Photoshop Texture Guide by Paint the Moon

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Texture Use Guide

paint the moon p h o t o s h o p™ a c t i o n s a n d t e x t u re s

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

What’s inside 3. 4. 5. 7.


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Te xture i ntro and manual i ns t ru c t i on s Worki ng wi th the Te xture s Ro c k A c t i on Se t Scre e n s hots of the Te xture s R oc k A c t i on Se t H e llo, ni ce to m e e t y ou!

And how to get in contact with Anni e.

H e l p f u l r e s o u r c e s , l i n k s a n d in f or m ation

Tips and Basics for Texture Use Videos Actions Guides and Install Videos

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Things you should know. Tips and tricks to get the most out of your textures.

How do textures work?

Textures can add beautiful dimension and interest to your images … taking an ordinary photo and turning it into a piece of artwork. They can add not just texture, but beautiful tones as well. Textures are JPEG images that overlay on top of your photo and blend into the image so the texture details and tones meld with your image to give it a whole new look. I have a number of tutorial videos showing a demonstration of textures in use. The Basic Texture Application video will show you in Photoshop how to apply a texture manually, with a quick run through at the end showing the Textures Rock action set which is included for free with any texture purchase. The Paint the Moon Textures Rock action set makes applying and finessing your textures a breeze, and is provided in PS and PSE format. You can also purchase this action set separately with a sampler texture set here. There is also a tutorial video for Elements users showing the use of the Textures Rock action set. The first thing you need to know about using textures is that textures do not install like an action would. They are simply JPEG files that you will store on your hard drive in a convenient place. For manual application (without the Paint the Moon Textures Rock action set): The texture JPEG files will open just like you would open a photo in Photoshop or Elements. After opening your photo you wish to apply texture to, simply open your texture you want to apply (File > Open) and drag it on top of your photo. Resize the texture to fit the proportions of your image. Then change the blending mode on the texture layer … my favorite is Soft Light. Other blending modes that are popular are Overlay, Hard Light, and Multiply – highly depending on your style, the texture and your image. Be sure to play around with the opacity level of the texture layer as well. Since every texture is different in lightness/darkness, contrast and tone … and every image is individual as well, results will vary from image to image and texture to texture. Playing around with your texture layer’s opacity and blending mode is key. If you are using the Textures Rock action set, this will give you even more precise control over what your results are as well.

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Things you should know. Tips and tricks to get the most out of your textures.

Working with the Textures Rock Action Set When using the Textures Rock actions all of this is done automatically for you, including giving you many options to adjust the texture and overall look of your image. You can change the tone, the darkness/lightness, the contrast and more. It also gives you an option for removing the texture from skin while retaining the tone of the texture. This is important because the texture will change the tone and hue of your image - how strongly depends on your texture and opacity. If you simply erase the texture (or mask it off) from the skin areas the color difference between your skin areas and the parts of the image still affected by the texture will be obvious. With the Remove Texture From Skin action you can take off the details (scratches, lines, other details you don’t want to appear on skin) while retaining the same tone throughout the image and everything will blend seamlessly. You can do a whole photo processing simply by using a texture and the Textures Rock action set if you wish. All you need to do is install the Textures Rock action set, open your image and then play the Apply Texture action – it will guide you through the rest. If you are using the set in Elements, be sure that you *only* have your photo you want the texture applied to open when you start the action. Play around with the layers in your action. Change the blending mode on the texture layer … my favorite is Soft Light. Other blending modes that are popular are Overlay, Hard Light, and Multiply – highly depending on your style, the texture and your image. Be sure to play around with the opacity level of the texture layer as well. Since every texture is different in lightness/darkness, contrast and tone … and every image is individual as well, results will vary from image to image and texture to texture. Playing around with your texture layer’s opacity and blending mode is key. Remember that not every texture will work with every image. As with any art form, it takes a bit of (fun!) playing to see what works best.

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Working with the Textures Rock Action Set Open your image. Play the Apply Texture action and follow instructions. After it’s finished running, adjust the layers to your desired look - turn layers on and adjust opacity as needed. Adjust opacity of Texture layer as needed and change the blending mode as desired. Some popular blending modes are Overlay, Soft Light, Hard Light, Multiply ... play with everything to get just the look you’re after. Your results will vary from texture to texture and image to image. If you would like to remove some of the texture detail from skin areas, be sure the overall look of your texture is where you want it (opacities of layers, the layers you want visible, blending mode of texture layer, etc.) and then run the Remove Texture From Skin action. Do *not* flatten before running this second action. After running Remove Texture From Skin you may now simply use a black brush on the Paint With Black layer’s layer mask to erase the texture without removing the tone and hue of the texture so your texture will blend with your image seamlessly. See before and after on next page.

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Remove Texture From Skin Action

After © a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Hi. I’m Annie.

