Epaper_24-10-13 ISB

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g JUI-F sticks to its stance, shares its own draft

Tg PTI seeks time to consult with its jailed leader

(PTI) also joined the meeting through video link The government presented a draft of a proposed constitutional change during the meeting, while the JUI-F team brought a 24-point proposal MQM gave their suggestions as well The 28-page draft of the proposed constitution makes 56 amendment recommendations

the Pakistan Peoples Party Azam Nazeer Tarar from Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Barrister Gohar from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Dr Farooq Sattar from MQM, and Kamran Murtaza from the JUI-F

The ruling coalition has reached consensus on proposed constitutional amendments but the JUI-F has declined to support the government on the creation of a constitutional court, opting instead to form a joint draft with the PPP for a constitutional bench in the Supreme Court rather than forming a constitutional court Meanwhile Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) has decided to consult with its founder Imran Khan on the proposed amendments During the session held on

Saturday, JUI-F presented its draft proposal, rejecting the government’s plan for creation of a constitutional court and instead suggesting the formation of a constitutional bench in SC Senator Kamran Murtaza of JUI-F stated, The only difference between the PPP and JUI-F drafts is the concept of a constitutional court versus a bench We propose a bench instead of establishing a separate court He added that aside from this there were no major objections to the PPP s draft and expressed hope for a joint proposal soon In response to the government’s 56-point proposal, Murtaza presented 24 counterpoints, arguing, “There is no need for a large setup for fewer than 200 constitutional cases PPP leader Raja Pervez Ashraf echoed Murtaza s optimism noting that JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman suggested drafting a joint proposal with the PPP, which would be shared soon “Things are moving in the right direction Stay positive Ashraf remarked adding that the October 25 deadline was unrelated to the constitutional amendment discussions

within constitutional courts

Govt allies, PTI stick to their guns on Oct 15 demo announcement

Farooq Sattar criticises motives behind proposed constitutional amendments ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Federal

on Saturday strongly re-

Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI s) call

at DChowk on the same day the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit is being held with PTI sticking to its guns

The PTI has announced the suspension of its protests in Punjab and issued a nationwide call urging party leaders and workers to converge in Islamabad on Oct 15 The PTI has also demanded immediate access for party leaders and family members to its founder, Imran Khan, who is incarcerated in Adiala Jail The announcement comes amid government’s decision to ban visits to Imran Khan at Adiala Jail until Oct 18 Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal termed the demo as political terrorism claiming the demo is aimed at maligning the country and stopping its development and economic progress

Addressing a press conference here, the planning minister expressed disappointment at the timing of the PTI s protest coinciding

with the SCO summit, which he said was a great honour for the country “Now there is no doubt that terrorism in Karachi and political terrorism protest calls are similar the minister said adding that the scriptwriter was the same person who on one hand was using terrorists to carry out explosive attacks, and on the other, was using PTI to spread anarchy and undermine Pakistan’s vital interests Separately Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said while speaking to the media in Sialkot that the courts should take notice of the protest call saying they were bound to do so The state will use all its power, resources and might to stop this attack at the country’s repute ” he said adding that the government would not allow anyone to sabotage the SCO moot Absolutely not the defence minister vowed Meanwhile, Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Amir Muqam also strongly rejected the PTI’s protest call

“It is proof of anti-nationalism There is no doubt that PTI s agenda seemed to be

anti-Pakistan because PTI has declared the protest on this important occasion”

He added that the PTI “once again showed its real face as the meeting of SCO is very important for Pakistan



The minister noted that in any case the protest could not be allowed on the occasion and the protest call was condemnable and very sad”, adding that protests and processions could be held at any other time PPP representatives also joined the PMLN chorus in denouncing the protest call

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Faisal

Karim Kundi said the announcement of a PTI) protest was part of a conspiracy He criticised the PTI for “consistently pursuing an agenda against the country and collaborating with enemies of the state Kundi emphasised that the government would not allow any plots to destabilise Pakistan to succeed and urged the PTI to retract its protest call

PPP Senator Sherry Rehman said the move raised many questions and asked what the PTI wanted to achieve through it Putting on a circus in Islamabad in the



IMF’s demand to stop setting up SEZs to dissuade

China investments in Pakistan: Bloomberg

Deadlock withstands as committee reviews proposals of constitutional amendments

Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar emphasised that such matters move forward through dialogue Is there anything that cannot be resolved within constitutional limits? Solutions won’t come through criticism alone; present your suggestions too The country is at a standstill and decisions are being criticised, he said Meanwhile, PTI s Chairman Barrister Gohar revealed that his party had not yet presented a draft

