PAGES news, vol 4, no. 2

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News of rhe lnlernqtionql Pqleoscience Community Volume 4, Number 2 - July 1996 TO PAGES SCIENCE

SHARE THE TAYTOR PRIZE ln April. hro senior members of the PAGES communitv.'CJäude lorius ond Hons Oeschoer shored with

A moior reseorch

initiotive. entitled 'Chonoes in the Geo-Biosohere durino the'lost l5.OOO veärs: conti-

Willi Donsooord the outstondino hono-ur of. receivino the Tvler Frize 'For Environmäntol Achievement'. Äll who 6ove shored the work of PAGES ol ony stooe in its develooment will wish to ioin us in seirdino- our wormest äonorotulotions. lt hbs been our oriviTedoe to shore our" work with two scientists otitstondiilq both os reseorchers ond os people. ln ocknowledoino thot this timelv recoonitiön irowns the scientific äoöers of Hons oi'd Cloide. we do not forqet thot we mov olso look forword io benefitino frd'm their

nentol sediments os "evidence of ihqnolno environmentol conditions' hos been estoblished"os"o oriority proqrom bv the Deutsche Forschunosoemeinlchoft'. Defined quite explicitly os o conhibutön"to PAGES, it beoon in'1993 änd will continue into the veor 20Ö0. Ov-er the next two yeors. the totol budäet will be oround DMZM lin ex'cess bf usSamt. ovär 40 oroiects hove olreädv been funded ond their themotic äoverooe includei virtuollv every osoect of PAGES science-opplied to o widd ronoä of'ooleoqrchives. Two colloäüio hove token olocelin tppS ond 1996. os well o! four meetinoi conäerned with soecifii orchives ond severol säoller meetinos ossocioted with field trios. Three further Meetino"s focusino on the three timä fromes outlined below o"re olonneä for the neor future. Workshoo reoorts oresehtino informol summories.of the initiäl reiults (ih Germoi) hove been circuloted to porticiponts.

April olso sow the first full IGBP Conoress. held ot Bäd Münstereifel in Germony' This oov-e members of the PAGES Scientilic Steerinä Committee ond o smoll number of plOfS ouests otändino for soecific items. o chonce to mix oäd interoct moie broädlv with thä IGBP community os o whole. ,A ioint sessioh between PAGES . IGAC'ond GAIM on meosurino ond modellino the'evolulion ond sionificqnce of troie oos sionotuäs in ice. ond on reloied issues. oenerqlä o livelv qnd stimulätino discussion thot'üill. under Hon's Oeschoer's leödershio. develop into on imoortont

The threb time fromes of speciol interest ore the tronsition from Lote-Pleistoc'ene to Holocene. the Holocene climotic 'ootimum' ond the beoinino bf intensive ,|.500 use of notuirol resources bv h'umoäs lco. to 500 AD). Amono the voridus themes änd orchives studied. soeciol eäphosis is oloced on hioh resolution, lo1niiroied, locuitrine sedlments, thouöh other Vpes of sediment sequences. neor-shbre märine, flirViol ond peot. or'e olso'beinq studied. A moior thrust o[ the droqiom will be towärds synchroniziotion ond coordino"tion of the results o6toined from the vorious orchives. The oroorom os o whole constitutes o moior interdisciölinärv enterorise of greot significonce'to the PAGES scieniific community.


This..brief report.hos been prepored from informotion

in reseorch ond- in PAGES, both directlv ond indirectlv. This, no less thon their distinguisheä oword, is o rirolter of greot delight.

continu'ed irrvolvement

WorksEop theme. Anöther ioint' session. with'START ond reorbsenlolives of seveiol IGBP orouos. loid the foundoiion for possible future initiätivds.' One of these. on oroundwoter ond its siqnificonce both os o ocileorecoiä ond o resource. will be omono lhose tonsider for future interpioiect developm"ent by

ln the some month. Rosendo Telo. the Core Proiecr Office Administrotoi. who hos beeir the point of cbntoct for mony Newiletter reoders. left'lo return lo Colifornio. We thonk her for här contribulion to PAGES ond its posl success. ond wish her ond her husbond every lioppiness in'the USA. The Office is currenllv beiÄo siciffed oorf-time bv Bettino Jennv ond TrLdi Riäsen. penäino the äppointment ifi September of Jocelyrie Mosiimi, Roiehdo's successor.

