H R E E security personnel and two civilians were martyred on Sunday when a vehicle-borne suicide bomber attacked a security forces convoy in Balochistan s Nuskhi district, the military’s media wing said In a statement the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said that as a result of the attack five brave sons of soil embraced shahadat (martyrdom)
The martyred soldiers were identified as Havildar Manzoor Ali of Nawabshah district, Havildar Ali Bilawal of Naseer Abad district and Badin district’s Naik Abdul Raheem Bus drivers Jalaluddin from Quetta and Muhammad Naeem from Kharan were also martyred in the attack according to the ISPR In the ensuing sanitisation operation, the terrorists were pursued and after an intense fire exchange, three terrorists were effectively neutralised by the security forces,” the ISPR said
The military s media wing added that sanitisation operations in the area would continue and the perpetrators of this heinous and cowardly act will be brought to justice
“Security forces of Pakistan, in step with the nation, remain determined to thwart attempts at sabotaging peace stability and progress of Balochistan and such sacrifices of our brave soldiers and valiant civilians further strengthen our resolve, the statement concluded BLA behind attack: state media
Earlier to the ISPR statement, state media reported that three Frontier Corps (FC) personnel were among five were martyred when the BLA targeted an FC convoy on its way from Nushki to Taftan on the Nushki-Dalbandin highway The banned Balochistan Liberation

Army (BLA) emerged as a key perpetrator of terrorist violence in Pakistan in 2024, as frequency of high-intensity attacks by outlawed groups has been increasing in the province according to security reports According to the state-run PTV News security forces had cordoned off the area, blocking all escape routes of terrorists On the other hand, Reuters reported quoting Nushki Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Hashim Momand that more than 30 paramilitary force members were wounded in the incident Earlier, Nushki Station House Officer (SHO) Zafarullah Sumalani had said that five FC personnel were martyred while at least 12 others were injured in the explosion According to SHO Sumalani evidence from the incident site suggested that a suicide attacker rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the FC convoy The injured were being shifted to the FC Camp and Nushki Teaching Hospital, where an emergency had been imposed, the police
Three KP cops mar tyred, ter rorist killed as police repulse three over night strikes
ment in Parliament, revealing that pilots were hired with fake licenses Meanwhile, the process for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) privatization has accelerated once again with significant interest shown by prominent groups for the acquisition of PIA

Nadia Hussain’s Husband ’s Physic al Remand Extended In Embezzlement Case
Five dead, three injured as coach plunges into ravine in A JK ’s Haveli distric t
Five people lost their lives while three others were injured on Sunday when a passenger coach plunged into a ravine after skidding off a frost-covered road in the Haveli district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) police said Four male passengers died on the spot and a woman succumbed to her injuries while on the way to the district headquarters hospital, said Ansar Siddique Rathore, a constable operator at the Forward Kahuta police control room
According to Rathore the ill-fated coach had departed from Forward Kahuta the district headquarters of Haveli for Rawalpindi via Lasdana However, the police constable added, upon reaching Parthan Wali Ziarat some 22 kilometres from the Forward Kahuta town in Haveli the vehicle became stuck on the frost- and snow-covered track
Some passengers disembarked while others remained on board as the driver attempted to manoeuvre through the
treacherous section of the road constable Rathore added A video clip shared on social media showed the vehicle positioned precariously with its rear facing the edge of the road As the driver attempted to move it forward, he lost control and the coach plunged more than 200 metres below
The driver, Zahid, son of Mehtab Rathore jumped out of the vehicle onto the road as the coaster was about to plunge downwards and was at large
The deceased were identified as Abdul Rauf Rathore, son of Khan Muhammad; Malik Sher Baz, son of Suba Khan Awan; Chaudhry Muhammad Khurshid, son of Muhammad Din Gujjar; Khalid Hussain son of Nek Alam; and Shamim wife of Qayyum Khan Rathore The injured were identified as Arif Ali son of Chaudhry Sultan; Imran Ayub, son of Muhammad Ayub; and Zeeshan, son of Khalid Gulshan Expressing grief over the tragedy, AJK Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Faisal Mumtaz Rathore extended his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families

g Punjab KP and Islamabad targeted in ongoing efforts to combat gas theft with significant fines and disconnections across multiple regions MUZAFFARABAD s