“We mentioned consulting with our founder yesterday and that remains our plan Gohar said PTI sources added that

the party’s leader, Omar Ayub, raised concerns during the meeting about the arrests of PTI workers In response Law Minister Tarar advised them to focus on the constitutional amendments for now stating that other issues could be addressed later The parliamentary committee is scheduled to meet again on October 14 to continue discussions on the constitutional amendments K E Y P R O P O S

L S The government s draft proposes the establishment of a federal constitutional court parallel to the Supreme Court It also suggests three-year tenure for the chief justice of the proposed constitutional court and extends the

retirement age to 68 Under this amendment, votes cast by members of parliament against the directives of their parliamentary party would still be counted Proposed amendments also include changes to Article 78 of the Constitution, recommending the formation of the federal constitutional court Additionally amendments to Article 175 suggest that a commission will be responsible for appointing judges to the high courts and Shariat Court with the chief justice of the constitutional court serving as the head of this commission The commission will consist of the two senior-most judges of the

constitutional court, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, and two senior-most Supreme Court judges Furthermore the amendment proposes the inclusion of the law minister the attorney general a senior advocate, and two members from both the National Assembly and Senate in the commission responsible for appointing judges to the constitutional court Unlike the current system where Supreme Court judges are appointed by a commission headed by the chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the amendment proposes that three additional judges from the constitutional court be included instead of the Supreme Court

first rolled out Raast in 2021 they introduced it with its first feature which is bulk payments This would allow, for example, companies to disburse salaries instantaneously with the tap of a single button During fiscal year 2024 a total of 850 000 transactions amounting to Rs 100 0 billion of bulk payments were processed Later, the SBP launched Raast person-to-person (P2P) use case that offers a free-of-cost facility for fund transfers between individuals One can transfer funds using their mobile banking app or internet banking portal using IBAN or Raast ID Further, SBP has now also launched an interoperable Raast P2M service to facilitate digital payment acceptance for merchants and businesses The P2M service will enable payment acceptance by businesses using

Quick Response (QR) Codes Raast Alias, IBAN and Request to Pay (RTP) During the fiscal year FY24, a total of 496 1 million transactions were processed through Raast amounting to Rs 11 558 3 billion Last year in FY23 the number of transactions stood at 147 2 million with a value of Rs 3 074 4 billion Fiscal year 2024 marked an important milestone in cross-border payments, as the SBP and Arab Monetary Fund established a framework for cooperation between Pakistan’s Raast and the Buna cross-border payment system Key agreements were signed transitioning the project from feasibility and design to the implementation phase The Buna-Raast integration aims to enhance accessibility, convenience, and costeffectiveness for banks and customers supporting financial integration between the Arab region and Pakistan The project seeks to address inefficiencies and high costs in cross-border remittances by offering a transparent and secure solution that will promote economic well-being and greater financial inclusion It is worth noting that Pakistan receives most of its remittances from the Arab countries In September 2024, workers remittances recorded an inflow of US$ 2 8 billion of which almost 44% was from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ($681 3 million and $560 3 million respectively)


TH E IMF has released a list of 28 structural benchmarks, which the government must meet the benchmarks for the continuation of the present $7 billion Extended Fund Facility The release of the benchmarks is not merely in the interest of greater continuity, but are also meant to build pressure on the government That pressure will be needed, for this time around, the IMF wants the government to thrust its hand into two distinct messes, where governments have tended to avoid The problem is both groups are identified with important support groups of the ruling party The two benchmarks give until the end of this year for provinces to amend their agricultural income tax laws to make it correspond to the federal tax regime And to tax markets by the end of this year

On the one hand the government must take on farmers, on the other it must take on traders Both have been very firm about staying out of the tax net The latter depends on the PML(N) to keep it out, the former depends on all parties, being well represented in all The dynamics of electoral politics, where parties provide a name but no material support, means that no hornyhanded son of the soil makes it to the National Assembly, and the rural constituencies, which are the overwhelming majority of the country are represented no matter the party by large landowners The PML(N) should realize that its attempt to protect one of its constituents may be laudable but it means conniving at tx evasion something which Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is a no no Also while businessmen play hide-and-seek with the taxation authorities, large landowners ignore them with the lordly disdain bred by broad acres and a feudal mentality The placing of agricultural income tax in the provincial list, thus ensuring its exclusion from federal purview, was something done by the agricultural lobby

The government has to take on these tasks, not just to keep on the right side of the IMF, or because there is no other way to balance its budget,

Unsettled Peace

expert The NAP succeeded in curbing violence for a time, allowing Pakistan to experience a period of relative peace from 2017 to 2021 Unfortunately that peace was not to last The resurgence of terrorism in Pakistan can be traced to several key factors both domestic and international

