The Market

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The  Market ,+I !& $0 <0 <* D + ?'* N - *0 < 0 '% &

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$ '? >'&I &I+ Mission  Statement  and  Values  â€¦  4 Sourcing  Guidelines  Overview  â€¦  5 Logistics  â€¦  6  -­  7 Target  Market  â€¦  8  -­  9 Products  â€¦  10  -­  13 Country  Selection  and  Supplier  Analysis  14  -­  19 Strategy  Publication  â€¦  20  -­  21 Monthly  Line  Plan  â€¦  22  -­  25 Unit  Breakdown  â€¦  27 Tech  Packs  â€¦  28  -­  45 Country  and  Supplier  Ranking  â€¦  46  -­  47 Company  Sourcing  Guidlines  â€¦  48  -­  55 Conclusion  â€¦  56 Sources  â€¦  57

!D'& I I % &I The  Market  seeks  to  provide  stainably  crafted  dresses  for  women  whose  desire  is  to  foster  change.

$, + RUJDQLF FRòRQ IDEULF -­  All  natural  vegetable  and  fruit  dyes -­  Seeds  and  tree  saplings  donated  with  every  purchase

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The  Market  seeks  to  have  transparency  with  its  customers  and  factories  in  hopes  of  building  strong  authentic  connections. Â

We  believe  that  our  customers  have  the  right  to  know  how  and  where  their  products  are  made.  We’re  commited  to  sourcing  our  products  in  a  legal,  ethical,  and  responsible  mannner. Â

' !+I! +  For  our  store  locations  we  have  selected  6FRòVGDOH $UL]RQD $XVWLQ 7H[DV DQG &KDUORòH North  Carolina.  The  demographics  of  each  city  FRQVLVW RI ZHDOWK\ \RXQJ GLJHUDòL IDPLO\ RULHQWHG 25-­65  year  old  women.  We  also  focused  on  the  climate  in  each  location.  Our  dresses  are  constructed  to  be  light  and  breathable  so  they  can  be  easily  worn  in  hot  weather  making  these  WKUHH ORFDWLRQV WKH PRVW LGHDO SODFH WR VHòOH 7KH Market’s  shops.

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* C *#C Gender:  female Age:  21-­45  years  old Location:  suburban  cities Income:  $50,000  -­  180,000 +RPHRZQHUVKLS PL[ UHQWDOV Employment  level:  professional

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 Description:   $OO GUHVVHV DUH PDGH ZLWK RUJDQLF FRòRQ  Dyed  with  vegetable  and  fruit  dyes  to  give  a     natural  and  sustainable  color 0D[L 'UHVV )OíU OHQJWK GUHVV ZLWK UD]RU EDFN  Midi  Dress  -­  Tea  length  sleeveless  dress   Mini  Dress  -­  Mid  thigh  length  dress  with  sleeves

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Location:  Eastern  Asia

• Â

Sustainability:  In  general,  does  not  focus  on  sustainability  practices

• Â

Labor  laws:  40  hour  work  week,  Monday-­Friday,  plus  overtime

• Â

Technology:  Industry  leader  in  technology,  factories  follow  suit Â

• Â

Trade:  1R WUDGH DJUHHPHQWV H[LVW between  China  and  the  United  States,  however  they  have  14  FTAs  implemented  between  other  nations Â

,(($! *  From  China,  we  have  selected  Judger  Group  to  conduct  our  manufacturing.  They  were  chosen  due  WR WKHLU VWDĂł VL]H HTXLSPHQW RĂłHULQJV DQG JĂ­GV WKH\ currently  produce.  According  to  their  website,  â€œAdvanced  HTXLSPHQW DQG KLJK WHFKQRORJ\ ZHUH LQWURGXFHG IURP German,  Japan,  America  and  Italy,  which  guaranteed  high  TXDOLW\ IRU SURGXFWVĂ? 7KHLU VSHFLDOLW\ DQG DELOLW\ WR SURGXFH KLJK TXDOLW\ SURGXFWV LV H[DFWO\ ZKDW ZH ZHUH VHHNLQJ DV ZH DLP WR GHOLYHU WKDW VDPH TXDOLW\ WR RXU FXVWRPHUV WKURXJK RXU dresses.  Another  reason  that  China  is  a  front  runner  for  our  business  is  their  ability  to  deliver  products  to  us.  It  is  HVWLPDWHG WKDW ZH FRXOG EHQHĂŞW IURP WKH GHOLYHU\ WLPH RI seven  days  from  any  one  of  China’s  three  major  ports  to  the  United  States  for  around  $1,750.

