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5 | Arts & Life

9 | Sports


Vol. 60, Issue 12

Vollyball continues conference slate

Est. 1981

The Paisano

November 12 - November 19, 2019

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio Community /PaisanoOnline





Got free speech? New Texas law to impact UTSA free speech policy By Heather Montoya Co-News Editor President Taylor Eighmy sent a university-wide email to inform students about Protected Expression on Campus, a new Texas law that went into effect Sept. 1. The state law requires public universities to ensure that their campuses act as traditional public forums, to permit anyone to engage in lawful expressive activities that do not disrupt institution functioning and to adopt a policy detailing students’ free speech rights and responsibilities. The policy must be in place by Aug. 1, 2020. According to Eighmy’s email, UTSA already had practices in place that support the purpose of the law. “Most of the intended outcomes of the new law are already in practice at UTSA,” Eighmy said in the email. “We have a strong commitment and moral obligation to protect the principle of free speech and readily welcome members of the university community and beyond to engage in respectful expressions on campus.” Students protest demonstration on campus. UTSA’s current policy on free speech is in the university’s Handbook solicitation on campus. of Operating Procedures (HOP). HOP “UTSA’s policy is currently reflected 9.37 Peaceful Public Assembly provides in HOP 9.37,” Jay Rosselló, UTSA chief specific information on permissible legal officer, said. “As we work to incorbehavior, impermissible behavior, disrup- porate certain aspects of Texas Senate tive behavior, prohibited items, amplified Bill 18, HOP 9.37 and other policies will sound, guest speakers, signs, distribution undergo amendments/changes.” of literature, joint sponsorship, tables, HOP 9.37 currently includes informaexhibits, response to free expression and tion on police patrol, response to viola-

Chief Lewis: ‘the message was vague’ By Heather Montoya Co-News Editor UTSA sent out an alert on Nov. 3 to inform the university community of an off-campus incident near Main Campus. The alert advised recipients to avoid perimeter roads and seek shelter in a safe location. “On Sunday, Nov. 3, at approximately 2:40 a.m., UTSA police officers on routine campus patrol heard the distinct sound of gunfire. Officers reported hearing approximately 10 shots, which sounded as though they were coming from a location on campus,” Chief Gerald Lewis Jr., UTSA associate vice president of public safety and chief of police, said. “The decision was made to send an alert to the university community while officers attempted to locate the source of the gunfire.” Both UTSAPD and SAPD responded and did not find any-

one injured. Once the area was searched and no shell casings were found, officers determined that there was no threat to campus safety. “UTSA police officers, in partnership with the San Antonio Police Department, later determined that the shots were not fired on campus and an ‘all clear’ was sent to the campus community at approximately 3:00 a.m.,” Lewis s Students expressed concern on social media platforms about the alert’s lack of information. “After a review of the alert wording, we recognized that the message was vague and could have contained more specific information,” Lewis said. “We are reviewing our alert messaging to ensure that future alerts contain more specific information about any threats or incidents that could potentially affect campus safety.”

Graphic by Lindsey Thomas

Breahna Luera/The Paisano

tions and appeals to the denial of permission for activities that need advanced permission. “HOP 9.37 provides discipline for students, faculty and staff who violate the policy, pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct or other applicable rules,” Rosselló said. “In accordance with SB 18, we will be amending our policies/processes

to expressly establish disciplinary sanctions for those who unduly interfere with the expressive activities of others.” In addition to providing information on the new state law, Eighmy states in his email that the university is currently in the process of making changes to policies and procedures. “Over the next few months, our Office of Student Affairs and Office of Legal Affairs will work to formally incorporate the new law into our policies and procedures,” Eighmy said. “By March 2020, we anticipate finalizing appropriate revisions to our policy on Peaceful Public Assembly as the overarching free speech policy on campus.” According to UTSA Senior Vice Provost of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, LT Robinson, information regarding free speech rights and responsibilities will be updated on the university’s civic discourse and engagement website. The Office of Student Affairs plans on using a three-pronged approach to engage with students and organizations. “We will take a three-pronged approach including (1) written, email and social media messaging, (2) discussion and consultation for organizations and (3) awareness videos and on-campus training sessions. We will advertise discussion opportunities and updates through social media and email,” Robinson said. For more information, visit the civic discourse and engagement website, utsa. edu/president/campusandcommunity/cde/ index.html, or reach out to dos@utsa.edu to get involved or to contribute ideas.

Texas passes nine constitutional amendments

Graphic by Paola Esquivel

By Joseph Torres Co-News Editor Texas voters were asked to vote on 10 propositions to amend the Texas Constitution on Nov. 5. 19,563,915 total votes were tallied across all 10 propositions. Nine of the proposed amendments were approved with at least 52% of votes. Texas Proposition 1, Allowed to Serve as Multiple Municipal Judges Amendment, was the only proposition to be rejected with 1,289,626 votes (65.44%) against and 681,139 votes (34.56%) for the proposed amendment. The remaining propositions were approved as follows: Texas Proposition 2, Water Development Board Bonds Amendment, was approved by 66% of voters; Texas Proposition 3, Temporary Property Tax Exemption for Disaster

Areas Amendment, was approved by 85%; Texas Proposition 4, Prohibit State Income Tax on Individuals Amendment, was approved by 74%; Texas Proposition 5, Sales Tax on Sporting Goods Dedicated to Parks, Wildlife and Historical Agencies Amendment, was approved by 88%; Texas Proposition 6, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute Bonds Amendment, was approved by 64%; Texas Proposition 7, Increase Distributions to School Fund Amendment, was approved by 74%; Texas Proposition 8, Flood Infrastructure Fund Amendment, was approved by 78%; Texas Proposition 9, Precious Metals in Depositories Exempt from Property Tax Amendment, was approved by 52%; and Texas Proposition 10, Transfer of Care of Law Enforcement Animals Amendment, was approved by 94%.

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