Peace is never permanent in a land where extremism thrives on chaos; it must be safeguarded

Ievolving geopolitical dynamics To understand the current rise in terrorism it is essential to look at its roots the efforts to combat it and the mistakes made that allowed it to resurface Before the cataclysmic events of 9/11 terrorism in Pakistan was largely manifested through extremist sectarian groups The region saw conflicts between militant factions with a domestic agenda, mostly tied to religious and sectarian divides However post9/11 terrorism in Pakistan took on a new more global dimension As Pakistan allied with the USA in its war against Al-Qaeda the Tehrik Taliban Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban, the country became a direct target for terrorist attacks

“Pakistan’s partnership with the USA in combating Al-Qaeda and the Taliban led to devastating consequences at home as extremist factions retaliated with unprecedented violence remarked a political analyst As Pakistan took a stand against terrorism on the international stage, it simultaneously faced growing terrorist threats within its borders Pakistan’s efforts to combat terrorism reached a critical juncture after the heinous 2014 Army Public School (APS) attack in Peshawar The massacre of over 140 schoolchildren shocked the nation and led to the adoption of the National Action Plan (NAP) in December 2014 a comprehensive strategy aimed at eradicating terrorism Following this, a series of military operations, including Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ulFasaad, severely weakened terrorist networks These operations pushed extremist factions out of their strongholds and restored a fragile peace across much of the country by 2017

The military s operations were crucial in decimating terrorist sanctuaries, yet the real challenge lay in maintaining the peace long-term, stated a security

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 left a vacuum that the TTP swiftly filled Freed captives, abandoned American weapons, and newfound space to operate provided the TTP with the tools to regroup and reignite their operations against Pakistan “The US exit from Afghanistan was a windfall for TTP militants who saw an opportunity to reassert their influence said an intelligence source The return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan emboldened the TTP, with both groups sharing ideological ties The Taliban’s narrative of defeating three empires– Britain the USSR and the USA– spurred the TTP’s ambition to destabilize Pakistan under the pretext of waging jihad The ideological alliance between the Afghan Taliban and the TTP has created a dangerous synergy with both groups feeding off each other s victories and propaganda, observed a regional analyst The peace talks between Pakistan and the TTP, intended to bring stability backfired These negotiations occurring at a time when the TTP was warweary gave the group the space to regroup and devise new strategies The decision to allow TTP families to settle in Pakistan provided further complications We underestimated the TTP s ability to regroup during peace talks and failed to account for their deep-rooted ties with the Afghan Taliban ” an official admitted Pakistan s political instability marked by leadership changes and civil-military tensions from 2017 to 2022, further

a c t

d e c i s i v e l y, e n s u r i n g l o n g - t e r m s e c u r i t y t h ro u g h m i l i t a r y

s t r e n g t h , p o l i t i c a l u n i t y, a n d e c o n o m i c r e s i l i e n c e

Gaza’s silence: A year of unheard cries and hidden wounds

Ofigures has


bombs and



tures and a population whose


constantly under threat In Gaza there are few signs of hope Israel s military objectives may have weakened Hamas but at what cost? The siege continues, and the prospects for peace seem more distant than ever As the world marks the one-year anniversary of the October 7 attacks it is vital to remember the human cost of this conflict Behind every statistic is a

future stolen The streets of Gaza are now paved with heartbreak, and the international community must not turn away The war has not just claimed lives; it has shattered the dreams of an entire people And for the Palestinian children who have known nothing but war the question remains: how much longer must they endure before the world listens to their cries for peace? The writer is a freelance columnist

A s t h e wo r l d m a r k s t h e o n e - y e a r a

7 a t t a ck s , i t i s v i t a l t o r e m e m b e r t h e h u m a n c o s t o

Construction Chaos in Karachi

AChina’s 75-Year rise: Shattering economic my ths, inspiring growth

the West in search of better opportunities China however proved this narrative wrong In just a few decades it demonstrated that rapid economic growth is attainablewithout having to rely on the traditional model of resource extraction that has long dominated the global economy China’s success wasn’t built on the idea that one nation’s gain must come at another ’s loss Rather it was driven by internal reforms and the efficient use of existing resources From telecommunications and LED technology to solar power and electric vehicles, China’s approach has been to create affordable, high-quality products on a massive scale More importantly China has made this technology accessible to the world even subsidizing it in certain cases to ensure widespread adoption The lesson here is profound: China s model shows that a nation can leverage its indigenous capabilities, foster equitable growth, and, in turn, challenge the status quo of global development This approach has not only benefited China but offered a blueprint for other nations seeking to redefine their own economic futures It s a shift in thinking that could reshape how the world approaches growth and prosperity As China commemorates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic the world finds itself reflecting on an economic ascent that has defied expectations and shattered myths A report titled China s 75-Year Journey: Breaking Myths & Inspiring Hope by KTrade Securities, a leading brokerage in Pakistan, sheds light on this re-

markable trajectory one marked by both speed and consistency but also by a profound and inclusive global impact

