Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio
04.12.2011 Vol. 45 Issue 12
Professor shares experiences from life in Libya
P9: Cyrano de Bergerac Joseph Tidline/ The Paisano
Maritza Avelar
Shotguns, rifles and handguns can be purchased only miles from campus.
Student consensus absent Student government fails to take stance on issue on concealed handguns on campus Victor H. Hernandez Angela Marin
P11: Spring football game
Student creates unique tradition
Ramsey Rodriguez What do you get when you combine office supplies and Red Bull? UTSA students will show off their talents this Thursday as they create ambient tunes using staplers, textbooks and rulers for instruments during the Red Bull Music Competition. The competition is hosted by Chase Thomas, sophomore marketing major and Red Bull employee. “My absolute priority and goal is to promote tradition here on campus and if the event goes well, Red Bull will make sure this happens every year,” said Thomas. This unconventional musical contest consists of two 60second rounds where teams of students will perform songs using only scholastic and office supplies and Red Bull cans. During the first round, teams will perform a cover song they choose. In the second round, teams will perform an original song using the same materials. In the event of a tie, there will be a third and final round to declare a winner. “We’re going to try to do an extra popular song so people know what we’re playing,” said sophomore chemistry major Leslie Chang. “I usually don’t get involved on campus but it sounded like my kind of thing.” Chang and a teammate heard from Thomas about the event a few weeks ago. After watching a previous musical event on Facebook, they went to work on creating their own sound. See REDBULL, Page 2
The UTSA Student Government Association (SGA) will ask students to vote on a much-debated legislation that proposes allowing handguns on Texas universities, the Senate Bill 354. But chances are that student’s votes won’t count at all. SGA’s poll might come too late to influence the decision in the state senate, where the bill might be voted before SGA voices the demands of the student community. The proposed bill would allow Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders to carry handguns on college campuses. Texas law requires that individuals be at least 21 years
of age, pass a 10-hour training course and undergo a criminal background check in order to get their license. SGA plans to use the results of student voting to determine the university’s official position, which will be voiced to the Texas legislature for consideration. Universities are supposed to inform their state representatives on their position regarding the legislation; this responsibility falls upon the student governments. Students at UT Austin have already expressed their worries about the bill passing. Even Sen. Steve Ogden (RBryan) who represents the district including Texas A&M, withdrew his support from the bill as the legislation neared the last stages of senate approval. UTSA’s Student Gov-
ernment has not yet decided where it stands. “Initially SGA was going to take a stance, but as it is such a controversial issue, we wanted the students to express their opinions in a more formal setting,” SGA President- elect Xavier Johnson said. Even though Johnson is not yet president, he fully supports the decision to institute a poll, decision that was presented by the current SGA president Derek Trimm. “We felt that UTSA students needed an official poll and student government resolution to express the sentiments of UTSA, based on conversations with our constituents and during interactions with leaders of organizations on campus,” Trimm said.
Dr. Mansour El-Kikhia shared a few laughs with host John Stewart during his appearance on the Daily Show, and he discussed current events in Libya. El-Kikhia is the chairman of the department of political science and geography here at UTSA and has been interviewed by numerous publications and appeared on television programs to share his thoughts and expertise concerning Libya. “[Living in Libya] for me, it became a big prison where you couldn’t think, where you couldn’t speak. What happens in such places, the air starts smelling foul, the air starts smelling bad,” El-Kikhia said. As a native born of Libya, ElKikha has been exposed to the regime of Muammar al-Qaddafi. He left his home city of Benghazi in 1980 due to political pressure. Discussing the severe events occurring in Libya on a comedybased show was a challenge for El-Kikhia, but he was able to inform and project his message through the jokes and laughter. “It was a comedy show, so I had to try to balance to say serious things in a funny way if I could, and he [Jon Stewart] helped me a lot with that. “He made me relax enough to talk about a serious issue in a way that many kids could actually understand and appreciate,” El-Kikhia said.
See EL-KIKIAH, Page 3
See HANDGUNS, Page 4
FTK dancers help battle childhood cancer Allison Tinn For 13 years Marci West’s life was filled with sports, school and family time, but when West turned 14, she began to experience headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness daily. After many misdiagnoses, a neurologist found a brain tumor. West described her treatments and experience as “hell on earth.” For The Kids (FTK) is an organization that works to support kids like west. FTK will be put-
ting on a 12-hour dance marathon on April 23 in the University Center to provide moral, social and financial support to the children and their families that suffer from childhood cancer. FTK’s dance marathon was inspired by THON, a student-run organization from Penn State University which also works to battle childhood cancer. FTK’s dance marathon was inspired by THON a student run FTK dancers conduct zumba class in the rec center organization from Penn State to advertise 12 hour marathon on April 23. University who also work to battle childhood cancer. See FTK, Page 2
Cindy Teske/ The Paisano
P6: The ideal weight
Online evaluations show improvement Dan Rossiter Approximately 100,000 online course evaluations were sent out via email to students late April 3. To date, approximately 16 percent of those evaluations have been completed. The evaluations are scheduled to remain open until April 15. Students who participate will be entered into a drawing for two, three or four iPads, depending on the percent of student participation in the
process. The new evaluation system comes as a result of the Texas H.B. 2504, a bill that requires evaluation of state university courses to be made available online. Given this new requirement, UTSA’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) decided to process evaluations through an online interface, replacing paper evaluations that were administratively costly to the university. Fall of 2010 was the first full attempt at such an implementation, following a part paper,
part online evaluation during the 2010 summer semester. The evaluation process was fraught with a number of technical issues. Some students received multiple emails for a single course while others received no emails at all. This semester, the OIT has opted to send out all of a student’s course evaluation links in a single email, reducing the inbox clutter that the former system created. The OIT has also changed the evaluation confirmation system from an email to a pop-up PDF docu-
ment, provided upon completion, that may be presented to any professor who offer extra credit for student participation. Unfortunately, the confirmation system has been limited in its reliability since, to receive the PDF, the student taking the survey must have pop-up blockers disabled. “Following the evaluation period, we want to sit down with IT and figure out what worked and what didn’t,” Doug Atkinson, director of evaluations and surveys, said. See EVALUATIONS Page 4
The Paisano
From page 1
“That is also the time we will be able to reveal the total of our fundraising efforts and hear from some really powerful people.” FTK does not set fundraising goals, rather, “the focus is to provide social, moral and then financial support for the families,” Zapata said. FTK is working to get 100 dancers for the event and as many voluteers to help with the event as possible. For more information about FTK and the event visit
Courtesy of Cindy Teske
Joseph Tidline/ The Paisano
THON has been putting on dance marathons since 1973 and now has 15,000 student volunteers, 700 dancers, and has raised over $69 million. FTK visited THON in February, and as soon as they returned,they formulated the first dance marathon in San Antonio. Though there have only been a few months of preparation for the event, procedures have been put in place for any emergency situations. “If a kid gets lost, we have contingency plans in place to make sure that we
event and show what [the kids and their families] have gone through.” To lessen the strain of the dancers having to stand for 12 hours, every two dancers will have a morale person assigned to them who will ensure the dancers are kept hydrated, fed and have breaks. “The last four hours are the most intense portion of the dance marathon. That’s when the pep-rallies will happen, the different athletics teams will compete against each other, that’s when the families and representatives from Christus Santa Rosa will speak,” Zapata said.