Study Finds 27 B ottled Water Brands In Pak istan Unsafe For Consumption
Pure Water Aqua Health Oslo and More Plus contained excessive sodium One Pure Drinking Water, Indus, Premium Safa Purified Water, Orwell, and Natural Pure Life exceeded safe arsenic levels while Hunza Utter Water had potassium above the permissible limit
Bacterial contamination was found in 16 brands, including SS Water,

govt initiates Rs4.5b projec t in Murree to attrac t tourists, says L ashari
Pakistan is indispensable countr y for regional stability: Japan
Prof Masayuki Masuda Division head at the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) stated that Pakistan has played a vital role in regional stability and is seen as committed to promoting peace amidst growing challenges Prof Masuda was speaking held at an international seminar organized by the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS) He suggested that Pakistan and Japan having both experienced significant human and economic losses due to conflicts and wars, were uniquely positioned to collaborate on promoting peace, said a press release issued here on Sunday Prof Masuda also stressed that Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” concept aimed to foster regional peace and prosperity which aligns with Pakistan s connectivity interests He

called for increased cooperation in areas such as telecom, AI, and climate change, which would benefit both nations Speaking on the occasion NIDS
Senior Fellow Masahiro Kurita clarified that Japan s growing cooperation with India even within the QUAD framework was primarily focused on political and economic cooperation, and should not impact Pakistan’s security concerns He
acknowledged that perceptions of Pakistan were influenced by its deepening relationship with China, but emphasized Pakistan’s balanced approach demonstrating its commitment to fostering broad international ties for enhanced connectivity Amb Jauhar Saleem, President IRS, stated that Pakistan-Japan cooperation was a factor of stability at a time when
great power competition was intensifying He emphasized upon the shared values and interests which bound the two countries in cordial and cooperative ties, and called for building on this foundation to further enhance multifaceted cooperation He also advocated increased political dialogue cultural exchanges and people-to-people contact to foster yet greater understanding of each other s perspectives Amb Farukh Amil, Chairman IPO and former Ambassador to Japan, affirmed Pakistan’s long-standing desire to strengthen development partnerships with Japan He also emphasized Japan s technological leadership and the critical importance of collaboration in technology and innovation for Pakistan’s future economic and security progress while praising Japan’s unconditional humanitarian aid during natural disasters

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor
M A Niazi Editor

HERE is no doubt anymore about India s involvement in the disintegration of Pakistan in 1971 This guilty act has been openly confessed by the Indian ruling class, both in the past and present The people of Bangladesh have also become increasingly aware of this reality and have been vocal about it particularly since the ouster of the India-backed Sheikh Hasina Wajid last year Therefore, there is a need to understand the specific challenges in Balochistan as India is quite actively involved in the region and the pattern is almost the same as it was in Dhaka Also there is a need to learn lessons from the past The capturing of Kulbhushan Yadav an Indian spy from Balochistan war-lord Uzair Baloch s confession of being backed by Indian intelligence agencies, and the Indian media's frequent highlighting of even trivial incidents in Balochistan reflect a strong desire among the Indian ruling elite, and many others in the country for Pakistan’s further disintegration For instance Ajit Doval the National Security Advisor of India openly declared in a public gathering almost as if fulfilling his own wishful fantasy that Pakistan may lose Balochistan Then came the Jaffr Express outrage Indian YouTubers quickly amass millions of views by creating content on Balochistan often aligning with India's ruling elite or promoting narratives that portray Pakistan s disintegration as a solution While interest in Balochistan is not problematic itself
Th e I m b a l a n c e b e t we e n R i g h t s a n d D u t i e s Le a d i n g t o C h a o s T h e r e f o r e , t h e y s h o u l d c o n t i n u e p u r s u i n g t h e i r l e g a l r i g h t s t h r o u g h l a w f u l m e a n s , a n d t h e a u t h o r i t i e s s h o u l d r e s p e c t t h e s e r i g h t s i n s t e a d o f c o u n t e r i n g t h e m o u s P a k i s t a n r u n s t h r o u g h B a l o c h i s t a n
such content ignores India s own separatist movements, like Khalistan Even Canada s leadership has criticized India s interference in their country, accusing it of targeting activists This highlights the contradiction in promoting separatism abroad while downplaying internal secessionist challenges On the surface Indian rulers including Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself portray an air of indifference toward Pakistan claiming it is dying its own death" and asserting that they are focused on other priorities They publicly dismiss Pakistan as no longer a rival worth their concern The Indian media, along with many content creators echo this sentiment mocking Pakistan and its citizens while repeatedly declaring that its collapse is inevitable However this facade of indifference is contradicted by their actions and persistent involvement in Pakistan, which serve as clear confessions that they still perceive this struggling nation as a formidable resistance to New Delhi's hegemonic ambitions While many Indians oppose Pakistan’s disintegration India s leadership views Pakistan as a key obstacle to regional dominance regardless of its economic or technological progress Nonetheless it cannot be ignored that certain misunderstandings and mistakes in the past, and even in the present, have provided foreign powers with soft entries into the internal matters of Pakistan As it is rightly said we learn from history that we do not learn from history India and other powers interested in breaking Pakistan for various reasons will continue to look for loopholes in Pakistan s policies However, policymakers in this country must address how to stop such leakages in policies, particularly concerning Balochistan First and foremost, the trend or menace of “counter-ism” should end right here Everything cannot and should not be countered If there are people who have disagreements or differences with certain policies they should not be countered but instead seen as Pakistani citizens who have differences to certain approaches and policies The consistent policies of countering instead of understanding those who have grievances had and will only cause further boiling of this province And who does not like to fish in the troubled waters? Instead of countering the growing grievances of the people of Balochistan, where not only the Baloch but also the Pashtuns have begun expressing their concerns openly, issues should be approached through the lens of solutions and improvement A starting point could be ensuring the right to life and state authorities should constitutionally uphold the writ of the state No citizen s right to life should be violated Pakistan s oldest federal party claiming to uphold democracy and resistance, should also respect peaceful protestors instead of suppressing them Heavy-handed tactics only attract negative attention worsening Pakistan’s image and highlighting oppressive responses to dissent In the long run the trust of the masses in electoral politics should be restored through free and fair elections A significant majority of people living in Balochistan are either indifferent toward elections or have lost faith in electoral politics due to certain reasons rigging being one of them The individuals who