kindly provided by Professor Dr. W. Andres lnslitul für Phvsische Geooroohie

nn Wollqo na Goethä- U n iver sitöt Postfoch I 11931

J oh o

60054 Fronkfurt om Moin Germany

o Eurooeon oroiect lounched ond coordinoted by the Eüropedn Science Foundotion, with strono süooort lrom the Europeon Communities. lts obiecTive'ii to shed liqht on'issues thot connot be EPICA is

sotisfoctorilv resolved From existinq ice-core records, in porticuloi, the chorqcter, (slobäl or othenrise) o[ robid climotic chonoes. the äi<ceptionol climote stobilitv ot the Poles &riris the lost '10 ko, the question of t'vhether lqroe climoiic chonqes ore, or dre not, more triooered in th"e Northern Hefiispherd. ond.'hemisoe"närollv. the couolino betweeri the' two öheres. Answerino dhesö ouestions. which ore releVont to the future"of our climote, requires new hiqh resolution ice core records of poit cliinote ond otmäsoheric comoosition chonqes frbm optimol locotions in Äntorctico. With this oim] ice core'records from two Eost Antorctic sites will bä obtoined ond interpreted. This is q reouiremenl imoosed bv the complelxiV of the otmosohdric circulotion over Äntorctico bnd <if its interoctioÄ with odiocent oceons. The two drillinqs will olso orovide infbrmotion on vorious climotic fo'rcinqs (qräenhouse qoses, olmospheric oerosols, solor qnJ väJconic effecisl ond on the lonq term interoc-

tion between ice iheet dynomics änd seo



The"first core will be drilled ot Dome Concordio where o oermonent stotion hos been built throuqh colloborodion between Fronce ond ltolv. This co-re should cover the lost 500 ko in o site mdre fovoroble thon Vostok (becouse locoted on o dome) ond with o hioher occümulotion rote. on odvonloqe'for the interoietotion of the voriotioirs in otmosph-eric compositioh recorded in the oir bubbles troppäd in the icb. ln oddition. o loroe number of chemiicil porometers will be meoiured öntinuouslv olonq the cöre in the field. This will vield much morri inforilolion thon wos ovoiloble froin the Vostok core. Fieldwork slorted ot Dome Concordio durinq lhe 1995 - 1996 seoson with suryeys dedicqted tö pinoointino the drillino site. Drillinq oberotions will stoit in \g;i/ "- l9i8 wlth the obieZtiüe of reochinq the bedrock- ( - 330.p m) ot thä beginning,of the-yeor 2000 oftör 3 drillino ieosons. ln-porollel, reconnorssonce comooiqns wfll be corried but in the Dronninq Moud Lonä o"reo. o completelv unexplored port oJ Eost Antorctico where the second EPICA drilling, oimed ot orovidinq os detqiled o comporison os possible with'the lost"l00 ko Centrol Gräenlond recbrd, will be corried out between veors 200] ond 2003. The moin criterion for the sdlection of this second drillinq site will be o hiqh occumulotion rote ond o dominänce of precioitotr'on from the South Atlontic. This is exoecteä to äontoin o siqnoture of chonqes in the Atloniic oceon circulotion Selieved to be c-ruciol

in the rooid

climote oscillotions observed in

Greenlond.'ln oddition. scientific proqroms dedicoted

to ice

sheet ond oolor olmosriheö modelinq, to

otmospheric chemist'ry ond to su'rfoce studies ossocioted with EPICA. This report hos been prepored by Jeon