In the face of trade disputes with the USA, the report offers a sobering reminder: economic rationality, in the long run, always prevails Countries cannot be forced into decisions that work against their self-interest China’s growth is rooted in the belief that mutual prosperity is key If other nations thrive China thrives This symbiosis has reshaped global economic relations, particularly with emerging economies like BRICS In 1995, the G7 countries accounted for 44 9 percent of global GDP, while BRICS held a modest 16 9 percent Fast forward to 2023 and the balance has shifted dramatically - BRICS now contributes 36 9 percent of global GDP outpacing the F7 which has fallen to 29 9 percent China s relationship with BRICS has been transformative, reflecting its belief that collaboration, not conflict fuels sustainable growth China’s rise is not just a story of national development; it is a reimagining of how global economies can work together reshaping not only statistics but the very structure of power in the 21st century

According to this report, China has pivoted from a manufacturing-based economy to one rooted in services and advanced industries a move aimed not only at economic stability but also environmental sustainability This shift is no small feat China is pouring resources into emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G,

an achievement it’s a defining force for global commerce China s rise has shattered long-held beliefs that many emerging nations once clung to For decades countries in South Asia Africa and elsewhere accepted the notion that catching up with developed economies was a near-impossible feat The result? Waves of migration to

What Make in India has brought to India

FDI has been declining significantly since 2022 It fell to just over $71 billion in 2022-23 to just over $10 billion in 2023-24, a fall of 60%. This is the lowest figure since 2007

In 2024, with $118 billion in merchandise trade, China once again became India’s leading trading par tner, supplanting the United States

The Make in India programme has failed to increase India’s merchandise expor ts, which have fallen steadily over the last 10 years

India’s trade deficit with China has widened from $ 46 billion in 2019-20 to $ 85 billion in 2023-24

Although Indian companies are entering the market, they are not developing their own technology, but impor ting 70% of their equipment from China

largely explained by the slump in private investment

TE N years after the launch of the Make in India programme, India’s industry problem has deepened Last month, Narendra Modi celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Make in India programme by mobilising data which are contradicted by all statistical sources – Indian as well as non-Indian By creating such a misleading impression the prime minister of India makes course correction even more complicated, while the industry of the country has become more dependent of China than ever In 2014 with ‘Make in India’ Modi’s aim was to achieve four objectives: (1) to increase the growth rate of Indian industry to 1214% per year; (2) to create 100 million industrial jobs by 2022; (3) to increase the share of the manufacturing sector to 25% of GDP by 2022 (a deadline shifted to 2025 a few years later); and (4) to make India the ‘new factory of the world’ taking over from China by moving up the value chain

Over 25 sectors of Indian industry were involved in this project Ten years later, not only have these objectives not been reached, but the situation has deteriorated The growth rate for industry is far from double figures: since 2014 it has averaged around 4% with manufacturing even below this level So much so that the share of manufacturing in GDP far from having increased, has continued to erode, falling from 18 3% to 14 72% of India s Gross Added Value between 2010-11 and 2019-20, before the COVID-19

2022 But this success needs to be put into perspective from two points of view

First, only a fraction of them – smaller and smaller since 2018-19 – can be considered as productive investments: out of more than $ 80 billion in FDI in 2020-21 only $ 21 billion fell into this category or 3 1% of the country s gross capital formation In 2018-19 the peakyear, productive FDI accounted for no more than 6 5% of gross capital formation

Secondly, to measure the real weight of FDI, we need to relate it to GDP From this angle the picture is different: as a percentage of GDP FDI will account for an average of just 1 76% of Indian GDP over the period from 201415 to 2022-23 compared with an average of 2 14% of GDP over the previous decade, from 2007-08 to 2014-15

Thirdly, FDI has been declining significantly since 2022 It fell to just over $71 billion in 2022-23 to just over $10 billion in 2023-24, a fall of 60% This is the lowest figure since 2007 when FDI accounted for just 0 7% of GDP a record in independent India These figures are counter-intuitive as a series of massive well-publicised investments created the impression that India was benefiting from a process known as decoupling in the US and de-risking in Europe, whereby Western firms that had invested heavily in China were partly withdrawing from that country for both economic and political reasons in order to diversify their FDI But India does not benefit as much as other countries in the Indo-Pacific region –starting with Vietnam – from these flows