followed in the constitutional structural framework of Pakistan; as the state legislature through a constitutional amendment in last October incorporated Article 9A in the Cnstitution This article provide a fundamental right of clean, healthy and sustainable environment to every person This inclusion is positive and appreciable but the absence of defined duty of individuals is alarming that will eventually leads to chaos Individuals are under obligation to promote and follow environmental values and civic duty; but at the same time the state legislature should through proper constitutional provision draft a framework to do so In Pakistan, evironmental constitutionalism through judicial precedents draw its roots back to year 199 when a landmark judgment was passed by Chief Justice Nasim Hasan Shah in case Shehla Zia vs WAPDA Through this judgement, the Court extensively inter-
prets the fundamental right of life and addresses the potential threat of WAPDA s administrative action over the environment This was the first time that any of the state organ of Pakistan addressed the challenges to environment Similarly in another case titled as General Secretary of West Pakistan Salt Miners Labour Union v Director, Industries and Mineral Development, Punjab, the Honorable Supreme Court issued directions to PDMA in order to avoid water pollution
However the first major legislative work for the environment protection was the Pakistan Environment Protection Ordinance 1983 which laid the foundation for environment protection In 1997, this ordinance was replaced by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act resulting in the establishment of Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency
The most recent inclusion in Pakistan’s environmental constitutionalism is through the incorporation of Article 9A through the 26th amendment Article 9A says that: Every person shall be entitled to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment ” However, to my understanding this incorporation would create a potential democratic imbalance It is a basic principle of law that wherever there is a right there is a duty Our constitution contain a whole chapter of fundamental

Decades old roads
u e , I n d i a n P a r l i a m e n t t h r o u g h
a n a m e n d m e n t a d d e d A r t i c l e 5 1 A i n t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n . R e s u l t a n t l y , P a k i s t a n h a s b e e n f a c i n g s e v e r e c l i m a t e i s s u e s f o r t h e l a s t h a l f d e c a d e T h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i s s o l e l y o f t h e
G o v e r n m e n t I d o n ' t t h i n k s o T h e y a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r n o t a d d i n g a d u t y c h a p t e r i n t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n N o t i n g m o r e o r l e s s
AsAdullAh RAisAni
Afghan refugee camps as cover Addition-

Repatriation of Afghan Refugees
Pakistan can' t afford them any more
integration into European societies
Despite these challenges countries like Germany have established asylum pathways

