Coolest Homes Ever Mini

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Copyright © 2023 Alli Koch Published by Paige Tate & Co. Paige Tate & Co. is an imprint of Blue Star Press PO Box 8835, Bend, OR 97708 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Illustrations by Alli Koch ISBN: 9781958803592 Printed in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

a My dad built a young age. at d te g ar in st in s at it imag terior design ld spend hour ecture and in ou it w ch I ar d at r an Th fo e girl, of them. My love n I was a littl ans for each led e for me whe erent floor pl ff di up , and it also g drafting tabl ge in lle homes, draw e time in co m m ea so r dr fo re gn tu r desi all my fu east Texas. study interio me cabin in ivated me to e—an A-fra m ho m passion mot ea dr y own erials to and build m different mat me to design of combining es ti ili e truly oneib m ss so po se to showca d by all the ok ire sp bo g in y rin sl of lo es I am endl ted this co . The owners home. I crea me included ue ra iq -f un A y y ul into m , s tr create a sign dream nited States d interior de l over the U al an es re m tu ec ho it e d arch of-a-kin es with th ed their own beloved spac e homes turn ions of their at tr us ill each of thes aw to dr allowed me e same. realities. They you to do th ire sp of each in ill w ey th at r illustrations hopes th r and interio rio te ex d t you’ll fin about wha that follow, homeowners In the pages es from the ot qu as to life in your l el es es, as w g these hous in br n ca of these hom you would u ecial. Yo aterials that e spaces so sp ures, and m xt te , rs ing fun hom lo makes their ur co at deciding the ker pages fe ic by st ay et w lv ue ve two own uniq u’d like. ere are also s however yo ch setting. Th te the room ua nt ce choose for ea ac use to mfort and that you can u creative co decor items ok brings yo bo is th oject. Enjoy pe pr I ho next home ur yo r fo cial on inspirati ith me on so ur coloring w yo e ar sh ! d gn an desi gging @allik media by ta

Iconic and simplistic, A-frame homes bring you closer to nature. Our vision for our lake-house getaway was to add modern flair to this classic architectural design. It took us over a year to build our A-frame, from finding the perfect land off Richland Chambers Lake in Texas to customizing everything from the ground up. Our hope is that our home provides an escape from modern-day stressors and offers everyone who visits a much-needed reset.


A-F R A M E CHAMBERS @aframechambers


Our home was inspired by our love for modern architecture when paired nicely with warm and inviting interior tones. On a 6-month adventure to New Zealand, we met a fellow named Tom and his fiancée, Sarah, who had built a very similar design. We became friends and ended up working with him to help build our dream home, referencing his design. The name of our house is based on our favorite quote from Ernest Hemingway: “We ate well and cheaply and drank well and cheaply and slept well and warm together and loved each other.” We both enjoy the nice things in life in moderation and know how to appreciate what we have without getting caught up in the desire for more.


H E M I N G WAY HOUSE @thehemmingwayhouse


We were inspired to convert a retired school bus into a tiny home after years of traveling without our beloved pup, Cake. We set out to give her the best life, but in return quickly realized this lifestyle was best for all of us. We love that we have our home with us wherever we go, but mostly we love that this decision has reminded us to be more conscious consumers and more intentional about experiencing the magic of our true home, Earth.


ROAMING RIVERS @roamingrivers


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