Epaper_25-3-12 KHI

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Air tel signs with SpaceX to bring Starlink

of March 10 2025 will be eligible for this conversion subject to the completion of corporate and regulatory formalities In accordance with the Scheme of Amalgamation as sanctioned by the Silk Bank pursuant to the Sanction Order, new ordinary shares of UBL will be issued to the shareholders of Silk Bank who registered as the sharehold-

Pakistan halts methyl bromide fumigation

Where did the money go?

TThree decades ago

What Gaza might have been

Wh e n I first heard President Donald Trump s Gaza Riviera scheme it brought back memories of the hopes Palestinians had three decades ago during the heyday of the Oslo Accords Back then, I was serving as co-chair of “Builders for Peace ” a project launched by Vice President Al Gore to encourage US businesses to invest in the Palestinian economy to support the fledgling peace process We had prepared for our mission by reading

undergo humiliating screening We convened a session in Jerusalem for Palestinians to meet with the Americans interested in investment opportunities only to discover that in order to enter the city Palestinians had to secure a pass from the occupation authority Since the passes only permitted them a few

these chutes were young Israeli soldiers shouting at the Palestinians below, ordering them to look down and hold their passes above their heads It was deeply disturbing In both Gaza and the West Bank, our meetings with Palestinian business leaders were hopeful They were eager to discuss possibilities with their American

a number of delegations of American business leaders (which included both Arab Americans and American Jews) to the Palestinian lands Our first exposure to the problems we would encounter came as we attempted to enter via the Allenby Bridge from Jordan American Jews and others passed easily while Arab Americans were separated from the group and forced to

It was painful to hear of TrumpÊs insulting plan to build an American-owned Gaza Riviera It reminded me of what might have been, but, three decades later, is being discussed without benefiting any Palestinians from its development

Promise and Perils of biotechnology for national securit y

BIn the present age, biotechnology contributes to scientific as well as, traditional and non-traditional domains of national security At the outset biotechnology has revolutionised global health security The emergence of mRnA vaccines during the covid-19 pandemic is a testament to the innovative transformative solutions that

duced from biomass such as crops Biotechnological techniques enhance the ability of crops to produce biofuel precursors Simply put, these biotechnological techniques help develop energy crops with improved yields and enhanced composition For instance, sugarcane is Brazil’s leading bioenergy crop playing a key role in the country s dominance in global bioethanol production In 2023 a Brazilian biotech company used gene editing tools to develop sugarcane varieties with higher sugar content, thereby enhancing biofuel production On the flip side, there are various risks associated with biotechnology as well One of the potential risks of biotech is the unintended use of genetically modified organisms leading to potential damage or disruption of natural ecosystems Furthermore, the intentional release of pathogenic organisms into the environment to harm ecology and human lives represents a perilous outcome of biotechnology The use of biological agents in warfare is not a new concept and has various examples in recorded history however advanced biotechnologies can be used to engineer malicious bio-agents with enhanced virulence and strong resistance to vaccines The use of engineered pathogens by non-state actors or terrorist outfits to fulfil political and social objectives poses a grave threat to national security

Following the anthrax incident in the USA the government augmented its resources and efforts towards national biodefence research This renewed focus on biotech research underscores

the inevitability of fighting fire with fire countering aggressive pathogens by developing even more potent vaccines This signifies that the research and development in biotechnology is not only important for multiple facets of national security but also for countering both unintentional and intentional ramifications of its products nevertheless furthering biotech research must be balanced with regulatory frameworks In this regard the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is a pivotal legally binding instrument that obligates its signatories to handle GMOs/LMOs securely and manage them in compliance with biosafety standards It also underscores risk assessment and public awareness for protecting ecological and human health however given rapid advancements in gene editing technologies such as CRISPR, the scope of the Cartagena Protocol should be broadened to include organisms that have been gene-edited endogenously Ultimately, harmonising regulatory frameworks with research and development in bio-innovation is essential for realising the full potential of biotechnology in the core areas of national security Moreover harmonising regulatory frameworks with bio-innovation will help safeguard both human populations and the environment against the potential exploitation of biotechnology by non-state actors

The writer is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS) Islamabad Pakistan She can be reached at cass thinkers@casstt com

