The Paisano Vohime 1, Number 5
March 10,1S81
Sai^ Antonio, Texas 78218
Mayoral Race in Full Swing The April 4th electton looms on the tiorizon of San Antonto politicians wtio fiave thrown ttieir proverbial hats into the ring. Tfie filing deadline of March 4has come and gone and eight candidates are now in tfie running for tfie offke of Mayor of San Antonto. These eight ambittous men have paid ttie $100 filing fee and embarked on campaigns as wklely puiAkized as ttiat of Jotin Steen or as little known as that of htoward Curry. Ttie cancUdates vying for the coveted offke of mayor of San Antonto are: Councilman Henry Cisneros; Councilman John Steen; Dr. Jose San Martin, Dl; Mike Quilhan; Howard Curry; Tony Prince; Kenneth B. Winter and Jose S. Olivares. Of ttie tfiree nugor candkfates only one announcemeht, tfiat of San Martin's, came as a surprise, hienry Cisneros, wtio tias served on San Antonto's City Council for tlie past 6 yesrs, was consklered the most likely to announce his candklacy after ttie withdrawal of Mayor Lila CockreO. Cisneros' race is viewed as a "do-or-obe" situatton and many se^nents of tfie ccmtnunity support his candidacy. John Steen, a self-made businessman, has launched an impressive campaign in his allout effort to win the mayor's seat. Termed a good, solid San Antonto citizen, Steen also has strong support from ttie community. While Cisneros is known nationally for his pcditkal views and goals, Steen has the distinction of being an active civil servant locally. Almost any major undertaking in San Antonto in the area of community service has Steen's imprint on it. Dr. Jose San Martin, ID lias been termed as a spoiler in tfie city electton. Many political observers have attempted to analyze the motives for San Martin's candidacy. Some feel that with two Hispanks in the
race, ttie election will lie thrown into a run-off lietween Steen and Cisneros which would make it more dlffkult for a Cisneros vfctory. San Martin did not foltow the example of Eloy Centeno who bowed out of ttie mayoral race to promote an advantage in ttie Cisneros' camp, hlowever, many San Antonians can remember hack to tfie days of the Good Government Ljeague and tfie controversy that arose between Cisnoos and San Martin's fattier, IDr. Jose San Martin, Jr. wtio ran for mayor in 1976. Due to Cisneros' acttons ttien, many feel that San Martin is out for revenge on betialf of his fatf .er. Tony Prince, a member of tfie Socialist Woriier's Party, is the only candidate in contention backed by a Political party. Tlie other two candidates, Howard Curry and Mike Quillian are area businessmen. Neittier of tfiese ttiree have hekl any publk office in San Antonto. Quillian, an insurance executive, and Curry, atong with Prince, tiave tow-key campaigns tfiat focus mainly on ttie issues ttiat plague this electton. Kenneth B. Winter, a sentor at South San West and Jose S. Olivares, a local attomey, also plan on doing little or no campaigning. Next issue: Focus on tfie Candidates.
Candidates to Speak at UTSA March 10 at 12:30 p.m. HB 2.02.06 Speaker: Mike Quillian March 11 at 2:00 p.m. HB 2.02.06 Speaker: John Steen March 12 at 12:30 p.m.
HB 2.02.06 Speaker Tony PrirKe Sponsored by the Young Democrats, College Republicans, Politkan Science Association and tfie Young Socialist Alliance.
De Los Santos
Mstcalf Record Turnout
Students Voice Preference in SRA Elections UTSA students voted in record numbers Wednesday and Thursday, March 4th and 5th, when 1278 votes were cast in the SRA election. Prior to thi; year, the most votes cast was in ttie spring 1977 electton jvhen 653 students voted. A run-off election is necessary for three positions—president, corresponding secretary and pariiamentarian. A mn-off electton may also be necessary for one graduate representative position.
In ttie race for SflA president, Antonto De Los Santos received 634 votes, five short of ttie majority needed for election. J.D. Metcalf received 363 votes and will be in the run-off against De Los Santos. Irene Davalos and Mike McCuUough received 101 and 61 votes respectively for corresponding secretary and will face, each otfier in ttie nin-off. All votes were write-in votes with neither candidate receiving a majority.
197 write-in votes were cast for pariiamentarian resulting in a run-off between Leslie George and Joe Izlirand. Two graduate students received suffkient votes to lie elected, tiowever, it is unknown at this time if either will serve or if either meets the requirements needed to hold office. Three graduate students, with two votes each, tied for the third position. The special run-off election is scheduled for April 1st and 2nd. i
And the Winners Are... Vke-F*resklent Recording Secretary Historian Treasurer Senior Representatives Junior Representative Sophomore Representative
Sandra Nobile Jo Ann Ruiz Christiane Nobile R.B. Turboville Elizabeth Bostk-Ruben Femandez—I-ei^ Perry Mattfiew Murguia—Ctiris Webb—Toni Toscano Suzy Sims—David Bouctier—Raul Scott