So nice to meet you! I w a n t to th a n k you f or your sup p ort and b usiness. I truly ho p e y o u a r e t hr i l l ed w i t h y o ur Pa i nt t he M o o n pro d ucts . Y ou r s a ti s f a c tion is my numb er one p riority, and I t a k e p r i d e i n p r o v i d i ng ex c el l ent c us t o m er s er v i c e. I f yo u fin d, a fte r look i ng ov er the installation g uid e, troub l es ho o t i ng g ui d e a nd t ut o r i a l v i d eo s a v a i l a b l e, t ha t yo u a re s ti ll i n n e e d of assistanc e, p lease feel free to e-ma i l m e a t a nna b el l e@ p a i nt t hem o o a nd I ’ m m o r e t h a n h a ppy to h e lp. I w i l l n e e d to h a ve th e following information in ord er to g et y o u t a k en c a r e o f a s q ui c k a s p o s s i b l e: • Pa i nt th e Moon produc t you are using • Y o ur com pu te r’s operating system • Y o ur ve rs i on of Ph otoshop or Elements • W h a t e xa ctly you r i s sue is, or where in the installation p r o c es s y o u a r e r unni ng i nt o a hi c c up . T he m o r e de t a i le d i n f orm a ti on I g et up front, the b etter and faster I c a n g et y o u t a k en c a r e o f a nd s t a r t ed us i ng a nd e n j o y i n g you r n e w a ctions. T h a n k you !

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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Finding what you need Paint the Moon Store

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shop hundreds of actions, textures, and templates to save you time and make your images look their very best ... love editing again - love your photos - come on, get happy!

Paint the Moon Facebook Community

share, be inspired, ask questions, learn! our very active Facebook wall is a wonderful place to visit! come share your images edited with your Paint the Moon products, get feedback and find the latest updates on new releases, free product samples, giveaways, tutorials and so much more!

Paint the Moon Blog

tutorials on processing, using actions and photography - plus step by step recipes and many more free resources

Paint the Moon YouTube Channel

a wellspring of resources at your fingertips ... video tutorials covering installation methods, action basics, getting the most from your actions, general Photoshop/Elements tips and editing, texture use and much more!

Paint the Moon Flickr Group

share your images processed with Paint the Moon products and browse through the albums to be inspired by others’ work

Paint the Moon Flickr Let‘s Do 52 Group

join at any time ... take a photo a week, follow the theme or go out on your own - grow, learn and be inspired!

Paint the Moon on Twitter

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Tips and Basics for Texture Use Videos Actions Guides and Install Videos

© © p © p aa pii n an itt n ttt hht eh e em mmoooooo nnn p p hh oo t t oos sh ho op p a caat cci tot ini oo s nn ss © aapllallianlrrt lii tggrh h e gtt m ner ses• e ei rinivnn pm notootn hoo ih hss to so seaerrl lrvvvreeiegdddh t s• •• r pep te tdt htt• ehh . ennnme.o rr e pas aa eea oim m . tnon nee. tnt e t

Save time create art

Paint the Moon Photoshop™ actions transform your photos into art - saving time and making magic.

What are Photoshop™ actions? Most simply stated, Photoshop™ actions help you make your photos more awsome and do it much faster. The boring explanation is that they are a recording of all the commands and steps used to create an effect in Photoshop™ or Elements™. They can be replayed at the click of a button, saving you hours of time in editing as well as creating complex effects with ease. When using actions extensive Photoshop™ processing knowledge is no longer required to get professional, beautiful results and do it quickly so you can get back to doing what you love - taking photos. Watching your images transform before your eyes will have you whistling and singing while editing!

Actions can save you time and take a good (or even a ho-hum) image and turn it into a WOW image in seconds.

Paint the Moon offers Photoshop™ and Elements™ actions to help bring new life to your images and take

hours off of your editing time. Offering professional editing tools that help you do everything including professional retouching, essential workflow edits, and beautiful and unique artistic processing ... all at the click of a button. Paint the Moon actions work like magic to make processing amazingly quick and are a breeze to use. Paint the Moon actions are also highly “tweakable” to customize the results for just the right look to fit your image and your style. Many of them are batchable so you can process entire sessions with little interaction and breeze through hundreds of images easily. They help turn your photos into works of ART, taking your images to the next level! We also offer fine art and vintage textures to add a unique and high end look to your images. To help guide you through all steps of the editing process, Paint the Moon also has a wide variety of video tutorials available with new ones added regularly. Want to take them for a spin before making a purchase? We have beautiful free actions and textures to try before you buy! Be sure to also stop by our Facebook page for Exclusive free downloads and a supportive, inspiring and warm community of fellow photographers (

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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paint the moon p h o t o s h o p™ a c t i o n s a n d t e x t u re s

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