Real change

to achieve desirable traits is a common application of biotechnology Crops developed through genetic alteration are resistant to insects, herbicides, and viruses These features improve crop productivity by preventing crop loss and yielding cleaner chemical-free food Furthermore biofortification enhancing the nutritional content of crops is an additional benefit of agricultural

on GMO soybean imports plunged the poultry industry into crisis and reduced consumer purchasing power Recently, the withdrawal of this import ban by the Pakistan national Biosafety Centre has been well received by the poultry industry although it has sparked debate about the unforeseen effects of GMOs on human and environmental health In an environmental context,

A n O T h e R year another Women’s Day But what has truly changed for women in Pakistan? We raise slogans, hold rallies and talk about empowerment, yet the reality remains the same Girls are still married off at a young age, denied education and stopped from working

Saba abbaSi

GI R L S education remains a debated issue in Pashtun communities particularly in South Waziristan a former part of the Federally Administered Tribal Area which has some of Pakistan s lowest enrollment rates The region s female literacy rate is alarmingly low, leaving many without basic reading and writing skills

Since Pakistan’s independence in 1947, successive governments have neglected FATA including South Waziristan Despite its merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa hopes for improving girls education remain unfulfilled Both provincial and national authorities have failed to meet educational needs, especially for girls, denying them their basic right to education It is necessary to examine the challenges girls face in accessing education in South Waziristan The saying If you educate a man, you educate a man; but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation, underscores the transformative impact of girls’ education on individuals and national development Yet even in the 21st century Waziristan’s education system remains inadequate for girls

Barriers Holding Back Girls Educational Aspirations in South Waziristan: Despite the urgent need for girls education in South Waziristan, numerous barriers persist, restricting opportunities and crushing the dreams of many young girls The primary challenges include: The Devastating Impact of Conflict: Ongoing conflict and insecurity in South Waziristan severely impact girls education Parents hesitate to send their daughters to school due to violence and the threat of attacks or abduction Conflict disrupts schooling and displaces families On 17 May 17 militants attacked the under-construction Sofia Noor girls school in Wana damaging part of the building Such incidents are common in Waziristan, where repeated school attacks instill fear and psychological trauma Rahila Bibi, a young girl from Wana, shared her heartbreaking experience: “I was coming back from school and found something that looked like a toy When I picked it up it exploded When I woke up in the

hospital both of my hands were gone This tragedy underscores the dangers girls face in pursuing education Armed conflict leads to school destruction closures and severely limited educational opportunities for girls Damaged buildings make it unsafe for students and teachers to return Ongoing violence fosters fear discouraging families from educating their daughters Instability also delays reconstruction, leaving schools unrepaired for extended periods, further restricting access to education

The Stranglehold of Pashtunwali on Girls Education: Pashtunwali is an unwritten code followed by the Pashtun community in Pakistan and Afghanistan In the former FATA region, many adhere to it blindly, disregarding its pros and cons While it promotes hospitality, justice, and bravery it also restricts women’s rights and limits girls’ education Constructivists argue that social norms shape reality While women have equal opportunities in many regions, conservative beliefs in Pashtun communities confine them to domestic roles, reinforcing gender inequality and restricting their education Pashtun society has constructed the belief that women are meant for household chores limiting their opportunities Constructivism emphasizes that these restrictions are not natural but socially constructed, shaping women s roles and rights Many view girls’ education negatively, fearing harm to their reputation In Pashtun society a girl’s behaviour reflects family honor leading some parents to withdraw daughters from school This limits half the population s potential and hinders societal

progress Many families arrange early marriages to uphold social norms preventing girls from continuing education This practice deprives them of essential knowledge and skills, further limiting their opportunities

Pashtunwali’s emphasis on honor and resistance to change restricts girls’ education contributing to gender inequality and maintaining male dominance in society These societal norms not only limit women s rights but also impede overall social progress in South Waziristan

The Grip of Extreme Poverty on Girls’ Education: Poverty in South Waziristan severely limits girls’ education Many families struggling to meet basic needs cannot afford schooling While they value education financial hardships often prevent them from educating their daughters, leaving many girls without access to school Even when schools are available, expenses such as fees, books, uniforms and transportation remain unaffordable for many families further restricting girls educational opportunities and reinforcing gender inequality This lack of education not only hinders girls personal growth but also slows community progress Educated girls are more likely to become empowered women who contribute to their families’ well-being and society s development