In the context of Afghanistan, the ongoing situation has resulted in a large number of Afghan refugees fleeing their homeland in search of safety and stability Over the years political instability armed conflicts and the resurgence of the Taliban in 2021 have forced millions of Afghans to flee their homeland, causing in one of the largest refugee crises of the 21st century In response numerous countries have offered them asylum with varying levels of support challenges and outcomes Afghanistan has been mired in conflict for over four decades, with major displacement events occurring during the Soviet invasion (1979-1989), the subsequent civil war, the rise of the Taliban in the 1990s and the USled invasion in 2001 Each of these conflicts led to large waves of people fleeing Afghanistan The 2021 US withdrawal and the Taliban s return to power triggered another massive exodus, with estimates suggesting over 5 5 million Afghans displaced, many seeking refuge in neighbouring countries and beyond Today the majority of Afghan refugees are hosted in Pakistan Iran and other regional countries while a smaller portion has resettled in Western nations such as the USA, Canada, and within the EU Pakistan and Iran have borne the heaviest burden of hosting Both have been home to millions over the decades especially during periods of intensified conflict in Afghanistan At its peak Pakistan hosted over 3 million Afghan refugees Currently approximately 1 5 million registered Afghan refugees remain in Pakistan, with many others living without official recognition The majority reside in KP and Balochistan, near
the Afghanistan-Pakistan border While Pakistan has provided refuge, it faces significant challenges due to economic constraints and security concerns related to cross-border terrorism Refugees often struggle with limited access to employment education and healthcare but the country has made efforts to extend some legal protections, including stay permits for Afghan refugees in specific regions Iran currently accommodates around 1 million refugees many of whom arrived during the 1980s and 1990s Iran has provided refugees with education healthcare and some employment opportunities though they often endure difficult living conditions and lack rights compared to Iranian citizens
Many Afghan refugees work in Iran's labour market especially in construction and agriculture often in low-wage and hazardous jobs
The USA has been a significant destination, especially after the chaotic US withdrawal in 2021 Over 100,000 were evacuated under Operation Allies Refuge, which aimed to safely relocate those who had assisted the US military and their families Canada has been one of the most proactive countries in resettling refugees The Canadian government announced plans to welcome up to 40,000 following the Taliban s return to power
The EU, along with individual European countries like Germany the UK and France has also been instrumental Germany in particular has been a key destination with tens of thousands arriving following the Taliban s takeover The EU has encountered significant political and social challenges in resettlement, particularly concerning security and
Before the pandemic the BC was profitable and generating revenues of more than £1bn
The BC is losing £50m a year, and McDonald is preparing to sell its assets, which include 40 buildings it owns overseas and, sadly and most controversially, an ar t collec tion of 9,000 works Thousands of jobs will be cut and offices closed around the world
The large influx of refugees has sparked political debates and public concerns in many countries, with some resisting refugee acceptance due to fears over security, economic pressures and cultural differences
In Pakistan a pressing concern is the security implication Many refugees reside in border regions like KP and Balochistan areas that are near Afghanistan and regularly experience cross-border tensions The porous Pakistan-Afghanistan border has made it difficult to distinguish between Afghan refugees migrants and militants
The Tehrik Taliban Pakistan a militant group waging an insurgency against the Pakistani state for over a decade, represents one of the most significant security threats in the region
The TTP operates primarily along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and has exploited the situation of Afghan refugees for recruitment logistics and operational support Following the Taliban s return to power in 2021, there has been a significant increase in TTP activity It has used the relatively ungoverned spaces along the border to launch attacks into Pakistan destabilizing already fragile regions populated by refugees Other insurgent groups including the Haqqani Network have also found sanctuary in Afghan refugee camps and border areas in Pakistan
The vast, often inaccessible terrain along the border allows militants to operate covertly resulting in rising cross-border incursions terrorist attacks and bombings in Pakistani cities The TTP has frequently targeted Pakistan s military security forces and civilian infrastructure, sometimes using
ally militant groups have been known to infiltrate refugee camps where they sometimes radicalize vulnerable refugees further complicating the challenges faced by Pakistani authorities The TTP has openly allied itself with the Taliban, and although the Taliban government has occasionally stated that it discourages cross-border violence, Pakistani officials view the Taliban's tolerance of TTP fighters operating from Afghan territory as a significant threat In some instances TTP leaders and fighters have sought refuge in Afghanistan, using it as a base to launch attacks into Pakistan The absence of a strong central government in Afghanistan has allowed these militant groups greater freedom In addition to the security threats posed by Afghan refugees and militant groups Pakistan faces significant humanitarian and socioeconomic challenges
Already grappling with its own economic difficulties, Pakistan has been forced to allocate substantial resources to provide basic services to Afghan refugees including food shelter healthcare and education
With over 1 5 million registered refugees (and many more unregistered) the strain on Pakistan s public services is immense The influx of refugees has placed considerable pressure on Pakistan s fragile healthcare system The educational infrastructure is similarly overwhelmed by the large refugee population Refugee children face significant barriers to accessing quality education, including a lack of resources in refugee camps and cultural and language differences between refugees and local communities
Many Afghan refugees live in poverty and often end up in low-paying informal jobs While refugees contribute to the economy by working in sectors such as agriculture, construction, and manufacturing, the lack of formal recognition and work permits often leads to exploitation and underemployment further exacerbating the economic strain in already impoverished areas like Balochistan and KP
As Pakistan s unemployment rate rises the large refugee population has increased competition for jobs, contributing to social tension This has fueled resentment, as some Pakistanis perceive refugees as taking scarce job opportunities Additionally the influx of Afghan refugees has led to social and cultural tensions particularly in border regions where local populations feel the pressure of housing, feeding, and providing for refugees Cultural differences between Afghan refugees and local communities, especially in areas where tribal divisions and ethnic rivalries exist have occasionally led to xeno-
Before the pandemic, the Council employed 12,000 people, many of them teachers and examiners; the workforce is now 9,000 and will be cut again by 20 per cent