Fourthly, the majority of FDI since 2017 has been concentrated in some nine sectors, starting with services (especially IT), while 53 other sectors – mainly manufacturing – have received just 30% of total FDI

Finally the Make in India programme has failed to increase India s merchandise exports which have fallen steadily over the last 10 years from 10 2% of GDP in 2013-14 to 8 2% in 2022-23 If the Indian industry fails to export more – in relative terms – it imports more, mostly from China To supplement the Make in India programme, the Modi government, since 2020, promotes production-linked incentives (PLI) The aim is to help investors operating in key sectors and to promote cutting-edge technologies to improve the international competitiveness of Indian firms The cost of these PLIs to the state raises the question of both the sustainability of such an effort and its relevance, since such expenditure naturally comes at the expense of other items in the state budget The issue is particularly sensitive when the government comes to the aid of large firms The microprocessor factory that the American manufacturer Micron set up in Gujarat – which made the headlines in the media – represented an investment of $ 2 75 billion, of which Micron only covered a small part ($ 825 million), the rest financed by the governments of New Delhi and Gandhinagar More importantly so far industrial investments remain rather low INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT AT A STANDSTILL: The rate of productive investment (Gross Capital Formation), after growing significantly in the 1990s and 2000s, has tended to weaken structurally: it fell from almost 42% in 2007 to 29% in 2020 It has risen to 34% by 2023, but this is still far from the what it was This curve is all the more worrying in that it is

The rate of private investment fell from 31% in 2011 to 23% in 2020, and although it has since recovered, it remained at 27% in 2022 Investment in the manufacturing sector has fallen particularly sharply from 6 1% of GDP to 4 2% between 2011-12 and 2021-22

How can we explain the relative collapse in private investment? Weak demand is a major factor here Companies in the manufacturing sector are often faced with unused production capacity, making it unnecessary to expand their industrial facilities Between 2011 and 2021 in 10 years the production capacity of Indian factories remaining idle rose from 18% to 40% an extreme situation linked to the COVID-19 crisis From 2022 onwards this percentage stabilised to an average of around 25%, a far cry from the 2011 figure The weakness of demand here stems from the thinness – or even the shrinking – of the middle class, whose consumption had, briefly, been one of the engines of growth in the years 1990-2000

What s more a closer look at the 2000s the decade during which Indian growth flirted with double-digit rates shows that investment was boosted not only by attractive real interest rates, but also by expectations that ultimately failed to materialise: the development model that India adopted in the 1990s encouraged the growth of inequality so radically that only a small minority of Indians really benefited Since the turn of the century there has been a spectacular increase in inequality with the share of national income held by the richest 10% rising from 34 4% in 1990 to 57 1% in 2018 At the same time, the share of the same national income held by the poorest 50% fell from 20 3% to 13 1% Admittedly, the national income has increased significantly in the meantime, but part of the middle class has nonetheless been impoverished making certain consumer goods inaccessible In fact in 2017-18 for the first time since the 1970s the National Sample Survey Office recorded an increase – albeit very slight – in the number of people living below the poverty line, from 21 9% in 2011-12 to 22 8 % in 2017-18

The rich India cannot offer a sufficiently large and stable market to convince industrialists that they should invest Nearly 800 million Indians are now eligible for food aid a tangible indication of the narrowness of the market of solvent consumers The low purchasing power of Indian consumers can be seen in the fall in the savings rate, which in 2024 was 5 3% of GDP, the lowest level since the 1970s At the same time, households are taking on more debt, with loans taken out in 2023 representing 5 8% of the GDP another near-record since the 1970s The low level of household savings is depriving banks of the resources they could use to lend to businesses which are therefore seeing their potential investment projects thwarted even further But if banks are not lending easily to businesses, it is also because their balance sheets have been burdened by Non Performing Assets bad debts – those held with companies that cannot repay

Dr iMraN KhaliD

Li Qiang calls on China, Laos to enhance prac tical cooperation

and a high level of cooperation, bringing more benefits to the two peoples Li made the remarks in Vientiane during a meeting with Thongloun Sisoulith general secretary of the Lao People s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao president Conveying cordial greetings from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president to Thongloun Li congratulated Laos on successfully hosting the series of leaders meetings on East Asia cooperation China and Laos are socialist comrades and brothers, Li said, noting that over the past 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties the relations between the two parties and two countries have withstood the test of changes in the