The Shortage of Female Teachers in Girls Education: The lack of female teachers in South Waziristan is a major challenge for girls education Many families prefer female teachers for their daughters, but their absence discourages parents from sending girls to school fearing it may affect family honour As a result many girls are deprived of education further widening gender inequality Girls are more likely to continue their ed-

ucation when female teachers are available to support and inspire them However the shortage of female educators contributes to high dropout rates particularly among teenage girls, limiting their future opportunities Recruiting female teachers in the region remains difficult due to low salaries, inadequate facilities and security concerns These challenges worsen the shortage making access to education even more difficult for girls

The Crisis of Girls Educational Institutions: The shortage of female educational institutions is a major barrier to girls education in South Waziristan Many parents hesitate to send their daughters to school due to the limited availability of girls’ schools

In several areas such institutions are either absent or insufficient forcing families to keep their daughters at home and depriving them of education

Safety concerns over long travel distances further discourage school attendance

Additionally the lack of female teachers worsens the issue as many girls feel more comfortable learning from women

As a result girls miss out on essential skills and knowledge, limiting their potential and reinforcing traditional societal roles Investing in their education is vital for both their future and community development

The Dire Consequences of Government Apathy for Girls Education: The government s neglect of education particularly for girls remains a major barrier in South Waziristan Without political will, essential resources funding, staff, infrastructure, security, and internet access remain inadequate Poor policy implementation and corruption further limit girls’ learning opportunities

The shortage of female teachers is a major concern but even male teachers are scarce, worsening the crisis In Khojal Khel Landinoor, the Government Public School for Boys (GPS) serves over 450 students with only three permanent teachers and one unpaid temporary teacher since October 2023 Its middle

s an opportunity platform for millions of Americans Yes, it needs to be separated from Chinese ownership Yes, we need to protect Americans’ data But we need to do it in a way that preserves the platform that so many hardworking Americans have come to rely on I still work out of Sacramento and still grab coffee at Temple Because, at the end of the day, it s not about being the biggest or the flashiest – it’s about doing what’s right and creating opportunities for others That’s why we’re stepping up to the plate Because sometimes the best person to protect something valuable is someone who remembers what it s like to build something from nothing So yeah, let s save TikTok Not for the algorithms or the data or the technology – but for the millions of regular Americans who’ve built their dreams on this platform Because if a firefighter from Sacramento can build a company that today supports over 10 000 small businesses imagine what the next generation of dreamers and builders could do with the right opportunity and platform Remember: it’s not about where you start – it’s about where you’re determined to go And right now we’re determined to keep this platform alive for every American who s using it to chase their dreams just like I chased mine We re grateful to President Donald Trump for providing the time and opportunity to save TikTok for American creators We believe we have put forward the best proposal to meet the president s goals of protecting America s national interests securing user data and ensuring TikTok remains a safe space where freedom of speech thrives Let s make it happen Not for Wall Street, not for Silicon Valley, but for Main Street USA Because that’s who we are that’s

One way or the other, we re going to get it ” That recalled his earlier warning to Copenhagen to give him what he wants or face the consequences: maybe things have to happen with respect to Denmark having to do with tariffs Nice place you got there; would be a shame if something happened to it It’s the same shakedown he’s performing on the US’s northern neighbour Canada’s outgoing prime minister Justin Trudeau spelled it out this week accusing Trump of trying to engineer a total collapse of the Canadian economy because that will make it easier to annex us , adding that: We will never be the 51st state It s a technique familiar in the darker corners of the New Jersey construction industry: a series of unfortunate fires that only stops when a recalcitrant competitor submits Both the substance and the style are pure mafia Note the obsession with respect, demonstrated in last week s Oval Office confrontation with Zelenskyy Between them, JD Vance and Trump accused the Ukrainian leader three times of showing disrespect sounding less like world leaders than touchy Tommy DeVito the Joe Pesci character in Goodfellas

because I don t think they have a choice Almost as if he had made them an offer they couldn t refuse Which of course he had By ending the supply of military aid and the sharing of US intelligence, as he did this week he had effectively put a Russian revolver to Ukraine’s temple its imprint scarcely reduced by Trump s declaration today that he is strongly considering banking sanctions and tariffs against Moscow, a move that looked a lot like a man pretending to be equally tough on the two sides, but which should fool nobody He expects Zelenskyy to sign away a huge chunk of Ukraine s

