The book caught my eye because I love trees, and despite the science, there is spirituality throughout the book. “A forest in the global garden is a living cathedral of nature” (p. 51). Diana Beresfor-Kroeger is a botanist who loves and focuses her work on trees and a medical biochemist. She grew up in Ireland, surrounded by the beauty of the land and hearing the stories of her people from the Seanchaí or the traditional storyteller. In her book, The Global Forest, she weaves all of these interests and backgrounds together to tell stories about the trees in the global forest. There are forty stories or mini-chapters. Each story has a theme or refrain that is stated first, which is the way the Seanchaí told stories. The stories are a mix of legends, historical knowledge of the land, the biology of the trees and all the plants, animals, and insects depend on them, medicine, the environmental impact of trees, and magic. What comes through clearly, throughout the book, is that trees are vital to every living thing and the life of Mother Earth. Global warming and climate change are central themes in this book. Beresford-Kroeger shares a dire message that trees are needed in order to save the earth. What I liked is that she suggested some ideas, particularly bioplans, to bring the global forests back, and she gives thought out and logical reasons for her ideas and why they will work. Despite the dire message, she offers hope. She says “There 22

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by Faelin Wolf

is some time left. There is time for a different way of thinking in which man can rethread the needle and sew a life for the future” (p. 70).

Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy, 2009 ISBN: 0373802986

This a fun, fast-paced book, the first in a series of five (so far). I recommend this as a good summer read! Joanne Walker is half Cherokee, half Irish. She has spent most of her adult life avoiding her Cherokee heritage, that is until she is forced to discover her shaman powers upon her return from her mother’s funeral in Ireland and has three days to stop the Wild Hunt which will prevent numerous deaths and quite possibly save the world. Her crazy three days start when she sees a woman in trouble as her flight is descending. Compelled to help, she instructs her taxi driver, Gary, to seek out a church where she saw the woman. This is how she learns of the Wild Hunt—Marie, the woman she rescues, is fleeing from Cernunnos and Herne, who want her join the hunt. After meeting Cernunnos, Jo starts to believe, especially after she uses her shamanic healing powers to heal herself from fatal wounds. She turns from just wanting to go back to her job as a mechanic for the police force to really wanting to save the world. This was a really interesting mix of Native and Celtic spirituality—two sets of beliefs and legends that don’t seem as though they would work well together. Yet, Murphy does a fine job! As the book unfolds, you learn more about Jo and the uniqueness of her cultural backgrounds. I also love the mix of unusual characters, from Coyote, her spirit guide, to Gary, her taxi driver turned friend and helper, to Billy Holiday, her friend on the police force. Worth the read!

Poetry from Our Readers

ScribesT’ ablet THE OBSESSION Lisa Dean


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™• August 2010 • Volume I

making a


Practice Poi

Dance is one of the oldest ways to bring people together and celebrate life events. It transcends many language barriers to bring us all closer together with the visual interpretation of the music. Group performances provide a unique opportunity for the individuals in the group to share their creativity and bring forth a wonder collaborative. Although sometimes a group dance performance is simply a group performing a piece choreographed by one person, which is less of a creative sharing experience.

To add to the visual interpretation, some dancers like to dance with props such as swords, veils, hula hoops, Isis wings, candles, canes, a contact juggling sphere, and poi. Many people associate fire with creation and transformation. Dancing with fire poi combines two of the most transforming and bonding experiences. Some dancers may be reluctant to try fire poi because they fear being burned. Like any prop it is important to practice safely. Jumping right in with flaming balls of fire swinging around your head will only lead to being burned. Some people start with glow poi. If you have the economic flow to purchase glow poi, it is a wonderful way to start because you can see the pattern the light creates. For those of us who want a more economical way to try out this beautiful, awe inspiring art form, try making some practice poi from supplies you already have around the house. This also makes a wonderful group project (though may result in people whacking each other with the practice poi.)

a how-to by Wendy Beth

Step 2: To prevent the ball from coming out of the sock or stocking, knot the sock or stocking close to where the ball is. Step 3: Holding the practice poi in hand with arms at your side, measure how long you want your poi to be. Ideal length is about 1 to 2 inches from the ground. To mark your hand placement, tie a knot. Now that you have a practice poi, it’s time to start practicing. Watching videos of other fire spinners will provide insight on techniques. Instructional videos can be purchased, but I prefer to visit video sites on the internet. Search for phrases such as “fire poi” and “fire spinning.” You will find a lot of videos from the annual “Burning Man” festival. There are also a few instructional videos available for free on the internet: search for “poi instructions.” Videos are a good place to start but some people learn better with personal instruction. Look around in your community. There may be be someone you know who spins who would be willing to help you learn, or there may even be a class you can take. Also, I recommend video taping practice sessions for technique review and amusement.

Supplies • Two balls – tennis balls or stress balls work nice. Stress balls will hurt less but tennis balls provide a more approximate weight. • A long pair of knee high socks, knee high stockings, or panty hose with the panty part cut off. Construction Step 1: Place a ball in each of the socks or stockings and work the ball down the sock or stockings until it reaches the toe.

Photos courtesy of Industrial Fire Arts ™• August 2010 • Volume I


Wheel of Happenings

Events Calendar

AUGUST 2010 7th – 10th 6th Annual World of Faeries Festival David and Gloria Yaeger, South Elgin, Illinois 7th -15th Sacred Harvest Festival Southern Minnesota 12th - 15th Merry Meet and Grand Council 2010 Covenant of the Goddess - Midwest Regional LC Indianapolis, Indiana merrymeet2010 13th - 15th Three Gates Mystery School Wite Rayvn, Black Forest, Nine Roses, and others McClouth, Kansas

28th, Connecticut Pagan Pride Berlin, Connecticut 28th, Kansas City Pagan Pride Day KC Witches Meetup, North Kansas City, Missouri 28th, 8th Central Arkansas Pagan Pride Day The Green Ring, AAFCC North Little Rock, Arkansas 28th, Palenville Pagan Pride Day` Maetreum of Cybele, Magna Mater/Palenville PPD ... Palenville, New York


19th - 22nd Firedance Drum Festival 2010 New Lowell, Ontario

10th - 11th, Wichita Pagan Pride Day JoyAnna Hester - LC for the Pagan Pride Project Wichita, Kansas

21st Iowa Pagan Pride Organization Des Moines, Iowa

11th, Dayton Pagan Pride Day Dayton Area Pagan Network & Wright State Univ. PSA, Dayton, Ohio

21st, Pagan Pride Detroit Hazel Park, Michigan 31st Yakima County Pagan Pride Day Church of the Sacred Moon Yakima, Washington 28th, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Pagan Festival Sacred Crossroads Association Beaumont, Pennsylvania scrantonwilkes-barre-pagan-and 28th, Cleveland Area Pagan Pride Day Bedford, Ohio

11th, 13th Annual Madison Area Pagan Pride Day Middleton, Wisconsin 12th, Delmarva Pagan Pride Festival Dover, Delaware 17th - 18th, Shreveport-Bossier Pagan Unity Gathering Crescent Circle Silver Witches - CPWC Shreveport, Louisiana 18th, Fox Valley Pagan Pride Day Appleton, Wisconsin 18th, 10th Annual Grand Rapids Pagan Pride Day Sanctuary of the Winds Grand Rapids, Michigan

If your festival is not listed here, please email us at to have your listing added. 26

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Upcoming Themes & Deadlines

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August 2010 Issue, theme: Tribal Deadline: July 5th, 2010

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