international landscape and shown new vitality General Secretary Xi and General Secretary Thongloun have maintained close strategic communication with each other to lead the construction of the China-Laos community with a shared future in the new era said the premier China has always placed the development of relations with Laos in a special and important position in its neighborhood diplomacy and is ready to work with Laos to follow the strategic guidance of the top leaders of the two parties and two countries deepening political mutual trust and strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation, Li said He noted that China firmly supports Laos in pursuing a socialist path in line with its national conditions and stands ready to continue firmly supporting each other on issues concerning each other s core interests and major concerns Li called on both sides to speed up the implementation of the new action plan for building a China-Laos community with a shared future and to continue promoting the strategic alignment between the Belt

and Road Initiative (BRI) and the planned transformation of Laos from a landlocked to a land-linked country China and Laos should enhance practical cooperation in trade investment production capacity electricity minerals and other fields Li said calling on both sides to further tap potential give full play to the driving effect of the China-Laos Railway, and push for more visible results in all-round cooperation Li also said China is ready to expand people-to-people exchanges and cooperation with Laos in culture tourism and education to enhance mutual understanding and friendship, laying a more solid public foundation for deepening bilateral cooperation Thongloun asked Li to convey his sincere greetings to Xi He congratulated the success of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee as well as the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People s Republic of China Hailing China s historic development achievements and its rising international influence under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, Thongloun said the Lao party, government and people have always regarded China as an inseparable good neighbor good friend good comrade and good partner

countries including Türkiye criticized Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz s decision and argued that giving Guterres the unwelcome label undermines the UN s mandate In the Middle East, this could further delay an end to all hostilities and the establishment of a credible path towards the two-State solution,

safeguarding its core interests on issues concerning Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong

Development Initiative the Global

US intensifies sanc tions on Iran’s oil sec tor following strikes on Israe



enemies of the state Without eliminating this chaos the country cannot move forward


treated in wartime She accused the PTI of kidnapping its parliamentarians and holding them hostage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bokhari described PTI as a fascist party that would go to any extent to fulfill its agenda She emphasized that all political parties including the media and judiciary, must unite against these

Azma Bokhari expressed his views during a media briefing at DGPR She noted that when the PTI was in power, no one would even answer their calls Now that twelve heads of state are visiting Pakistan the PTI is in distress They alternately invite India s foreign minister to their protests and threaten to shut down Islamabad They cannot digest the country's progress She criticized the PTI’s leadership for standing against national development stability and economic relief

Azma pointed out that the PTI s


In international relations, the concept of the balance of power is a foundational tenet of Realism a school of thought that sees the international system as inherently anarchic, where states act primarily in their self-interest to ensure survival This balance ensures that no single state becomes dominant, preserving the sovereignty of all The theory posits that states seeking to protect themselves from dominance by others engage in power-balancing behaviors forming alliances, building military capabilities, and countering the influence of rising powers Yet while this concept is designed to maintain stability it also fosters a perpetual state of competition arms races, and security dilemmas

Though traditionally applied to international relations, this realist framework strangely can also be seen operating within the domestic political landscape of Pakistan specifically in the relationship between the military and political institutions Both entities, bound by the dynamics of power, seem caught in a similar balancing act, where each fears dominance by the other inadvertently destabilizing the very system (democracy) they aim to preserve In Pakistan the military holds a unique place in the national power structure Despite being constitutionally subordinate to civilian authority, it has historically wielded significant influence over governance often acting as a political actor in its own right From direct military coups to indirect sway over domestic and foreign policies, the military has played a central role in the state’s evolution On the other hand political institutions particularly civilian governments often find themselves in a precarious position needing to assert their authority without antagonizing the military establishment This precarious dance mirrors the classic balance of power seen in international relations The political leadership in Pak-

istan, much like states in the international system, acts to preserve its sovereignty The military representing a highly organized and powerful institution similarly seeks to protect its interests

The result is a cyclical power struggle a quest for dominance that is unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion Like international states locked in a perpetual arms race the political and military institutions in Pakistan are engaged in a tug of war each striving to counterbalance the other to maintain equilibrium

This quest for balance, however, does not lead to stability In fact it breeds insecurity on both sides Political institutions fearing the military s encroachment on governance often take steps to curb its influence, sometimes leading to policies that alienate the military establishment On the other hand, the military perceiving threats to its authority and privileges seeks to maintain a certain level of political involvement which in turn exacerbates tensions

This insecurity paradox is similar to the security dilemma in international relations, where efforts by one state to increase its security (e g through military build-up) are interpreted as threats by others leading them to enhance their own security measures

In Pakistan, every attempt by civilian governments to assert control over the military is viewed with suspicion by the armed forces leading to heightened tensions and in extreme cases intervention Conversely, political leaders are wary of the military s power, fearing that unchecked authority could erode democratic governance and undermine civilian rule