Courtesy of Cindy Teske
have it covered,” FTK chairperson Ryan Zapata said. Preparations have included local marketing, advertising, campus flash mobs and zumba sessions at the rec center. “[Dancers, volunteers and performers] have not necessarily been coming to us, but our goal is to get the entire UTSA community involved as well as the San Antonio community,” FTK’s communications chair Tim Spohrer said. The event works to symbolize the 12 months of turmoil the children and their families go through. “No resting, no sitting just standing. Of course it’s not dancing for 12 hours,” Zapata said. “Our goal is to take their pain away, have a great
April 12, 2011
Courtesy of Cindy Teske
Top right: Gregory J. Aune MD. speaks at ‘fashion out cancer’ event thanking FTK for their help in battling childhood cancer. Center: cancer survivor models an outfit ‘fashion out cancer’ event. Bottom left: For The Kids overall chairperson Ryan Zapata presents to FTK members plans for 12 hour dance marathon. Bottom Right: FTK member spends time with children at ‘fashion out cancer’ event.
REDBULL From page 1 “It sounded like fun, but it also looked pretty intense,” said Chang. “We’ve been trying, but it’s a lot harder than it sounds.” Chang and the rest of her team will compete against six other student teams on Thurs-
day. The third place prize will be a free case of Red Bull. Second place will win a night out in San Antonio where Red Bull will pick up the tab, and the grand prize will be tickets to Red Bull’s Thre3style, an international DJ qualifying competition, this Saturday April 16 at Sunset Station. Winners of the Red Bull Music Competition will also be entered in the National Competition held in Dallas, Texas.
“Right now I’m also working on setting up a Red Bull Chariot Race for next semester,” said Thomas. “It’s been more for Greek life in the past, but I want it to appeal to any registered student organization.” Thomas will also be screening the documentary “Bouncing Cats” at Karma Lounge, between The Cantina and The Paisano, on April 19.
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Hot Off The Press Former Ivory Coast leader captured Allison Tinn
On April 11 former Ivory Coast president Laurent Ghagbo was captured following months of different diplomats pleading with Gbagbo to step down. Gbagbo assumed the presidency in 2000, but in 2010 when he was defeated by Alassane Outtara, Gbagbo refused to step down. Gbagbo was able to continue to rule by paying the salaries of soldiers and civil servants. These soldiers comprised the violent forces against civilian protests, resulting in a civil war. Business began to shut down, employees lost jobs and civilians had to scrounge for food. France, the United Nations and the United States eventually stepped in after witnessing the events. “I still don’t understand how an electoral dispute in Ivory Coast can bring on the interference of the French Army,” Gbagbo said. After a week-long siege of his residence helicopters surrounded Gbagbo’s house and he finally surrendered. Though Ouattara won the election in 2010, Gbagbo supporters see the new president as forced upon them. Currently Gbagbo is being held up at a lagoon-side resort with his wife. Ironically, the security protecting Ouattara at the resort is also the security that is protecting Gbagbo.
EL-KIKHIA From page 1 “My purpose is not to make people feel sorry or guilty, no, it is to make them feel aware, and me as an educator, being on Jon Stewart, I was doing precisely that. The only difference is the format.” El-Kikhia praises Stewart’s knowledge about Libya, and mentions how Stewart knew various pieces of information that many policy experts did not know. ElKikhia and Stewart spoke before and after the show and even shared some laughs during the interview. “I did not fake a single laugh, it was all sincere,” El-Kikhia said. “He made me laugh, and I had to stop myself and remind myself, ‘hey, this is a serious issue’.” “I felt good [about being on the Daily Show] for the simple reason that I was able to disseminate information to young kids who have not been exposed to it,” ElKikhia said. Getting an opportunity to inform the yonger generation about Libya was one of the main reasons El-Kikhia enjoyed appearing on the Daily Show. “It’s important that young people are aware with political issues, that they are aware with what is going on in the world, important that they have opinions,” El-Kikhia said, “and what better way to make them do that other than providing them with the medium that is easy to absorb and be able to dispute.” El-Kikhia’s views about Libya has not changed, but he does believe that the longer the issue prevails, the harder it will be to keep it alive in the media. He also feels that President Barack Obama should keep his word and end his indecisiveness. “This is an issue. President
Obama must stop being indecisive, he must make a choice; he must make a decision, on all issues. There is no 100% certainty, the only certainty we have is hindsight. He must make decisions, it is okay to make wrong decisions, sometimes we do make wrong decisions, we fix them, but you got to make decisions,” El-Kikhia said. El-Kikhia believes that although Libya is miles away from the United States, it still has an impact in our society. He explains that the country can be destroyed overseas, and nothing would occur here, but it would definitely be a part of humanity gone. He addresses that “it is a matter of principle and a matter of morality” to help those who are seeking freedom. El-Kikhia’s personal anger and frustration are not towards Qaddafi himself, but are directed to what Qaddafi represents, dictatorship. El-Kikhia also believes that there is no comparison between the two forces battling in Libya. “There are no two armies. There is one professional army with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sophisticated weapons and an army of civilians that has no weapons, except of those that they took from the other army,” El-Kikhia explains.“And the idea that they are called ‘rebels,’ they are not rebels; they’re ‘freedom fighters’. They are prodemocracy. “That’s why you see kids today, blue jeans and t-shirt, with a gun in their hand, not even boots, riding a Toyota, attacking a tank, how do you interpretive that? They’re competing with the regime.” Within the issue of Libya, ElKikhia believes and stresses that the world needs to change to look upon issues globally. He tells Stewart that there is a need for a nature of global interest and em-
File photo
The Paisano
April 12, 2011
Chair of the political science department Mansour El-Kikiah was a guest on The Daily Show to talk about recent events in Libya. phasizes the fact that the world has changed. He also mentions that professors in any subject must make human rights part of their curriculum in order to inform students about the rights and injustices that occur at home and around the globe. El-Kikhia’s interview with Jon Stewart was also enjoyable because he was able to demonstrate how society must face the need to change globally. “What impact us, impacts us globally. Kids need to know about the rest of the world, it is very important. The world has changed, we have become a global environment. America is no longer America, and yet, Americans do
not know this. The important thing to me is to see this world change,” El-Kikhia said. “At UTSA, it is our duty upon us to prepare [students] to survive in the 21st century because if we don’t do that, we have failed at our jobs.” Although El-Kikhia’s views about Libya have not changed, he continues to try and keep up awareness about Libya and wishes to see democracy established in his home country. “Libyans are dying. They’re putting their lives on the line to remove the country of this man. Unless the good guys get some help, they will lose,” El-Kikhia said.