EPICA Choirman Loboroloire de Modelisalion du Climot el de l'Environnemenl

CEA/DSM, CE Socloy Fronce



IMAGES (olso offilioted to SCOR), held its first Executive Committee meetinq on Juhe 26-27. Ihe moior oool of ttrlAcfs is to-foster coordinotion. ot the'inte"rnotionol level. of scientific orooroms thot'qddress the scientific äools outlined in" the IMAGES "science ond lmolemäntotion Plon". Coordinotion efforts will hove üt leost two foci: I I field proqrqms desioned to collect the necessorv sediment re"cords to dddress these qools qnd. 2l workshoos ond workino orouos desYonoted to'odäress esseniiol scientific ihe"mesl The oioorom is built os on ossociotion of oortners iointlv tom"mitted to the llvlAGES scientifii oools. The odrhers octs on beholf of their entire comriunitv. Whbn ond where such notionol representotions orä not feosible. portners octinq on beholf of multi-institutionol ond multi-onnuql scieätific proqrqms mov be occeoted bv the IMAGES Scientifii co?rmittee'oh o cotd bv coie bosis. Membership fee is US$ 10 000 oer v'eär. This covers suooort for the Secretorioi ond'the Executive. solory föi o post-doc. in choroe of the doto ootherino ond dislribuiion. ond suooort"for workshoos] workinä orouos ond publicotioni. A detoiled imolementotiorioJon.'to be discussed ot the next ScieÄtific Commlttee' meetinq (Son .l996) Froncisco. December will define the o-rioiities for the next few veqrs. in ärder to focilitote'submission of soecific 'cooräinoted orooosols ot notionol levels. Plohs will include occess'to ihe French Morion Dufresne oiont corinq copobilitv ond ODP shollow drillingswiih HpC. As"o[ nbw, 9'countries or consortio häve oqreed to enter IMAGES. ond other ogreements äre in vorious stoge of preporotion. More informotion moy be obtoined from


Lobevrie IMAGES Execulive Director Deot. des Sciences de lo Terre et C.des Foibles Ra'dioaclivilies

av. de lo Terrasse Gif-sur' Yvefte -91 198 FR,ANCE

e-mail labeyrie@ch. cnrs-gif .fr.

One of the kev recommendotions of the Rüttihubelbod meetino oÄ 'Trocinq lsotopic Composition of post ond oreseit Precioitotion: Öooorturiities forClirirote ond Woter Studies''in Jonuory'1995 wos the strenqthening of the Globol Neiwork for lsotopes in Preciol'totion (GNIP). This is of especiol impörtonce for PAGES science iince the resulti obtoined' throuqh the ooerotion of the network bv the lnternotionäl Atomit Enerov Aoencv (lAEAl ov6r the lost 30 veors colibrotion now orovidä'onä of'tlie most importqnt ' tools 'for conlinentol records of post chonqes in thermol. hvdrolooicol ond svnoptic climotolooicol reoimes. A'steo töwords strendthehino ond secu-rino ä thä future of ÖNtp wos token" in Ge-nevo durinq -the recent Meetinq lJune 25 ond 261 hosted bv World Meteoöldoicol Oroonizotio; (WMOI.' lt is hooed thot the oi,tcome o"f the Meetinq will be o memorondum of understondinq beween" IAEA ond WMO thot will ollow for o broädeninq of responsibiliv for the fulure operqtion of the nel*ork oÄd for q full involvement ol PAGES ond other IGBP Core Proiects in the desion of the network in the liqht of the'scientific priorliies of globol chonge reöorch.