& ! •

Location : Southern Asia

Sustainability: In general, does not focus on sustainability practices

• Labor laws: The total labor force in India is 502 million with 31% being in the service industry. • Technology: India has a competitive IT industry that will be worth $225 billion by 2020. •

Trade: In 2015, the U.S.-­India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue (S&CD) was implemented increasing bilateral trade from $19 billion in 2000 to over $100 billion in 2014.

,(($! *  As  our  Indian  supplier,  The  Market  has  chosen  to  do  business  with  Damco  India  Pvt:Ltd.  They  were  selected  due  to  the  items  that  they  produce  which  LV SULPDULO\ ZRYHQ FRòRQ JDUPHQWV ZKLFK DOLJQV with  the  needs  of  our  company.  This  particular  vendor  serves  customers  such  as  JC  Penney,  The  Children’s  Place,  H&M,  and  Macy’s  so  we  are  FRQĂŞGHQW WKH\ ZLOO EH DEOH WR IXOĂŞOO RXU QHHGV Additionally,  with  India  having  a  total  of  340  ports,  182  which  service  bulk  and  cargo  ships,  we  feel  as  though  transporting  our  products  won’t  be  a  notable  concern.

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Location:  Northern  Africa

•  Sustainability:  A  focus  placed  on  preserving  ZDWHU VSHFLĂŞFDOO\ 7KH 1LOH DOWKRXJK RLO SROOXWLRQ a  concern  for  coral  reefs,  beaches,  and  marine  life • Â

Labor  laws:  40  hour  work  week,  Sunday  -­  Thursday,  plus  overtime Â

• Â

Technology:  One  of  the  largest  economies  in  Africa,  major  opportunity  for  technology  advancement  which  will  impact  economic  growth  and  stability

• Â

Trade:  (J\SW H[SRUWV PLOOLRQ LQ QRQ knit  apparel,  however  the  United  States  is  not  RQH RI WKHLU WRS H[SRUW SDUWQHUV

,(($! *  ,Q (J\SW 7KH 0DUNHW ZLOO OíN WR %LVKDUD 7H[WLOH *DUPHQW 0DQXIDFWXULQJ WR SURGXFH our  dresses.  We  selected  this  company  as  they  were  started  as  a  dye  house  in  1962  and  have  since  moved  into  apparel  manufacturing  of  fashionable  pieces  for  major  United  States  women’s  wear  brands.  Their  start  as  a  dye  factory  sealed  our  decision  to  source  with  their  company  since  we  will  be  implementing  specialty  dye  in  RXU JíGV ZH ZDQWHG D PDQXIDFWXUHU ZKR VSHFLDOL]HG LQ WKDW DUHD )XUWKHUPRUH WKHUH LV D IRFXV LQ (J\SW RQ SURGXFLQJ JíGV PDGH ZLWK SUHPLXP IDEULFV DQG KLJK TXDOLW\ FRòRQ which  serves  our  sector  in  the  market.

I* I 0 , $! I!'&  After  in  depth  research  and  analysis,  The  Market  has  determined  that  the  best  locations  WR VRXUFH RXU JíGV ZLOO EH IURP &KLQD ,QGLD and  Egypt.  These  countries  were  selected  for  a  variety  of  reasons  including  resources,  materials,  availability,  lead  time,  and  factory  capabilities.  As  a  FRPSDQ\ IRXQGHG RQ SURGXFLQJ TXDOLW\ JíGV LQ an  ethical  manor,  the  most  challenging  element  of   VHOHFWLQJ FRXQWULHV ZDV êI LQGLQJ IDFWRULHV ZLOOLQJ WR abide  by  our  values.

I* I 0 >'& $,+!'&  In  conclusion,  our  company,  The  Market,  has  chosen  to  source  from  China,  India,  and  Egypt.  This  decision  was  PDGH DV HDFK FRXQWU\ KDV WKH DELOLW\ WR PHHW GLĂłHUHQW \HW HTXDOO\ LPSRUWDQW QHHGV IRU RXU FRPSDQ\ :H could  source  from  any  one  of  these  factories  and  be  FRQĂŞGHQW LQ NQRZLQJ WKDW WKH\ DUH JRLQJ WR EH DEOH WR PHHW DOO RI WKH TXDOLĂŞFDWLRQV IURP RXU FRPSDQ\ LQ RUGHU WR SURGXFH RXU JĂ­GV WR WKH DSSURSULDWH standards.  China’s  abilities  match  The  Market’s  company  SURĂŞOH EHFDXVH WKH\ DUH D WRS SURGXFHU RI QDWXUDO ĂŞEHUV VXFK DV VLON ZĂ­O DQG FRòRQ ZKLFK ZLOO EH WKH materials  in  which  our  garments  are  made  of.  China  is  D WRS PDQXIDFWXUHU RI ZRYHQ DQG NQLòHG IDEULFV DQG VSHFLDOL]H LQ G\HG JDUPHQWV 7KH IDFWRU\ ZH VHOHFWHG LQ ,QGLD PDWFKHV 7KH 0DUNHWĂ?V FRPSDQ\ SURĂŞOH DV WKH\ VSHFLDOL]H LQ SURGXFLQJ SULPDULO\ ZRYHQ FRòRQ garments,  which  is  how  our  dresses  will  be  made.  The  Egyptian  factory  will  be  able  to  provide  the  Market  ZLWK SUHPLXP FRòRQ DV ZHOO DV WKH LQ GHSWK NQRZOHGJH UHJDUGLQJ VSHFLDOLW\ G\HG JĂ­GV ZKLFK ZLOO IDOO LQ OLQH ZLWK RXU XQLTXH IUXLW DQG YHJHWDEOH G\HV