Win an iPad! Complete your online course evaluations and get a chance to
The more evals you complete, the better your chances to win!
Course evaluations close April 15. Check your e-mail or log onto ASAP to complete your evals today.
The Paisano
April 12, 2011
EVALUATIONS Atkinson said that the confirmation system will be assessed and revised as needed. For this semester, Atkinson said that the PDF confirmation will be supplemented with an email to be sent either Monday or Tuesday of next week, confirming students’ completion of their evaluations. Beyond the technical issues, some students simply do not feel that the evaluations really matter to the administration. “I only did the evaluation because my professor offered extra credit,” Hope Johnson, a senior studying criminal justice, said. “I don’t think the administration pays attention to what we say, so to me it’s just a waste of time.” Deena Smith, a senior Eng-
lish major, had similar feelings. “I haven’t done the evaluations, but based on what I’ve heard, they can’t be taking them seriously,” Smith said. “How can you analyze the quality of a course with just two questions?” In addition to the two required questions asking about the quality of the professor and the quality of the course, departments are able to include additional questions from a question bank of over 900 questions. Following the completion of evaluations, the information collected will be made available to students via Bluebook (, a sub-domain designed with the intent of meeting requirements outlined by H.B. 2504.
Joseph Tidline/ The Paisano
From page 1
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Joseph Tidline/ The Paisano
From page 1 Voting will be conducted on ASAP on April 19 and 20. SGA might be running behind schedule. Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) intended to reintroduce the bill on April 7 for a vote, but suffered a setback when he lacked the necessary votes to reintroduce the bill to the floor, unintentionally giving more time for SGA to determine where UTSA stands. The SB 354 bill was delayed
Mariana Viguri (center) and Carlos De La Garza (bottom) sell antiques for the Spanish Honor Society during Fiesta in the sombrilla April 8. when two democrats, Sen. Mario Gallegos (D-Houston) and Sen. Eddie Lucio (D-Brownsville), withdrew their support last Thursday. “I’m hopeful this is just a bump in the road,” said Sen. Wentworth to the Dallas Morning News. “I don’t have a very clear crystal ball.” While most states have rejected such legislation, last year Utah became the first state to pass a bill that is as broadbased as the one proposed by Sen. Wentworth. Other states have implemented major changes in their legislation regarding concealed weapons on campuses.
Arizona voted to allow people to carry handguns when walking or driving through campuses on public streets and sidewalks. Colorado recently voted to allow universities to choose whether they allow handguns on campus. Controversy has surrounded the issue since 2009 when early, short-lived versions of the handgun proposal made way to the Texas legislature. Senator Gallegos, who just withdrew his support from Wentworth’s bill, voted in favor of such a measure in 2009. This time, after talking to members of his district, he confirmed his decision was an absolute no.
The other senator who retracted his support from the SB 354 was Sen. Lucio, who agreed to reinstate his support only if an amendment were to be accepted which would allow colleges and universities to decide for themselves whether to continue being gun-free zones. If the SGA conducts the poll on the days they plan, the Senate might have already decided the issue before UTSA’s students vote on ASAP, leaving UTSA unrepresented, as it currently is.
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April 12, 2011
The Paisano
Editor-in-Chief: Joseph Tidline
Managing Editor: Vanessa Elizarraras
News Editor: Allison Tinn
Assistant News Editor: Ramsey Rodriguez
Features Editor: Joey Alabbassi
Arts Editor: Ruben Mercado
Assistant Arts Editor: Graham Norwood
Sports Editor: Stephen Whitaker
Photo Editor: Burk Frey
Graphics Editor: Robert Calcagno
Ads Manager: Kevyn Kirven
Business Manager: Jenelle Duff
Interim Web Editor: Dan Rossiter
Dyan Lofton, Angela Marin, Ramsey Rodriguez, Sergio Rios
Staff: Eric Becerra, Samantha Burns, Robyn Bramwell, Dylan Crice, Brianna Cristiano, Graham Cull, Kristoffer Hellesmark, Victor H. Hernandez, Kayla Larsen, Megan Lovelady, Dana Messer, Cliff Perez, Katy Schmader
Contributing Staff:
Kristen Acosta, Maritza Avelar, Paty Castro, Morgan Colhoff, Matt Dargan, Micheal Gardiner, Nina Hernandez, Charles Horvilleur, Mark Muniz, Kelsey Nichols, HeeSun Park, Lindsey Sumrall
Advisor: Diane Abdo
Advisory Board: Steven Kellman, Mansour El Kikhia, Jack Himelblau, Sandy Norman, Matt Stern The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a nonprofit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, excluding holidays and exam periods. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:
© The Paisano 14545 Roadrunner Way San Antonio, TX 78249 Phone: (210)690-9301 Fax: (210)690-3423 E-mail:
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Paisano reserves the right to edit all submissions.