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Chino is in o kev position in the PEP-ll tronsect. Prioritv is now bäirio oiven to estoblishino o stotelevel droiect enitled 'Ftiitorv ond mechonisris of environmäntdl chonoe in Eosfern Chino over the lote Quoternorv'. This oroiecl is expecled to plqv o leodino role iir the PEP-ll bctivities in the counirv in order to äeol with issues thot con only be <iddressed throuoh multi-disciolinorv efforts onä o lorqe vorietv of tecJrnicol suoooi-t. onä to oddress some"tooics df hioh orioritv'dhroLoh internotionol coope'rotion. Eri'oho'sis is äiven to-the eostern oort of Chino becorjse most siudies so for hove mäinly been focused on the western oreos. The scientific issues to be oddressed in the proiect lie within the two PAGES temporol streoms. The'moin obiectives qre to moke hicih resolution (decqde to ."Ätrr't scolesl reconstrüctions of päleoclimote bosed'on vorious records (vorved lokd sediments. loess. morine sediments. tree rinos, speleothems, hisl to iiväsiioote ond'mop toricäl records ond corälsl. 'öoleoclimotös for selecteä the sootiol voriobiliv of timesfices lesoeciollv äo. 6'ko BP qnd co.21 ko BP.l. to studv the lnterqciions ond ootentiql mechonisms o[ the diflerent comoonents of 'otmospheric circulotion prevoiling the Asion region, ond tb further develop ih" doto5or" of poleocliäotes in Chino. ln oddition. o number of internotionol cooperotive reseorch oroiects will be desioned to oddiess severol tooics. luch os the interheöispheric comporison of odolion records ond oeolion sicinotures in ihe oceons

ond ice-cores: the interoctioÄ of different


tqsk. HIREAM. will be suooorted bv Chino. Toiwon. ond'Koreo. Ön this proidct. *e heed cläse cool perotion with IMAGES'ond with INAUA. 'Another new tosk which we ore preoorino now is COP (Circum-Okhotsk Proiectl. This'is Äot fu'l1v estoblished'vet. but is olreodv boriiollu finonced. fh" oroiect qifts'to moke cleqr'the role'of seo ice fluciuoiions in the Okhotsk Seq. ond the chonoes of 'the Aleution Low ond Siberiqn Hiqh.'othrouoh" drillinq o

smoll ice coo on the too o'f

voläno in "the

Kqmchqtsko Päninsulq. The first drillino will be done in summer 1997. ln this oroiect. cöooerotion with' IMAGES ond INQUA (Volchniö lnfluencel is olso verv imoortont. We ore'olreodv workino wiih Russio. buf it ii hooed thot other.orritri"t wilf suooort qnd

encourooe 'this oroiect. Finollv. the JPD ljooon"r" Pollen Däto Bosel is'in or"oordtion. We hooe' thot o por.t of JPD will be qccdssible on the intern'et by the änd of Morch 1997. (Yugo Ono)

This report hos been prepored by

Dr. Zhenotono Guo lnstitute äf Gäoloov Chinese Academly' of Sciences

P.O.Box 9825

T,l',ffltooo2e &

Dr. Yuoo Ono Loborätorv of Geoecoloov Grod. Scfrool of Env. Eofrh Scienr. Hokkoido lJniversilv Sooooro





pheric circuloiion components (Southwest summer hronsoon, Southeost summer monsoon, Northwest winter mänsoon ond ihe weslerliesl; ond Asio-North Atlontic linkooes etc. Moreover. ICDP hos recommended thot "o site in the Qinähoi Loke bosin be cored os soon os oossible. These- internolionol efforts ore exoected to'be develooed within the PEP-ll fromewbrk, or os links between PEP-ll ond other


PAGES oroiects. (Zhengtcing 'Guo)

Aher the Nooovo PEP ll Svmoosium in November 1995. the Jojoiese PAGES'Cömmittee decided to focus'the res'eorch contribution of Joponese PAGES group more strongly thon before. A ndw tosk, tentotr'velv colled HIREAM (Hioh resolution Reconsiruction of Eäst Asion Monsooitl.lor proposed. This oims for o hioh resolution onolviis of p'oleömonsoon octivitv in the tost Asio. throudh studies of loke. morsh änd deeo seo sediments-oround the JopoÄese lslonds. We'hove olreodv found o series öf oood vorved sediment records in severol morshes ondlokes, includino Loke Biwo. which conloins on imoortont'ooleoclim"otic sionol ond vorious kev teohro which oie useful for or"".it" dotino. Jooon ii lototed iust ot the lee side of'the Asion loäss iupplv from wiÄter monsoons ond westerlies. therefore.' ä'detoiled studv of loess ond oeolion Just contoined in vorious seäiments in ond oround Jooon oives us much informotion concermi nino both the Tlucuätion of the monsoon ond the migrolion of westerlies. orotion westerlies. - ln HIREAM, we propose o