Note too the humiliation of subordinates In his address to Congress, the president introduced secretary of state Marco Rubio as the man charged with taking back the Panama canal Good luck Marco said Trump with a chuckle Now we know who to blame if anything goes wrong Cue anxious laughter from the rest of the underlings, briefly relieved that it wasn t them It’s hard for aides and opponents alike to keep up because power is exercised arbitrarily and inconsistently Tariffs are imposed then suspended Indeed one reason why import taxes so appeal to Trump is that they can be enforced instantly and by presidential edict That extends to the exemptions Trump can offer to favoured US industries As MSNBC’s Chris Hayes observed: “This is very obviously going to be a protection racket where Trump can at the stroke of a pen destroy or save your business depending on how compliant you are Because, naturally, Trumpism does not confine the Cosa Nostra tactics to foreign affairs This week Reuters reported that several federal judges in the Washington DC area had received pizzas sent anonymously to their homes a gesture that police interpreted as a form of intimidation meant to convey that a target s address is known Already rattled by a fusillade

Khalid Rehman


Uk raine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack on Russian capital

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) later

alleged Khalil had led activities aligned to Hamas a designation that has been widely criticized as unsubstantiated and politically motivated DHS claimed its actions were coordinated with the Department of State and justified under President Trump s executive orders targeting alleged anti-American activities Khalil an Algerian citizen of Palestinian descent has long been an outspoken advocate for Palestinian rights He helped lead a pro-Palestinian encampment protest at Columbia University last month which inspired similar demonstrations on college campuses across the country Supporters describe his protests as peaceful and constitutionally protected, condemning the government’s characterization of them as extremist On Monday Judge Jesse Furman of the U S District Court for the Southern District of New York issued an emergency order halting Khalil s deportation unless and until the Court orders otherwise The judge scheduled a preliminary hearing for Wednesday to review the legality of Khalil s detention and deportation proceedings

Khalil s legal team argues that his constitutional rights have been flagrantly violated His lawyers accused the government of deliberately transferring him to a detention facility in Louisiana to hinder his access to legal representation

“The government is trampling on due process, attempting to silence dissent by criminalizing constitutionally protected speech ” said lead attorney Nora Ben-Ami Civil liberties organizations and elected officials have condemned the arrest as a grave overstep of government authority The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called the detention unprecedented, illegal, and un-American ”

“The government’s actions are clearly designed to chill free speech and punish political dissent ” said Ben Wizner Director of the ACLU s Speech Privacy and Technology Project Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) herself of Palestinian descent, described Khalil s arrest as

C hina’s national legislature concludes annual session


S ta f f C o r r e S p o n d e n t

The 14th National People s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, concluded its third session on Tuesday Chinese President Xi Jinping and other leaders attended the closing meeting of the session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Entrusted by Zhao Leji executive chairman of the presidium Li Hongzhong presided over the meeting Lawmakers approved the government work report and the work reports of the NPC Standing Committee the Supreme People s Court and the Supreme People s Procuratorate They adopted a decision to amend the Law on Deputies to the National People’s Congress and to the Local People’s Congresses at Various Levels and adopted a resolution on the implementation of the 2024 plan for national economic and social development and the 2025 plan for national economic and social development as well as the 2025 plan They also approved a report on the execution of

the central and local budgets for 2024 and on the draft central and local budgets for 2025 and approved the central budget for 2025 Addressing the meeting, Li said that the annual session has successfully completed its agenda The outcomes of the session have demonstrated the significant political advantages of the people s congress system, he said Noting that this year marks the final lap for implementing China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (20212025) Li urged lawmakers to stay true to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability so as to complete the objectives and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan with


Capture Ever y Cherished Memor y with ZEISS Por trait So Pro: vivo V50 5G Launched in Pakistan



The College of Ophthalmology and Allied Vision Sciences (COAVS) and Mayo Hospital King Edward Medical University Lahore organized a Glaucoma Awareness Walk on Tuesday to highlight the importance of timely diagnosis and prevention of glaucoma, the third cause of blindness in the world The walk was organized from COAVS and the Institute of Ophthalmology to the Surgical Tower with a large number of health professionals, students and citizens participated in it The participants were carrying placards and banners inscribed with slogans Get your eyes checked save your eyesight and Glaucoma: Timely diagnosis, permanent vision Awareness is vision Chief guest Pro-Dr Mahmood Ayaz (SI), the Vice Chancellor of King Edward Medical University on the occasion highlighted the glaucoma as a silent killer of vision which often goes undetected until the vision is irreparably damaged Such awareness campaigns play a vital role in saving the society from

irreversible diseases” he stated elaborating on that Cataracts can cause irreversible vision loss which is impossible to recover The only solution to save eyesight is complete diagnosis and timely treatment at early stage of the disease which has to be continued throughout life In this way a person can be saved from blindness he underscored