The Paisano
The Paisano
Amendment complicates budget woes Public colleges and universities in Texas with LGBT resource centers may have to spend an equal amount of money on centers promoting “family and traditional values,” under a budget amendment approved by the House on April 1. The amendment from State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, passed by a vote of 110-24. Christian claims that these centers are not a direct criticism of LGBTQ students but are necessary to support students who believe in traditional values. The main target for the amendment is the Inclusion and Community Engagement Center (ICE). According to their mission statement,
the ICE’s purpose is to “explore issues relating to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, volunteerism and politics.” They offer volunteer opportunities as well as scholarships and support service to UTSA students. The irony of this amendment is that House Bill 1 is operating $7.8 billion below the amount required to fund the school under the Texas Education Code. What does this mean for us? This means that we will pay more, receive less in federal funding and observe massive cutbacks in funding to our academic departments, which means less research will take place.
However, adding this new amendment wouldn’t be as horrific if UTSA had the funds to support it. Students shouldn’t have to foot the bill for these programs just because politicians with opposing views deem these centers necessary. Where will the center be housed? Who will UTSA employ to run it? We are already facing spacing issues and faculty cutbacks. Conservative students deserve to express their opinion, but if we can barely fund the programs we have now, is it worth adding new systems for the sake of propriety?
Don’t drag abortion issue into deficit politics This week President Obama will be outlining a multi-year plan to cut the deficit by $1.1 trillion over the next 10 years by raising taxes on the wealthy and limiting government health benefits for the poor and elderly. There are still fierce debates to come on the budget that will fund pet projects for senators and representatives alike. One of the posturing issues that really disturbed me concerned the idea that many Republicans like Rep. Mike Pence (RInd.) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) will refuse to vote for the budget on account of the missing proposal to cut spending for Planned Parenthood. Pence said, “What was clear here is that this administration and liberals in Congress were willing to shut the government down to continue to fund abortion providers in this country.” I have purposely stayed away from the whole abortion debate over the last couple of weeks, because I
feel that, after almost 40 years since Roe v. Wade, I have little to add to the argument. However, now I must dispel a couple of myths that those who are so pro-life seem to be stuck on. Myth #1: Planned Parenthood is not legally allowed to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. Once again, no amount of money given to Planned Parenthood by the US Government is used on abortion. According to Planned Parenthood’s budget and website “90 percent is preventive, primary care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screen for cervical and other cancers.” In addition to those facts, Donors provide 90 percent of the national organizations revenue and 20 percent of affiliate revenue. Now I know what you’re thinking: “But Cliff, this is contrary to what UTSA organizations like Right to Life and Republican Congressmen and women have been saying.” Right you are reader, and that is why when the budget is voted down
or changed, you should call that reason bull-poppycock. Myth #2: According to the prolifers there are oodles of people who are itching to adopt. This may be the case to an extent, but here are the facts as published by the US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families in their August 2008 study. According to the study, “Adoption has been and remains rare. Between 1973 and 2002, the percentage of married women 18–44 years of age who had adopted a child fluctuated between 1.3 and 2.2 percent.” Part of this has been a little bit of supply and demand. According to the CDC study, people would rather adopt internationally because they want only infant babies, a baby with similar ethnic and racial background as the family, the confidentiality of the adoption, and shorter waiting times. In the U.S. the mean age of foster children is 8.5 years old, and they’ve stayed in foster care for an average of 3.6 years. Cliff Perez Staff writer
Letter to the Editor
Defense of pro-life is not black and white As a member of Students for the Right to Life, I do feel bad for all those who lost their appetite after viewing the abortion exhibit. I feel bad for all those who were saddened or infuriated with the display. I too felt the exhibit to be over the top and controversial. Yet I still am happy we brought it. For when there exists controversy, there exists dialogue. A college campus is the perfect place to experience controversy, for it calls us to question our deeply held beliefs. Yet the question arises, why are the pictures controversial? Obviously it is because of the content of the message. In 2009, during Genocide Awareness week, there was a display of genocide atrocities in the Sombrilla. Surely no one would say that these pictures were too grotesque for college students. The only difference between that exhibit and this one was the message. This is where the dialogue has to begin. We are offended, we are outraged, so why? I am sure
that mature college students can peacefully discuss abortion in a peaceful and logical manner. I was able to have a nice dialogue with six people about abortion. We disagreed in the beginning, we disagreed at the end. But we were still able to understand each other’s views more. Only one time was I cussed at. The Paisano failed to mention that at least with regards to the University of Texas situation, Justice for All was able to overturn the decision of UT by effectively arguing that it infrin ged on the rights of free speech and assembly. This was not the only journalistic error the Paisano made when covering the exhibit. They wrote “To the surprise of some, most of the students at the exhibit were males.” My first concern with this statement is the notion of who was surprised. Who is this “some”? Usually, the term ‘some’ is a weasel word used in journalism to make a claim with-
out attributing the claim to any specific person. But even besides that fact, girls outnumber guys three to one in our pro life club. At a recent pro life conference I attended, there were 25 girls and three guys. I think most people have a faulty assumption that guys run the pro-life movement. As a guy in that movement, I can truly say that isn’t the case. I am in the movement to help women and to help those who are being denied a fair chance of life. For we all do agree that life should be promoted. The only question that truly matters then is when does this value of personhood begin. I believe science and logic can prove it begins at conception. But then that is where we need to begin the abortion debate, which I know has started to exist on our campus due to this exhibit.
How would you feel if Donald Trump became president?
Raul Nandin
Graduate / biology “Seriously? If Donald Trump became president I’d probably move to another country. I mean, we’ve already seen the kind of person he is as a public figure.”
Emily Eskridge Graduate / English
“It actually wouldn’t surprise me - with the way that corporations run things anyway - if we just ended up voting a businessman into office. Cut out the middle stage.”
Oliver Logiudice
Freshman / kinesiology “It’d be kind of funny. I am not too into politics, but I think it would be interesting, almost like Arnold Schwarzenegger.”
Elena Canales
Sophomore / education
“I’d be scared. I know he knows business really well, but even with that, he has declared bankruptcy. I don’t think his being the next president would help anybody.”
Dan Quintero Junior
encourages new comic submissions!
David Lane
Senior / management
“I think it would ruin us. He’d be so caught up in the financial aspect of it; he would just further degrade our image as a country and make us seem even worse.”
The first three letters to the editor will win free movie tickets!
