Paige Gibson Lake Tuggeranong College
Continuing Digital Photography Assessment 3: ROYGBIV Mark Will
35% (T) Task Requirments o Seven images will be shot and edited using either hand colouring, selective colour or High Dynamic Range. Each image must be original. o Show collected research raleting to the ‘ROYGBIV’ theme o Show a planning sheet outling the images you intend to photograph o Contact sheets o Write and artist statement explaining and justifying your images (DRUM) o Complete a thorough PMi evaluation o Show classroom tasks
Hand Colouring Activity
Hand colouring is when a black and white image becomes brightened with colour while giving emphasis towards the image. Hand colouring has many individual techniques associated with it: Photoshop is a fast and easy way for people to create a digital coloured image, but by using electronics to colour an image it prevents a persons capability of producing an image which looks to be the original piece. Hand colouring photographs without electronics allows the image to become transparent and natural looking rather than using printer ink that can desroy the whole image or give the image a harsh and thick ink appeal. Traditionally watercolours, oils and acrylics were the main techniques of hand colouring. They allow a person to create an original image by hand which also gives them a higher advantage to detail.
Selective Colour Activity
Original Example
Selective colour is when an image has a centre of interest using bright colours. Using photoshop for selective colour requires an image to be shot in colour, the image is then adjusted to black and white. Selective colour has not been around for very long, but has become popular in the last few centuries. Producing images this way can allow a person to tell a story and/or have a certain emotion/feeling involved.
High Dynamic Range Activity
Auto Bracketing Sheet for High Dynamic Range
Original Example
High Dynamic Range (HDR) uses Auto Bracketing, which is when the Auto Exposure Bracket (AEB) on a camera is moved two steps over (over exposed), two steps under (under exposed) and directly in the middle. This allows the camera to take three of the same image in different exposures, the three images are then adjusted and placed within each other using photoshop which creates the High Dynamic Range (as the technique is called).
Artists Statement Each student in digital photography received an assignment, the assignment is based on ROYGBIV (RED, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) the colours of the rainbow. Each student was assigned to capture their own images and choose one technique out of either hand colouring, selective colour or HDR (High Dynamic Range). All inclass tasks and research were to be presented within the students digital presentation to show their knowledge and understanding of the context of this assignment.
I decided to produce my images as selective colour because I wanted to create a feeling with just one particular colour. I chose to shoot my images out side as I did not want a boring and confined area, what I mean by this is anyone can take an image indoors infront of a blank wall or around objects, but for my images, taking them in nature helps give a feeling of freedom (an escape from everything), wonder and happiness. In my seven images each colour identifies a different meaning, RED- symbolises anger and longing, ORANGE- symbolises creativity, determination and happiness, YELLOW- symbolises positivity and energy, GREEN- symbolises growth, freshness and saftey, BLUEsymbolises stability, trust and loyalty, INDIGO- symbolises the ‘New Age’, VIOLET- symbolises power, independence and peace.
Every image was taken in an automatic setting, I only adjusted the IOS number to either a higher or lower number. I have learnt a lot about how to shoot images, I have taught myself the specific angles to capture the right image, what lighting to shoot in and changing the IOS sensor, the amount of times I need to take the same image and learning a new technique to creating a photograph with feelings or just to be creative and imaginative. Lighting was a major factor for my photographs, I wanted to have all my images in natural lighting to get an even level of light. Sometimes days were bright and clear skys which gave me more light, but some of my photos were taken during days that were cloudy and raining, but the advantage of this is the colour of the objects shot became brighter and vibrant which allowed the colours to stand out more once selective colour was added.
My final images met my criteria, I do believe they are my best shot photographs throughout the whole year. I have learnt from my mistakes of taking random photos and publishing my work late, but with this assignment I am very proud of what I have acheived.