Addressing the walk s participants, Prof Dr Muhammad Moin –Pro-Vice Chancellor, KEMU and Principal COAVS termed awareness strongest weapon against glaucoma emphasizing that with the cooperation of institutions government and media Glaucoma can be controlled well in time In cataract the optic nerve is damaged due to the increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) As this damage increases, the affected person is unable to see the surrounding objects” he described adding that the patient can only see the objects that are right in front of his eyes Like a person is looking through a tube or pipe After this, this vision also disappears At this stage, the disease cannot be cured Therefore it is necessary to treat this disease before


Imran Khan moves

for early hearing in May 9 bail cases

on PTI leaders and supporters

The former premier, currently incarcerated in Adiala Jail, maintains that the cases against him are politically motivated and aimed at sidelining him from the country’s political landscape

The LHC is expected to take up his plea for early hearing in the coming days

Sindh CM urges

steps to strengthen poultr y, fisheries and livestock sectors

S TA F F R E P O R T Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Wednesday stressed the need for the Fisheries and Livestock Department to implement initiatives aimed at strengthening the poultry, fisheries, and livestock






Banks and fintech companies will then make it available to customers based on their individual timelines and readiness The platform s integration with local banks and fintechs is already underway, with sources telling Profit that some banks have already completed the integrations, ensuring that the launch will go off without a hitch Google Pay one of the world s leading digital payment platforms is making its much-anticipated debut in the country, marking a significant milestone in the country s journey toward a cashless economy To commemorate the launch



12th just as the platform becomes live, signaling the official start of a new wave in digital pay-

ments for Pakistan Pakistan’s digital payments landscape has been steadily evolving over the last few years driven by the rapid adoption of smartphones, improved internet connectivity, and government initiatives aimed at promoting financial inclusion With a population of over 230 million Pakistan has one of the world s youngest and digitally savvy populations making it an attractive market for digital payment providers Despite the rapid growth in mobile phone usage the country’s payments infrastructure remains largely underdeveloped Cash continues to be the dominant form of transaction in Pakistan, with very few people utilizing digital wallets, bank cards, or mobile banking solutions However this is changing as the government and private sector invest in improving the country s payment ecosystem The arrival of Google Pay is poised to transform the digital payments landscape by offering a simple secure and fast way for consumers and businesses to send and receive money Google Pay s integration with local banks and fintechs ensures that users will have access to a broad range of financial institutions, making it

easier to use the platform across the

Govt decides against invoking Ar ticle 6 for politic al maturity, stability: Tarar

Federal Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar on Tuesday announced that the government has decided against invoking Article 6 of the Constitution, preferring political stability and maturity to legal confrontations

The government is committed to resolving political matters through dialogue rather than legal action , the Law and Justice Minister declared while speaking on the floor of Upper House of the Parliament on Tuesday

Responding to the opposition leader s point of objection in the Senate on Tuesday, he highlighted that elected members of the National and Provincial Assemblies have taken their oaths, and the Election Commission has announced the election schedule In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa the

Sunni Ittehad Council’s Chief Minister was appointed and despite the schedule being issued the Chief Minister and Speaker refused to convene the provincial assembly session

Article 6 deals with cases of treason and constitutional violations allowing legal proceedings against any individual for breaching the Constitution

Recalling Senate election, Senator Tarar noted that the Peshawar High Court had directed the assembly session to be held but the Speaker of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly acting under the Chief Minister s instructions refused to summon while the Senate elections were being held across the country

“If everything is unconstitutional then why is the opposition leader still holding his position?

PTI members continue to chair multiple parliamentary commit-

tees ” he remarked questioning the opposition s stance

He further argued that if Article 6 were to be applied, it should have been enforced when the vote of no confidence was moved against the then-Prime Minister and the Deputy Speaker dissolved the National Assembly He reminded that this issue had already been debated extensively during the tenure of the previous PDM government

Commenting on the absence of senators from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Senator Tarar held the KP’s provincial Assembly Speaker and Chief Minister accountable stating that they must provide answers for the disruption in the legislative process

The minister reiterated the government’s stance on prioritizing political dialogue over constitutional litigation reaffirming its commitment to fostering stability in the country

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