Amanda Martinez
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Junior / English
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The Bird Seed by Megan Lovelady
“I would not vote for him... but if he was president I’d have to support him, kind of like with Obama.” Photo Poll by Katelynn Scaggs, HeeSun Park
The Paisano
Heesun Park/The Paisano
Students take advantage of the Rec Center on campus and stretch during a cardio class.
Reaching your ideal weight Dyan Lofton This summer, some college students will be picking out two-piece swim suits and swimming trunks for all the end-of-the-year pool parties and water parks. But other students will be thinking about their weight and wondering if they should pass up these festivities. For those who are adamant about reaching their goal weight, here are some safe and healthy solutions that are sure to work. UTSA dietician, Anne Bell, says there are four steps to losing weight. “The first one is to keep a food and
exercise journal,” Bell said. “That way they can keep track of what they’re eating and when they’re eating and how much they’re eating and how much exercise they’re getting. “Then they can go back at the end of the day or week and say I didn’t get any exercise done yesterday or ‘I am eating way too much rice. Then they can brainstorm on how they can change that’.” She also said keeping the food and exercise journal can help students get started. The second step students should take is to set realistic short-term goals.
“[Losing] half a pound to two pounds a week is very realistic,” Bell said. A short-term goal could consist of not drinking any soda for three consecutive days. “Have a really small time frame for the goal so that you can be sure you can manage,” Bell said. The third step is to get the junk food out of the house and away from you. This means discarding the two percent and whole milk, pastries, chips and sugary beverages. “Losing weight is hard enough as it is, so you don’t want to surround yourself with all that tempting food,” Bell said.
April 12, 2011 The fourth step is to establish a good diet foundation. Some wholesome and nutritious foods are whole grain, fruits and vegetables. “If there was a secret to weight loss, it would be to eat fruits and vegetables all day long because they have a lot of fiber, make you feel full, and have a lot of vitamins, minerals and they’re very low in calories,” Bell said. Also, students should eat smaller amounts of lean meat or low-fat protein meat and low-fat dairy products. Here are some common misconceptions that students often hear about losing weight: eat only organic foods, starve and drink specially made shakes. Bell says that organic food refers to how a food is produced and how it’s handled, with no pesticides and no fertilizer. “Organic food has nothing to do with the nutrients that are in the food,” Bell said. “Just because something is organic doesn’t mean it’s healthy necessarily, or higher in vitamins and minerals.” Therefore, it is safe to assume that students do not have to limit their diet to buying expensive, organic food. “Weight loss is never easy, but it shouldn’t be a terrible, awful experience, and people shouldn’t be starving themselves when losing weight,” Bell said. Students should avoid diets unless they first check with their doctor. “I tried a bikini diet and it didn’t work,” Mikhaila Dansby, junior technical communication major, said. “It was vegetable soup along with fruit [and it was suppose to be] for seven days.” But she admitted that she stuck with it for only a day. Although the foods that were in this shake are healthy, if it’s only fruit and vegetables, students should still consult a dietician or physician for proper weight loss diets.
Here’s How-to: How to calculate your ideal weight Joey Alabbassi
Calculating your ideal weight should be an important part when trying to reach your goal weight. The example below will be using a total body weight of 200 lbs and a 20 percent (0.20) body fat percentage. The example will use 10 percent at your target body fat percentage. 1) Your total body fat weight would be (200 lbs x 0.20) = 40 pounds. 2) Your lean body mass (LBM) would be (200 lbs minus 40 lbs) = 160 pounds. 3) Your main target body fat percentage is 10 percent (0.10) 4) Determine your LBM percentage by subtracting your desired body fat percentage from one (1 minus 0.10 = 0.90) 5) Divide your current LBM by your percentage of LBM at your target body fat percentage to yield your ideal weight (160 lbs divided by 0.90 = 177.8 lbs) 6) Your ideal weight when you reach 10 percent body fat will be 177.8 pounds, meaning from that 200 pounds, you lost a total of 22.2 pounds of body fat, while still maintaining your 160 pounds of lean body mass. The accuracy of your LBM number is dependent on the accuracy of your inputs, so don’t bother cheating on your current weight. Use your LBM as a progress report for your training and dieting. Source:
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The Paisano The Paisano
2April 12, 2011
August 26, 2008
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Kids are to blame for How to be and parents’ bad health stay healthy
Associated Press A study found that mothers of young children were heavier and consumed more calories, sugary drinks and fatty foods than childless women. Dads and moms in the study were less active than their peers without kids. Sheri Lee Schearer, 34, says the results reflect her life with a 5-month-old son. Before, when she worked as a paralegal, she had time to make a spinach salad or go out for one. Now, as a stay-at-home mom in southern New Jersey, she grabs whatever is easiest and quickest. “I often find that his needs come
before mine,” Schearer said. “Do I get to the gym? No. Do I eat always healthy? No.” Quick, easily prepared foods are often high in fat and calories. Parents who choose these foods may end up serving them to their children, perpetuating a cycle of unhealthy eating, the study authors said. “This isn’t a study about blame,” said co-author Jerica Berge, a University of Minnesota researcher. “This is about identifying ... a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of so they can offer solutions.” That may include diet advice, parent-child exercise classes or just getting parents to take walks with their kids, the researchers said. The study involved 1,520 adults aged 25 on average, including parents with children younger than 5 years old. They were among more than 4,000 Minneapolis-area public school students enrolled in a study in their teens; the new study includes those who responded to two follow-up health surveys and answered questions about their diet and activity. Mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly, versus about four among childless women. Moms also had an average of 2,360 calories daily, 368 calories more than women without children. With that many calories, women that age would need to be active to avoid gaining weight, walking more than 3 miles daily at a moderate pace. But mothers got on average a little more than two hours of at least moderate activity weekly, versus
three hours weekly among childless women. Mothers had a slightly higher average body-mass index than childless women - 27 versus 26. Healthy BMIs are in the 19-24 range. Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories as childless men and both had an average BMI of about 25, but fathers got less physical activity - about five hours weekly, compared to almost seven hours among childless men. Among study participants, more of the parents were black and had low incomes than the childless adults, but the researchers took race, income and other factors into account that might have affected diet or activity levels. The study has several limitations; there’s no data on how many women recently had babies, whose weight would still reflect pregnancy pounds. There’s also no information on the number of single parents, who likely face even more diet and exercise challenges than married parents. Sarah Krieger, an American Dietetic Association spokeswoman and St. Petersburg, Fla. dietitian who works with new mothers, said some of the mothers may have had postpartum depression, which might affect their eating and exercise habits. Schearer, the New Jersey mom, said she’s lost half the 40 pounds she gained while pregnant and doesn’t care if she never loses that last 20 pounds. Becoming a mom “has been the best thing that ever happened to me,” Schearer said.