The implications of this dynamic are significant As in international relations where the balance of power often results in heightened risks of conflict, the tug of war between Pakistan’s political and military institutions creates an environment of instability and insecurity The focus on balancing power distracts both entities from

their primary objectives serving the state and its people

The solution to this problem however is clear Pakistan s Constitution provides a framework that clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities of each institution

The military is a subordinate institution, meant to serve under the direction of the civilian government which is elected by and accountable to the people The political leadership representing the will of the people must be allowed to govern without undue interference from the military

Realist theory suggests that the balance of power is a necessary evil in an anarchic international system but in the context of a nation-state like Pakistan this competition is both unnecessary and harmful The military and political institutions are not rival states locked in a power struggle; they are different entities within the same system both ultimately serving the same state Recognizing this reality is crucial to breaking the cycle of insecurity and power struggle

By adhering to the constitutional order, this balance of power dynamic can be resolved The political leadership must have the authority and competence to govern and the military must accept its role as a protector of the state, not a competitor for political power In doing so, Pakistan can overcome the cyclical deadlock that has long plagued its civil-military relations fostering a more stable secure and prosperous future for the nation

Ultimately, the recipe for resolving this power struggle is already written in Pakistan’s Constitution Abiding by it, both institutions can focus on their respective roles leading to a smoother more functional governance system where power is not something to be feared but exercised responsibly for the greater good

The author is a student of Strategic Studies at National Defence University Islamabad He tweets @afnanwasif


government has yet to name the new head of the body, raising serious questions over the commitment to counter the rising threat of militants’ groups which have gained a significant momentum after the fall of the Kabul It merits mentioning here that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan have been witnessing sharp rise in wave of terror-related incidents, with pressure building on the country from the western frontier where Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) are based inside Afghanistan Even sixteen years after its establishment in 2008, NACTA – designed to spearhead counter-terrorism efforts in the country – remains largely inactive Created to facilitate coordination and intelligence sharing among Pakistan’s 26 intelligence and law enforcement agen-

Abbasi denounces constitutional changes, warns of judicial jeopardy


Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has strongly opposed the proposed 26th Constitutional Amendment, arguing that it endangers the independence of the judiciary Abbasi, a senior member of the Awam Pakistan Party criticized the government’s approach particularly its plans to allow for the transfer of High Court judges He contends that such moves could be exploited to manipulate the judiciary and undermine the protection of citizens rights Abbasi also expressed disapproval of the introduction of a Federal Constitutional Court, which he believes would diminish the Supreme Court’s role and influence The expansion of military court trials was another area of concern for Abbasi as he views it as a direct threat to civil liberties

In addition to his critique of the proposed amendments Abbasi has been vocal about the current political climate, urging for Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa to retire after his tenure to ensure stability and integrity within the judiciary

The debate over these amendments has also drawn conditional support from Maulana Fazlur Rehman leader of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) who following a Special Committee of Parliament meeting highlighted efforts to revise controversial elements of the draft in response to public dissatisfaction

The proposed changes aim to set a three-year tenure for the Chief Justice of Pakistan and establish a federal constitutional court initiatives that have sparked a broad spectrum of reactions across the political landscape

Pakistan urges UN not to ignore war crimes in Palestine and Kashmir



Pakistan has urged the international community to confront the “war crimes” occurring in Palestine and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K) stressing the importance of eliminating impunity and ensuring justice for the victims of these conflicts Addressing the General Assembly s Sixth (legal) Committee, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Usman Iqbal Jadoon, spoke on the dire human rights violations characterizing these regions

In his discourse during a debate on Crimes against Humanity Ambassador Jadoon expressed deep concern over the ongoing occupation oppression and violence particularly marking the one-year anniversary of what he described as a genocidal war by Israel against Palestinians He detailed the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza exacerbated by over seven decades of occupation and international law violations including disregard for UN resolutions that uphold the Palestinian right to self-determination Ambassador Jadoon condemned the actions of Israeli forces in Gaza as war crimes and crimes against humanity, potentially amounting to genocide as indicated by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) He referenced a recent General Assembly resolution endorsing the ICJ’s advisory opinion which demands that Israel immediately withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories cease its unlawful activities compensate for damages and respect the Palestinians self-determination rights Further discussing the implications of international law, Ambassador Jadoon highlighted the need for precise definitions in the draft articles on preventing and punishing crimes against humanity He cautioned against introducing new definitions that might cause ambiguity and inconsistency urging adherence to existing definitions in United Nations conventions on enslavement torture and enforced disappearance