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Style: Objective:

30000 Light weight quality made dress


Mini Dress Pattern # 3353 3354 3355 3356

Combo Name XS Mini S Mini M Mini L Mini

Description: Mini Length Dress

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Important  Breakdowns: ,QGLD $ELOLWLHV +DYH D JíG EDVLV RQ WHFKQRORJ\ LQ IDFWRULHV EXW KDYH UíP IRU LPSURYHPHQW India,  Customers:  8-­  Factory  customers  include  H&M,  Macy’s,  and  The  Children’s  Place (J\SW 4XDOLW\ 6SHFLDOL]HV LQ G\LQJ DQG SUHPLXP FRòRQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ

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The  Market  seeks  to  have  transparency  with  its  customer  and  factories  in  hopes  of  building  strong  authentic  connections.  We  believe  that  our  customers  have  the  right  to  know  where  and  how  their  products  are  PDGH :H DUH FRPPLòHG WR VRXUFLQJ RXU products  in  a  legal,  ethical,  and  responsible  manner.

',* !& I*,M,*  The  Guidlines  set  in  place  for  The  Market  adhere  to  the  regulations  set  in  place  by  the  apparel  industry  partnership.

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&I *& $ '&!I'*+ Factory  inspections  by  internal  team Quarterly  factory  visits Unannouned  inspections Wrap  12  :  Worldwide  Responsible  Accredited  Production Factory  visits  consist  of  tests  for  acceptable  TXDOLW\ OHYHOV DQG WKH WHVWLQJ RI VDPSOH WH[WLOH swatches  to  make  sure  the  fabric  is  100%  RUJDQLF FRòRQ DQG G\HV DUH VXVWDLQDEOH 7KHUH LV D QRQFRPSOLDQFH UXOH ,I WKH TXDOLW\ level  is  not  correct  we  will  immediately  cease  and  desist  business  and  terminate Â

/I *& $ '&!I'*+ Fairtrade  Certif  ied -­Empowerment -­Economic  development -­Social  Responsibility -­Environmental  Stewardship Intertek (FR WH[WLOHV WHVWLQJ -­Care  label  testing 7H[WLOH DQG DSSDUHO LQVSHFWLRQ 7H[WLOH FHUWLI LFDWLRQ

>'& $,+!'& We strongly believe that our company will be VXFFHVVIXO LQ IRVWHULQJ D GHHSO\ UíWHG IRXQGDWLRQ E\ being a completely sustainable brand. With the purchase of each garment The Market donates seeds or a tree sapling to a needing community, and by doing so we are not only helping others but we are showing our consumers WKDW WKHUH LV PRUH WR D JDUPHQW WKDQ MXVW D SUHò\ SLHFH WR add to their wardrobe. Each garment here at The Market is a reminder of lives that are saved. By sourcing with the selected suppliers we know that our products will be 100% made with sustainable products by trusted people that we call our family.

',* + Central  Intelligence  Agency.  Central  Intelligence  Agency,  n.d.  Web.  29  May  2016. Ă?&KLQD 1DWLRQDO *DUPHQW $VVRFLDWLRQ Ă? &KLQD 1DWLRQDO Garment  Association.  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  29  May  2016. Apparel  Industry  Partnership’s  Agreement.  (2016).  Retrieved  May  31,  2016. EURO  MONITOR.  (2016).  RETRIEVED  MAY  16,  2016. EURO  MONITOR  STATISTICS.  (2015).  RETRIEVED  MAY  16,  2016.  Fair  Trade  USA.  (2016).  Retrieved  May  31,  2016. Segmentation  System.  Nielsen  My  Best  Segments.  Nielsen,  2016.  Worldwide  Responsible  Accredited  Production  (WRAP)  6RFLDO &RPSOLDQFH &HUWLĂŞFDLWRQ 2UJDQL]DWLRQ IRU WKH Garment  Industry  Garment  Fire  Safety.  (2016).

The  Market

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