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Morgan Colhoff
Your morning class is dismissed and you immediately race out to grab some food before your next class. Two breakfast tacos and a large coffee later, you make it to your next class with only a minute to spare. You start to panic when your psychology teacher begins reviewing for the five-chapter midterm that completely slipped your mind because now you have only a short 48 hours to prepare. You sigh while planning out how you will pull this off; all you can think of is picking up some fast food and about four energy drinks to fuel you while you study and canceling your original plans to go out with your friends. College life has responsibilities that can be difficult to juggle, and with your focus on so many different things, sometimes it’s easy to forget the importance of taking care of yourself. Your body’s health is what allows you to attend class, study, work a part-time job, attend extra-curricular activities and spend time with your friends, so you must not neglect it. According to an article by Earl Salzman from Healthy Living Magazine, “’Too little time’ is the most common excuse people give for not engaging in healthy behaviors. To counteract this, make a timetable of your typical day.” A timetable will help you manage your time and include activities that enhance a healthy lifestyle. Create simple guidelines that you can follow every day to ensure that you’re treating your body right. A good place to start is by making sure you’re practicing healthy eating habits. Nancy Hellmich, USA Today, mentioned a recent survey by Tufts University where they found that “66 percent of freshmen don’t consume the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables
a day, and 50 percent of all students don’t get enough fiber (25 grams a day).” Getting the correct amount of nutrients that your body needs to function is an essential part of healthy living, and implementing this habit into your life now will make it easier to follow long after your college years. Another good habit to work into your college schedule is working out or getting other kinds of physical activity. Studies from the National Health Interview Survey show that “when considering all leisure-time physical activity, 33 percent of adults were considered inactive, 33 percent of adults had some leisure-time physical activity and 35 percent of adults engaged in leisure-time physical activity on a regular basis.” The UTSA Campus Rec is the on-campus recreation center available to ensure that you are getting the right amount of daily, physical activity. For those who aren’t interested in working out, there are also intramural sports and fitness classes available. Thirty minutes of daily physical activity also provides time to take your mind off of class deadlines, relieve some built up aggression and de-stress. Before you pick up that energy drink or cup of coffee in order to pull an all-nighter for studying, take into consideration that getting enough sleep is also a vital part of staying healthy. “Not getting enough sleep has been linked to a laundry list of mental and physical health problems, including those that stem from an impaired immune system,” Denise Mann, WebMD. com, said. Your immune system keeps bad germs and bacteria from negatively infecting your body, so, when you lose sleep, you are potentially inviting a cold or flu to take control and make you sick. Making sure you get enough sleep every night will help ensure your overall health.
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The Paisano
Katy Schmader/The Paisano
Fashion with a cause natural fit for these women. The cause was personal. Many people involved in making this show a success. Van Louden and Taylor, Victor Garcia and JD Ramirez of JD and Victor’s Hair Studio did all the hair. Frank Vecchio, the manager of the Radius, opened his doors to all the models and guests of the event. Majuer Hernadez, the director of promotions, helped to get everything off the ground. Even the models volunteered for Fiesta Do. Claudia Martine, for example, has been modeling for five years. When asked why she was volunteering at the Fiesta Do, she gave a simple answer. “Why wouldn’t I?” said Hernandez. Every model was done up like fine artwork. The models were dressed in bright, fiesta-themed colors and danced and flaunted their way down
the runway. In between runs, entertainers kept guests amused by dancing and lipsyncing to popular Lady Gaga and Katy Perry songs. Models wrapped fiesta party beads around guests. The night ended with a silent auction that benefited the Battered Womens’ and Children’s Shelter.
Come write for us!! Meetings are 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Email paisanoarts@sbcglobal. net for more information.
The models in the Fiesta Do fashion show were all volunteers.
One in four women are in an abusive relationship. Pamela Taylor was one of those women. “I tell people I am a survivor not because I want people to feel sorry for me, not by any means,” Taylor said. “It’s to give women hope. I survived and I promise it gets better.” Taylor was the key speaker for the Fiesta Do Hair and Makeup Fashion Show on April 18 at the Artistry Company. The show opened its doors not only for a fun and colorful show but also to donate all its proceeds to the San Antonio Battered Women’s and Childen’s Shelter. The night consisted of bright fiesta colors, loud dance music and great attitudes, not to mention a beautiful display of local talented fashionistas. Taylor co-founded and is the execu-
tive director of the Dress for Success San Antonio Chapter, an organization that helps disadvantaged women and their families in the San Antonio area. Taylor and Dress for Success work together to help women find jobs, gain economic independence and end generational poverty. Carrie Von Louden, owner of the Artistry Company, did all the makeup for the show. She lived next door to a battered home. Both parents of the household were addicted to drugs; their house was in no condition to raise children. Von Louden knew that their two girls, who were seven and eight, needed attention. As a former police officer she knew she had to call Child Protective Services. Von Louden took the girls in for two months before they were taken to their grandparents. She was touched by the event. So, of course, the Fiesta Do Hair and Makeup Fashion Show was a
Katy Schmader/The Paisano
Katy Schmader
The Fiesta Do fashion show exhibited a large array of San Antonio’s local talent. Many individuals dedicated their time to donate money to the Battered Women’s and Children’s Shelter.
April 12, 2011 Wa t e r C o o l e r Ruben Mercado
Whose art is it? On April 4 a quote from “A Song of Fire and Ice” author George R.R. Martin in The New Yorker left “Lost” co-creator and executive producer Damon Lindelof feeling angry enough to rant about it on Twitter. In The New Yorker interview, Martin stated that he felt cheated by Lost’s ending, and didn’t want to “pull a Lost” and mess up the ending to “A Song of Fire and Ice.” Since Lost has ended, Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, another executive producer for “Lost,” have expressed disappointment in how the ending was perceived by some fans. This brings about the question: how much right to the material does an artist still have after it has been released? Artists put pieces of themselves into what they create. Writers, musicians, painters, dancers and actors all pour out their souls into what they create, and if done right, it shows. Once the art has been released it belongs to everyone. Any critic or fan can consume the art and perceive any way they see fit, which is what happened with “Lost.” An artist should be prepared for criticism. If the art has been released to the public in any way it was created with the intention of finding an audience and hopefully finding appreciation. Otherwise, the artist should have just kept it for themselves and not released it. Damon Lindelof should have been better prepared for the criticism, or chosen a better platform than ranting on Twitter. Besides, George R.R. Martin doesn’t even have a Twitter account to read it.