business had become less profitable since the pandemic because of advances in languagelearning technology and AI The BC is losing £50m a year and McDonald is preparing to sell its assets, which include 40 buildings it owns overseas and, sadly and most controversially, an art collection of 9,000 works (valued at £200m) Artists in the collection include Lucian Freud Barbara Hepworth David Hockney and Tracey Emin Thousands of jobs will be cut and offices closed around the world Before the pandemic, the Council employed 12,000 people, many of them teachers and examiners; the workforce is now 9 000 and will be cut again by 20 per cent
“It’s desperate stuff ” McDonald said “The worst-case scenario is that we cut the British Council to 30 offices [But] we would disappear then The board, which is personally liable if the British Council goes insolvent, wants us to shrink as fast as possible It’s not over yet There’s real support for us in parliament ” David Lammy set up the Soft Power Council in January and McDonald describes him as being rhetorically supportive The Foreign Secretary understands the value of soft power and culture – his wife is an artist – and wants us out there celebrating Britain and our values” Lammy has spoken to me about his approach to foreign affairs what he described as his style of formal and informal diplomacy and this is something the British Council understands: it works through formal and informal networks and partnerships
McDonald was for a decade CEO of Oliver Wyman a consulting firm During his
26 years there the workforce grew from 50 people to 7 000 He is a Canadian formal in speech and manner and no bohemian liberal but has lived in England for several decades and uses the first-person plural when speaking of Britain His wife, Julia, is a novelist, and he calls her a “British Council baby”: her parents met at a BC literary event in Germany in the 1960s I am hard-nosed and recognise the times we live in and the financial hardship we face because of the need for rearmament, he told me as we travelled by train from Lodz to Warsaw I was with him in Poland to observe some of the Council’s work and attend the opening of the 2025 UK/Poland cultural season a smartly curated exhibition of modern abstract landscapes Poland has absorbed more than one million Ukrainian and Belarusian refugees since the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022 I visited a school in the northern suburbs of Warsaw where at one time a third of the nearly 950 students there were migrants or refugees English is what the headteacher called the bridge language connecting the children McDonald believes the British Council gets a bad rap as a soft institution because we’re involved in culture What we want to demonstrate to the taxpayer is that we are useful We also want to show the way we think about soft power can lead to growth for the UK and greater security because of our work on disinformation, on media literacy and community building What the BC offers to Britain, he thinks, is greater “reputational security” During the pandemic it was bailed out
not with a government grant but a loan of £250m approved by Dominic Raab then foreign secretary McDonald sold the BC s exams business in India and repaid £50m, but £197m is outstanding and the Treasury is demanding repayment The interest rate on the loan was fixed at the sterling overnight rate plus 2 per cent; the annual interest payment is £13m Working with Raab was bruising McDonald said What killed us, and kills us still, is that Raab bailed us out but with a commercial loan He deemed us a commercial enterprise because we were out there teaching English and charging for it But we don’t have shareholders we don t pay bonuses We re incredibly stretched everywhere We can t fix our buildings, we can t pay our people properly, which is why we ll have to make these cuts We want to be a valued partner to the government If you did a poll of leaders of the university sector education, the cultural sector – we d get overwhelming support ” McDonald believes the loan should be cancelled or at least extended to a 25-year term at a lower interest rate more appropriate to a charity “What makes me angry is that for years the UK has had this great deal: we take a small amount of money and amplify it enormously using the private sector and other means After ten years as CEO of Oliver Wyman McDonald had a choice: “To find an even bigger corporate job or do something
Around 60,000 US militar y personnel are stationed in Japan; nearly 30,000 US troops are based in South
b u t i t s d i s p a r a g e r s w o u l d d i s m i s s i t a s a q u a n g o F a r b e t t e r I t h i n k t o s e e i t a s a v a l u a b l e i n t e r m e d ia t e i n s t i t u t i o n , o p e r a t i n g b e t w e e n t h e m a r k e t a n d t h e s t a t e : i n d e p e n d e n t o f b u t p a r t - f u n d e d b y g o v e r n m e n t , w i t h a n e xp l