Contact Sheets
DRUM ANALYSIS: RED Describe: The photograph was shot in Tuggeranong park. The colours displayed are Red and Pink, these colours can mean many different emotions, but for this particular image they represent anger and longing. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The model is wearing a jumper with the colour Red displayed, and fluro Pink shoes. The model is sitting in a park surrounded by nature, her head is looking away from the camera as I did not want to show her face. The image was actually a mistake, it was meant to be a shallow depth of field technique, but instead this was the result and with the shot turning out this way, it has created a certain feel towards it and seems to be more intriguing to me. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The cameras ISO was placed on 200 as there was enough light entering the lens, The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/125 as was the aperture at f/8.0. The shot was taken from a left side angle, a tripod was not used as I did not have one on hand, but the photograph seem to have no handshake present and I was very pleased with the outcome. Motivation : The motivate to why I chose to capture the image in this certain way was by luck, the model just happened to be wearing the exact colours I needed and to have her pose in nature. We ended up finding a peaceful place at Tuggeranong Lake and she decided to try different poses, the end result captured my eyes and attention.
DRUM ANALYSIS: ORANGE Describe: The photograph was shot in my backyard, The image is of a snail which came out on a rainy day and with luck happened to show the exact colour needed for this image. The colour displayed is Orange, Orange can represent many different emotions, but for this particular image this colour represents creativity, determination and happiness. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The main focus of this image is the snail on a rock wall, the snail has an Orange shell which in colour does not show to well, but by using selective colour on this shot it helpped to brighten and show the Orange in the shell. The image was captured outside during a cloudy and raining day when insects come out to find food. The snail is in focus while the background is in shallow depth of field, this technique helps to bring the main focus directly to the snails shell. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 200 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/50 as was the aperture at f/4.0. The shot was taken from a front on angle, a tripod was not used as I did not have one on hand, but the photograph seem to have no handshake present and I was very pleased with the outcome. Motivation : The motivate to why I shot this photograph was because I walked out to my backyard and found many snails wondering on the brick wall, I grabbed my camera and took multiple photos to capture the right moment, the colour of the shell gave me a thought of a different but unique image to show the colour Orange. In the end I am very pleased with the out come of this photograph.
DRUM ANALYSIS: YELLOW Describe: The photograph was shot at a local park close to my home. The image is of a puppy who is enjoying himself. The colour displayed is YELLOW, YELLOW can represent many different emotions, but for this particular image this colour represents energy and positivity. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The main focus of this image is the jacket the puppy is the bright Yellow rain coat the puppy is wearing. The image was captured outside during a cloudy and raining day, this is why I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to shot the Yellow rain coat, plus the colours beome brighten on darker days. The image is deep depth of field as the surroundings were only grass. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 200 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/50 as was the aperture at f/4.0. The shot was taken from a front on angle as I wanted to capture the pups face in the image as well as his body. Motivation : The motivate to why I shot this photograph was because I saw the Yellow rain coat sitting on the bench and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to shot something that is constantly happy and full of life. I shot multiple photos to capture the right moment. In the end I am very pleased with the out come of this photograph.
DRUM ANALYSIS: GREEN Describe: The photograph was shot in my backyard. The image is of ordinary clovers found anywhere around the world, they are a beautiful plant but also lucky for some. The colour displayed is Green, Green can represent many different emotions to individuals, but for this particular image this colour represents growth, freshness and safety. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The main focus of this image is the ‘Lucky clovers’, Clovers are a vibrant Green and grow everywhere and anywhere. The clovers are up against a cement wall and surrounded by garden rocks. There is not a lot of distraction within this photograph which is lovely as there is a direct attraction towards the Green clovers. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 100 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/60 as was the aperture at f/5.0. The shot was taken from a side angel, the camera placed directly side on to the concrete to get a different view of the ‘Lucky Clovers’ rather than a front on or ‘Birds eye view angle’. A tripod was not used as I would not be able to achieve this shot with one, the tripod might have not given me the perfect level and angle as the plant is against the wall rather than in an open space. With the image being shot on a cloudy and raining day, the colours of the clovers become very vibrant and draw attention to itself. Motivation : I was motivated to shot a sprout of grass or anything that is nature, I happened to find clovers in my backyard. As Green symbolizes growth, freshness and saftey, when my eyes saw the clovers they imprinted an image in my mind, the clovers grew togther in a little bunch away from other plants and near a hard surface, to me this resembles saftey. They sprout from nature and they keep groing till they die, this resembles growth and refreshment.