Online this week • The Paisano reviews the new film “Hanna.” • Spotlight on local band with UTSA student members: Sandoz
The Paisano
April 12, 2011
Students get ready for Cyrano de Bergerac Nina Hernandez
The drama department will be putting on the play Cyrano de Bergerac in the Richard S. Liu auditorium April 29-30 at 7:00 p.m. The play follows Cyrano de Bergerac, the witty yet unattractive poet in his quest to win the heart of Roxane. Cyrano has trouble telling Roxane about his feelings because he has an abnormally large nose. “It’s like Romeo and Juliet with a love triangle and a big nose,� junior English major Matthew Underwood said. Underwood was cast as Cyrano at the beginning of the semester. He comes from an acting background, but decided to put it on the backburner until he finished his degree. To fulfill a credit requirement, Underwood signed up for the acting class. “Cyrano de Bergerac hits on some readily accessible tropes; it’s a guy who feels like he has everything, and he does, but his appearance holds him back,� Underwood said. “He’s the guy who feels like he can never get the girl because of the way he looks. I think that’s what has made the play so popular for so long.“ Director and acting professor Susan Arias fell in love with Cyrano in college when she designed the set and lighting for the show. Arias also saw the play in Paris. “I normally do an American play in the spring,� Arias said. “But because I am returning to Hawaii I wanted to direct my favorite play, Cyrano.� Two years ago English department chair Dr. Bridget Drinka approached Arias with the idea of starting two acting classes. It had been ten years since UTSA offered acting courses. “We wouldn’t have a class if it wasn’t for [Arias],� Underwood said.
Charles Horvilleur/The Paisano
Matt Underwood and Stephen Stelly rehearse for the upcoming play “Cyrano de Bergerac� as the other actors look on. “She’s leaving it in a much better place than she found it. Anyone can be proud of that.� Underwood and Arias said Cyrano de Bergerac is a difficult play to produce. “I have not had the caliber of actors who could carry the show until now,� Arias said. “It is about honor, integrity and love. The language is exquisite and the humor hits at many different levels.� Underwood is the assistant director in addition to the lead role. “I come from kind of an intense theatre background,� Underwood said. “It’s me trying to not just direct, but teach and show them some of the things I’ve learned.� The play’s villain, Comte de Guiche, is another man in love with
“It’s in the fabric of our culture,� Repp said. “People know the story; they just maybe haven’t read Cyrano.� Eric Repp
-plays Christian in Cyrano de Bergerac Roxane. Senior classical studies major Stephen Young believes that like
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Cyrano, his character is easy for the audience to relate to. “I really like working with [Underwood],� Young said. “It’s almost like going to acting school, just working with him.� Senior English major Marisa Creech plays Roxane, the center of the story’s conflict. “Roxane is considered the most beautiful,� Creech said. “At first she comes off as shallow because she’s attracted to Christian because he’s beautiful.� Christian, played by senior English major Eric Repp, is another of Cyrano’s rivals. “I like the dynamic between Cyrano and Christian,� Repp said. “We have the right people in this play, who are all on the same page.�
Cyrano has been adapted many times since its publication. Kevin Kline did a stage adaptation of the play, and Steve Martin starred with Daryl Hannah in the 1987 film, “Roxanne.� “It’s in the fabric of our culture,� Repp said. “People know the story, they just maybe haven’t read Cyrano.� The class is only scheduled to meet once a week, which isn’t enough time for the cast to fine tune their performances. “Every semester we don’t know where we’re going to preform or when,� Repp said. “We have no resources, but despite all these things working against us, we still do whatever we can to pull it off.�
The Paisano
Timeout with the Coaches of the Clay
April 12, 2011
On Deck Baseball
Women’s Tennis Coach has a lot Men’s tennis coach settles into going on both on and off the court first head coaching job at UTSA Editor’s Note: This is the eighth in a series of stories on UTSA coaches.
Pamela Maldonado
File Photo
Since coming to UTSA in 2006, women’s tennis coach Erin Scott has built a winning tradition. In 2009, she led the tennis team to a second place finish in the Southland Conference. Scott recently talked to The Paisano about the life of a tennis coach. What is the best part about coaching for UTSA? Coaching in general keeps me on my game. The girls are great, and I enjoy seeing them grow on and off the court. Watching the girls graduate is also a really nice experience. When and how did you decide to become a coach? Tennis is what I grew up knowing. I started playing when I was eight and have traveled all over the world. I played tennis for the University of Washington, and it was through an injury that my coach initiated the idea of coaching, so after graduation that is what I did. If you weren’t a coach, what profession would you choose? I get this all the time, honestly, I don’t know. I have never done anything other than play tennis. I would either be a coach for a different sport or be a teacher. I can’t see myself doing anything else other than coaching because I really enjoy it best. Who is your biggest influence? My father is my biggest influence by far. He played for the New York Mets and knows everything about
File Photo
Women’s Tennis Coach Erin Scott
Men’s Tennis Coach Jeff Kader
sports. He wasn’t only a father but also my coach. What is your favorite travel spot? I really enjoyed traveling to Italy and Australia. Both travel spots have been for tennis. I really enjoyed Italy because I fell in love with the culture and the people. Australia was amazing because the people are friendly and welcoming. What is your favorite moment in sports that you were a part of? Tennis is an individual sport, of course, but I have had great moments winning tournaments both nationally and internationally. One of the best moments has been playing college tennis and making it to the top 16 as a team in NCAA. Making it more than once was a very rewarding experience. When you are not coaching for the Roadrunners, you are...? I am mostly spending time with my family, my husband and black Labrador. Plus, I am also expecting May 18. We are expecting a boy and already have a name picked out, Easton Ryan.
Editor’s Note: This is the ninth in a series of stories on UTSA coaches.
