1 minute read
From the Editor
Hey Everyone,
Welcome to the 122nd edition of the Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine.
I hope everyone had a fabulous break and came back ready to hit the ground running.
From all reports, 2023 has started for everyone with a bang!! Prices are up and not enough staff to do the work. Aussie Painters Network have been working on a way to assist you with your staffing problems. This will be launched next month.
APN have been having great success with finding apprentices and getting people into work within the industry. It has been an exciting start to the year. If you are looking for staff, reach out and contact Brina in our office. 0430 399 800.
The Painters Podcast has got off to a great start with interviews with people within the industry sharing their stories. If you would like to join Glenn and myself to have a chat, just reach out. We would love to hear from you.
On a personal note, thanks to all the supporters of APN, we are here to support you in any way that you require, please remember, if you need any assistance, reach out, APN are here to help.
• Jim Baker
• Kylie Shiels
• Leo Babauta
• Lauren A. Keating
• Mary Cairns
• Oliver Kay
• Peter A. Heslin
• Robert Bauman
• Sandra Price
• Tania Driver
• Ute-Christine Klehe EDITOR
Nigel Gorman
Nigel Gorman nigel@aussiepaintersnetwork.com.au
07 3555 8010
J. Anne Delgado