tionsect which runs from the border öf Tibeton Ploteou lo Western Pocific through the Seo of Jopon ond the Jooonese lslonds. . This tronsett hos o unique ,ond speciolly importont 'poleoänvirbnment meoning for the reconstluclion meonino reconstluction of 'ooleoänvirbnmenl olong ihe PEP ll lronsecl. We hope thot this new

iunction with the

2. Themotic workino orouDs, octino from North to hove-been formed to


encouroge intersite, inter-hemisphere comporison:



Time Slreom /. Coordinotion for studies of treerinqs. lqke sediments (e.o. Mountoin Loke

Reö<irch-EU, TIGGER 2A-tiERC, NORD-CHILLNordic Council), lominoted speleothems, etc. is


o .

' currently orgonüed. /ce-sheet. mountain alociers. periolaciol mechonisms. ond /oess seriäs. fhe' dSf -öUEEN Proiect (northern ice-sheet growth/decoy) is o contribu iion to.PEP lll. Othär sub-iopics'hove to be orgonized.

The. speleolhem trqvgrse (SPEP llll will be initioted ot thd of the lnlernotionol lnternotionol Svn Svmp osyum "Climotic Chonge - The korst ( erjen, Norwoy, Augüst lorst record"' r".o.d"'lA.


Hvdrolooical indicolors of climate chonoe. lil L<ike reäords. Moior subcomponents orei Tliö

PAGES-Loke Drillinq

Tosk Force, the


IDEAL Proiect. the'ESF-Europeon Loke Drillino Proorom (ELDPl. Severol EtJ (PALICLAS. ltolv-: RURWA. Ton.oniol ond notionol proiects dre o1(ö develooäd. (iil Gröundwoter recördi: PEP lll oc tivities'ore sioilino in the Sohoro-Sohel with the suooort of START. MEDIAS-Fronce ond

ORSTOM (Froncel.


Groundwoter Proqrom

IinKino PAGES. STÄRT. LOICZ, GCTE ond BÄHC shoulä helo dävelop this them'e of utmost impor-

'The tonce for'orid onä semi-orid reqions. (cl ISOMAP lContinentol lsotope lndicotbis of Pqleoclimotb progrom), in ponju4ction with IAEA, is qt o preliminory stoge ol development. Terrestrial biolooicol intdicolors of climote chonse. The Eurooeon Follen Doto Bose IEPD. supporied bv EUI 'is olreodv fullv ooeroiionä|. ääd on Äfricon oollen doio bo'se is ot o preliminorv stooe. Böth ore o conlribution to Bibme 600d, PMIP ond PMAP. The EU Europeon Poleoo-Environmenls Climote ond Circuloiion (EPECC) olso contributes to PEP lll.


MEDIAS-Fronce (Toulouse)


will be the moior




This report hos been prepored by

Dr. Froncoise-D'Hidrologie Gosse et de G1ochimie lsotopique toborätai" lJniversitä de Poiis Bäliment 504



Orsov Cedex 91405 FRAKCE

3. Doto monooemenr. This focus should be closelv is o moior concern of thä Seotember 1996 Poris workshop'for: (il development


of 'lroinino sels ond doto boses'for individuol climqtic

indicotors] {iil definition o[ protocols ond stroteqv for doto disseniinotion, (iiil mullivoriqte doto ossimildtion, (iv) times series ond lime slices tor interoclions between PEP lll, PMAP ond PMIP.