Pamela Maldonado
Jeff Kader is the newest head coach at UTSA. In just his first year at UTSA, though, he has the men’s tennis program in the thick of the Southland conference race. What is the best part about coaching for UTSA? For me, it is the interaction with the guys on the team. Being in a leadership role, I am able to help them with anything whether it is in the classroom or on the court. I am a part of their lives and have the ability to influence them. People forget that their families aren’t here, so it is nice knowing that I can help with giving them a home away from home. When and how did you decide to become a coach? I always knew that I would be a coach and it was through playing tennis at the College of William and Mary in Virginia that I decided I
vs. St. Edwards Tuesday April 12 6 p.m. vs. Northwestern State Friday April 15 6 p.m. Saturday April 16 2 p.m. Sunday April 17 1 p.m. This weeks games at Roadrunner field
would stay in the game by coaching the sport after graduation. If you weren’t a coach, what profession would you choose? I would probably end up being a teacher for high school or middle school, teaching any subject but math. I would stay away from math. Who is your biggest influence? My father was my coach growing up. He lives in South Carolina right now, but he considers himself the volunteer assistant from outside of San Antonio. He is definitely part of the coaching staff, unofficially. What is your favorite travel spot? I would say Hawaii. It was really nice. What is your favorite moment in sports that you have been a part of? As a player, my senior year in college, we won conference championship for the first time. When I coached at North Carolina State, we made it to the NCAA quarter-finals as a team. Both were very memorable moments in my tennis career. When you are not coaching for the Roadrunners, you are...? I am at home with my wife. I don’t have a whole a lot of down time so when I do I just like to stay home and enjoy the little time that I do have spending it with her. What is your favorite sports movie? I love any of the Rocky movies. I did recently watch The Fighter and thought that was a great movie.
vs. Central Arkansas Saturday April 16 1 p.m. Saturday April 16 3:15 p.m. Sunday April 17 12 p.m.
Tennis Men
at Texas-Pan American Saturday April 16 11 a.m.
vs. Sam Houston State Saturday April 16 11 a.m. vs. Stephen F. Austin Sunday April 17 11 a.m.
Golf Men
Final day of Jim West Invitational Victoria, Texas April 12 Aggie Invitational Bryan, Texas April 16-17
Final day of Baylor Invitational Waco, Texas April 12
Next Week: “Timeout” is off for the summer.
Southland Conference Championships Corpus Christi, Texas April 18-20
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The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Visit or call (956) UTB-4YOU for more information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
April 12, 2011
The Paisano
Roadrunners Fiesta in inaugural spring game
Unimaginable Opening day
White team defeats Blue team, 7-0, in preview of upcoming season
Stephen Whitaker
Stephen Whitaker
Burk Frey/ The Paisano
On a gorgeous spring Saturday, the Roadrunners took the Alamodome field for the inaugural spring game, giving the 4,289 Roadrunner fans a preview of what will come on Sept 3. The defense shined for most of the day, and the lone touchdown came on a 24-yard pass from quarterback Eric Soza to wide receiver Jake Wannamaker. That touchdown proved to be the difference as the White team (offense) beat the Blue team (defense). The offense showed signs of promise as the four quarterbacks who saw playing time threw for a combined 176 yards. The quarterbacks had to make do without wide receivers Earon Holmes, Kam Jones, Nick Garza and Cole Hubble. The defense stepped up when it had to and made the plays to keep the offense out of the endzone on all but one drive. “I was really pleased with the play of the safeties,” Head Coach Larry Coker said. “Our new safeties coach made a big difference.” The defensive backfield was effective behind the efforts of cornerback Mark Waters who broke up two passes and recorded two tackles. “Mark Waters has been as good as anybody we have,” Coker said. “You can count on him bringing it every day.” While the defensive backfield slowed the passing game, the running game showed signs of promise but for the most part failed to make a dent in the action. “It tells you we have to run the
Work in Progress
Running back Chris Johnson attempts to evade his pursuers during action in Saturday’s inaugural spring game.
ball better,” Coker said. “Secondly we have to make sure our playmakers get the ball; we had some dropped passes. Despite the play on the field, Coker saw signs of promise. “I think the thing they can say is this is the ground level,” Coker said. “It’s only going to get better.” In order for it to get better, the team must use the practices leading up to the inaugural season to bring the new recruits in and build a rhythm together. “I am looking forward to going through fall practices and getting these new kids in,” Coker said. “I am looking forward to seeing them fit in to this plan.” Even as the defense stymied them
on drive after drive, Coker saw signs of promise on the offensive side of the ball. “You would like to have consistency on offense; I am not worried about our offense,” Coker said. “We have some playmakers out there.” The consistency on offense will come from depth on the offensive line. Where the line goes is where the offense goes. The offense was without llinemen Cody Harris, Brady Brown and Robert Chapman. “We had a couple of guys out today,” Coker said. “We had five [offensive] linemen play the whole day.” The fan turnout pleased Coker, who remarked at the size of the crowd and the support they gave.
“We probably had more fans here than we did for Miami spring scrimmages,” Coker said. “I want these kids to be supported, and if we do a good job as coaches and players, we will be supported by this city.” With the completion of the spring game, the Roadrunners are now like every other college football team in America: Counting down the days to opening day. “It is exciting because we are getting closer and closer to the first game,” Coker said. “We will have a mock game down here before the season begins.” The Roadrunners will open up with Northeastern State (OK) on Sept. 3 in the Alamodome. Kickoff time has not been set.
In the last few weeks baseball celebrated its opening day here in the United States. Today, April 12, however, marks an opening day that few know about but one that has implications larger than anything faced on other opening days. April 12, 2011 is opening day in the Nippon Professional Baseball league (NPB), the Japanese equivalent of Major League Baseball. Why is this event important you ask? Japan is still recovering from the devastating earthquake in March that has left approximately 30,000 people dead and an estimated 400,000 homeless. Baseball has proven that it can bring people together in the worst of tragedies. In 1995, Kobe, Japan was hit by an earthquake. That same year, the Kobe Orix Blue Wave-led by current Seattle Mariner Ichiro Suzuki--captured the Nippon Series and the hearts of the people in Kobe. In America, like Japan, baseball has long been the thing that unites people in times of stress. In times of great struggle, baseball has been the glue that kept America and Japan together. One only has to look at America in the month-and-a-half after the 9/11 attacks. In that time, baseball brought back a sense of normalcy. Whether it is played in Japan or America, baseball is the game that unites in times of need.
The Paisano
April 12, 2011
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