TBritish Prime Minister Keir Starmer said on Saturday European nations and Western allies were stepping up preparations to support Ukraine in the event a peace deal was struck with Russia, with defence chiefs to firm up “robust plans next week Starmer hosted a virtual meeting to win support from allies to increase pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin to accept a ceasefire deal being pushed by US President Donald Trump and to gather commitments to help secure any agreement something Trump has made clear he expects Europe to take on Some 26 fellow leaders took part, including those from Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Australia as well as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Nato s secretary general but not the US Starmer said the coalition of the willing had reaffirmed its commitment both to supporting Ukraine as it resists Russia’s three-year-old invasion and to securing any ceasefire that emerges from Trump s overtures to Russia British prime minister says Putin will have to ‘come to table’ While Russia has welcomed the ceasefire proposal in principle, it has also put forward a list of conditions that essentially restate its war aims suggesting that any agreement will not come quickly Starmer told reporters: We agreed we will keep increasing the pressure on Russia keep the military aid flowing to Ukraine, and keep tightening restrictions on Russia’s economy to weaken Putin’s war machine and bring him to the table ” Jolted into action by Trump s reluctance to keep underwriting Europe s and Ukraine s security, other Western countries have been forced to show that they are prepared to step up “Our militaries will meet on Thursday this week here in the United Kingdom to put strong and robust plans in place to swing in behind a peace deal and guarantee
Ukraine’s future security,” Starmer said “President Trump has offered Putin the way forward to a lasting peace Now we must make this a reality ‘Sooner or later’ Starmer asserted after the virtual summit that the ball was in Russia’s court” and that President Vladimir Putin would “sooner or later” have to “come to the table” While Ukraine had shown it was the party of peace by agreeing to a 30-day unconditional ceasefire, Putin is the one trying to delay, he said


HCapital admin intensifies swoop on profiteers, hoarders
retailers accused of overcharging customers Fines totaling Rs1 112 million were imposed during these raids according to official data Separately, price control magistrates conducted 4,568 inspec-
tions, resulting in 711 arrests and fines of Rs 448,500 Authorities temporarily sealed 11 shops found repeatedly violating governmentmandated price lists On the occasion the DC instructed officials to prioritize public grievances and ensure immediate action on complaints filed via the district helpline He emphasized a zero-tolerance policy toward overpricing urging “strict indiscriminate enforcement against violators Officials were directed to monitor markets daily particularly for staples like flour, sugar, and cooking oil
Punjab Police step up IBOs, mock exercises to check terrorism
LAHORE S TA F F R E P O R T Punjab Inspector General of Police Dr Usman has issued directions to


and records, without any exaggeration, and credited his team and cabinet members for their contributions
Commenting on the security situation Gandapur said that under Imran Khan s federal government the country enjoyed exemplary peace
However, with the change in federal leadership, law and order deteriorated, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa He criticized the federal government for comparing KP and Balochistan’s situation with Punjab to score political points calling it regrettable The current security crisis is a direct result of federal negligence," he said, urging serious action before matters worsen Gandapur revealed that he has consistently advocated for dialogue with Afghanistan to ensure lasting peace in the region Although the federal government has now agreed to talks no significant progress has been made, despite KP s preparation of Terms of Reference (TORs) and the hosting of multiple jirgas and meetings He lauded the KP police and citizens for being on the front lines against terrorism and warned that criticism of the police force would not be tolerated

Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F)
chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman on Sunday said his party was planning to protest against the federal government s policies after Eidul Fitr, along with the PTI Speaking to journalists in Islamabad Fazl said that a meeting of the JUI-F general assembly had been called to devise a plan to launch a protest campaign against the government s policies and take stock of the country s situation “After Eid, a decision will be made to hold a protest in the general assembly ” he said referring to the current government and parliament as puppets
“Why can’t they talk about the country’s problems?” the senior politician rhetorically asked Employees are being sacked from institutions including postal services and PWD [Public Works Department] if the employees are incompetent, then how are you qualified?”
On a possible alliance with the PTI Fazl admitted that the real leadership of PTI was still in jail and that there was no real unity outside However, he added that bitterness between the two parties had reduced, hinting at an alliance with the party
“A decision will be made in the policy-making meeting on the alliance with the PTI in the anti-government movement, he said
In April last year, the PTI already formed a multi-party opposition alliance named Tehreek Tahafuz Ayeen-i-Pakistan (TTAP) comprising the Sunni Ittehad Council, Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party, Balochistan National Party-Mengal, Jamaat-i-Islami, and Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen
After talks between the government and the opposition collapsed in January the PTI made another push to establish a joint front against the federal government and roped in Abbasi to become part of its anti-government movement
On the ruling PML-N Fazl said its supremo and ex-premier Nawaz Sharif could play an important role in the current political situation of the country

Five killed, seven injured in clash over land dispute in
However Zafar Dahar one of Mehtab s guards was killed in the incident with police moving his body to Taluka Hospital Daharki according to SSP Dr Soomro The official added that three other people were injured in the incident but did not specify who they were or their relation to the senator The SSP added that he along with the Ubauro Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Ubauro and Ubauro Sub Division Station House Officers (SHOs) visited the crime scene and conducted [a] technical examination The law and order situation is under control, SSP Dr Soomro maintained President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the incident and expressed grief over the death of Senator Mehtab’s guard He called for an investigation into the incident and demanded that the gunmen be brought to justice The president also prayed for the recovery of the injured Meanwhile Sindh Home Minister Ziaul Hassan Lanjar requested details about the incident from the Ghotki SSP and stated that those involved in the incident should be arrested soon
“The responsibility of comprehensive research and investigation should be assigned to an expert and experienced officer Lanjar was quoted as saying in a statement from his office At the district

Minister of State for Railways
Bilal Azhar Kiyani on Sunday expressed the hope that Pakistan would definitely win the war against terrorism as the entire nation stands with valiant armed forces to eradicate the menace from the mother land
Talking to media in Jhelum, the minister paid glowing tribute and saluted the brave security forces
and railways employees for rendering matchless sacrifices to eliminate and fight against terrorism
He reiterated that the moral of armed forces was very high not only to foil any bid of terrorism but protect the lives of the masses and ensure the sovereignty of the country
In 2013 he said that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had launched Zarb-e-Azb and Radd ul fasaad to completely wipe out terrorism from the country and stressed that there was dire need to
take such unified measures to ensure the safety and security of the common man
The minister said that BLA terrorists’ hostage Jaffar Express passengers for their nefarious motives but armed forces timely operation saved lives of many people
He visited the graveyard in Jhelum in which solider Mirza Jawad, who embraced martyrdom during the rescue operation for passengers of Jaffar Express and also expressed grief and sorrow over his death
Kiyani condoled with bereaved family and placed floral wreath at grave of Jawan He prayed Almighty to give highest ranks to Mirza Jawad in heaven who lost his live fighting against terrorists
The minister also paid tribute to all armed forces martyred those sacrificed their lives for protecting their motherland
Responding the question, he said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was playing a dirty politics and negative role in the country rather than highlighting genuine
sues of the common man