cies, NACTA aimed to strengthen their capacity to combat terrorism In the past few years, serious questions have been raised over NACTA’s overall performance However the recent delay in appointment of the head of the counter-terrorism body not only validates the doubts about the government s intent but also questions the government approach in addressing the issue of terrorism NACTA was also designated as the primary agency for national security under the National Internal Security Policy (NISP) 2014-2018 approved by the Government of Pakistan on November 25 2013 While the principles behind NACTA s creation were commendable such as collaborating with international partners on counter-terrorism initiatives developing a national de-radicalization program and implementing NISP with the support

of provincial governments and law enforcement the reality has fallen short Tariq Parvez, former head of NACTA, recently wrote an article to shed light over the need to revamp NACTA to help the organisation play its role in effective eradication of terrorism Parvez said that during the decline in terrorism incidents from 2010-2020, the government continued with the short-term approach of depending primarily on the military for counterterrorism tactics and focusing on kinetic measures When what we needed was a strategy to ensure sustained neutralisation of the threat through a two-pronged approach We needed to a) rely more on civilian CT departments whose role is to disrupt terrorist networks and b) focus more on the non-kinetic dimension to address the factors that breed militancy he asserted

On October 11 the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) released its annual payment system review for fiscal year 2024 The SBP publishes the Payment Systems Review on a quarterly and annual basis to provide insights into the national payments ecosystem The reported data is collected from the regulated entities including banks microfinance banks electronic money institutions (EMIs), Payment Service Operators (PSOs), Payment Service Providers (PSPs), the Raast system and the Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system Payments can be classified into two distinct categories One is wholesale payments which are served through the RTGS system RTGS allows banks to transfer large sums instantly, essential for high-value transactions like government securities While the other is retail payments which are large in volume but relatively smaller in value These retail payments are mainly processed by banks, MFBs, EMIs, branchless banks (BB), and PSOs/PSPs Retail payments overview Retail payments cater to everyday consumer transactions encompassing a variety of payment methods such as mobile payments, card-based payments, e-commerce payments, and online banking transfers These systems facilitate the smooth exchange of goods and services enhancing the convenience and efficiency of day-to-day commerce Retail payments,

processed by banks, microfinance institutions, and branchless banking systems saw a dramatic rise in 2024 The expanding share of digital payments is mainly due to the increasing number of customers using digital channels due to the convenience and wide range of products/ services offered through these channels Mobile banking apps and internet banking portals have been instrumental in driving the growth of digital payments by offering customers seamless, convenient access to a wide range of banking services 24/7 Likewise, digital wallets issued by BBs and EMIs also played an important role in increasing digital payments

The number of retail transactions surged from 4 7 billion to 6 4 billion a 35% increase More strikingly, digital payments accounted for 84% of the total volume in 2024 up from 76% just the year before This is a clear sign that Pakistan s financial landscape is shifting online However, in terms of value, paper based transactions occupied the lion’s share of 83% amounting to around Rs 448 trillion Within the digital payments landscape branchless banking wallets had the highest share accounting for 42% of total transaction volumes at 2,697 million Mobile banking and ATM channels followed closely in terms of transaction volumes of 1122 8 million and 931 6 million respectively Mobile banking apps and internet banking portals have been pivotal in driving the growth of digital payments by providing customers seamless, convenient access to a wide array of banking services around the clock During fiscal year 2024 payments through these channels collectively increased

internet banking are powering growth, traditional channels are facing declines Cash transactions for example are shrinking year by year Cash transaction volume via bank branch declined for the second consecutive year At the end of fiscal year 2022, transaction volume of cash transactions was 599 1 million In the next

CM Bugti rules out militar y operation in Balochistan

Quetta on Saturday, Bugti asserted, Balochistan is a vast province, and we will defend every inch of the state ” He highlighted the recent surge in terrorist activities pointing out that militants often target soft targets in the region Recently, individuals have been martyred in Balochistan as

terrorists seek out these vulnerable targets In Turbat our forces successfully intercepted a vehicle loaded with explosives, he added Bugti expressed grave concern over the ongoing violence stating that mere condemnation of terrorism is insufficient If resigning could stop terrorism, I would do it in a heartbeat My resignation is not a significant action; I will remain the chief minister as long as the provincial assembly desires ” He reiterated the necessity of fostering agreement within the assembly to address the issue of terrorism, stating, Tomorrow, we will attempt to achieve a consensus against terrorism in the assembly,

and we will bring all matters to the forefront

The chief minister stressed that military operations are not required in Balochistan, as the federal government is fully supportive of the province He mentioned that search operations have been ongoing since the recent Duki incident though he promised to disclose further details later

Bugti noted that the adversary is leveraging modern technology for their operations and confirmed that six individuals involved in the murder of the Deputy Commissioner of Panjgur have been killed

He also pledged to increase financial assistance for the families of victims of terrorism

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