Newsletter Editor:

Fronk Oldfield

BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Chino Conhibution to Globol Chonge Studies. Chino Globol Chonge Report No.2, 1995. Ed. by Y. Duzheng & L. Hoi. Science Press,


Berlrng, Lhrno. 'l Limnology, Climoiology ond Poleoclimotology of the Eost Africon lokes, 996. Newsletter. Ed. by Tom Johnson ond Eric Ododo. Poleoclimote ond Environmentol Voriobility in Ausrol-fuion Tronscect during the Post 2000 Yeors. Proceedings of the 1995 Nogoyo IGBP-PAGES/PEP-II Symposium. Ed. by T. Mikomi, E. Motsumoto, S. Ohto & T. Swedo. Nogoyo University, Jopon. The PAGES/CLIVAR INTERSECTION. Coordinoted reseorch obiectives of lhe lnternotionol Geosphere.-Biosphere (IGBP). Report of o joint IGBP-WCRP Workshop Uloly, 19941. 1996. Ed. by J.-C. Duplessy ond J.T. Overpeck.

a a

PAGES CATENDAR (* Open meetings. All intersted

scienlists ore invited to ottend)

7-9, 1996: Second lnternotionol Meeting on Globol Continentol Poleohydrology: Poleohydrology ond Modeling of 'september ' Environmentol Chonge. Toledo, SPAIN. Contäct: Gerordo Benito (FAX: +34-1-564-0800; E-l'lAlL: t996: PEP lll workshop. Poris (Bierville). Contoct: F. Gosse (FAX: +33-l -6446-5938; E-lvlAlL: Seritember 12-15, ' . Seflember 27 - October 1, 1996:.Annuql Records of Tropicol Systems (ARTSI Workshop. Kouoi. Contoct: J. Cole (FAX: +l'


303-492-6388; E'MAIL: 'October 1^-15, 1996: Ulho-high.resolution sediment records of environmentol chonge. Meeting of.the IGCP 37r' ot Royol Society, London, Englond. Contoct: A. Kemp (FAX: (aal I 703 593 059; E-ÄrlAlL:


October 21-23, 1996: Glociers from the Alps: Climote ond Environmenhl Archives. Workshop. Wengen, Switzerlqnd. Contoct: H.W. Göggeler (FAX: (41I 56 310 44 35; E-MAIL: 'October 28-31 ,1996: Geologicol society of-Americo (GSA) - Annuol Meeling Denver, USA. 3 sessions of speciol interest: Linkqges Amonq Dynomic Processes of Oceons, Continents, ond Atmosfhere. Eqrth System Processes ot the Lost Glocläl Moximö. 'High-Resolution Glociol Recoids from Mqrine qnd Lqcustrine Bosins. tontocl FAX: (00]l 303 447 06 49; E-MAIL:; WWW: October 28 - November l, 1996: PAGES: CLIVAR Workshop on 'Decodql ond centenniol voriobility'. Villefrqnche-sur-Mer, Fronce. Contoct: J.-C. Duplessy ond J.T. Overpeck (FÄX: +33-l'6982'3568 or +l-303-497'6513). November ll-13, 1996: LqmonFDoherty Eorth Observotory: Holocene Poleoclimote Miniconference on'Modes ond Mechonismi of Holocene Climote Voriobility'. PolisoJes, USA. Contocl: P. deMenocol (E-MAIL: peter@ldeo.columbio.edul 'December l5-19, 1996: AGU Annuol Meeting. Son Froncisco, USA. Contoct FAX: +1 202 462-6900; E-MAIL:

'Jonuory 3-7,1997: Desert Morgin Chonges in Africo since 135 ko, implicotions for Woter, Corbon ond Monkind. University 6f Norok.hott, Mouritoniä. Contoci: H. Foure (FAX: (33) 9l'41'38 79; E-MAIL: foure@riou.univ-mrs.[r). 'l 'August 24-30, 997: Siberion Tronsect Workshop on 'Spoliol-temporol dimension of High--Lotitude Ecosystem Chonges'. Krosnoyorsk, Russio. Contoct: V.A. Koptyug (FAX: (7) 3832 35 48 46; E-MAIL:

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