DRUM ANALYSIS: BLUE Describe: The photograph was shot in Tuggeranong park. The two males within the image are of close friends, who by luck wore the exact colour needed for this shoot. The colour displayed is Blue, Blue can represent many different emotions, but for this photograph the colour represents stability, trust and loyalty. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. Both males are wearing Blue tops, the boys are standing up and are standing infront of a tree. Both males have their right hands linked together which resemble their friendship, the male on the right is looking directly at the male on the left and also has a smirk on his face, the male on the left is gazing away in the distant while still showing a smile. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 200 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/60 as was the aperture at f/5.6. The shot was taken from a left side angle, a tripod was not used as I did not have one on hand, but the photograph seem to have no handshake present and I was very pleased with the outcome. Motivation : The motivate to why I chose to shot these two boys was simply because I knew they were very close. As Blue represents trust, loyalty and stability, the two males friendship resembles this colour, to see a friendship so strong is remarkable in this century so it was the perfect opportunity to capture the moment.
DRUM ANALYSIS: INDIGO Describe: The photograph was shot in my backyard. The image is of a butterfly garden ornament, the colour within the ornament is Indigo, indigo is part of the ROYGBIV colour wheel which is the exact colour I have shot. Indigo relates to the ‘New Age’. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The main focus of this image is the Indigo colour throughout the butterfly, a rule of thirds is show as the butterfly is on the left/middle side of the photograph. The ornament is hidden behind nature and captured on a cloudy day. The left wing is broken which gives the photograph a different feel to it rather then a perfect object. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 100 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/80 as was the aperture at f/5.6. The shot was taken from right side angle; the camera was also tilted upwards slightly so I did not show a forward/straight image. A tripod was not needed as the camera needed to be close to the wall and in between plants. Motivation : I chose to shoot this image as I was very fond of the colours and ornament. I did not know what to shoot for the colour INDIGO, but as soon as I searched for something I came across my mothers garden ornament. Butterflies start their lives as a caterpillar, after a few days they make a cocoon to start a ‘New Age’, with this the caterpillar becomes something new (known as a butterfly). This is way I was motivated to capture this image as butterflies are marvelous and beautiful creatures.
DRUM ANALYSIS: VIOLET Describe: The photograph was shot in my backyard. The image is of a a plant which has Violet flowes growing from it. The colours displaye can represent many different emotions, but for this particular image this colour represents power, independence and peace. Recognize: The photograph is a black and white image, it has been selective coloured to draw out the surroundings and keep the main focus on the bright coloured areas. The main focus of this image is the Violet flowers, rain drops are present on the petals which indictaes the photo has been shot on a raining day. The photgraph uses the technique of shallow depth of field, the background area has been blurred to keep the main focus point directly on the flowers. Understand: The shot was taken out doors with natural lighting. The camera ISO was placed on 200 as there was enough light entering the lens. The shutter speed was automatically adjusted to 1/125 as was the aperture at f/6.3. The shot was taken from a left downward angle, almost like ‘Birds eye view’ angle. Motivation : The motivate to why I shot this photograph was because I walked out to my backyard and the first object to capture my attention happened to be the colour of the flowers. The life of a flower is mysteries, they are powerful, independent and peaceful, the key emotions which resembles the colour Violet. This certain plant grows anywhere, if a seed falls in the soil it will grow and it becomes an idependent plant, it does no harm towards other plants or nature and the word ‘powerful’ comes across to me as the colour of the petals as they draw the attention to the human and other animals eyes.